V i THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1918. 5 A EVERYBODY STORE" Sunday, Sept 1, 1918- -STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- -Phone D. 2100 THIS IS HOMEFITTERS A Six -Day Selling Event That Will Emphasize the Helpfulness of This Store BDKESS- - mrv awwBs . now for the Sales of Homefitters Week WHEN every one of the departments of this store, which holds forth so much to make homes brighter and happier, joins in this special movement in which Every Omaha Household Should Be Greatly Interested It is an event of nrice interest every department partici pating with special values in needed wares that are fairly irresist- M juie Arum a jjxi;t2 owiiiupuiuii. But It Is More It is an exposition of all that is newest and all that is best so far as the home is concerned. .. . And these Homefitters sales will serve to demonstrate just how far ahead of other stores in the matter of varieties and val ues In furnishings for the home is the Special Notice Our Store Will Close Monday (Labor Day) at 1 o'clock Bleached Satin Table Damask for Homefitters Week, $1.29 HEAVY weight of Irish manufacture, and will give splendid service. Several designs to select from. 70 inches wide, at $1.29 yard. Bleached Table Damask Napkins, $4 JO Pure linen and priced at about today's cost to manufacture. They are shown in several good designs and are of generous size, at $4.50 dozen. Bleached Huck Towels, at 40c Each Fine quality, with handsome damask borders and neatly hem stitched ends; size 18x36 inches, at 49c each. Damask Lunch Cloths, at $1.75 Irish manufacture of splendid quality, and much used to save the large linen cloths. Size 45x45 inches, $1.25 each. Size 54x64 inches, $1.95 each. , Homespun Linen Luncheon Sets, $5 JO Consists of one cloth, size 42x42 inches and H dozen napkins to match these have neatly hemstitched edge, and are unusual values for $5.50 a set. Bleached Crash Toweling, at Wic Very fine quality (all white), the good absorbing kind, 17 inches wide, 19 He yard. Burgess-Nash Co. Male Floor Artistic Floor Lamp Bases Twenty -five Styles, $10 to $35 THERE is probably nothing that lends so much to the attractiveness of the home as beautiful and artistic floor lamps. This offering Monday affords a selection of 25 different styles, including designs in brown' mahog any finish, .as well as hand-decorated designs in Oriental motifs, all in perfect condition, with double light, cords and plii"- vment; prices $10.00 to $35.00. Metal Table Lamps, $8.48 to $27 JO Metal base with metal over aid shade in colonial brass, verde, bronze and polychrome effects. Either with single or double lights, $8.48 to $27.50. Desk Lamps, $3 JO to $8 JO In bronze or brass finish, ad justable. Price range, $3.50, $7.50 and $8.50. Decorated Candlesticks, $1J98 Pretty selection of designs with parchment shade complete. Very special, $1.98. Free Lessons Daily . We offer you without charge the services of an experienced in structor in making lamp shades. New line of silks, fringes and trimmings ready for your selec tion. - Burg -Nash Co. Third Floor Crinkled Dimity Bed Spreads $1.98 Require no ironing, medium weight and a very popular bed covering; the prices quoted on these two sizes are unusual. They have neat hemmed or scalloped edge and cut corners. Size 72x90 inches, hemmed, $1.98 each. y Size 81x90 inches, scalloped $2.98 each. Bed Spreads, $125 Satin finish Marseilles with scalloped edge, splendid quali ty; suitable for full size bed, $4.25 each. Bath Mats, 89c Priced at about today's "wholesale cost." Size 23x37 and 23x40 inches. The colors are blue, pink and yellow, also white; two lots, 89c and $1.15. Bed Sets at $745 Satin finish Marseilles spreads with bplster cover, me dium weight; - fine .quality, handsome designs; size 90x100 inches, $7.95 set. Burgess-Nash Co. Main Floor. fUR DEPARTMENT " of Interior Decora tions is Proving a De lightful Revelation , rp O tbose who appreciate how important an issue in modern home-making is in terior decorating. Those in charge of this section have a masterly understanding of dec ora tivj schemes that have mer ited the approval of the most discriminating, and possess an equal genius in originating and creating. This section is also prepared to submit original sketches of entire interior "Of single ar ticles of home furnishings. Burgess-Nash Co. Third Floof 25c As First Payment Will Bring to Your Home During Homefitters Week a "Standard" Rotary Sewing Machine THIS great "New Era" tftfb plan gives you advantages that cannot be offered at any other time. There are no interest charges and no extra expense no drawing no chance no delay. Instead, the plan pays cash dividends in advance to those who will help themselves to the dividends. , We Offer You Unlim ited Choice of any style or type on ?New Era" terms. There are several styles from which to select. $40.50 .25 I .70 $1.15 I $1,60 lilt Wwt 10th week 19th Wwk 28th Week .30 .75 $1.20 $1.65 2d Week 11th Week 20th Week 29th Week .35 .80 $1.25 $1.70 Sd Weew 12th Week 21st Week 30th Week .40 .85 $1.30 $1.75 4th Week 13th Week22d Week 31st Week .45 .90 ""$1.35 $1.80 8th Week 14th Week .2Sd Week 82d Week .50 .95 I $1.40 $1.85 gth Week 18th week 24th Week 83d Week .55 $1.00 $1.45 $1.90" 7th Week 16th Week 28th Week 84th Week .60 $T.05 $1.50 $1.95 gth Week 17th Week 26th Week 35th Week .65 $1.10 $1.55 2.00 Pth Week 18th Week 27th Week) 86th Week Only a Limited Number of "Standard' Sewing Machines for This Sale. ' We have the agency for the "Standard Rotary." It is the best sewing' machine on the market. The Way You Pay Commencing with the first payment of 25c, which secures delivery at once of the Best Sewing Machine made if you place your order in time, then a payment is made each week as follows: 30c the second week; 35c the third week, in creasing the payment 5c more each week (according to table) until all payments are made in full, then the machine is jurs for life. Every Machine Complete With Best Attachments Come Monday morning at 8:30. This is the surest, safest and most profitable agreement for se curing a good machine. We urge you to act quickly bring your 25c first payment to the department. The Machine will be delivered at once. Sewing lessons free. , Burges-Nash Co. Fourth Floor NVINCIBLE SHEETS And Cases. i Made of good quality bleached, seamless sheeting with three-inch hem. 63x99 sheets, $1.50. 72x99 sheets, $1.65. 81x90 sheets, $1.65. 81x99 sheets, $1.80. 42x36 cases, 41c. 45x36 cases. 43c. Burnasco Sheets Heavy quality and seamless, excellent wearing. 63x99 sheets, $1.65. 72x99 sheets, $1.80. 81x90 sheets, $1.80. 81x99 sheets, $1.95. Pillow Tubing, 27c 36-inch bleached pillow tub ing, very special for Monday, at 27c yard. 42-inch at 33c a yard. Burgess-Nash Co. Downstairs Store Lace Curtains $1.00 Special lot of lace curtains, one to four curtains of a kind and pattern ;very special Mon day, $1.00 each. Curtains at $2.49 Marquisette, voile and filet net curtains, some are hand hemstitched, some have lace edges with cluny lace insets, at $2.49 a pair. Filet Nets, 29c Curtain nets with allover de signs, in white or cream, 36x40 inches; special at 29c yard. Marquisette at 25c Plain curtain marquisette, white scrims and fancy marqui settes; 36 inches wide, at 25c a yard. Burgess-Nosh Co. Downstairs Store Room Size Axminster Rugs -Featured in The Homefitters Sale Monday at $37, WONDERFUL values in seamed or seamless close pile rugs, embracing a remarkably attractive selection of new and beautiful Oriental designs. Full room size, 9x12 feet, and exceptionally special at $37.50. , Other sizes and prices include; ,27x54 Axmister rugs, $2.95. 86x72 Axmister rugs, $6.95. 4-6x6-6 Axminster rugs, $12.50. 6x9 Axminster rugs, $17.50. 7- 6x9 Axminster rugs, $25.50. 8- 3x10-6 Axminster rugs, $32.60. 10-6x13-6 Axminster rugs, $49.00. 9x12 Wilton Rugs, at $69.00 Extra quality and laree selection of nat terns. with or without fringe, 9x12 feet, for $69.00. Same as above, 8-3x10-6, at $66.00. Same as above, 6x9, at $37.50. Extra heavy quality. Splendid selection of new patterns. Tapestry Brussels Rugs Size 27x54-inch, $1.85. Size 4-6x7-6 feet, $7.75. Size 6x9 feet, $13.75. Size 8-3x10-6 feet, $21.75. Size 9x12 feet, $23.75. Size 11-3x12 feet, $29.00. Burgess-Nash Co Congokum and Fibrolin, 49c Extra good line of tile, and hardwood pattern!, with felt back that water will no affect, six feet wide, 49c square yard. Printed Linoleum, at 89c 12-ft. printed linoleum, dark blue and whit, t tneb tile pattern; best quality, at 89e square yard. -Third Floor v Drapery Section, Third Floor, Offers Unusual Price Advantages in Homefitters Sale I "A7E (ont know where you can go and choose from a wjder or better eelectlon of drap VV ery materials than you can find featured in this Homefitters sale, beginning Mon- ua,y. ncic o just an luea; Imported and Domestic Cretonne, 50c Marquisette at 35c Yard Excellent quality marquisette, 36 inches wide, for window curtains; white, sream and ecru, at 35c yard. Curtain Materials at 40c Yd. Wonderful variety of marquisette, figured nets, plain fine quality voiles, plain filet nets, dotted imported cream madras; 36 inches, at 40c yard. Cream Scotch Madras at 35c Make very sheer curtains. Comes In colored figures of pink, blue, yellow and green; 36 inches wide, at 35c yard. Curtain Swiss at 20c to 35c 36-inch Swiss, very nice for ruffled mrtains, dots and figures; 20c, 25c and 55c a yard. t 31 and 36 inches wide, light snd dark grounds suitable for draperies and cur tains for bed rooms, sun rooms, 50c yard. Cretonnes 81 and 36 inches wide, a wonderful range of colorings and patterns, 75c. CRETONNES 36 inches, printed on heavy fabrics, very desirable for up holstery purposes, $1.00 a yard. CRETONNES 50 Inches wide, print ed on heavy rep. Very desirable tov sun rooms, dining rooms, etc., $1.50 a yard. Burgess-Nun Co. Third Floor Featuring Our Annual September Sale of House furnishings for Homefitters Week PRACTICAL and useful articles that go a long way in lightening the labor of the"1 housewife, who under existing conditions finds it almost impossible to get good help tor housework. Ihe prices are very low. All White Seamless Enameled Ware At $1.00 (h 41 gg Included are coffee pots, covered kettles, preserving ket- ff ff Iff I ties, oval dish pans, round dish pans, water pitchers, mixing Jj ff Iff Iff bowls, covered handled pans, coffee boilers, etc. Quantities T limited. No mail or phone orders accepted. Food Choppers, $1.89 Universal food choppers, No. 1 family size, heav ily tinned, com plete with 4 cut ters, capacity 2 lbs. per minute. $1.89. Bread Mixers, $2.95. . Universal bread mixers, regular family size, capacity, 2 to 6 loaves, J2.95. Hand vacuum washer, made or heavy charco: tin, metal handk $1.19. Ironing; Boards, 2.19 Sorencler iron- :ng board with tand, made of clear lumber, stands rigid and firm, special, $2.19. Oil Polish. 35c Quart can cedar oil polish for floors, furniture, mops, etc., can, 35c. SSe Curtain Stretchers, $1.95 Curtain stretcher, made of basswood. adjustable to several sizes, movable, nickel plated, full 6x12 size, $1.95. . 50-foot cqtton clothes line, at 39c. Butter Churns, $2.79 Universal butter chums, ca pacity 3 pints, $2.79. Flour Bine, $2.25 White Japanned flour bin, gold trimmed, capacity 50 lbs., $2.25. Scales at $1.69 Family scales, weight to 24 lbs. by ounces, $1.69. , Sauce Pens, 49c ' Wearever pure aluminum lipped sauce pans, Vt quart size, 49c. Casseroles, $1.69 Heavy nickel ilated If r am e, ood handle, .Tiefnsey inset ith cover 7- inch size, $1.69 8- inch size, $2.50 Oil Mop, 39c Triangle shape cedar oil mop, large size, oiled ready ' for use, with handle.' 39c. Wash Tubs,, $1.59 Galvanized iron wash tub, first quality, large No. 3 size, at $1.59. Household mop outfit, consisting of 1 triangle cedar oil mop with handle, 1 triangle dust mop with handle, 1 bottle cedar oil pol.sh, the outfit, 89c, TJ fr,-. Hand-made wash boilers made of extra heavy charcoal tin with extra heavy copper bottom, spe cial, $3.59. Electric Irons. $4.95. Guaranteed for 1 year heavily nicke' plated, 6-11 size, at $4.9: Clothes Baskets, $1.75 " Willow clothes basket mad ef full round wil low, good siit. I1.7S. Diamond splint clothes basket, large size. 49c. Elm splint clothes basket, ob long shape, well made, at 85c Dustless dust doth, large size, 25c v v Round willow clothes hamper, made of full round willow with cover, large size, $3.95. Brooms, $1.35 Zeda 2-in-l" parlor broom, made of best quality broom corn, varnished handle, $1.35 Japanned dust pan with long wooden han dle, 29c Cotton mop rags, heavy stock. 59c Wash Boards, 59c ' Metal top wash board, zinc cover, family size 59c. Iron Pails, 55c. Galvanized v i r o n made water palls, quart size, 55c. 12- Dish Drainer, 9dc ) Sherwood dish drainer, pan made of galvanized iron with wire rack, 98c ' Wash Boilers, $2.95 Copper rim wash boilers, made of heavy material, with copper bottom, wood handles No. 8 size, $2.95. No. 9 size, $3.39." Hot Plates, $2.98 Gas hot plates, 2 burner size, $2.98. ' 1 Asbestos. Irons, $2.39 Consist of three- irons, stand and asbestos protected hood, $2.39 set. or, 'At t 1- III if, X