A THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST SO, 1918. 6 Mrs. Wattles IHfom Friday Complimentary to the Red Cross and through the courtesy of Ensign Condict of the United States navy, Sousa's band will give a free concert on the court house lawn on Saturday evening at 7:45 o'clock. Persons applying to send personal communications to alien countries will kindly bring into the office a written letter of recommendation from an American citizen at the time application is made. ; Civilian relief wants a small c6ok . .1 ' stove for the parents of a soldier. The father is paralyzed. This de partment has a good position, general housework, in a family of two, for a woman whose husband is in the army. Telephone .Harney 5216 or Tyler 2721. The salvage department's auction Wednesday was a success. Mrs. Roy Dennis and Mrs. Ames, promoters, gave great aid. Mrs. Will H. Thomas and Mrs. Allen Parmer realized $110 from the sale of flowers. A musical program was given by Mr. and Mrs. Ulmer and children, a musical family of 6. Receipts from shop and auction were $331.95. The auction netted $295. I WOMEN M WARTIME How Will You Celebrate V. Glad, News of Peace? Does anyone ever pause to consider what we will all do when it's over "over there?" It might be amusing to let the knitting needles rest idly for a moment and ruminate on just what you would do first if the glad news of peace were to come. By question ing, you will find that nearly every one has a different idea on just what would be the proper way to celebrate the great event. One Omaha matron when ques tioned laughingly gave her husband's sentiments first. It seems that Friend Husband has been heard to say that he was going to indulge in a "real spree. However mat is a pureiy masculine idea, according to this ma Iron, and she feels that, the most of us will think only of giving thanks. It. is interesting to note what the boys in uniform who are now in serv ice overseas .think about the matter. On chap says he intends" to lie down in the softest bed in France and sleep for "an aeon or two," and woe betide " the pfcrson who disturbs his slumbers. A faithful knitter has said that she will burn her needles and indulge in eyelets, French knots and other fancy stitches dear to the heart of those who once worked with embroidery hoops. The lovers of sugar avow that they will indulge their sweet tooth in all the sweetmeats they can find, and those who have found the coarse flours a Wardship will enjoy once more the luxury of white bread. The first day1 of peace will be a mad, disorganized day if everyone keeps their promises to do all the things they have planned in the way of celebration. It is safe to say, however, that the old careless ways will never come back completely. Habits which we have formed in these war days will clingo us, and it is doubtful if the "before the. war" extravagances win ever again be in vogue. Canning Auction Saturday. ' Perfectly canned fruit and vegeta bles will be sold at auction Saturday night at the headquarters of the Boys and Girls' Canning club on Seven teenth street, opposite tllie court house. Children who have canned the vegetables and fruit will be given the ost of canning, and all money made above cost will be used to pay the expenses of the winning teams and individuals on a trip to the state fciif The auction" will take place at 7 o'clock, with Auctioneer H. H. Clai borne on the block. Some of the boys and girls have refused to give up their cans, but most of them are willing to gjve one can each to the good cause. Tryouts are now on for honor of at tending the fair. "Mothers may be assured," says Miss Sarah Canfield, "that the winning teams and individ uals who attend the fair will be "properly chaperoned and looked after." Garden Club Prizes. Prizes for the best war gardens will be awarded Friday evening at '7:30 o'clock at the South Side Social Set tlement, Twenty-ninth and Q streets. Thomas L. Kimball has designed the prize certificates and Uncle Sam's badges will be given all children under 18 who competed. "These are four-leaf clovers in design with four H's for Head, Hands, Heart and Health on each leaf.. A canning demonstration by the winning team which is to go to Lin coln for the state fair, will also be put on Friday evening. EMWjmmL, Hoover Cleaner HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES Jk i-i in nwiMi I Volu-e regulations ii our block are luck ' as to permit our patrons to drive their ' cars into chalked off space. In other words, this space is reserved and guarded for th use of our cus tomers. Car should drive up at an angle. F. W. THOENE CO., 1812 Farnam. &fHtiNER$ aW jm mm u m THE BEST MACARONI A Jet N - fr iv . 4 i $ Offrx GurcfontO. ll)afffes. A great deal of interest centers about the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Gur don W. Wattles, who will return from California Friday evening. After a Honeymoon spent at "Jualita," the palatial Hollywood home of Mr. Wattles, he and his attractive bride are returning to make their home in Omaha. Mrs. Wattles will undoubtedly take prominent place in social circles and it is expected that the many affairs given in her honor will brighten the social calendar. William GrodinsHy is in the master mechanics' wifeless school, Purdue university, having been transferred there at the completion oi the last radio course in the University of -Nebraska. He is the soli of Rabbi and Mrs. H. Grodinsky. Miss Zita Muldoon and sister, Mrs. W. L. Sucha, are at Lake Okoboji, where they will spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Sturtevant are spending several weeks in the north ern pine woods of Minnesota. Mrs. G. W. Megeath will leave Sunday for Denver, where she will be joined by Mr. Megeath. From Denver Mr. and Mrs. Megeath will go to Estes Fark for two weeks. Mrs. Lawrence Brinker returned Monday from Prior lake, where she spent the summer. Mrs. Ross B. Towle has returned from Canon City, Colo. Dr. Lloyd L. Cramer has received the commission of first lieutenant and leaves this evening for Fort Riley. Mrs. Cramer will be with Dr. Cramer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cramer for the present. Miss Helen Nason will return Sat urday from Washington, D. C, where she spent the summer. Mrs. Milton Barlow will return Monday from Estes Park. JUST TWO MORE DAYS OF OUR AUGUST jit i A sjiasn j 'I SALE This is a legitimate money-saving event and you will lose a whole year's opportunity if you do not select your Furs in these two days. The Drices of skins ad- G&?J prices of today will not be duplicated possibly for several years. Take the advice of an expert who knows all of the inner workings of the Fur Industry and buy your Furs at once. Our trading posts in Canada supplied us with a wonderful assortment of pelts for this season and we are offering you se lected ,Furs at very low prices. We are pleased to have you make any comparisons you wish. Call and see our Ready-to-Wear Garments. Convince yourself of the Superior Quality and Workmanship, and see for yourself what low prices we are able to quote. ONLY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY LEFT Do not neglect your buying. The prices advance Monday to the season levels. Make your selection, pay a small deposit and we will hold them until wanted 19th and Farnam 8. . Corner. Phone Douglaa 231 J. Furs De Luxe was picked for Army and Navy bakingsl J 7 because it measured up fully to the Government's ' requirements. 1 , 1 1 because it is a baking powder so perfectly made it produces pure, wholesome bakings. The Stamp of Government approval leaves no question as to its quality and should prompt you to immediately purchase a can of SS A H dJ KXI E 7 One spoonful of Calumet will positively do the work of two spoon fuls of most other brands. You use only a level spoonful to a cup of flour. With most other brands you use twice as much. Calumet never fails stops all bake day losses reduces bills for baking ingredients. The great sayings of Calumet are shown in these results. Calumet is the most modern and wonderful Baking Powder on the market today. Vou Save When Vou Buy It Vou Save When You Use It Vou save materials It Is used with Try it prove for yourself the truth of these statements, and learn why it is the biggest selling brand in the world today. Other baking powder manufacturers may say what you can save. We show you we prove 'it. Ybu can actually see the saving. , By using Calumet you get the greatest true economy. SEND FOR FREE CALUMET WAR- TIME RECIPE BOOK It contains scores of selected recipes that will help you greatly in the use of com and other coarse flours. 14 lb. 10c 12 lb. 20c-Pound 30c CALUMET BAKING POWDER CO. 4100 Fillmore Street, Chicago, III. VJI i 1 y fOTMADEBYTHETBC mm mm MM t MaMMMM MM 1.1 I CHICAGO EDITOR'S NOTE: Through advertising and distribution of War-Time Recipes, the Calumet Baking Power Co. is lendipg the U. S.Food Administration valuable aid in advocation of sensible food conservation. Their compliance with the Government's wishes and the shaping of their Publicity Policy atopg lines that will "help win the war" deserves hear" commendation.