The Omaha Bee DAILY (MURN'INU) EVENING - SUNDAY " FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATEB VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BES PUBLISHING COMPANT. PROPRIETOR MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SStiTS S wTfoT "".oo o aU new. AspMcsss o1 UO WirttJKTAuTSini wbiit. ou. ir also rsserfed OFFICES Boulb 0.b-x3!I N SI.. Nt fmb - Bmrfn N Vim t. Louis-New B of Comawwa Lincoln -I tltlt Building. VuhiDitoe-1311 O Bt JULY CIRCULATION Daily 68,265 Sunday 59,312 Amu etrcuuuo. for us auou. subwrtbad sod .wort, br Owl. William. OrculUloti lUoagst Subacribat lvlnt t. etty honU Tk. B . th.m. Addrasa changed ranussUd. THE BEE'S SERVICE FLAG II illii Eighteen to 4S, fall int Looks as if the war bride business was boom ing. Our boys are still over there, as Fritz is find ing out to his sorrow. V If Omaha does not now get municipal home rule, we will have only ourselves to blame. NOW FOR MUNICIPAL HOME RULE. The completion of the work of the charter convention just closed take? Omaha one step nearer municipal home rule. The charter formu lated for' submission to the voters at the coming election is, we are assured, with the single ex ception of permitting the council to meet war demands for increased salaries iff police and fire departments, previously fixed by law, is wholly a compilation of the existing statutes governing the city, rearranged in more compact and sys tematic form, with obsolete sections eliminated. Under such conditions there can be no serious opposition unless it coites from sources opposed to the home rule principle altogether. The action of the convention is strictly in con formity with the suggestion first made by The Bee, based on experience of Lincoln, as the only reasonably sure way of securing acceptance of a home rule charter, and thus freeing the city from its subservience and subordination to the law makers in purely local matters, to which pro gram the charter framers pledged themselves in advance and have now carried out their pledges. When the first charter convention was in ses sion certain political agencies rushed through the legislature an emergency clause measure pro viding for the simultaneous submission of alter native sections proposed by petition. We do not believe the law, so far as this is its purpose, is operative, because it conflicts with the constitu tion. whose plain reading requires that a home rule charter be first adapted in its entirety be fore it can be amended piecemeal. With the charter once ratified by a popular vote, ample op portunity will be afforded to make any changes for which there may be an effeolrvc demand Let us emphasize again that the first great President and Willful Twelve Senators Who Antagonized War Program Are Weeping With Trouble Washington Correspondence of Brooklyn Eagle (dem.). rather than permit the election of democrats whose attitude on the war is only known by th,. nr-rhn thev are making in the cam paigns, whereas the republicans they are try in to oust have shown by their votes ir south Carolina democrats did one good job, ac;evement j, to establish self-government ding Cole Blease to his place in the discard. through municipal home i holding ' If there is anything wrong on the Mexican border, look for some emissary' of the kaiser be ? hind it. ' . ! MTnele Sam's list of undesirables and non- ! essentials is capable of quite a bit more of ex i , pansion. . !' The logic of events has put quite a different i. face on the program of the secretary of war, and i' better results may be expected. ! Henry Ford ran all right on the democratic ticket, but he could not get up much headway as a republican. He is chiefly notable as a pacifist t mmm jg'i'f? Through the Hindenburg line the British ' have driven a thrust which is dangerous to the . tfn . . . J A I. ... f s Hun. The Meuse is the next stana on u.c to Berlin. rule, and then the kind of self-government we may have thereafter will be wholly within our own choice and power. In the interval the members of the charter conven tion who have given their time and thought to this important wosk without compensation are entitled to the thanks of the community. Work or fight means work or fight. Strikers have protection only when they are willing to submit their grievances to competent authority for reasonable adjustment. i Now if. the senatorial ambition of Mayor Wil liam Hale Thompson, of Chicago, is knocked out in Illinois, another piece of distressing news will be carried to the kaiser. - At the earnest solicitation of our democratic ii president, Henry Ford decided to run for United - States senator in Michigan, but at the earnest k solicitation of the republican Toteri of Michigan u he will run, if at all, on the democratic ticket. 1 Ollie J. James will be missed from the" senate ; of the United States for many reasons, t for none more than the unstrained quality of his Americanism. .With all hi devotion to Bryan, .' nothing flabby was noted in his moral makeup, '.. and. true to Kentucky traditions, he supported the president in all his war moves with unre in served vpower. Two anti-war congressmen have been barred : by the British from visiting the war front. As , both of these gentlemen were refused , re ' nomination by their constituents, their status at . home had been fixed ao definitely that no com- ' plaint of lack of courtesy will likely be made .: against our ally In the matter. On the whole, : the country would be quite as well served if more j-; of the visiting statesmen were required to stay at I home. i mmmm 1 " New "Ministers in War Department. Creation of what amounts to ministers of mu nitions and aircraft aervice in connection with tha War department may be taken as indicating - the acceptance by the president of the fact that Flare-Up on Mexican Border. How critical has become the situation along the Mexican border is shown by the lamentable affair at Nogales. It is both unwise and im prudent to longer camouflage conditions down there. While the present incident, like so many others of its kind, may be smoothed over by an interchange of notes of regret and pledges of good behavior from the Mexican government, the fact remains that such action will not quiet the volcano. Mexicans along the border still nurse hatred and contempt for Americans engendered during the years of their own guerilla warfare Kindly treatment has made them the more secure in their insolence, and has inflated their notions of the relative strength of the two countries, While the authorities at Mexico City are polite enough, and, pursuing a policy of expediency, are not taking any open step savoring of hostility, thejr pro-German inclination has been unmistak able.. In the recent incident of the oil supply the course since abandoned by Carranza was dis tinctly unneutral. All these things serve to keep us reminded of the accumulation of unfinished business below the Rio Grande, which must be effectually disposed of before quiet will prevail on the southern border. The defeat of Senator James K. Vardaman for renomination in the primaries neiu iu Mississippi on luesday last leaves in inc senate but six of the original 12 senators who conducted a filibuster in 1917 against the arming of merchant ships and for their con- "u.!11f:ll twelve." bv OUCt WCIC tantvi President Wilson. Because of the fact that Vardaman was one of the "willful twelve and has, since the entrance of the United States into the war, opposed all war meas .,r. M rMrat bv Reoresentative Harrison, a stanch supporter of the president and the war, is especially pleasing to tne prcsmem and his followers. There has been a good deal of talk re cently in Washington, as elsewhere, concern- ing the interterence oi rresiueni wnson m the local congressional campaigns. Most democratic members of both the senate and house, especially those whose records on the McLemore resolution and tne aeciarauon oi war and other administration war measures, were in support of the president, contend that the president has been perfectly justified in writing letters to the various states giving his views on the records of the representa tives and senators from those states. "The president is being held responsible Kv.thc twnnle for the winnine of the war, much mnr sn than their congressmen." de clared a member of the house the other day. This beintt the case, the president has a per- fprt rieht to tell the beoole that their sena tor or representative, as the case may De, is not giving the administration the support it should have in time of war. Of course, some contend that the people follow the work of their congressmen and can take the proper action at the polls. Granting that, it is just as well that the president let the people know that the winning of the war can De ac complished more readily if congress gives the administration its united support. While the majority of the republican members of both the senate and house be lieve that the president should not interfere in congressional elections, they are not saying so for publication. On the other hand, there are some republican members that approve the letter-writing campaign which the presi dent has instituted. Many republicans have been the beneficiaries as a result of the presi dent's action, being given the democratic nomination in a number of instances. For example, Representative Hicks of the First New York congressional district, has been nominated by the democrats.' In this case the president did not write a letter indorsing Mr. liicks, Dut nis strong suppon oi. mc president was sufficient for the democrats to lay aside their partisanship and indorse his candidacy for another term. A number of democrats have had their road to a re-election made easier, being nom inated by the republicans as well as the dem ocrats. Consequently, the only disgruntled members of the bouse and senate over presi dential interference are the men whose rec- insr to oust have shown by their votes in congress how they stand. , To get back to the Vardaman defeat, it is believed that the president will take a hand in the senatorial race in Nebraska as soon as the primaries there are over. The defeat of Vardaman leaves six senators in the senate who participated in the filibuster conducted K h "willful twelve." Of these six men only one is a candidate for re-election, now that Vardaman has been removed, the terms of the other five not expiring with the present congress. The man whose term does expire is George W. Morris oi weDrasna. At the present time senator in orris is en gaged in the bitterest fight of his political career. Because of the fact that it is a re publican primary fight the president nas not interfered so far in the Norns fight. But should he succeed in securing the republican nomination there seems but little doubt that the president will write a strong letter to Nebraska in opposition to the re-election of Norris. Senator Norris has been a pacifist from the start of the war and is still main taining that attitude. While only two of the "willful twelve senators are up for re-election this fall, the president has found it necessary to oppose a third senator who is a candidate for re-At.i-tinn Senator Hardwick of Georgia, whose voting record on war measures will not stand up under scrutiny, has been op rnpH in a letter bv the president, principally because Hardwick has opposed the adminis tration in the debates on the floor ot tne sen ate. Hardwick has time and again taken up valuable time of the senate in arguing that congress was delegating too much power to the chief executive, even in war times. Because of the president's activity in cer tain democratic primaries those so far held have all shown the same situation of the anti-war members fighting for their political lives and often going down to defeat. , The only member who has been returned where the president opposed was Representative Huddleston of Alabama. But Huddleston, while the returns gave him a good majority, had to make a hard fight all through the campaign. Men whose records in support of the war were entirely clear have been re turned almost invariably by large majorities. 7 . VlT M In one instance where the president op posed the renomination of a democratic mem ber there are plenty of members of congress who are of the opinion that a mistake was made. This is the case of Representative Slayden of Texas. Mr. Slayden, it is true, voted for the McLemore resolution, but since that time has been one of the administration's strongest supporters in securing the necessary war legislation. Politicians acquainted with Mr. Slayi'en's record in the house contend that had he made a tight in tace or presiaen . ' . . i t 1- - 1 j i ords are not Al on the McLemore resolution 1 tioal opposition on his record he could have An End to "Joy Riding." The long expected announcement has come from Washington intended to put an end to the waste of gasoline by "joy riders." Since our country went into the war this has been one of the marvels of the thoughtful, who have regret fully noted the consumption of millions of gal lons of valuable fuel in pursuit of pleasure. While restrictions of stringent force have been laid on necessities in other lines, some supplies being commandeered, the joy rider has been al lowed to go careering unrestrained across the land, at the expense of oil and gasoline, rubber and other materials vitally necessary to the war. Even now the government is moving but softly, merely asking that automobiles east of the Mis sissippi be not used on Sunday for pleasure pur poses. Unless a sufficient response is noted through voluntary concession by the auto users, a more definite step will be taken. The hint ought to be effective west of the Mississippi, al so, for proportionately quite as much joy riding is done in this section of the country as in the east. No effort to restrain the use of cars for business pr industrial purposes is made only , the giving nn at nleasure drives on Sunday. This is not T r and other war measures, together with a few members whose records meet the presiden tial requirements, but are of the opinion that the president should keep his hands off. Speculation now among the members of the Ifouse and senate all centers around the question as to whether the president will carry his fight into the general congressional election, which will take place as soon as the nrimarie are completed. As long as the president has deemed it proper to oppose certain members in the primaries there are any number of members, mostly republicans, who hope he will take similar action in the general election. They see in this a means of getting the president to support a number of republicans, present members seeking a re-election, whose records are all right. They contend that the president should ao tnis victory. - . . . I UU VI the Job il too big for tne aecreiary oi w.r mW . but i o,iowed 8houid handle alone. First Assistant secretary v-rowca gmount t() , consiQerable contribution to the gen- is to have control of munitipns, an assignment i j (um o( saying required t0 make sure of ,of enormous proportions unaer existing couui tiona. To John D. Ryan, who lately was made head of the aircraft 'production service, is given control of all the air service, with the title of ' second assistant secretary of. war. This puts the I two great adjuncts' of military activity on a ; proper footing, divorcing them from the control - of the army, itself, but leaving them as co-ordi-. nate agencies in the whole. Administration will be simplified and usefulness correspondingly in creased. With Mr. Stettinus abroad to take care of details of operation in Europe, our War de- partment is assuming the proportions of a well . articulated and presumably efficient organization. Omaha laundrymen are considering consolida tion and districting of the city in the interest of man-power conservation. The question that will interest, the public however, is, "Will cutting out the costly duplicated delivery bring the prices down again to where they were before all these successive boosts?" Why should soldiers or sailors thank Keith Neville for a chance to vote? It was the people of Nebraska, not the governor, who extended that privilege to the boys in the service. The Grain Harvest "There will be war bread of better quality than last year's, practically without ration ing, for all who are fighting Germany," said Mr. Hoover in London last Saturday, uur wheat harvest is nearly completed. While the official report for August 1 showed a s pht raduction ot estimate, tne crop win exceed last year's by at least 225,000,000 bushels, owing to an acreage increase of 28 per cent. The early promise of a great yield m Canada lias not Deen tuinuea, ior reduc tion has been caused by drouth and untimely frosts, but the government s estimate is 232,000,000 bushels, or only 2,000,000 less than the cron one vear aco. .from the two coun tries 350,000,000 bushels can be sent to our war partners in Europe. Their own crops eteed those of 1917. In France there is a gain of 25 per cent, and there was a large addition to British acreage . A great accumulated surplus in Australia will be available when ships to carrv it can be spared. In our western fields wheat has been more fortunate than corn. Since the August report, which indicated a reduction of 171,000,000 bushels of that crop in a month, severe hot weather has caused additional loss, estimated by a prominent expert to have been 400,000,000 bushels in even states. But last vear's crop was a great one, and much has been carried over. There will be corn enough to keep up the supply of meat. Our farmers were urged by the govern ment to increase their winter wheat acreage for next year's crop by about 10 per cent, In Kansas, Missouri "and parts of the north west thev are now plowing for that crop which should be larecr than the one now comine to market. There must still be, as Mr. Hoover says, "economy in consumption, so that we may carry over from this har vest a stock of foodstuffs that will form posi tive insurance" against possible weather losses next year. Increase of seeded acre age will be additional insurance, and farm ers should be commended for planning the increase, although the supply of hired labor is small. New York Times. made a good showing. As it was. he with drew the day after the publication of Presi dent Wilson's letter apposing him. The members who are talking about the cloak rooms of the house concerning the Slayden case believe that Postmaster Burle son was instrumental in having the president write the letter which caused Slayden's with drawal. A9 the storv goes there has been little friendship between Burleson and Slay den of recent years, and Mr, Burleson used the McLemore vote as an excuse to have the president. oppose the veteran member from Texas, Slayden now serving his twenty- second consecutive year as a member ot the house of representatives. Looking Ahead As we look over our letters and papers from home it strikes us that there are going to be a lot of coloneligerous people at large after the war; not only coloneliferous, but maioncal. cantainic and lieutenantish. There seem to be, both at home and abroad, so many organizations outside the i 1 ' arm v the reserve auxiliary poucc, the home guards, the junior reserves, to mention onlv a few having the bestowing of military titles as one of their most impor tant functions that it win not surprise us at all, on our return, to find every male citizen over the age of 31 boasting a sobriquet that denotes some form or another ot commis sioned rank. "Good morning. Colonel. flow do Maior?" "Ah. there. Cao'n." Thus it will co. all up and down the main street of our home town. And how proud and novel an sinuular and noteworthy and everything the aevrage one of us will feel to be pointed out as the onlv real private in the place! Stars and Stripes. Thoughtless Auto Drivers. Omaha, Aug. 27. To the Editor of The Bee: I was thinking tonight as I stood at the gate at Fort Omaha, waiting for a street car after 15 hours' of service, that a lift into town woald be refreshing, but 30 automobiles passed, each having an extra seat, and the boya in khaki were unnoticed. My mind ran back to the day when I had three or four cars, and still farther back to the coaching days, when 12 horses were considered a complete team: It was always a pleasure to take on a load, and my vehicles never went empty to town. Well, you know tha rest? A SOLDIER. Newspapers and the War. Omaha, Aug. 27. To the Editor of The Bee: I noticed in the news col umns the other day where a district draft board ordered the employes of a Wate'rlo (la.) newspaper to either get into a more essential occupation or fight. I imagine that the order has been rescinded ere, this, and it more than likely was instigated by some demo cratic politician who did not like the "merciless publicity" which may have occasionally gotten into the columns of the paper referred to. However, if the newspapers of this country wish to demonstrate to the , powers tnat De mat tney oeions m the essential class, let them neglect to say a word about the next Liberty loan drive, the Red Cross drive, etc. I Imagine such a course would con vince even the most skeptical that the newspaper is very much in the essential class in this day and age. Let's adjourn politics during the war. KNOCKER. Emmy Destinn's Nationality. Clarkson, Neb., Aug.' 27. To the Editor of The Bee: I see in yqur ed itorial you are putting among Ger man artists Miss Emma Destinn. Would like to inform you .that Miss Destinn never was a German and never represented herself as German. This artist is a Bohemian (Czecho slovak) by birth, and by her feelings also. In the present war Miss Des tinn is working for Bohemian (Czecho slovak) independence, and so for the victory of her allies. For her anti German activity she was deprived of her title as prima donna of German theater. I hope that soon editors of our pa pers shall see some dirrerence oe tween a German and a Bohemian (Czecho-slovak). Yours, B. A. FlLlI'l. The fact remains, however, that Emmy Destinn's voice records are listed among those from which the commissioner of alien property will collect the royalty. Ed. Bee. Against the Ku-K tuckers. Omaha. Aug. 27. To the Editor of The Bee: On the first day of March, 1917, I wrote a letter that you pub lished under the caption of the "Ku- Klux Klan." I denounced the exhibi tion which was given in connection with production called the "Birth of a Nation'." I saw by the press re ports that the Grand Army of the Re public in the national meeting at Portland, Ore., last week denounced the exhibition called the "Birth of a Nation," and asked that its exhibition be suppressed. I h jpe that tht city authorities of Omaha will see to it that the exhibition of that production called the "Birth of a Nation" is not allowed in our city this coming fall and winter. It was kept out of other cities last winter and there is no reason why it should be allowed to exhibit in Omaha again. In this connection I might add that I under the laws and practices of the southern states that grew out of the Ku-Klux outrages more than 75 per cent of the legal voters of those states are not allowed to vote, and this in cludes hundreds of thousands of white men as well as colored men. In the state of Viriginla 100,000 more white men than colored men are deprived of the right to vote. Let us have real democracy In every state in the Uni ted States, then every citizen will think and vote as he pleases. FRANK A. AGNEW. Hun Birth Rate Waning Dr. Charles Greene Cumston of the University of Geneva, SwitiM1"' views the heavy fall in the German birth rate since the war began In the current issue of the New York . Medi cal Journal. He gets his facta, he says, from a report on infant we'fe , ..Im i k th inteiiieence de- partment of the local government "The first three' years of the war. he writes, "reduced by over 2.000.000 the number of infanta who would h l;?en born had peace prevaiiea. Si 40 per cent fewer babies were bu . in 1916 than in 1913. I would add that the Infantile death rate has been kept well down, but is 60 per cent higher than in England. "The birth rate, which had risen from 36.1 per 1,000 inhabitants in the decade 1841-1850 to 39.1 per -.000 in the period 1871-1880, fell in the suc ceeding decades to 36.8, 36.1 and 31.9. The rate for the last year of the dec ade 1901-1910 was under 30 per 1,000, and the continuance of the fall brought the rate as low as 2S.3 in 1912 In 1913 there were 1,839,000 live births in Germany; in 1916 thre were only 1,103,000 a decrease of 40 per cent as compared with 1913. eft Ayf 1 IT tiospe 5ay5 tii . .i Ultimately. I you will choose the the worlds finest tiano -Wr nonev. r on -7 Dut urrvy lose time, why delay i Own it now!" JT7 r j Itefinished Pianos on Easy Payments. Soma Low Prices: Hinze Piano $225 Macy & Camp 15 Steinway Grand 8500 Vose & Sons S200 Hanncr Emerson Hook Wheeler Piano Arlston Player Sii Karn Player SZxJ Whitney Player S385 Visit Our Roll Department Take Honw Some New Rolls. uwf 1513 Coudas St. LINES TO A SMILE. "Do you know our dog howli whenever my daughter sings." "If there Is anything In the theory of the transmigration of souls, you dog must at one time have been a musical critic." Baltimore American. "I hear that Whittlcr, when he took his family away on a railroad trip, had a rush of blood to the head and keeled over." "No. He keeled over from a rush of money away from the potketbook." Life. -WHY- NOT People and Events Montana comes to the front with a bumper wheat crop in the valleys and patri otism in full bloom in the benchlands. The Mitchell memorial fund in New York City has passed the $30,000 mark. Out side admirers of the fallen aviator are liberal contributors to the fund. A New York woman suing for divorce alleges cruel and inhuman treatment in that her husband played one record on a phono graph for five straight hours. He wanted to let the "air" soak in. In Cuba the government fixes the price on shoes and clothes as well as food, and artir'p carries cost price and selling price. In this instance Uncle Sam might garner beneficial wisdom from one of its Some lively swatting in the right spot, if not buckshot, is coming the railroad yard tramps who persist in stoning soldier trains running into Chicago. Armed guards are on duty with strict orders to abate the ruf fianism. " rr I One Year Ago Today In the War. u Italians began the" final assault of Monte San Gabriele. i German U-boat sank a Belgian re ' ' lief ship off Norwegian coast ? British newspapers Indorsed Presl i dent Wilson's reply to the pope's f" peace note. 1 Tim Da TVn Celebrate. ' James J. Fitegerald, eecretary" of " the Commercial Savings and Ixan aa- fcoctatlon, born 1869. m Alfred G. Elllck. lawyer, born 1S7S 't Wiilard Eddy, attorney-at-law, born Charles J. Glidden, financier, globe trotter, pioneer automobile manufac and now a cantaln in the signal ' corps, stationed at Omaha, born at Lowell. Mass., 61 years ago. Most Rev. Sebastian Q. Messner, 'arrhbiahoD of Milwaukee, born In '. Switzerland 71 years ago. ,. - This Day In History. ' 1725 Charles Townshend, the Brit tsh statesman whose bill taxing tea cost England its American colonies, ' hnrn. Diart' Rdntfmber 4. 17(7. 184S David B. HUl. governor of '; York and United States senator, I born at Havana. N. Y. Died at his fcnma naar Albany October 20. 1910, 1845The French leet visited .... Portsmouth. England, for the first ' lma. ' 1914 New Zealand forces occupied ' German Samoa. - ' Just 30 Years Ago Today The fair ground cars are now run ning on South Thirteenth street in stead of on Fifteenth and Farnam, as heretofore, thus reducing the time be tween cars on that thoroughfare to Ave minutes A very brilliant meteor was seen to traverse the southern section of the heavens It had & blue center sur rounded by a disk of red-and had a tail similar to the rocket The ras company announces that the demand on it for new meters and gas service at this time Is greater than ever before, and shows an advance In the city which Is quite gratifying. Claus Snreckels. the great sugar klnir. who controls the saccharine market of the Sandwich Islands, passed through Omaha in the special cax piswporv Over There and Here Uncle Billy Cook. 100 years old. registered for military service at Van couver the other day. Uncle Bill is all right, particularly his bump of humor. firoat Lakes training school boys protest against the term "jackie." No substitute name is offered, but "sailor" will do until the Great LrfiKes tsuueun pulls a new one out of Its bean. Relrlum has bestowed upon Her bert Hoover Its supreme token of ap preciation in making mm "Honorary Cltiien of Belgium and Friend of the Belgian Nation." Mr. Hoover U the first to receive the distinction. If vou are a smoker and anxious to head oft rising tobacco prices, dress up and march to the fighting rront. Resides the government ration of smokes and chews, cigareta and the makings may be had at cost, or aoout half the home retail price, on, eoy; The North German Lloyd year book for 1917-18 says the company's ships seized in foreign writers and taken over by the allies represent a loss of freight room of 100,000 tons. Alto gether 115 German and Austrian ships have been confiscated, aggre gating 704.000 tons. One of the first Bohem'an soldiers who died of wounds receivi-d on the Italian front was given an imposing military funeral at Milan. The coffin was covered with tho . Italian tri colors, and was literally buried in flowers. One wreath was inscribed "To a Bohemian martyr from bis companions who await,' . -- Center Shots Minneapolis Journal: Hindenburg Is alive, all right, but not greatly en Joying the privilege. Washington Tost:: Why should Germany appoint a retreat specialist when Kultur Bill and Little Willie are on the Job? Baltimore American: The kaiser i. m t hav iio.000.000 invested in this country. That ought to make him a large.. If unwilling, contributor to the Liberty bond campaign. T.niiisvnia Courier-Journal: Mar- mint flo-hr. Ravs secretary l 1CU tl.W." .. . ..q-.., v . , Baker. Then there is notnms uuv. the sun that is new, says the rnarneu man who has fought since nis uui moon. vnrv Wnrid: Immediate er forts are to be made to improve the ma Rervice to France. With 1.45U,- un enMlara there, there eX lsts Just that number of reasons ior the reform planned. ' Kansas City Star: Admiral von Hintze, the German foreign cretf.rJ; r-nmin nr penresentatlVeS mat lull vt ....... , . . . r A ra "the entire truth at certain times does not serve." Well, that ought to ,ne fair enough warning of the value oi anything he will have to say. Philadelphia Ledger: If any uni dentified person can walk Into tne wnhimrion nnstofflce and can ae- j i vacrlatered mall ad. in mm mm icmn , dressed to an Important Overnme department, then the met.h(J,lsll -ad- Wasnington posiomce u .lcally overhauled aad Unproved, "Charley, dear," aaid young Mrs. Torklns in a tone that was kind but firm, "did you tell me you were up late last night with a sick friend?" "Yes." "What mads your friend feel sick? Was hs a heavy loser?" Washington Item. IT MUST NOT BE. Twice Told Tales Parable. Brand Whitlock said in an address In Washington: "My war experiences have done me good. They 1 ave broadened my mind. I am a writer rather than a politician, and we writers live too restricted llveR. "You know the story of Carlyle and his soundproof room'in Chelsea. "Carlyle had built a soundproof room for himself on the top of his house. The room had no wmaows, but only a skylight for illuminating purposes. To an elderly visitor from Craigenputtock the room was shown proudly by Carlyle, and the visitor said: " 'My conscience, this is fine! Here ye may write and study all the rest o' yer life, and nobody be a bit the wiser!' " Washington Post In the Dark. A colored minister was about to lead his congregation In prayer, when suddenly the floor of the church sank a foot, causing a commotion among the parishioners. The preacher was equal to the occasion and quickly quieted his flock by solemnly saying: "Stay Just whar yo' all Is, my peo ple, de Lawd Is wlf you!" Immediately a big Mose Peters Jumped upon a pew and shouted: "Misto' preacher, if de Lawd was wif me Just now, den who all's done took ma fo' bits in dls heah low-down bunch o blackberries?" Cartoons 1 Magazine, . . .. . . It must not b That only thoss who lie Safe In their rest beneath, the Flanders sky Or under soil of Francs Shall win ths tears And gloried acclamation of the years, While all thess others. Battle-brothers, Who, when the war la ended, will return To drag out shattered days. Are soon forgot! These offered all for what they thought you prized, And gained wounds, weakness, A brief season's i fame From your poor plaudits It should be your shame If you ever grow careless of their lot. Yst I have seen the veterans of old wars Walt In the curbstone hurry Of some street. Dependent for the very bread they eat On fickle bounty of a thoughtless crowd, Till I have felt my soul cry out aloud: "Theso ars your heroes equal with the dead . Wbo suffered once: these suffer every day. It was for you thess also strove and bled, Believing that they gave To keep you free!" And now Shall This Thing Be? Edna Mead In N. Y. Times. VIJ? X-NEW FIREPROOF ' j BOOM. 1 llll 1 With Toilet, $1.00 & $1.25 On Direct Car Lin From Depot a mm1 A m liom mmom OMAHA Do you want If you are suffering from eczema or some similar distressing, embarrassing skin eruption, whydftn'tyouget rid of it by using Resinol Ointment? Unless the trouble is due to some serious inter nal disorder, it quickly yields to Resi nol, and in most cases is easily healed by it The first application usually stops itrhincr and makes the skin feel cool and comfortable. We recommend it with the utmost confidence because ot its harmless ingredients. Aided by Resinol Soap it acts even more quickly. iResino, Ointment and Resinol Soap also help to deal away pimples. Sold by all druggists and deal ra in toilet goods. Trial of each, free. Dept S-S, Resinol. Baltimore Md. m