10 3,000 PIES ARE GIVEN TO OMAHA SOLDIER BOYS Apple Pies, Raspberry Pies, Custard Pies, Lemon Pies, All Are Distributed with Lavish Hand. off.MOMYirio: . M lleanor n.PortQT NEY! Author or KM Pollyanna.' Copyritht. u. tj Eknor it. porter ndi,sa. g laUghed fors Hattie But there&thrust his hands into his pockets as . p ,Vhpb,..-4 J was 'a haughty tilt to her chin and an he took a nervous turn about the angry sparkle in her eyes as she, too, room oeiore u.e spoKc. arose. "I'm just going, anyway, so "Good heavens, woman, that money you don t need to disturb yourself, All Yesterday was a red letter day in the history of Uncle Sam's soldier boys billeted in the different military and sailor boys billeted in the differ ent military camps and recruiting sla tions in Omaha. - It is pie day and . the patriotic women 'of Omaha have given from their larders over 3.Q00 pies to tickle the alimentary and gustatory func tions or men in Doin orancnes 01 me service who indulged in one great pie spree. This is in response to the call is sued by the Community Service league which was inspired to satisfy for one day at least the intense pie hunr of the soldiers and sailors within our gates. If there is anything that the healthy American youths wearing the khaki ' uniform of their country yearn for more than home and mother, the two things sacred in their hearts, it is the next great American home institution, and that is pie. Symbolic of Home. Pie to them is symbolic of all of the luxuries of home they have sacri ficed for patriotic service in camp and the sympathetic mothers of Omaha, who have an understanding of the grown-up appetites of these youths, have responded nobly to the call that lias been made upon theni. Every pie of the thousands that were baked by Omaha women for the soldier and sailor lads had in its material elements the indefinable ingredient of mother love. It ex pressed itself in the lightness, flaki ness and crispness of the crust, and the delicious flavoring of the filling for the women put into each pie the love in their hearts, the enthusiasm of their minds and the sympathy of their souls, all of which will subtly mifffffst itself to the feasting lads and will be a benediction to them should they be victims of that haunting nos talgia of homesickness that comes to the cheeriest of them at times. Pies of AH Kinds. There were applie pies that spoke of New England training and old time kitchens, raspberry and goose berry pies with just the tang to sat isfy the palate, glorified custards, lemon and cocoaout confections that will haunt the stomachic memory be cause of. their sublimated perection of flavor; apricot and peach pies made form slcred recipes of the old south, and loganberry pies perfected in a newer, generation, yes. and even the old-fashioned huckleberry, as sacred to the New England Yankee as the srilded codfish on the dome of the Massachusetts statehouse. All these were gathered from thou sands of Omaha kitchens to sat ;sfv the anoetites of home-loving etiUfA in trm dutir of war. Every one was a triumph, livery one spoke of the efforts of each Omaha " housewife to ytdo herself in a labor of love. And ver one was consumed with perfect satisfaction by some soldier and sailor boy. Oh Boy! Oh Joy I Where do we go' from here? It doesn't matter, as ' long the memory of Omaha pies go with them to inspire them of thoughts of home and the fact they, are protectors of the thousands of f American home fires on which pies are baked, Camp Dodge Officers Will Enter Fall Endurance Ride Arthur Thomas, manager' of the Chamber of Commerce Publicity bu reau, will start Thursday morning to go over the route of the long dis tance test for horses under saddle, carrying full army equipment. The route extends from Kansas City to Omaha by way of Lincoln and the ride is arranged by the Army Horse jssociation which has for its object the breeding and raising of the best types of horses for army . use. The ride will be made in late September. ' Mr. ' Thomas just returned from Camp Dodge,, where he interested the cavalry officers in the project and it is likely that some of the horses there will be entered. Hold Funeral Services for Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes Funeral services of Mrs.' Elizabeth Hushes, SO years old, wife of T.' B. Hughes, 510 North Twenty-Sixth street, who died Tuesday, will be held Thursday morning at 8:30 o-clock rom the residence to St. John's church at 9 o'clock. ' Interement will be at Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Be ide her husband she is survived 'by three sons, Raymond,-Ambrose and Clement, and two daughters, Misses Irene sand Marie ' Hughes, all of Omaha...-: ' Services for Boy . Killed by Elevator Shaft Fall Funeral seif ices for Raymond Car 'in, 14-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C, R. Carlin, 4223 North Thirty-sixth ivenue, who was instantly killed Tuesday, when crushed by an ele vator at the McGraw Electrical com pany, 1210 Harney street, where he was employed, will be held Thursday auernoon ai 6 ociock at me nome. Interment will be in Forest Lawn cemetery. He js survived by his par rents and one brother. May Employ Women Mail - . r Clerks to Fill Vacancies Twenty mail clerks are needed at the Omaha postofficc and Postmaster t anning bas issued an a. O. 5. call for men past the draft age to apply. School boys, who have been doing the work during the summer, are resign insr to enter school. - The pay is 40 cents an hour and the work Is not hard. Mr. Fanning wants men for the jobs, but he dt- clares that if he can t get men, he ll employ women. . Nearly $200 Netted from ' . Circus at Kountze Park J vThe net receipts of the recent Kountze park playground circus were t'A20. divided equally between the Red Cross aid the municipal guard 67 PtmluloD of Houghton Mifflin Co. KifhU Reserved. -THE STORY THIS FAR. Checks for 1100,000 have ben received by Frank Blalsdell, J a me Blalsdell and Flora Blalsdslt from, the estate of Stanley d. Ful ton, multimillionaire. Fulton la supposed to be la Boutta America, and bla relatives In cline to the belW that he Is desd. As a matter of fact, he Is In their horns town. Hlllertou masquerading as John Smith, genealogist, interested 111 data concerning the Blalsdell family. CHAPTER XII. The Toys Rattle Out. Early in December Mrs. Hattie. after an extended search, found a sat isfactory home. It was a somewhat pretentious home, not far from the Gaylord place. Mrs. Hattie had it rc papered and repainted throughout, and two new bathrooms put in. (She said that everybody who was any body always had lots of bathrooms.) Ihcn she set herself to furnishing.it. bhe said that, of course, very little of their old furniture would do at all. She was talking to Maggie Duff about it one day when Mr. Smith chanced to come in. She was radiant that af ternoon in a handsome silk dress "and a new tur coat. "You're lookins verv well and haopv, Mrs. Blaisdell, smiled Mr. Smith as he greeted her. 1 am well, and 1 m oerfectlv happy, Mr. Smith," she beamed. "How could I help it? You know about the new home, of course. Well, its all ready, and Ira ordering the furnishings. Oh, you don't know what it means to me to be able at last to surround myself with all the beautiful things I've so longed for all my life!" v I m very triad. I m sure. Mr. Smith said the words as if he meant them "Yes, of course, and poor Maeirie here, she says shes triad, toe though I dou't see how she can' be, when she never got a cent, do you, Mr. Smith? Hut, poor Maggie, shes got so used to being left out Hush, hush! begged Miss Maggie. "You'll find money isn't every thing in this world. Hattie Blaisdell," growled Mr. Duff, who, today, for some unknown reason, had deserted the, kitchen cook stove for the living room baseburner. And when I sec what a little money does for some folks I'm glad I'm poor. I wouldn't be rich if 1 could, furthermore, 111 thank you to keep you sympathy at home. It ain't needed nor wanted here." "Why, Father Duff," bridled Mrs. Hattie indignantly, "you know how poor Maggie has had to- " "Er but tell us about the new home," interupted Mr. Smith quickly, "and the fine new furnishings." "Why. there isn't much to tell vet about the furnishings, I mean, I haven t got them yet. But I can tell you what I'm going to have." Mrs. Hattie settled herself more comfort ably, and began to look happy again. "As I was saying to Maggie, when you came in, 1 shall get almost everything new for the rooms that show, I mean for, of course, my old things won't do at all. And I'm thinking of the pictures. I want oil faintings, of courserin gilt frames." he glanced a little disdainfully at the oak-framed prints of Miss Maggie's walls. "Going in for old masters, maybe," suggested Mr. Duff, with a sarcasm that fell pointless at Mrs. Hattic's feet. "Old masters?" , "Yes oil paintings." "Certainly not." Her chin came up a. little. i'Vm not going to have any thing old in my house where it can be seen, tor once Im going to have new things all new things. You have to make a show or ypu won't be recognized by the best people." "But, jlattie, my dear," began Miss Maggie, flushing, a little, and care fully avoiding Mr. Smith's eyes, "old masters are are very . valuable, and . "I don't care if they arc," retorted Mrs. Hattie, with decision'. "If they're old, I don't want them, and that set tles it. I'm going to have velvet car pets and the handsomest lace curtains that I can find; and I'm going to have some of those1 gold chairs, like the Pennocks have, only nicer. Theirs are awfully dull, some of them. And I'm going to buy" ."Humph 1 Pity you can't buy a little common sense somewhere." snarled old man Duff, getting stiffly to his feet. "Oh, father 1" murmured Miss Mag gie. "Oh, I don't mind what Father Duff Father Duff." But Father Duff, with another "Humph." and a muttered something about having all he wanted already oi "silly chatter," stamped out into the kitchen with the usual emphasis of his cane at every other step. It was just as well, perhaps, that he went, for Mrs. Hattie Blaisdell had gone hardly five minutes when hr sister-in-law, Mrs. Jane, came in. "I've come to see you about a very important matter, Maggie," she an nounced, as she threw off her furs not new ones and unbuttoned her coat which also was not new. "Then certainly I shall take myself outjof the way," said Mr. Smith, with a smile, making a move to go. "No, please don't. Mrs. Jane held up a detaining hand, 1 art ot it con cerns'you, and I'm glad you're here, anyway." I should like your advice." '"Concerns me?" puzzled the man. "Yes. I'm afraid I shall have to give up boarding you. and one thing I came today for was to ask Maggie if she'd take you. I wanted to give poor Maggie the first chance at you, of course." "Chance at me!" Mr. Smith laughed but unmistakably he blushed. "The first But, my dear woman, it is just possible that Miss Maggie will wish to cr decline this great honor which is being conferred upon her, and she may hesitate, for the sake of my feel ings, to do it before me. Now I'm very sure I ought to have left at once." "Nonsense!" (Was Miss Maggie blushing the least bit, too?) "I shall be very glad to take Air. hmith as a boarder if he wants to come but he's got something to say about it, re member. But tefj. me, why arc you letting him go, Jane: "Now this surely will be eitjbarrass ing," latiKhed Mr. Smith again, nerv ously. "Do I eat too much, or am I merely noisy, or a nuisance gener ally?". But Mrs. Jane did not appear to have heard him. She was looking at Miss Al aggie, tier eyes somber, in tent. "Well, I'll tell you. It's Hattie." ''Hattie!" exclaimed two amazed voices. "Yes. She says it's perfectly absurd for me to take boarders, with all our money, and she's making a terrible fuss about where we live. She says she's ashamed positively ashamed of us that we haven't moved into a decent place yet." Miss Maggie's lips puckered a little. ''Do you want to go?" "Y-yes, only it will cost so much. I've always wanted a house with a yard, I mean; and it would be nice for Mellicent, of course." , "Well why don't you go? You have the money." "Y-yes, I know I have, but it'll cost so much, Maggie. Don't you see? It costs not "only the money itself, but .all the interest that the money could be earning. Why, Maggie, I never saw anything like it." Her face grew suddenly alert and happy. "I never knew before how much money, just money, could earn, while you didn't have to do a thing but sit back and watch it do it.' It's the most fascinat ing thing I ever saw. I counted up the other day how much we'd have if we didn't spend a cent of it for ten years the legacy I mean." but, great icott. madam r expos tulated Mr. Smith. "Aren't vou act ing to spend any of that money before 10 years' time?" Mrs. Jane fell back in her chair. The anxious frown came again to her face. "Oh, yes, of course. We have spent a lot of it already. Frank has bought out that horrid grocery across the street and he's put a lot in the bank, and he spends from that ever day, I know. But we had to pay so much inheritance tax and all that it would be my way not to spend much till the interest had sort of made that up, you know; but Frank and Mellicent they, won'f hear to it a minute. They want to move, too, and they're teasing me all the time to get new clothes, both for me and for her. But Hattie's the worst. I an't do a thing with Hattie. Now what shall I do?" "I should move. You say yourself you'd like to," answered Miss Maggie promptly. "What do you say, Mr. Smith?" Mr. Smith leaped to his feet and was given you to that is, it was probably given you to use. Now, why don't you use it?" "But I am using it," argued Mrs. Jane, earnestly. "I think I'm making the very best possible use of it when I put it where it will earn more. Don't you see? Besides, what does the Bible say about that man with one talent that didn't make it earn more?" With a jerk Mr. Smith turned on his heel and renewed his march. "I think the only thing money is good for is to exchange it for some thing you want," observed Miss Maggie sententiously. "There, that's it!" triumphed Mr. Smith, wheeling about. "That's exact ly it!" Mrs. Jane sighed and shook her head. She gazed at Miss Maggie with fondly reproving eyes. "Yes, we all know your ideas of money, Maggie. You're very sweet and dear, and we love you; but you are extravagant." VExtravagant!" demurred Miss Maggie. "Yes. You use everything you have every day; and you never protect a thing. Actually, I don't believe there's a tidy or a linen slip in this house." (Did Mr. Smith breathe a fervent "Thank the Lord!" Miss Maggie wondered.) "And that brings me right up to something else I was going to say. I want you to know that I'm going to help you." Miss Maggie looked distressed and raised a protesting hand; but Mrs. Jane smilingly shook her head and went on. "Yes, I am. I always said I should, if I had money, and I shall though I must confess that I'd have a good deal more heart to do it if you weren't quite so extravagant. I've already given you Mr. Smith to board." "Oh I say!" spluttered Mr. Smith. But again she only smilingly shook her head and continued speaking. "And if we move, I'm going to give you the parlor carpet, and some rugs to protect it." "Thank you; but, really, I don't want the parlor carpet," refused Miss Maggie, a tiny smouldering fire in her eyes. "And I shall give you some money, too," smiled Mrs. Jane, very gracious ly "when the interest begins to come in, you know. I shall give you some of that. It's too bad you should have nothing while I have so much." "Jane, please 1" The smouldering fire in Miss Maggie's eyes had be come a flame now; "Nonsense, Maggie, you mustn't be so proud. It's no shame to be poor. Wasn't I poor just the other day? However, since it distresses you so, we won't say any more about it now. I'll go back tomy own problems. Then you advise me you both advise me to move, do you? MARRIAGE LOSES ITS, CHARM AFTER DOUBLE WEDDING Annulment Proceedings Filed by Young Girl Three Days After Ceremony is Performed. Under the guiding advice of her mother the glamour of married life has lost its charm for Mrs. Herman H. Mohring, who until last Sunday was Miss Alice G. Robinson. She and her mother, Mrs. Rose Robinson as p'aintiffs, fried a petition for annul ment of the marriage in district court Wednesday morning. This is a sequel to a double mar riage, started last Saturday when John M. Braley and Herman H. Mohring appeared in the marriage li cense clerk's office. Braley gave his age as twenty-one years and procured a license to wed Miss Edna Robin son, 24. Mohring gave his age as 19 years and said his near-bride. Miss Alice Robinson, sister of Edna, was 18 years old. Braley was appointed guardian of the younger man, in or der that Mohring might secure a li cense. Hitch in Plans They left the office, intending to have the double marriage'solemnized the same day. A "hitch" in the plans mainly in the form of the girls' mother developed and it was not until Sunday that the "big moment" arrived. All four were married by Rev. H. H. Tancock of Trinity Ca thedral. Now the annullment petition appears. It recites that Mrs. Mohring was but IS years old at the time of her mar riage; that the girt did not have her parents' consent and that the couple has not lived together. It is asked that the marriage be dissolved and that Mrs. Mohring's maiden name by restored. Hold Brother of Man Guilty of Statutory Crime on Like Charge Ben Sheldon, brother of William Sheldon, convicted several weeks ago of a statutory offense committed in Waterloo, Neb., against Verona Rhoades, 12 years old, and sent to the penitentiary under a 10-year sentence, is now held in Fremont under a simi lar charge, with the same young girl, according to Gus Miller, probation officer. Mr. Miller will go to Fremont Thursday and return Sheldon to Douglas county. Mr. Miller says that Sheldon and the little girl were ar rested after passing a night in a Fre mont hotel. Chevalier Misnamed Alleges Friend Wife in Divorce Petition Hypolite Chevalier does not live up to the full meaning of his name, ac cording to the divorce petition filed in distric court Wednesday by his wife, Dollie M. Chevalier. But she opines that Hypolite might be classed as a "feudal knight," one of the vari ous descriptions of a chevalier given by the dictionary. As alleged proof of her contentions of cruelty on the part of Hypolite, as set forth in the petition, Dollie cites two specific instances. She alleges that in 1915 Hypolite threw a burning lamp at his spouse, and again in 1916, she alleges that Hypolite threw car bolic acid, at her face. She does. not state in her petition whether "Hyp's" arm was true to form or whether the missiles hit their mark. Visiting Nurses Keep Aviary fqr Two Pigeons The sweet charity and loving care of the Visiting Nurses extends even fto the "fowls of the. air." About a week ago a pair of pigeons, house hunting a little late this year, fount the soft earth of a window box hi the city hall and decided that it would make a pleasant home. Food and water are provided by the nurses, who re all deeply interested in their self-invited gusts and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the young squabs. Roast squab 1 Well, most j certainly not. j Two AJIeged Bootleggers j Will Face Federal Charge Ralph Nice and Wallace Hikes of Omaha who were arrested, in Ne braska City by state , agents on charges of illegal possession of liquor, were fined in the state court and will be brought to Omaha to answer fedeta charges of illegal transporta tion ot liquor. Twenty-five cases of bootleg whiskey which the men had when arrested were confiscated. lianas i OPTICAL" TRUTHS Then re several methods of testing the eyes. Sometimes it is merely for ytight. Agiin the teat may be made under In duced conditions which do Dot allow a true conclusion. Ophthalmology is the com plete science of the eye through it you may learn all ahout vour eves- the true j3 condition of them in every re fM ;pect. Glasses correctly fitted. I Phone Tyler 2467-J. HOW TO ACQU.'RE HAIR BEAUTY Conscientious Objector to Be Tried by Court Martial Deputy United States Marshal Quinleywill go to Camp I-unston, Kan., Wednesday night to be pres- iMif fac a witnQc at th rniirt martial "X do, most certainly, boweu Miss0f Joseph Blalack, conscientious ob Maggic, still wjth a trace of con- iCctor to army service, who was ar- You can enjoy a delightful sham poo with very little effort and for a very trifling cost, if you get from your druggist's a package of Can throx and dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water. This makes a full cup of "shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair instead of sLust the top of the head. Your shampoo is now ready. Just pour a little at a time on the scalp and hair until both 'are en tirely covered by the daintily per fumed preparation that thoroughly dissolves and removes every bit of dandruff, excess oil and dirt- After rinsing the hair dries quickly with a fluffiness that makes it seem heavier than it is, and takes on a rich luster and a softness that makes arranging it a pleasure. Adv. Cuticora Quickly Heals Baby's Itching Skin Bathe him with hot watenand Cuti- cura Soap. Dry gently and apply Cuticura Ointment to any redness, roughness, rashes or chafings. These super-creamy emollients usually af ford instant relief, permit rest and sleep and point to speedy healment often when all else fails. R.m-la Eko Free by Uall. Address past-card: "Cutlcur.,, EepV 23A, Boston." Sold everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointments &od5Qc. Talcum 25c. stramt "And you, Mr.Srnith?" (To Be Continued Tomorrow.) rested- in Omaha several yeeks ago. Blalack will be tried by court martial at 6 o'clock Thursday night. rot Trauma, fl AWAiTTlME New thousands are using- JNlM WALK ERECT AT EIGHTY Because a man or women Is old does not mean that they must walk alone bent over and supported with a cane. A man can be as vigorous and healthy at eighty as at twenty if he aids the o rears of the body in performing their functions. All diseases, whether of a malignant or weak charater, tend to tear away our vital ity. You must counteract disease in its in cipient stage if you would livo a happy and useful long life. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, a 200-year-old preparation that is used all over the world, contains soothing oils com bined with strength-giving and system cleaning herbs. These capsules are a pre scription and have been and are still being used by physicians in daily practice. They have proven their merit in relieving back ache, kidney and bladder complaints and all ailments arising from an excess of urio acid in the system. GOLD M?DAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are sold at all reliable druggists. They are guaranteed to do everything as claimed or money refunded. Don't be misled by falsa imitations. Look for GOLD MEDAL on every box. Adv. 3 I J I ft instead of coffee because of its oreat practicability these tunes. Made instantly in the cup, no boiling delicious flavor. economical.and- MADE IN AMERICA WEZl i - 9 I 'IS ! : - 1 ! M KM -N K - v. ' Quality That Than Paint D Is More eep ,1f Scientific carefulness marks the manufacture of every detail bf every-Briscoe part makes for high quality throughout every inch of the car. The "Car with the Half-Million Dollar Motor" must make good because it is made good. If Building it complete in the ten big Briscoe factories the owner gets more for his money. 11 From the time the steel is analyzed and heat-treated until the car is road-tested, we apply every refining art known to the engineering world, thus quantity output is made possible without sacrifice of quality and every Briscoe part is standardized each one exactly like all others of the same kind, which in turn makes possible low prices on Briscoe spare parts. You do yourself an injustice if you fail to inspect be fore buying the beautiful, handsomely finished and completely equipped 1918 Briscoe models. Foshier Brothers & Button 20S6,Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. ' "IT'S THE FINEST ON EARTH," SAYS THIS1ING0LN MAN Took Medicine All His Life Without Results Tan lac Brings Relief. "I have taken many kinds of medi cines in my life, but Tanlac is th only one that ever teached my trou ble and gave me relief," said B. H. Beatty, who is employed by the Plainer-Yale Mfgpi Co., and lives at 1845 Q street, Lincoln, the other day, "Ever since I was a boy," he con tinued, "I had attacks of hay fever every summer that made me miser able from the first of August till frost. My head would ache and I was sneezing constantly and felt so mean and no account I was hardly fit for anything. Then my stomach would go back on me, my appetite fall off and my food disagree with me and cause m? many hours of distress. I would suffer awfully with rheu maticpains all over my body, and, when these attacks came on every year I would get so run-down that I would lose around twenty pounds in weight. I got so I actually dreaded for summer to come, for, although I tried everything I could hear of to get relief, nothing did me any good. "Two years ago 1 read m a paper where Tanlac was helping others, and although I did not expect it to re lieve my hay fever I thought I would try it for my indigestion, so I got me a bottle. Well, I only topk two bot tles ftat year, but they certainly put my stomach in good shape and I had no trouble at all with indigestion. My rheumatism was relieved also and, best of all, I never had a single Bymp tom of that awful hay fever, neither did I lose a pound in weight, where I had always fallen off around twenty before. Last summer when I felt myself going down and losing weight, I took Tanlac again and with a good anpetite and digestion I got through all right, perfectly free from rheumatic pains and my old trouble. hay fever, besides refining twenty pounds I had lost. This summer I tned the same treatment for the third time and with the same gratify- -ing results as before. I havent had a sign of my old troubles now, and, from the good it has done me I con sider Tanlac the finest medicine on earth." Tanlac is soW in Omaha by Sher man & McConnell DrugCo., corner 16th and Dodge streets; 16th and Ha ney streets; Owl Drug Co., 16th and Farnam streets; Harvard Pharmacy,- 24th and Farnam streets; northeast corner 19th and Farnam streets; West End Pharmacy, 49th and Dodge streets, under the person al direction of a Special Tanlac Rep resentative, and in South Omaha bf Forrest & Meany Drag r iifr