Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
it THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. AUGUST 27, 1918. FOR RENT-ROOMS. I'ARl.OK Jloor. 4 rooms, everything fur nlshed. alio I rooms, modern, $4.00. 4 so. 8MH. Hotels COOL room. II wsek. also apartmecta wit trrn,n'te 'isdee Sjoeel Co R'ufts Unfurnished Rooms. TWO large unfurnished front rooms on first floor, bath, electrto lights, and gas. Web ster !3T Call from 7 to a. m. 2134 DOUGLAS Neatly furnished front room, plenty of' hot water, board If de sired. HEATED rooms In Crelghton Block, 1Mb and Douglas St. D. U4J WORLD REALTY CO FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. YOUNG woman will share her furnished apartment with business women- Box 4631, Omaha Bee. . LATONA APARTMENTS. Completely furnished, best of service. Ml a. 24th St. Call Douglas 1638. 1813 CAPITOL AVE. Modern front apartment, private bath. Also sleeping rooms. ' A SUITE of I or 4 rooms nicely furnished. strictly modern, 8811 Dewey. Houses. SEVEN-ROOM house, furnished, sleeping porch, vacant Sept 1, Field olub district. . . OMAHA LOAN BLDQ. ASS'N. . FOR RENT-HOUSES. 8-ROOM house, strictly modern, 1543 So. 25th St.. Red 682. West fbS Douglas, rooming bouse 131.00 2040 North J 2d, modern, 7 rms .... 00 JOHN N. FREMZER. Douglas 154 8632 Hawthofne Ave., 6 r., all mod., $32.50 OMAHA LOAN & BUILDING ASS'N. 8-ROOM, hot water heat, all modern. -8r'S4th St. Call Harney 1963. 118 MODERN, furnished or unfurnished. West Farnam. Phone H. 3R00 North, FOR RENT Desirable 8-room house with furnace heat; large yard; beautiful shade trees, all In excellent condition. House located 2603 Spencer street. Enquire M. VV. Cavanaugh at Courtney A Company. 613 N. 21ST 14 rooms, modern, newlv dec orated, best arranged house for house keeping. 2 bath rooms, reasonable rent. Doug. 8117. t ROOMS, strictly modern. One block to oar Una, good location. 125 per month. Red 6534. 513 N. S18T.ST. 6 rooms, modern, newly - decorated and papered $20. Doug 8117. STRICTLY modern J-room 'house, .2040 N 22d St. 1 7-ROOM modern bouse, entirely new. Titus Ave. Tel. D. 0125. 2740 Miscellaneous. 113 N. 24TH ST., 3 rooms, $11. . 2224 Dodge St., 8 roms, 867.50. FOR COLORED. 1103 S. 9th St., 7 rooms. $20. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO, REALTORS. , 205 S. 18th St. Doug. 722. 1142 South 32d, 7 rooms, 130; 2821 Jackson, ' 8. rooms, $40. - . ARMSIBONO-WAL8H UU.. Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bids". HOUSES IN ALL PARTS. OF THE CITY CREIGH SON8 CO., BEE BLDQ LlBl' your property for rent or sal witfc FIRST TRUST. COMPANY, Realtors . Tyler 73 u n 5 N 17th. 6-r mod. ant.. $; ,60 -" -1G2? Cumlnr St.. 4-r. mod. apt 22.60 ,.RASP BROS.. 210 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721 Phnmri ft Co Rcntsla Onu; 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENT S. West. ; '.. . . FOR RENT .rnnm hrlrlc. ell modern, nice neigh tiorhood, good furnace, located at 1717 1'ark avenue, rronting pant. TRAVER BROS. CO. 1ouk 6886. 819 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. ha .MILTON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn and flowers; best location; zttn ana rsrnara Wrires reasonable. Call D. 1472. North 3 ROOMS and bath,' second floor. Steam ' heated. $16 aummer. 1821 Mapl St., Tyler 1812-J. ' - Miscellaneous 'HWO rooms with 3-roora accommodations -and t rooms with 4-room accommodations In the Coronado, 22d and Capitol avenue; . walking distance; $33.60 to $37.60. .BENSON & MYERS CO., REALTORS. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 746 TEKSTRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Property. Office and Desk "oom LAWYERS It I essential for you to office in The Bee Bldg.. Keystone In vestment Co Tyler 181 Garages and Barns. FINE garage doing a, 810,000 business every month, built of stone and a very de sirable residence, all goes for $15,000. Son has gone to war and can't handle the - business. Writ or see Walter Hendrick son, Adrian, Mo. FOR RENT To responsible parties, building at 1718 Cass suitable for garage or stor- "'' as purposes. Enquire office Courtney & Company. 17th and Douglas streets. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments anc1 Houses. SMALL heated apartment or two or three unfurnshed rooms with bath, by small family. Close in or on car line. Address Box Y 669, Omaha Bee. Furnished Apartments and Houses. FURNISHED house wanted for winter, two . in family. Box 4630, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. WANTED Warehouse storage room on track. 1 South Side preferred. Please phone w. L. Selby A Sons. Phone P. 1510, WANTED to rent well furnshed rooming house, prefer in Omaha, Lincoln or Sioux City. Address Box 2007 Omaha Be. MOVING AND STORAGE FIDELITY STORAGE CO 16TH AND JACKSUN UOlXI 388. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE L18T OP ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS Globe Van and Storage Co. - For real service In moving, packing and - storing rail Tyler 23b or Douglss 4836 OMAHA EXPRESS CO. . r.ARQB moving van; careful men Fur nlture pick., storage 1417 Chl-g D 3864 FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE .Separate locked room for House ho lo goods and plana : moving, packing and shipping OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO; U' 18th Douglaa 4163 SCREED Ei press Co.. Movinfc Packing and Morass ' HI7 rrnTn St Web 9743: Ools 14 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Very Attractive Home, Well Built, Stucco Finish, Cheap at $6,000; Terms Located just 4 blocks of Cathedral, corner lot; 2 paved streets; double garage with cement driveway, Prac- tically new and ,up-to-date, with fire place, bookcases, buffet, oak and birch woodwork. A first floor room -which can be used for bedroom or den, with lavatory and, toilet. Houe vacant. Immediate possession. ,A bargain for some one. Act quick. GLOVER & SPAIN, ' Doug. 3962. 919-20 City Nat'l. ,-ROOM new stucco, modern bouse, Dundee. 130T X. 60th Ave. Three sleeping rooms, ' , Mk'floors, full basement, 32.400. Month . ly payment. fhons Walnut 1120. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West A REAL BARGAIN Her' a chance to buy a fine 7-room nouse on lot 43 1-3 by 300 ft. deep; was built for a horns; location. 3215 California St, on Harney cr line; splendid space for garden; also large garage. Owner wishes to dispose of this property for busi ness reasons. By dealing direct with him real estate commission saved. Telephone Harney 1JJ S02Q N. 60TH ST. Brand new 4-rooro bungalow, 1-3 acre. Easy terms, cement walks to car. PAYNE ft . SLATER CO., Douglas 1018. STRICTLY modern1. 10-room house, big lot. nlcs location. On car line, close to school and church. Will sefl tor 36.900. Located at 2829 California. Harney 2215. LOT with all Improvement: on paved. street; good district; sssa to Ma: down; 85 per month. Doug 6074 North Niftiest Bungalow in Kountze Place. $1,000 Down and $40 a Month 8-room, brick bungalow In the prettiest part of Kountie Place; S rooms and bath on first floor; maid's room finished on second floor; quarter-sawed oak finished floors: built-in fireplace; beamed ceilings; colonnade openings; built-in bookcases and buffet; plate rails and panel walls built-in features In kitchen; full cement basement; furnace heat; south front, on paved street, paving paid; large lot and garage. Owiler leaving city, has offered to sacrifice at 15.600, on easy terms. Payne Investment C mpany, REALTORS, 637 Omaha Nat'l. Bnnk Bldg. D. 1781. MILLER PARK SPECIAL PRICE ONLY 35.600. An exceptionally well built seven-room strictly modern home; built by day labor oak finish; fireplace; all the built-in fea tures; full brick foundation; an ideal horns In a dandy location. For appoint men can OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. NORTH SIDE BARGAIN. PRICE. ONLY 34.300. Nearly new, six rooma and, den, strictly modern home, garage, lot 46x138, near Unl. of Omaha, four blocks to Lothrop school, etc. 3500 down and $35 per month. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496, SPECIAL BARGAIN. 25th and Manderson, 8 rooma, all mod ern, $2,800, for Immediate sale. P. J. TEBBENS, Phone D. 2182. -ROOM new stucco, modern house, Dundee 1307 N. 60th Ave. Three sleeping room oak floors, full basement. $2,400. Month ly payments. Phone Walnut 1920. YOUNG A DOHERTT. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 823 BRANDEIS THEATER DO 1671 ROOM cottage, practically new, Clifton Hill addition. Walnut 1723. South. BIO SNAP. 40x66, with 9 -room house, on 24th just south of Leavenworth, only 31,800. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST Miscellaneous. CLOSE-IN HOME, $200 CASH 1527 S. 27TH ST., $3,250 6-Room bungalow; strictly modern; full cellar, furnace; oak and pine finish; new ly decorated; large living room across the front of house; paving paid In full; $3,250: $200 cash, $31 a month; monthly pay ments Include Interest. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Hwrney St. Phone Tyler 60, SEE THIS HOME The owner of an almost new 4-room home, with bath. Is drafted and must sell. Will sell the furniture. If wanted. $260 cash will handle and balance easy monthly payments. East front corner lo. near Park. Garage on place. WALNUT 677 EVENINGS OR DOUG. 1014 DAYS 6-ROOM cottage, twu blocks from car. full lot, $2,000 Terms. 3300 cssb. balance $21 per month. BENSON & CARM1CHAEL. 642 Psxton Block FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 8. 17th St. Douglas 6013. WE sell, rent, Inture and make loans on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., J4th and Ames Col. 217. 8-ROOM modern house for only 182,860 Well located on paved street. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. T. 1294 W FARNAM SMITH A CO. Real Estai and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St. Douglas 1064. BARGAINS in homes, investments, proper ties and acreage near Omaha. Harrison & Morton, 916 Omaha Nat'l Bark Bldg It WRAP 1.1.8 RW.-tt RPTATR REAL ESTATE Business Property. WE WILL buy your bom or business prop rty and pay cash. H. A WOLFE CO. Electric Bldg Tylr 88 BUSINESS property and Investment. A P TUKEY A SON. 630 First National Bank Bldg. M CAliUE INVESTMENT CO Income.. Business and Trackage Specie lists 1Sh and Ondee St rnnle 416 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson.' BENSON NEW 5-R. BUNGALOW, k $3,0J00. New E-robm, strletly modern bungalow all room on one floor. Oak finish, full basement, furnace heat, attic, acreened-ln porch, large lot, few blocks to car and school. House has just been painted and is In fine repair. Owner is leaving city and must sell. Thl is a very attractive home and well worth th money. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, 900 FIRST NATIONAL TYLER fj3, BANK BLDG. Dundee. DUNDEE 2-story frame, 7 rooms, modern house on Webster near 50th St. Must be .Mid to close an estate. Price 15,600. C. A. ORIMMEL. Phone D. 1616. DUNDEE HOME 3300 down for a strictly modern, brand new, 5-room bungalow. Liberty bonds or W. S. stamps same as cash. Douglas 3840 or Colfax 4193, owner. FOR property In Dundee, Happy Hollow ai.d Falracres, call GEORGE AND COM. PANT, 902-12 City Nat. Bk. Douglas 758. Acreage , TEN ACHES usvel garden land, east Omaha, close to oar line, clear, want clear rental or horns. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City Nat'l Bk Bldg. FINANCIAL. Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages OUR 6 per cent first mortgages secured by Omaha residences are safe Investments be cause they are based upon not mors than 40 per cent of the actual value of the sscurtty and are backed by 26 years' ex perience without the loss of a dollar to an Investor. E. H. LOUGEE. INC. 638 Keellns Bldg. No Delay Closing Loans. W. T. GRAHAM, 104 Bee Bldg ' Doug. 1611. FARM LOAN'S 51o "72 0 PAUL PETERSON, 3(4 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. LOANS ON CIT? PROPERTY W H. Thomas & Son., Keelme Bldg I PAY hlg-litst market price for Liberty bonds,, either fully or partially paid. Write 608 Bryant Bldg.. Kansas Clty Mo. H W BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg , OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg Doug 1716 CIT? AND FARM LOANS 6. m and 8 Per Cent J. H DUMONT CO. Keeline Bldg. 8100 tn 310.000 MADE promptly F O Wead. Weed Bldg. 16th and Farnam Ste Private Money SB.OPEN ft COMPANY. Douglas 4118. FINANCIAL. Miscellaneous LOW RATKS C- O. Carlhera. 313 Urandels -Theater Bid Doug 686 REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES. FOR SALE Meats and grocery business In a Nebraska, town with 1.400 population; own all butcher and grocery store equip ments; rent building; two acres of land; slaughter house well equipped; reason for selling. Write Omaha Dee. Boi 1856. REAL ESTATE WAN ' ED HAVE client tor iM00-acr ranch. Writ us at once. INTER-STATB REALTY CO. 913-14 City Natlonl Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES. I TWO beautiful lots Just south of Elm wood; full-itse lots, (0x150. To exchange aa first payment with some cash on modern bungalow. Address Y-6S0, Omaha Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS NEW YORK FARMS FOR SALE. 74 acres, buildings worth 83.600, with 8 cows, team tools, orchard, $3,700; 3800 cash, $100 yearly. 63 acres, house. 3 barns, . 400 apple trees, ll, no stone, 31.800 with 3600 cash, $100 yearly. Write for photos. Railroad far on way to purchaser. E. MUNSON, 2426 8. SAUNA ST., SYRACUSE, N. Y. Arkansas Lands. SEPTEMBER 3RD. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. S. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. $10 PER ACRE Choice level section, Lincoln county, Colorado. Lays level as a floor and soil is a dark fertile loam. Located in the Colorado rain belt. No crop failurea here and no hot winds. Go out and see the crops growing now. Worth $25 per acre at present values, and Is land that will soon go to $50 and $75. Pries only $10 per acre. $4,000 cash payment required. Only one section left at this price. WHITE & HOOVER 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. IMPROVED quarters, half section or larger. Lincoln county, Colo., bargain. Easy terms. Good crop. Writ John L. Maurer, Arriba, Colo. Iowa Lands. Fine 220-acre valley farm, 20 mile itiulh of Hamburg, la., 34 miles from small town, about half way between river and bluffs; 3 fair set of improvement, all under cultivation, 110 acres now in corn. with a big yield assured; 200 acre now being prepared" for winter wheat; leased for the coming year on a one-half basis to good parties; similar land Is priced at from $200 per acre up. Owner will soon be In service and would like to reduce his Indebtedness before going, and to be able to do so will take $176 per acre and make reasonable terms or consider a smaller farm or small Investment as part payment. This will make a fine horn or big in vestment, as such crops as they raise In that vicinity will pay for th farm In a few years. Raspl'ros., 210 Keeline Bldg, Omaha. Maryland Lands Maryland water front farm Mild climate Cat'g'e. Run II Realty Co . Baltimore. Md Missouri Lands. 406-ACRE FARM FOR SALE. A very fin smooth farm, and very fertile, no waste land, all nice cultivating land, plenty of good water and two set of good improvements. A very choice farm for quick cash sale. Will take $85 per acre; four miles of town, near school and church. Write or see Walter Hen drlckson, Adrian, Mo. UREAT BARGAINS $5 .down. $5 monthly buys 40 acres, good fruit and poultry lai.d. near town, southern Missouri; price only 8220 Address Box 282 C, Springfield. Mo. Minnesota Lands. BARGAIN 240 acres; 40 miles from Minne apolis: 120 acres cultivated; all good corn land; 60 acres fine meadow land; 60 acres pasture; some scattered bard maple In pasture; fair set buildings; near creamery and store. Price, 847.60 per acre; $2,500 cash, balance five years, 6 per cent. Schwab Bros., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Min neapolis, Minn. Oregon Lands. OREGON LANDS. Irrigation. "In the Heart of the Range" The Jordan Valley Project. - Malheur County, Oregon. An empire in the making, land $1.00 per acre plus th cost of the water. You can file on grazing homestead entries nearly Literature nd particular on request. Next excursion August 28. HARLEY J. HOOKER, 840 First Natl. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Nebraska Lands. FARMS AND RANCHES We have several very atlhactiva prop. erties for sale In Dawes, Keya Paha and Brown counties. These are places that ws have personally Inspected, and .an recommend as being good buys. Send for list and photos stating as to your wants Kloke lnv Co., Omaha "FOR THE LAND'S SAKE," Write to JAMES PEARSON, MOORE! FIELD, NEB., about ths 80 at 345 per acre; a quarter at 136; half section for 312.000; a section and a half at 326 and other farms. WHITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches tn god old Dawes county. Arab L. Hungcrford. Crawford Neb FOR SALE 60 acres In northwestern Ne braska, near Brunswick. Good land, good buildings, prrced to sell. L. N. Brighton Owner. Route 1, Brunswick. Neb. FOR SALE Choice farms and stock rsnches on Santee Indian reservation Santee State Bank, Santee, Neb. MERRICK COUNTY Improved corn and alfalfa farms st the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City. Neb 160 ACRES, improved, close In, paved road. Nllson, 422 Securities Bldg. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 160 per a., Including paid up water rights Henry ' Levi ,4 C M Rylander 8S4 Omaha Nt'l Horses Live Stock Vehicles. TEAM and harness, price 8160. Will sell separately at 376 each." Will take 160 ' chickens for ths team or 78 for me horse. Phone Tyler 8566. 3 IMMUNE pigs South 34X6. POULTRY AND PET STOCK BARLEY, 83.60 per cwt., delivered. Wsg ner 81 N 16th Phone Douglas 1142 FARM LAND WANTED. FARMS WANTED Don't list your farm with a If you want to -eep 'It. EL P. SNOWDEN BON. 610 Elertr Bldg Douglas 9371 GOOD Omaha income property for clear western land or eastern Nebraska farm Mr. Pease. .211 Brandeis Theater Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. organized by the Mas) of Uuaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as securu.- 340. ( mo., H. goods, total, 11 to. Emallertaigei aru'ts proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN 80C1ETT 132 Securities Bids: . Itb st Fsrnm T LuANt OR .DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1 V7 SaALLKs L.OAN8 2 WCFLATAll EST U9 STH KLR SECLRITlNEo BLDU. lY 9iif Lowest rntea Private loan booths Harry 61alesbork. 1614 Dsdge D 661 Est 1891 DIAMONDS AND JEWE!,R I.OANS Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruit. New Tork, Aug. .26. Kvanorst.rt ai.. Quiet. Slate. 13H16c. Prunes Firm; California. 816Uc Oregous, 12'jlCc. Apricots Steady. Choice. ISc- Choice, 16 c; fancy. 19 a. peaches Firm. Standard, KOmie choice, 13We; fancy, 14'c. . ' Raisins Steady. Loose Muscatels, 9Uc choice to fancy seeded, lOKWllc: seedless' Itteil'ac; London Iaers, $2.00. - ' OMAHA UVE STOCK Cattle Market Ten to Fifteen Cents Under Heavy Receipts; Hogs Make Advances. Receipts wre: Cattle. Estimate Monday .... 16,700 Same day last week. , .10.196 Samertay 3 Wka. atro. S.644 Same day 3 wka. ago. 19,190 Same day year ago. ... 16.441 Hogs. 3,3(10 4.473 Sheep, 27, 600 25,090 0.S23 4.457 6,312 6.333 2.339 22.032 Receipts and disposition of live atock at me inion stocK yards. Omaha, Nib., for 24 nours eiiamg at j p. m. yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Horses Cattle.Hogs.Sheep. Mules. C M. & St. T 7 Missouri Paciflo ..7 Colon Pacific 171 4 C & N. W east.. 4 4 C. & N. W.. west..l 24 C, St. P., M. A O. 1 $ C, B. Q east.. 1 C. B. & Q west.. 241 10 C, R. L & P.. east 7 1 C, R. I. & p., west i Illinois Central.... 4 1 Chicago Gt. West., t 86 lb Total Receipts ..627 62 109 DISPOSITION HEAD - Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Morris at Co.... 715 418 614 Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co Schwarts A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co., Wilson W. B. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant A L, 1.242 375 1,677 630 233 256 710 1.398 1,619 1.K67 1.626 87 171 46 103 Hill & Son 436 F. B. Lewis 663 J. B. Root & Co 18 J. H. Bulla 222 Rosenstoek Bros. 677 F. G. Kellogg ' 213 Werthelmer & Degen 735 Ellis & Co 7 Sullivan Bros Hit Rothschild & Krebs.. lot Mo. & Kan. Calf Co. 165 25 26 10 8 Christie Huffman Roth Ulassberg Baker, Jones & Smith 235 Banner Bros John Hsrvey .... Dennis & Francis Jensen & Lungren Pat O'Dea Cheek & Krebs.. Other buyer .... 121 ... 117 ... 204 ... 391 ... 21 ... 30 ...1.016 16.278 Total 12,398 4.143 11,836 Cattle A very heavy run of 15,700 head of caul wa on hand this morning and early trading wa on a basis of 10916c lower than last week. Bulk of the offering wa mad up of western rsnge steer and the quality wa fairly good. Several droves of medium to good westerns changed hands at $11.00013.24. Butcher atock wa steady to 1016o lower, western cows selling up to $12.10. Feeders opened steady on anything choice, prospect wer for a lower close on the medium grades, Quotations on cattle: Good to prime beeves, $17.001$ 00; good to choice beeves, $15.0016.60; fair to good beeves, $13.60 14.60: common to fair beeves, $10.00013.00 good to choice yearlings. $14.0018.60; fair 10 gooa yearlings, eii.vutu'ii.uv; vumuiuu m fair yearlings, $8.00010.00; good to choice grass beeves, $14.6018.00; fair to good grass beeves, $12.00014.00; common to fair grass beeves, $9.60012.00; Mexican beeves, $9.00011.00; good to choice heifers, $10.00013.00; good to choice cows, $10,000 13.00; fair to good cow, $8,609.S0; com mon to fair cows. 37.00O8.50t prima feeders, $13.50016.25; good to choice feeders, $11.00 O13.00; fair to good feeders, $9.00010.76; common to fair feeders. $7.0008.00; good to choice Btockers. $10.00011-76; stock heif ers, $7.6009.00; stock cow, $7. 00!. nil; stock calves. $7.00011.00; veal calves, $7.00 13. 75; bulls, stags, etc., $8.00011.00. Hogs There wer only 3.300 hog her today,' a light run for a Monday. The mar ket was active, clearance being made at au early hour with shipper generally 10015c higher prices, with a few sale 25o higher. Packers were generally 6 10c higher than the close last week. Bulk of the sale wa $18.30018.60, with top of $19.70. Sheep There was a liberal run of sheep her today, 101 loads, estimated at 27,600 head. The market opened at an early hour. A few small bunches of fst lambs were sold early at steady to stronger prices, another small string selling at $17.65 60 higher than last week's close. Choice feeder lamb were full steady with Thuraday am) Friday's prices selling generally from $17.00 to- $17.26. On string of choice lambs telling early to an outsider at $17.90. Bulk of trad was generally steady to stronger on fat lambs and steady on choice feeders. Quotation on sheep: Lamb, good to choice, $17.00017.60; lambs, fair to good, $14.00017.00; lamb feeders, $15.25017.66; yearlings, good to choice, $12.60013.25; yearling, fair to goo. $12.00 0 1 2-50; ewe, good to choice, $10.50011-60; ewes, fslr to ood. 39.60ffll0.50: ewe feeders. 18.76 O10.25. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, 111., Aug. 26. Cattle Receipts, 21,000 head; market steady; western cattle lower; beef cattle, good, choice and prime, 316.85Qil8.85; common and medium, 110.25 16.85; butchers, 17.6014.50; cannera and cutters, 16.86 8.00; stockers and feeders, 36.868.00; rood, choice and fancy, 310. 60 13.00; inferior, common and medium, 87.76 (610.50; veal calves, $17.26 Q 17.7 S ; western range beef steers, 314.0017.00; cows and heifers, $9.2513.00. Hogs Receipts, 30,000 head; market strong; bulk. 317.85i919.80; butchers, 119.00 19.85; packing, 117.75(3)18.86; lights, 119.10 &19.90; pigs, 318.0018.60; rough. 317.10 17.75. 1 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 25,000 head; market steady; lambs, choice and prime, 17.66; culls, 810.00 (ft 1 4.00 ; feeders, 316.60 17.66! culls. 310.0q14.00; feeders. 316.60 17.75; ewes, choice and prime, 312.50 13.00; medium and good, 111.00 1 2.60 ; breeding, 312.60 18.25. St. Louis IJve Stock. St. Louis Aug. 26. Cattle Receipts, 13, 700 head; market steady; native beef steers, $11.60 18.26; yearling steers and heifers, 89.6015.60; cows, $7.6012.60; stockers and feeders. 18.60 12.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, 110.00 17.70; beef cows and heifers, 7.6015.00; native calves 17.75016.25. Hogs Receipts, 8,500 head; market steady; lights, $19.25(3.19.75; pigs, -314.604 18.76: mixed and butchers, 319.5019.95 good heavy, 19.80019. 95; bulk. 119.600 19.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady; lambs $14.O017.0O; ewes, 311.0O12.OO; cannera and choppers, 38.00 9.00. Kansas City Ltva Stock. Kansas City, Aug. 28T Cattle Receipts 29,000 head. Including 400 southerns; market steady; prime fed steers, 117.00018.26; dressed beef steers, $11.00 16.76; western steers. 310.00014.60; southern steers, 37.50 14.25: cows. 16.60012.60; heifers, 19.000 14.60; stockers and feeders, 17.76014.60; bulls. $8.0009.60; calves, $8.00013.60. Hogs Receipts, 8.000 ' head; market bu'k, $18.75019.55; heavy, $19,000 19.60; packers and bluchers, $18.90019.66; llKht. 318.60lBlJ.40: p as. 317.00SH8. bo. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; lambs, 316.60017.76; year lings, 310.50014.60; wethers, $10.00013.60; ewes, $8.00 012.60; stockers and feeders, $6.00018.00. Sloox City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.. Aug. 26. Cattle Receipts, 3,600 head; market 10 to 36 cents higher; beef steers, 1.00014.50; fat cows and heif ers, $8.60011.00; cannera, 66.2607.60; stock, ers and feeders, 88.OO0il2.76; feeding cows and heifers, $7.6009.60. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; market strong; light, $18.60019.16; mixed, $18,400 18.60; heavy, $18.20(18.40; bulk 318.250 18.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,001 head; market steady. St. Joseph Uto Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Au. 36. -Cattle Re ceipts, 4.000 head; market strong; stters, 89. 00(B18. 00; cows and heifers. $6.00016.00; calves. $6.0014.26. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 bead; market high er; top, $19.55; bulk, $18.65019.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,500 head; market lower; lambs, 111.00017.60; ewes, 35.00012.00. Chicago General. Chicago, III., Aug. 26. Butter Market sternly; creamery extraa, 45o; firsts, 420 44c; seconds, 41048c; standards, 46c. Eggs Market unchanged; firsts. 38 3914c; ordlnsry first, 3603714c; at mark, cass Included. 36 37 He Cheese Unchsnged; daisies. 26l4'Ac: twins. 2V4P14C; Americans. 2614c long horns, 26427c Potatoes Market steady: recelnts. 133 ears; Minnesota Early Chios, bulk, 2 36ftl 2.40; Mlnneosta ceariy unios, in sacks, 32.60 02.65; Wisconsin Early Oblos, bulk, $2,300 2.40; Wisconsin white, bulk, $1.4002.60. Poultry Market steady; to wis. 2729c; springs, 2 Do , GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Grain Arrivals Are Liberal; Corn Unchanged to Two Cents Off; Oats Gener ally Unchanged. Omaha. August 26, 1318. Receipt of grain today showed an In crease generally for all cereals ss to a week ago. Arrlvli were 230 car of wneat, 171 car of corn, 123 cars of oats, 3 cars of rye and 10 cars of barley. Last Monday wheat receipts wore 216 cars; corn. 140 cars; oats, 60 cars; rye, 3 cars, and barley 4 curs. Trader up to a late hour gave most of their attention to wheat, and corn was a a result neglected. Prices Wer uuchanged to 2c off. Oals figures wer unchanged to 4o lower, with th bulk bringing Saturday prices. Wheat was unchanged. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts (cars) Today. Wk.Airo. Lt Yr Wheat 230 215 66 Corn 173 140 63 Oats U'3 60 sit Kye 2 3 3 Harley 10 4 8 Shipment (care) Wheat 36 9 7 Corn ....1 116 l'.'tl 150 Oats 61 36 45 Rye 1 Harley 13 3 RECEIPTS IN OTH10RM ARRETS Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 321 74 404 Minneapolis 816 Duluth 2 Kansas City 674 10 179 St. Louis 506 63 03 Winnipeg , 7 PRIMARY GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts (bu.) Today. . .3.76H.O00 ..1.038.000 , .2,724.000 Vcar Ago Wheat 1.279,000 4L'3.000 Corn Oat 2,2tH.OO0 Shipment (bu.) Wheat ...1. 200.000 ... 475,000 ...1.064.000 665,000 426.000 1.24H.OO0 Corn Oats Corn No. 3 white. 3 cars, $1.85; No. 4 white, t cars, $1.80; No. 6 white. 1 car, 1 . 7 4 ; No. 1 yellow, 1 car, $1.80; 1 car. $1.79: No. 3 yellow, 7 cars. 31.75; No. 4 yellow. I cars, $1.71; 1 car. $1,704; 11-6 cars. 3170 sample yellow, 3 cars, $1.63; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $1.68; No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $1.60; No. 6 mtxea, 1 car, 11.68; sample mixed, 2 cars, $1.50; I cars, $1.46; H car, $1.40. Oats No. 1 whit. $ cars, 71e; No. I white, 30 cars, 70; 1 car. 6sVo: 8 cars. 69c; No.- 4 whit. 1 car, 69,c; cample whit. 1 car, 69 Mo. Rye No. I, 1 car, 11.65. Barley No. I, 1 cr, $1.08. Wheat No. 1 hrd, 1 car, $2.18; 8 cars 83 18; No. 2 hard. 8 cars. 83.16: 20 cars 32.16; 3H cars. $2.16; 1 car, $3.15 (smut ty); 1 car, $2.10 (smutty); No. $ hard, 8 cars, sz.ii; u cars, 3212; 3 oars, $2.11; 1 oar, $2.11 (smutty); 1 car, $2.08 (smutty); 1 car, $2.07 (smutty); No. 4 hard, 2 cars, $2.10; 1 cars, $1.09; 1 car, $2.08 (smutty); cars, 4.u( (smutty ) ; no. 1 spring, 6 cars, $2.18 (northern); 1 car, $2.13 (smutty); No 3 spring, 1 cars, $3.16 (northern). Closing Chicago prices, lurnisned Th Bet by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain broker. 816 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Article ! OPn. High. Low. Close. Sfy I 167 1 59 1 60 1 62 167 168 160 157 168 70 70 73 71l 70 71 70 71 72 41 151 41 66 141 76 41 95 41 70 41 80 28 671 1$ 8726 78 26 82 28 92(16 81 I I 28 601 24 80 134 66 24 82 24 02!24 87 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corn Market Gain Over Wednesday, Closing Chicago, Aug. 26. Th corn market, whih early wa 9 cent under th high point established last Wednesday: ' closed with a net gain of 2o today. There wa tome selling t ths outsat op soma orop Improve ment oecause 01 raina, , and on- heavy re ceipts, but this soon uncovered raatln order. Leader who sold last week war observed to be buying, and short, cover. Ing, ran the price up. Th close wa strong with October 81.62. Information that th government nor. cnasea suv.uuv ousneis Here last Saturday explained ths stubbornness of that market at me time, and . coupled with th corn strength today sent the market up for a nei gain 01 WIc. October, closing at 78 c, made a maximum gain. Thl wa in the face of a visible Increase, heavy re- celpt and a decline of o to lo In th sample market Standard grade sold at lu" P"c D " under it, In ths provisions pit pork declined 1602Oo for lsck of demand, but lard and ribs, In fluenced by the corn strength, were bid up 12 M, (f))17M.c. largely becauss offerings were ugni. Ths week s exports of lard and meats was materially In excess of last year. New York General. New Tork, Aug. 28. Flour Bteady; springs, $11.16011.40; winters, $10,260 10.60; Kansas, $11.10011.35. Wheat Spot steady; No. 1 red, $2.14 V, iraca ,cw zora export 10 arrive. Corn Spot easy; fresh shelled No. 1 yel low. $1.87; No. 1 yellow, $1.87 c, L f. ivew iorn. ' Oats Spot steady; standard, 8108114c Hay Firm; No. 1, $1.6601.70; No. 1 $1.6501.60; No. 1, $1.4001.45. Hops Dull. 8(ate medium to choice, 1917, 33041o; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast Jill 7, ivisizzo; 1916, 130160 Pork Steady. Mess, $49.00049.60; fam ily, i!t.ui; cnort clear, $45.00052.00. Lard Firm. Mlddlewest, $26.96027.06. Tallow Steady. City special loose. 18140. Rice Quiet. Fancy head, 1001014c; blue rose, aruftc. Omaha Gener&L Fruits- Oranges: 100-118, $8.60; 824-288, $8.60; ISO-176-200-210-250, $9.50. Lemons: 200-260 $9.60; red balls, 300-360, 19.00. Bananas: 614c Peaches: Washington Elbs, $1.60; Colo rados, $1.65, Pears: Wsshlngton, 13.00; Colorado, $3.25; California, $3.25. California plums: Red, blue (either), $2.50. Potatoes: Home grown, per lb., 8o. Cantaloupes: Standards , $3.60; Ponys $3.00; Flats, $1.60. Grapes: California, 4-basket crate, $2.25; 3V40 lb. H. O. Concord (6-lb. basket); 45c. Cabbage: Crate lots, lb. 4c. i Hamp sweets: $3.60. Onions: Homo grown (sacked, per lb. 314c; Washington yellow sack lota, per lb., 4c Head lettuce, $1.00. Leaf lettuce, 40c. Onions, H. O., 20c. Radishes, 80c. Mich Igan celery, 60c Cucumbers, $1.25. Bummer squash, $1.00. H. G. beets, 60c. Carrots, 40c. Green peppers, market basket, 60c to 76c, H. O. Onions, $1.00. Limes: $3.00. Garlic: 26c. Egg plant; $1.50. Miscellaneous: Crackerjsck checkers, chubs, lb. esse, $5.60; 14 case, $2.85; ear pop corn, per lb., 814c to 11c; shelled pop corn, pound package, four dozen case, $3.86. Honey In glasses, 3 doscn in case. $5.00. Salted peanuts, $2.00. Peanuts, 17c to 20C Whnlessls prices of beef cuts: No. 2 loins 31c; No. 1 loins, 17c; No. 2 ribs, 2514c, No. 8 ribs., 16c; No. 2 rounds, 26c; No. 1 rounds, 17c; No. 1 chucks, 234c; No. 1 chucks 1614c; No. 1 plates, 1214c; No. 3 plates, 1214c Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga, Aug. 26. Turpentine Firm, 6006014c Sales, 243 bbls.; receipts, 20 bbls.; shipments, 14 bbls.; stock, 26,661 bls. , "Rosin Firm. Sales, 666 casks; 'receipts, 649 casks; shipments, 800 cssks: stock. 67,813 cssks. Quote: B, 111.20; D, 211.26; E, 311.60; F, 311.60; O, $11.70; H, 111.76; I. $11.80; K, $12.60; M, $12.70; N, $12.76; WG. $12.90; WW, 11.26. New Tork Coffee). New York, Aug. 26. The market for cof fee futun.a was more active and steadier during today's trsdlng. It seemed that the more urgent liquidation of September con tracts had run Its course last week, and while there was further evening up of that position today, ths demand from shorts wss more In evidence. Near-month sellers bought the near months, and the market wss probably In fluenced by the steadiness of Brazil. First prices were 1 to 3 points lower, but after selling at 8.83c early, September rallied to 8.4(ic, while May sold up from 9.11c to 9.16c, with the market closing at a net advance of 6 to 10 points. September, 8.41o; October, 8.62c; December, 8.1 5c; January, 8.84c; March, 9.01c; May, 9.13c: July, $9 35c. Spot coffee, firm; Rio 7s. 814c: Santos 4s. lllsc Corn. Aug. 1 674 1 64 Sep. 1 67V 1 60S, Oct. 1 59 1 62 Oat. Aug. 706, 71 Sep. 71 0 71 H Oct. 72 73 Pork. Sep. 4$ 55 43 65 Oct. 43 96 43 96 Lard. Sep. 18 72 26 86 Oct. 18 82 28 92 Rib. Sep. 14 65 24 80 Oct. 24 87 28 02 NEW; YORK STOCKS Kails and Industrials Register New Maximums for the Year on the Stock Market. New York. Aug. 28. Investment mA Industrials of th more representative type . v,..., wu urw maximums ror tne year In today's stock market, a few soeclaltlea mounting to highest quotations In their msiory. Gains wer Indifferently maintained, how ever, profit taking and pressure from pro fesslonal sources combining to eftect gen. eral, though moderate declines latar Foreign newa was In keeping with recent stimulating war advice and domestlo de velopments in their relation, to commerce and Industry dxnoted no cessation of high pressure In leading essentials. Western railroad tonnage wa ahead of me corresponding period laat year, mainly In th movement of cereals, trade condi tion In the west and southwest provoked great confidence and general financial of- teringa wer readily absorbed by Investors. The- local money market was confusing, despite last week's arrangement to stabil ise call loans. So far as It made any offerings the money pool held at 6 per cent, but banks and banking housca announced a can rate at 4 per cent on "bank accept an res." united Stataes Steel, Onion Paolflo and Canadian Pacific embraced the more promi nent shares at new high level of th year, but reacted 1 to 1 point before noon. Steel's turnover aggregated almost one-third or tne total up to the laat hour. Telephone and telegraph issues, leathers. sugars, Corn Products, American Can and unseen, comprised the strong stocks st ex treme gains of 1 to 1 points, with frac tional recessions at the end. Sale amounted to 435.000 shares. Liberty bonds were strong until the 3s oesan 10 ease. rorelRn Issues were featured by French government 6s, which advanced iracuonauy to iuu", against this year a low -or 4. Total sales, par value, $C..45O.O0. Old United State bonds were unchanged on can. Cnsottlement followed the further ad vance of the first hour, bear pressure and profit taKIng exerting their usual Influence United Slates Steel, Dillon Pacific and Canadian Pacific fell back one to two Dolnts after scoring their highest quotations of in year. Operations slackened materially on the decline, although sugars wer In de mand at gains of one to 1 points. Liberty bonds were active at advance over last week's final quotations, but considerably under their record price. Number of salea and rang of price of th leading stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low. Bid. Am, Beet Sugar.,. 1,300 71 70 70 Am. Can 1,000 48 47 48 Am. Car A Fndry. Am. Locomotive .. Am. Smelt & Ref. Am. Sugar Ref.... Am. Tel. & Tel. . . . 1,000 86 85 86 1,400 67 67 67 2.600 78 77 77 2,400 111 110 110 2,300 99 97 98 9,000 67 66 67 900 87 87 86 103 1,000 66 65 66 400 26 26 26 18 Anaconda Copper. , Atchison A. O A W.I.SS.L. Baltimore A Ohio. Hutte & Sup. Cop. Cel. Petroleum.... Canadian Pacific. 10,400 170 167 168 Central Leather... 13,200 71 69 70 Chesapeake & Ohio 1,000 69 68 68 '., M. St. P.... 11,600 61 60 Chicago & N. W., 200 94 93 C, R. I. & P. ctfi.. 1,300 26 26 60 94 25 Chlno Copper 39 Colo. Fuel & Iron. 1.200 47 47 47 Corn Products Ref. 10,200 44 43 Crucible Steel 44 68 30 68 16 146 160 11 11 Cuba Cane Sugar. 10,700 31 30 2,000 69 58 1,000 16 16 600 147 147 LMstlllert' Sec. . . . Erl General Electric. General Motors... Ot No. pfd , 600 13 93 1.000 32 31. Ot No. Or Ctf., Illinois Central..., 96 62 Inspiration Copper, 6 200 62 61 Int Mer. M. pfd... Inter. Nickel Inter. Paper K. C. Southern..., Kennecott Copper., 6,800 102 101 101 800 30 29 29 1,100 81! 36 36 200 18 18 18 1,700 33 33 13 116 800 26 26 26 8,000 101 100 100 2,000 27 27 87 1,200 24 14 24 67 30 1.600 74 73 74 Louis. A Nash Maxwell Motor.., Mcx. Petroleum .. Miami Copper .... Missouri Pacific., Montana Power.... Nevada Copper.,,, N. Y. Central N. Y., N. H. A H. 15,300 44 48 43 Norfolk A Western , 108 1,000 91 90 10 Northern Paciflo... Paolflo Mall Pacific Tel. A Tel. Pennsylvania . 1... Pittsburgh Coal... Ray Con. Copper.. 300 33 32 1214 1 44 60 8374 8014 92 4 1614 600 4414 600 61 1.800 24 8,700 91 44 60 t 9014 9314 Reading Rap. Iron A Steel 3,600 13 Shattnek Arls. Cop Southera Pacific... 1,000 89 8814 8814 Southern Railway., 1,600 1414 214 Mis Studebakar Corp... 200 4414 Texss Co 1100 164 163 153 Union Paciflo 12,800 138 13714 137 V. S. Ind. Alcohol 300 128 12814 13814 U. 8. (Keel 145,600 115 113'4 11414 U, S. Steel pfd.... 300 110 110 110 Utah Copper 1,100 11 81 81 Wabash pfd. "B" .... 2614 Western Union , 81 West. Electric .... 1.700 44 43 41 Bethlehem 8.400 86 84 84 Total sales for the day, 436,000 shares, New York Money. U. ft 2a. reg.... 98 Ot. No. 1st 4s IT do coupon ... 98 H1. Cen. ref. 4s 77 U. 8. 3s, reg.... 99 'Int M. M. 6a... 98 do coupon ... 99 K. C. So. ref. (s 78 U. 8. Lib. 314a. . .103 L. & N. un. 4s.. 13 V. 8. 4s, reg.,..106M.,K. A T. 1st 4s 61 do coupon ...106 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 58 Am. For. Sec. ts 87 'Mont. Power 6s. 87 Am. T. & T. c 6s 88 'AN. T. C. deb. 6s. 14 Anglo-French 6s. 96No. Pac, 4s 81 Arm. & Co. 4s 82 do as g Atchison gen. 4s 80 SO, S. L. ref. 4a.. 78 B. A a ov. 4s 76 'Pac. T. A T. 6s 87 Beth. iBteel r. 5s 89Penn. con. 4s.. 14 Cen. Leather 6s.. 93 do gen. 4s... 87 Cen. Psclflo 1st.. 76 'Reading gen. 4s 83 C. A O. cv. 6s... 81S. L. A S. F. a. 6s 86 C, B. A Q. i. 4s 93 So. Psc. cv. 6s.. 12 CM. A S.P.c.4s 76So. Railway 6s.. 89 C, R. I. A P.r.4s 68'Tex. A Pac. 1st. 84 C. A S. ref. 4s 7314 Union Paciflo 4s. 86 D. A R. O. r. 6s 6314 u. 8. Rubber 6s.. 80 D. of C. 6s (1931) 91U. 8. Steel 6s... 98 Erie ged. 4s 63 'Wabash 1st .... 91 Gen. Electrlo ta 96 French Gvt. 6 a. 100 'Bid. Kansas City General, Kansas City, Aug. 26. Butter Creamery, 44c; firsts, 42c; seconds, 41c; packing, 36c. Eggs Firsts, 39c; seconds, 88c Poultry Hens, 24c; roosters, 18c; broil ers, 26c. New Tork Pry Goods, New Tork, Aug. 26. Dry goods were quiet today, with cotton goods sellers avoiding commitments. Japanese silk was unchanged. Canton slightly sdvanced. Both quiet. Trial of Suit to Close Up Lakeside Club Over to Friday Trial of the injunction suit to close the "Lakeside club," East Omaha, owned by Georg: Scheschey, was started by the county attorney in dis trict court Monday morning. It is alleged that "Lakeside" is used as a dance hall atd saloon for the pur pose of keeping intoxicating liquor for sale and where persons are per mitted to resort for the purpose of drinking liquor. It is classed as a "nuisance" under the prohibition law in the petition. bherifi Clark told of a raid on.Jhe place on August 17, when two men were arrested, one for being intoxi cated and the other for the alleged possession of liquor. Deputy Sheriff Lindsay, along with the sheriff at the time of the arrest, corroborated the sheriff's statements. Scheschey was the only witness called to the stand yesterday by the defense. He maintained that Lake side" was a well-governed place of amusement and that liquor was never knowingly allowed on the premises. After his testimony was taken, a re cess was taken until Friday, as Judge Sears, before whom the trial is be ing heard, will be absent from court until Friday. Eight Negroes Taken in Raid Inducted Into Army Officers Lake and Darbv of the Omaha department of Justice Monday afteftioon took eight negro slackers. who were arrested in the recent raid for draft evaders, to an army physi cian to be vaccinated. Later they will be inducted into the service. Many of the negroes were accom panied by their wives and mothers. LEADER OF CZECH FORCES DEFEATS BOLSHEVIK ARMY Siberian Town Taken and Man Prisoners, Including Large Number of Wounded, Made Captives. Peking, Frid -Genera! Senr' of .eated Ut Mot s' town was " ?tiers, including Czei thousi a Magyi sievskaia, taken and large numc V yp" wounded, were . taken Th strensthenintr th Phineme' frnnti 1 V.N, made the attack possible. . By Associated Press. V Vladivostok, Wednesday. Aue. 21. V,. A . t 1 , 1 , American lorces wnicn nave oecn landed here are in camn at the as sembling plant of the big American locomotive works in, the outskirts of the city. They chose this place rather than the Russian barracks, which re- . quire renovation. A large building, formerly nscd for housing emnloves of a German-Russian merchandising nrm nas been transformed into head quarters. Ihe Japanese are established in the commercial school, which is located on the bluff overlooking the harbor. the hrst hostile engagement in which the troops had been involved occurred four miles beyond Razdolny, a suburb, where the American railway guard, assisted by the Japanese, drove back organized Chinese bandits. The. bandit force numbered about 400 and was strongly armed with machine guns and trench mortars. They bad threatened to loot Razdolny.' Bolshevik Leaden Flee. Washington. Aug. 26. Nearlw all the bolshevik leaders have left Petro grad and Moscow and it is almost im possible to see those who are left, ac cording to information reaching the State department today through Stockholm from a man who left Pe- trograd August 13. He reported Lenine. the bolshevik nremier. on a battleship at Kronstadt and Trotzkv aboard the former Emperor Nicholas' ' yacht a short distance below Petro grad. . llus report is denied bv the Swed ish press, but the department's in formant said it was current when he left Petrograd. His message told also of a meeting held at Kronstadt in an endeavor to get the soldiers there to agree to fight against the Czecho slovaks. There were about 7,000 joI- . lers present to hear an address vbv Trotzkv, but it was, intimated that most of them could not be persuaded to move against the Lzechs. Short Term Securities YOU can buy from us short term obligations of the Pennsylvania Railroad to yield more than six per cent Our current offerings include the notes of several other lead ing railroads, of some of our foremost industrial corpora tions," and of the strongest foreign governments. The yields range up to well over seven per cent Stnd tor Omlsr OB-177 TheNationalGtyr Company Ctrrtttonitnt Ofieu im to CUitt Chlcafo 137 Sm. U Sail St. Pondt-FkoH Ttrm Stln-Aecmptancm SITUATION WANTED BY HIGH class young man, office executive with road experience; college education; years business experience; ad vertising, credits, correspond ing, organizing, buying and systematizing, enabling him to fit into important work. Un questionable bank and other references honesty and ability. Now open for position ac count disposing of business due to war. BOX 2014...OMAHA BEE. SKINNIER PACKING OMPANY "aajW easfsss Ufa? I B 151 EGGS Doudlas Sti TsVAOff MARK III6-III8 Tel-Douglas 1521 PRESERVING EGGS Learn latest and best war ECCO LA TUM. Keeps eggs perfectly 1 year, costs but le dos. No expensive jars needed. Kept in ordinary boa or carton, en dorsed by ' National Housewives Leas a. Successful t years. Sample for id dos. ess SOc postpaid Book fret. Geo. H, Las Co. 1113 Harney, Omaka, .i - t N