V THE BEE: 0"MAHA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1918. Want Ad Rates (Cub With Order I Its per word each insertion - to per word for tnres consecutive Insertions ; Is par word Cor each additional insertion No d taken for less tban a total of .or leas tban 10c par day. CHAROft ". ItV Una (count worda to Una) ona tlma to per Una aacb tlma. S eonaecuttva tlraee fa par, Uia aacb tlma. 10 consecutive tlmea SITUATIONS WANTED its par Una par waa!i CARDS OF THANKS AND n N ERA l NOTICES. ltd par line .....aacb Iniertlon . (Minimum Charge, to Cents.) Contract Bates On Application. For convenience of advertleera want ada will be accepted at tba following- offices: IAIN OFFICB Bee Building Amea Office e410 North t4tb 8L Lake Office 2519 Nortb I4tb Bt Vinton Office ...247 South I6tn Ht i.' - Park Office 2115 Leavenworth Gt Walnut Offlca II Nortb 40tb ft - Sooth Side ...2213 N 8t , Council Blaffa ...14 Main 81.. Nortb THE BEE will not be reaponalble for more - than ona Incorrect Insertion of an advartlao . luent ordered for mora tban ona time. J Oaa THB TELEPHONE !f too cannot Con .. venlently bring or end your ada to any of the above offices. Aek for a Want Ad I1;' Taker and you will receive tbe asm rood - .- service as wbeb delivering your a4 In person. rilONB TTI-EK 1,000. '- Want. Ad Columna Cloaa Evening Editions 13:00 M Morning Editions 10.00 P M "' ' Sunday Edltlona It P M. Saturday Evening DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES. KBRST Mrs. Ida, age 55 yean, August 22, 4 BovthElghteenth atreet, Omaha. Neb. V CARD oTtHANKs! WE wlah to thank our friends and neigh bors, end especially the Knights and Ladles of Security, for the sympathy and floral offering at the death of our mother, Mm. J. V. Beer. .3. FBEERAND CHILDREN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ' HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Funeral Dlrectora Tftl So 1Mb St. Phone Doug. 122. HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffmann quality aervlca. coata less, t4th and Dodge. Douglaa till. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaken, lid A Far R. 400 UNDERTAKERS and llornaed embalinera: alao prlvara ambulance. Call Webater 47 Willie C. Crneby. 1611 N 241b St B. U DODDER CO.. Funeral Dl reel ore f . U Faro, Mgr., 23d and Cuming Sts - N Phona Douglaa 77. Auto ambulances. JOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker emhalmer. 2411 Farnam H Harnev and FLORISTS. Fontenolle 1 Florists. LEEL.LARMON HI 4 Douglaa St. Douglaa 244. A. DONAGHUE Eat 1621 HARNET. Flowers ahlpped everywhere. Ep. prepaid BATH Careful Florlat, 104 Farnam St. .1. H"Hiltimn Ull Farnam D 124H MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. WEST LAWN offers aympathello aarvlce lo auddan aorrow; perpetual care; no sssrss- mental lota on eaay terms. Phone Wsl. 2o. IHK largest diaplay of monuments la tbe United States FHA.NK 8VOBODA, 1216. - 2 S 12th Phone Douglas 172-6219 MARRIAGE LICENSE Wedding permlta were laaued to tbe fol lowing person's; Name and Residence. Age. Frank W. Hodgln, Cedar Rapids, Neb.. ..31 Anna fisher, Humphrey, Neb. ii Arthur W. Wahlatrom, Omaha 24 Llllla W, Sarouelson, Omaha 22 Kenneth R. Klrkpatrlck, Omaha ...... ,.22 Helen McCarthy, Omaha ...20 Sim Pent, Omaha ..S3 : Mlleca Joen, Omaha ............ ....... .34 ,' Harry Kane, Omaha 40 Nellie Daniels, Omaha ....... .23 ..Jfredarlek Johnaon, Omaha ....... ...... 22 Ldlth Crosby , ..,..,....20 Louis Bonner, Omaha..,,,., .......11 Daisy WHIholte, Omaha ......12 William M. Vffcl.'y. Omaha 38 Jlattle .Turpln,, Omaha, ,..,,.,.,..,,....13 Roy C Stroud, Omaha ........over 21 Jenule McNichola, Omaha over IS !uy Lambert, Omaha , .24 Opal olaen, llartlngton, Neb.i... 18 liana Staben, Jr., Ft. Calhoun, Neb,.,,...! Anna Johnaon, Omaha ,..,,..27 BIRTHS AND DEATHS Blrtha William U. and Maria Schluetter. boy; John F. and Agnea Coulton, Wirt Htreet, boy; Carl and Aiiguata Kehan, 2425 South 20th atreet, boy; Herbert 8. and Flor ence M. Holmee, 602 Wirt atreet. girl; tlharlea and Myrtle Oaa, 2309 A atreet, boy, I.oula and Clara Kavan, Jbth and Farnam atreet. girl. j Peatha Anna B. Valeah, ' !2. Omaha; Mary M. Baaa, It, 2117 Webater atreet; Samuel Kontan. 22, hoepltel; Nuala P, Dlate fano. 4 montha, 30 Woolworth avenue; . Mary Rubenateln, 12 days, 1502 N. 24th traef, William M. Hurd. it, 2662 Mender non atreet; Anna V. IS. Baughman, ii. 302t Haakell atreet; Richard L. Dore, 47, 1611 , Howard atreet; William Nurae. C4, 4107 Hamilton atreet; Mra. Robert M. Cannon, U, 4416 North 2th , "M'' , SPECIAL NOTICES " DENTISTRY. The Infirmary of prelghton unlveraity collate of dentlatry will reopen on Sep. tember 2. Alt klnda of dental work dona under careful aupsrvlalon of the profea aora, Extractlona free. Chlldren'a teeth atralghtened. 210 South lath t. LOST FOUND REWARDS. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET I. All. WIT COMPANY ' Peraona having loat eome artlclea wooldl do well to call up the office of tb Omaha A Council Blufta Street Railway company to aacertalo whether they left It la the 'street ear. Many article each day are turned In and the company la anxlnua to rralore them to the rightful cwnera LOST Liberty bond ot 10 at Union Pacific building. Return to Edwin Stanley, (514 County rokd. Reward ; LOST One bub cap locomobile. Return to 103 8outh 10th St. Blnkley Auto Repair eompa nv. LOST Wediieaday, gold brooch with d'.a mond center. Reward. Walnut 180. LoST An auto crank. 3T82. Finder call Colfax FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. FINAL WEEK OF AUGUST BALK OF FURNITURE. Tbla will be the greatesfweek for bar gatna la the furniture and houa furnish ings In tbe history of Omaha.- Every needful household article will be material ly cut In price. Call thla week today would be tb beat time to aecure the bet tor choice. We make a apeclalty of com- nleta horn outfits, alao botela and room nix bouaea. Railroad fare' refunded to ut-of-towa buyer within 50 mtlea of - Omaha on purchases of 220 or more, STATE FURNITURE CO.. 14th and lodire 81. Opp. V. V. nidg rURMTURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beda. evrlnga, maureceea. dresaer. chlf - fonier. table, chair, china and kitchen ' cabinet, ruga and linoleum, trunka and ault caaea. gaa elovee and 1c boxes, full line ecreen wire, poultry netting, garden tool 1K39-47 North 21th bt Tel. wen 1(7 Open till t p m ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full Una of furniture. Kaa and coal oil atovea. roar, baby carriage, trunk, et Loyal Furn Co. 223 N lt! v FOR SALE CHEAP Muat sell by Sat urday. Leather couch and rocker, kitchen cabinet, table, chair, lawn mower, above). tc. 3702 Hawthorn Ave., walnut xil, COMPLETE bouaehold furniahinga for aale, all firat-claaa. 2011 Lincoln Blvd. Har ney 2481. ' ' ; HOUSEHOLD furnltur- with piano for aale, t 22t C St. Phone BontB ja7. FURNITURE for aale in Punde home. Call Walnut 111. Pianos & Musical Instruments. WE bav aeveral Viclrola that w look lu oa tradea for ale; In good condition. Rous Phonograph Parlor. Cor. 20ib and Farnam St. ' ' ": ' A HoriPK CO., 161 Douglaa. have plane to rent st 23 50 pen nontb. or will sell os a sv form S5 MAHOGANTt-Victrola with $2o worta of rauorda, Uovd, as now. Walnut 1321. FOR JALE MISCELLANEOUS. Dairy Products FRESH country buttermilk i butter; beai ot cream: atrlctly fn;eb egKa; dollvered to any part of Omaha. Pbnne Sou'.b 21& or Tvler S2J Warner'a Lumbe. and Building Materials. LUMBER. I1RICK and Other Building Material For Sole. CHAMBER O'NEILL. CO.. 2102 Leavenworth St Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy. aell and make daka. aafea. ahuw caaea. ehelvlng. etc Omaha Fixture A Sup ply Co 1Mb and Douglaa D 2724 FOR SALE Hardware atock and fliturea. eaatern Nebraaka . Addreee Boa ti. Oma ha Bea Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rant, repair, aell needlr and parte of all eewlng marhtnea MICK ELS. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harnev Hta Doug 12. Typewriters and Supplies. OUR EXCHANGED MACHINES DEPART MENT. la the largeat of Ita kind in tbe weat. Tou can alwaya find Juat what you want here. Wa buy. aell. rent, repair and ex change typewrltera of every kind. La tabllahetl nearly 20 yeara. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Inc 1905 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, aold, rented and repaired. THB N W. LONG COMPANY. 1 91 S Farnam. Tel. D. 3. ONE (-column Uurrougha Adding machine for aale at a bargain. 1905 FARNAM ST. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver J montha for 25. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1905 Farnam. ADDINO MACHINES, all makee bought, rented and aold, CENTRAL TYPEWRITER BXC1I !OE. 190B FARNAM ST. WE BUY, aell or exchange typewrltera; guar typewrltera 210 and up. Write for Hat Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 DodKe. Miscellaneous OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather ateamed. renovated and made up In new feather proof ticking 1907 Cuming Doug 24.7, I AMERICAN tool wka aimper. 16-lr..; 1 75-lb power hammeaj fine shape. Tell A Wnklev. 281 . Harney al HOME-UROWN lute grapea for ence 4S4 tale 4 Flor- WANTED TO BUY. JENKINS hue Juat returned and will give you the aame good aervlce that he gave In the paat. Help win tbe war. Sell your old clothea, eboea ruga, toola, trunka and buy W H. 6 Will call. Rea. D 8032. office D. 6544. DESKS., DESKS DESKS New desks; uaed desks bought, aold and traded J C Reed. 12nl Farnam D I4 W A NTK D TOUUY A quantity of pure strained honey. Quote quality and price. Ilr.x 4734, Omaha Hee. DIAMONDS St00 ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP lanclnx Acadomy, 2424 Farnam; rlaaa and dance every Monday and Thurs day; loarn to dance for 15, where danc ing la a pleasure. Phone DourIh 7S50. HOM E Till ARp8TiCN fCBweef o'rdr"s.bT. Labor day. For conceaxlcna upply to Drawer B, Rereeford. H. p. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife. . sunburnt, box pleating, covered button, all alxca jnd atylea: hemstitching, plrot editing, eye let cut work, button holes, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATINQ CO.. 2011-301 Brown Bldg Phone DuUh. 936 HEMSTITCIJINO. PLEATING. BUTTONS. u. u. vanArnam Pleating Co., 22-7 Paxton Rlnck. Phone Doug. 2102. Baggage and Express: 1 THE ONLY WAY HS THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Package leaa than 20 lbs.. 15 cent Dnnirla 7453 Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tenle and camping auppllea SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINCI CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTOrtM itch III "CO" 27th and Marlba Sta.iOmaha, Neb. ' Braaa, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron caatlnga BilirarcT Tables. PRIVATE tnhlua for par tics at Holmes' Chiropractors. Dr .1 C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg D. 8461 ;lwnla. i4lli. Farnam snfcdtiRAPii Costumes. FULL dreaa aulta for rent. 109 N ltth St . oppoalte poatofflce, Jobn Feldmxn Doug laa 2131 Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk Evldenot secured In all cases. Tyler 1122 Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhart Ptg. Co., 414-10 8. 13tli at. Dentists. Dr Bradbury No pain 921 W. O IvVBidf D 318' Tafl'a Dental Rma. 9 Rnte Bldg Film Developing. FILM developed, rolla. 10c; packs, 15c one-da aervlce Kaa Studio Neville Blk , Hth and Harney Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dreaamaking Doug 89( Fixtures and Wiring TYTTPlVlM Kleclrlo waehlng UUXVXVliN electrlo Irona at maehtnee nd reading lamp 2223 Cuming at Mtuajlaa 1519 Jewelry. DiAMONDswr,r,pvVer,,.p.,uo;b".,o: at amaH profit TROS3. 402 N th St Osteopaths. i DR. MABI.E WESSON. 14 Brandela Bldg T 20 Re., 4741 Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter national Patent Co., 58 Rrandele D a(91 STl'KOKS A STUttOES. U 8 anC foreign patent and trademarka 230 Bee Bldg Tailors. Dledrt-k. P I. 21 S 20t) Tailor D 2433 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Suiplv ?ni R nth D 528 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without su'iical oper tion. Cure guaranV.ed. Write for book on rectal uiseases with testi monial. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. ' Safes. BARGAINS 1212 Farnam k .1 1 Derlght Safe Co SAFES Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcementa and printing roulBS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 44. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writ. Dr Frank H Wrav. SOU R Hide BUSINESS CHANCES. AN unusual opportunity being a flourishing bualnesa showing better than 110,000 a year profit In one of the beat towns In Booth Dakota. Unless you have 350,000 do not waste your time nor ours by writ ing. Bank references. Best of reasons for selling. Rigid Investigation solicited. Selling and .organizing ability essential No brokers. 'Box 54. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE First class stock of groceries. 'New, up-to-date fixtures. Locatlor the best In on of the moat progressiva towns of 4,500 In the stats. Doing at present over 3100 dally, average sales. Muat sell oa account of 'poor health. Will tell at right price If taken soon. Investigate. Addres Lock Box 322, Holdregt, Neb. WANT PARTNER IN LAND BUY. Tract of 1.000 acres, largely under cul tivation; several .eels ot buildings; good part' of stats with railway facilities.' Can b had at great bargain. Want partner to loin and share la profits. Address Box 147, Omaha Bee. TWO-ehalr ahop. will sell fixture and rent , imlldlng. or sell everything. Writ C, F. Richmond. Wl-iiuvllle, Nb BUSINESS CHANCES. Ut.lH.INU CL)THINO STORE at York, lor Immediate aale. Eatabllahed 40 yeara. clean atock. Invoice 31S.O0O. Fixturea 31.a00. Long term teaae. Beat location In city , Owner called tar aervlce. XtESTAURANT Old tatabllahcd, large, el gant fixture, good location, reasonable rent, aale or exchange; other bualneae reason. Tbomaa O Ncll. 632 Brandt-la theater. FO" SALE A good paying up-to-date drug afore In an up-to-date building. Owner wlhhfa to retire. Addreae Box Y-653. 0" aha Bee. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good buelneea. Reason fot quitting, death Addreaa H.. 1410 Cbarle St.. U Joaeph. Mo FOR 8 ALE Confectionary and lunch room. County aeat. populatlitn 2.500 A good proposition. Plenty of bualnesa. Write Wllllsm Tlmm, Ord A BARGAIN in a complete body and cat wood working ahop. wltb complete equip ment, blacksmith ahop In connection. Box 1303. Omaha Be. AUTOMOBILES. 1 TON Republic truck. ued 10 month, newly painted, fine condition. 3800. 1 Ton Republic truck, 1-ycar-old, new ly painted, just overhauled, $700. 1 -lon Republic truck, used ( montha. good condition; bargain, 3490. A 1-tnn attachment for Ford, at coat. ANDREW MURPHY A SON. Omaha. Neb. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiatora repaired J HII, I.UUIII , 1.1 U all, in U.iU tauiv.v.v . hand Maabed fender and lampe repaired like new New atock of Ford honeycomb radiator 1MAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 19s Cuming 81 Omaha. Nab CAR FOR SALE. 1 expect to be called to war before long. An Overland Model 79. running condition, all electrlo equipment except storage bat tery. Engine Just overhauled. Will dem oiiHtrate any time. Sell for $190. Body "iind cushions In fine ahupe. Addresn Box Omaha Bee. Grant blx touring $850 Scrlppa Booth roadater 550 Both cars are Is the boat of condition nd are ready to go. BAHNUM AND SMITH CO., 2122 Cuming St. !ouulus 8044. HAVE number A-l Eaatinan Speed Kodak with anaxtlgmat lens, also two diamond rings, little over one-half carat. Will trade these, fur good Ford car or any uthiT linht car, or anything I can use. S. L.,Tylr.1s. FOR SALE OR TRAbE 60 h. p. Mitchell chummy roadater. hlfc'h apced and power. Will accept Ford In Al condition aa part payment- A bargain. B. . Frank. Rout 0. 75A. Benaon. Neb FOR SALE A good 5-pusaiiger Studebaker cur, In good repair; good reasons for aell lug. Addnse E. E. Zimmerman, care N. Y, Life Ins. Co., R. 537. Jnialia National Bank building. Tel. Tyler 937. Leave word If 1 urn not there. UNB Packard chassis, $1150; 1 Peerless truck with body, $460. Djth machlne'a In good condition. NEBRASKA WHITE CO., Fr?d C. Rogers.' Mgr. I4"7-SI Capitol. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All make Wltb and without alartere, 25 to pick from Phone D. 1241 or call at 1515 Davenport. BOY LAN AUTO CO.. Ii'im KAI.k At u huruuln. Rea three- y quarter ton truck used part time for eight II1UIIIII III U"U bVIIUUIWH. MUWIVW Box Y. HI 2. Omaha Bea. FOR MALE 1 American Tool Worka ahaper. lO-lii. alroke; 1 2 H P. 3-phaee Oen. Electrlo 220V motor. Tell A Blnkley. 2318 Harney atreet. p 1540 USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2020 Farnam L. Omaha. Neb. FOR HALE My 191T Steams Elht Tour ing Car overhauled Biut repainted: has five new tires; price $1,40U. Call Walnut !IS63 after :;I0 p. in. WILL Sell my 1917 Dodge .Sedan; car has been overhauled nnd repainted, looks like new. Call Walnut 3K53 Hfter ; : 3l p. m. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St. WANTED Secondhand Ford engine ji Ford without body. Albert Suata, Schuy ler, Neb. OLDBMODILR audan Practically new. Will aell cheap. Am going to California for the winter. Car at Webater Vlfi, WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS, quick action; tip dolay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2069 Farnkm at Dong. 03t. WE ARE THB USKD CAR MEN THAW V Ell AUTOCO., 1910 Farnam St. Douglaa 9070 BARGAINS 111 used cars ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. GOOD USED CARS. GUY I- SMITH. Farnam Sts. Dnugla 26th nd 1970 MAXWELL roadster, 1918 model, fully equipped; extra tire and tubes. Call Har ney 7194 after tl p. m. FOR SALE Three, pedigreed Boston bull pups, cheap. 2302 South 3Jd street, Har ney 310. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCsffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 3600. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. FARNAM RT DOUGLAS 6210. 3028 BARN CM & SMITH. 2122 Cuming, used oars bouxht. siild and exchanged FOR SALE uNow 19U model Ford. Call Tyler 2407 W Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED 1910 or 1917 Packard. WANTED 1910 Peerless. Wlntnn. Stutx, Locomobile or similar car. In good ehape. at bargain. Address Box Y 121. Omaha Be Auto Livery and Gara-es. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF l!o a mllar 25o per hour minimum charge Suuday and holidays, 0o per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 2622 1214 Howard St Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 218 8 19th St. Douglaa 34K3. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES. ONE-HALF PRICE. 3.1)00 Mile Guaranteed. 20x3. $8.25: 20x3Vj. $9 75: 82x3V,. 211.15. 38x4, 313 75: 34x4. 314.00; 3ix4ts. $1335 Write ua today for particular . AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing. "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO.. 1S1 Davenport St.. -Omaha D. 2914. BARGAINS IN USED TrRES WHILE THEY LAST: 30x3 .....30.31) 22x4 t 8.34 50x3 Vx $7.00 83x4 10.00 32x3Vt t.00 34x4 11.00 Other aixes up to 37x5. Ttrea ahlpped subject to examination on deposit of one dollar. Omaha Radiator & Tire WorTcs, 1819 Cumina St. Tyler 917 Omaha "NEW TIRES AT HALF PRICES. Tlx 3 Republic, $9.76: Ford tubes. 3 2. IS. 30x3 IMPERIAL TIRE, 313.25. 30x3 NON-SKID PULLMAN. $1423. 82x3 NON-SKID CONGRESS. $15.45. $4X4 NON-SKID MGRAW. $23.45. KAIMANS' TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 Cuming. REAL burgalna In slightly uaod tires; new tires at very low prices. G. and O. Tire Co., 2415 Leavenworth st Tyler 1261-W, BUY Lee puncture-prof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tire irouDie rnweu sup ply Co 2M Farnam 8 BRAND new tires and tuuvs at it to 40 ner cent oft Hat price. Send for our price list. ' OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. Doug. 291S. 210 S. 19th St. Service Stations AUTOMtSLlLE eloctrUal repalra: aervfie nation for Rayfleid carburetora ana -o- lumbta Stores'! Batteries. Ldwarila, 2616 No. 19th. Webster 1102, MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain in used raachlnea Victor H Roo. the Motorcycle Mas. 271b and Leav- anworth. , PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial Hum, so Helta four old clothing, furnltur. mage- tine W collect. We distribute. Phone Doug 4132 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110.11131114 Dodce etreet. ANYONE knowing the addreaa of Mu. Alice Frltcbe Thomas will please have her cnmmunliate' wJtn Mr Hohabora. 4(32 Qlennay Avenue, Cincinnati, O, , SITUATION WANTED. Female. WANTED By the Mid-West Land Lcaa Ing Co. managers for eaatern Nebraska and western Iowa. Write for territory. Jay C. Crosby, Llndell hotel. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED By an experienced married man, not subject to draft, poaitlon aa telethon manager and troubleman. Addres Lock Box 11. Bloomfleld. Neb. Male. EXPERIENCED young lady deslrea poai tlon aa bookkeeper or assistant bookkeeper. Must have good wages. Write Miex Pearl Bishop. 1212 E 6tb St.. Fremont. Neb. HEDGES trained, lawn waxed, windows cleaned, laa 791. mowed, flcora Delaney. Dug- MAN wants situation where be, can learn driving and repairing of motor trucks. Call Miller. Douglas 1970. evenings Laundry and Day Work. DAY. work, cleaning and ironing. Call Col fax 2285, mornings or evening. BUNDLE and family washing; call and de liver Wal. 3553. WANTED Bundle waablbg. 1873 Call Webater COLORED luundresa want day work. South 753 BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call deliver Web. 4283. nd DAY 'work wanted Call after (. Web. 4425 LAUNDRY work- by tbe hour Webater 2032. BUNDLE washings to take ni'itie, Web 1391 CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. .Har. 1130 BUNDLE waahliiga wanted Tel Red M73 HELP WANTED-MALE Stores and Offices FIRST-CLASS experienced shipping . clerk or one of ability, with clerical knowledge; salary according. FAIRBANKS-MORSE CO., 902 HARNEY ST. YOUNG LADY, assistant on books, up-town office, $60. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. BOOKKEEPERS. $150. $"l35, $125, $100. WATTS REF-CO., 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. DRUG CLERK Patterson, 10th and Hickory. Piofessions and Trades. WANTED ( Exoresa Handlers Driver and Chauffeurs. Increased 8alar!ea. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office WANTED FIRST- CLASS AUTO ME CHANIC; TOP WAGKS AND STEADY WORK. SEE O. L. RHODES. MARA THON AUTO REPAIR SHOP, 1310 JACKSON ST. WANTED. Young man draft exempt with soma me chanical ability for machine shop work; to such a man we offer good pay, steady work with plenty of overtime. NELSON LOOSE-LEAF CORP. 2426 LEAVEN WORTH STREET. AN EXPERIENCED upholsterer and cutoff-saw operator for the Ralston Furniture factory ; permanent position, best of wages and splendid living condition. Ap ply Orchard & Wilhelra Co., 414-12 South Uth St. BRICKLAYERS and painters wanted, union Job. State wages per hour when writing. Write or call on Secretary of Board of Education, Lincoln. Nebraska. WANTED Competent linotype operator for Norwegian-Danish work. Good wage, Kteady Job. Decornh Poster, Decorah, la. WANTED Upholsterer for furnltur de partment Box 41105. Bee BROOM-MAKER wanted, permanent em ployment lo practical man. OMAHA BROOM FACTORY, 1349 8. 20th St. WANTED An expert tire man; steady Job; good wage; slate salary and experience. Box 4135 Omaha Bee. WANTED 2 good butchers; best of wages. Apply at John Pavlae. 6140 South 24th Ht Salesmen and Solicitors. AGENTS Tire company organizing a state agency In Nebraaka wants a few men to take eome territory. A man who cannot make at least $10.00 every day is lazy, Prefer men owning Fords or other small cars. Previous experience "-unneccsaary. Are you earning a salary now? Look this up and go to work for half a day. If you do not earn at least 10 per cent mora than you earn now In the aame time, then go back to your Job. Is thle proposition fair? Box Y-658, Omaha Bee. WELL known manufacturer desires the rvlrea nf three accustomed Droducers tor plastic roof cement and paints. Sal ary, bonus ana commission, wun excel lent future. No lookers. For personal Interview 'call on I.. R. Ostran, sales manager, 2 to 5 p. m. Castle Hotel. ARE you Interested In a proposition In Ne braska, Iowa or south uuKota, paing you from $36 to $50 rer week? Country work; must bave horse and buggy or au tomobile. Address 203U Farnam Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED First-class tailor Prefer el derly man. or one above draft age. Good wagea paid to right party Address May Clothing Store. Coxad. Neb SALESMAN, grocery apeclalty, exp.. salary depends. WATTS REF CO.. 1138 1st Natl. Bank. Agents and Canvassers. High-Class County Con tract" Man Wanted at Once. . ' To placa exclusive agencies to handle patented automobile tires, that will revo lutionise tire business and eliminate tire troubles. . No Investment required by salesman ' and Big Money. for the right man. Call or writ 1015 W. Omaha, Neb. ' O. W. Building, WANTED Pressmen in every city of 25, 000 Inhabitants to sell the Prince Vibrator for 4-inch . perfect ink distribution on platen presses. Easy seller with large commission; act quick for territory; apply T. Besslng, 43? Merchants National Bank Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Boys. 1 WANTED OFFICE BOYS. Good pay and chance for Advancement. Call South 2400. MORNING carriers wanted Dundee routes for Omaha Beu Apply Walnut Station. 40th and Cuming. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn-trunk and case-making. Frellng Stelnle, 1303 Farnam St. WANTED Bellboy, Apply 18th and Harney streets. Hotel Keen. WANTED Office and messenger boy ply 40ft F.lectrlc Hlda-. amm "TeamstersandchautiT A p- TWENTY-FIV'U men who can drive auto moblleand know city, to drty the new "Brown Cab" after September 1. Apply- I" person before Tuesday. Omaha Taxlcao Co.. 3572 Harney. EXPERIENCED truck driver Apply Cudahy Packing Co.. 14th and Jnn.f Pta. - Trade Schools WANTED Tire repair men; good ealary; Oood-Wear Tire and Garage company, 27th and Leavenworth streets, Douglaa 4.7oO. Misccilaneous 1- WANTUD LABORERS or nahdv men: ateady employment: good pay. $N'o time loat on account of watb or .material. -OMAHA GAS WORKS, 20th and Center St HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. LABORERS and track men. 40 cents per hour at start. with car fare; 10 hour. i APPLY TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPT., 22D AND NICHOLAS STS OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY. MEN WANTED To unload hay. Apply to timekeeper. UNION STOCK YARDS. South Omaha. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinations Aug It Hundred wanted $1,100 year Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept 23-F. Rochester. N. T. A HUSKY Intelligent man to assist In ware house linoleum Dept.: permanent porltton. ORCHARD-WILHELM CO., 414-18 South 16th St. WAITED Men 19 to 50 yeara old for gen Aral yard work; ateady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yard Co., South Omaha. WANTED Stableman at once. Apply to American Railway Express Co 1107 Cap itol sve PORTER for office building. Apply to Al fred C. Kennedy Co . 205 South lth St. HOUSEMAN In private family. Phone Douglas 109 between ten and flve MAN or man and wife wanted on 40-acre farm. Box 4634. Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. .AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND. TELEGRAPH COMPANY Offers exceptional opportunity to several bright, well educated young ladies between the ages of 18 and 23 to learn long distance telephone work. Those with grammar school education preferred; interesting work; congenial surroundings; lib eral salary and paid while working. Apply to MISS CARLSON, 656 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. TYPIST $50-360 Office clerka , $45-360 Stenographers $50-$100 Errandglrls $40 ONLY 60 CENTS TO REGISTER. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS. If you want a position In an out-of-town bank see us at once. Several positions open now. No charge until you are lo cated. Bank positions only. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO., 1424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. STENOGRAPHERS, $100, $96, $90, $85 $75; eteno. and bkpr., $90; steno. and diet, opr., $75; diet. opr.. $90; office clerk, $65; ledger clerk, $78; typist, $91. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Natl. Bank. BOOKKEEPER. $110; ledger elk.. $86; typ ist, $65-86, stenos, $65-100; file clerk, $50. Co-operative Ref. Co., 1016 City Nat'l Bk. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, uptown office building, $85. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, real estate, $75-$. . WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'SJ. Professions and Trades. Sr. E. SMITH & CO., requires the service of 100 experienced dresa ahlrt makers. Those who are skilled in this particular work are desirable,, and to those who prove themselves thoroughly capable and competent, will be given re sponsible position that are worth while. The machine used In sewing tbe thirts are motor-driven and easy running. Working conditions are beat. We have clean, light and airy rooms In which to work rooms that ' are equipped with over-bead revolving fans that will keep you cool and comfortable. A cafeteria will soon be Installed where you can buy good, wholesome food at a nominal cost. Musto and. a library pro vide diversion during your noon hour. Come down to our employment depart ment and talk It over with us. If you are a skilled operator w want you In our employ. Tour pay will be liberal and the hours for work from 8:00 a. ra. to 5:00 p. m. Apply Employment Department, M. E. SMITH & CO., 9th and Douglas Street Entrance. WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good 'wages paid while learning, rapid advancement,- permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. . WANTED AT ONCb. 15 experienced power sewing machine operators. We guarantee "experienced op . eratora will earn 22 centa per hour at plec work. This guarantee la given for operatora to learn our work and expense tor period ot 4 weeks Nice, clean and steady work all the yeai OMAHA AUTO TOP CO.. 709-11 S. 15th St. WANTED Girl for general housework Call .Harney 1342. WANTED A maid for general housework. Call Walnut 2S29. Household and Domestic EXPERIENCED girl for general house work: good cook, no laundry work, city references. Mra A. B Warren, 411 South 40th St. Harney 320 HOUSEKEEPER Wanted middle-aged woman, without children; small house; be your own boss. Address Boa 1047. Lin coln. Neb. WANTED Uirl for general housework, good wages; no wsshlng and mall family Harney 811. WANTED A competent rook. Good wage Apply Hit. G. Slurs, S7 Farnam SU HfiLP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; two In family; good wages. Mrs. H. L. Arnold. Harney 29C1. WANTED A girt for general housework In a family of two. 3507 Harney St. WANTED a competent nurse maid. Walnut 95 Call WANTED -foung colored girl for general housework CH Walnut 640. Miscellaneous. WANTED Name women-girla wishing try examination for government positions. 310U month Address Y-049. Omaha Bee. WANTED Wuman for telephone operator. AnnlvOrnheum Theater. 15th and Harnev HELP WANTED. Male and Female. TEACHERS WANTED This ia harveat time tar best positions. High school teachers, with degrees, $900 to $1,200; uormal grad uates, grades. $630 to 31.000. Innumerable superintendences, $1,200 to $1,500. School service locating good teachers at go id sal aries. Stewart School Service. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Men. ladlea and boya, learn 1 barber trade; big demand: wagea while learning; atrlctly modern. Call jr writ 1402 Dodge St. Trl-CHy Barber College Phone D 21 41 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men. women Government war positions. $100 month List free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 231 O Rochester. N. Y. MOLER Barber College wanta young men and ladies to learn tbe barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue. 110 S. 14tb St.. Omaha. Neb WANTED Pan washers and glass washers HOTEL FONTENELLE. 18th and Douglas MAN and wife as 'Janitor and maid, quar ters furnished. Lincoln apta. Tyler 2607. EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL, ' NIGHT SCHOOL. Originator of Intensive Training for of flc workers. Coursea tn Bookkeeping Shorthand, Stenotypy, Typewriting, Rail road and Wireless Telegraphy, Clvtl Serv ice, Comptometry, and all English branch es. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Telephone 18th and Harney Sts., Doulas 1565. Omaha, Nebraska RELIABLE AUTO SCHOOL. Best electrical and self-starter courses. Easily learned. No books. Free catalog. National Auto School, 2814 North 20th St.. Omaha, Nebraska. Van Sam School of Buaines. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha Natlc lal Bank Bldg. Dnuelat 5890 FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SANITAVRY modern rooms for men only $2.50 per week. Sunshine Apartments, 60 N. 17th St. J. B. Robinson. 442 Be Bldg Douglas 8097. MODERN furnished room, permanent ot transient. Including large front room suitable for three gentlemen. 1711 Dodge NICELY furnished outside room with hot and cold water; breakfast and dinner. Harney 3369. MODERN room free to elderly business man for tending lawn. Box 1840, Omaha Bee. 1701 DAVENPORT, 2-roora suite, modern, electricity, gas range, garage. Ha.ney 4989. NICELY furnished room in private modern home, one block to car. Webster 4971. GRAND HOTEL 520 S. 13th, new manage ment, nice, clean rooms, $2 up a week. 1611 HOWARDrynlce clean sleeping rooms. Board and Room. BEAUTIFUL furnished room with bath ad- Jolnlng. breakfast and dinner. To mar ried couple where both aro employed or 2 gentlemen. Barney 3-369 or 3619 Far- 2124 DOUGLAS Cool, neatly furnished room; plenty of-hot water; board if de sired. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO or three front rooms; electric vacuum cleaner; washer; Iron; lighti heat; gas; Icebox: cabinet; private home. 2117 Wirt St. Telephone Web. 7168. 818 SOUTH 25th Street. Nice, clean light housekeeping rooms. Hotels. COOL room. $2 week; alao apartments wltb kitchenettes. OR-den hotel Co R'uffe Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED rooms in Creighton Block, 15tb and Douglaa Sta. D. 6342 WORLD REALTY CO Rooms Wanted. WANTED 2 nicely furnished rooms with board, near Park Ave. schooL Call Doug las 1431. FOR RENT FURNISHED. LA'i'ONA APARTMENTS. Completely furnished, best of service. 641 S. 24th St. Call Douglas 1533. Houses. SEVEN-ROOM house, furnished, sleeping porch, vacant Sept. 1, Field club dlatrlcL OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASS'N. FOR RENT HOUSES. West 2668 Douglas, rooming house $33.00 2049 North 22d, modern, 7 rms..j.. '8 00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 554 North. ALL modern seven-room house, full base ment, garage, two blocks from Kountze I'ark. 3419 Sherman Ave.; ready Septem ber 10; open Sunday, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. 6-ROOM modem bouse for rent. 3420 Cali fornia St. Call after 7:30 p. m. 7-ROOM modern house, entirely new. Titus Ave. Tel. D. 9125. 2740 South S-ROOM house, strictly modern $30. 1643 S. 25th St. Red 6S2. iiscellaucoud ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY REALTORS. 205 S. 19th St. Douglas 722. FINE new store room an Abasement at 27lh and Leavenworth Sts: 8 lea in heat; for particulars see Conrad Young. 322 Urandeis Theater Bldg Doug. 1571. 1822 Cuming 4-r, mud. apt., $:2.50. 909 N. 17th, 6V., mod.- apt., $27.60. RASP BROS.. 210 Kecline. Tyler 721. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF 1HE CITY CREIGH SONS CO. BEE RLDO List' vour property for rent or aale wltb FIRST TRC8T COMPANY. Realtor Tvler 72 Phnpen Co.. Rentals uu:e 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. .i , UNDINE APT. 3 rooms and br.th, with 6-room accom modations, i : thoroughly modern In every detail; located ut 26S2 Dewey Ave., J35.0U per month summer and $45.00 per month winter. See us at once. TRAVER KKOS. CO.. 319 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. l'oug. t3l6. HAMILTON AP'i'S.. fireproof; finu lawn uuu flowers: best location: :4th und Farnam Prices reasonable. Cull l 1472. 4-ROO.MS and bath, $1'7.60. Ing month. Herat parit. 3, -xlra ncat Dougln "T W. North 3 ROOMS ami bath, second lioor. Steam heated. $11 auuimer. 1S21, Maple St., Tyler 1S12-.I. Miscellaneous Tini rmm with 3-room dceommodatlont I nnd 2 rooms with 4-rooin accommodation!- In the Coronado. 22d and Capttol avenue, walking dlslano;. $S1.5 o $17.50. BENSON & MYERS CO. REALTORS 424 Omaha Nat'l Hank Bldg. DoiiKlac 746 UN ACCOUM' i leaving cliy. will sublet one of the riosi attractive fire-room apartrm-nts in uinat'.a for balance of terrr. of lease. Phone Walnut 974. Sagamore Anartments 24 Cass St. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialism in Apartmont management FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. J418 CUMING St., :i0 Alfred C. 'Kennedy Company. Realtors 205 8. lth St. .Douglas 722 STORE. No 16th SU near postoffue. .on rent. O, P. Stebbina, Kit Chicago Bt, FOR RENT Business Property STORES FOR RENT 1609 N. 24th st suitable for retail 01 aop, living rooms In rear. - (13 N. 16th st., second floor for photo gallery shop or living rooms. 713-15 S. 24th tn best transfer cornet in city. $20 and 3J5. x 3102-4 Sherman ave.. corner Wirt, mod em store, cement basement, finest loca tion for first-class grocery or market. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. . 333 Securities B'daf. IT, Office and Desk Room. THE BEE Bl. DO Offices tor high class tenants who want tbe beat Keystone' Investment Co Tyler 131, MOVING AND STORAGE. tfDlVl? RENTAL FTriTTT TTV SERVICE. lAJ-iJJA. i 1STH AND JACKSON DOUG .281, STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. lobe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing ana etnrlng rail Tvler 2S or Douglas 4338 METROPOLITAN VAN STORACE 70. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture etore; office on Howard St.. between 16tb and ltb Phone Tyler 3400 Have your moving bandied lust as you would an order for new furniture. That' tL war we do It Aak to see our dally rental Hat. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, parking and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 8ll S 16th. Douglag 4133. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. uARGB moving vans: careful men. Fur niture pack, storage 1417 Chicago D 3354 T n PPFn Express Co., Moving, U. J. AVlXJJr pack Ing and storage. 1207 Farnam St Web 9741: Douglas 1 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. NEW HOUSE, WEST 3009 Cass St.. between tho West Far nam and Harney street car lines; thre blocks from the new Henry Tate school; six blocks from SL John's church and Creighton college; easy walk to High school or downtown. Brand new, with oak floors and trim; three bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch; also attic. Built by owner, Mr. Pearson, a thrifty carpenter and cabinet maker. Tou can ee It I well constructed. He will let it go at $5,250. It ha a 50xl30-foot lot; street newly paved and paid In full. Thla is a much less price than you could build it for now. Key at our office. HARRISON & MORTON 916 Omaha Kat'L Bank Bldg. Tel D. lit, NEW COTTAGE, WEST 4411 Farnam St., Is a nifty new cottage, just completed; rooms,, all light and airy and good size; built-in latest fea tures; white bathroom and an unusual basement; light and clean and attrac tive. A large lot, 50x128 feet, with a good auto driveway in from 44tb St bwner and builder in the house w!il tell you about It. He Is leaving town 'to superintend large construction work at Des Moines. Trice $4,450, on terms. He says it would cost more today, HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om.' Nat. Bank Blilg. Tel. D 314. Very Attractive Home Well Built, Stucco Finish Cheap at $6,000; Terms Located just 4 blocks of Cathedral, corner lot; 2 payed streets; double garage with cement driveway. Prac tically new and up-to-date, with fire place, bookcases, buffet, oak and birch woodwork. A first floor room which can be used for bedroom or den, with lavatory and toilet. House vacant. Immediate possession A bargain for some one. Act ouick. GLOVER & SPAIN, Doug. .3962. .919-20 City Nat'l. NEW BUNGALOW, West Farnam District. New strictly modern 6-room bungalow at 4412 Farnam St. Oak finish, nicely decorated, full basement, furnace heat, large 50-foot lot Price 33,500, on reason able terms. J. L. HIATT CO. 900 FIRST NAT'L. BK. BLDO. PHONE 63 TYDER 615 NORTH 34TH, $4,700 Dandy 7-room new modern home; Just Dated; a well-built, nicely arranged home, in a very desirable location; has living room, dining room, den, kitchen and three bedrooms, full two stories; oak finish. Ar range with us for Inspection. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 319-20 City National 6-ROOM new stucco, modern house, 'Dundee, 1307 N. 50th Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floors, full basement, 32.400. Month ly payments. Phone Walnut 1920. - - LOT with all Improvements: on paved street; good district: 3395 to 3496; ft doyn: 35 per mnhth. Dong. 6074. ' North. MR. COLORED MAN, $3G0 Down and $25 a Month 5-room strictly modern bungalow, lo cated near 2sth and Parker; full cement basement; furnace heat; floored attic; largo lot; raved street, paving paid; price 32.500; worth 33,200. Payne Investment Co. Realtors, 537 6. N. B. Bldg. D. 1781. SIX-ROOM, 2-story, all modern home, lo cated on Spenced streetetaoinshrdluetaoi cated on Spencer- street, west of 241a, close to car, school and church. Owner Is entering war service, so oft'frs it at low V.rice and on copy terms. - Alfred C. Kennedy , Company. REALTORS ;o: North lHth St. Douglas "J!. . UOlN.i.1 TO 8KI.L t'laay new lmngitlow. .modern in every vhv, five n-oiiw and bath on f irs-t floor DT.il 2 ru'ims am sle-ping porch upstairs unfinish'-d. All floors anil 3 rooms fin.N Islietl .in of-A. Full rrai.nt basement. A1! lor j;t.10u.U on easy ti-rnw. 4M7 Bed. ford Ave. KUR NA1, Modern ti-rotun liuuat;, noud lo cation: near Omaha unvilt; hot wae ter heat; larg- acrwnod, windowed sec; Ing porch: large wr-cnnl roar porch) fruit trets: owner leaving clly W.."0Hj bargain. Fleming. 270S Plnliney; Web ster 97. "1457 PJNKNEY STREET" $400 DOWN $37.80 MONTHLt gix large rooms, reception hall, tarsj Stores, pantry, rear entry, linen closet, oaic finish and floors in part, full basement, scri-ened-ln front porch. Call at house) today. Phone Wbter 2C71. - i-KOO.M. up-to-date house, only 3300 cash, balance monthly, onk finish, fin-place and beamed ceilings, nicely located, corner lot. In Kountie Place. . W. H. GATES, V SIT Omaha Nat. Bk. Blilg. D. 1294. IF you are gutng to buy a home, aee this first, a fine five-room house; electiU lights, gaeand water Price 32.000 Sm own-r at S3So Mandrsin ISKW up-to-date I rooms, oak finish, lari lot, fine location: price 93.250: terms. N. 24th SL Morris Morris. D, ''