V 10 - THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1918. ( Want Ad Rates (Cub Wltk Ordsr.) . ,- lw,a Mr word ...Net Insertion per ward (or tare oonecnttv Insertions la per word ror mob additional insertion No ad takes far Im than a total of o or tea tbaa 10a par day. ' CHARGE. ' par -Una (count I words to Una) oaa lima . par tin aack time, ( eonsecutiv time ' To par Uaa sach tlma. It consecutive Umaa SITUATIONS WANTED II par line par wk i CARDS Or THANKS AND rCMZBAL NOTICES. IN par Una ....each Insertion (Minimum Charta, 10 Cents.) ' Castraet feat Oa Application. For MBraolanea at advertiser want ada 1 will ba accented at th following-office: VAIN OFFICB .'...B Building Am Office 410 North 14ta Bt Xaka Offlca ......... .1(1 North I4th Bt "Vinton Offloa ......... .tT South lata St. Park Otfce, lilt Laenwortb 8t (Walnut Offlca Ill North 40th St. tenth aida A. 1311 N Bt. Council Blufta 14 Mate 8t.. North THBB8 will aot ba responsible for mora thaa eaa loeorract Insertion of aa ayaniaa- feaait ordered for mora thaa ona tlma. ' Caa TltS TELEPHONE It roa cannot con wenlently bring or aand your ada to any of th absv offlca. Asx ror a nam Aa aka and yon will recelv tha nmi good aarvlea aa whan delivering, your ad la pereoa. PHONE TYLER- 1,000. Waal AA Column Cloa "Evening Edition 11:00 M. ' Knrnln Edltlona 10.00 P, M. Sunday Edition 9 P. M, Saturday Evening DEATHS & FUNEkAL NOTICES 8TAAT9 BeKha M-. aged 1 year, Auf, II. I'll I. daufhter of Mr. Mlnnla Sprak. , ta. Funeral from raaldanca, 1T1T Charlea 1 atratft Tueaday I p. m. Interment Laurel Hill cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEPEN Pioneer Fpneral Director ta. lath Bt Phon Doug. I i STACK & FALCONER Independent PnderUker. lid A Far. H. 400 l;vnrnTiKt;RS and llcenaed embalmer ' alao private ambulance. Call -Webster 47. Willi C, Croshy, 1611 w. ESIB Bt. -i r-. rrr r r E ........ 1 hL.tilnn r. t, Paro, Mgr.. 114 and Cumtnf St. PFfbn Dougla 477. Auto amouiancaa. unrnilNN FUNERAL HOME" Hoffmann quality sarvtce, coat laaa. 14th and Dodg. - Douglas ltd. ' JOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and ' embalmer. 1411 Farnam Bt Himir si. - FLORISTS rontenell rinrlata. LEEL.LARMON 1114 Douflaa St. Douglas 1244. A. DONAGHUE Eat. 1866. till HARNEY, rinvera shinned everywhere. Exn. prepaid BATH Careful Florist 1104 Farnam Bt. L. Henderson .1611 Farnam. D 1248 i MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. WEST LaWN offsra aympatbatlo aarvlc in uddsn aorrowi perpetual cara; no assess menta; lota on eajiy term. Phon Wal. H. THE laraeat dtaplay of monument la th United Btata. FRANK BVOBODA. 1111' tl 18th Phona Douxlaa l7l-ia AT liberty, lady' orcheatra, violin, oornat, piano! eiparlenced mualclane. Bok 1101, Bae. SPECIAL NOTICES. KOTICB to buatneaa merchants: I will not 4a raaponalbl for any Rood eold to my wife after An. IT.O. F. Knoep, LOSTFOUND REWARDS. ; " 6WAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET ' RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraone having loat aoma artlolaa would da well to call up th office of th Omaha A Council Blufta Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they left It In tha atreat aar. I N. Many article each day ara turned la ar.d tha company la anxloua to reatore them to tha rigntrui owner LOST At Longeway ball park, on blue coat green stripe. Reward, Fhona Tyler " 221. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. QUICK ACTION QUICK BELLINO. State Furnltur Co.'a July, Clearance Sal. Hlgh-grad rug ara being aold laaa tbaa present wholesale eoat Furnl tur la Period and Colonial deslgna ara being shamefully sacrificed. We make a' apeclalty of complete bom oottUa; alao hotela and rooming housea. Railroad far fra ta out-of-town buyara within 10 mile of Omaha on purchaaaa of 120 er mora. STATE FURNITURE CO, 14th and Dodge . Bta, Tl. Ponglaa lilt. FURNITURE A HARDWARE BAROAlNS. ' Bada, aprtnga, maUrauea, dreeeere. chlf. fonter. tablea, chalra, china and kltohea oablaata. rug and linoleum, trunka and ault cases, gaa atoveo and lea boxea, full ' Una aoreen wlra, poultry netting, garden toola. 1111-47 North 14th BL TL Web. 1107. Open till p. m. rHU antlra furnlahlng of a moat complete- ly and alegantly furnished l-room apart, i meat will ba aold to aoma ona buyer. The . apartment building , I tha newest and moa up-to-date ta tha oily. Telephone Harney 1034. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full tin of furnltur, gaa and ooal oil atovea, i ruga, baby carrlagea. trunka. a to. . Loyal Furn. Co.. Ill N. llt'x m LEAVING CITY Household goode must b aold thla week; bargalna In leather couch, chalra, kitcbea cabinet, etc 1701 Haw thorne Ave. Walnut 1441. &OU6EHOLD furnltur with piano for sale, at 1120 C St. Phone South 1(67. ' Pianos & Musical Instruments. TPS have aeveral Victrolaa that wa took . In oa trade for sale; , la good condition. Ron Phonograph, Parlora, Cor. 20th and Farnam Bta !L HOSPB CO., 111. Douglas, hav piano ta rant at 11.60 pat aontb. or will aell oa aaay terms. fit MAHOGANY Victrola with til worth of records. Good a new. Walnut till. Dairy Products - FRESH country buttermilk; butter; beet of eream; atrlotly trash eggs; delivered to - -ny part at Omaha. Fhona' BoutA 111 or Tyler 111. Wagner' . Lumber and Building Materials. , . LUMBER, BRICK and Other a xunain nsivnil ror osiv, . CHAMBER O'NEILL CO 1101 Leavenworth 8t Store and Orifice Fixtures. WB buy, aell and make desk, safea. ahow , ahelvlng, to. Omaha Fixture A Sup - ply Co.. 11th and Douglaa D. 1724. FOR SALE Hardware atock and future, eastern Nebraska. Addreaa Box 411. Oma ha Beat - OW roll top deak. good aa new. South 717. 4211 S. 14th. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES. We rant repair, aall , needles and part ef all aawtcg machine. MICKEL8, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., lith and Hartley Bta. Doug. Kit. Typewriters and Supplies. OUR EXCHANGED MACHINES DEPART. - KENT. la th largoft of It kind In tha west : You can alwaya find Just what roa want her. We .buy. aall, rent, repair and ex change typewriter of every kind. : Es tablished nearly 20 year. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Ine 10 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, aold, rented and . repaired. . the n. w. Long compant. Farnam. Tel. T, 1961.. ONE (-column Burroughs Adding machine for aala at a bargain. 1101 FARNAM 8T. VV- TYPEWRITERS aold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver S monthe for IS. Central Typewriter Exchange, jOOS Farnam. ADDING MACHINES, all make bought. rented and old. i .CENTRAL TYPEWRITER ETXCHANQE, 1901 FARNAM ST. 4- WU BUYA cell er exchange typewriters; . rust typewriter 110 and up. Writ for fl.t Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge, Miscellaneous. iOR SALE A large six Rumely OU Tractor . with 11,000 worth of road grading work. Hurt sell In 19 day. Addresw Box III, iwa Qty, la, , -.. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Featbere ateamed. renovated and made uo la new feather' proof ticking. 1107 Cuming. Doug. 147". 1 AMERICAN tool wka. ahaper. 14-lr..; 1 71'lb. power hammer, fin ehape. Tell A Blnkley. Ill I Harney at SWAPPERS' COLUMN FOR SALE l-paaeenger touring car In good condition, win aall or trade for truck. Tel. South 4171. ' WANTED TO BUY. JENKINS baa Juet returned and will give you th earn good aarvlea that ha gava In tha paaL Help win me war. Ban your oia cioinea, anoea, run, tool, trunk and buy W. 8. 8. Will call. Re D. 1031, office t. 1S44. WANTED TO BUY. - A doctor' office outfit. Alio an extra flat-top drak and a roll-top dealt. Call Room 4M, Paxton hotel. DESKS DESK$ - DESKS New deaka; need deaka boughtold and traded. J. a Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 1140. FIT A MOWnQ"01' BEROMANACo. UltXmVJriUQ 40 south 15h St ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing Academy, 2424 Farnam St. Learn to danca for IS where learning I a nlnaauy. D. 7850. WILL aerva good home-cooked I o'clock dlnnar for 11.00 per plat. Harney H15. Accordeon Pleating. ACQORDEON. old, knife, aunburat, box pleating, covered buttona, all alzea and atylea; bematltohlng, plcot edging. y. let cut work, button bo lea, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. J00-J0H Brown Bldg. Phon Doug. 1031. HEMSTITCHING, PLBA1TNO, BUTTONS a. U. VanArnam Pleating C. 131.7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1101. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY &Z-L THE OMAHA TRANoFER CO. REPUBLIO AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for yon. Packagea l.e thah 20 lh. II rent DouKla 74SI. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping auppllei SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINO CO. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha 8ta.. Omaha, Nab. Braaa. bronze, ' aluminum and machine gray Iron caatlni Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tablaa for partita at Holmea. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Batrd Bldg. D. 1411. BMxOQRAPlf. IV. EJwarJa, 24th, Farnam, Costumes. FULL draaa ault for rent. 101 N. 16th St., oppoalta Poetofflce. Jnha Feldmaa, Doug, lea 1121. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, ill Neville Blk. Evideno secured in an canes. Tyler mi Printing and Office Supplies. fera-BarVirt"ptg7Co 524 S. 11th St Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. (21 W. 0. W. Bldg. Taft'e Dental Rma.. 101 Roa Bldg. D. 111! Film Developing. FILM developedi rolls. lOo: packs, llo; one-day aervloa. Kaaa Studio, Neville Blk., 11th ana Harney. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dressmaking! Doug. 4194. Fixtures and Wiring. "nTTRTTM Electrlo washing-machine, iy U iVIVllN ,ctrlo trona and readlna lamp. 1222 Cuming at. Douglaa till. Jewelry. , DIAMONDSXC S3 m email pmiit, unucs, em w, etn Bt Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 114 Brandele Bldg,. T. tl0. Re.. 4T41 Medical. PILES, fistula and other recta! dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guffrantted. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monial. ER. E. R. TARRY, x . 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. - Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and soldi Inter. national raient vo sranaeia. u. ass 1 8TURGE8 A STUKOES. U. a an- foreign patant and trademark. 110 Be Bldg. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L, llslTaVtn Tailor. D. 1411. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 128. Safes. BARGAINS. 1211 Farnam. CApTJC! J. J. Darlght Safa C. OAS JiiO Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements snd printing, Douglaa Printing Cn. TI. Douglas 044. BUSINESS CHANCES. HARDWARE STOCK AND PROPERTY FOR SALE In tha best town In western end of the atata of Nebraska. Sidney la tha oounty aeat of Cheyenne county, and haa a popu lation of about 1.000; Is the home of fine echools, both Protestant and Cathollo; the farming and agricultural oondltlona are at top notch, nothing better to be. found; tha location of thla business Is In the . very center of th business part of the town, could not be better; there la only " ona other exclusive hardware stock here. My reasons tor selling are purely personal and do not cara to continue In business. Th rlght"nan at th helm here could hav 'the hardware business his own way. Any ona who cares to know any mora about thla proposition may ad r ess Box 452, Sidney, Neb. WANTED TO SELL Good paying ahoe atore; beat location on tha South Side; reason, owner leaving for tha army, will aell at a sacrifice. Loyal Shoe Store, 4806 South 24th St., South Side, Omaha, Neb. Phon South 4182. BEHLINO CLOTHING STORE at York, for Immediate sal. Established 40 years, clean stock, Involc 111,000. Fixtures 11,100. Long term Ie,s, Best location In city. Owner called to service. FORD agency and garag for sale. Ne braska town. F. V, Knlest, Be Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE A real cafe l a real restaur ant town; average 150 a day; Invoice atock, will lump fixtures; reason for sell inggoing o war. Addreaa W. E. Price, Elmo, Mo. DRAFT I Will aell my near betr saloon and pool parlor. Clearing 150 a week. Act quick for a few Hundred dollars. Phon Black 1405. Council Bluffs. THE new town of Gralnton, Perkins county. Neb., needs a blacksmith shop and garag. Address Mayor Powers for par ticulars. ADVERTISE. Coast to coast 20 wordT, 100 monthlies, 11.00; 97 weeklies, 12.60; 20 Sunday paper, tl.00. McCarthy, 421 V. Gross Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE A good paying up-to-date drug tor In an up-to-date building. Owner wlshe to retire. Address Box Y-053. Omaha Bee. MANAGER for cafe, run In connection with Central hotel, Lincoln, Neb. Muat hav expedience and put up 1500 caab aa secur ity. Ask for Thompson. FOR 8ALE FOR' CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good business. Reason for quitting; death. Addreaa H.. 1410 Charlea Bt. 8t Joseph. Mo. . FOR SALE Confectionery and lunch room. County seat, population 2.500., A 'good , proposition. Plenty of buslneaa. Writ William Tlmm, Ord. A BARGAIN in a complete body and cab wood working ahop, with complete equip ment, blacksmith ahop la connection. Box 1301. Omaha Be.' ' - FOR 8ALE OR RENT Barber Ihop and fixtures; two pool tablea; no opposition; cheap. Addreaa J. C. Farrell, Burr, Neb. FOR SALE Drug ate. -! deelrabl residence, i Writ for reformation to th Postmaster, Rtdgeland, Miss. WANTED to trad good live drug buslneaa foraBtomnhll Inquire T-MS. Omaha Be. AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE New 1911 model Ford. Call AUTOMOBILES. RADIATORS Wracked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt: large etock ueed radiator cn hand. Maahed fendera and lampa repaired Ilka new. New atock Of Ford honeycomb radlatora OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 1111 Cuming St Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Juat like new. Bulck C-17 la a good buy for eomeone who wanta a uaed car that haa been taken cara of. Motor and e tarter overhauled thla aprlng; brand new battery and five good tires. Plica 1550; might take a Ford In on trade. Benaon ll J, :4D North 5th 8t Grant Six touring 160 Scrlppa Booth roadater.... J50 Both cara are In the beat of condition and ara ready to go. BABNUM AND SMITH CO.. 2122 Cuming St. Douglte U4. FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 b. p. .Mitchell chummy roadster, high apeed and power. Will accept Ford la Al condition ' aa part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank, Route 0. 75A. Benaon. Neb FOR SALE A good l-pawger Studebaker car, In good repair; good reaeon ior aen. In. Addreaa E. E. Zimmerman, care N. Y. Llfa In. Co., R. 317, Omaha National Bank bulldln. Tel. Tyler 137. Leave word If I am not there. ONE Packard chases. 1350; 1 Peerleaa truck with body, 1450. Both machine In good condition. NEBRASKA WHITE CO.. Fred C. Roger, Mgr. 1407-21 Capitol. STtTTlB'.n A tf-V.R ,9.nu.n..r r.r. In flret class mecnamcai sonaiuon; jui una ..... . a .ir.M mnA natnt In good condition; must aell on account of draft; orlc 1600. Adaresa r. u. noi a.. Rinr.iiMa IM USED CARS aii with mnA orlthniit etartera 21 to Dick from . Pbona D. 1241 or call at lilt Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. enn HAi.Tn At a birsaln. Reo three quarter ton truck ueed part tlma for eight monthe and In good condition. Addreaa Box Y. I2. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE 1 American Tool Worka ahaper. l-ln. atroke; 1 1 H.P. 1-phaae Gen. Electrlo 220V motor. Tell A Blnkley. I31S . . . . . n ..in n.rn.r iri. v. o.u. USED CARS AXD TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2020 Farnam at. Omaha. Neb OAKLAND. Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO 2300 Farnam St 1917 PAIGE-STRATFORD, Just thor eughly overhauled, Absoluely flrst-claas machanlcal condition. Tyler 071. WANTEDr-FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; Quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 2051 Farnam at Doug. 1011. MY private car; Overlai.d touring, ll-B; Many new parts splendid value. Doug. 8011. BARNUM A SMITH, 1123 Cuming, uaed cara bought, sold 'and exchanged. ONE 1917 Ford touring car, excellent con dition, price 1450. 101 North Kth. Doug- la 1104. FOR SALE Oakland touring Sedan In flrat class, condition; In uaa two month. Call Mrs. Newell Jones, Walnut 3590. INDIAN motorcycle, good condition, engine just overhauled, Price lo. Walnut 1411. BARGAINS In uaed cara. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 16th and Farnam Bta. Dougla 1170. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agent. P. 1.100. MEEK8 AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1021 FARNAM BT. DOUOEAB till. WE ARB THE USED CAR MEN, TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1110 Farnam St. Douglas 9070. 1917 HUDSON super-six touring; excellent condition. Will sacrlflc for cash. Doug las I7S. 1911 PAIGE chummy roadster; new; can b lean at garage, 1601 Leavenworth. Must sell. DANDY 6-passeuger touring; cheap for caah. A-l condition. Doygla 177. ONE light Bulck six roadster. Call Douglas 1571. Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E, S., till llth St Web iter 1101. For th best results with rspalr work consult us. . Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED 111 or 1117 Packard. Peerless, Wlnton, Stat, Locomobile er similar car. In good snap, at bargsja. Addres Box Y 621, Omaha Bee. ' Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto, til S. 19th St Douglaa 6411. Auto Livery snd Garages. RENT A FORI" DRIVE IT YOURSELF. llo a mile, llo per hour minimum charge Sunday and holidays, 60o per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglaa 1022. 1114 Howard St Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES. ONE-HALF PRICE. 1,000 Miles Guarsntsed. 30x1. 19.26; 10x14. .TS: 12x14, 111.16; 13x4, 113.76; 14x4, I1400: 15x4Vi. 111.26 Write us today for particular. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing. "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO.. 1511 Davenport St, Omaha. D. 1114. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILE THEY LAST: 30x1- 10.60 12x4 t 1-28 30x31 17.00 13x4 10.00 ISxlU 1,00 14x4 11.00 Other sixes up to 17x6. Ttrea ahlpped subject to examination en deposit of one dollar. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, 1819 Cumin St. Tyler 917. Omaha. NEW TIRES AT HALF PRICES. 10x1 Republic. 19.76; Ford tubes, 12.16. 80x31, IMPERIAL TIRES. 111.26. 80x3H NON-SKID PULLMAN, 114.15. S3x3W NON-SKID CONGRESS. 115.46. 54x4 NON-SKID M'GRAW, 123.45. KA1MAN8' TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 Cuming. BRAND new tlrca and tubes at :5 to 40 per cent Off Hat price. Send for our -prlc Hat OMAHA , I CUT KAitS TIKE CU 'Doug. 2016. 310 S. llth St. REAL bargains In slightly used tires; new tire at very low prices. G. nd G. Tire Co.. 2416 Leavenworth st. Tyler 1261-W. BUY L punctura-pronf pneumatlo tire nd eliminate your tire trouble Powell Sup ply Co. 1061 Farnans 8' MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. 5A RLE Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargalna In used machines. Victor H. Roos. th Motorcycle Man. :;th and Leav enworth. PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial Horn so licit your old clothing, furnltur, maga xlnes. We collect W distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 end our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn. 1U0-1111-1114 Dodge street. WRITE A SONG Pat rlotlo or popular. I compose musio and guarantee publication. Send words today. Thomas Merlin. 637 Reaper Blk., Chicago. ANYONE knowing the address of Mrs. Alice Fritche Thomas will plesse have her communicate with Mrs. Hohxborn, - 4612 Glennay Avenue, Cincinnati. O. MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writ. Dr. Frank H. Wray. 101 Bee Btd"g SITUATION WANTED. Male, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, accountant and general office man desire position. Middle ags and exempt from draft- Wide experience, clean record and A-l refer- . ences. Box 1774. HEDGES trained, lawns waxed, wlndowa cleaned, laa 7918. . mowed, floors Delancy. Doug- PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tlonal Cleaning and Service company. 1701 Leavenworth 8t. Harney 0011 YOUNG colored man wishes work In euro shop to learn "to repair car tor hi wag. Webster 197. , ' Female. - COLORED lady want position aa cook In small town or on ranch. Mr. McNlchols, 2414 H Patrick Ave., Omaha. Neb, RELIABLE colored woman want day work, well experienced. Webster 1302k Laundry and Day Work. DAY work, cleaning and. Ironing. Call Col fax 1286. morning or "evening COLORED LADY waste bundle washing. Call So. 1931. v BUNDLE and family washing; eali and d liver. Wal. lit. . SITUATION WANTED. Laundry and Day Work. WANTED Bundle washing. 1173. Call Webster COLORED laundress want day work. South 'el. ... COMPETENT colored girl wanta day work. Webster 1171. BUNDLES carefully laundered." Call and , deliver. Web. 4281, DAY wrk wanted Call after t. Web,. 4421. BUNDLE washing to take home, Web. 1191. WOMAN wants day work; ret Web. 1211. Day work and bundle waablng Web 1061. LAUNDRY work by th hour. Webter 1011. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 091. BUNDLE washings to take nome, Web. 1391. CURTAINS laundered, w is guar. Har. 1130. BUNDLE washings wanted. Tel. Red 6673. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELE GRAPH COMPANY offer an exceptional opportunity to several bright wall edu cated young ladle between a gee of 17 and 26 to larn LONG DISTANCE TELE PHONE WORK. Th! constat of estab lishment of telephone connection between Omaha and distant points, such a Chi cago, New York, Washington, D. C; New Orleana, La. ; Denver, Colo., and San Fran cisco, Calif. It la Interesting work, th urroundlng sre congenial, a liberal sal ary la paid while learning and advance ment la rapid. There I an attractive future for those of ability. Apply to MISS CARLSON, M Brands! Theater Building. USE the MARTI 8ERVICB In securing a high class position, THE MARTI COMPANY, 1128 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS, 1160, 1125, $100, 190. WATTS REF. CO.. 1131 "First Nat'l Bank. DRUG CLERK i Patterson, 0th and Hickory. DRUG CLERK WANTED. Good aalary. steady Job. Attebery Bro., Morrill. Neb. FLOOR salesman, auto accessories 190. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. CLERK, assistant to traffic manager, 10T WESTERN REFERENCE A BONDASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED 20 CARPENTERS GOOD WAGES; INSIDE WORK ALL YEAR ROUND. APPLY MORRIS & CO SOUTH SIDE. A. CARPENTERS ATTENTION Carpenter are wanted on new government Job, quar termaster terminal, Nor folk. Va. FREE TRANSPORTATION STANDARD WAGES. PORTER BROS., CONTRACTORS. " Apply at U. 8. Co-Operat-Ive Employment office, basement County Court House, or TJ. 8. Employment Service, 1111 Farnam St., Ship Monday evening, Au gust 19. WANTED A first-class shoemaker: com- patent to operate champion machinery and tak entire charge of (hop; ggod wage th year round to a competent man. Address F. F. Tully, 221 N. Pin St., Grand Island. Neb. WANTED. Flrst-claas auto repair man; 71 cents per hour BENSON AUTO SHOP, Military Ave. and Blnney Sts. WANTED Express Handlers Drivers jand Chauffeurs. - Increased Salariea. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office. WANTED Uphotaterer for furnltur d partment. Bo 41406. Be BARBER, wanted. Apply 1941 South 13th eet WANTED Meat cutter, good habits. In quire Basket Store office, 108 No. 9th St WANTED 1 good butchers; best of wage. Apply at John Favlas. 6140 South Z4th ' WANTED Plctur trams Joiner and fitter. Apply Milton Darling. 1810 Farnam St Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED SEVERAL AT LIVE ONCE. WIRE STOCK SALESMEN FOR HIGH CLASS INDUSTRIAL STOCK. GOING CONCERN. DIVI---DEND PAYING. SEE MR. M'KEE. 791 BRANDE1S CLI'G. WANTED Position i as chef or cook In or out of city, 21 years experience, capable of running kitchen; economical. Kyi Schamel, Hotel Sanford. WANTED Experienced real estate sales man by one of the largest firm In th city; man not aubject to draft; must hav ca". Box 4733. Omaha Bee. WANTED Firs t-claaa tailor. Prefer el derly man. or on above draft age. Good wagea paid to right party. Addreaa May Cjothlng Store. Poind. Neb. WANTED Special collector. See Mr. Sher man. State Furnltur Co. 14th and Dodge street. , - Boys. x x MORNfNG farrier wanted Dundee vroutea for Omaha Bee. Apply Walnut Station, 40th and Cuming. , WANTED A boy over- 17 to learn trunk and case-making. Frellng A Steinia. U0! Farnam St. Hotels and Restaurants. FAN-WASHER, 440.00 and board; lceman. 160.00 and -board. Apply, Blackstone hotel, 16th and Farnam streets. Harney 945. Miscellaneous. WANTED 1,000 laborer, whit and col ored, for government work, navy yards, Norfolk. Va. ' Apply United States em ployment service. Grsnd Hotel building. " Council Bluffs. Is. Good wages and free fare. WANTED LABORERS r bandy men; ateady employment; good pay. No tlra lot aa account et weather or material. OMAHA OAS WORKS. 10th and Cent r Sts. WANTED Stableman at otic. Apply to American Railway Express Co, HIT Car Itel eve. v , HELP WANTED-MALE. Miscellaneous. LABORERS and track men, 40 cent per hour at start, with car far; 10 hour. ' " APPLY TRACK AND ROADWAY DEPTST"- 22D. AND NICHOLAS STS Oil AHA. Jc CO. BLUFFS ' STREET RAILWAY. or lalry work; man ' will do milking. chorea or general farm work; wife will keep house If wanted. A Idea Garwood, Phillips, Neb. 7 WANTED Door talkers, openers and grind er concessions, agents; also cabaret danc er for a 25-car railroad show; also trap drummer. Pbon Room 112. Paxton Hotel. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examination Aug. 10. Hundred wanted. 11,100 year. Sample questions free. Franklin InsU tut. Dept 23-f, Rochester. N. Y. , WANTED 100 young men. 17 to 26 yeara of age for primary election day, Tuesday August 20th. Good pay. Apply Room 154. Omaha National Bank Bldg., Omaha. WAITED Men 19 to 60 years old for gen - eral yard work; steady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha. -v WANTED Grain sbovelers. Apply at le vator. First and Haskell Sts, Nebraska and Iowa Grain Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS. If you want a position In an out-of-town bank eee us at once. Several positions open now. No charge until you are lo cated. Bank positions only. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO., 1424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha. LADY atenograplier, and girl for office clerk, ateady employment and good wages. Hartman Furnltuie A Carpet Co,, 415 So. lth St. WANTED Experienced lady for assistant bookkeeper. Call Harney 1122, after , p. m. Please call at once. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. SHIRT OPERATORS. We nec . experienced operators oa power machines, making shirts. Any girl who has had experience In op erating any power maebln eaa readily lara to make shirts. Good wages guar nteed. Call any day at 1th and Howard Sts. -A BYRNE A HAMMER DRY GOODS CO, TEN ladies wanted between the ages of It snd 15, for a road show. Good pay, good treatment Phons Room 112, Paxton itotetx WANTED AT ONCB 11 experienced power sewing machine operatora. we guarantee experienced on eratora will earn 22 cents per hour at piece work. This guarantee la given for operators to learn cur work and expense ior perioa or ween, jnics, clean ana ateady work all th year. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO.. 709-11 8. llth St Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. THOROUGHLT EXPERIENCED LINERY SALESLADY; STEADY PLOYMENT AND GOOD SALARY. PLY TO T. F. LIND, -HATDEN BROTHERS. MIX' EM' AP- W ANTED Collector, young- lady for city about middle aged; experience not neces sary; must be accustomed to walklag and know atreets well; salary, 115 per week to start; quick Increase It make good. Mr. Becker. 312 Balrd Bldg. TWO ladles, some education, free map dis tribution, homes of school children, salary. Call or phone for Interview. Geo. A. Link, general representative, Rand McNally and Co., Paxton hotel. SALESLADY, neat and refined, for alec trloal appliance atore. Room 212 Electric Bldg., 15th and Farnam Sts. WANTED Experienced salesladies. High wages. Steady position. Honoff, 1409 Douglas st. Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent housekeeper to take run cnarge. uooa wages and permanent place to ngnt party. Write or phon Mrs. F. Harden, Ithaca, Neb. EXPERIENCED girl for general houae work; good cook, no laundry work, city v references.' Mrs. A. B. Warren, 411 South 40th st. Harney 320. WANTED Girl- for general housework , small bungalow; family of two; will pay ja ior competent girl. Call Walnut 1624. WANTED a good girl for cooking and down stairs work; good wages and good horn. walnut ltz. GIRL tor general housework; only two in family; good wages. 8420 Dodge 8t ' WANTED A competunt cook. Good wage. Apply Mrs, G. Store, 1708 Farnam 6t WANTED A young girl to assist with gen eral housework. Phone Harey 808.' WANTED Youiig colored girl for general housework. Walnut 640. i ' , WANT 1 Walnut 15. " Hotels and Restaurants. PANTRY girl, whits or colored, 13S with room and board. Apply Rlackston ho tel. Thirty-sixth and Farnarb afreet Har ney 945. Miscellaneous. LADY musicians and singer desirous of being coached for Chautauqua concert and vaudeville work. Write now. lgnor . Tolomeo. Arlington Blk. Studtoa open 8Mt. 1st. WANTED Names womeiy-girls- wishing try xamlnatlou for government position. tl0 month. Addre.s St-649. Omaha Bee. WANTED 10 ladles between th age of i ana za ior a road show good pay and good' treatment, phone Room 113, Paxton Hotel. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Educated, reliable solicitor for permanent work; dally cash advanc op portunity to work up to Important posi tion. 8tat experience, age. Address Box T 662, Omaha Bee. WANTED Men. ladle and boy, learn earner trad: big demand: wagea while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1401 Dodge Bt Trl-aty Berber College -Phon D. 1147, HELP WANTED. Male and Ftemale. WANTED BT BUROBSS-NASH CO. EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE APPLY SVPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. ffflitiu iuiciJiArL,x Men. woma. uoverninant war position, 1100 month List tree. Franklin Institute, Dept 111 G, Rochester, N. Y. MOLER Barber College want young men and ladle to learn tha barber trad. Call or write lor free catalogue, 110 S. 14tb at. uman a. Neb. WANTED Pan washers and glass waaher HOTEL FONTENELLE. s 16th and Douglas. EDUCATIONAL. BQYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Originator of Intensive Training for of flc workers.. Course in Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Stenotyoyi. TyDewrltin. Rail- road and Wireless Telegraphy. Civil Serv ice, uomptometry, and all English branch es. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Telephone ' Dbuls 1565. llth and Harney Sts., Omaha, Nebraska. Van Sent School of Buslnes. Day and Evening School 120 Omaha Natlc ial Bank Bldg. DoukIsi SK90 FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SANITARY modern rooms for men only 13.50 per week. Sunshine Apartments, 606 N. 17th St J. B. Robinson. 441 Be Bldg. Dougla 8097. UANSCOM PARH7 district; two strictly modern rooms; private home; desirable people; near th car line. Telephone Har ney 1352. MODERN furnished room, permanent or transient Including large front room sultabl for three gentlemen. 1711 Dodge. NICELY furnished outside room with hot an cold water; breakfast and dinner. Harney 1369. NICE sleeping rooms; can have access to piano; teacher could pay part room rent by giving lessons. V420 Sherwood ave. 650 SOUTH 26TH ST. Larse. elecantlv furnished, south room; sultabl for 1 or 2; next to bath. GRAND HOTEL 520 S. 13th. new manage, ment, nice, clean rooms, 12 up a week. Housekeeping Rooma. 3 NICE housekeeping rooms, electrlo lights, gas,.- bath, private home, closa to car line, near the boulevard. Harney 6205. TWO nlc rooms for light housekeeping; all modern, furnished or unfurnished. 1524 ' North 17th. Webster 1909. Board and Room. BEAUTIFUL furnished room with bath ad , Joining, breakfast and dinner. To mar ried couple where both are employed or 1 gentlemen. Harney 3369 or 3619 Far nam. Hotels. COOL rooms. i2 week: also apartments with kitchenettes. Ogden hotel. Co Bluffs Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED rooms In Crelghton Block. 15th and Douglas Sts. D. 8343. WORLD REALTY CO FOR RENT FURNISHED. FRONT l-room suite, garage. Electricity, gas rang. Harney 4989. 1701 Daven port St. Apartments. DANDY I rooms and bath FURNISHED COMPLETE, near 24th and Harney, walk lng distance of down town. High-class location, neat or service. 142.60. Doug las 3140. Houses. SEEN-ROOM house, furnished, sleeping porcn, vacant sept, i. Field club district. OMAHA LOAN & BLDG. ASS'N. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. 1103 PARK AVE 8-r., strictly modern, 132.60, 018 So. 81st, 5 rms., modern, 120. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyle 1636: 333 Securities Bldg. 2668 Douglas, rooming house 133.00 2041 North 22d, moderm 7 rms 28.00 JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. SEVEN-ROOM house, hot water heat; adults only. Harney 2049. 8116 LEAVENWORTH, 6 rooms, modern, except heat, 116.00. , Douglas 6947. North. 6-BOOM modern bungalow, paved street, good neighborhood, cathedral district, 135 per month. Owner, 620 No. 43d St. Call Walnut 3834. 7-ROOM, modern. D. 6101 bV Web. 2115 Maple st. Call 286. 7-ROOM house, hot water heat aduka only. Harney 2049. 7-ROOM 'modern house, entirely new. 2740 Titus Ave. Tel. D. 9125. 11-ROOM house;, near high school; 140.00. D. B. Gross, Red 6801. South STRICTLY modern T-room house; good neighborhood,; 125 per mo. Mr. Pease, 211 Brandels Theater Bldg. Miscellaneous. 1181660 North 20th St., 6 rooms, bath easily heated. 125 621 South 20th St., 10 rooms, fur nace. RINGWALT BROS., BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIQH SONS A CO.. BEE BLDG. LIST your property ' for rent or sal wttb FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor Tyler 711. Phonen A Co.. Rentals Dong-la 4228 FdR RENT APARTMENTS. West. UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. Elegant 4-room unfurnished apartment In city's most ex delusive residence district with all modern conveniences, such vacuum cleaner, laundry, gas drier, incinerator, etc. For particular call Douglas 2926, aak for Mr. Moore. Hours 6 to 6. HAMILTON AFTS., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers; best locations 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Carll D. 1472. EXTRA CHOICE CLOSE-IN FLAT. NEW BRICK; NOTHING BETTER IN WUE CITY; FOUR BEDROOMS ; 150.00 TO FAMILY ONLY. ARTHUR E. 'VOOD MAN, 2233 CAPITOy AVE.- North 4-ROOM modern apt., 25,, Maple Court, 18th and Maple Sts. Red 683. SEVEN-ROOM modern flat. Call Web. 3512. , Miscellaneous TW'O rooms with l-room accommodations and 1 rooms with 4-room accommodations in the Coronado, 22d and Capitol avenue, 'walking distance. 133.60 to 137.60. BENSON & MYERS CO. i REALTORS. 424 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 746. ON ACCOUNT of leaving city, wltl sublet ons 'of the most attractive five-room apartments In Omaha for balance of term of lease. Phone Walnut 174. Sagamore A part men ts. 3124 Cass St PETEKS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. 14TH AND DOUGLAS ' BIG SNAP $11,000 Three-story brick building"? rents Ilia; lot 22x113. Must cell to settle estate. You will have to hurry. , GLOVER & SPAIN, 1410 CUMING at, 130.00 Alfred C. Kennedy Company, v Realtors. 101 8. 1.8th st Douglss 721. STORE. No. 16th St. star postoffioa, . lew rent. O. r. Stebbins, til caleaca St FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. . LIKE TO SMILE 7 Office ta Us Bee Bldv and smile wUfe. satisfaction. Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 111. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments snd Hoases j 4 to 6-room furnished or unfurnished mod-j ern bungalow. Must ba elsaa. 1a good condition and locality. 1 ta texaBr. Phon Harney 1088 after 7:10 p. ra. MODERN, well lumlshed 1 of 4-room i apartment: Sept It aa children; refer ence. Call Harney 1101 or goaTaj tJO. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO- RENT A large itoeft afid grain term; hav horses sad xnASAlosry enough to run any sis farm, "Box Y, 161, Omaha Bee. Address MOVING AND STORAGE Free RENTAL SERVICE. FIDELITY 16TH AND JACKSON. POTTO. MS. aiUHAUH, MOVING, FACKLHO. REASONABLE RATBS. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL, VACANT HOUSES AND1 APARTMENTS. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, pecking aad storing call Tyler 110 er Douglas 4118. METROPOLITAN VAN A STORACB CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture atore; office on Howard Bt, between 15th and 16tn. ,Phon Tyler 1400. Hav your moving handled Jusr" as yon would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do it Ask to see our dlly rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing; and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGB CO., 101 8. llth. Douglas 4111. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. OA RGB moving vans; careful men. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. P. 1164 JC . DT?"C'n Expre Co., Moving. RCjEjU Packing and Storag. 1107 Farnam St Web. 1741 : Douglas 6141. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Vest. FOUR-ROOM house' and six lots. Prlos 11,800. Terms, s small payment down and 121 per month. Located Just outslds th city limits, closa to car. school, church and store; good soil, sultabl for garden ing. A good place to keep chicken, pigs and a cow. If you want to see this house take any car that runs on 44th street snd transfer to West Q car. Get off at the end of the car-line at 42d and Q streets. A salesman will be at the end of ths car line st 42d and Q streets Saturday afternoon, August 17, and all day Sunday. August 18, to tak you to see thla house . and other houses we have for sal in this vicinity on easy term. , H. H. HARPER AND COMPANY. MODERN BUNGALOW, 1150 caah. I rooms on one floor, oak finish. Complete ly modern, near car. 12,950. Call days Douglas 3140, 6-ROOM new stucco, modern house, Dundee, 1307 N. 60th Ave. Three leeplng rooms, oak floors, full basement, 12,400. Month ly, payments. Phone Walnut 1920. ' LOT with all. Improvements; on paved street; good district; 2395 to 1416; 16 down: 15 per month. Doug. 6071. North. BUNGALOW 5-ROOM, MODERN OAK FINISH. COLONADE BOOK C. FULL CEMENT CELLAR, LARGE at 5327 NORTH 30TH STREET. Small down payment, balance like ttsnt open Sunday afternoon for Jjispecftlon. I. G. BARIGRT I 1623 HARNEY STRRET, FOUM-ROOM house and SIX lots. FMCS 11,800. Terms, a small payment flown and 125 per month. Located Just-oii'slds the city limits, close to car, school, church and store; good soil, suitable for garoen lngr A good place to keep chickens, pigs and cow. If you want to see this house take any car that runs on 24th street ant, transfer to West Q car. Get off at th. end of the car line at 4 2d and Q streetsA A salesman will be at tha end of ths 1 car line at 42d and Q streets Saturday '' afternoon, August 17, and all day Sunday, August 18, to take you to aee this house and other houses we have for sale in this vicinity on easy terms. H. H. HARPER AND COMPANY. NORTH SIDE BUNGALOWS, Easy Terms. Two l-room all modern (bungalows oa Blnney St., near 26th St.;, oak finish, furnace heat, nice south front, 1 blocks to car line; price 13,000 each, on terms of 1500 cash and 130-per month. J. L. HIATT 0. 100 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 61. ' 1457 PINKNEY STREET $400 DOWN $37.80 MONTHLY Six large rooms, reception hall, twa stores, pantry, rear entry, UnA closet, oak finish and floors In part, full basement, ecreened-ln front porch. Call at beuae today. Phone Webster 2671. LOOK AT THIS ONE AT I AV.SE9 J-.OT 1 A new 4-room cottage already furnished, g wtlh nice furniture. Nice size lot with garage on rear. Owner drafted and must sell. Good location., Near pretty park. East front. Modern except iat Prie complete 12,650.00. 1300.00 cash and bal ance monthly.-' DOUGLAS 1014 DAYS Ofi WAL NUT 677 EVENINGS. OWNER LEAVING CITY; BUY A BARGAIN. Six-room, strictly modern horn for only 12,500: 1300 down, 125 monthly; welt located, near Twenty-fifth and Fort streets. OSBORftH REALTY CO., 701 Org Nat' Bank Bldg. Tyler 498. 024-t0v NORTH 61ST STREET. , 4-room, brand new bungalow with one third acre, modern except furnaoe, ce ment walka to car. 1200 cash and t2t per month, Including Interest. PAYNE A 48LATER COMPANY. T. 1,01, IF you are going to buy a home, thla flfst: a fine five-room house; electrlo light, ga and "water. Prlc 12.000. Bsa owner at 8330 Manderson. NEW up-to-Hat 7 room, oak finish, iarg lot fine locatlntuprlce 16,150; term. 6127 N. S4th St. Norrls A Norrl. D. 4270 MINNIE LUSA homes and lots offer ths best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. , South. FOUR-ROOM house and- six lots. Prlc 11.800. .Terms, a small payment down and 125 per month. Located Just ouksld the city limits, close to car, school, church and store, good soil, suitable tor garden ing. A good place to keep chickens, pigs, and a cow. If you want to see this housei take any car that runs on 24th street snd transfer to West Q car. Get off at th . end of the car line at 42d and Q streets. A salesman will be at the end of th -car line at 42d snd Q streets Saturday afternoon, August 17 and all day Sunday, August 18. v H. H. HARPER AND COMPANYl , GOOD HOME HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. -6 -room house, 2-std"ry, modern; furnace heat;' bouse In good condition; has fire place; good woodwork throughout; this Is a well built," substantial home In a good locaifon; built better than most new houees; on 28th St, near Pierce; 1 blocks to car; Just right for anyone desiring a good home of their .own and ts priced rheaD at 13,500; terms If desired. F. D. Wead, 310 So. 18th St. Tyler 151. 6-R.. HOT water beat cottage, fully mod, and In good condition. E. front lot", fenced, newly paved St, all paid; near llth and Vinton Bta. Prlc 12,600, about 1300 caah. RASP BROS., 110 Keellne Bldg. Tyler TIL FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. 7-R. modem house, garage, lot 70x161; prlc 14,160. C A. Qrimmel Phon Douglaa lilt. i YOUNG A DOHERTT, R7SAL ESTATS INVESTIONR til BRANDEIS THEATER, VOL ' t , . .. '': V