Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
3 A Jacob H. Gallinger, U. S. Senator From New Hampshire, Dies Franklin, H. N., Aug. 17. United States Senator Jacob H. Gallinger of New Hampshire, died at a hospital here early today. When Senator Gallinger returned from Washington to his summer home at Salisbury Heights, near here, in July, he was in poor health. A few days ago his condition became so much worse that upon advice of his ohysician he wis brought to a hospi tal here. Death was attributed to ar-terio-schlerosis. The funeral will be Held from the First Baptist church at Concord on Wednesday afternoon. Senator Galliriger is urvived by a daughter, Mrs. Harry A. Norton of Winchester, Mass. Americans Wounded. Ottawa, Aug. 17. The names of the following Americans appear on today's overseas casualty list: Wounded. A. E. Cook, Mount Pleas ant, la.: W. J. Sobey, Los Gatos, Cal.; and C. Gatchell. Watertown. S. D. Frank Sturges, Former Omahan, Dies in New York Frank F. Sturges, formerly of Omaha, died at his home in Olean, N. Y., Friday, according to informa tion reecived by friends in Omaha. He left Omaha about two years ago for Denver, where he hoped to re gain his health. About a month ago he returned to New York and at that time stopped off in Omaha for a last visit with friends, v While in Omaha he was engaged in the retail shoe business for about 25 years. He was a member of Wood & Company shoe dealers, and latter with the Fry Shoe company. He is survived onlv by his widow. Funeral services and interment will be in Olean, N. Y. Frisco Pays Tribute to Former Minister of Labor of France San Francisco, Aug. 17. A lunch eon, arranged by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce in honor of the French economic mission now visiting this city and at which Albert Metin, the mission's head, was to have been chief speaker, will be converted tomorrow into a service to the mem ory of M. Metin, who died at mid night last night of apoplexy, United States Senator James D, Phelan, as principal speaker, will pay, tribute to the work and patriotism of M. Metin, who was twice minister of labor and minister of blockade in the French cabinet. Flagi in San Francisco were at half mast tod.., nd the budy of M. Metin reposed in state at the city hall, while hundreds of people passed through the lines of a military and civil guard of honor to pay a last tribute to a man whom they had seen yesterday in ar. arent strength and vigor as he rode through the principal business streets at the head of a 'parade to honor of the French mission, . , General Paul Gerald Pau, of thi French army, who accompanied the mission, said the future movements of the mission had not been deter mined, pending receipt of instructions from Paris in answer to a cablegram telling of M. Metin's death. Cousin of General Pershing is Accepted for War Service . Oklahoma City, Okl., Aug. 17. Ar thur E. Fershing, son of Rev. J. E. Pershing, of this city, a cousin of General Pershing, was accepted to Huns Seize ?ort of Kronstadt. Paris, Aug. 17. Reports are in circulation in Finland that the Ger mans have seized the Russian naval port of Kronstadt. according to a Stockholm dispatch to La Matin. day by a local draft board. Pers'iing made three attempts to enlist, will report at Camp DocIrc. He THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 18, 1918. aiW:iiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiaiiiii!iiii MMi!iKuim;ii!tra!MWM mmm i;:iii::ifflj!i!ii;ii;uimuj;i!iiiira::ii;iiM New Misses' Apparel Just Arrived The smartest clothes shown for some time in Serge Dresses'; new basque effects, straight lines, apron effect, and the long waist ed dresses. $25 to $125 Wonderful Coats in Bolivia, Peau de Peauch, Velvet and Ve lour. In the smart Straight Lines, the new Cape Coat and dressier models with rich Fur trimming. $29 to $250 Suits in Velour, Serge, Trico tine, Silvertone and Tweeds. In plain tailored effect and the suit fr dressy occasions, with the newest belt, pocket and button trim. Fur adds a distinctive air to many of these attractive mod els. $29 to $125 Second Floor, 17th St. Side, South Our August Fur Sale Continues With Marked Success It's a revelation to see so many brand new ideas in fur styles and in the variety of pelts under one roof. You cannot help but find what you are looking for in FUR STYLES and what is most import ant, every tag on the garments shows you in plain figures what the August sale price is and at what the furs must sell after this sale. Therefore, if you antici pate getting furs this winter, buy now and ' Save 25 to 40. Every piece purchased now will be held Free of Charge in our cold storage vault until win ter. t Wa moTitinn rtnlv a fpw of t.Vlfi hundreds of items just received. $350.00 Hudson Seal Coatee, Beaver Collar $265.00 $100.00 Taupe Nutria Coatee, Muskrat Collar and Cuffs 85.00 $175.00 Nutria Full Sweep Cape Coatee, new effect. ...... 129.00 $225.00 Hudson Seal Coatees, Kolinsky Collar and Cuffs.. 159.00 $250.00 Full Length Nutria Motor Coat 198.00 $250.00 Tiger Coat, Civet Collar and Cuffs, 48 in. long. ... 195.00 $ 45.00 Red Fox Animal Scarf, large size 35.00 $ 79.00 Large Size Georgette Wolf, animal shape . . . i . . . . 55.00 $ 59.00 Extra Large Taupa Wolf Scarf 42.00 $ 48.00 Select Black Lynx Square Throw 35.00 $100.00 Largest Size Lynx Rug Shape Stole 79.00 $175.00 Select Dark Mink Set, Throw and Muff, set 135.00 $ 39.00 Fox Set Animal Scarf and Muff 25.00 $ 50.00 Red Fox Set Animal Scarf and Muff 35.00 $ 80.00 Nutria Square Stole, with pockets 62.00 Second Floor. Dress Goods Notwithstanding the scarcity and continuous advances in price of Woolen Fabrics, we are able through our fore sight in early buying, to offer for your inspection,, not only quantity and variety, but quality, too. Serges are to be specially featured this Fall for prac tical and tailored wear and following 'are three specially priced items in this popular material. 42-Inch Pure AH-Wool French Serge, made of fine Aus tralian yarns and a fabric that wears satisfactorily ; most suitable for fine tailored dresses. t We have them here itfrn the new and popular shades, at a very special price. For Monday, per yard . $1.95 50-Inch Pure All-Wool French Serge, a very fine cloth, suitable for suits and dresses, in every wanted and staple new shade that will be used this Fall. Buy thsse serges now, as they will be scarce later. Special for Monday, per yard y .'. . $2.95 42-Inch Fine Wool French Serge in all the new Fall shades, especially adapted for dresses Special for Mon day, per yard , . . $1,19 Plaids for Skirts and Dresses in all the new and pretty combination of newest colorings. 42 to 54 inches wide ; and specially priced for Monday, at, per yard, $3.95 and . $1.69 - Main Floor. D Stores Fall Styles in Gowns and Coats Extra preparation has been made to present new stocks in larger quantities than ever before at this time of the season. Late arrivals in the Gown Section disp lay the extensive use of Satin, Tricollette and Georgette in the dressy frocks. For utility wear, Tricolettes, Serges and Wool Jersey, many combined with Satin, meet with high favor. Coat type dresses, semi-belted models, displaying the much favored panel back, close fitting, button trimmed sleeves or the flowing Japanese type, are features not to be overlooked. New Designs of embroidery and the ex tensive use of bead, bugles and fringe, are relied upon for decorative features. Complete stocks,V at all prices $35.00, $45.00, $65.00 to $95.00 New Coats present Duvetynes, Suede Velour, Bolivia, Silvertones, Broadcloths and Plushes for favorites. Fur trimming much in evidence in the collars, cuffs, and very popular saddle pockets. Pleats, belts, panels and buckles all add pleasing dec orative features. New stocks daily. $45.00, $69.00 to $125.00 Second Floor , The New Fall Silks The New Fall Silks possess, all those qualities that make for a Popular Demand. They are rich in coloring, and come in all the new.soit, lustrous shades and are of unusual wear ing quality. 40-Inch Extra Heavy Double Thread Crep i . de Chine in a complete assortment of street and evening shades, including Black and White. Monday, per yard $1.39 32-Inch and 36-Inch Pretty Novelty Stripe Dress Silk. These come in both light and dark backgrounds, and consist of Surrak, Taffeta and Satin weaves. An exceptional value, per yard .$1.25 and $1.50 We Are Showing the New Tricolette Jer sey Silk, an ideal dress fabric that bids highly, for favor. It comes in street shades oniy, including black; per yard $6.50 New Fall Velvets are here in all the want ed shades. An early selection is advis able as this fabric will be very scarce and difficult to obtain in desirable shades later in the season ; per yard $6.50 40-Inch Silk and Wool Jersette. a new Dress material for street wear, in all the late Fall shades, a soft, highly lustrous silk, that drapes beautifully and a silk, that wears well. Per yard $2.50 Main Floor v White and Colored Wash Goods Large Assortment of 36-Inch White Novel ties in stripes, plaids, lace cloths, and sha dow stripes, etc. ; at, per yard 35c 36-Inch White Satin Pajama Cloth, me dium heavy quality; extra special at, per yard 25c 44-Inch White Voile, made from fine combed, double twisted yarn ; at, yd., 59c White India Linon, good fine quality, con tains no dressing, splendid weight for Red Cross aprons, 27 inches; per yard 19c Imperial Long Cloth, chamois finish, free from filling, excellent for making dainty undermuslins. 36-in., 12-yard bolts, $2.59 27-Inch Colored Poplin, highly mercer ized, extra heavy quality for street and house wear and children's school dresses. Comes in all dark Fall shades; per yd., 48c 36-Inch Silk and Cotton Crepe deadline, in every wanted plain color for dresses, blouses, dancing frocks, undermuslins, etc., per yard 59c Basement. Wall Paper-Sharp Reductions (Rugs Special , for Monday More than ever before we must realize the importance the necessity of SAVING. So on Monday we will have on display a very choice line of quality papers, marked at such low prices that those who intend to paper now, or in the near future, will SAVE considerable by BUYING NOW. 30-Inch Oatmeal Papers in all the popular shades. Each have a beautiful cutout bor der to match. Monday, special . . . .12y2c A larger group, of very pleasing Bedroom Papers. All new and artistic. Each have a dainty cutout border. Monday in two lots 11c and 14c Patterns Desirable for Parlor, Living Room, Hall, Dining Room or Kitchen, with bor der to match, some cut out. For Monday, special at 6fyzc A few short lots of high class papers, in cluding grass cloth blends and two-tone effects, enough "for a room 12x14, with cutout boder to match. 10 side; 6 ceil- Iing; 10 yaras Dorder; all for $J.5 Basement. : , It will pay you to investigate the values we are offering in this department. 9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, good pat terns excellent quality; regular price $25.00, for Monday $19.98 9x12 Velvet and Axminster Rugs These are slightly soiled and retail for $45.00 and $50.00. These are exceptional values. Monday, at $25.00 and $30.00 We have a few Fiber Rugs left from Wednesday's sale. These rugs are good values, and sharp buyers should take ad vantage of these prices. Rajah Fiber Rugs, fine for bedrooms or living rooms; 6x9 size, at $5.98 7-6x9 size, at $6.98 xlO size, at $8.98 9x12 size, at $9.98 Rattania, a beautiful rug for porch or house use; 6x9 size, at $7.98 7-6x10-6 size, at $9.98 9x12 size, at $10.98 I Third Floor. Tailored Novelty Suits Exclusive Designs . The most comprehensive collection of New York's fashion creators. The greater part of our pur chases are here ; we show vast as sortments of all that is new at prices now at a SAVING to you, as goods are advancing daily. The hip length belted coat ef fects; pleated models', yoke ef fects; narrow shoulder, tighter sleeve; large revers, plain or of fur; deep fur cuffs or fur and bor ders, or the length and still longer straight line, plain tailored coats for immediate or later fall and winter wear. Duvetynes, Velour de Laines, Velvets, Broadcloths, Tricotines, Velours, Silvertones and Mix tures. The new shades: Tobacco, Army, Oversea Blue, Alger j Rose Taupe and Deer. w We call special attention to three groups for Monday. $39, $65, $79 Others $95.00 to $250.00 New arrivals in separate Skirts. Large Wool Plaids, Novelty Checks, Satins, Silk Poplins and others; beauti ful models. Second Floor, Cantor. New Blouses In Crepe de Chine and George Crepe; in suit shades and light shades; beaded mod els, frills, fichus, round necks, high necks, square necks and two-in-one col lars. $4.95 to $8.95 Second Floor. Domestics Imported and Domestic Dreis Gingham in a pretty assortment of new styles in plaids, checks, etc. Values up to $1.00, 75c and 59 Beit Quality 36-Inch Percale, light and dark colors dress, wrapper and shirting styles big variety of new patterns; on bargain square v 3Se 36-Inch Bookfold Cotton Challie, genuine Passaic and Windsor brands, in Persian, Oriental and floral designs for house dresses, wrappers, comforter covering, etc . 25c Genuine Red Seal and Amotkeag A. F. C. Zephyr Drew Gingham; beautiful plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors, for ladies' and misses' dresses, waists, etc.; 10 to 20-yard lengths 35c round thread . . .21 I 36-Inch Unbleached Muslin. Fine closely Woven, quality, for sheets, pillow cases, etc.; special Mill Remnants. Fancy printed kimono flannel in a splendid variety of new fall styles and colorings, for kimonos, dressing sacques, etc.; special 29a 27-Inch Dress Poplin in a variety of plain fall shades, highly yarn mercerized, permanent finish. Special Monday .35c 36-Inch Stratford Cretonne in a" big assortment of pretty, floral de signs. Very desirable for comforter coverings, draperies, etc., 29c Laurel Dress Ginghams in assorted plaids, checks and stripes. Two to 10-yard lengths 25c 38 and 40-Inch Fancy Printed Dress Voile. A good assortment of new designs and color combinations. Ten to 20-yard lengths, 22 c Basement. P-R-I-C-E-S S-M-A-S-H-E-D on these high grade Sewing Machines You have only a few more to choose from. Don't let this wonderful cha'nee pass by. For Monday and Tues day, we afe going to offer you great bargains, as follows: One 66 Singer .... . .$39.00 One 6-Drawer, Golden Oak, Drop Head $37.50 One 4-Drawer, Golden Oak, Drop Head $35.00 One 4-Drawer, Golden Oak, Drop Head $30.00 One 4-Drawer, Golden Oak, Drop Head $25.00 Others for $12 and $1 See the "Free" floor samples that are included in this sale. Hemstitching and Picoting. Main Floor. ;:''i:;it:!ii;'!:v!llii:inil!!l8!in!M