Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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i-KOOM cottage, tu blocks (rom car.
lot. 11.000 Term. 130 eaeh.belance 180
par month.
- 41 Paiton Block
101 & 17th 8t
Doogla 1011
ViE aall, rant, Incur and make loan 00
elty property, north.
14th and Amea Col. SIT
For quick aala or rent of your property call
A. J. DAVIS CO., Doug. 7150. 130 S. 13tb
St.. Real Estate and Insurance.
Raal Estai and Insurance,
11! Farnam St. Douglaa 1004.
REAL ESTATE -Business Property
fcE WILL buy your home or bualnaaa prop
arty and pay caah.
Electric Bide Tylar 08
"BUSINESS property and Inveatmcnts
. 130 Flrat National Bank Bldg.
Income. Buaineaa and Trackage Specialist
16th and Doris Sis Douglas 416
FOR BALE 1 lota. Just south ot Elmwood
Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving
City. Will aell cheap for cash. Address
Bo T 1181. Omaha Baa.
DUNDEE HOME IbOO down for a strictly
modern, brand new, 5. room bungalow.
Liberty bonda or W. S. stamps aame as
Caah. Douglas 3840 or Colfax 4103, owner.
Vary well built home, near 60th and
Chicago Sts., with large living room, din
ing room and kitchen on the flrat floor;
three bedrooma and aleeping porch on the
econd floor; two rooma finished In the
attlo; attractive fireplace, tile bathroom;
garage and cement driveway. Price right.
Terms can be arranged.
Douglaa 1001. 011-30 City National.
15.000, DUNDEE; 11.000 CASH.
Fin bungalow, flnlehed moitly In oak;
large living room with fireplace and tour
bedrooma; a very algbtly location.
- - South Side. .
froUR-ROOM houaa and aix lota. Price
11,100. Terms, a a mall payment down
' and 135 per month. Located just outalde
the city limits, cloae to car, achool, church
and atore; good aoll, suitable for garden
ing. A good place to keep chickens, pigs
and cow. If you want to aee this house
take any car that rune on 24th street and
transfer to West Q car. Get off at the
- end of the car line at 4?d and Q streets.
A salesman will be at the end of the
ear line at 42d and Q streets Saturday
' afternoon. August 17, and all day Sunday,
August 18, to take you to see this house
and other houses we have for sale in this
vicinity on easy terms.
I acres In Falracres.
( acres with about mils frontage on
Dodge street, paved road, near Fair
acres. 40 acres, K mile west of Falracres.
" 10 acres, 1 miles west of Falracres,
Hear Dodge street, paed road.
10 acres, 0 miles west of Falracres on
Podge street road.
For price and terms see
102 City Natl. Bank BlUg. Douglas 756.
jsvel garden land, east Omaha, cloae
to car line, clear, want clear rental or
home. .
213 City NatM Bk Bldg. .
TOITR-ROOM house and aix lots. Price
11.100. Terms, a small payment down
, and 125 per month. Located Just outside
the utty limits, close to car, school, church
and store; good soil, suitable for garden
ing. A good place to keep chickens, pigs
and cow. If you want to see this house
take any car that runs on 24thj!treet and
transfer to West Q car. Get off at the
end of the car line at 42d and Q atreets.
A aalesman will be at the end of the
car line at 42d and 42 streets Saturday
afternoon, August 17, and all day Sunday,
August 18, to take you to see this house
. and other houses we have for sale In this
vicinity on easy terms.
Two beautiful lots south ot Elmwood
Park lo Overland addition full size lots
10x150. Will take Liberty bonds as pay
ment. Owner going to camp, must sell
Act quick. Address Box T (35. Omaha
WANTErrfor customers, Improved ranches.
(40 to 2500 f ores. White & Hoover, Uma
ha Nafl Battle Bldg.
GOOD Omaha income property for clear
western land r eastern neorasica rarm
Mr. Pease, 2UvBrandels Theater Bldg.
FOR SALE OR RENT Modern garage,
full enulnned at Oaallala. Neb., on Lin
coln Highway; Dodge agency; stock in
Tolcea about 13,000; county seat in fine
(arming community; owner gone to war,
Address E. M. Searle. jr., 12th and Far-
nam fits. Omaha, Neh,
A DANDY 2 acres and 7-roora .modern
house, close to car and paved road ; 111
taks 1S.600 clear house as part payment.
Call Mr. Browne.
11-14 City National. Tylar 1672.
Holt Co. farm, good soil, fair Improvements,
150 per a. Would consider good bouse 1st
pmt. Mr. Pease, 211 Brandela Thea. Bldg
' Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages
Secured by Omaha residences ars safe
Investments. Let us show you ths secur
ity in the following loans: I
7(0 Security valued at 1 1.700
100 Security valued at 2,000
1,000 Security valued at t.. 2,600
1.200 Security valued at 1,800
1.100 Security valued at J. 000
1,400 Security valued at 1.600
1,100 Security valued at... , 6,000
1.600 Security valued at 6.750
' 1,000 Security valued at 10.000
638 Keellne Bldg.
No Delay Closing Loans.
(04 Bes Bldg. Doug. 1533.
W. H. Thomas & Son. Keelme Bldg
Money oa hand for mortgage loans
City National Bank Bldg
1016 Omaha Nst. Bank Bldg Doug. 1711.
I." 6H and ( Per Cent
J. H. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg
$100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F.,D.
Wead. Wead Bldg, 18th snd Fsrnsm Bts
Private Money.
G. O. Carl berg, ill Brandela
. Theater Bldg.. Doug.. 681.
Arkansas Lands
Our next excursion to McOebee. Ark
Maryland Lands
ilaryland" water front farm. Mild climate.
Cafg. Russell Realty Co. Baltimore. Md
Wyoming Lands. '
.WHEATLAND Wyoming farms. 160 per a..
Including paid op water rights Henry
iawl tan. Rylander. 16 Omaha Nat'l.
Nebraska Lands.
160 acres, 4 miles from town, oa the
main line of Union Pacific railroad, one-
alf mile from tbe Lincoln Highway, level
road to town, 40 rods to school, 1H mile to
a small station. Land lies level, but is
well drained; good black ioara soli, very
productive; tha corn on this farm will
prove this tact: 33 a-rea In pasture with
email atream of running water; 10 acrea
of meadow, balance under olow, brand new
4-room house, well sheltered by plenty
ot nice shade trees: good stable for six
horses and a few other outbuildings, two
Wells with the very best of pure soft wa
ter at a depth of 20 feet. Price 1130 per
acre, on good terms. Don't let a small
job at home prevent you trom Inspecting
thla farm at once M. A. Larson, Central
City, Neh.
320 acrea about 90 miles south iif Council
Bluffs; all, under cultivation; 2 aeta of
improvements: 100 acres now In corn
that is looking fine; balance waa in
wheat ami oata and wilt he put In winter
wheat: only 3V4 miles from town
Thla haa many farms soiling for 1200
beat, but owner will soon be In service
and will sell for 1175 per acre, terms, or
will consider small place in exchange.
. Leased for next year to good tenant for
H the crop. J. W. Rasp, 213 Keellne
Bldg., Omaha. Tyler 7il
We have aeveral very atthactlve prop
erties for sale in Dawes. Keya Paha and
Brown counties. These sre placea that
we have personally inspected, and
recommend as being good buys. Send for
list and photos stating aa lo your wants
Kloke Inv. Co.. Omaha
Good soil, level land, Weld county.
Colo., near Bushnell, J20.00 per acre
1800 cash, balance per cent, or will dis
count 10 per cent for cash. P. J. Teb
bens, (108 Omaha Nat. Bk., Omaha. Neb.
WHITE ine for pictures and prices of ray
farms and ranches In god old Dawes
county. A rah L. Hungerford. Crawford
M Ett RICK COUNTY improved corn and
alfalfa farms at tha right price. M. A.
LARSON. Central City. Neb
160 ACRES Improved, close In, paved road.
: Nllsnn. 423 Securities Bldg.
Oklahoma Lands.
IMPROVED farms In a section that has
never had a drought. Always lota of rain
fall. Small cash payment; ten years for
the balance. Write W. H. Jones. Imml
gratton Agent, Texas, Oklahoma A East
em Railroad Co.. Broken Bow. Okl.
Oregon Lands.
"In the "Heart of the Range"
The Jordan Valley Project,
Malheur County, Oregon.
An empire In tha making, land 11.00
per acre plus tha cost of the water.
You can file on grazing homestead entries
nearby. Literature and lull particulars
and excursion data on request.
040 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb.
South Dakota Lands.
I AM quitting the ranch business and offer
for sale or will trade for land or income
property ninety head of horses, Belgian
and Percheron bred, from yearlings to
nine-year-olds. Dinney Moran Lake An
des, S. D.
FOR SALE 160 acres, Brown Co., South
Dakota, 25 miles north Aberdeen, Sty
miles to railroad; 32 acres wheat, rest of
land unbroken; wheat, 20 bu, per acre.
Price, 140 per acre. If you mean busl
nesa write, otherwise don't waate my
time or yours. Address F. A. Collins,
St. Joseph, Mo., care postofflce.
14 Cows, Pair Horses,
Cult, wagons, harnesses, plows, har
rows, mowing machine, complete machin
ery tools; aged owner of this 180-acre
farm in fine section, near schools, depot,
stores, churches, for Immediate sale In
cludes everything for 13,650, only 11,000
down. Rich loamy tillage, splendid' hay
meadows, 10-cow. eprlng-wa tared pasture,
w dland, fruit. Good 11-room house,
stock barn, wagon barn, poultry, milk
houses, etc. Details page 16 Strout's
Catalogue of this and other remarkable
mld-sHthmer bargains, many with stock,
tools, crops. See details on page 1 of 40
acre, state road, poultry, fruit and truck
farm with stook, tools, crops for only 11,400,
attractive house, barns, good repair. Cata
logue free. E. A. STROUT FARM
AGENCY, Dept. 1072, 205 S. 18th St.,
Omaha, Neb.
FOUR-ROOM house and six lots. Price
1 11,800. Terms, a small payment dewn
. and 125 per month. Located just outside
the city limits, close to car, school, church
and store; good soil, suitable for garden
ing. A good place to keep chickens, pigs
and cow. If you want to see this house
take any car that runs on 24th street and
transfer to West Q car. Get off at the
end of the car line at 42d and Q streets.
A salesman will be at tho end of the
car line at 42d and Q streets Saturday
afternoon, August 17, nd all day Sunday,
August 18, to take you to see this house
and other houses we have for sale In this
vicinity on easy terms.
Airedale pups. Farm raised; sturdy fel
lows; .good style and conformation. Sire,
Supreme Judge; dam, Kendalls Bertha,
This choice litter now ready for sale,
Also Tried Brood Matron. "Kendalls
Bertha," by Havelock Goldsmith (Im
ported), and from Quaker Maid. B. A,
Oletzen, Marquette, Neb. .
BARLEY, $3.60 per cwt., delivered. . Wag
ner. 801 N 16th. Phone Douglas 1142
Organized by the Business Men of Omaha
FURNITURE, pianos and notes ss securtt7
140, ( mo., H. goods, total, 3 60.
Emaller, larger am'ts proportionate rate
432 Securities Bldg.. lfith Parnam Ty. (((
l lO w. C. FLATAU EST 1893 10
Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry
Msleahork. 1514 Dodge D 5619 Est 1891.
Charles B. Stone and wlfo to Hugh
J. Lanktree and wife, Marcy St.,
105 ft. east of 88th Ave., south
side, 60x101 $4,700
H. Charles Voss and wife to Earl
S. Harvey, Military Ave., 100 ft.
east of 60th St., north side,
25.10x100 6,000
Harry L. Norton and wife to L. S.
Phares, Evans St.. 80 ft. east of
45th St., north side, 40x134 1,250
Michael L. Clark,, sheriff, to George
W. Platner. 49th Ave.. 9S ft. north
of Pacific St., west side, 60x132 600
George W. Platner and wife to Nellie
Hutchinson, 49th Ave.. 93 ft. north
of Pacific St., west side, 60x132.. 11,850
Elizabeth F. Creedon and husband to
Wolf Behoon. S. E. cor. 28th Ave.
and Charles St.. 29x127.5 1,300
Nicolas Mauss to William E. Johnson,
S. E. cor. 36th and Boyd Sts.. 60x130 1
Sena Stall Jensen to Hugh H. Harper,
Corby St, 100 ft. west of 37 th St.,
south side, 60x120 100
John F. Flack and wife to Hugh H.
Harper, Ruggles St., 290 ft. west of
44th St.. north side. 40x130 276
Reserve Reslty Co. to Hugh H.
warper. Maple St.. 160 ft. west or
37th St.. south side. 60x120 16
Bryce Campbell and wife to Charles
A. Stroap, N. E. cor. 28 th Ave. and
Camdn Ave.. 43x145 U 3.600
Jemima B. Curry to William Curry,
Manderson St., 60 ft. east of 29th
St., sout hslde. 60x126 1
Charles Tllton to Dofs, W. Curry, 84th '
St., 44) ft. south of Hartman Ave.,
40x130 1
Frank W. Carmlchael and wife to
George C. Rlekman, Western Ave.,
260 ft. west of 60th St.. north aide,
60x138 6,600
Milton Co. to Harvey E. Milllken,
35th St., 194 ft north of Woolworth
Ave., west side. 62x131 ..' 4.260
William Nurse to Thomas, W. Hasen,
opauiaing Bt., 100 ft. east of 28th
St, south side. 60x125 .- L700
Mary Lydia Row to JaBper S. Gustln
ei ai. Maple Bt, 150 ft. east of 26th
St.. south side. 25x120 I.4S0
Odessa S. Duncan to Elizabeth Dun
can, N. W. cor. 41st and Harney
Sts , 45x137.5 1
Minneapolis Gram.
Minneapolis. Auc. 16. Flour Unchanged:
shipments, 63,747 barrels.
Barley 82c 11.01.
Corn 11.761.80. "
Oats 66H67c.
Flax 14.3754 4.40. . - ,
I .' "
St. Louis Grain. 1
St. Louis. Aur. 16. Corn Sentemher.
11.64, October. 11.(4.
oats September. Tltto bd: October. Tie
Kansas City Grain.
Kansas City. Mo.. Aug. 16. Corn Sen-
Umber, 11.(5; October, IjtOilt
LCorn Ranged 2 Cents Higher to
5 Cents Lower, With Bulk
of Early Sales at a De
cline ;0ats Lower.
Omaha. Aug. 18.
Receipts of grain today were 150 cars of
wheat. 18 cars or corn, tb cars of oats.
cars ot rys and cars of barley. Wheat
arrivals last Friday were 145 cars, corn 1
cars and! oats 16 cars. A year ago receipts
of wheat were 7 cars, corn 41 cars and oats
31 cars.
Corn prices ranged trom 2a higher to (c
lower, with tne ouik or early sales at
decline ' Sales in this cereal were slow, the
demand being apparently dull. Oats were
,V4c lower and wheat unchanged. Corn
2o higher to (c lower. Wheat unchanged
Oats Ho off.
Receipts (bu.) Today. Tear Ago.
Wheat 3.176.000 747,000
Corn 402.000 490.000
Oat 1.(60.000 1,383,000
Shipments (bu.)
Wheat' 1,107,000
Corn ..' 360.000
Oata 418.000
475.. 00
Wheat ...) 428,000
Com (0.000
Oats 123.000 108, ''OO
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago . ...
Minneapolis ,
Kansas City
St. Louis ..
Receipts (cars) Today. Wk.Ago. L.Yr.
Wheat !
Shipments (cars)
Corn 77 49 6
Rye .
Barley 1
Corn No. 3 white: 1-5 car, 11.87. No.
white: 3 cars, 11.83; 3-5 car. 11.80, No.
white: car. 11.75. No. 8 white: 1 car,
11.80; 1 car. 11.71; H car. 11.70. No.
white: 2 cars, 11.60; 1-5 car, 11.48. No.
yellow; 1 car, 11.80; 4 cars, 11.78. No.
yellow: 6 cars, 11.75. No. 4 yellow:
cars. 11.72: 3-5 car. 41.70. No. 1 yellow
1 car, 11.70; 1 cars, 11.61; 4-6 cars, 11.66.
No. yellow: 1 cars, 11.(3; 1 cars, 11.82
1 car. 11.61. Sample yellow: 1 cars, 11.45
1 car. 11.40. No. 1 mixed: I cars, 11.60,
Sample mixed: 1-1 ear. 11.66: I car, 11.50
1 car. 11.48; 1-1 oar, 11.46; I car, 11.42
1 car.' 11.40.
Oats No. 1 white; 1 car. (Oe. No.
white: 4 cars. (8Ue; 14 cars, (SUc. No.
4 white: 1 cars, 68c. Sample white
car, (7 Vic (oats and barley).
Barley No. 4: 1 car, 11.05.
Wheat No. 1 mixed: 2 cars. 12.16; 1 car,
12.14 (Durum, smutty). No. 2 mixed: 1 car,
$2.06 (smutty). Sample mixed: 1 car,
$2.05 (8H per cent rye, hard. No. 1 hard
2 cars. $2.18. .No. 2 hard: ( cars, 1S.15H
23 cars, $2.18. No. 3 hard: ( cars, 12.16H
12.11 (smutty): 1 car. 12.09 (yellow, smut
tv). No. 2 hardtN 1 car. $2.14 (3 per cent
rye); 2 cars. $2.12; 6 cars, z.iz; l car,
$2.12 (lark); 2-5 car. 12.10 (yellow); 1 car,
$2.09 (bleached), no. 4 nam: z cars, 2.iv
1 car. 12.09. No. 6 hard: 1 car, 12.09; 1
cars. 12.08. No. 1 spring, ti csrs, .is; i
car, 12.18 (northern). No. 2 spring: 1 3-5
car, $2.15;. 2 cars, 12.11 (smutty); 1 cars,
82.08 (northern)
Closing Ch caxo prlcea. rurnlsnea Tne Bee
by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
315 South Sixteenth street, Omaha
Art. Open, High. Low, Close. Yest.
Aug. 1 61 1 61 K 1 (0V4 10
Sep. 1 62M 1 2 1(1 1 1 !
Oct. 1 63 1 64 K2 1 (U 163
6a ts.
Aug. 68 69 (8 69 (8
Sep. 69HVi 704 69 7070K 1
Oct. 70 71 10 71 70
Sep. 43 90 43 90 43 50 43 65 44 00
Oct. 44 25 44 25 44 00 44 06 44 30
Lard. I '
Sep. 26 80 28 60 28 (6 !( (5 126 82
Oct. 26 70 26 70 26 (0 26 (0 2( 71
Ribs. 1 1
Sep. 24 (0 14 60 24 10 24 50 24 TO
Oct. 24 77 24 7T 24 87 24 67 j24 85
Reaction Follows Rally in Corn Market i
Provisions JacK Bnppon,
Chicago. Aug. 16.--Improved weather con-
ditions more than offset in the corn market
today the bullish effect of unfavorable crop
reports. Prices closed unsettled, o net
lower, with September, 11.61 1.61 and
October 11.6SK 1.63. Oats finished
to ll4o up and provisions off 1235c.
Weakness in the corn market am not oe
velop until after a material new upturn
in values had taken place, the result chler
ly of adverse opinions regarding the crop
situation. In particular, one expert tlgurea
that since August 1 the damage done
amounted to more than 200,000,000 bushels.
Scarcity of offerings, rather than any ur
gent buying accompanied the advance. News
of good rains, however, brought about rather
free selling, and carried values well below
yesterday's finish. With a better moisture
supply and with further downpours In pros
pect, a forecast ot temperatures above nor
mal counted but little as a factor for the
Talk of delayed threshing In the north'
west tended to force the oats market up
ward. Gossip was current also that many
Illinois farmers were binning their oats and
would not sell at present levels.
Provisions lacked support Ons of the
reasons given was the fact that stocks of
lard In warehouses here showed a substan
tial Increase.
Cash Quotations Corn No. 1 yellow,
$1.91; No. 1 yellow, 11.85 1.87; No. 4 yel
low 11.78.
Oats No, 1 whits, (969c; standard
RyeNo. I, 11.561.7.
Barley 95cffl$l. 05.
Timothy $6.009.00.
Clover Nominat
Pork Nominal.
Lard $26.50.
Ribs 124.0024.60.
Chicago, III., Aug. 1(. Butter Market
firm; creamery, 4044ttc.
Egcs Market higher; receipts 7,715
cases; firsts, 37384c; ordinary firsts, 35
S6Vic; at mark, cases Included, 3637c.
Potatoes Market higher; receipts, 37
cars; Minnesota Ohios bulk, $2.252.35;
Minnesota Ohios. sacks, 12.40 2.46 ; Illin
ois Ohlos, 12.20 2.26.
Poultry Alive, market higher; fowls, 28
30c; springs, Slfto.
ish Catfish, odd sizes, large. 28o lb.;
uallbut 23c lb.; black cod, large .izes, 16c
lb.; trout, size to suit. 22o lb.: Royal White
Chinook salmon, 2oo lb.; wblteflsb, 18o lb.;
yellow pike, 21c lb.; pickerel. 13o lb.: Red
Clnook salmon, 25c lb.; blood-red bullheads.
large, 21o lb.; medium, ISO lb.; rock bass,
lb. each, 20o lb.: yellow ring perch.
'b. eaoh, 19a lb.; herring, 11c lb.; haddock.
izo ID.; steak cod, eastern, 16o lb.; crap
lies. 2022o lb.: buffalo, large. 140 lb..
white perch, llo lb.; oarp, large, 12o lb.;
steak ood. westsrn, He lb.; gulf red snapper,
223 lb.; frozen large bass. 20o lb: frozen
skinned whiting, odd sizes, flaky, almost
ooneiess jo-id. baskets. , per basket. 13.65;
round, 70 lb.; frozen riund pink salmon.
14o lb.; frozen red salmon, !2o lb.; frozen
pink salmon, 20o lb.; frozen sturgeon, 16c
lb.; frozen Spanish mackered. 17c lb.: fuzen
native fall mackerel, 21o ib.;-frozen floun
ders, 12c lb.; frozen soles 12o lb.; frozen
western red snipper. lOo lb.: frozen silver
smelts, 12o lb.; frozen No. 1 white mullets
5c lb.; frozen Canadian Tulllbee wblteflsh.
average lb., loo lb.; frozen Canadian
whlteflsb. large, dressed or round. 18o lb.:
frozen Canadian dressed pickerel, 13c lb.;
frozen Canadian round pickerel, lOo lb.;
frozen dressed herring, large, ft lb.; round.
8o lb.; baracsda, 14o lb.: sea rock' baas
14o lb.; ros shad, 14o lb.
Catfish, .large, fancy, fresh. 18c: halibut.
23c; trout, 23c; black cod, 16c; whits perch,
12c; fancy frozen black bass, medium and
large, 16o; fancy frozen buffalo-carp, (c;
salmon, pink, white, chinooks, fails, 18c; red,
sockeyes. chinooks, 24o; whits, 18-.; pike.
t2c; croppies, 20a, 22c: frogs, genuine Loui
siana black bulls, jumbo.' $4.00; large, 13.60.
ruus ursnges: 80s. 96s, 12(s, 88s, 124s
(7.60; 120s, 176s, 216s. 200s, 460. !8.t.
Lemons: Sunklst, 110.60; Red Balls, $10.00.
Bananas, 7o to 7 Ho lb. Peaches: Califor
nia, 11.15 box; Elbertaa. 11.26 bu.; Georgia
Elbertas, -basket srats. 13.26 crat. Plums.
California Tragedy, Santa Rosas. !2.0;
Climax and Burbanks. 12.26. ' Aorlcots
Washington. 12.25. Cantaloupes: Standard!.
45s. 14.00; ponys, 64s. 13.60: flats. 11 to .6.
11.60 Watermelons, lo lb crates extra.
Vegetables Lettuce: Head. 4.0o crs'a:
head. 11.21 dpi.; leaf. 60cr doa. Csbbace.
10-lb. crates, 4fte lb. Onions: Yellow Cn.i
fornla In 100-Ib. sacks, ma lb.; bomi
grown. 20o doz. Radishes. 10a doz. Pota
toes, new, t9 lb. Asparagus, 60o a
Michigan celery, (Oo doz. Telephone peas.
16o lb. Cucunsbers, 12.00 box. Besns, -as
and green. 11.60 basket Bummer sqossn,
11.00 doz. Beets. 40o doa. Carrots. 0o
doa. Artichokes, 11.60. Green Deoners.
market basket, 11.60. Tomatoes. 4-basket
crate, 11.60. Limes, 11.00. Garlic, 17c Sgg
plants, 12.01 bos-
Cattle Receipts Light and Mare
ket Lower; Hog anc" Sheep
Trading Acti7 on a
Lower Market.
Omaha. August 15, 1111.
Receipts were:
Hogs. Sheep.
4.467 20 121
Official Monday ..
Official Tuesday ..
Official Wednesday
Official Thursday..
Estimated Friday..
9!7 J6.833J
.!13 If.dVS
8,509 T.07T
(.500 11.8Q0
Five days this week. . .23.119 33. 246 73.931
Same days last week... 48. 330 61.600 61,665
Same days 1 wks. sgo.33.853 17.293 60.475
Same days 1 wks. sgo.3l,61T 6,71( 47,69
Same days year ago.. 33,560 :3,166 43,661
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for
twenty-four hours ending at I o clock p. m.,
Friday. August 1(. 118.
Cattle Hogs Sheep Mules
. 8.(64
. T.38S
,. 1 148
. 2.131
. (00
C. M. & St. P , 4
Missouri Paclflo 3
Union Pacific It 20 43
C. & N. W., east 7 1
C. t N, W west .... 10 33
C St. P.. M. & O. .. .. 6
C, B. & Q., east .... 13 11
C, B. & Q., west .... 1
C, R. I. & P., east 11..
C R. I. & P., west .... 1
Illinois Central 1
Chicago Gt. West 1
Total receipts 26 88 46 2
Cattle Hogs Sheep
Morris A Co 901 811
Swift 4 Co 151 1 333 2.638
Cudahy Packing Co. . 402 llSIS 2.147
Armour & Co 81 1.570 1,569
Schwartz & Co f7S ....
J. W. Murphy 1,016 ....
Lincoln Packing Co. . 68
Hill & Son 7
J. B. Root A Co 47
Werthtilmer A Dcgen. 19 .... ....
Sullivan Bros 17 .... ....
M. A K. Calf Co 4 ....
Hlgglns 2
Huffman 11 .... ....
Roth 15
Meyers, ............. II .... ....
John Harvey 46
Jensen A Lungren .. 16 ....
Other Buyers ....... 497 4,406
Totsl 1,383 7.026 11,671
Cattle Offerings this morning in ths wsy
of cattls were very light, around (00 head
being yarded and after yestsrday's mean
close steers sold unevenly lower sgaln this
morning and the market was quotably 10
75c lower on steers for the week. Choice to
prime corn feds were very scare quotable
from 11 7.00 1 8 00 and good to choice
beevea sold largely at $16.00016.60 with fair
to good kinds, (1S.E014.C0. Butehsr stock
olosed steady to strong and 11.60!. 00 high
er on canners snd cutters. Best butcher
stock sold from $8 7611.00. Blockers and
feeders looks sbout steady with yesterday
best kinds quotsble from $13.76014.26;
good to choice grades from $11.00 13.60.
Quotations on cattle: Choice to prim
beeves, $17.00 18.00; good to choice beeves,
$15.5017.00; fair to good beeves, $14.009
15.00; common to fair beeves, 1 1 0.00 ifi-13.00 ;
good to choice yearlings, 114.60 It). 50; fair
to good yearlings, 110.00 14.60 ; common to
fair yearlings, $6. 00 IS 9.00; good to choice
grass beeves. $14.601(.60; fair to good
grass beeves, 112.0014.00; common to fair
grass beeves $9.0011.00; Mexican beeves,
$8.2511.00; good to choice heifers, 19.00
11.00; good to choice cows, $8.76 10.60;
fair to good cows, $7.6008.60; common to
fair cows, $5.767.75; prime feeders. $12.75
14.60; good to choice feeders, 111.00
12.50; fair to good feeders, !9.0010.60;
common to fair feeders, $7.009.60; gqod
to choice stockers, $9.5011.60; stock cows.
$7.008.K0; stock heifers, !7.609.00; stock
calve 16.60010.00; veal calves, 18.60
12.60; bulls, stags, etc, !8.0010.00.
Hogs Receipts today amounted to 1,100
head, making supplies for the five dayl this
week 18,246 head. Trading was fairly active
on bulk of the receipts clearance being
made at an early hour. The good hogs were
perhaps hot more thsn steady with yester
day's prices, common hogs were quoted all
the way from strong and In soms esses 6c
higher. Bulk of today's sales were 111.06
18.25, with top at $19.00.
Sheep 44 loads of sheep were reported In
the yards this morning estimated at 11,800
head, making supplies tor th week to date
73,921 head. Trade was active this morning
with fat Iamb selling in the neighborhood
of lOo lower, a top being paid ot 118.15.
On yesterday's late feeder market was a
small bunch of feeder lambs sold at 118.10.
From the sales reported this morning, the
market looks about steady. The general
market on lambs Is quotable steady to lOo
Quotations on Sheen: Lambs, good to
choice, 117.0018.25; fair to good 114.00
17.00; lamb feeders, $15.2518.00; yearlings,
good to choice, 113.00 14.60; fair to good,
$12.7613.00; yearling feeders, $10.76
12.80; ewes, good to choice, 111.00 C 15.00 :
fair to good, $10.00H.OO.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Aug. 16. Cattle Receipts, 4,000
head; market, generally steady at yester
day's decline; beef cattle, good, choice and
prime, $16.25 18.25; common and medium,
110. OOfi 16.25: butcher stock, cows snd heif
ers, 17.26 1 4.00 ; canners and cutters, 26.60
7.50; stockers and feeders, good, choice
and fancy, $10.00 13.00; Inferior, common
and medium, 17.6010.00; veal calves, good
and choice, U(.7617.60.
Jiufi. j. . , v v, . , ..,uuv aawMU, ...a. nut,
closed steady at yesterday's average; butch
ers, 118.9019.65; light, $19.0019.65;
packing, $17.6518.75; rough, $17.2617.60;
bulk of sales, $17.90 19.60; pigs, good and
choice, $17.7618.60.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 10,000 head
Iambs and fat sheep, steady; feeding lambs
and yearlings, slow to lower; lambs, choice
and prime, 118 0018.85; medium ana good,
116. 60018. 00: culls. 110.00W13.76; ewes,
choice snd prime, !13.0013.75; medium
and good, $11.5013.25; culls, (4.o.v.
St, tools Llv Stock.
St. Louis. Aug. 18. Cattls Reoslpts.
2,470 head; market steady; native beef
steers, (11.6018.25; yearling steers and
heifers. 19.6015.50: cows, (7.50013.60;
stockers and feeders, $8.6012.00; fair to
prime southern beef steers, 110.0017.70;
beef cows and heifers, 17.50 16.50; native
calves, 17.7615.25.
Hoes Receipts. 6.000 head: market 5c
higher; lights, $19.16 19.35; pigs, $14.60
8.75; mixed and butchers, $19.1019.40;
good, heavy. 119.25 1 9.35 ; bulk, 119.10
Sheen and Lambs Receipts, 4,200 head;
market steady; lambs, 114. 00017. 00; swss,
11.0012.00; canners and choppers, it.vo
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City, Aug.K. Cattle Receipts
1.400. Market, steady to weak. Prime ted
steers, $17.00 18.26; dressed beef steers.
$11.00 16.50; western steers, $10.0016 00;
cows, $6.2512.00; heifers, i7.Buwi4.Do;
stockers and feedors, 18.001(.60; hulls,
16.00010.60; calves, $8.00013.60.
Hogs Receipts. 1,00. Market higher.
Bulk ot sales, (U.2611.0; heavy, 118.00
19.00; packers and butchers, 118.20911.00;
light, 118.0019.00; pigs, 116.2617.76.
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000. liar
ket stesdy. Lsmbs, 11(.0018.25; year,
lings, (11.00916.50; wethers, (10.00O14.75;
ewes, 19.OO14.O0; stockers and feeders.
Sioux City Live Stock.
8loux City, la Aug. 16. Cattle Re
ceipts, 600 head; market, steady; beet
steers, I9.004J14.60; fat cows and halfsrs,
(7,7601.76: canners. ((.0007.76: stockers
and feeders, (8.7511.76; feeding cow and
heifers, 17.2508.60.
Hoes Receipts. (.000 head: market
stesdy; light, 118.60 19.00; mixed. 111.160
18.06; heavy, 117.80 18.10; duik oi aaies,
Sheep and Lambs Not quoted.
Si, Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 1(. Cattle Re
ceipts, 1,600 bssd; market lower; steers.
. 0018. oo; cows and heifers,;
calves, (6.0011.00.
Hogs Receipts, 1,(00 head: market high
er, bulk, 111.00011.00.
Sheep and Lambs Rsceltps, 1,200 head;
market steady; lambs, (12.00019.00; ewes.
Omaha Hay Market.
Receipts light oo both prairie hay and
alfalfa. Demand good, causing ths market
to be firm andi higher. Straw Is lower on
account of the demand being quiet
Choice upland prairie hay. 122 00; no. i
pland prairie hay, 121.00022.00; No. 2,
18.00019 00; No. 3, HO.OOlg 13 00.
No. 1 midland pralrl bay. (21.OO022.oo;
o. 1, 115.00018.00.
No. l lowland prairie hay, IK.OO0ll.oo;
No. 1. 111.00012.00; No. 1.19.00010.00.
Choir alfalfa, 8Z8.0O; no. 1, I25.OO0M.OQ.
Standard alfalfa, (22.00021.00; No. . 1,
118.00020.00; No. 1, 114.00016.00.
Oat straw. g.uo0i.oo; wheat straw, ss.uu
Cetton Futures.
New Tork. Aug. II. Cotton Future
opened steady; October, 10.46c; December,
29.96c; January, J9.90; March. 29.82c;
May. IMl
Turnover of 180.00C Shares
Again Is Confined to Few
Favorites; Moaey Mar
- ket T:gLt.
New Tork, Aug. 16. Trading today waa
uninteresting and unimportant. The nominal
turnover ot 180,000 shares was agxln con
fined to a few favorites, Investment taauea
participating in negligible degree
On ot th . significant Incidents ot ths
session as Illustrating the conservative at
titude of the exchange was an order remov
Ing General Motora from the issues to be
"oleared" In the future. General Motors
has been one of the most sensational snd
unstable features of the stock market snd
today's action resulted from an exhaustive
investigation of its speculative remirir-
ttons. It was said that other stocks lack
lug wide distribution msy meet with like
Money one mor proved a deterrent, si
though local banksrs were quoted a dep
recaiig repona ut unoue mnngency. van
leans on mixed collateral held at ( per
cent, an advance ot half per cent being
demanded for all Industrials, while time
funds were limited to small renewals.
Ralls and industrials were Irregular and
Liberty !s at the year's new high of
100.11 and a moderate reversal In Paris 6s
were the eontrasttng movements ot a dull
and contracted bond market. Total sales,
par value, aggregated $4,760,000. Old
United States bonds were unchanged on call.
Trading was at lowest ebo In th after
noon but rails gradually hardened. Dela
ware, Lkckawanna and Weatern advanced
10 point on one sale. Southern Pacific and
Canadian Pacific gained 1 to 1H points, re.
spectlvely, Otis also improved, but stand
ard industrials showed no material change.
Th market drifted Idly after the first
hours, developing uncertain trend. United
States Steel was sgaln Irregular, cancelling
itit large fractlonsl rise of the opening, but
other active shares held stesdy. Motors,
ells and fertilisers offered occsslonal evi
dence of pool activity and averaged gains of
one point and shipping and central leather
retained their early aavinces. at ram
Issues were almost the only rails to emerge
from the general stagnation In that group,
Liberty SVts mads yet another maximum
foi th year at 100.12,
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Am. Beet Sugar .. 300 (9 (9 (9
Am. Can (00 46 4( i
Am. Car A Foun'y Ii
Am. Locomotive itk
Am. Smelt A Ret.. (00 TI 77 77
Am. Sugar Ret. ... 600 10 Ve 109 109
Am. Tel. A Tel. .. 1.300 13 93 93
Anaconda Copper. 800 (6 (8 (6
Atchison (00 11 16 86
Bslt A Ohio , 64
'Butt A Sup. Cop 25
Cal. Petroleum (0
Canadian Paclflo . 1.(00 167 166 157
Central Leather .. 1,700 70 (9 69
Ches. A Ohio (7
C, M. A St. P. ... 4.500 49 48 48
Chicago A N. W . 93
C, R. I. A P. ctfs.. 700 15 26 25
Chlno Copper 88
Colo. Fuel A Iron . 500 47 47 47
Corn Prod. Ref. .. 1,300 43 43 43
Crucible Steel .... 700 68 88 68
Cuba Cane Sugar . 1.800 20 2II 29
Distillers' Securities 300 68 68 68
Oenersl Electrlo
General Motors
1,300 164 153
Gt. Nor. pfd 600 (2 91 (3
Ot. Nor. Ore otfs 81
Illinois Central ... 96
Inspiration Copper 1.700 61 61 61
Int. Mer. Mar. pfd. 19,700 100 99 100
Internat'l Nickel 11
Internat'l Paper .. 700 36 38 36
K. C. Southern ... 300 18 18 18
Kennecott Copper . 200 83 13 23
Louisville A Nash 114 .
Maxwell Motors 25
Mex. Petroleum ... 7,100 101 100 101
Miami Copper ' 27
Missouri Paclflo .. 100 24 13 33
Montana Power 69
Nevada Copper 20
New York Central. 100 79 73 71
N. T N, H. A H.. 1,(00 42 41 43
Norfolk A Western i 106
Northern Paclflo . 600 10 89 99
Paclflo Mail 11
Paclflo Tel. A Tel 19
Pennsylvania 400 44 44 43
Pittsburgh Coal ... ,., .... 51
Ray Consol. Copper 300 24 24 23
Reading 4.900 90 69 89
Rep. Iron A Steel . 1,300 13 91 91
Shattuck Ariz. Cop. .... 15
Southern Paclflo ... 1,000 17 IT (7
Southern Railway. , 14
Studebaker Corp... 1,600 46 44 44
Texas Co. 600 152 163 151
Union Pacific 1,600 124 124 124
V. 8. Ind. Alcohol. 800 127 127 127
U. fl Steel 28,100 Lll 110 111
U. S. Steel pfd . 110
trtah Copper 81
Wabash pfd. "B".. 600 24 24 23
Western Union . 200 79 79 79
Westlnghouse Elec. 1,800 44 43 43
Bethlehem Steel ... 1,200 84 83 84
Total sales for ths day, 180,000 shares,
New York Money.
New Tork Aug. 18. Mercantile Paper-
Sterling Sixty-day bills, (4.73; commer
cial (0-day bills, 14.71; demand, 14.75;
cwbles, 14.76.
Francs Demand, (5.66; cables, 15.64.
Guilders Demand. 60c; cables, 510.
Lire Demand, 17.51; cables, 17.60.
Silver Bar, unchanged; Mexican dollars,
Time Loan Strong; unchanged.
Call Money Strong; unchanged. -
U. 8. 2s. reg .. IS '111. Cent, ref 4s 7T
do coupon .. 18 Int. M. M. 6s. 97
U. S. ts, reg .. 19 K. C. So. ref 6s 78
do coupon .. iV'ti. A N. un 4s 88
a. S. Lib. 8sl00.12M K & T 1st 4s 61
17. S. 4s, reg ..106Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 67
do coupon ..108Mont. Power 6s 81
Im. For. Sec 6s 97 N. T. C. deb (s 94
Km. T. oe T. o 6s 87 Nor. Pac. 4s... 81
Inglo-French 6s 94Nor. Pan. 3s... 68
trm. & Co. 4s 82 n. S. L. ref 4s 82
Itchlson gen. 4s 81 Pac. T. & T. 6s 87!
B. O. cv 4s 77 Tenn. con. 4s 94
Beth. Bteel r 6s 81 Penn. gen. 4s 88
;nt Lesther 6s 94 Reading gen. 4s 83
Cent. Pac. 1st.. 77S L & S F a (s 68
C. A O. ev 6s.. 81 So. Pac. cv 5s.. II
C B A Q J. 4s 14 So. Railway 5a.. 89
C M ft S P c 4s 76Tsx. & Pac. 1st 83
C R I V P r 4s 67 'Union Pacific 4s 86
C. A S. ref 4s 73 U. 8. Rubber 6s 80
D. A R. O. ref 6S 63V,U. S. Steel j (s. 18
D. of C. 6s CS1) 91'Wabash 1st 91
Erie gen. 4s... 64 Frehch'gov. 6s 98
Oen. Elec. 6s.. 96 'Bid.
Ot. Nor. 1st 4s 86
New York C.enernl Market.
Nsw Tork, Aug. 16. Flour Market easy.
Winter, 110.40010.70; Kansas, 111.10011.40.
Wheat Spot steady. No. 2 red, (2.84
track New Tork export to arrive.
Corn Spot unsettled; fresh 'shelled No.
I yellow, 12.06; No. 1 yellow, 11.99. cost
and freight. New Tork.
Oats Spot firm; standard, 80 o.
Hops Easy; state, medium to cholc.
1117, 83041o; 1918, nominal; Paclflo coast
1917; 190 22c; 1916, 13016c.
Lard Easy; middlewest, 121.26021.71.
Butter Firm and unchanged.
Eggs Receipt 15.868 cases. Market Ir
regular; fresh gathered extras, 48049c;
others unchanged.
Cheese Market firm; unchanged.
Poultry Live, market firm. Chickens:
Broilers, 34c; fowls, 36c; old roosters, 24c;
other unchanged.
New York Metal Market.
New Tork, Aug. 16. Lead Unchanged.
Spelter East Bt. Louis, spot 18.6508.80.
at th Primaries for
Republican Member Omaha
Water Board.
1116-1118 -Doudlas St:
Tel -Douglas 1521
Maximum Prices
Maximum price for retailers, effec
tive at once. No merchant is allowed
to charge more for the following
item, than stated below:
Brown sugar, per lb $ .10
Sugar, per lb ,18
Flour (Nebraska) 24 lts. No. 1.,. 1.66
48 lt. No. 1 .00
Bulk, per lb. 07
Hominy om
Oswego cornstarch ; 12
Cornstarch .10
Comities I, per lb., whits. 06
Yellow 06
Cornflour , , ,fl i
New potatoes, per lb .04
Butter, per lb. creamery No. 1 61
No. 2 49
Eggs,. Selects , 46
No. 1 43
No. 1 '. 16
Bread, U. 8. .Standard loaf wrapped)
l!-oi. loaf, single 08
12-os. lost (2) 15
14-os. loaf 10
34-os. loaf .. 15
Crackers (Victory) Oatmeal 20
Graham .30
Corn. .10
Sods 20
Rice. (In bulk, per Ib.) No. 1 16
No. 1 11
Barley Flour 06
Ry Graham flour, 24-lb. sack 1.76
Rye flour, 24-lb. lack 176
In bulk, per Ib 08
Oatmeal, (In bulk, per Ib.) 07
Beans, per lb., navy No. 1 .18
Pinto, best No. 1 12
Bacon, per lb.
Whols pieces, wrapped. No, 1.,.. (0
Sliced (0
Whole pieces, wrapped, No. 1..,,.., .47
Sliced 66
Ham (whols) No. 1 skinned IT
No. 1 regular ................ ...... .37
Shoulder 28
Lard, per lb.. No. 1 pur .83
Compound .11
Oleomargarine (In cartons), par lb.
No. 1 11
No. I U
New cabbage, beet quality, par lb. 01
Corn Syrup (In cans) 1 lb 15
I lbs .)
I lbs 46
10 lbs 80
Sam prlc for ry or graham. These
prices are tor cash snd carry or credit and
Note 1, These price are for cash over
Note I, An additional charge may be
mad for delivery or oredlt to customers.
Bradstreet's Trade Review.
New Tork, Aug. 1(.-Bradstrst' tomor
row will ssyi
Wtr erdsr dominate every line and sup
piles for ordinary purposs are greatly our.
tailed. Conservatism In regular channels,
whether flowing from th damaged oorn
crop In th southwest from lessened de
mand for man' goods fromj belief that
prices have reached senith point or from
restrictions placed upon so-called nonesaen
tlsla. Is tbsrsby almost overshadowsd. In.
deed, th great majority of wholesale trade
report testify to continued good demand
ruling, largely, however, on government ac
count, exoeptlon to this being noted in
dispatches from dlstrlot of th southwest,
where both cotton and corn have been hurt
by drought Retail trade 1 fair to .good
for a midsummer period and the same Is
true of collections, sxcspt from the south
west. It need to be reoalled, ot course,
that In th northern halt of th country
crops hsvs been quit uniformly good
snd th hot wav has really accelerated the
ripening of most crops, thus putting j.s
sibls frost damage prantlcally out of th
reckoning. Weekly bank clearings, 15,121,.
New York Coffee.
Nsw Tork. Aug. 11. The market for
coffee futurea waa somewhat Irregular to.
day, but made a generally ateady showing
on a small volume of business. The open
ing wss unchanged to 1 point lower under
further scattering liquidation, but there
waa a moderate demand from trade sources
snd rallies followed reports that a Braslllan
motor boat had been sunk oft the Atlantic
coast. Soptember sold up from 8.410 ( 44a
and May from 1.1101.150, with the market
closing at a net advance of 1 to I points.
Closing bids: September, l.43o; October,
8.54c; December. 8.78c; January, 8.8So;
March, 1.01c; May, 1.16c: July, 1.31c.
epot corns, steady: io ts, bvbo; osnios
4s, Uo. .
Dry Goods ' Market.
New Tork, Aug. 18. The market are
still hesitating, due wholly to war condi
tions, developing and anticipated. Cotton
goods commission merchants have not yet
announoed pfloe en many branded . lines,
and thsrs Is uncertainty In the cotton yarn
market owing to difficulties . as to th
manner of treating detail under the price
fixing plan. More buslnss I being don
on cloths, and a generally better ton I
noted In burlaps.
Evaporated Apples and Pried Fruit.
New Tork, Aug. 16. Evaporated Apples
Dull; state, llai6o. .
Prunes Scares;' Callfornlas, (Q)(o; Ore
gon b, 12016o.
Apricots Firm: choice, 16o; extra choice,
l(c; fancy 19o. .
Peaches Firm; standard, l!011c;
cholcs, 1201191 fancy, 140140.
Raisins Steady; loose muscatels, Ic;
cholcs to fancy seeded, 10 lie; seedless,
l011c; London layers, 12.00. I
- New York Cotton.
New eTork, Aug. 16. Cotton closed firm
at a net advance of It to 118 points.
Futures closed firm; October, 11. 64o; De
cember, 10.17c; January, 10. 13c; March.
10.74a; May, 10.20c, 1 '
ow Wat r Board iSenilisrs
livid the Mdiasiii
Supplies Among Themselves
Section 425S Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1918. .
"It shall ba unlawful for any member of said Board of Directors
or any employee thereof to' have any pecuniary interest, either di
rectly or indirectly, irr any contract in the connection with th
construction or maintenance of water plant of said Metropolitan
Water District, or be in any way connected with the furnishing
of supplies required by th laid district" - '
On May 31, 1917, the Metaliura Refining Com
pany was incorporated for $10,000, articles of in
corporation being signed by W. J. Barber, purchasing
agent of the Water Board, Homer B. Knouse, engi
neer in the employ of the Water Board, and A. John
son, cleric at the Water Office. They were acknowl
edged before John E. Wilbur, chief clerk at the Water
Office. The business of the corporation was to
manufacture and install hydraulic supplies, appar
atus and utilities. It is reported that R. B. Howell
was interested in this corporation, which immedP
ttely became very busy selling supplies to the Water
Board. The following bills being paid to it: .
July 10, 1917 $ 58.75 .
August 15, 1917 3.50
September 12, 1917 96.25
January 16, 1918 173.00
These bills were allowed by the Board of Di
rectors without dissent. It was hardly possible, how
ever, for some of the members to object, as they were
tarred by the same stick. C. M.(Wilhelm being fa
vored by the allowance of a bill on October 17, 1917,
for $1,444.66 to the Orchard-Wilhelm Co. Sherman
McConnell Co., several items in July, August and
October, 1917. The C. S. Bowman Co. being owned
by F. D. Wead's stepson, receiving fifteen bills total
ing $799.59. '
These bills were contracted without advertising
for bids.. I lay these facts before you without com
ment. But this I will faithfully promise, ' that if I
serve you as a member and director of the -Water ...
Board this practice will cease. i , .
Candidate for Republican Nomination
Member Water Board. - ? -y r
Stock Raiseis Advised.
Where to Obtain Loans
Washington, Aug. 16. Live stock .'
raisers who need loans which cannot '
be obtained directly from banks wert
asked today by the war finance cor
poration to apply , to the federal re- I '
serve banks of Kansas City and Dal
las, which have been designated
agencies of the corporation for dis- i
pensing government loans. Stock
raisers of the southwest are to apply
to Dallas and those in the San Fran
cisco, Minneapolis and St. Louis re
serve districts should apply to Kans.f
Information Available.
Washington, Aug. 16. Under :
plan which Secretary. Baker and Sur
geon General Gorgas began framing
today it is proposed to so completely
index soldiers mentioned in casualty ,
lists that relatives may get detailed .
information immediately upon inquiry '
at the War department. Such infor
mation now is brought from Franct
by couriers leaving every seven days
Half of Body Cached in Sack.
Wooster, 0., Aug. 16. Jitmes Mar
tin, care taker of the Point Breeze'
Chautauqua grounds at Smithville
near here, yesterday found the lowet
half of a woman's body in a weighted
sack in a water hole near the grounds
according to word received by th.
sheriff of Wayne county. The legs
of the body had been sawed in twe
at the knees.
ax r:
M V;Vv.V:v
We have a condition confronting
our nation today that makes it
necessary that we elect a man to
the United States Senate who is
not under special obligation to any
political or commercial organiza
tion and a man who is not cem
pelled to apologize to the people
of this state and of the nation for
having taken a wrong attitude or
position having reference to the
war and other questions. He
hould be a man free from all
these taints and entanglements
and have at heart only the wel.
fare of the nation and the people
whom he is serving. This man is
Mayor William Madgett of Hast
ings, republican candidate for
nomination at the primaries,'
Auerust 20.
Why not vote for that kind of a
man when . you hava an oppor
tunity? , Endrosed by '
Hastings Church Federation and
Ministerial Association.
Hastings Carpenters' tJnion
Lanorine men.
Hastings Municipal Band an
Mn'cal Association.
Tha Hasting Farmers' Club
ayi Mayor Madgett ia tha boat
mayor Hasting- evar had and wo
a body heartily endori hi can
didcy Or United State Senator.
Hastings Tribune and Democrat
gives praise to his business admin
istration as mayor stating that he
has saved the city large sums of
Work and vote for William
Madgett, Republican Candidate for
U. S. Senator. Tha candidate who
come out flat footed and tell the
people whero ho stand. .
, -