Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
V ..c THE BEE: OMAHA SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1918. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEPEN i Pioneer Funeral Directors Itl Ho. isrh 6V Phone Dong. 1JJI. STACK FALCONER Independent Undertakers. Sid ft Far. H. 40t UNDERTAKERS and licensed em ba liners; also private ambulance. Call Webstar 47 Willis C Crosby. 2811 N 14 IB 8t ' U DODDER CO.. Funeral x Dlrectora F. U Fero. 41 fr., tld and Cumins. Sta Phone Douglss 477 Auto ambolsncea ) HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME . Hoffmann quality service, costs less. 74th and Pod re. . Dogglaa Mil. JOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and mhtmr. J41t Farnam St Hri 111 FLORISTS. jVontenelle LEE L. LARMON Florists, 1814 Douglss 8L-- Douglss 8244. ' !A. DONAGHUE Eat 1846. Mil HARNEY. Flowers shipped everywhere. Exp, prepaid, BATH Careful Florist, 1804 Fsrnsm St I. Henderson Hit Frnsm D 114a 1"" MONUMENT & CEMETERIES. "WEST LAWN offers sympatbetlo service In sudden sorrow; perpetusl ears: no assess, menu; lots on easy terms. Phono Wal. aft. 1MK largest display of monuments In the United States. FRANK BVOBODA, lilt' 1 13th Phone Douslas 1H73-M14 BIRTHS AND DEATHS Births Leroy R, and, Mary Van Pollen, i:u7 uerstur street, noy; uustava and Dors Jiorg. 1135 North 20th strset, boy: Joe and Jennie Kallne, 1207 Fierce street, girl: Ed ward W. and Ida B. Simpson, 4143 North stth street, boy; Arthur C. and Edith Blom lrg, 2870 Titus avenue, boy; Clarence W. sind Maybelle Mood, 201 Dorcas street, boy: ; 'J'had and Genevieve Plttenger. 2470 Harney treet boy; Daniel IS. and Dorothy Dona van, 2420 Harney street, girl; Albln M. and :iln C, Osterbolm, 2585 Pratt street, boy; K. D. and Beatrice Monagle, 1411 Willis avenue, boy. Deaths Allen I Clark, 4, 2421 -Evans Btreet; Daniel Hallstrora, Tl, 2427 Califajmla treat; Earl H. Harm, 14, 4121 South 21st treet; John Varnochas, I months, 1311 Couth 2d street. MARRIAGE LICENSES Name and Residence. . . Age. Jngwald O. Jennum, Omaha. ... ......... 23 Delia. Backus, Omaha 27 Harry Ballsy, Omaha... .' ..20 v Edna. Taylor, Organs. It 'William Washington, Lawrenoe, Kan,.., 46 Mai Jordan, Omaha... ................ (1 Jasper N. Chembua, Denver, Colo...... II Hannah R. Jones, Farmlngton, la. to Haurta Moore. Omaha................. 21 , Bessie Austin, Omaha. f... 2t BUILDING PERMITS C. W. Martin & Co., 670 Newport avenue, nunraiow, 83, wo. s3BsEisasaaaawi SPECIAL NOTICES. ; JCHERfi) will bs sold at public auction for rash the household effects of the late Margaret Sandon, consisting of dining ' , room table and chairs and rockers, one '; buffet, rugs, one plans and other house hold effects. Sale to. take place at 038 "K. 24th St., Omaha, Neb., Saturday, Au gust 17, 1918, at I O'clock, p. m. 11. Dlneen, Administrator. SODDING CONTRACTORS Bids wanted . for 10,006 square yards of sodding at ; Seymour Lake Country Club. Mall or ' telephone bids to Oeorgt Francis, Ex change Bldg,, South Bide. TeKg. 24t2. LOSTFOUND REWARDS. $50 REWARD FOR', RECOVERY OF 1211 FORD TOURING CAR, MOTOR NUMBER 1,741. 143. CAR WAS STOLEN THURSDAY M'CAFFREY MOTOR CO. ; urn and jackson. n ' "' toua. 2100. Omaha, Nebraska. OilAHA 4 COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . t RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons bavins lot soma, artlolsa would do wsll to call up tht offlcs of the Omaha 4k Council 'Bluffs Stmet Railway company to ascertain whether, they toft It to the treet car. Many articles' each day are turned ta and the oompany is anxious ta restore tham to the rightful awnsra. . LOST Liberty Bond No. 2470814, amount f 100.00. , Finder will be rewarded by ra- urning to Bee office. 1 1 - FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods, QUICK ACTION QUICK SELLING. State Furniture Co.'a July Clears nee saie. Hign-grada ruga are being sold leaa than present wholesale cosL Furni ture la Period and Colonial designs are being shamefully aacrlflced. We make a 1 specialty of complete horn outfits; alto hotels and rooming bouses. Railroad fart free to out.of-town'buyers within to miles or omaha on purchases ot 220 or mors. STATE FURNITURE CO- 14th and Dodgt otc. Tei. uougias mi. fUKNlTURE HARDWARE BARGAINS. Beds, sprlngamatireaaes, dressers, chif foniers, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cablnsta, ruga and linoleum, trunks and suit cases, gaa atovea and lea boxes, full ltna screen wire, poultry Betting, gsrden tools. 1831-47 North JUB TsL Web. ioi open till t p. m ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line ot furniture, gas and coal oil stoves, rugs, baby carriages, trunks, sto. Loyal FOR SALE Square dining room table and chairs, txl2 rug. 2 center tables. Bar- gain, van Harney 2803 from 2 to 7. SOLID mahogany, 4-poster bed, box springs ' and mattress, dressing table, large dresser; almost new. Walnut 174. Saga- " fu, v.ass Bi. For SALE Comolata furnlh. tnr room house, will aacritioe U sold tmrare'l. teiy. mono Web.- 4971. - Pianos & Musical Instruments. , vYE have several Vlctrolas that ws took' In en trades for sale: In. good condition. : Bouse Phonograph Parlors. Cor. 20th and Farnara Sts. ' :. , ft. HOSPE CO., 161 Douglsa. have pianos ta rent at 83.60 pet aonth. or will aeil an easy terms. . . - Dairy Products r ,v iTRESH country buttermilk; butter; best of cream; strictly fresh eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone Sou'.h 216 or Tyler 689. - Wagner's. - ,. , , Lumber and Building Materials. LUMBER. BRICK and. Other . sanding Material For Bale, CHAMBER O'NEILL CO, , 2182 Leavenworth St. Store and Office Fixtures: K'B buy, sell and make disks, safes, show, cases, shelving, sic. Oms ha Fixture A Sup ply vp.. inn ana txiugtss l. Z7J4. VuR SALE Hardware stock and fixtures, astern Nebraska, Address Box tti, Oma-,- ha Bee Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Ws rent repair, sail needles and parts of alt tewing machines. MICKKL8. ' - ;' O' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., lith and Harisey Sta , Doug. 1J62. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Typewriters, and Supplies. OUR EXCHANGED MACHINES DEPART MENT. la the largest of Its kind' In the west Tou ca'n always find just, what 700 want Here. We buy, sell, rent, repair and ex change typewriters of every kind. Es tabllshed nearly tt years. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, Ine . l0i Farnam. TYFKWRrTEKS, all makes, sold, rented and repaired. TUB W. LONO COMPANT, lilt Farnam. Tel. D. 8969 ONE t-column Burroughs Adding macblna for sals at a bargain. 190$ FARNAM BT. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver t months for $5. Central Typewriter Exchange, HO Farnam. ADDING MACHINE!, all makes bought. rented and sold. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 1905 FARNAM ST. WE BUY, ssll or exchauga typewriters; guar, typewriters I10 and up. Writs for list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Dodge. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE A large else Rumely Oil Tract'ir with 13,000 worth of rosd grsdlng work. Must sell In 29 days. Address Box 334. Iowa City, la. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed. renovated and made ud In now feather, proof ticking. 1t07 Cuming Doug. 2447. 1 AMERICAN tool was. shaper, 16-lr..j 1 76. lb. power hammer, fine shape. Tell ft Hlnkley, 231 Hsrnev st SWAPPERS' COLUMN MERRY-OO-ROUND In good running or der, also 22.000 stock of Merchandise; want Berth Minn, or western land, clear. Address . E. Everett, Ogden. Ia It. F. T Nn. I. rare Peter Furthers WANTED TO BUY. JENKINS ss iz , good servlcs that bs gsvs In the past. Help win me war. Bell your old clothes, shoes, rugs, tools, trunks and buy W. -- 8. S. Will rail. Res. D. 8631. offlcs D. 4444. WANTED WmiY A doctor's office outfit. Also an extra flat-top desk and a roll-top desk. Call DESKS DESKS DESKS Nsw desks; used desks bought sold and trsded. J. C Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 4144 WANTED Two second-hand vault doors Give slxs and price In snswerlng this sd; . Dlerks Lumber and Coal Company, Broken now, wen. DT A MfiMnQ801, BERGMAN Co ANNOUNCEMENTS. KEEP Dancing Academy. i4Z4 Farnam SL Learn to dance for i w lie re learning Is a piessure. 1). ISbii. Accordeon Pleating. AC'CORDEON, side, knife, sunburst box pleating, covered buttona. all sizes, and tyles; hemstitching, plcorf sdglng. eye. lei cut work, button boles, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 200-302 Rrown Bhlg, Phone Doug. 1834 HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS, .0. u. VanArnam Pleating Ce.. 22-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 3101. Baggage and Express. THE ONLY WAY K rum nasAMA TmwaraH co. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will hsul sverytblng for you. Packages less than 2A Ins., 16 cents. Dnuglss 74K3. Awnings, AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring, tents snd camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINO CO. Brass and Iron Foundries, paxton-mTtchell co7 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha Neb. Brass, bronse, aluminum and machine gray Iron castlnga Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tables for parties at Holmes'. Chiropractors. Dr. J, C. Layrenoe. Bwlrd Bldg. D. 8441. etl.NOGRAI'H. Dr. E.iwris, 24th, IVrnsni. Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent, 108 N. ltth St., opposite Fostofflcs, John Ftidratn, Doug. . Iss 2122. - ' Detective Jame; S ALLAN. 213 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all esses. Tylsr 1121. Printing and Office Supplies. Waters-Rsrnhart Ptg. Co 824 8. 18th St Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 221 y. Q. W, Bldg. Tart's Dental Rma . ioY'Roas Bldg. D. i"8" Film Developing. FILM developed; rolls. 10c; sacka, Itc; ons-aay service, nsss oiuaio, jNeviue uis.. 14th and Harney.' Dressmaking. M1S8 STURDY, dressmaking. Doug. 839$. Fixtures and Wiring. riTTRVVTM Electric washing machines. JJU1VIY.11N eiectrlo Irons and reading lamps. j223 Cuming st Douglas 3619. Jewelry, DIAMOSresV't'oC; EE at smsll profit QR088. 403 N. J4tn Bt Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON. , 14 Brandels Bldg. T 2840. Res.. 4741 - ' Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co., 682 Brandels, P. 4461 STURGES. ft STUKOES. U, 8. snf foreign patents and trademarks 220 Bee Bldg. PILES,' fistula and other rertal dis eases cured without surreal oper ation. Cure guarantied. Write for .book on rectal diseases with testi monial". DR. E.. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha.' Tailors. Dledrlck, P L 216 8.20th Tailor. D. 2413 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8 Uth. D. 628. Safes. 1 - BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. O A tPTTQ 4. J, Derlght Safe Ca. DxX ruo Wedding Stationery!" WEDDING announcements rrd printing. Douglas Printing Cn. Tel. Douglas 444. BUSINESS CHANCES. HARDWARE STOCK AND PROPERTY FOR SALE In the best town In western end ot the stste of Nebraska. Sidney Is the county sest of Cheyenne county, and has a popu lation of about 2,000; la tha home of fine schools, both Protestant and Catholic; the farming and agricultural conditions are at top notch, nothing better to be found; tha location- ot thla business Is In the very center of the -Justness part. of the town, could not be' better; there la only one other exclusive hardware stock here. My reasons for selling are purely personal and do not care to continue In business. The right man it the helm here could have tha hardware . business bis own wsy. Any one who rarea to know any mors about thlt proposition may adress Box 462. Sidney. Neb. NOTICE County managers wauled; life tlms opportunity; most wonderful Inven- Hon no competition, fully protected by United States patents,, all.e Mowed and . Issued, Universal denund. Positively the ' biggest money ssvlng device on the msri ket; millions to be sold. Tht largest seller on earth. Come, sea It work tree demonstrations daily, froni 1:30 a. m., to 8:00 p. in. Any ons looking for a large paying business, see this machine In op cation. Sells at $3.60; coats you only $1.6$. Exclusive territory fully protected. $I0 and np will start you. Full lnveatt . gatlon solicited. Call Hotel Caatle and ask for Bj L. Fallor. - WANTED General, salesmanagera to es tablish branch and manage ' salesmen 'IWSRODOX." the new Inexpensive heat 1 No wood, no coal. $606 to $3,000. Neces ! aary yon handle own money. Successful agencies established. Amalgamated , Corporation. 163 .Wsverly Place. New York. v. , .- . , LlVtt DRUG BUSINESS FOR SALE stoat sell quick. Am going Into military , service. Stock Invoices $10,000 ta $13,000. - last year's business. $20,000. Would coo '' alder trade on farm land. JIECKER DRUG 420 . ; Humphrey, Neb BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Two-story hotel, 26x60 feet. .. in.. riet mmw and kitchen on first floor. Nins bed rooms, cellar. Ice bouse. chlckn house and coat nouse. in the towsj ot Halg, present terminus of the North Platte branch of Union Pacific R. R. Pacific Hotel, Haig. wen. DRY CLEANING and made-to-order busi ness for sale, power plant, Hoffman pressing machine, good prices for work; rent 313 month. Very good crops. Rea son for selling, going to enlist. Will lease to reliable party. A. L. Gulatlns. Webster. 8. D. I MAKE medicine that will cure aouthern malaria or. any other atomach trouble. Am looking for a man with money and promoting ability. A real chance for the right party. Will provs merits befors In vestments. Box 6194, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE A real cafe In a real restaur ant town; averages 50 a day; invoice stock, will lump fixtures; reason for sell inggoing 0 war. tAddress W. E. Pries, ICImo, Mo. ' WANTED TO SELL Good paying hoe store; best location on the Soutn eiae; reason, owner leaving for the army, will aell at a sacrifice.- Loyal Shoe Store, 4808 South 24th St., South Side. Omaha, Neb. Phone South 4182. BEHLING CLOTHING 8TORE at York, for Immediate sale. Established 40 years, clean stock. Invoice 218,000. Fixtures 21,800. Long term iFase. Best location In city. Owner called to service. KEHTCRNT Old established, large, ele- gajit fixtures, good location, reasons oi-. rent, sale or" exchange; other business reason. Thomaa O'Nel!,- 433 Brandels Thenter. WANT to evil lease on institute giving sanitarium treatments. Reason for sell ing, personal address, ' Desk No. 2. 6012 8. 25tli Ht Oms ha. AN old established and good paying lock smith shop, must be sold before the 20tn of this month; will also consider trade In real estate. Call T. 816. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing goocTbuslnesa Reason for quitting, death. Address H.. 1410 Chsrles Ht.. Bt. Joseph. Mo. FOR HALE Confectionery and lunch room. County seat, population 2,000. A good proposition. Plenty of business. . Write William Tlmrn, Ord. A BARGAIN in a complete body and cab . wood working shop, with complete equip ment, blacksmith shop in connection. Box 1303.! Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Five-chair barber shop. Good business. Address 2613 Vs Mont. Ave., Hillings, Mont FOR SALE OR RENT Barber shop and fixtures; two pool tables; no opposition; cheap. Address J. C. Farrell, Burr, Neb. FOR SALE Drug storo, slso desirable residence. Write for Information to the Postmaster, Rldgeland, Miss. BARBER shop for sale or lease. Only shop In town and good payer. Act quick. Write L. B. 22, Royal, Neb. FORD agency and garnge for sale. Ne braska town. , F. V, Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omifha. WANTED to trade good live drug business for automobile. Inquire Y-648, Omaha Bee, FOR SALE Office buslneax; suitable for man or woman. 836 Paxton Blk., Omaha. AUTOMOBILES. . RADIATORS Wrecked and Jsaky radiators repaired and rebuilt: large ttock used radiators cn hand. Mashed fenders and lampa repaired .like new. New stock of Ford honeycomb radiators OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. ltlft Cuming St. Omaha. Neb Grant Six touring , ..$650 Scrlpps Booth roadster..., 060 Btith cars are In tlis beat ot condition anq are resny 10 go, BARNUM AND SMITH CO., 2123 Cuming St. Dougli.s 8044 ONE Packard chassis, $380; 1 Peerless truck wlt,h body, $480. Both machines In good condition. i NEBRASKA WHITE CO., ' Fred C. RWers, Mgr. . 1407-21 Capitol. BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and without atarters, 28 to pick from . Phont D. 1241 or call ht 161$ Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 h. p. Mitchell rhummy roadster, blgh speed and power. Will accspt. Ford In At condition aa part payment A bargain. B. E. Frank. Route 8, 78A, Benaon, Neb. FOR SALE At a baraaln. Reo three. quarter ton truck Used part time for eight months and la good condition. Address Box Y. 612. Omaha Bea FOR SALE 1 American Tool Worka shaper, lt-tn. stroks; 1 2 H.P. 8 -phase Oen. Klectno 220V motor. Tell A Blnkley. 231$ Harney street D. 1640. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. ' STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO 2020 Farnam st, Omaha. Neb. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO, ' 2300 Farnam St 1817 PAIUE-STRATFORD. Just thor oughly overhauled. Absoluely first-class mechanical condition. Tyler 471. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action: no delay. Auto Ex. Changs Co.. 2059 Farnam at Doug. 602$. QUALITY USEDXARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO a 2406 LEAVENWORTH T. ONE 1817 Ford touring car, excellent con dition, price $460. 301 North 16th. Doug las 1144. ... BARGAINS In used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. , 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. GOOD USED CARS, , GUY U SMITH. 84th and Farnam Sts. ' Douglaa 1870. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 8600. MEEK3 AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 2028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 426t. WB ARB THE USED CAR MEN, TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Fsrnam St. Douglas $070. 1917 HUDSON -super-six touring; excellent condition. Will sacrifice for cash. Doug Irs 376. 1918 PAIGE chummy roadster; new: can be seen at garage, 2609 Leavenworth. Must sell. DANDVj 6-paasenger touring; cheap for cash. A-l condition, Douglas 877. BARNUM ft SMITH. 2123 Cuming, used cars bought, aold and exchanged. A NEW one-ton Ford truck tor sale. Web ster 2065, . FOR SALE Two-ton Nash truck. Used only 30 days. Tel. 7268. McClelland, Ia,. 1816 FORD runabout, $276 cash, ' Box 1661, Omaha Bee. Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. S.. 3616 19th St' Web. ster 1103. For the best results with repair work consnn us. Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED 191$ or 1917 Packard. Peerless, Wlnton, 8tutx, Locomobile or similar car. In' good shape, at bargain. Addrest Box Y 621, Omaha Bee. Starters and Generators Repaired. . AUTO ELECTRIC SBRVICE CU Anything electrical about your auto, v 816 S, 19th St Douglaa 6489. Auto Livery and Garages. &ENT A. FORD DRIVE IOURSEEf" ; llo a mile, 36c per hour minimum rnargc ' Sunday and holidays, 0o per hour. . FORD LIVERY CO.. ' Douglss $822. - 1814 Howsrd St Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES. ONE-HALF PRICE. . 4 " s nna 1111.. - N tOiS. 88 86; JlUJU. 1S7K ll,9u In sc 23x4, $12.76; 24x4, $14.00; 36x4, $16.26 Writs us today for particulars. , AGENTS WANTED. '"""' Expert Rsdiator and Tire Repairing. ' , "2 IN I" VULCANIZING CO., 1616 Davenport 8t.. OmhaDttU. BARGAINS, IN USED TIRES WHILif , THKY LAST: , S0x$ $6.60 ' 32x4..........$ .26 30xS4 27.00 SItI 10 na $2x3 . 8.00 ! 84x4.......... 1160 , tber sites up to 27x6. Tires shipped subject ta examination an deposit of one dollar, - - Omaha Radiatorv& Tire Works, ; 1819 Cuming St Tyler 917. OmaTia. NEW TIRES' AT HALF PRICES. 80x2 Republic. $9.76; Ford tubes. $3.25, 20x314 IMPERIAL TIRES, $12.2. 20x814 NON-SKID, PULLMAN. $14.2$. 23x3V, NON-SKID CONGRESS. $16.46. 34xt NON-SKID M'GRAW, $23.45. I KA1MAN8' TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 Cuming. INSIST on Q. ft O. quality retread and save 60 per -ant on your tires. Bargains In new and slightly used tlrea . O. ft O 1M u rH ... . . . . . . .... 1.1. t,rv-n to bi. lyier nl-w BUT Lee puncture-prof pneumatic tlret and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup ply Cg 2061 Farnam St AUTOMOBILES. "Tires and Supplies? BRAND new tires and tubes at 22 to 40 per cent off list price. Send for our . Dries list OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. Door. 391. 210 S. ltth Sf, MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. U A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bsrgalns In used mschlnes. Victor . H. Roos. the Motorcycle Man. STtb and Leav enworth PERSONAL. THE Salvation Army Industrial Homo so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga xlnea Wo collect Ws distribute. Phone Doug 4i:4 and our wsgoa will call. Call and inspect our Dew boms. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge atreet ANYONE knowing the addreaa ot Mrs. Alice Frltcha Thomas will please have - her communicate with Mrs. Hohxborn, 4622 Olennay Avenue, Cincinnati, O. VOTES WANTED By Edwin L. Huntley. . candidate for atato representatlvs (demo crat), August primarlea. American, with out apology . MEDICAL. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. call or write. Dr. Frank H. Wray. 20 Bee Bldg. SITUATION WANTED, v' SITUATION WANTED Mala clerk In gen eral store, employed, wishes chance: above L draft age; best references. Addrsss Box 1 mi. uniana ties. Male. PAINT f.rnl nH ttflnav Hennln th ?Ja. tlonal Cleaning and Service company 2708 iavenwnrtn Bt. Harney anil YOUNG colored man wishes work in auto shop to learn to repair cars for 14 wages. Webster 1875. Female. OFFICII work or work in dept. store. Call Webster R44t. : Laundry and Day Work. DAY work, cleaning and ironing. Call Col- - fax 3286, mornings or evenings. COLORED LADY wants bundle washing. Call So 2838. BUNDLE and family washing; call and de liver, wal. 8663. WANTED Bundle washing. Call Webster B873. COLORED laundress wants day work. South 76J COMPETENT colored girl wants day work Webster 1976. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. DAY work wanted Call after 4. Web. BUNDLE washing to take home. Web. 4426 1398 WOMAN wants day work: ref. Web. 2221. Day work and bundle washing Web. 1088 LAUNDRY work by the hour. Webster 2062, DAY work wanted Cell Webster 688 BUNDLE washings to lake nome, Web. 1391 CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Man with aome newspaper ex perlence; prefer one with some knowledge of farm machinery: must .be man in deferred classification. Apply In person to Mr. Bumpus, 1112. W. O W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS. $150. 3136, 2126. $UoT100. Ledger clerk, $100. Pay roll clerk, $116. WATTS REF.' CO.. 1138 1st National Bank. YOUNG man wanted to work on fountain In evenings. Highland Park Pharmaoy, 24th and A. , DRUG CLERK WANTED. Good aalary. steady Job. . Attebery Bros.. Morrill. Neb. Piofessions and Trades. WANTED 20 CARPENTERS GOOD WAGES INSIDE WORK 'ALL YEAR ROUND. APPLY MORRIS & CO., ; SOUTH SIDE. CARPENTERS ATTENTION Carpenters-are wanted on new government job, quar termaster terminal, Nor folk. Va. '4 FREE TRANSPORTATION STANDARD WAGES. PORTER BROS., CONTRACTORS. Apply at U. 8. Co-Operat- . Ivs Employmsnt offlcs, . basement. County Court House, or TJ. 8. Employment Service, 111$ Farnam St.. Ship Monday evening, Au . gust 19. WANTED Express Handlers , Drivers and Chauffeurs. , Increased Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY r. EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office X WANTED A man for mechanical work In our shads and drapery workroom. . THOS. .KILPATRICK ft CO, WANTED A first-ciasa shoemaker; com - patent to operate champion machinery and take ' entire charge ot shop; good wages the - year round to a competent man. Address F. F. Tully, 222 N. Pine St., Grand Island, Neb. WANfED Experienced lady for assistant bookkeeper. Call Harney 1132, after t p. m. Please" call at once. TIRE REPAIR man wanted. Good sal ary. Good .Wear Tire ft Garage Co., 37th and Leavenworth Sts. Douglss 4700. WANTED Meat cutter, good habits. In qulre Basket Store office. 10$ No. tth St. WANTED 2 good butchers; best of wages. Apply at John r avias. 6140 South 24th at WANTED Upholaterer for furniture de partment - Bos 41406, Bea Salesmen and Solicitors. ARE you interested in a proposition In Ne braska, Iowa, or South Dakota, paying you from $35 to $60 per week! Country ' work; mtiat have, horse and buggy or su tomobll'4 Address 03U Farnam .Bldg.. WANTED Experienced real estate sales man by one of the largest firms in the . city: man not subject to draft; must have ra.-. not 4733, Omaha Bee. WANTED First-class tailor. . Prefer el derly man. or one above draft age. Good wagea paid ta right party. Addreaa May viotnina more. i;ossq, jsto. WANTED Two high grade book salesmen en tha story of the Great War. Leeds furnished. Call 212 Baird Bldg. and ask for Mr. Hatfield. . ' - WAii'a,D Special collector. Sea Mr. Sher man. State Furniture Co. 14th and Dodge atreeta" HELP WANTED-MALE. Boys. WANTED A boy over 17 to learn trunk and case-making. Freling St Stelnla, 1803 Farnam St. - . Hotels and Restaurants. PAN-WASHER, 240.00 and board; Ice-man, . 350.00 and board. Apply. Blackstpne hotel, 36th and Farnam streets. Harney 845. ' Miscellaneous ' LABORERS and track xnen, 40 cents per hour at start, with car fars; 10 hours, . APPLY . TRACK AND "ROADWAY DEPT.. . 22D -AND NICHOLAS STS., '" OMAHA & CO. BLUFFS . i STREET RAILWAY. I. A DAQ cod or handy men; steady employment; good pay. -fto tlms lost on account of weather OMAHA OAS WORKS. 20th and Center Sts I MAN, wife and daughter, 14 years old; farm ' or dairy work;, man will do milking, cnorea or general farm work; wife will Keep noose if . wanted, Alden Garwood, . UlllllB, neo, , RAILWAY MAIL. CLERK examinations Aug 10. Hundreds wanted.' $1,100 year. Sample queettons free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 23-F, Rochester. N, Y WANTED 100 young men, 17 to 25 years of age ior primary election day, Tuesday August .20th. Good pay. Apply Room ssi, umaiu national Bank Bldg., Omaha WAfT'NSD Men 1$ to 60 years old for aen eral yard work; steady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha. WANTED Grain ahnvelent. Anniv t l vator. First and Hasksll Sts. Nebraska ana lows urain co. WANTED Stableman at once. Apply to American Hallway Express Co., 1107 Cap- Korave. DRIVER wanted for delivery wagon. Wag . ner, 301 North 16th St ' HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHERS. If you want a position In an out-of-town . bank aee us at ones. Several positions open now. No charge until you are lo-' cated. Bank positions only. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS CO., 1424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha. ATTENTION. BOOKKEEPERS We have FOUR verv hleh class ROOK KEEPING POSITIONS for competent la dles. Be sure and Investigate AT ONCE. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Young lady who is neat pen man and accurate In work as general office .assistant Bring written appli cation. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co., general office. 2d floor, 19th and Farnara (,.,1 M ' STENOGRAPHERS $100, $26, 190, $86, v80, $76. Bookkeepers, $100, $90, $80, $76. Typist and clerk, $75. Typist. $50. Compt. Opr., $60. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st National Bank. LADY stenographer, and girl tor , office clerk, steady employment and good wages. Hartman Furniture ft Carpet Co., 415 So. i6tn Bt. YOUNG lady for mail order department; ex perience not necessary: $65. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. TWENTY-FIVE good positions to bo filled at once, all good salaries? Co-Operative Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat'l Bk. GENERAL office clerk, uptown office, $65, io. - WESTERN -REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. WANTED-Young Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid ' ' while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. SHIRT OPERATORS. We nee4 experienced operators on power machines, making shirts. , Any girl who has had experience In op erating any power machine can readily learn to make shirts. Good wages guar anteed. Call any day at tth and Howard Btt." BYRNE ft HAMMER DRY GOODS CO. WANTED AT ONCB 25 experienced power sewing machine operators. We guarantee experienced op erators will earn 33 cents per hour at piece work. This guarantee is given for operators to learn our work and expense for period ot 4 weeks. Nice, clean and steady work all the year. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., 702-11 8. 15th St TEACHERS WANTED Science, $90. $125; commercial, at once, $1,000 per year; Do4 meatlo science, $90, $110; prtnclpalshlps and superintendences for women, $900 to $1,200; Innumerable calls for grades, $70, $100. Stewart School Service. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Girls to operate power aewlng t machines.' Experience not necessary Good wage. L, G. Doup Co., 1301 Nich olas. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED MIL LINERY SALESLADY; STEADY EM PLOYMENT AND GOOD SALARY. AP PLY TO . . T. F. L1KD. HAYDEN BROTHERS. Household and Domestic WANTED a good girl for cooking and down stairs work: good wages and good home. Walhut 143. WANTED A girl to assist In housework. Call South 97. GIRL for general housework; only two In WANTED A competent cook. Good wages. Apply Mrs. O. .Store, 3708 Fsrnam 8t. Hotels and Restaurants. FAN TRY girl, white or colored, $36 with room ana 00a ra. Apply oiackstont ho tel. Thlrty-alxth and Farnara street Har- ney t45w Trade Schools. BE AN AUTO and tractor expert In a few weeks: earn 490 to $300 a month. Our big tret book explains. Rahe'a Auto School. 2180 Oak St Kansas City. Mo. ' Miscellaneous DADY musiciana and aingera deslroua of being coached for chsntauqua concert and vaudeville work. Write now. SIgnor Toloraeo, Arlington Blk., Stadloa open Sept. 1st , , . WANTED Names women-giria wishing try examination ror government positions. $100 month. Address Y-649, Omaha Bea. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Miscellaneous. T : Twenty-five Able bodied women for trucking freight -30c per hour. Apply to J. W. Smith. C. ft N. W. Ry. R. Uth and Davenport Sts. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. wanted by burgess-n'ash co. experienced salespeople APPIiY SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. WANTED Men. ladles and boys, -learn barber trade; big demand wagea while learning; strictly modern. '.Cdll or write . 1402 Dodge St Trl-CIty Barber College . Phone D 2147 WANTED IMMEDIATELY Men. women Governmnt war positions, $100 month List free. Franklin Institute, Dept 231 G. Rochester, N. Y. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladles to learn the barber trade.' Call or write for free catalogue. 110 & 14tb St- Omaha. Neb WANTjED Pap washers and glass washers HOTEL FONTENELLE, 18th and Douglas. EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Originators of Intensive Training for of fice workers. Courses In Bookkeeping Shorthand, Stenotypy, Typewriting, Rail road and Wireless Telegraphy, Civil Serv ice. Comptomctry, and all English branch es., Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE. Telephone 18th and Harney Sts.. Doulas 1565. Omaha. Nebraska Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha Natlc-ial Bank Bldg. DoubIbi 6SSO FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SANITARY modern rooms for men only .-.iu per weeK. Sunshine Apartments. 608 N. 17th St J. B. Robinson. 442 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8097. MODERN furnished room, permanent or transient Including large front room suitable for three gentlemen. 1711 Dodge. 550 SOUTH 26TH ST. Large, elegantly furnished, south room; suitable for 1 or 2: next to bath. GRAND HOTEL 520 S. 13th, new manage- ment, nice, clean rooms, $2 up a week. LARGE front room, suitable for two. Private home. 615 Park Ave. Harney 6614. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 318 No. 26th street. " Housekeeping Rooms. SMALL eating house for rent In exchange for boardtgg, two. Douglas 3785.. THREE, all modern housekeeping rooms. 1037 south Z4th St. Hotels. COOL rooms, $2 week; also apartments wltb kltch.-nttes. Ogden hotel Co Rinffs Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED rooms In Crelgbton Block, l&tb and uougias sts. D 5342 WORLD REALTY CO FOR RENT FURNISHED. 'RONT 2-room suite, garage, Electrlcltj, gas range. Harney 4989. 2701 Daven port St. Apartments. DANDY 3 rooms and bath FURNISHED COMPLETE, near 24th and Harney, walk. Ing distance of down town. High-class location, best of service. $42.50. Doug las 3140. FOR RENT HOUSES. West. 1103 PARK AVE. 8-r., strictly modern. $33.50, 918 So. 31st, 5 mis., .modern, $20. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Tyler 1636. 333 Securities Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM house, hot water, heat; adults only. Harney 2049. North. 3304 NORTH Sixty -ninth street, 7 rooma $15.00. 6922 Bedford avenue. 6 rooms, 812.60. OMAHA LOAN ft BLDG. ASS'N. 2563 DOUGLAS, rooming house, $33.00. Flat, 2305 Leavenworth, - 6 rms. $20.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. 6-ROOM modern house for rent.' 8420 Cal ifornia street. Call after 7:30 p. m. 7-ROOM house, hot water beat, adults only Harney 204. 7-ROOM modern house, entirely new. 2740 Titus Ave. Tel. D. 9125. FIVE-ROOM and bath, modern; $1,600. 2706 Seard-St. Webster 1534. 11-ROOM house; near high school; $40.00. D. B Gross. Red 6801. South A.Rnou nnH den. atrictlv all modern. 830. With garage. J3S.60. 1643 B. Z6th St. Tyler 1812-J. l Miscellaneous. $1S 1660 North. 20tli St., 6 rooms, bath, easily heated, $25 623 South 20th St., 10 rooms, fur nace. ' ' RINGWALT BROS., BRANDEIS THEATER TJ T - T T niV. t HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS ft CO.. BEE BLDG LIST your property for rent or sale wltb ITIRST TRUST COMPANY. " Realtors Trier 721W. Phopen A fa.. Rente! Dougla 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. UNDINE APARTMENTS. 2 rooms and bath with 6-room accom modations. Thoroughly modern In every detail. - Located at 2652 Dewey avenue $3$ summer, $45 winter. TRAVER BROS. CO., 819 First Nat'l Bkj Bldg.. Doug. $88$. FOR KENT, 8-room brick, all modern; nice neighbor hood; good Jurnace. Located at 1717 Park Ave., fronting park. TRAVER BROS. CO.. 819 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 6886. EXTRA CHOICE CLOSE-IN FLAT. NEW BRICK; NOTHINU ttmitM iv.e. CITY: FOUR BEDROOMS; $50.00 TO FAMILY ONLY. ARTHUR -"B. WOOD MAN. 2223 CAPITOL AVE. HAMILTON APTS- fireproof; fine lawn and flowers; best location; Z4tn and Farnanr Prices reasonable. Call D. 1473. - , North." SEVEN-ROOM modern flat. Call Har. 3162. Miscellarraous ON ACCOUNT of leaving city, will sublet one of the most attractive rive-room apartments In Omaha for balance, of term ot lease. Phone Walnut $74. Sagamore Apartments 3824 Cass bt. PETERS TRUST CO.,. flnool lists tn prrmnt management FARM LAND WANTED. FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with as If yon want to eep It E. P SNOWDEN ft BON. tit Elsctr. Bldr . Douglaa $$7L FOR RENT Business Property - - Stores CORNER LOCATION . FARNAM ST. First floor and cemented basement Mod ern building. 40x110. Will -highly interest auto accessory dealers or Any business re quiring fine quarters. , ' , Armstrong-Walsh Co., , Tyler 1536. 333 Securities' Bldg. STORE North 16th St, near P. O. low relit O. P. Stebbina. 1619 Chicago. - 3410 CUMING st. $30.00 . . k Alfred C. Kennedy Company, ! Realtors. 205 8. 13th St. ' Douglas 75!. Office and Desk Room. HURRY! Thure are only a few vacant of flees left in The Bee Building. Keystone iiivraiinmi jo.. -lyier 131. I 7. WANTED TO REN Furnished Ar)artments and Houses. MODERN. well furnished 3 or 4-rnom apartment! Sept 1; no children; refer ence. Call Harney 2105 or Douglas 217. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO RENT A large stock ami grain farm; have horses and machinery enough to run any siza farm. Address Box-- Y. 661. Omaha Bee. MOVING AflD STORAGE FREE service. FIDELITY 10 1 ft ANU JACKSON.. DOUG. 28$. storage, moving. packing. v .reasonable rates free rental service. t complete List of all vacanj HOUSES AND APARTMENTS 'Globe Van and Storage Co. ror real service in moving, pacKIng sod ""." 'an ivier zi'i or imuglss sxsx METROPOLITAN VAN ft STORACE TO. wwnea ana operated b Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St., between 15th and 16tb. Phone Tyler $400: Have your moving bandied Just as veu ' would an order for new furniture. ThacS tte wav we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists FIREPROOF YvTfilfHOUSa Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, packing and shipping. - v , ., - . OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 606 A- I6th. Douglss 4162 OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans: careful men. Fur-1 nlfure pack., storage 1417 Chicago D X264 r P RPTPPri Expreas Co., Moving, KKj.liClthU Packlna and - Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2742; Douglas 14tf REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. FOUB-ROOM house and six lots. Price ' S1.S00. Terms, a small payment down and $25 per month. Located just outsld the city limits, closi to car, schoohychurcfc and store: good soil, suitable for garden- . ins. A good place to keep chickens, plgx , and a cow. If you want to see this hous take any car that runs on 24th street ane transfer to West y car. Get off at. th end of tho car line at 4 2d and Q streets. A salesman will be at the end of th car lino at 42d and Q streets Saturday A. afternoon, August 17, and all day Sunday, - August is, to take you to' see this houc and other houses we have for sale lr this vicinity on easy terms. H. H. HARPER AND COMPANY. I Hanscom Park Bungalow ' Snap 6-rtrom strictly modern bungalow, locat ed near 35th and Castellar; oak finish and oan noors; cement basement : furnace near.; large lot on paved street; east front. Owner hn. loff Itv ,1 ,,......, A i - -. ' ..... .. L15KU iv niiii-i flee thla property for $2,6iil). If looklngf for ft. rrfll rinsm it a Vi . it Payne Investment Co. f 637 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug, 1781. 6-ROOM new stucco, modern house, Dundee, 1307 N. 50th Ave. Three sleeping rooms, oak floors, full basement. $2,400. Month- ly payments, ynone Walnut 11T20. MODERN BUNGALOW. $150 cash!" I rooms on one floor, oak finish. Complete ly modern, near car. $3,950. Call days Douglas 3140. LOT with all Improvements; on paved street: good district: $395 to $495: 35 down; 85 per month. Doug. 6074. . MODERN 7-room home for sale, close-In. Call Doug. 720. North KOUNTZE PLACE 7 Rooms, Corner Lot, Garage .-" ,$5,250 v T-Room, strictly modern home: t bloc!; to Kountz park and Caroline; oak floon and finish first floor; birch on second floor; hot water heat; large corner lot, garage for 2 cars; paving all paid; prop, erty in fine repair; a very attractive home. For terms call J. L. HIATT C0 LMMI r'lKST NAT L. 'JW BK. BLDG PHoNEfJO TYLKrfVO FOUH-ROO.M house and six lots. Pric $1,800. Terms, a small payment dowr and $25 per month. Located Just outsid the city llmite, close to car, school, churcfc and store; good soil, suitable for garden ing. A good place to keep chickens, pigr and cow. If you want to see this hous take any car that nms & 24th street and transfer to West Q car. Get off at the end of the car line at 42d and Q strefUt, A salesman will be at the end; "of- tht car line at 42d and Q streets" Saturday afternoon, August 17, and all day Sunday, August 18, to take you to see this house and other houses we have for sale In this vicinity on easy terms. " H. H. HARPER AND COMPANY. . LOOK AT THIS 0NE7 A new 4-room cottage already furnished, with nice furniture, Nice size lot wltb garage on rear. Owner drafted and must sell. Good location. Near pretty park. East front. Modern except heat Price complete $2,550.00. $300.00 cash and bal ance monthly. DOUGLAS 1014 DAYS OR WAL NUT 677- EVENINGS, f, 1457 PJNKNEY TRED3T $400 DOWN $37.80 MONTHLY Six large rooms, reception, hall, two stores, pantry, rear entry, linen closnt, OS' finish and floors In part, full basement, screened-ln front porch. Call at house today. Phone Webster , 2671. .OWNER LEAVING CITY; BUY A BARGAIN. Six-room, strictly modern home for only $2,500; $300 down, $25 monthly; well located,, near Twenty -fifth and Fort 'streets. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tylar 49$-. 2024-40 NORTH S1ST STRSCT 4-room, brand new bungalow with one. third acre, modern except furnaoe, ce. ment walks to car. $200 cash and $25 It or mnnth Innliirllnsr Iwta&vaa PAYNE ft SLATER- COMPANY. D. 101 B. 6-ROOM modern house for only $3,506; cast front lot 46x132 at 6124 North 23d st W. H. GATES, 447 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. IF you are going to buy a boiffe, se thla first; a fine five-room hoase; eiectilo rights, gas and water. Price $2,000. Sea owner at 8330 Manderson NEW up-to-date 7 rooms, oak finish, large lot fine location; price $6,250; terms 6127 N 24th St Norrls ft Norrts. D 4270 MINNIE LL'SA homes and lots offer1 the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. YOUNG ft DOHEBTT, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 822 BRANDEIS THEATER. DO. 1571. South. FOUR-ROOM house and six . Iota. - Price $1.800.. Terms, a pnall payment down and $2$ per month. Located Just outside the city limits, close to car, school, church and store, good soil, suitable for garden. Ing. 1 A good placa to keep chickens, pigs and a cow. If you want to see this house, take any car that runs on 24th street and transfer to West Q car. Get off at tha end of the car line at 42d and Q streets. A salesman will be at the end of tha car Una at 42d and Q streets Saturday afternoon, August 17 and all day Sunday, August 1"8. ' - - . H. H. HARPER AND COMPANY. r FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. 7-R. modern house, garage, lot 70x165: price ti.lso. j C. A. Orimmel. Phone Douglas 1414. Miscellaneous BARGAINS IN HOMES Investments, properties and acreage nsar Omaha. HARRISON A "MORTON. 11$ Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' -.'