Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1918, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1918. GOLDEN-HAIRED, BLUE-EYED BABY SEEKS MW HOME Beautiful Nebraska Baby Will Be Given' Away by Beatrice Fairfax at The Bee Office. : Who wants to adopt a little blue eyed, golden haired baby girl? Thia little atom of humanity, seek ing a home at the age of four weeks, will be at the office of The Bee Sat urday from 10 to 12 a. m. and again from 2 td 4 p. m. 1 The baby is one of those unfortu nates who come unwelcomed into the world. Her mother is a mere child, the daughter of a prominent family in a small town in the middle west. The father is not yet 16. It is one of those rases of lack of sufficient parental instruction and supervision. The little mother is willing to give Iter baby to sme good woman. She does not care what the religion or financial circumstances of the family may be. "Just so they will .make a good woman of her," she said, hold ing the little one closer. There is no lack of maternal love in the child mother, but her parents are willing to take her back home and give her a fresh start in life, pro viding she will give up 'the baby. If she keeps it she cannot provide for herself nor her. baby daughter. The children are toU young to marry with out their parents' consent, and the parents believe they are too ytyng to marry under any circumstances. So the baby is to be given away. Those applying will have to convince Beatrice Fairfax of The Bee and the social workers she has asked for assistance, that they are proper per sons to have the child. Come armed with references. The little one is per fectly healthy, and well developed. She sleeps all the time, and would not even open her eyes. to get her pic ture taken. Legal papers' can be se cured, and the mother will give abso lute possession. Baby gives promise of being a beaytiful child, , as she looks like her pretty mother. Two Girls With Vigorous Vocabularies Wake Up Cops Marie Robinson and Mable Barn heim, were arrested at their rooming house. 220 North Nineteenth street, at 5 o clock Thursday night and book ed for investigation. .f , The two girls, judged by their "youthful appearance, are of tender years, but they, possessed a vocabul ary that. made, even thi- cops at the Central police station sit up and rub their s eyes. When fold that they would have to spend the night in jail the girls merely tossed their heads and replied that they were game enough to do. afty thing Once. ; food Administration Urges Farmers to Market Wheat The national' rood administration has asked the Nebraska office to sug gest to the farmers of this, territory , the importance of marketing their wheat at the earliest possible date. This comes from Washington, not as a demand, but merely as a friendly Misrsrstion. .:'"."'...'.' ."., ). ' mm- y 3-Piece Suits Reduced if1 i ANY S15.00 SUIT I $22.60 & f.usn.75 ?r:.$i7.50 jr. Jl and 30 4M Q 7R SUITS, now for. . l V O Furnishings Men You Siva just About U Union. Suit In Athletic styis of ex tra quality nainsook, with alasti rib bed bark. All iiu 44c Wash Tie Revcrtiblo tublar four-in-hand ttylca. in endless variety ot color ings and patterns. Stock up on these, at .....i. .......... fro Bora' Stock tr e A dnraba black-ribbed bom that will fi extra wear. Moth er m appreciate these values; per Pir ISe Balbrlftaa Short Sleeve Shirts and Drawers, in ankle or knee length. Shirts S4 to 4; drawer SB to 42 per rarment , 44c Bathiar Suits One-plec style with V neck.; Great choice of plain or chest strip patterns. In the August Clear. anee, at 84e Handkerchiefs Made . of hemstitched, soft finished cambric; full site; you should buy these by the down; spe cial, at each ...... Be JL ( CIOTHINO COMPANY ) S. ' 1 V The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice In sending a check for $2.00 to The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice for suffering Omaha babies, Mrs. Percy Black of Grand Island wrote: Clve to wma drar kiddle bottle of awet milk. And chunk of ice to keep H sweet, nd pray To tell him that we Ioto to fire this little tiny bit, ' To help to make him comfy till a nicer, cooler day. Every cent of the money sent to . The Bee for this fund goes to buy ice and milk to help save the lives of little tots. Previously reported .'. $771.93 Mrs. Perry Black, Grand Island 2.00 W. H. Latey 2.00 Mrs. P. O. Pugsley, Genoa. . 5.00 Total ......$780.93 Return Load Campaign Enlists Forty Trucks Now Hauling to Omaha , Forty automobile trucks have been enlisted in the "return, load" cam paign organized. by the Chamber of Commerce, announces Jf.! M, Gillen; manager of the chamber's industrial bureau. Responses have been re ceived from 50 merchants in Omaha, Elkhorn, Bellevue, Valley, Calhoun, Gretna, Greenwood, Lincoln and Plattsmouth, among Nebraska towns, and from Oakland, Persia, Pacific Junction, Magnolia, Shenandoah, Red Oak, Honey Creek and Glenwood, among Iowa towns, The purpose of the campaign is to save railroad traffic by encouraging automobile truck owners to haul loads both in and out of Omaha, in stead of returning with an empty truck after one load has been hauled. By this means, it js hoped to save railroad congestion. Plans for the campaign include the establishment of a central office in Omaha at which truck drivers who have brought loads into Omaha can learn where they may secure a re- Nurn load: Five Omaha Men j Leave for Utah College Tuesday Five men for special training in the agricultural college of Utah, ex perienced carpenters, gas engine men, radio operators and machinists, are scheduled for entrainment August 13 for Logan, Utah, from board No. 4. The following men have volun teered, all being experienced in some of the lines mentioned: Martin J. Dober, Francis Thrane, Henry C Hamann, Chris E. Wonsmos, John Jensen. The board had 24 perfectly good volunteers on this call. Bandmaster Again . Accused of Auto Theft ' C. B. Mullen, bandmaster of the disbanded Nebraska Seventh infan try, who got a 30-day jail sentence in Council Bluffs when a district court jury fixed the value of a new Ford car he had stolen at; $15, has been placed under arrest at Sioux: City charged with the theft of an automo bile, which police found in a private garage he had rented. Don't Miss This BIG AugustSale We're clearing our entire stock of cloth ing to make way for Fall Stocks. We can safely predict that to duplicate these values at any future date will be impossible, for all the clothing of our in creased army and navy means still fur-, ther increases in woolens. Scores of men have attended our August Clean-up Sale. If you haven't, you're missing an oppor tunity that you cannot afford to pass up. Savings from one-fourth to one-half $25 SUITS. I $18 and 20 SUITS. $14.75 I ANY SUIT $35 fc'Of "7C or up, now. ..... W4.75 Pants At About HALF What You Will Hve to Pay Next Spring. Khaki (Trousers and pants of other ma- , terials. specially suitable for card en work and hard usage; all J J A Q sixes; remarkable snap, pr.. ipTe'rO All lajo Line in the entire store will be found in this group; wholesale prices - today are higher than our Clearance Sale Price. , Qn Your choice, at ...,pl70 All S3 JO Line, including worsteds, serges, cassimeres. in plain shades, stripes and checks; an opportunity no man can afford to overlook. 0 AQ In August Clearance, at.t eCxO ' 4 JO and IS Lines A great choice of fine quality, suitable for dress wear. These include the finest fabric in ' complete range of siies; o in your choice .............. OeTO MARSHAL SUES SARPY SHERIFF FOR BIG DAMAGES Michael Zwiebel Seeks Ten Thousand Dollars Damages from Charles Hutter for Alleged Unlawful Arrest. Michael Zwiebel, marshal at Papil lion, Neb., has filed suit for $10,000 damages against Charles Hutter, sheriff of Sarpy county, and his bond ing company, alleging that on August 31, 1917, the sheriff unlawfully arrest ed him on the pretext that he had violated some law. Zwiebel alleges that he was held in jail three hours and was subjected to violent treatment on the part of the sheriff. ' ' ' v He says that his name and reputa tion have been damaged to the extent of $10,000. Loose-Wiles Employes Are to Hold Picnis Saturday Elaborate preparations are being made by -the Loose-Wiles company for their annual employes outing which will be held at Manawa park Saturday. - More than 300 employes, and their families will attend. They will leave in special cars at 2:15 in the afternoon and spend the balance .of the day. An extensive program of athletic contests will be staged in the afternoon, including their famous Sun shine Sugar Wafer race. The con testants in this race will all wear cracker boxes. Products of the com pany will be given for prizes. A big picnic dinner will be given at 7 o'clock. In the evening special danc ing, swimming and boating parties will be coducted. Bee Man In Navy Arrives'' Safely Over in France Another Bee man has arrived safely overseas, fljlen Reeves, formerly em ployed in the circulation department, has written his parents, Mr. and Mrs O.' D. Reeves, 410 North Twenty third street, that he is now in France. He is in the radio service of the navy. He was .prominent in Commercial High school athletics, being a mem ber of the base ball team for two years. , An Interesting Price List FOR SATURDAY FROM Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co. Business is good a very good complement of "help" and goods of all kinds coming in at our warehouse faster than we can checkout away and distribute. America is "oh the Job." $1.00 5-Grain Aspirin Tablets, for 692 Patent or Proprietary Medi cines at Saving Prices $1.00 Enos Fruit Salt, 7Q for 'vC $1.25 Finkham's Com- QQ pound, for...... OC 60c Bardell's Rubbing Oil, 29(j 60c Bromo Seltzer, -3f)c 60c Dent's Mange, ' QQ Remedy, for OlC 25c Carter's Liver Pills, 25c Bella Donna and Capsicum Porous Plasters, 11 for I4C 25c Grover Graham's 10 Dyspepsia Remedy, for.. 17C 85c Jad Salts, CQ cut to. . OUC 60c Pape's Diapepsin, 3g $1.60 Gude's Pepto mangan, cut to. . . . $1.14 -60c Pyramid Pils Remedy, 85c Chamberlain's Colic Remedy, for. . . . . ..... 60c Payne's or Gossom Sidney Pills, for...... $1.25 Absorbine Jr., cut to............. .. 25c Bucklen's Arnica 24c 29c 98c 19c ioaivo, lur. ............ 60c Laxative Boro-Pepsin, 29c for ............ $1.00 "Nuxated Iron," for..:.......... 79(4 11.00 Listerlne, for ........... 79c . , 15c Cigars for 10c Saturday we shall sell all our 15c Cigari at 10c each. Limit, 10 to a customer, Among Brands will be V referenda, Exceptlonale, Flor de Murat, Frontenac, EI Paxo, High Life, Webster, Epicure, Ten Eyck," Generals, Reio-Esception-ales. FREE SATURDAY One cake' Pact's Cram Oil Soap with ernca ' thrw-ek purchase "f 4 for ............... OUC Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. ... Cot, ,16th end Dodg Street. (Original). ? Cor. 16th and Farnatn Strwat North and Wet of Burlington. - 16U nd Haraey Btf, Beautiful, Potential. N. E. Cor. 19th and Farnam Street Handsome Commodious Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam Street. Wst End Pharmacy, 49th and Dodja Street. General Office, 2nd Floor, 19th and Farnam StraaU. Campbell, American "Ace," Coming Back , to Train Aviators l 2.- , .v.'X k .... ::: .fjrij. - - - nriYiiM''ftiii'foiaiiriiitfi i Lt, Douglass Campbell of Califor nia, who is officially accredited with downing seven German planes, will soon leave for the United States with Capt. Walter Lovell of Boston to organize training schools to fit stu dent aviators for work at the actual fighting front. This will enable the graduate pilots to begin work as soon as they reach France. Want 40,000 Women Each to' Take Place of a Soldier Plans for the co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce and the United States Co-operative Employ ment Bureau were laid at a confer ence Friday morning between Com missioner Robert M. Manley ot the Chamber and Mrs. Lila B. DeWolf of the employment bureau. The con ference followed a proclamation by the chamber calling on 40,000 women in Nebraska to take the place of 40,000 men who have gone td war. It is realized that there are not this many women out of employment, but it is hoped to induce many women to enter service even though they may not need the wages they would car. Prescriptions The compounding of Prescrip tions at all times receives pre ferred attention in all the Sher man & McConnell stores, and to this end these departments are quite apart from the salesroom "rustle and bustle" incident to our busy stores. No prescription so "hard" we cannot solve its mys teries. None so simple that it does not receive careful attention. Toilet Goods , Face Powders, Talcums, Creams, Lotions and Hair Preparations at sharply reduced prices. Our stock in this line is, we believe, unequaled in these parts. 50c Creme Elcaya, for ..39c $1.00 Yale's Elixir of Q Beauty, for. Uiv C 25c Lea Egg Tar Shampoo 1Q Soap, for. ............. X7C 25o Mm. Yale's Hair 1 Q Tonic, for ............. . 1 17 C 25e Roger & Gallet Rouge 1Q de Theater No. 18, for. . 15C 15c Milrone Rouge, for 50c Melba Cleanser or Skin Food, for. ........ 65c Berry Freckle Oint ment, for. ............ 50c Bourjeois Java Rice Powder, for 50c Creme de Meridor, for 10c 39 c 49c 39c 39c 50c Riker's Violet Cerate, QQ for ....... j5vC $1.00 Van's Mexican Hair 69c Restorer, for.. ..... 50c Galatea Face Powder, 25c, Mavis Talcum, 1 A ' for ...... lrC (This is'the tall red box.) 40c Orchard White, OO for 60c Stearns Freckle Paste, ior..v. . . 39c 50c Cucumber, Benzoin OQ and Almond(Lotion, for. . a&JC $1.50 Oriental .Cream, j 50c Riker's Violet Witch q Hazel, for shaving tC 25c Laiell's Massata 1 A 2 Talcum, for ltC Red Cedar Compound, for packing way Furt and Woolens; large pkg.25 Leading Store for Men A Great Clothing Store Full of Uifusual Values Special-Men's Trousers Hundreds of pairs to choose from. Cheviots, Tweeds, Blue Serges, Palm Beaches and Striped Worsteds, in Sum mer and Fall weights; all sizes, 30 to 50 waist. Special Saturday, $2.00 to $6.50 Broken Lots Palm Beach Suits. . . .$5.00 Men9 Special Purchase of 3,600 Men's Sample Shirts, together with surplus stock of manufacturer. Everyone of these shirts we consider extraordinary values, con sidering the price of shirting today. Every shirt in the sale is extra well made, perfect fitting and patterns that are good and new. The materials in these shirts are fine quality corded Mad ras, Rep Cloth, Percales and Soisettes. All styles, 14 to 19 collar attached and neckband style. We have plenty of these shirts, and expect a big crowd, as e very man in Omaha and vicinity kows that a shirt sale at Brandeis' means a big saving. Actual values of these shirts are $1.45 to $2.(KX Union Suits at 55c 40 Dozen Manhattan Athletic Union Suits, made of fine quality Nainsook; regular 85c values, priced for quick selling 55c Men's Bathing Suits $1 to $3.95 Rather than carry these Bathing Suits over to next season, we are offering our entire tock at very low prices. All our $1.25 and $1.50 Bathing Suits at $LOO All our Wool and Worsted Bathing Suits, worth up to $6.00, at $3.95 Men's Lisle and Fibre Hose at 35c 3 Pair for $1.00 Made of fine quality cotton and lisle yarn, also silk fiber in plain black, white, -gray, tan; Palm Beach in the lisle hose made with double sole, heel and toe; all sizes. Pick Your Straw Hat Here Saturday Morning for $1.00 . Discard the old faded hat and supplant it with a bright new straw at this fractional price. You will find Becoming Style and your als AH the Jap and Toy Panama, brarides Stores 24 Flooi Take Moving Stairway Best of All--Every Suit Reliable Hart Schaffner & Marx SUITS Styles for men and young men that would cost at least one-third more if 'we tried to buy them at the present market prices. Special Saturday $18.00 and $25.00 Dixie Weaves and Summer Suits Made by Hart Schaffner & Marx. The fab rics are very light weight woolens, cool and porous. They are wool because wool keeps shape, wears long and looks better. Special Saturday for $18.00. Suits for Young Men Hart Schaffner & Marx suits for young men come in all the lively styles, Military models, Varsity, Fifty-five Panel back style, seam at the waist line ; lots of these suits good for fall. Special, Saturday, at $25.00. Second Floor Man's Building-. 'Furnishings long wear; Main Floor Men' Building. $1.00 $1.00 All tha Men' $1.50 Straw Hat All tha Men's 65c Straw Hat Main Floor, Arcade. In the Middle ' West Five Hundred Men's and Young Men's Worsted Suits, Fall weights, in all sizes. Special Saturday $18.00 and $20.00 Officers' Uniforms at wholesale prices. Omaha headquarters for Home Guard Uniforms. Goat and Pants, Hat and Leggins, spe cial $10.75 3600 Mens Shirts At $1115 Jjeo Men's Union Suits at 95c Combed Cotton, Lisle and Mesh Union Suits r short or long sleeves. Some knee length, in white and ecru color. Regu lar $1.25 and $1.50 values. Men' Shoes Men's White Canvas Shoes, $3.95 a Pair. Made of excellent quality snow white canvas, with white welted soles, medium round toe shape, all sizes. , Men's Oxfords, $2.95 a Pair. " . Former values to $6.50, a quick rid dance price ; on several styles of men's low shoes; tans and black leathers, nar row and medium toe shapes, nearly all sizes. . - Scout Shoes for Boys. $2.95 a Pair. Made of brown elk skin, with sturdy oak tanned soles, made for comfort and sizes 1 to 5i2. Special value. at 65c at 45c ,.