Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Store Closes
at 7 P. M.
Store Closes
Simple Simon's Signs. "
Stockmen as Well as Manu
facturers Are Facing Great
. Loss' as the Supply
Decreases. ,
Omaha's artesian basin, which sup
plies water or a number of importanl
inrfnfri- several office buildines
suburban districts not Connected with
the city mains, and stock water lor
the dairies and farms, west, north
4 west and north of the city, is failing
so rapidly that jt is causing .great
alarm. '
Residents living, on West Q and
West Leavenworth streets, and in the
rorthern outskirts of the city whose
properties are not attached to the
municipal water supply, and who
have been dependent upon well water
supplied from the artesian basin, finds
their wells dry and they have been
hauling water from distant points to
meet ordinary domestic needs.'
Dairymen and farmers who have to
have large supplies of stock water are
?lso confronUd with the problem of
coping with scant supply due to the
rirving up and failure of their old
veils, which have stood the test of
j ears and' in many instances some
have been compelled to sink their
wells from 200'to 400 feet deeper to
develop a new source of water supply,
r Wells Are FaUing. V
The artesian wells of the Harding
Cream company, the Booth Packing
company, the Young Men's Christian
association, the David Cole and Fair
mont Creameries, and of all of the old
1 breweries, which are now engaged in
making beverages, are failing to such
an extent there is talk of abandong
" them, or equipping them with expen
sive water lifting devices to stimulate
the flow. , '
Many industries in the city, such as
the creameries, cold storage and ar
tificial ice plants, beverage manufac
turers and similar , concerns are de
pendent upon water supplies
than that of the municipal plant. They
have to have a constant flow of water
of a temperature of 59 degrees or
lower fo'r the economical cooling of
products either: in the finished state
or in progress of manufacture, which
cannot be profitably coolcll by any
artificial process. - , ' v
Failure Causes Concern.
To them, the failure of the artesian
basin is a matter of reaP concern
and to develop problematical new
sources of supply will entail consid
erable exploration "and great ex
pense; ; . . .. - . . .
. One of the deepest artesian wells in
the city is that of the Booth Packing
company, which was sunk to a depth
of 1.700 feet. One of the best artesian
wells developed here was that of the
Harding Creamery company, which
was sunk to a depth, of 749 feet in
.1904. It developed a Aqw of 240 gal
- Ions of water per minute, the tem
perature of the water being 59 de
grees Fahrenheit.. This U one of the
wcllS that now seems threatened with
extinction. ;
The territory affected embraces all
of that district north of Vinton street
in the city of Omaha and north to the
Washington county line, and all of
tile district west of Omah'a, including
Benson. Douglas, Dundeef Millard,
McArdlc. Union, Jefferson and Flor
ence precincts. - w--.' ' '' ''
Tlrt loss, is already felt and that
which is threatened will run into sev
eral hundred thousand dollars, repre-J
renting capital now invested and the
necessity, of the expenditure ot large
sums of money to replace the wells
that have already been ruined by the
failing condition of the artesian basin.
fuel Men Take. Measures to
. .Relieve Coal Car Shortage
An urgent appeal to redouble ef
fort to relieve the coal car shortage,
was received from Fuel Administrator
11. A. fkrficld by John L. Kennedy,
fuel administrator for Nebraska.
Friday. ;:V - " ;-
Dr. Garfield asks the local fuel ad
ministration to take steps to have car.s
itnrniA nrnmAllv an that thev can
'be started back to the mines. Serious
difficulties in the delivery of an ade
'quate supply of coal -threaten unless
this is done, it is reported.
Nebraska dealers, the fuel adminis
tration declares., often permit cars to
remainon a siding when a dispute
, arises between them and the shipper
or the railroad. This fault must be
corrected, the Omaha fuel office an
nounces, and measures to, curb this
practice will be taken immediately.
Three More Autos Stolen; !
. Two Recovered by Police;
Three automobiles were reported
stolen Thursday and two were re
;overedthe same day by police. . .
, The machine of II. C. Bock, living
on rural route No. 1 was stolen from
Seventeenth and Harney streets about
10 o'clock in the morning. ' It was re-,
covered in the afternoon abandoned
in the street in front of 2513 North
Nineteenth street., 1
Police also recovered a car stolen
from the garage of Simon Green, 1538
North Nineteenth street. The lock on
his garage was broken off and the
:ar taken.- 'u. , - V,.... . .
Auto thieves broie off the lock on
the garage of. If. Pachman, 1538
North Eighteenth street, and got
away with his machine. It has not
been recovered. - i, .
Dollars, Pounds or Francs
Might Be Acceptable Now
Who wants to part with a "hun
, Sredmark" in these days' of H. C L?
The question was answered in dis
:rict cohrt Friday morning - when
Georgia A. obtained a divorce decree
from Ernest HundredmaVk.
William H. Wright was also granted
a divorce decree f from Mary -A.
Wright,, on grounds of 'abandon-
Sugar Advances In Prtce In ?
- Omaha to Ten Cents a Pound
The food administration has -au-.
thorized an increase of. Vi a cent a
pound in the retail price of sugar.
i leref ofore grocers Tisve sol4 sugar
?.t 9',i cents a pound. :: Henceforth
sid until further notice the price will
3. i 10 cents .
bomplete the letters of Simon's Sign they wiljspell the name
of a civil war general. Answer to previous puzzle BOXING
453 Men Called Into
Army From Omaha to
Depart on August 26
Orders have been received for the
entrapment during the f ve days fol
lowing August 26 of 566 men'frora
this city and county. This contingent,
representing the regular August call,
will go to Camp Funstonf
The call is divided as follows:
lowing August 26 of 453 men from
Board Mo. 1, 9; No. 2, 0; No. 3. 215;
No. 4, 200; No. 5, 9; No. 6. 21.
Practically all the men in class one
are gone from some of the local dis
tricts, unless the class :s augmented
by reclassifications now in progress.
Boards three and four, however, arc
well supplied with class one men.
Board four will have more than 200
when the August contingent departs,
while number three expects to have
with its reclassification, 1,000 , or
more. , .
The states quota has been amended
from 2,000 to 1,500. Lancaster coun
ty will send 82. s
Accidental Blow From Bat
Fatal to William Shaffer
William Shaffer, 1607 .Jackson
street, was accidentally killed at Mil
ler park last night at 7 o'clock. He
and several companions were playing
ball. Shaffer stepped up to Luverne
Everson,swho was batting up flies,
and asked to bat a while.1 As he
stepped forward, Everson made a big
swing at a pitched ball. The bat
left his hands and struck Shaffer.
The injured man,was-taken to the
Swedish Mission hospital, where he
died a few minutes later. He leaves
a wife.
"THAVE used Div Caldwell's Syrup
V Pepsin and find it a most effective
and pleasant laxatives-one that is worth recom
mending to one's friends. I know that my
health has been greatly improved since
using it."
f From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written bj
J Miss Alice Lombard, 22 Boyliton St., I
V Springfield. Mass.
Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin
The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
1 tV-: 50 cts. (222). $1.00
; . T" T '
A,rnlld, pleasant-tasting combination of simple laxative
herbs with , pepsin. Brings relief without griping or
other discomfort. A trial bottle can be obtained free of
charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washing
ton Street, Monticello, Illinois. ' (
Beddeb's Cheerful
r A
WITHOUT any red tape to go through
. without any embarrassing inves
tigation you can buy on credit
anything you want in this store. Come in
tomorrow and make yourself at home. Get
acquainted. Buy a coat a suit a idress
millinery-furs, ' whatever you want.
We'll charge it. You can pay as you earn
the mony a little out of each pay
whatever you feel you can conveniently
rpare. Remember, Beddeo will trust you.
r - "
This advertisement makes its strongest appeal to provident
f oiks people who look ahead sufficiently to provide their needs
while it is vet nossible to buy at reasonable prices.
v : J
Handsome Plush Coats
C Wonderful Values '
$22.50 to $97.50
yThese plush coats were contracted for months ago and Mr. Bed
deo says the daily advances have greatly increased their value since
they Vere purchased, but they are priced on the purchase time basis.
If you are going to need a plush coat, your best judgment should
decide that you see these coats at once.
- The very newest' models are shown in Baffin Seal, Peerless
Flush, Sealette Plush, Esquimette, Etc. They are smartly trimmed
with fur and beautifully lined with plain and fancy satin. These new
models are rather full and smartly belted. We will consider it a.
pleasure to show you these beautiful new coats.
s Women's Wearing Apparel Second Floor.
Buy Furs Now and Save
Never before have we shown such a large variety of smart style
Fur Sets, Muffs, Capes, Scarfs, Throws; Coats, Coatees, Etfc. Early
prices are much lower than you would expect Beautiful Purs of
French Lynx, Poiret Fox, Wolf, Red Fox, 'Mink, Beaver, Black
Fox, Etc. v
. . - ''- -
If you are not ready to buy now we will be glad to hold what-
ever piece you may select to be delivered later. You will save many
dollars if you buy now. Later on prices will be higher. Furs shown
on second floor.
" Credit to Out-of'Town People
"-! "1
Specials in Ladies Dresses
For Saturday
300 New Dresses In satins, crepe de chines and Georgettes, the very newest styles,
best of materials, silklined; from the very best makers; see (hng AA
these Dresses; such values will not be shown again this sea- tD-iiJ JJ
son. Our Special Cash Price for Saturday . 1
Specials in Women's Wear
Just a Few of the Many Special Values to Be Found "
in Our August Clearing Sale Saturday ' ,
Final Clean-Up of White Wash Skirts d1 Ofi
Values to $3; Saturday, only p
Silk Dress Skirts A very special lot, in stripes,
plaids and plain colors ; also white d A Q A
baronet satins; Saturday, at npu.UKJ
300 New Blouses In Georgettes and
crepe de chines, very special values . ,
200 Ladies' Suits In wools and silks; Suits in this
lot that sold at $59. Our Spe- d Of '7
cial Cash Price, Saturday yfct.l D
200 Children's Dresses In ginghams, in the very best styles; sizes 6 to 14;- , t do CA
very fine assortment. Our Special Cash Price for Saturday, at , ; . peJV
5 t
1 A
Special Cash Prices on
Neckwear and VeiU
ing for Saturday
Organdy and Georgette Collars and
Cuffs A splendid assortment, trim
med with" filet lace and net pleating;
orth up to $1.75. Our Cash Price
for Saturday, each ..... .$1.25
Georgette Collars In roll and square
effect, trimmed with val lace; regular
price, $1. Cash Price Saturday, 75
Organdy Vestees -With ciiffs trim
med with filet lace; square and roll
collar; special Saturday, at. $3.00
Net and Organdy Pleating Five to
9 inches wide; worth up to $2 per
yard. v Our Special Cash Price, Satur
day, per yard ..... . $150
Slip-On Veila In black, taupe and
white; special Saturday, at....25
Veiling Black, taupe, brown and
navy, with narrow chenille border;
worth ud to 50c. Special Cash Price
Saturday, at, yard. .25
New Velvet Hats I
At a. Special Price
Saturday of
Hats you will not be able to
duplicate later in the season, at
The low-price u the result of
an eady purchase and the selec
tion is splendid, including new
tarn effects, transparent hats,
hats of combination satin and
velvet. ,
A score of new styles await
, .... .
your seiecuon.
Men's Underwear
T Specially Priced for Saturday
$2.50 Union Suits Come in fine lisle and Egyp
tian; short or long sleeve, "ankle, three-quarter
and knee lengths. Our Special Cash Price for
Saturday $1.50
$1.50 Union Suit Lisle and Egyptian cotton;
short sleeve, ankle length; light and medium
weight Cash Price for Saturday, ........ .85
$1.25 Egyptian Shirts and Drawers Shirts with
long or short sleeve. Cash Price Saturday. .85d
Athletic Nainsook Union Suits In such well
known makes as Shedaker, Goodknit and Mar
thon. In three lots Saturday: ;
Regular $1.75 Athletics, Cash Price. .. .$1.25
Regular $1.25 Athletics, Cash Price. .... .95
Regular $1.00 Athletics, Cash Price . . . .95
Regular $1.00 Athletics, Cash Price. .. . . -65
All Sizes, 34 to 46.
Saturday Specials in
House Furnishings
90-lb. Capacity White Mountain Refrigerator
Golden oak cane with white enamel finish. Oar
Special Cash Price S28.50
8-fal. Water Coaler Oak finish. Our Special
Cash Price Satuiday S7.25-
2-qt. White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer Our
Special Cash Price 2.85
Same, 4-qt tiza 3.S5
6-lb. Electric Iron Complete with '''
cord. Cash Price Saturday $3.75
I6-in. Lawn Mower Three patent tempered
blades, ball-bearing, high wheel. Our Special
Cash Price Saturday $6 JO
Gem Safetyaxora Our Cash Price. ...... 89c
Any Size Step Ladderr-Plain, per foot.... 25c
Any size Step Ladder Braced, per foot. .3Se
Family size Food Chopper Cash Price for
Saturday 1-3S
4-lie Broom Cash Price Oe
Why Pay More?
Lowest Cash Price? on
Drugs and Toilet Goods
SOc Locust Blossom Perfume. ........ .29c
60c Walnutta Hair Dye 39c
35c Trailing Arbutus Talcum , 19c
$1.25 Pinaud's Eau da 'Quinine. ...... .89c
39c "fcrench Rice Face Powder All colors.
Special Cash Price 19c
25c Tube Daggett A RamsdelPs or Hudnut's
Cold Cream He
SOc Palmollve Cold Cream 29c
$1.00 Listerlne Cash Price 75e
40c Orchard White Cash Price. .29c
25c Massatta Talcum Cash Price.... 12c
25c Pasteurine Shaving Cream 12c
20c Pear's Unscented Soap 12c
10c Williams' Shaving Soap 7c
10c Shinola Cash Pric 7c
-! -
Hayden's Sanitary Fish and Meat Market
Specials for Saturday Pork Loin Roast and. Breakfast Bacon Strips. Your choice
Saturday, per lb.................
; AH Kinds of Frtsh and Salt Meats at Lowest Cash Prices
S T.-.-rri-1-i-i-r -r - - - -ri-i-m-rrrrriivri""" i''-ririijuuuuuc.trtrLnjmjmrtJuuxrvxni'jiArii-)i-.--ii-ii-i- - - ----- - - ' "'"mwmoww' - -j
Butter, Eggs, Cheese,
Pickles and 01eor
Fresh Eggs Dozen. ..... ,. 32c
No. 1 Tub Butter Lb... '....43c
Wisconsin j Cream Cheese Per
pound .y .V 30c
Fancy New York Cream Cheese
Per pound .N. . 35c
Fancy - Domestic Swiss ' Cheese
Per pound ISe
Lily aneTCem Iteo Lb. . . . 29c
Swift's Premium and Soowflake
Olec--Per pound..;..,.;'.. 33c
Bulk Swett Pickles Per quart 35c
Large DUI Pickles Per dos 20e
Fancy Larga Queea Olives Pet-
Sweet, Sour and Mixed Pkklea
Large Jars, each , ..28c
We Alao Have in Our PickU ,
Department Helnz'a, i
. Varieties of Goods.
To Reduce Your Housekeeping Expenses V3, Buy for
Cash-Quality Goods at the Lowest Market Prices
Government License No. C-11496.
8 lbs best White or Yellow Corn
meal tot ... .T7T. .' . 3gc
( lbs. best Barley or Corn Flour . .38c
Fine Ground Oatmeal, lb 10c
4 lbs. best Pear Hominy for 25c
24-lb. sack Pure Rye Flour ,$1.65
14-os. cans Condensed "Mflk . 10c
i-ou cans Condensed Milk c
10 bars Diamond "C" or Swift's
Pride Soap, for ', 38c
The test Domestic Macaroni, Vermicelli
or Spaghetti, pkg 71d
Fancy Japan Rice, per lb.
The best No. 1 Hind-Picked Navy
Beans, per lb. . ..14c
Large bottles Fancy Pickles, I tart-'
ties, bottle 23c
Sebepp's Coroanut, per lb. ..... . 35c
Washington Crisp Cora Flakes, per
pkg. ,.ai-3c
Tall cans Pink Salmon, can..,
Oil Sardines, per can
Ripe Olives, per can
Lux Washing Compound, pkg.
Loganberry Juice, bottle...,
Jello. for dessert, pkg
. 19c
. 7c
PER LB. .....
Maricaibo' Blend Coffee, lb. 25c
pnr. Him Blend Coffee, lb 27c
12V,e F Ankola Blend Coffee, lb 30c
Mocha and Java Blend, an excellent
drink, per lb. ; 35e
4 lbs. for 1-X
For Ice Tea Try Diamond "H" Blend.
per lb. - v 406
Ths best. Tea Sittings, lb. 23e
Fancy Evsp. Apples, per Jb 15c
Fancy California Prunes, lb. ...... 1 1 c
Fancy Evap. Apricots, lb...- 20c
Fancy Seedlesa Raisins, per lb..... 15c
Fancy 3 -Crown Muscatel Raisins, lb.ISc
Fancy Muir Peaches, lb 15c
Fancy Seeded Raisins, pkg 10c
IS bs. best No. 1 Potatoes. ...... .43c
12 lbs. tiood Cooking Apples 48c
Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, dozen.... 20c
Mew Cabbage, per lb. .5c
3 bunches Fresh Beets or Carrots fc
3 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 10c
Fancy Head Lettuce, head TVje
3 buuehes Fresh Celery
8 large Green Peppers
Larve Juicy Lemons, dozen..
Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb...7V'iC
2 large Cucumbers Be