THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. AUGUST 10, 1918. a IS. R FOR RENTROOMS. Unfurnished Rooms. tiATD room In Creighton Block, ltth and Douglaa Sta. x D. 41 WORLD BBALTT CO. Hotels. COOL room. II week; also apartment wltb kitchenette, ftgdea hotel Q Bluff FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. x NEW apartment. College Terrace, aouth- aaat corner 13d aad California; t and t room with t and 4-room accommoda tion; ttl and (40. Sea Janitor,- Apt. 1, or call Tyler Os. DANDY I room and bath FURNISHED COMPLETE, near 14th and Harney, walk Ing dlatanea of down .town. Hlgh-clasa location, beat of service. S4S.S0. Doug laa 14. ALL modem thra or four-room furnUhed apartment. 1B3T B. ntn Bt III gSMM S FOR RENT HOUSES. t HASTINGS reaidencea; clear: valued at 114,000; want land up to 110.008. V. A. Palm, Haatlnga, Neb. , West t ROOMS, aultabla for rooming home. 20 J I Harney street $40. J. H. DCMONT. 418 Keellna Bldg. Pg. 3304 NORTH Sixty-ninth atreet. 7 room 115.10. C913 Bedford avenue, f rooma, $11.60. OMAHA LOAN BLIM1. Agan. 2668 DOUGLAS. rooming houaa. 133.00 Plat. 3301 Leavenworth. I rma , 150.00. JOHN N. FRENZER. Dougla 654. S-ROOM all modern houae, newly decorated. $30. 3421 Charles. Red 683. North. 4-ROOM modern house for rent. 3420 Cal tfornla street. Call after 7:30 p. m. J-ROOM house, hot water heat, adulta only. Harney 3049. MODERN residence. 2601 Capitol ave. Tel Harney 6664. South 4-ROOM all-modern house, almost new, with garage, 332.60. 1641 So. 25th. Red 683. MODERN l-room -house, '2914 So. 16th St. . $23.00. ' . Miscrlimeous FOR RENT 2224 Dodge St., S-r. mod. house, $67.60. 1921 Leavenworth. S-r. flat, mod. except heat. $17.60. 2419 Seward St.. 7-r. house, mod. except , heat. $22.60. Alfred C. Kennedy Co. REALTORS. tOS Sou'th 18th St. Douglaa 723. Unexpected Vacancies. 110$ Park -Are., S rms, modern, $32.60 317 N. 26th St. I rms. (cottage). $25. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1636. . 333 Securities Bldg. HOUSES " IN ALL PARTS OF THE U1TT CREIOH 8QN9 CO.. BEE BLDO LIST vour property for rent or aale wltb FIRST TRUST COMPNT. Realtors '9' T1er 731 ONE 8-roJim. strictly modern house Doug las 3146. . Phnpen fn . Rntls Douglas 4338 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. UNDINE APTS. FOR RENT. Three roome and bath with 6-room ac commodations, located at 8652 Dewey Ava. This is an opportunity to get an apartment in thta new building, as the tenant is leaving for the army. Rental 335 summer and $45 winter. Vacant Aug. 1. TRAVER BROS, CO., 81$ First Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 6886, . UNDINE APTS. FOR RENT. Three rooms and bath with 6-room ac commodations, located at 2652 Dewey ave. Thia la an opportunity to get an apartment in thia new building, aa the tenant la leaving for the army. Rental $35 summer and $45 winter. TRAVER BROS. CO., 81$ First Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 6886. FOR RENT, "l-room brick, all modern; nice neighbor hood; good furnace. Located at 1717 Park Ave'., "fronting park. TRAVER BROS CO. 81 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 8886. ELEGANT 4-rooin unfurnished apartment in city'a most exclusive residence district with all modern convenlencea such as vacuum cleaner, laundry, gas drier, incln ' orator, etc. For particulars call Douglaa 2926, ask for Mr. Moore. Houra 8 to 6. T IZARD Palace block, centrally located, 2 or 4-room apta.; also 4-room flat Superb. Apply Z30tt N. zaa. rnona na tat. 'HAMILTON APTS., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers; best location; 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call D. 1472. North BEVEN-room apartment, $25; near poat office.." G. F. Stebblne, 1610 Chicago. ESXABROOK apartment $25; near post Oftlce. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists 1n Apartment management. FOR RENT Business Property. FOR RENT 8,800 Sq. Ft Floor Space 1005 Farnam St.; three-story and base ment brick building; electric elevator; ateam beat; aultablo for wholeaale and manufacturing Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1536. 333 Securities Bldg. Stores. COMMISSION DISTRICT 11TH AND HOWARD Double store: two stories and basement; total floor apace, 7.400 square feet; can divide. . Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1538. 333 Securities Bldg. STORE North 16th St, near P. O. low rent. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Room WILL RENT to responsible party suite ot office rooma, two private offlcea and . caption, room, beautifully carpeted, ma- hogany' roll top desks and furniture ready for occupancy. Apply 1424 First Nation al Bank Building. Phone Tyler 180. FINE office suite or desk room, to sub let. In First National Bank Bldg. Inquire ' Box 1582, Omaha Bee. OFFICES should be chosen with care. The Bee Building satisfies careful tenants. Keystone investment Co., Tyler 131. Miscellaneous. Trackage For Lease Close In, 35,000 Square Ft. This is only a few blocks from the heart of town, with fine level haul In; good office building and frame store house and shade; very favorable long term lease can be obtained. Call ua for further particu lars. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyleg 1686. . - 333 Securities Bldg. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses WANTED Good boarding place for two girla of 10 and 13 years. Box 1458, Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE. FREE FIDELITY itTH AND JACKSON. DOTJQ. 288. STORAGE, MOTINO. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACAN1 ' HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. LtiTROPOLITAN VAN A 8TORACB TO. Owaed and operated by Central Furnl fore store ; office on Howard St, between 15th and 16tb. Phone Tyler S400. Have your moving bandied juat as you would n order for new furniture. That's tta way we do It Ask to see our dally rental lists FIREPROOFatWARHOUSE Separate locked roams for household goods end pianos; moving, parking and sMl"'!n '"-VIM" VAN AND STORAUB CO., 0s SL :6th, Douglaa 4163. MOVING AND STORAGE. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans; careful men. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. P. ! f pprm Express Co Moving. . Kj, JXEjLiU packing and Storage. 1107 Faream 8t Web. $741; Douglaa fiat. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service ItV moving, packing and storing call Tvler 330 or Douglaa 4338. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West 7-Room Two-Story House With garage Fine. high, atghtly location in excellent neighborhood, close to car. House is about two years old and In fine condition. Newly decorated, throughout Large aun parlor, 'living room with tire place, good dining room and kitchen on first floor. Three extra fine large bed rooms and bath on second floor. Storm aash for all windows. Built and occupied by owner. This Is a dandy place and an excellent buy at $5,730. For appointment to sea this, call Walnut 1580. 2024-40 NORTH 6TH. 1 New bungalows, 4-r. and bath With 1-1 acre, rood, except furnace. Full, cement baaement Cement walks to car. $100 caah. $25 per mO. PATNE & SLATER CO.. Douglaa 101$. , A BARGAIN. Four large rooms; two full slse lots; well located; built before the high prices; will sacrifice for $1,900; $100 cash re quired; balance easy monthly payments. WALNUT 677. for Sale. , Seven-room modern bouss In Cathedral district very desirable: price and terms right, can owner, weDeter ibis. ' LOT with all Improvements: on paved atreet; good district: ,$395 to $495: $5 down; $5 per month. Doug. 5074. NEW up-to-date T rooma, oak finish, targe lot fine location; price $6,250; terma. 6137 N 24th St. Norrta A Norrls. D 4270 WINNIE LUSA homes and lota offer 'he - best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187 North NEARLY NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, $375 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT Located at 2453 Hartman avenue, one block west of 24th St. car lne, where the housea are all now; has large combination living room with alcove and dining room finished In oak, well arranged kitchen and two nice sleeping rooms and bath all on one floor; first-class plumbing through out; electric light and gas; furnace heat; corner lot; house now vacant ready to move Into. See us about it at once. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER 0. KoTEtze Place Bungalow $4,000 6-room strictly modern bungalow, all rooms on first floor, fin basement, fur ance heat, large attic, oak throughout, large 50-foot south front lot, 1 block to park and car line, paving paid. Winter supply of coal goes with the property. Owner leaving city and must sell. If interested in a fine little bungalow home, call. ' J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE ftQ BANK BLDO. TYLER uo 26TH AND M ANDERSON. 6-room, all modern cottage, large lot, shade and fruit trees, cement walks and paved street paid for. Only $2,800, on good terms. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 2182. 26TH AND FORT STS. X nice 1H -story home, 5 rooms and bath. strictly modern, furnace heat, lot 60x 125, paved street, garage and garden. A nice home for someone. Price, $3,100; easy terms. Rasp Bros., 210' Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. IF you are going to buy a borne, see thia first; a fine five-room house; electric lights, gas and water. Price $2,000. See owner at 3330 Manderson. YOUNG A DOHERTY, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 822 BRANDEIS THEATER DO. 16T1. BRAND new OAK BUNGALOW, large corner lot, $260 cash, bal. like rent, near car, $3,600. Call days. Doug. 3140. Miscellaneous. 6-ROOM cottage, twg blocks from car, full lot, $2,000. Terms. $300 cash, balance $20 per month. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Block. 6-room modern cottage for $3,000. Near 16th and Wirt. Easy terms. W. H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. , D. 1284. WE sell, rent, Insure and make loans on ' city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 14th and Ames Col. 217. OWING1 to sickness, I must sell my new 7 roora houses In Mlnne Lusa. Will make bargain pries. Call Col. 80, ask for Con don. FOR quick sale or rent of your property call A. J. DAVIS CO., Doug. 7150. 220 S. 13th St., Real Estate and Insurance. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 203 8. 17th St. Douglas 6013. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1120 Farnam St Douglaa 1064. F. D WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE Business Property. BIG BARGAIN IN SO. OMAHA. The brick store building at No. 2606 "N" St., being the west 25 feet of the 8 story building; south front, taxes all paid Rents for $658 per year. Price 82,600. , BENSON & MYERS CO.. Realtor. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 741. WE WILL buy your home or, business prop erty and psy cash. H. A. WOLFE CO.. Electrio Bldg. Tyler 88 BUSINESS property and investments. A. V. TUKEY & SON, 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Income, Business and Trackage Specialists, ltth and Dodge Sta. Douglas 416. REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGES. Holt Co. farm, good soil, i fair improvements, $50 per a. Would consider good house 1st pmt Mr. Peaae, 211 Brandels The. Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. South FOR SALE 1 lots. Just south of Elmwood Parle In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Box T 1188, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN. Dundee. HIGH-CLASS STUCgO, . $7,000 ' Very well built home, near 50th and Chicago Sts., with large living room, din ing room and kitchen on the first floor, three bedrooms and sleeping porch on the second floor; two rooms finished in the attic; attractive fireplace, tile bath room; garage and cement driveway. Price right. Terms can be' arranged. ' , GLOVER & SPAIN, ; Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. tit ftirt rtiTvnirir. irnno CASH. Fine' bungalow, finished mostly in oak; large living room with fireplace and four JOHN W.'rOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST.' DUNDEE HOME $.00 down lor a strictly modern, brand new, 6-room bungalow. Liberty bonds or W. S. stamps same aa cash. Douglas 3840 of Colfax 4193, owner. FOR property in Dundee, Happy Hollow and Falracres call "GEORGE' AND COM PANY, 902-12 Cltv Nat. Bk. Doug. 756. DUNDEE 2-story frame, 7 rooms, modern home at a bargain price. C. A. Grins me!. Phone D. 1615. Miscellaneous. rOS SALE. Two beautiful fois souto of Elmwood Park In Overland addition full size lots 60x150. Wll take Liberty bonds pay. ment Owner going to -nr.i. inus1 sll Act quick. Address lion Y Co 5. I'ullhi Bbv: v . . i -. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES. FOR SALS or trade for residence properly In Omaha, ( rooms; large lot; some fruit; good outbuildings; In Blair, Neb. Harney 3678. REAL ESTATE-WANTED. WANTED RANCH OR FARM Press brick business block and residence property: also $30,000 wortb mortage pa- & R. E. MONTGOMERY. Ill City Nat'l Bank Bldg. HAVE customer for good Improved farm in eaatern or central Nebraska, 80 to 200 acres. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 811-14 City National Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL. . Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. HAVE that Installment loan oa your borne changed to a straight five-year loan and relieve yourself of that monthly burden. E. H. Lougee, Inc.. 633 Keellne Bldg. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keelrtie Bldg. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. QuVck ACTION ON LANDS. W T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. Douglaa 1633. CI 0 FARM LOANS OyoO PAUL PETER.SON. U 2 O 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2711 CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6. 5H and 6 Per Cent J R. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. Private Money. SHOPEN A COMPANY Douglaa 4338. Financial Wanted. THERE is no hVter investment than a high grade first mortgage bearing 6 per cent Interest and secured by an Omaha resi dence. E. H. Lougee. Inc., 638-40 Kee llne Bldtr Miscellaneous LOW RATES. C. O. Carlberg. 312 Brandels Theater Bldg.. Dong. 685. FARM AND RANCH LANDS AUGUST 10TH Our next excursion to McG? hee. Ark. W 8 FRANK 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. HOMESTEAD relinquishment of 240 acres bv owner; my boys are going Into the army; am old and nearly blind; must sell 100 acres broke on the place; all well fenced; all in fine crop; all kinds of machinery; 4 or t head of horses; 1 double harness; 2 cows; will sell all or just the relinquishment on land, Addreas Fort Morgan, Colo., R. F. D. Routs No. 3, Box 69-D. . Iowa Lands. FARM LANDS; IOWA 80 acres level land, 24 milf from Hamburg, la., old 4 room house and other farm buildings, none of which aro very good but can be made to do for a few years, orchard of 40 apple trees, 12 acres alfalfa, and about 50 acres of small grain land now being fall plowed. On good main and rura mall route, school adross the road. Splendid neighbors. Price $150 per sere. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Omaha" Nat'l Bit. Bldg. ONE OF THE BEST FARMS IN IOWA 560 acres with extensive and good im provements. Best of soil all under the plow except ten acres of alfalfa and 60 acres pasture. All level except pas ture land and feed lots. Buildings on high ground and Include everything need ed in barns, cribs, granary, water sys tem, etc. One of the big crop producers of Western Iowa. Can be handled with tractors. Only 46 miles from Omaha and 4 miles from good town with 2 elevators. Price 3260 per acre. Liberal terms. J. H. DUMONT & CO., realtorV 416-18 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. Maryland Lands Maryland water front farm. Mild climate. Cat'g'e. Russell Realty Co . Baltimore. Md. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS-$6 down, $5 monthly buys 4u acresr gosa irmt u puum; land, near town, southern Missouri; price only $220. Address Box 282-C, Spring field. Mo Nebraska Lands. TnitfvF.xrNP. COUNTY. VXJ.-- JL. -J 1,JUJ VWW' J NEBRASKA, BARGAINS Fine Vi sec. imp. larm near nouaovuio. Can give -possession March 1, 1919. H sec. IVt miles from Lodgepole; all broke out and fenced, ready for fall wheat; land lays perfect. 160 acres with 100 acres broke out, ready foretell wheat; Vi crop goes with land delivered to market Land level as a floor; VA miles trom town. Fine Improved quarter, 110 acres under cultivation; fenced and cross fenced. Pos session March 1, 1919. One-third this year's crops goes with land If sold soon. Write C. L. TATE, 669 OAMHA NAT. BANK, OMAHA, NEB. LAND' AT PUBLIC SALE. 1200 acres of land near Cambridge, In Furnas county, belonging to the estate of Albert Brown, deceased, to be sold In separate tracts at Cambridge, on Aug. 20, 1918, at 2 p. m.. to settle estate. Much of this Is fine alfalfa land, on Re publican river valley, and Is well Im proved. 25 per cent of bid to be paid In cash at time of sale, balance when sale is confirmed, by March 1, 1919, when possession given. A. A. Mousel, Cam bridge. Neb., referee in partition; Lambe &i Butler, 1 ampnage, attorneys FARMS AND RANCHES We have several very atthactlve prop erties for sale in Dawes, Keya Paha and Brown counties. These are places , that we have personally Inspected, and ian recommend as being good buys. Send for list and photos stating as to your wants Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. FOR SALE 800-acre ranch, 195 acres cul tivated; well Improved; two wells, fine ' water; fine cattle country; lota of grass; gas tractor, threshing outfit and other machinery; some crop, all for 115, 000; possession at once. Near Wellfleet. Come and see it H. J. Seeley, Wellfleet, Neb. , t FOR SALE 1,600-acre ranch land 14 miles I from town, one half mile from school; j all .fenced and cross fenced, three wells with large reservoir; 100 acrea in cultiva tion, new house, good barn and sheds; large grove; 60 acres of good corn to go with place. Write owner, W. L. Mays, Mullen, Neb. YORK COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Some extra good bargains. Well Im proved. Also a fireproof garage for trade on farm in central Nebraska. Rents a $175.00 per month. M. O, Hick roan, 1035 Elmer Ave,, York, Neb. WRITK me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In god old Dawes county. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford, Neb. frOR SALB Best large body, high grade, I' medium priced land lg Nebraska. Very - little money required. C. Bradley, Wol back. Neb. WE specialize in. the sale of Nebraska ranches, large and smalL White A Hoov er, 454 Omaha Natl Bk. Bldlg. MERRICK COUNTY improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Cetttral City, Neb. 160 ACRES Improved, close In, paved road. Nilson. 421 Securities Bldg. Oklahoma Lands. IMPROVED farms In a section that has novsr had a drought Always lots of rain Jail. Small cash payment; ten years f&r the balance. Write W. H. Jonea. Immi gration Agent. Texaa. Oklahoma A East ern Railroad Co.. Broken Bow. Okl. i Oregon Lands. IRRIGATION. "In the "Heart of the Range" The Jordan Valley Project, Malheur County, Oregon. An empire In the making, land $1.00 fer arm pins the cost of the water. You ran file on grazing honteatesd entries murby. Literature and full particulars Hnd excursion .lute on request. HAUL MY J. HOOKKR, 310 First Nat l Bank Bldg., Omalia, Neb. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Trading is Draggy and Price Slumps ; Hog Make Fifteen-Cent Advance; Sheep Are Steady. Receipts were Csttla Hogs. Sheen. Official Monday 19.199 6.313 s.2:il Official Tuesday 13.1115 11,763 11.5i0 Official Wednesday 9.0S4 14,316 12,374 Official Thursday 6.6S0 16,394 13.290 Estimate Friday 3.300 14,000 6,500 Five days thts week ..43,179 61,674 61,946 Same days last week. . . .33,8 M S7.S92 60.475 Same two weeks ago. . ..31.6IT 66,716 47,699 Same three weeks ago.. 30.253 67.937 30.7P8 Same a year ago lJJJ 42.3:6 42. 801 Receipts and disposition cf live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neh , for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m , Friday, August 9. 1918. CAR LOT RECEIPTS Cattle Ho Phoep C M, St. P 4 11 Union Pacific 17 47 21 C. A N. W east 6 2 3 C. & N. W , wes 22 0 C, St. P. & M. 0 19 C., B. A Q., east 4 C, B. & Q., west 1 25 C, R. I. & P., east 2 )n C. R. I. A P.. west 14 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Gt. Western ... 1 3 Total receipts 83 :ri 24 DISPOSITION. i Cattl Mots T'heep Morris & Co 62 l.i:,s Swift A Co. 6S3 2.63J 315 Cudahy Packing Co. . 777; Armour & Co 32 3.7 65 Schwarts & Co MS J. W. Murphy 3,670 Lincoln Packing Co... 35 Wilson Packing Co... 47 .... Cudahy Kansas City.. 470 ,.,r F. B. Lewis 233 .... J. B. Root & Co.''.... 69 .... Rosenstock Bros 6S .... F. G. Kellog 59 .... Werthelmer A Degen 2S1 ..... Ellis & Co. 3 .... Sulllvsn Bros 11 .... Rothschild Krebs . . 63 .... Higgins 10 .... Huffman lr, .... Olassberg s .... Baker, Jonea A Smith 28 .... John Harvey 391 .... Dennis A Francis .... 94 .... 960 Jensen & Lungren . , 8 ....3.664 Other Buyers 4.862 Totals 7,512 13,843 5.637. Cattle Receipts were moderate for a Fri day, estimated at 2.300 head, making sup plies for the week, 48.179 head. Trading was very dreggy on what few offerings were available In beef line and price about steady, with yesterday and $1.602.00 lower than a week ago. Oood to prime beeves were quotable from $15.60fl18.00. Butcher stock was very uneven, prices steady with yester day, and 31. 0092.00 lower than a week ago, bulk of the good to choice kinds selling at $7.00 C S 50. Western rangers constituted the bulk of the supplies, good to choice steers selling at $H. 60 16.00; fair to good grades from $12.00 14.00. Feeder trade picked up considerable In the past few days and prices were quotable stronger this morning. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $17.0018.00; good to choice beeves, $16.5017.00; fair to good beeves J 14 00 Of 16.00; common to fair beeves, $10. 0013. 00; good to choice yearlings, $1 2.00 15.001 common to fair yearlings, $8.OOeU0.0O; good to choice beeves, $14.50(16.00; fair to good grass beeves, $9.0012.00; good to choice heifers, $8.60igil0.60; good to choice cows. $8.25010.25; fair to good cows, $7.60 (g'8.25; common to fair cows, $6.2507.60: prims feeders. $12.00 : 13.00; good to choice feeders, J6.608.60; good to choice stoekere, $9.0011.00; stock heifers, $7.00(918.00; stock cows, $6.007.00; veal calves, $9 00 13.00; bulls, stags etc., 38.60 in. 60. Hogs There were 201 loads of hogs re ceived here today, estimated at 14,000 head, making receipts for the five days 61,674 head. The market was fairly active this morning, with shippers paying largely 15c higher than yesterday, buying the bulk of their hogs at $18.60 19.00, with a top of $19.15. Packer were out early and bid prices that were generally ateady with yes terday' best time, largely at $18.1018.25 The general market is 616c lower. Sheep There was only a small supply of sheep here today, 6,600 head, and most of these were sold on arrival. The fat lambs sold at $17.65 and feeder lambs at $17.60. A string of breeding ewes sold for $14.75, The. market is generally ateady. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $16.6017.75; lambs, fair to good, $14.00016.60; lambs, feeders, $16.25 17.60; yearlings, fair to choice, $13.001914.50; yearlings, fair to good, $12.75013.00; year ling feeders, $10.7512.80; ewes, good to choice, $11.00013.00; ewes, fair to good, $10.00011.00. Chicago Live Stock, Chicago, Aug. 9. Cattle Receipts. 4,000 head. Market generally steady with yes terday. Beef cattle: Good, choice and prime, $17.00(818.80: common and medium, $10.0017.0O. Butcher stock: Cows and heifers, $7.0014.25.; canners and cutters, $6.007.00. Stockers and feeders: Oood, choice and fancy, $10.0013.00; inferior, common and medium, $7.6010.00. Veal calves, good and choice, $16.5017.2S. Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head. Market generally steady at yesterday's average-, one sale at $20.05, equaling the record. Butch ers, $19.15019.90; light, $19.40 20 00; pack ing, $18.1019.00; rough, $17.76018.10; bulk of sales,' $18.40 19.85; pigs good and choice, $18.0018.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 10,000 head. Market firm to 10o higher. Best western lambs here, $18.20; top native, $17.76; choice Montana wethers, $14.60. Lambs: Choice and prime, $17.65018.36; medium and good, $15.76(3)17.66; culls, $12.00014.00. Kwes: Choice and prime, $13.26013.90; FARM AND RANCH LANDS, Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per ., Including paid up water rights. Henry Levi & C. M. Rylsnder. 864 Omaha Nat'l, DO you want a farm of your own, large or small? If so, write Storm & Young- men, Hnjett, Wyo. FARM LAND WANTED. FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm wltb ua If you want to eep It. E. P. SNOWDEN ft RON, 610 Electr. Bldg. Douglas (371. 3 POULTRY AND PET STOCK 35 APRIL and May chicks, 40c and 60c apiece. Florence 446. BARLEY, $3.60 per cwt., delivered. Wag ner. 801 N. 16th. Phone Bougies 1142. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. FEEDING and breeding ewes for sale. J B. Patterson, Sanders. Mont. For Sale. IMMUNE PIGS, 2 and 3 months old, $10. South 3486. FINE Shetland pony, saddle and bridle. ZTJ ?lri.t.9n. 2g, C'ty NtJBB!aJf: MONEY TO LOAN. Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, planoa and notes ss security $40. 6 mo., H. goods, total, $3.60. Entailer, larger am'ts. proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETT, 433 Securities Bldg., 16th A Farnam. Ty. 66 LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY I OJ 8MALLER LOANS. Q Of - 1 W. C. FLATAU EST. 1893 " O 6TH FLR. SECURITINE3 BLDO. TY. 960. Lowest ratea. Private loan booths. Hsrry Maleshork. 1514 Dodge D 5619 Est. 1891. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J F. Qulnby and wife to Lena Glscke 31st st., 60 ft. north of Paul st, east side, 60x1333 ;. $2,400 Charles W. "Martin and wife to James W. Grace, Ida st.. 174 ft. eest of 2th ave., south side, 44x120.... 4.200 Marie P. Dunavan and husband to Catherine Shanahan, 17th St., 450 ft. north of B St., eest aide, 5x127 Johanna Lynch to Marie Dunavan, 17th st.; 234 ft., south of Deer Park blvd.. east side, 6x127 Bankers Realty Investment Co. to Homer C. Sheridan, 39th St., 100 ft. north of Fowler ave., east side, 50x127 : Henry W. Wendland and wife to Clarence II. Albyn et si , 47th st.. 150 ft. south of Miami St., east side. 50x125 850 Jalla Cramer and husband to A. B. Steele, 60th st., 176 ft south of Do'lKB at., west side, 50x135 1,690 Bernhard Arrlens to Hattls C. Ar rlenn Brandt, 17th St., 300 ft. north of Charles st., east aide, 30x188, v 1 nd. H ' .1.500 W M. Kninbolnt and wife to Nels J. Sk'jgman, iZ'l ave,, 100 ft. south of MAXIMUM PRICES Maximum price for retailers, effective at once. No merchant Is allowed to charge more for' the lollowlng items, except a stated below. Brown augar, per lb Sugar, per lb Flour (Nebraska) 14 lbs. No. 1... 43 Iba. o.. 1 Bulk, per lb ; .10 .10 1 M 8 00 .07 .h '4 Hominy Oswego cornstarch Cornstarch Commeal per lb., white v. Yellow Cornflour New potatoes, per lt Butter, per lb., Creamery No. 1.,.,., Creamery No. 2 Eggs, selects No 1 No. 3 Bread. (U. S. Standard loaf wrapped! 12-ox. loaf, slnsle 1J-0. loaf (2) 16-ox. loaf 2 4 -os. loaf Crackers (Victory) Oatmmi Oraham Corn , .' , Soda , Rice (In bulk, per lb ) No, 1 No. 2 Barley Flour :ioU .06 ."1. .04 .60 .47 .15 .12 .SS .0 .ir, .10 .15 .so .20 .20 .;o .is .us .06 V, 1.75 1.75 .OS .07 .16 .l!'i .60 .60 .4" .66 .37 37 ,Js .S3 .28 .38 .33 .06 .15 .20 .46 .80 These Rye Graham Flour, 24 -lb. sack.... Rye Flour, 24-lb. sack In bulk, per lb Oatmeal, (In bulk, per lb.) Beans, per lb. Navy No. 1 Plnto, best No. 1 Bacon, per lb. While pieces wrapped, No. 1... Sliced Whole pieces wrapped No. 2 Sliced Ham (whole) No. 1 skinned No. 1 regular Shoulder Lard, per lb. No. 1 pure Compound Oleomargarine (In cartons) per lb. No. 1 No. I New cabbage, best quality, per lb.. Corn syrup, (In cans) 1H lb 3 lb. 6 lb 10 lb " Same price for rye or graham prices are for cash and carry or credit and delivery. Note 1: These prices are for cash over counter. Note J: An additional charae may be made for delivery or credit to customers. medium and good, $11.50013.25; culls, $4.60 (U 9.60. St. Louis Live Stork. St. Louis, Aug. 9 Cattle Receipts, 3,800. Market steady. Native beef steers, $11.60 18.60; yearling steers and heifers $9.60 16.60; cows. $11.(0017.90; stockers and feeders, $11.50018.00; beef cows snd heifers, $7,605(15.00; native calves, $7.76014.00. Hogs Receipts, 16,000 head. Market low er. Lights, $19.50019.75: pigs, $19,360 19.25; mixed snd butchers. $19.35019.76; good heavy, $19.55019.76; bulk of sales. $19 45019.70. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,200 hsad. Market steady. Lambs. $14.00017.00; ewes. $11.00012.00; canners and choppers, $6.00 09.00. Kansas City Live Stork. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 9 Cattle Re celpts, 2,000 head; market higher; steers, $17.25018.60; cows, $5.00016.00; calves, $6,600)11.00. Hogs Receipts 3,000 head; market high er; heavy, $19.40019.75; butchers, $19,000 19.65; light, $18.60019.40; pigs, $16,000 17.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,600 head; market strong- lambs, $16.00017.75; year lings, $11. 00(16. 00; wethers, $10.00014.60; ewes, $8.00013.00. Sioux f'lty Live Stork, ffloux City, la., Aug. 9. Cattle Receipts, 1.200 head market steady; beef steers, $8.76 014.60; fat cows and heifers, $8.0009.76; canners, $5.5007.00; stockers and foeiiers, $8.75012.50 feeding cows and heifers, $7.00 08.75. Hogs Receipts, 13,000 head; market 10015 cents lower; light, $18.75019.00; mixed, $18.40018.76 heavy, $17.80018.10; bulk of sales, $17.80018.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head; market steady. St. Joseph Live Stork. St. Joseph, Mo , Aug. 9. Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head; market tseady; steers, $9,000 18.00; cows and belfers, $5.00016.00; calves, $5.50012.60. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market low er; top, $19.50. Sheep and Lambs Reeclpts. $.800 head; market ateady; lambs, $12.50017.75; ewes, $6.00013.00. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET Fish Catfish, odd alzea, large. $80 lb.: halibut, 23o lb.; black rod, large dies, 15c lb.; trout, size to suit,. 23o lb.; Royal White Chinook salmon, 20o lb.; whlteflsh, ISo lb.; yellow pike, 21o lb.; pickerel, 13o lb.; Red Clnook salmon, 25o lb.; blood-red bullheads. large, llo lb.: medium. 18o lb.; rock bass, 4 lb. each, 20o lb.; yellow ring perch, 'b. each, 19o lb.; herring, llo lb.; haddock, 12o lb.; steak cod, eaatern, 16o lb.; crap- lies, 20022c lb.; buffalo,! large, 14o lb.; white perch, llo lb.; carp, large, 12o lb.; steak cod, western, llo lb.; gulf red snapper, 2?o lb.; frozen large bass, 20o lb; frozen skinned whiting, odd sizes, flaky, almost boneless, 15-Ib. baskets, per basket, $2.65; round, To lb.; frozen round pink salmon1. 14o lb.; frozen red salmon, 22o lb.; frozen pink salmon, 20o lb.; frozen sturgeon, 16o lb.; frozen 8panlsh macKered, 17o lb.; fozen native fall mackerel, 21c lb.; frozen floun ders, 12o lb.; frozen soles, 12o lb.; frozen western red snapper, 10o lb.; frozen sliver smelts, 12o lb.; frozen No. 1 whits mullets 60 lb.; frozen Canadian Tulltbee whlteflsh. average lb., 100 lb.; frozen Canadian whlteflsh, Isrge, dressed or round, 18o lb.; frozen Canadian dressed pickerel, 13o Ik.; frozen Canadian round pickerel, lOo lb.; frozen dressed herring, large, 9a lb.; round. 80 lb.; baratuda, 14o lb.; sea rock bass. 14o lb.; roe shad, 24o lb. Catfish, large, fancy, fresh, 28c; halibut, J8c; trout, 23c; black cod, 16c; white perch, 12c; fancy frozen black bsss, medium and large, 15c; fancy frozen buffalo-carp, 6c; salmon, ptnk, white, chlnooks, falls, 18c; red, sockeyes, chlnooks, 24c: white, 18u; pike. 22c; croppies, 20c, 22c; frogs, genuine Loui siana black bulls, jumbo, $4.00; large, $8.60. Fruits Oranges: 80s, 96s, 126s, 288s, 324a, $7.50; 120s, 176s. 216s, 200s. 260a. tS.cs. Lemons: Sunklst, $10.50; Red Balls, $10 01. Bananas, 7o to 7 He lb. Peaches: Califor nia, $1.15 box; Elbertaa, $3.35 bu.; Georgia Elbertas, 6-basket crate, $3.25 crate. Plume, California: Tragedy, Santa Rosa. $3.n0; Climax and Burbanka, $2.25. Aprloota, Washington, $2.25. Cantaloupes: Standard. 45s, $4.00; ponys, (4s, $3.60; flats, 12 to .5. $1.50. Watermelons. 80 lb., crates extra. Vegetables Lettuce: Head, 94.00 cre'a; head, $1.26 doi. ; leaf, 6O0 dot. Cabbage, 90-lb. crates, 4 Ho lb. Onions: Tallow Call fomla in 100-lb. sscks, $Ho lb.; home grown, 20o doi. Radishes, 30o doi. Pota toes, new, 8V4o lb. Asparagus, 60o d a, Michigan celery, too dos.. Telephone peaa. 16o lb. Cucumbers, $3.00 box. Beans, ai and green, $1.60 basket. Summer squash, $1.00 dos. Beets, 40o doz. Carrots, 0o doi. Artichokes, $1.60. Oreen peppers, market basket, $1.60. Tomatoes, 4-baaket crate, $1.60. Limes, $5.00. Garlic. 17c Egg plants. $3,00 box. Beef Cuts Loins: No. 1, 37t4c: No. 2, $5Hc: No. , 18Hc Ribs: No. 1, 33 He; No. 2. 32Hc: No. 3, I6H0. Rounds: No. 1. 28c; No. 2. 28o: No. 3. lHc Chucks: No. 1, Z3c; 1x0. 1, zzp; ino. s, itittc. ria'oa: no. 1, 16c; No. 2. 16c; No. 3. 14c. Dun's Trade Review. New York, Aug. 9. Dun's tomorrow will say : " A heat wave of exceptional severity this week, extending over a wide area and fur several days remaining unbroken, affected agriculture and business adversely, causing further Impairment of crop prospects ant! repression of trade Industrial activities. Yet the. government's grain estimates, while unfortunately falling appreciably short of previous calculations, still gives promise of large harvests, and the patriotic spirit of many employes in continuing at war work In spite of the extreme temperatures has! tenoea 10 minimize me cnecK 10 manu facturing of tltb most essential character. The results of the intensive productive ef forts, stimulated by the special and extraor dinary demands of the period are seen In phenomenal outputs at a time when gen eral and marked curtailment of operations Is usually witnessed and even more note worthy achievements In, this direction would be possible but for labor sho'tage and other handicaps. Weekly bank clearings, 645,882. Cotton Futures. Now Tork, Aug. 9. Cotton Futures opened steady; October, 28.40c(28.66c; De cember, 28.18c; January, zs.ioc; Aiarcn 28.15c: May. 23.28c. New York, Aug. . Cotton Spot, steady; middling. 32.05c. New York Aug. 9. Cotton closed steady at 29.18c for October. Dry Goods. New York. Aug. 9 Cotton goods prices nsmed by the government were circulated today in th" trade, but business at the new levels started slowly. Yarns ruled quiet. Silks at higher prices did not appeal to the trad.'. Allotments of wool for civilian pur poses will be very small this year. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Arrivals Are Moderate to Light ; Corn Steady to Tw Cents Up; Oats One-Fourth to Three-Fourths Lower. Omaha, Aug. I. receipts of sraln today were 145 ears of wheat, 49 cars of corn, 15 cars of oats, 1 car of rye and 3 cars of barley. Corn prices were unchanged to lc or Jo hlulier. The good grades for esrly sales were generally steady. Off grades In the sev eral varieties showed higher figures snd otv the whole the market was stronger. Oats were ic to He lower, with the bulk at the extreme decline. Wheat was unchanged to He higher, with the advance shows In the bul of No. 2 hard. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Recelpta (cars) Today. Wk.Ago. Wheat 145 190 9 Corn t9 7S 367 Oat 15 21 69 Rye 1 1 0 Biirley $34 Shipments (cars) Wheat 95 94 3 Corn 49 66 118 Onts 2 14 2 Itye 13 0 Barlev 0 0 0 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. Oals. I'hlcaso ... Minneapolis Kansas City St. Louis .. Wlnnlnea ... 935 90 306 ... 247 ... 624 23 18 ... 616 13 43 ... 18 FRIMARY MOVEMENT. Receipts (bu.) Today. Year Ago Wheat 3.720,000s 1,047,000 Corn 420.000 704,000 Oats 1,416,000 965.000 Shipments (bu.) Wheat 1.463.000 687,000 fern 365,000 379,000 pRts 606,000 656,000 The following ssles were reported: Coin No. 3 white: 3 cars, $1.88. No. 4 white; 1 car, $1.85; 2 3-5 cars, $1.84. No. 5 white: I car. $1.75. No. 6 white: 1 car, $1.70; 1 car, $1.68; 1 car, $1.67. Sample white: 1 car $1.65; 1 car, $1.63. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, $1.79. No. $ yellow: 1 l-$ cars, $1.76. No. 4 yellow: 3 ears, $1.70. No. 6 yellow: 3 3-3 csrs, $1.68. Sample yel low: 3 cars. $1.45; 1 car, $1.41; 1 car. $1.40; 1 car, $1.38; 1-8 car, $1.36. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.64. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.65; 1 car. fl.52. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.45; 1 car, $1.40. Oats No. 1 white: 1 car, 69 Ho. Stand ard: 2 cars, 68 He No. 3 white: 10 cars, 68Vic. No, 4 white: 1 car, 68U0; 2 cars, OSc. nya No. 8: 1-$ car, 11.60; 1-5 ear, $1.60. rtnrley No, 8: 1 car, $1.05. Whoat No. 1 hard: 3 cars, $3.18H. No. 2 hard: 12 csrs. $2.16; 3 cara, $2.16H: 1 car, I2.16H! 1 rr, $2.14H; 3 cars, $2.14. No. 3 hard; 1 car, $2.17; 1 car, $2.14; 3 cars, $2 13; 3 csrs, $2.12 1 car, $2.10. No. 4 hard: 2 cars. $213; 1 car, $2.11 4 cars, $3.10. I Closing Chicago prices, furnished The Bee by Logan & Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha Art. I Open. High, I,ow. Close, Yest. Corn. I i i I Aug. 1 U 1 B9K!l5H 1 6U 16H Sep. 1 62462 1 6284I160H 1 16381 Oct. 1 63H 1 64H 162H 1 63kH 164H Oats. Aug. 6944'S, 69H 68 69H 69'e Hep. B't 70 69H 6940 70H Oct '1 Pork. Sep. 44 20 44 12H 4$ $0 44 00 44 (0 Lard. Sep. 26 70 26 70 26 66 16 60 26 77 Oct. 26 70 26 70 26 70 24 60 2 77 Ribs. Sep, 24 76 S4 60 24 82 24 40 34 63 Oct. 24 60 24 60 24 46 24 65 84 77 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corn Market Eases aa Knlns Dispel Fears f Extension of Crop Damage. Chicago, Aug. . Corn eased down In price today owing largely to improvett weather and to the gratifying character of the war news. The close was unsettled, He to lHo net lower, with September $1.61 H to $1.614 and October $1.614 to $1.634. Oats finished Ho to He down, and provisions off 17o to 6O0. General Tains and the breakup of the hot wave tended plainly to dispel feare of an extension of crop damage In the corn belt Aggressive selling which resulted was em phaslsod somewhat by bearish Inferences regarding the government report, but aa a rule tha report was looked on as having been discounted In advance. The smallness of recelpta led to a little demand at one time, bnt was more than offset later by bulletins telling of the rreat success tt the latest drive against the Germans. Par tial recoveries that took place after midday had no better basis apparent than an effort by shorts to Secure profits. Oats ranged lower with corn. Liberal arrival of oats added to the selling pressure Weakness of provisions was attributed in the ssme degree to the federsl trade com mission's report advising control of pack Ing Industries. Talk was current thst cool weather would cause increased movement Corn No. 2 yellow, nomfnal; No. 3 yel low, $1.7601.60; No. 4 yellow, $1.76. Oats No. 3 white, 69069c; standard, 69'407O'4o. Rye No. I, $f.58, Barlev 90c$1.02. Timothy $6.0009.00. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $26 45. Ribs $23.76024.60. Chicago, Aug. 9. Butter Unsettled; creamery, 39 H 44 He. fin Market unsettled: receipts, s.aia esses; firsts, 870880 ordinary firsts, 350 S6Hc; at mark, cases Included, 86037HO. Potatoes Market unsettled; receipts 83 esses; Virginia. $4.7604.86; Minnesota Earlv Ohlos, bulk, $2.1502.26; do, sacked, $2.3602.40; Illinois Early Ohlos, $3,102.16. Poultry Alive, unchanged. New York General. New York, Aug. 9 Wheat Spot, stesdy; No. 2 red, $2.84 H track, New York export to arrive. Corn Spot, firm; fresh shelled No. 2 yellow, $2.034 and No. 3 yellow, $1.934. cost and freight New York. Oats Spot, weak; standard, 8O081O. Pork Unsettled: mesa, $49.00060.00. Lard Easy; middle Vest, $26.00028.70. Other articles unchanged Nw York, Aug. 9. Butter Firm and un changed. Karirs Market Irregular: fresh gathered extras, 47048c; fresh gathsred regular packed, extra firsts, 44046c; do, firsts, 39043c. ' Cheese Market firm and unchanged. Poultry' Unchanged. x Mlnnmnolla Grain. Mlnneanolls. Aug. 9. Corn No. 8 yel low, $1.7001.75. Oats No. 3 white, 68069H Barley 92e0$t.O9. ' St. Louis Grain. St. Louis, Aug. 9. rorh September. $1.62H; October. $1.834 bid. Oats September, 70V4c. , Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 9 Corn Septem ber, $1.62 H; October, $1.63. New York Coffee. New York. Aug. 9. There was conslder- sble switching from near to late months In the market for coffee futures today, but otherwise business was quiet. The opening was 4 points lower to 1 point higher, snd the market closed net unchanged to 6 points lower with September selling be tween 8.3508.37c and May . 0709.08c. September, 8.3SC; October. 8 46c; Decem ber. 8.66c: January, 8.73c; March, 8.89c; Mv. 9 05c: July. 9.19c. Spot Coffee Dull: Rio 7s, 8Hc; Santos 4s. 11Je. The official cables showed an advance of 125 rela lb the Rio market with Santos apots unchanged and futures 25 to 75 rels lower. UraJilllan port receipts, 22,000 bags. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts, light: remand good for both prairie hay and alfalfa; market firm and higher on all grades L'Dland Tralrle Hay Choice, $22.00; No. 1, $19.00022.00; No' 2, $15.00018.00: No. 3, 39.00012 00 No. 1 midland. $19.00021.00; No.2 midland. $14.00017.00. No. 1 low land, $14.00016.00; No. 2 lowland. $10,000 11.00: No. 3 lowland. 38.0009 00., Alfalfa Choice, f!6.00: No. 1. $23,000 21.00; standard, $2O.00(21.00; No. 2, $17.00 (ft 19 00: No. 3. $13.0014 0. Straw Oats, $9.00010.00; wheat. $9,000 10.00. Kvanorated Apples and Dried Fruit. New York, Aug. 9. Evaporated Apples quiet; state, 13H916c Trunes Strong; California, R16c; Ore- Htons, 134 (BjIHc Apricots Firm: choice, tec; extra cnoice. 18ir; fancy. 19!4e. , Peaches Firm: standard. 1212Hc; choice, l!S4fit3c; fnnry, HWM'je. Kalalns Steady: loone muscatel. 9 -; choice, to fanr soeiled. lOHpllc; seedless, $ 114c; London layers, $2.00. NEW YORK STOCKS Upward Impetus Given by Orat. lfying War News; Dealings Broaden, Though Mod erate in Aggregate. New York. Aug. 9 Gratifying war nawe 1 and prnspecta ot an early amicable adjust ment of the dispute between railroads and federal authorities gave an upward Im petus to stocks today, tha hardening process extending ta bonds. Dealings were very moderate in the ag gregate, but encompassed more than tha usual variety of Issues, Active rails scored extreme galna of 1 to 2 points, that range also applying to Industrials and spsolaltlee. U. S. Steel pointed the way throughout, Its extreme advance of 14 point to 111H, the highest price In several weeks, gad re taining all but a small fraction. .Baldwin Locomotive advanced 24 th strength of reported dividend aotlon la prospect Other firm to strong feature! Includst Marina preferred. American Locomotive, Railway Steel Springs, New Tork Airbrake, Great Northern Ore, Mexlcaa Petroleum and Tobaccos, Exchanges were atronger all around, re flecting the more confident feeling regard ing the foreign situation. For the first time thia year Liberty 2H sold at a alight premium, touching 100.02. Foreign flotations also strengthened frao tloially on an appreciable Inorease at trad ing. Total sales, par value, aggregated $7,460,000. U. S. bonds, old Issues, un changed on call. Closing Sale. High. Low, Bid. Am. Beet Sugar ... 1,000 70 49 H ti Am. Can. ....... 2,800 47H 47 47 Am. Car A Foun'y 1,600 85H i ti' Am. Locomotive .. 2,000 474 67 7Vj Am. Smelt. A Ref. 1,600 78H 78H Tt . , Am. Sugar Ref. .. 200 110H 110 110 '. Am. Tel. A Tel. .. 1,800 814 91 H 91 H -Am. 7... L. A S. .. 600 l$Vs 12 IT. Anaconda Copper . 1,(00 46H 66H 66 ' Atchison , , .... 14 at AOAWISSL. 600 1034 1094 10a . Bait A Ohio 200 144 64H 64 H Butte A Sup. Cop. J. 300 36 H 26H 254 Cal. Petroleum ... 200 13H' 11 18 Canadian Pacific 800 1634 152 163 H Central Leather .. 100 874 $7 Ches. A Ohio ...... 100 I6H II II C, M. A St. P. ... 1,401 454 44 451 Chicago A N. W. C. R. I. A P. ctfs. 1,100 24 23 221 Chlno Copper 100 194 8H 39H Cole. Fuel A Iron. 301 44 46H 46 H Corn Prod. Ref. .. . 900 44H 484 434 Crucible Steel .... 3,100 67 H H " IT J Cuba Cane Sugar . 1.900 lOHIOH 80 14 -Distillers' Securities 1,700 69 H l$ I - Erie 300 II 11 14 " General Electrio .. 100 141 141 141 General Motors .. 100 161 lit 161 - Ot Nor. pfd 0tt Ot. Nor. Ore ctfs.. 2,201 124 I1H tt - iyitols Central it v , Inspiration Copper 1,100 12 It II Int. Mer. Mar. pfd, 13,600 99 H II 11 V Internat'l Ntckal ,. 1.301 tOVs 11 30 ", Internafl Paper 36 .... K. C. Southern IT Kennecott Copper . 400 14 12 IStlj Louisville A Nash. 114 Maxwetl Motor .. 300 36 H 364 86 ' -Mex. Petroleum ... 1,700 103 101 101 : Miami Copper .... 200 1 21 21 J- Mlssourl Pacifl .. ', ,. 22 Montana Power .. 200 IT IT ' 6 New York Central. 100 T2 71 11 N. Y.. N. H ds H.. 1,140 40 l '40 Norfolk A Western ,: 101 Northern Paclflo . TOO II 17 97 Paclflo Mall tt Pennsylvania ..... 900 43 43 43 Plttaburgh Coal ... 190 11 II (1 Ray Consol. Copper 100 14 22 21 Reading T.200 11 18 19 Rep. Iron A Steel . T.300 It 11 12 Shattuck Arts. Cop .... 11 Southern Paclflo . 2,600 16' 11 11.': Southern Railway. 100 23 . 32 23 Studebaker Corp.. 1,300 41 , 44 41 Texas Co , 1st Union Paclflo .... 2,100 112 111 111 ! U. S. Ind. Aloohol. 1,400 111 111 111 - U. S. Steel 101,100 111 lit 111 ' U. S. Steel pfd. ... 1,000 110 110 110 Utah Copper ; 30 Wabash pfd. "B".. . 404 23 11 12 Western Union ... ..... .... .... 77 Westlnghous Eleo. 400 41 41 41..., Bethlehem Steel .. 6.800 14 12 14 Total sale tor tha day, 120,000 share. Hew Tork Money. New York, Aug. I. Mercantile Paper' . ; Unchanged. ' ? " Sterling Sixty-day bills,' $4.TI; eon. " msrclal 60-day bill on bank, I4.T2; eom merclal 00-day bills, 4.T2: demand, $4,713 cables, $4.77. , Francs Demand. $5.68 I cable. $IT. Guilders Demand, 62o; cables, II He, Lire Demand, $7.11; cable, $7.90, Birr Sliver and Mexlcaa Dollars rj). changed. Time Loan Strong, unchanged. Call Money Strong; high, I per eentj low, per cent; ruling rate, t per eentf closing bid, 1 psr cant; offered at, I peg. cent; last loan, I per cent U. 8. 2s, reg .. II 111. Cent ret 4 Tl , " do coupon .. II Int. M. M. 6s 16, - . U. 8. 8s, reg ., 994K. G So. ret I Tl do coupon .. 994L. 4a N. nn. 4s 14 V. B. Lib. Isl00 'hi K A T 1st 4 II U. 8. 4s, reg ..IO8HM0. Pad. gen. 4 61 do coupon . .106 H Mont Power I It Am. For. Seo. Is 97 N. T. a deb 0 14 -Am, T. A T. O 6s IT Nor, Pae, 4... 11 Anglo-French ( l4Noc Pao. 3s... $8 Arm. A Co. ! I1VO. . L. ret 4 It Atchison gen. 4 II Pao. T. A T. I 17 : R. A O. ov 4H Tl Pena. eon. 4a 14 a Steel ret 6 17Penn. ten. 14 -Cent Leather la 14 Reading tea. 413 Cent Pao. 1st 77 S A 8 F a I It C, . A O. or 6 11 So. Pao. or I.. t0 -.- C B A Q . 4 lso. Railway ta.. It C MAS P e 4Hs 74 H 'Tex. A Pas, 1st 38. C R I A P ref 4s 47 H Union Paclflo 4 It a A 8. ref 4Hs 78U. 8. Rubber I 10-- -D, A R. O. ref 6s It tl. a Steel . I. 11 D. of C I ("ID It Wabash lit .... 10 Erie gen. 4 ... 13 Frenoh gov. t 18 Oen. Else. Is.. It 'Bid. Gt No. lit 4 II Asked. Turpentine and Boata. Firm, 84 bbls.; sale. 112 bbls.; recelpta, ' 174 bbls.; shipments, 294 bbls.; stock, 27,494) : bbls. ' . Rosin Firm; sales, 1,210 bbl,; receipt, - -133 bbls.; shipment, 1.241 bbls.; stock, 78, -$63 bbls. Quite B, $10.06 010.10; D, v; 010.20; J2,, r, fio.ooj w, iin.tiw . 10.60; H, $10.50; I, $10.600 10.66; K. $11.01 , 011.10; M. $11.21; N, $ll.65; WO. lL70l WW, $11.10. . . v New Tork Sugar. New York, Aug. I. The market for raw sugar is unchanged at 4.986o for Cuba, r; coat and freight equal to I.O660 for oentrlftt : :;t. gal. ' -f New Tork Metal. ! - New York, Aug. 9. Lard Unchanged. -- Spelter East St. Loula, spot $1.1601.61. - Linseed. Duluth, Aug. t. Linseed, $4.$4. Londno Honey. , London, Aug. 9. Bar silver, money and discount rates, unchanged. -Z Educator Dies Suddenly. U Rockville, Ind., Aug. 9.- John D. : Shope, superintendent of the Chicago public schools, died suddenly of " heart disease while sitting in th o Park hotel here today. ' SKINNER PACKING COMPANY. POULTRY Dill ICK EGGS TAOC MAS. 1116-1118 -Doudlos St? Tel-Douglas 1521 N. P.DODGE, Candidate far Cong-re.; . "I pledge myself to support tr- ,an n, manaiirn triftt will CBFrV on the war efficiently, regardless i . . II ot party nnes. V .... i : , i -,y