FOR RENT Business Property. Store. COMMISSION DISTRICT 11TH AND HOWARD Dotfbls 'store; two stories and basement; ; total floor space, f.400 square feet: caa dtvide.' ' Armstrong-Walsh Company Tynr n. 3j etcurmw xiust. STORK NortU ltth St. near P. a low rent Q. P. Btebblne. 1(10 Chicago. Dffice and Desk Room WILL RENT to responsible party suite el office feomt, two privets offices and . eeptloa room, bsautlfully carpeted, ma hogany roll top desk and furniture ead? for occupancy. . Apply 1424 First Nation. al Bank Building. Phone Tyler .10. THE Be building baa offices that will pleas you. Better Investigate Key stone Investment Co.. Tyler HI. x Miscellaneous. Trackage For Lease Close In, 35,000 Square Ft: This Is only a tew blocks from the beart of 'town, with fine level haul In; good office bulldlpg and frame store house and shade; very favorable long term leas can be obtained. Call us for further particu lars. Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1C36. 33S Securities Bldg. WANTED TO RENT. Furnished Apartments and Houses WANTED Hood boarding place for t0 girls of 10 and 13 years. Box 1488, Bee. ' FURNISHED apartment In best locality. W. E. LeVey and wife. Hotel' Fontcnella. - MOVING AND STORAGE. FREE .JfiSksV FIDELITY "V HTH AND JACKSON DOtJO, $S$r STORAGB. 1 MOVING. PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE) RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. METROPOLITAN VAN 8TORACE Owned and operated by Central Furni- tur store; of tic on Howard St, between 15th and 16th. Phon Tyler S400. Have ' ' your moving handled Just as yon would an order tor now furniture. That's tL way we an It. Ask to see our d ally rental lists " FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, paoklng and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 10 S 16th. ' Douglas 41t. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans: careful man. Fur wlturo pck.. storag 141T Chicago. D. (SM T tJTrirri Express Co.. Moving. d. J. IXEjEjIJ Packtng and storage HOT Farnam Bt Web. 1741: Douglas (led Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler HO or Douglas $$(. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED - HANSCOM PARK RESIDENCE Just listed, an 8-rooro, full two-story "house, located just south of Hanscora Park, on the boulevard; 4 rooms on first floor and 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor; oak finish and oak floors throughout; full cement base ment; hot water-heat; large gargage: on 'paved street, paved alley, paving paid. If looking for a high class home at the right pric. don't fail to ses this; shown jpnly on appointment x - PAYNE INVESTMENT ' COMPANY, REALTORS. 1IT Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1781. West A. REAL BARGAIN v . BUNGALOW 8 rodme all modern, oak finish In living and dining rooms, dining room paneled, oak floors In all rooms, full cement base ment, large attic, nice bath room. Only one year old, In good location, near car and school, many new homes In this vi cinity. A bargain at 13.300. Can ar range terms. F. D. Wead, 810 South 18tn St., Tyler 151 WEST FARNAM. DISTRICT 5- room modern house, near car line, off1 paved street, nice location, close to school. Just the place for i nice small home. Only $2,600. on easy terms. F. D Wead, 310 South 18th St., Tyler 151. , ELEGANT HOME DUNDEE DISTRICT I 6- room modem, oak finish downblrch finish up, very nicely decorated. House noarly new, east front, a very nice place. Owner going away. Price, 18,250. F. D. Wead. 10 South 18th St., Tyler 151. 2024-40 NORTH tlOTH. New bungalows. 4-r.,nd bath with l-( acre, mod. exoept furnace. Full cement ..basement. Cement walks to car. 8100 cash, 826 per mo. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Douglas 1U18 " A BARGAIN. Four large rooms; two full size lots; well located; built before the high prices; v will ' sacrifice for 81.900; 8100 cash re quired; balance easy monthly payments. - ' WALNUT 677. J1.800 BUYS a 7-room, party modern house; large cement basement; barn for garage; well and cistern. 4411 Davenport St Call Douglas 884. I " trnp salts. Seven-room modern house In Catbedral district, very desirable; price and terms right Call owner. Webster 1819. LOT wltn" all Improvements; on paved street: good district; $395 to $485: $5 down; It per month. Doug. 6074. NEW up-to-date 1 rooms, oak finish, large . lotf fine location; price $6,250; terms. 8187 N. 4th St. Norrls A Norrls. D 4270. MINNIE LTJ8A home and Jots offer he beat opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler. 1(7 -.. North. NEARLY NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, $375 v CASHT BALANCE LIKE RENT Located at 8468 Hartman avenue, one block west of 34th St car . line, where the houses) are all new; ha large combination s living room with alcova and dining room ) finished in oak, well arranged kitchen and - two nlc sleeping rooms and bath all on on floor; first-class plumbing through out: electrla light and gas; furnace heat; corner ldt; ' house now vacant ready to move into. Bee us about it at one. ' HASTINGS HEYDEN, ' 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER 60 Kountze Place Bungalow .. $4,000 5-room strictly modern bungalow, all rooms on first floor, fin basement, fur nace heat, large attic, oak throughout lira- 60-foot south front lot, 1 block to park and car line, paving paid. Winter ' suonlv of coal goes with the property. Owner .leaving city and must sell. If interested' In a tin little bungalow home C"U J.L. HIATTCO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL PHONE Q fVV BANK BLDd. TYLER OO MILLER PARK SPECIAL. SNAP FOR $5,600. - Seven-room semi-bungalow, built by day, labor for home, all the built-in fea tures, fireplace, etc. ; screened front porch, full brick foundation, splendid laundry, with whit enamel tubs, owner is leav ing city; $2,000 down wilt handle. ' OSBORNE REALTY CO.', , 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. , 26TH AND M ANDERSON. 6-room. all modern cottage, larg lot .hade and fruit trees, cement walks and paved street paid for. Only $3,800, on good terms. i P. 3. TEBBEN9 CO ' "608 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 8183. . ,.- . MILLER PARK , - BUNGALOW I rooms, all modern, close to car and Miller park, very good location, has gar. ' ago1. $3,800, fcasb. or terms. F. D. Wead, 310 South 18th 8t, Tyler 151. ' IF you are going to buy a horn, see this first; a fin flv-room .-house :eleeti1e lights, gas and water. Prlc $3,009, See wner at !3J uanaerson. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED ' North. YOUNG ft DOHERTY, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. J51 BRANDKIS THEATER. DO. 1571. BRAND new OAK BUNGALOW, large . corner lot, 1230 cash, bal. Ilk rent, near car. $9,609. Call days. Doug. 140. SouJi. FIELD CLUB' BUNGALOW K ,50 buys an attractive, wen bum, - room modern bungalow.- finished In Oak and white" enamel, with oak floors throaghout; having sun room, living room with brick fireplace, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, tiled bath and tiled front - vestibule; full femented basement, fur nace heat, laundry connections;- stairway to floored attic; storm windows and screens; built in Ills; lot 4 by 16S feet; something desirable; investigate. GEORGE & COMPANY, REALTORS. City National Bank Bldg. Psuglag 78. " HANSCOM PARK BUNGALOW t room modem bungalow near park, extra large lot, good location, close to Car. JrTlCO SO,suv. un arrange iciua D. Weld, 810 South 18th By Tyler : WANT offer on 8-room .mod, cottage; easy terms. South !0th, "near Vinton, Call Tyler 1678. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., $13-14 City National Miscellaneous. 8-ROOM MODERN PRESSED BRICK HOUSE FOR ONLY 34,600. In good order, oak finish, tlreplac. ' larg porches, shad trees, lot 50x13:4, garage, paving paid, near nice park. Own er leaving city. ' W. H. GATES. 847 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294- CLOSE-IN 7-roont strictly modern home, beet of repair, paved surest, locatsd west of high school. Cash price, $4,000. Consider cottage, lot or auto a part pay ment. Rasp Bros., 210 Keellne. Tyler 721, 6-ROOM cottage, two blocks from oar, full lot. $8,000. Terms. 8300 cssb.balanc $20 per month. BENSON & CARM1CHAEL. 642 Paxton Block. WE eell, rent. Insure and make loans on city property, north. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., S4th and Ames Col. 217. OWING to sickness, I must sell my new 7 room houses In Minne I.usa. Will make bargain price. Call Col. 80, ask for Con don. FOR quick sale or rent of your property call A. J. DAVIS CO., Doug. 7150. 220 S. 13th St., Real Estate and Insurance. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 202 S. 17th St. Douglas 6013. " ' W. FARNAM SMITH 4 CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St. Douglas 1064. F D WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE Business Property. BIG BARGAIN IN SO. OMAHA The brick store Duuaing at ro. "N" St., being the west 26 feet of the 3 story building; south front, taxes all paid Rents for $558 per year. Price $2,600. BENSON & MYERS CO.. Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. '(48. WE WILL buy your home or business prop- srty and pay casn. H. A WOLFE CO- mi.rtn Bids. Tylsf Sl BUSINESS property and Investments. 820 First National Bank Bldg. u'r-iniTir. INVESTMENT CO. Income, Business and Trackage Specialists. 16th and Dodge Sts Douglse 415 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES. ONE smaller lot upon which to build a home; can exenange ior seven-paoacuaer Davis auto. Call soutn mm. Holt Co. farm, good soil, fair Improvements. $50 per a. wouia consiaer sooa nuuo. m pmt. Mr. Pease. 211 Branrtela Thes Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. South FOR SALE 2 lots, lust south of Elmwood Park In Overlook aaamon. iwner rami City. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Box Y 1188. Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. , "HrGHCLASS"STUCC07 - $7,000 - Very well built home, near 50th and Chicago Sts., with large living room, din ing room and kitchen on the first floor; three bedrooms and sleeping porch on the second floor; two rooms finished in the attic; attractive fireplace, tile bath room; garage and cement driveway.. Price right. Terms can be arranged. GLOVER & SPAIN, ' Douglas 3962. 819-20 City National. cmn ninonuK' il.nno CASH. Fine bungalow, finished mostly In' oak; large living room with fireplace anil-four bedrooms; a vey sightly location. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. DUNDEE HOME $300 down for a strlutly modern, brand new, 5-room Dungaiow Liberty bonds or W. S. starhpB same as cash. Douglas 3840 or Colfax 4193. owner DUNDEE 2-story frame, 7 rooms, modern hom at a bargain price, c A. unm mel. Phone D. 1616. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. Two beautiful lots south of Elmwood Park in Overland addition full size lots 50x150. Will take. Liberty bonds as pay ment Owner going to camp, must sell. Act quick. Address Box Y 635. Omabs Bee. REAL ESTATE WAN FED. rira"nuun ,wjmj ....... It you bav a substantial, modern (furnac not important), iiv-rpom nu neighborhood and on through car lino thst you will -sell on payments with about $200 to $500 cash payment telephone South 153$ and glv prlc and location at one. Must b dear and all on on floor, and worth around $2,000. Distance not impor tant if goodjecatlon and near througtrear line, r adio a. stn street WANTED RANCH OR FARM Press brick business block and residence property: also $30,000 worth mortsg pa per. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 118 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. HAVE that Instsllment loan on your hom changed to a straight 'flvo-year loan and rsllev yourself of that monthly burden. E. H. Lotigee, Inc., 688 Kenn niog. W MONEY- tORTON. 5V2 "72 10 HARRISON & MORTON. 818 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg, LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keelrtie Bldg. h va RtkinKR. Money on hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg QUICK ACTION ON LANDS. W T. GRAHAM. 604 Be Bldg." Douglas 1633. 5V2 nisVlUL PETERSON. 5V2 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nst Bank Bldg Doug. 3716. t - CITY AND FARM LOANS. (, 6tt and ( Per Cent J. H. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. l.niM'uinK n..mntlv IP. D. Wead. Wesd Bldg., 18th and Fsrnam Bta. Private Money. 8HOPEN COMPANY Douglas 48. Financial Wanted. THERE is no better investment than a high grade first mortgage bearing 6 per cent Interest snd secursd by an Omaha real, denes. B.B. Louge. Inc., 638-48 Kee llne Bldg. Miscellaneous , LOW RATES. & a Carlberg, tit Brand! Theater Side Doug. 186. FARM AND RANCH LAND 3 ' ANGLST $tH'. Our salt excursion to McOfhe. Ark W. 8. FRANK. 101 NCVILLB BLK. Colorado Lands. COLORADO LAND. A good 48$ tract netr Akron, Washing ton counly. A good buy at prlc asked. Clauson Bros., Klron. la. FOR Sale or Trade 808 acres of farm land; ISO acres broke us. For partloular writ to C A. Pearson. Winston. Logan Co., Colo. .. WE have several choice quarters in Kit Carson county, Colo., tor sale. Klok In vestment Co., Omaha. Maryland Lands Marvland water front farm. Mild climate. Ja't'g'e. Russell Realty Co . Baltimore. Md. Missouri Lands. GREAT BARGAINS 36 down, $6 monthly buys 40 acres; good fruit and poultry land, near town, southern Missouri; prlc only $120. ' Address Box 382-C, Spring field. Mo - . Nebraska Lands. CHEYENNE COUNTY, , NEBRASKA, ' BARGAINS Fine H c. imp. farm near Lodgepol. Can glv possession March 1, 1918. H sec. 4H miles from Lodgepole; all . broke out and fenced, ready , tor fall wheat; land lays perfect. 160 seres with 100 acres broke out, ready for fall wheat; Vt. crop goes with land delivered to marked Land level as a floor; ?U miles from- town. Fins improved quarter, 110 acres under cultivation; fenced and cross fenced. Pos session March 1, 1818. One-third this year's crops goes with land If sotd soon. Writ C. L. TATE, 6r.! OAHHA NAT. WANK. OMAHA, NEB. FUR SALE Sec. 19-11-58, being unim proved, 860 acres, 21 miles due south of Bushnell, Neb., and on main- truck road and rural route. Well settled neighbor hood; land joining on north and south is improved: school H mile. 600 acre Is tillable wheat land, level to gently roll ing for tractor and In one body; 160 roll lug to hilly, well grasjeij pasture In n. w. corner. Black lonm, no sand. Bargain price, $9,000; $2,000 cash; $2,720 March 1; $4,380 6 years, 0 per cent. If ten miles nearer Bushnell this section would sell for $35 per acre In a hurry. Also own lovel half .section wheat land, Kit Carson county, Colo., and level 320 acres wheat land, Sedgwick county, near Julesburg. Particulars on request. Will F, Sleden topf, owner Council Bluffs, la. $1,500 DOWN GETS 247 ACRES, PAIR HORSES, 10 COWS, AND Poultry, wagons, harness machinery, tools, hay, fodder, same potatoes, other crops. Productive tillage, 60-cow wire fenced pasture, wood and timber Bhould pay for farm; 100 apple trees, other fruit. Good 8-room house, good basement barn, owner for quick sale Includes everything for $4,600, $1,500 down. Details page I Strout's catalog of this and other bar gains, many with stock tools, crops. Read details on page 13 of splendid one-man fruit, truck, poultry 25-acrs farm near big city with stock, tools, crops, all for $1,500,. easy terms. Catalog free. E. A. Strout Farm Agency. Dept. 3072, 205 S. 18th St., Omaha. Neb. FARMS AND RANCHES We have several very, atthacllve prop erties tor sale In Dawes, Keya Paha and Brown counties. These are places that we have peraonslly InBpected, and tan recommend as being good buys. Send for . list and photos stating as to your wants Kloke Inv. Co., Omaha. FOR SALE! 800-acre ranch, 196 acres cul tivated; well Improved: two wells, fine water; fine cattle country; lots of grass; gas tractor, threshing outfit and other furm machinery; some crop, all for $15, UOO; possession at once. Near Wellfleet Come and see It II. J. Seeley, Wellfleet, Neb. YORK COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Some extra good bargains. Well Im proved, Also a fireproof garaga for trade on farm In central Nebraska. Rents at $175.00 per month. M. O. Hick man, 103S Elmer Ave., York, Neb. WHITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In god old Dawes county. Arab L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. WIS specialize In the sale of Nebraska ranches, large and small. Whits & Hoov er, 464 Omaha Natl Bk.'Bldlg. MERRICK COUNTY improved corn and alfalfa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON, Central City, Neb. . 160 ACRES improved, close In. paved road. Nllson. 423 Securities Bldg. Oklahoma Lands. IMPROVED farms In a section that has never bad a drought Always lots of rain fall. Small cash payment; tea years for the balance. Writ W. H. Jones, Immi gration Agent. Texas. Oklahoma it East ern Railroad Co., Broken Bow. Okl. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a., Including paid up water rights Henry Levi A C Ml Rylander 864 Omaha Nat'l. FARM LAND WANTED. WANTED By married man 31 years -of age to rent a farm where landlord Is willing -"to furnish horses and machinery, also 4 to leave a few milk cows and brood sows on farm. Well experienced In farming and stock raising and can glvs A No. 1 references. Will taks one-third the crop, the same Increase in stock. Charles L. Lane, Clarks, Neb. FARMS WANTED. Don't list sour farm with us If you want to "eep It. E. P. SNOWDEN SON. 610 Electr Bldg Douglas 8371 POULTRY AND PET STOCK 35 APRIL and May chicks, 40c and 60c apiece. Florence 446. BARLEY, $3.60 per cwt, delivered. Wag ner. 801 N. 16th. Phone Douglas 1142. Horses Live Stock Vehicles. FEEDING and breeding swes for sal. J. E. Patterson. Sanders. Mont. For Sale. IMMUNE PIGS, 2 and 3 months old, $10. South 3486. MONEY TO LOAN. Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, plssos and notes as security $40, 6 mo., H.' goods, total, $1.66. Smaller, larger ant'ts. proportional rat PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Securities Bldg.. 16th Farnam. Ty. 666 LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1CT 8MALLER LOANS. . O C7 10 Vt. C. FLATAU EST. 183 10 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDG. TY. 860 Lowest rates. Prlvsts loan booths. Harry Malesbock. 1614 Dodge D. 6618 Est 1881. DIAMOND?" AND TEWKT.RT LOANS Wife Keeps Date With Delinquent Husbauid But Takes Policeman - , Pete Talles. a Greek, 29 years old, was arrested at Fourteenth and Douglas streets last night, on a charge 'of wife abandonment, while he was keeping an appointment which he had made with khis wife. Talles' is accused of havig deserted his wife and young baby three months ago. lie evidently became lonesome for them and sent a note to Mrs. Talles," asking her to meet him. She did so, but brought an officer with her, and lanes will be brought be fore the police court Fridav Mrs. Talles stated to the police that her husband had contributed nothing to the support of. his family for more tnan three months. Slavic .Mobilization Ordered. Was hmgton, ; Aug. 8. Orders . for. the immediate rSobilization at Camp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, S. G, "of the .Slavic legion, authorized by the army v appropriation bill,- were . an nounced today at the War deoart ment, providing voluntary enlistment oTyugo-Slava, Cecho-Slovaks and Rutnenians and other oooressed peoples who are anxious to fight against vjcruiao ana Austria-nun' gary, .. .; . OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Market is Slow, but Steady; Hogs .Axe Ten to Fifteen vle&ts Lower. Receipts war Official Monday .... Official Tuesday . .. Official Wedneedsy. Estimate Thursday.. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ..18.160 (.312 6.333 ,.13.125 11.768 11,550 .. 3.034 14,318 13.374 .. 5,400 16,000 12,000 Four days this weak,. '..43,746 48.280 44,166 Sam day last wekl.!32 27,130 68.1 1(1 Same days 2 wexs sgox.zs.sos ut Sams a year ago. ..... .17,791 37,176 88.570 Receipts and disposition of live stork at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. Tn., Thurs dsy, August 8, 1918: .CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Cattle Hogs Sheep 1 $3 46 44 1 13 67 si ... 4 !1 19 6 3 43 38 6 3 ... 1 1 1 3 ' ... 3 195 226 48 Wabash .' Union Parlflo C. A J.W, east CAN. W., west C, St. P.. M. O...... C B. ft Q.. east ... A. ; . C, B, ft Q, west...!,.. C, R. I. ft P., cast C, R. I. A P.. west Illinois Central Chicago Great Western. Total DISPOSITION. Cattls , 787 .1,676 , 051 , 899 Hogs 1,268 3.718 3,394 2.794 1,299 3.416 Sheep 363 1.104 648 5.620 Morris ft Co fc C6 Oudahy Packlmr Co. Armour- A Co Hell warts A Co J. w. Murphy? Lincoln Packing Co.. 33 S. O. Packing Co.... 13 Wilson Packing Co.. 11 W. B. Vansant Co... 1 .... .... F. B. Lewis 230 J. B. Root Co 14 J. H. Bulls 5 Rosenstock Bros. ..1. 66 .... .... F. G. Kellogg 60 Werthelmcr A Degen. S18- .... .... H. F. Hamilton; M Sylllvan Bros 3 M. A O. Calf Co.... 62 Hlggtna .TT 10 Huffman 5 .... ,,,, Roth 6 Meyers 0 .... .... Glassberg 9 .... .... John Harvey r!Hl ... . .... Dennis A Francis.... 108 .... .... Jensen A Lungien... 250 .... .... Cheet A Krcbs 21 Pat O'Dea 34 Other buyer 3,219 10,768 Totals 9.390 15.886 15,500 Cattle With 6,400 head of cattle on sale his morning tmdlng was very slow and about steady with yesterday, and there war considerable holdings still In first hands from the forepart of the week. Native steers on the choice to prlmo order wore selling from $17.0018.00 with good to choice grades anywhere from $15 6017.00 and from $14.00(315.00 on fair to good grades. As compared with a week ago native beef shows a decline from II:. Choice western rangers quotable from $14.50016.00 and from $12.00$14 on the fair to good kind. Butcher stock was steady today, 81.26fii2.00 lower than a week ago; good to choice cows lowr than a week ago; good to choice cows bringing anywhere from 38 009.50, and fair to good grades anywhere from $7.00 8.90 and canners and cutters st a spread of $5.00(317.00. Stockers and feeders were around fl.00Ol.60 lower than a week ago. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, f 17.00018.00; good to choice beeves, I25.6017.00; fair to good beeves. $14.00t 18.00; common to fair beeves, $10.00 13.00; good to choice yearlings, fl5.&017.00 , fair to good yearlings, $12.0015.00; common to fair yearlings, $8.0010.00; rood to choice grars beeves, $14,.5016.60; fair to good grass beeves, $12.0014.OO; common to fair beeves, $9.012.00; good ':o choice heifers, $9.0011.00; good to choice cows. $8,254(1 10.25; fair to good cows, $7.5008.25; com mon to fair cows, $5.607.25; prime feed ers, J12.00tfl3.00; good to choice feeders, $10.0011.00; fair to good feeders, $.60fi 10.60; common to fair feeders, $6,608.00; good to choice stockers, $9.0011.00; stock heifers, $7.60068.00; stock cows, $6,000 7.00; veal calves, $9.0013.00; bulls, stags, etc., $8.601010.60. Hogs There was a liberal run of hogs here today, 228 loads estimated at 16,000 head, making the supply for the week to date 48,280 head. The market was a very uneven affair from the opening until the close, early sales were all the way from 10 to 15C lower, at whlcn prices half of the hogs probably were sold. The market then began to firm up a little closing at close to steady prices compared with yesterday; The bulk of sales will bs 318.0018.I6 with a few common hogs down to $17.90 and up to 119.00. Sheep There were 46 loads of sheep re- ported In this morning, estimated at 12,000 head, making supplies for the Week to date, 44,156 head. There seemed to be a fairly good undertone In the sheep barn this morn ing on both fat and feeder lambs, but very few fat lambs had been sold on the early rounds. ' A String of Feewees going at $17.00. An early top on feeder lambs was made of $17.40. With the strong undertone it would not be surprising If higher sales are reported. The market Is steady to stronger. Quotation on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $16.5017.50; lambs, fair to good, $14.0016.50; lamb feeders, I15 2617.fi0; yearlings, good to choice, f 13.0O14.6O; yearlings, fair to good, fl2.7513.00; year ling feeders, $10.76 12.80; ewes, good to choice, 11.00 13.00 ; ewes, fair to good, $10.00(3111.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Aug. IS. (U. 8. Bureau of Mar kets.) Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head; mar ket shows better action with higher spots on beef and. butcher cattle, but continues very uneven; good clearances; calves fully steady; beef cattle: good, choice and prime. $17.00(18.80; common and medium, 610.00 17.00: butcher atock: oows and heifers. I7.00S14.25; canners and cutters. $6.00 7.00; stockers and feeders: good, choice and fancy, $10.00013.00; inferior, common ana medium, $7.6010.00; veal calves: good and choice, $16.00 17.26. Hokb Receipts, 16,000 head; market closed with early advance lost; top, $20.06; establishing a new high record, was mnue early; practical top later, $19.60; butchers, il9.15&19.85; light, $19.409.90; packing, $18.0019.00; rough. $17,664)18.60; bulk bt sales, 1 8. 25 19.2b ; pigs: good and choice. $18.0018.40. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 16,000 head; Iambs steady to strong; sheep steady to 26c lower; prim S year old Oregon wethers, $14.76; iambs; cholo and prim, 417.600 18.36! medium and good, $16.60017.60; culls, $13.00014.00; swes: choice and prime, $13.26012.901 medium and good, $11,000 13.2$; culls, I4.IO0MO. Kansas City live Stock. Kansas City, :io Aug. 8. Cattle Re ceipts, 10,000 head; market Steady; prime fed steers, $17.26018.60; dressed beef steers, $12.64017.00; western steers, $10.00 (ffio.uu; cows,-a.uu'ffii.Du; neiiers, si.euiv 13.60; stockers and feeders, $7.60016.60; bulls, $6.0009.60; calves. $6.50011.00. Hogs Receipts, 1.000 hesd; market steady; bulk, $18.60019.60; heavy, $19.(00 19.66; packers and butchers,; light, $18.60019.40; plS.. $16.00017.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 6,000 head; market strong; lambs, $16.00017.75; year lings, $11.00016.00; wethers, $10.00014.60; ewes, $8.00013.(0. 84. Loots Lira Stock. St. Louis, Aug. (.Cattle Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady; native beef steers, $11.60018.25; yearling steers and heifers, 89.50015.60; cows, $7.60012.60; stockers snd feederir $8.60012.00; beef cows and heifers, $7.60016.00; native calves, $7,760 14.00. Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head; market lower; lights, $19.70019.85; bulk, $19,650 19.90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,500 bead; market steady; lambs, $14.00017.00; swes, $11.00011.00; canners and choppers, $6,000 9.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux 'My, Aug. (. Cattle Receipts, 17 200 head; market weak; beef steers, $8,760 15.60; fat cows an heifers, $8.1508.76, canners, $9.(007.00; stockers and feeders, $8.76012.50; feeding cows and heifers, $7.00 08.60. Hogs Receipts, T,(0 head; market steady to higher; .lights. $19.00 0 10.26 mixed, $18.50019.00; heavy, $18.00010.60; bulk of sales, i.uuwio.3(L- Sheep and Lambs Receipts, (00 bead; market steady. St. Joseph Liv Stock. St Joseph, Mo Aug, (.Cattle Receipts, 2.000: market, lower; steers. $8.00 018.00: cows and heifers, $5.00015.00; calves, $5.00 12.60. ' Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head; top, $19.60; bulk. $1$.6O019.6O. i SheeD and Lambs Receipts. 1.600 Bead: market, steady; tombs, $12.10017.(0; wes, $6.00013.00. ' J?ew Task flsgar. New fork, Aug. $. Sugars-Raw, tady and nncbanfea GRAIN ANDPRODUGE Receipts Are . Mostly Light; Bulk of Good Oom Steady; Oats 'Are Unchanged to One-Half Cent Up. Omaha, August $. 1918. Receipts today were generally light, with about the earn as last Thursday for all grains, with 111 oars Of wheat. 4$ cars of oorn, 31 ear of oats, 1 car, of rye and 1 car of barley. Corn prices ranged from 4 cents lower to 1 cent higher. The bulk of the whit and yellow In the good grade brought about yesterday's figures, though No. 3 whit went It the extreme aecune. rso. 1 muea was 1 cent higher. Oft .grsdes in the several varieties generally showed lower prices. Oat were unchanged to 4 cent higher and the wheat market was firm. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipt (cars) Today. Wk.Ago. L.Tr. , $ It 40 Wheat ......lit 114 Corn ...T...... 4$ 47 Oats i 11 Rys 1 I .. Barley 11 I Shipments (cars) Wheat H 41 $ Corn 4 V3 M Oats v ' " 3 Ry 1 Barley 1 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS, Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago v . . . Minneapolis Duluth .... ... 122 41$ ...1 ... 1 ...457 62 2) Kansas City ....... tit. Louis Wlnncpeg PRIMARY Receipts (bu.) WheK, ' Corn Oat Shipments (bu,) Wheat 410 26 S 24 MOVEMENT. Today. Year Ago .... 2,69$, 000 JiST.UOO .... 463.000 520.000 .,..1,290.000 6S3.000 . .1,656.000 . . 408,000 3M.000 933,000 666,000 Corn Oais m.000 UNITED STATES CLEARINGS. Today Year Ago Wheat SiiD.OUO 8!,000 Corn JOn.OOO Oats 33,000 3NM00 Corn No. 1 whits: 1 CHr, $1.63. No. 3 white: g cars, 31.83. No. 4 white: 4 cars, Ilia No. white: 1 car, SI. 71; i cars. 11.78; l car, $1.77. No. white: 1 car, $1.67; 1 cars. $1.66; i cars, $1.63. Sample white: 1 car. $1.65. No. 2 yellow: 1 car. 11.78. No. 3 yellow: 7 cars. $1.70. No. 4 yellow; 3 4 cars, $1.70. No, 6 yellow r 8 rare, $1.67. Nu. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.60. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.62; 1 tar, $1.60. No. mixed: 1 car, $1.70. No. 3 mixed. 1 car, $1.66. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.63. No. 6 mlxeiLv 1 car, 11.60. Sample mixed: 1 car, $1.60; 1 oar, $1.36. Oats Standard, 1 car, 60t4o; No. 3, white, 1 car, c; 4 cars, 684c; sample what, 1 car, 68)10. Wheat No. 1 hard, IS cars, $3,114; No i hard, 1 car, $3. 164; 6 cars, $3.16; 13 cars, $1,164: 1 oar, $2,14 4 (smutty); No. 3 hard, 1 car $3.13; 1 car, $3.13; 3 rare, $3.10, (yul low Bmutty); No. 4 hard. 3 cars. $3.10: 1 car. $3.0$ (smutty); No. 1 spring. 4 cars, $3.18, (northern): 1 car, $3,154; 1 car, $3.13 (smutty): J ears, $113 (northern smutty); No. 3 spring, 3 cars. $2.15'i (northern); 1 car $3.13 (smutty); No. 1 mix, 1 car, $3.16; 1 car, $3.14; 1 car, $3.1.'. Closing Chicago prices, furnished The Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 316 South Sixteenth street, Omaha: Art, I Open. High. I Low. t'lom. Yest. Corn. I Aug. 1 67K 1 lt 157S I M 168 Sep. 1 63 1 (3 160i, 1 63V 163 Oct. 1 63 .1 4Vsl6IH 1 614 163 Oats. Apg. M 70 I 68 6' M Hep. 6V 70H. 60 7054 " Oct.- 70V1 714 70 71 70ft Pork. a Sep. 44 20 44 10 41 00 44 60 44 36 Oct Lard. Sep. 36 $0 36 30 36 67 2$ 75 34 77 Oct. 36 82 26 $0 26 67 26 76 86 77 Ribs. Sep. 24 S3 24 83 34 47 24 61 34 77 Oct. 24 93 84 7 34 60 34 76 24 3 CHICAGO ORAM AND PROVISIONS. Liberal Selling by Longs Offsets Crop News of Bullish Character. Chicago, Aug. 8. Correct anticipation that th government crop report would hav a deoldedly bullish aspect mad ths oorn mar ket today average higher. Prices closed strong at Ho to lo net advance, with Sep tember $1.63 01.63 and Ootober $1,640 1.644. Oats finished Ho up. In pro visions ths outcome varied from liitlie decline to 2 60 advance. Despite good rainfalls west and south west and notwithstanding that the tempera tures wers somewhst lower, th corn mar ket quickly took an upward swing.' Strength appeared dus altogether to gossip current that big reductions wers Inevitable In th government estlmstes of probable yield com pared with a month ago. An a matter of fact, th official report, when made public after trading for the day had come to an end, showed a much more radical cut than th gossip had suggested. The bulge In prices, however, led to liberal selling on the part of longs, who were somewhat Influenced by continued rains In Kansas, but tension In regard to th government report aominaiea values again at the last. Oats were ruled by the action of corn. Trade as a whole was light. Record breaking prices In th hog market tended to otrengthen provisions. Illbs though, wer depressed by sales from deal ers who simultaneously war buying lard. Corn No, 2 yllow, $1.80; No. I yellow, $1.7601.76; No. 4 yellow, $1.6801.72. Oats No. 1 wnite, tsotn?ic; sianaara, 69407OHc Rye No, 2, $1.78. Barley $0c$1.02. Timothy $6.6009.00. Clove Nominal, Pork Nominal. Lard $36.68. Ribs $33.87024.37. Chicago, Aug. $. Butter Higher; cream ery,' 29044c. 1 " . a na 1 . 41 ...... ' JLggs Liower; recvipia, b,du kub, mam, 27Ucl38o: ordinary firsts, 260364c; at mark, cases Included, 36 0 37 4c, Potatoes Unsettled : receipts, i cars; Virginia, barrels, $4.7806.00; Illinois, Early Ohtos, $.00; Minnesota, Karly Ohlos, bulk. $2.0603.10; sacked, $2.1502.20. Poultry Alive, market lower; fowls, is 29c; springs, 50c. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Aug. (.Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.70 01.76. I Oats No. I wnll. 4W440. Barley Unchanged. Bt. Louis Grain. St Louis. Aus.i: I. orn September, $1.(34; October, $1.(4 bid. usts Btpttmoer, iva bio. Kansas City Grain. Van... f.ltv. An B.4ornM.A.uaust. $U9Hi September,. $1.'63 4! October, $1,(4. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts, light; emand good for both prairie bay and alfalfa; market firm snd higher on all grades - ' Upland Prairie Hay Choice. $22.00; No. 1, $19.00032.00; No 2, $16,OO0I8.po; Ho. i, 89.00&13.00 No. I midland, $19.00021.00; No. 2 midland, $14.00017.00. No. 1 low. land, (14.00916.00;. No. 2 lowland, (10.00 11.00; No. lowland, $8.009 00. Alfalfa Choice, $26.00: No. 1, $23.00 24.00; standard, $20.0021.00; No. 2, $17.00 19.00; NO. (, $13.00014 0. Straw Oats, $9.00010.00; wheat, $9,000 10.00. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, ia., Aug. 8. Turpentine Mar ket firm, (4; sales 200 bbls.; receipts, 4$ bbls.; shipments, 125 bbls.; stock, 27,710 bbls. Roiln Firm. Bales, 727 casks; receipts, 72$ casks; shipments, 2,272 casks; stocks, 78,866 casks. Quota: B, $10.06010.10; D, (10.10O10.20I" B. (10.20010.2$; F. $10.(5; O, $10.46 0 10.474; H, $10.60; I $10.66; K, $11.0(011-10; M, (11.26; N, (ll.60Oll.6b WO, $11.(6; WW, $11.70. Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruit. New York,' Aug. S. Evaporated Apples dull: state. lJUfelSo. Prunes Firn; Californias, $016o; Ore- gons, 1240916 Apricots Firm; choice, 16c; svtra choice. 18 c: fancy. 19 ue. Peaches Quiet; standard, 120184o; choice. 12 01340! fancy. 1401440. Raisins Firm; loose muscatel, 9o; choice to fancy seeded, 1O40UO; sesdiess, 940 114c; London layers, z.ou. New York Metal. New Tork, Aug. (.Lead Unchanged. Spelter Firm! East St, Louis spot, $(,220 (.(2. At London Tin 1387. London Money. London, Aug. (.Bar sliver, money and discount rates Unchanged. . Linseed Market. Xtalata. Ant. ( A $.$$.. NEW YORK STOCKS Telegraph and Telephone Is sues Weaken; Steel Re peats Recent Maxi-mjHnofllO' New York. Aug. $. Th proposed tilts slon of federal regulation over various lines of trade accounted as much as anything lee for the further sluggish and uncer tain course of .stocks today. Shares of the telegraph and telephone companies again weakened, ywlth Western Upton at a new minimum, and packing is sues wer heavy on the severe arraignment of tho Interests by the'f ederat trad com mission, which recommended contrl ot that industry and Its many collateral branches. Kor the third time tfrts week, U. S. Steei repeated Its recent maximum ot 110, closing within the smallest fraction of that quo tation at a gain ot substantially on point Ralls wer In the background, msking no response In th last hour to th government's crop report which Indicated conditions variably under those of the preceding month. Rates on London and Paris moved favor ably to .thoa centers and th weekly state ment of the Bnak ot England disclosed 'an other material gnln, almost $8,(00,000 in gold holdings. Bonds were variable, French municipal and state Issues hardening. Liberty Third 4 Us reglKterrd a nw low record at $94.80. Total sales (par value), $5,9(6,000. Old U, S. bonds were unchanged on call. Thi following wers the sales and closing quotations: Closing Snlea High Low Hid Am. Dcet Sugar.".. 300 1194 694 694 American Can 900 47 4 46 4 44 American C. A F. . 600 844- 844 844 American Loco A... 600 Ht (64 66. American 8. A It.. 1,800 78 77 77 4 Aim Sugar Ret 110 Am. Tel. & Tel,... 1,400 91 904 914 Amer. 7. , L. 3.... 1.400 18 18 13 Anaconda Copper.. 1.200 C4 65 4 66 7, Atchison 500 86 $5 85 A. Q. W.I.9.8.L. 103 Baltimore & Ohio.. 300 53 63 534 B. & S. Copper.... 800 V,yt 26 26 Cul. Petroleum.. 15 Cnnsdlan Pacific... 200 13 153 153 Central Leather 67 C. & 0 65 C, M, & St. P 1,000 44 44 4 4 C. . W 914 C. It. 1. A 1 otfs 2S4 Chlno Copper ' 800 89 4 814 39 Colo. Fuel & Iron.. 300 46 4 40 46 Corn Prod, Raf.... 300 44 43 43 Cruclbln Steel 1,100 66 66 4 6K, Cuba Cane Sugar., 1.300 80 ' 30 30 lstl!lor Sec , 9,900 69 63 68 Kris 200 15 IS 14 (lenornl F.lertrlc 600 146 144 145 (leneral Motors COO U6 164 164 Ot. Northern pfd.. 200 90f (04 (0 O. N, Or fR 31 Illinois Central 20 97 (7 66 Inspiration Copper.. 2.600 63 6t 61 Int. M. M. pfd 700 98 97 7t Int. Nickel 1.800 29 4 39 29 Int. Paper., I K. C. Southern IT Kennecott Copper.. 600 33 S34 S3fc Louisville & Nash 118 Maxwell Motors.... 200 264 2(A 26 Mexirsn rcltoleum. 1,400 3014 101 101 Miami Copper 27 Missouri 1'aclflc... 300 22 23 22 Montana Tower., ,, .... .... 67 Nevada Copper ," 20 N. Y. Central TOO 72H 72 73 N. Y., N. II. & II... 800 10 39 39 Norfolk & Western 103 Northern Pacific , 87 Pacific Moll 294 KnnBylvnnla 1.000- 44 43 43 Pittsburgh Coal . . .X 60 Ray Con. Copper 23 Rending 3,600 88 88 (8 Rep. Iron A Steel.. 1,400 92 91 93 Mbattuok Arls. Cop 16 Southern Pacific, ., 600 85 j(4 (5 Southern Railway,.. 600 234 2(4 234 Sturiebaker Corp,... 44 Texas Co 400 1624 1(1 162 Union Paclflo 1,300 121 121 121 U. 8. lnd. Alcohol.. 2,600 129 128 128 United States Steel. 41, 600 110 109 109 U. H. teel pfd 600 110 110 109 Utah Copper 900 81 (0 60 Wabash pfd. "B" 28 Western Union 900 78 77 77 West. Klectrlc 300 41 414 41 Bethlehem Steel.... 3,600 84 $3 (3!a Total sales for ths day, 160,000 shares. New York Money. New Torlt, Aug. (.Mercantile Paper t'nchanircd. Sterling Demand, $4.75 ; rabies, $4.7H. Francs Demand, $6,69 4; cables, $6.64, Guilders Demand, -6214c; cabloa, 6244c. Lire Demand, $7.71; cables. $7.70. Bar Sliver and Mexican Dollars Un changed. Call Money Firm; high, (4 per cent; low, 64 per cent; ruling rate, 64 per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 64 per rent; last loan, (4 per cent. U. 8. 2s. rog... 99 Ot. Nor, 1st 4tfs (U do coupon ., 9S III. Cont. ref. 4s 78 U. S. 3s, reg ., 99 Int. M. M. 6s. 96 do coupon .. 9844 K. C. Bo. ref 6s 784 U. S. Lib. 84s. 100 'L. & N. un. 4. t34 U. 8. 4s reg ,.1084M. K. & T. 1st 4s 61 do coupon ..HI84M0. I'ac. gen. 4s 68 Am. For. Sec. 6s 97 4 Mont. Power. 6s 89 Anw?. & T. c 6s (6 4N. Y. C. deb. 6s i Anglo-French 6s 83 Nor. Pacific 4.. 804 Arm. & Co. 4 4s (J 4 Nor. Paclflo 8s.. 69 Attn. gen. 4a.. 81 O. S. U ref. 4s 804 II. & O. cv 44s 76Pao. T. 4 T. 6s 874 B. Steel ref. 6s Sefc'Penn. oon. 44s. 644 Cent. Leather 6s 94 I'enn. gen. 4 4s. B?i Cent. Pacific 1st 77 4 Reading gen. 4a 83 4 C. O. cv la.. 814 S L a 8 F a 6s 674 C 11 & Q J 4s 98480. Fac. cv 6s.. 904 C M & 8 P 0 44s 78o. Railway (s. 88 C M 8 P c, 44s 76 4,Tcx & Pao. 1st (3 CRI&P ret 4s 674Unlon Pac. 4s.. (64 C. & 8. ret 44s 72 U. 8. Rubber 6s 80 D. & H. O. r 6s 63 NU. S. Steel 6s., 08H D. ot C. -n 1931 934'Wabash 1st .... 90 Erie gen. 4s .. 634 '"Id. den. Else. 6s. 90 4 New York General. Butter Market firm and unchanged. Eggs Market Irregular but unchanged. Cheese Market firm and unchanged. Poultry Market steady and unchanged. Wheat spot steady; No. 2 red, $3.(14 track New York export to arrive. Corn spot steady; fresh shelled No. I yel low. $2.00 and No. 3 yellow, $1.90, cost and frclgt New York. Oats spot stesdy; standard, 324 013c. Dry Goods. New York, Aug. 8. Cotton goods today wers not very active but prices held firm, with spot goods commanding a premium when they can be secured from second hands. Yarns were Quiet Price fixing an nouncements ars made dally and naturally hold opsratlons In check. Burlaps ana wool goods wsrs quiet, 1 Cotton Futures. New York, Aug. . Cotton closed steady at a net advance of 19 to 33 points. New York. Aug. (.Cotton futures opsned Irregular; October, 27.76o to 27.62c; Decem ber, 27. 16c to 27.36c; January, 37.16o; March, 27.300 to 27.06c; May, 27.10. New York Coffee. New York, Aug. (. Recent advances were followed by scattering liquidation in the market for coffee futures here today. The market opened at a decline of S to 10 points In consequence, with September selling off to (.((0 and December to (.640. The market steadied later, closing at a net loss of 2 to 9 points. September (.29c; October, S.49o; December. (.680: January, (,76c; March, (.900; May, 9.05c; July, 9.19c. Spot coffes dull; Rio 7s, 840; Santos 4s, 11 40. Bra zilian port receipts, 21,000 bags. PRESERVING EGGS Learn latest and best way EGGOLA TUM. Keeps eggs perfectly 1 year, costs but le dot. No expensive jars needed. Kept in ordinary box or carton. En dorsed by National Housewives League, Successful S yssrs. Ssmpls for iO do, eggs 60s postpaid Book free. . . Ceo. H. Lee CoV 1118 Harney, Omaha. SKINNER PACKING QMPANY BUTTER EGGS TtlADI MARK 1116-1118 -Douglas Sir Tel -Douglas I! IB2I r 7k CALL ISSUED FOR 130,207 MEN FOft ARMY IN AUGUST f ". sv Quotas of 1,500 From Nebris ' ka and 500 From . Iowa , ; Assigned to Camp Funston. Washington, Aug. 8. Caljs for "r 130,207 draft registrants qualified for . general military service to join the , color before the end of August wer issued tonight by the provost mar shal general, , One hundred thousand white regis trants from 43 states are ordered en trained between August 26 and August 30. Twenty-one . itates and . th'e District of Columbia are directed.-' to furnish 30,207 negro registrants to I entrain August 22-24. These orders bring the number of , . men called out in August to about 300,000, the number contemplated to ; the present military program. Following are some of the states & from which the white men now called ' -will come and the camps to which . each quota is assigned: - ' .Iowa, 500, Camp Funston, Kan. Nebraska, 1,500, Camp Funston. The negro registrants are called in x part as follows: : . . s asss -. i Nebraska, lu, urnip nice. ( WILLIAM MADGETT, REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR" United States Senator At the Primaries, ' Augf. ' 20. , rcrsonal Letter. - I have neither, the time. nor the money to write and mail personal letters to the voters of Nebraska You cannot expect a man to give.'..; all of his time and apend $25,000 In ' ) postage and advertising and if elected -give you a square deal at your rep- t resentative at Washington. ', Therefore,' I. take this , meaiu of reaching the voters. 1 assume .that my standing with the people in jhe. community where I have lived since childhood is what the voters of this state desire to learn. . ' The following are some of the en dogenic 'a that I have received. I ' At a meeting of tbs Hastings Chnrch Fid oration, March 29, 1917, the to!lolng y resolutions wsre unanimously adopted:- Whereas. Our present mayor, Hon. Wll- m ) ! ) . llam Mndgett. having been elected upoa , certain pledges of law-enforcement, . espe ? dally along moral lines, and having durln . his administration kept good faith with ? his constituents by entirely immune tnese . pledges snd, ; , . r T Whereas, He has given the Clty-ot Hast inra an economical management of publla ; ffnlM notably free from ths suiplclo at graft and. Whereas, Hs has exercised extraordinary, Judgment and discretion In the character, ot the men he has from tlms to time appointed to ths various municipal, offices, particularly those having to do with ths v enforcement of Inw; therefore, be lt-i- . Resolved. That we most heartily endorse ths administration of Mayor Msdgett and earnestly eommsnd him to the electorate of ths city, urging the Support of his can didacy for his re-election, snd we. M - f members of the Church Federation. Coun- ell, hereby pledge him our support Snd active effort In his behalf to ths end that : the present creditable administration may be continued. ' " (Blgned) HABTINQ9 CHURCH FEDEKA. TION, . . .. v - :. ' D. a MARTT. Pt, "' 'CP. BHBAFF, Bee'y.- , Hastings. Neb;, Aug. S, lilt. To Whom Tt May Concern: The Ministerial Association ot Hastings . ' - desires to plaoe Itself on record ss hsert lly approving the administration of Hon orable William Madgett as mayor ot thlg city. Bs has stood unquestionably tor taw an- . forcement, and ' has been exceptionally w, ' strong In his appointees who - have - been " men of ability, strength and efficiency. , P. J. THI Eli, resident. 1 . B. P. RICHARDSON, Secretary. - t Extract et editorial. In Hastings tally Tribune: r' V ' 'Mayer William Madgett has saved, the city of Hastings and the taxpayers thou sands of dollars In paving contracts and In' . ons Item of Inspection alone, be has Saved the taxpayers $10,04.J7. ' Extract from editorial . in- ins Hastings Democrat: . ' ' Whon William Madgett first began serv- ; fng ths ctty as mayor, one of his first con- , -tests was) in ths matter of getting paving contract figures that, would save the tax payers, snd he won out, saving the city be tween $lt(,000 and $17(.00O. He next made a determined and successtui snort to save the taxpayers on paving Inspection, and he won out, saving ths taxpayers , $10,$01$7. Hastings, Neb., Aug. (, ll. : . Whereas, William Madgett, mayor ot our city, as a oltlxen and in his capacity as , mayor has, at all times and under all con ... dttlons, rhown by his actions that be Is a . v friend of ths people, especially of the labor ing man, and believing that we should have in the U. 8. senate a man wno wm use his Influence to prevent 'legislation detrimental to the man ot toil; therefore be It ' - ' Resolved, That we hereby, snd by this act Indorse ths candidacy -of Hon. William Madgett,- republican candidate for U. S. Senator. (Signed) CARPENTERS' TJNION No. 107! GEORGE H. BRUNOART, Presv W. M. NICHOLS, Fin. Bee. .: ' Hastings, Neb., Aug. J, 191S. To Whom It May Concern; , The first thing 1 want to say In behalf of Mayor William Madgett, Is that he Is honest, a thorough business man, and Is possessed of excellent habits and character. . , He is at the present time serving . his sec ond term as -mayor, having been re-elected by a big majority. . V. Mr. Madgett Is a born leader, and has the sblllty to make good. .He has saved eur taxpayers thousands of dollars, and is held . in high esteem by our people. - f. ' , Yours very truly, A. R. THOMPSON. Vice Pres., Net). Nat, Bank. - " If my platform and records' meet -j, your approval tell you. friends, ' Working organizations in my behalf , and your votes and support will bo . greatly appreciated. .--. .'. .- Sincerely . jrs, t ' WILLIAM .MADGSI3. . .