Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE : OMAHA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, : 1918,
V .
Smaller Number of Petitions
Submitted for These Offices
Than in Big" Political
From a Staff Correspondent,.
Lincoln, Aug. 8. Special.) Much
Interest is being taken in the cam
paign for the non-partisan office of
regents of the state university, state
superintendent and supreme judges.
If the closing of the time for filing,
Friday, brings many filings there will
be more of a scrap than now is in
dicated. For the regents of the university,
half a dozen have filed. Two regents
are to be elected in the general elec
tion in November which will neces
sitate that four be selected at the
primary. For state superintendent
three candidates have filed to date,
two will have to be selected at the
primary from which the people will
elect one at the November election.
For supreme judges three will be
elected in November, but the voters
of the state will be required to select
"twice that number out of the seven
already filed, so that one man will
fall by the wayside in the elimination
contest a week from next Tuesday.
Much interest has been awakened
in the supreme judge fight because
of the fact that a number of the State
Bar association agreed on' the ' en
dorsement plan for securing candi
dates. An election was held among
the members and the first six receiv
ing the highest number of votes
should receive the endorsement of the
lawyers at the primary.
Fon some reason, the endorsement
lost much of its "pep" and as a result
but five candidates are running who
had the endorsement.
Un the other hand two candidates
who did not ask for nor seek the en
dorsement of (he Bar association.
Judge Francis G. Hammer, present
member, and former Gov. Chester
H. Aldmh, 1iave filed, each with large
petitions and are awaiting the verdict
of the people whether the people
have a right to select their candidates
or whether the lawyers hi ve the right
to stipulate who shall be oh the su
preme bench of the state.
Kearney Young Man
Is Killed When Team
Takes Fright at Engine
tfea.rney, Neb., Aug. a (Special
Telegram.) Clarence, 16-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Cruit, residing
four miles north of Kearney, was al
most instantly killed in a runaway
this afternoon while working with a
thresher crew on the Monroe Day
place. '
Hayes County Crops Are
Undamaged by Heat Wave
Hayes Center, Neb, Aug. 8. A
general rain of .65 of an inch fell over
Hayes county Tuesday night, which
will be of great benefit to the corn,
feed and potato crops, and the pas
tures. While it was very hot here dpr
ing Sunday and Monday, there was
no wind, and no damage was rone to
the corn. This county is onw assured
" of the largest corn crop ever wised as
most of it is now far enough advanced
to make a good crop without more
Judge E. B. Ferry will hold a spe
cial term of district court in this coun
ty this week to dispose of the appli
cation of Rev. Vewig, an enemy alien
Lutheran minister, for a license to
preach.. . -
At a meeting of the directors of the
Fair association last Saturday it was
" decided that owing to the war con
ditions, and the need for every man
to put in full time in1 taking care of
" the crops, no fair would be -field this
i Dodge County Wheat Will
Average 15 Bushels an Acre
Fremont, Neb., Aug. 8. Reports
received by County Agent L. C.
f Christie from 40 of the 70 thresher
men operating in Dodge county show
that the wheat crop is averaging
slightly better that IS bushels to the
acre. Mr. Christie is receiving re
ports from all machine operators and
will report to the farm bureau of
crops. -
Fremont Chautauqua Will
- - Discontinue During War
Fremont,' Neb.. Aug. 8. Fifty Fre
mont business men who signed as
guarantors for the chautauqua will
probably have to dig down into their
. ' pockets to make up a deficit of about
1 $300. It is probable that this will be
the last year, during the war, at least,
that Fremont will have a chautauqua.
Rates at division Points.
Lincoln, Aug. 8. (Special.) Ad
jutant General Bross is considerably
wrought up over the fact that letters
are coming to him declaring that old
soldiers going to Portland .are npt
able to get the reduced rates ex
cept at division points on the Bur
N lington. A letter from Department
, Commander Hoagland at North
Platte states that applicants for tick
ets have to pay full fare to either
v Cheyenne or Grand Island before
they can purchase tickets for Port
land. It is now too late to rectify
the matter. ' ' y.
Must Rotate -Names,
Lincoln. Aug. 8. (Special.) Sec
retary of State Pool is calling at
tention of county clerks that they
must in printing ballots for the pri
mary rotate the names of the candi
dates where there has been more
thJn one candidate certified to.
aged 82 years, died at her home, 1521
North Nineteenth street, Wednesday.
She was the widow of the late Theo
dore Hybeanette. Funeral serf ices
will be held in the Immanuel Lnth
eran church, Nineteenth and Cass
streets, Saturday afternoon at 2:30
'clock. Interment will be in Forest
The Bee's Fund for
Free Milk and he
H. G. Coy, seed grower, Waterloo,
Neb, heads today's list of conrtib
utors to the fund with $10, and an
additional $2.50 in the name of Har
lan Coy. '
The hot weather has been hard on
the small children and helples babies
of the very poor. The nurses have
been busy and The Bee's fund has
been doing a great work, thanks to
those who have made it so-large with
their generosity.
Not a penny of this fund goesjor
anything else than pure milk or cool
ing ice for the tiny tots of deserving
You can help in this great and most
necessary work. Send or bring any
sum, from 10 cents to $5 to The Bee
office. It will be acknowledged in
this column. .
Previously reported. ...$754.43
H. G. Coy, Waterloo, Neb.... 10.00
Harlan Coy, Waterloo, Neb... Z.50
Mrs. U. G. Brown 1.00
"In His Name"., 2.00
A. M. B. K., Minden, Neb.. 2.00
Total $771.93
Bumper Potato Cro,) Is
Assured Western Nebraska
Lincoln, Neb. Aug. 8. (Special.)
The prospects are for a bumper po
tato crop in western Nebraska this
y?ar, according to R. F. Howard, sec
retary of the Nebraska Potato Grow
ers association, who recently spent
several days in the spud belt. Not
only are irrigated potatoes dbing well,
but the moisture has been so
abundant that dry land crop will be
large. Although the acreage is 10 to
IS per cent less than in 1917. present
indications are for a total yield equal
ing last year.
Plans are already under way to care
for a big potato crop. In addition to
improved transportation and direct
selling this year, potato starch and
flour factories may be in operation.
Nebraska potatoes will be graded to
compete with the best, Professor
Howard said.
The second annual convention of
the Nebraska Potato Growers' asso
ciation will be held at Scottsbluff
November 13 to 16. At ihat time full
plans will be made to handle the big
spud crop. Couy and individual po
tato exhibits will be a part of the
convention, as well as large displays
of potato machinery. Prominent po
tato men of the United States will be
on the program.
South Dakota Boa.'d Plans
Request Upon Washington
Lincoln, Aug. 8. (Special.)
Chairman Thomas L. Hall of the
state railway commission has re
ceived a communication from P. W.
Dougherty, chairman of the South
Dakota commission, stating that he
believes that representatives of the
Iowa, South Dakota, Nebraska and
Utah boards meet in conference in
Chicago August 10 and prepare a defi
nite proposition to present to Com
missioner Prouty of the interstate
commerce commission and that the
conferees at once proceed to Wash
ington and present their claims re
garding express rates in the four
'Corn Crop" in Holt County
Will' Be Largest in Years
O'Neill. Neb.. Aue. 8. (Soecian
O. O. Snyder, who has been engaged
in the lumber and coal business in
tfcis city for the past 27 years, dis
posed of his business last week to
Seth Neble of Los Angeles, Cal.
An inch of rain fell inthis county
last Monday night and 3.1S inches fell
in this county and assures the great
est corn cropjhat Holt county has
ever produced." Threshing is in full
blast and while the wheat yield is not
as large as it was thought it would
be, will probably average 12 bushels
to the acre. The quality is better
than it has been in years.
Nebraska Straw Wit! Be
Sent to Army Cantonments
Lincoln, Aug. 8. (Special.) Ne
braska straw for the army I No
Jonger are Nebraska harvest fields
aflame with burning straw piles dur-
ing the threshing season. Thousands
of tons of straw will be baled this
year for army cantonments. The de
mand is so great that it will well pay
farmers to bale their straw and load
it on cars for shipment. Oats straw
will be in high demand at home for
feed. Two new sources of profit for
farmers have opened up in Nebraska
since the war began walnut logs and
Four Fremont Physicians
Called for Army Service
Fremont. Neb., Aug. 8. Dr. R. T.
Van Metre and Dr. Grant Reeder,
who have been given commissions of
captain and lieutenant, respectively,
in the medical reserve, have received
instructions to report for duty. Dr.
Van Metre will go to Ft. Riley, Kan.,
and Dr. Reeder to Yale university the
latter part of August. Dr. G. H.
Rathbun and Dr. A. E. Buchanan left
last week for Fort Ogelthorpe, Ga.,
and Camp Mead, Md., respectively.
Both have commissions of captains.
Seward phone Users
Must Not Speak German
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 8. (Special.)
A communication was received from
L. E. Hurtz, superintendent of the
LincolH Telephone and Telegraph
company, by the. state railway com
mission, calling attention to the fact
that the county Council of Defense
of Seward county had notified the
exchange at Milford to discontinue
service to phones where the subscrib
ers were talking-in a foreign language
over the wires, in cases where they
could talk English if tlieywanted to
Lunch-time is
Toastie time
Choicest Of Corn Foods
Declaration Made Enough at
Hand to Show Many Names
On Petitionss Were
The gathering of testimony by suf
frage leaders of the state to refute
the referendum petition circulated in
1917 by anti-suffragists, for the pur
pose of nullifying the limited suffrage
law passed by the last K'gjslature. is
Hearing an end. The suffragists as
sert that they already have enough
depositions to show conclusively that
v. great number of the names appear
ing on the anti-suffragists' petitions
were forged. '
The hearing has been in progress
for nearly two months, the last three
weeks having been consumed in taking
testimony out in the state. A special
hearing has been going on at the
court house during the last two days
before Special Examiner Emery, who
was appointed examiner for the hear
ing by the Lincoln district court, be
fore whom the evidence will be sub
mitted. , t
According to J. B. Haynes, who ap
peared on the witness stand Thurs
day morning, he was commissioned
to take charge .of circulating the anti's
petition in May, 1917, hut after he
had worked two weeks he discovered
that it was impossible to get enough
competent men to do the work ih a
capable fashion. i Circulators of the
petition were being paid for each
name secured on the petitions, ac
cording to the suffragists. Mr.
Haynes said that he gave . up the
work on that account and that W. N.
Jamieson, lawyer, succeeded him.
'Just Keep the Change,'
Says Cashier to Crook,
As He Melts Into Crowd
A clever crook is $100 long and the
cashier of Orkin Bros is $100 short
as the result of a lightning transac
tion Thursday afternoon about 5 p. m.
Owing to the crook's boldness and
his agility in making a getaway he
hadnad disappeared in the crowd be
fore the cashier had fully realized
what had happened. The crook asked
the cashier to change af$100 bill. After
she had counted out the cHange the
man made a lightning like motion,
procured the change and his bill and
lost himself in the crowd.
An attcmnt was made to follow and
apprehend the thief in the store but
he was successtul including pursuit.
Heavy Rains Reported
Over All of Nebraska
v Raid continues to fall over most
of Nebraska is the report that comes
to the railroads. According to re
ports, a narrow strip .of country, up
and down the river from Omaha was
about the only portion of the state
that was not given another wetting
down Wednesday night.
Alcmg the Northwestern there was
an inch, or more of precipitation most
of the way from Fremont, west to
beyond Long Pine.
All through the sandhills country
along the Burlington the rainfall was
one to two inches, witn nearly as
much over a good deal of the South
Platte country.
The Union Pacific reports light to
heavy rain most of the way from
Columbus, west to the state line.
Suffers Fractured Leg
In Auto Race With Train
iorioiK. ieD., ug, o. vpecidi
Telegram.) George W. Sherwood,
an automobile salesman, suffered a
fractured leg near Apex, Neb., Wed
nesday afternoon when bis car upset.
Sherwood, accompanied by W. J.
Meyers, another salesman, was racing
with an f Rr O. train. Mevers
jumped from the car and was not
Try Itl Make this lemon lotion
4 utUUn uaiip fanned OP
tV T I I kl M 1 . w w.
f freckled akin.
Squeeze the juice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
of Orchard White, shake well, ana
you have a "quarter pint of the best
freckle, sunburn and tan lotion and
complexion whitener, at very, very
small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of Orchard
White for a few cents. Massage this
sweetly fragrant lotion into the face,
neck, arms and hands and see how
quickly the freckles, sunburn, wind
burn and tan disappear and how
clear, soft and.. white, the skin be
comes. Yes! It is harmless. Adv.
Store your household good,
.etc., in our FIREPROOF
WAREHOUSE and uke your
time in looking for the place
you call home.
. Phone Doug. 4163.
806 S. 16th St.-
Albert W. Jefferis
Methodists Confer
on Plans for Drive '
for Centenary Fund
A conference in the interests of the
Centenary fund of the Methodist
church was in session Wednesday and
through part of Thursday, tinder the
chairmanship of Bishop Homer C
Stunt, representing the churches of
the Omaha area, which includes Iowa
and Nebraska.
" There are in attendance all the dis
trict superintendents of the-areato-gethcr
with three or four leading
ministers and laymen from each dis
I Dress Voiles ' K v I 1
pi &mk ois Stores
jj . I kfjfy Mir P"""'
Sport Suits and Wasli Dresses and Skirts
tir m . mil.
women mouses oi oiik
Stripe Taffeta and Crepe de Children S Wash DreSSeS v
e?tinecoionrings Tfin "aTd A fine lotof Children's Wash Dresses in Ginghams, Percales and Reps. XXski"t auKes ?nd
$3.95 values,' Friday and They are daintily made and trimmed; some with late pockets and vest glze8. 54.95 to $6.50 values;
Saturday $2.69 effect. Values from 75c to $1.25. Friday and Saturday. . . . , 65c Friday and Saturday, $3.69
; , . - .
Two More Pays of Our Shoe Clearance
Thursday's sales proved
and Misses,' Boys' and Girls'
Men's Oxfords, $1.95
Gun Metal Calf, Russia and White
Canvas, Button and Lace style;
Goodyear welted sole, English and
high toe. 500 pair, sizes up to
11. Values up to $3.50, at, $1.95
Men's Oxfords, $2.95
In Vici Kid, Gun Metal Calf, Tan
and White or Palm Beach. Blucher
and Bal, English or high toe.
Every pair has Goodyear welted
sole. Sizes 6 to 11. Values up
to $5.00, at '.. .$2.95
Boys' Oxfords and Shoes,
Sizes from 2 to 5. A clear
ing on all our boys' odd lots. Val
ues up to $3.50 $1.95
32-Inch Zephyr Drett Gingham.
Genuine imported and domestic
brands. Beautiful plaids, checks,
etc., in a wonderful assortment of
new Fall patterns. Values to
$1.00; at, per yard.. 75c and S9c
36-Inch DreM, Wrapper and Shirt
,in Percale, light and dark colors.
11 new Fall styles and printings;
t, a yard .35c and 29c
27-Inch Silk Finished Dress Poplin
in a variety of pretty plain shades,
also white and bbek, highly yarn
mercerized; for misses' Hnd chil
dren's school dresses, waists, etc.;
at, a yard 35c
32-Inch Woven Stripe Shirting
, Madra. in a pretty assortment of
new figures and jaequard effects;
will launder perfectly; at, yd., 39c
36-Inch Bookfold Cotton Chaliie,
in Persian, Floral and Oriental de
signs for kimonos, dressing
Jacques wrappers, etc., at, yd., 25c
Genuine Amoskeag, A. F. C. and
Utility Dress Ginghams in pretty
plaids, Btapta checks, stripes and
plain colors. All new Fall styles
and colorings. 3 to 12-yard
lengths on large bargain square,
at, yard 35c
J6 Inch White Skirting; splendid
'Uiality for wash skirts, suits, etc.,
in serviceable lengths; at, yd., 25c
Wall, Paper
A Group of Fine Papers in quan
tities of from one to three rooms,
with borders for each, suitable
for any room in the house. Spe
cial Friday, per roll 6c
A Few Odd Papers, nice for kitch
en, attic or store room, sold with
border. On Friday, per roll..2?4c
Beautiful Varnished Gilt Paper,
in new stripes and patterns with
borders. Just a room or two of
each; while they last, for Friday,
per roll .' 15c
Plain 30-inch Oatmeal Papers in
good durable shades. Each have
a decorative border, Friday, per
roll 12MC.
trict in the conferences of the area.
The first session met in the assemly
hall in the City National bank build
ing at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning.
The afternoon session was transferred
to the First Methodist church.
The centenary fund, which is to be
raised within the next five years, has
been set at $80,000,000 for Methodism
in the United States. Forty million
dollars of this is to be used in the
work of home missions and $40,000,000
in foreign missionary work.
The purpose of the conference here
is to put before the ministers and lay
men the special needs, which have
called for-the raising of the fund, and
to acquaint them with the general
plans for the campaign, with which
at Prices; Every Etonian Can Afford
This Big Basement Sale is a very timely one. We have cut prices
down so that; any woman can afford to add to her wardrobe for
summer wear. And the lub Dresses and skirts, by the way, can be
used for house wear all winter. Sale is for Friday, and will continue
Saturday if the stock holds out.
Sport Suits s
This lot of 300 splendid two-piece Sport Suits was bought by us $way
under price and we are giving you the advantage of our purchase. We
honestly believe you will judge the Skirts alone to be worth the price
of the suit. Splendid styles. Some of the suits are of the samejcolor
clear through, others have colored coats and white ,skirts. Friday
and Saturday $2i39
Wash Dresses '
This lot includes a large assortment of Women's and Misses' Fancy Tub
Dresses, House Dresses, Porch Dresses, etc. Worth from $1.49'to $2.00
on today's market. Made of Percales, Ginghams and Fancy Prints.
Hundreds in this group. Sale price Friday and Saturday. . . . . .$1.19
Wash Skirts ,
300 Wash Skirts in Gabardines, Reps and Plain and Fancy Materials.
Worth from $1.25 to $2.00. While they last ..79c
that people appreciate the values we are offering here,
and Men's Shoes at prices far below the regular.
Women's High White
Shoes, $2.95
Every pair in stock of Women's
High White Shoes, regardless of
former prices. Values up to $5.00.
In 9-inch lace top, plain toe, turn
ed or welted sole, leather or full
Louis covered heel. Sizes from
2 to 6. Width from A A to
D. 600 pairs, clearing price, $2.95
Women's Pumps, $2.95
In Gun Metal Calf, Vici Kid or
Patent Colt, plain pump and one
and two strap, low or high heel;
also in Mary Jane "styles, ankle
strap. These pumps rejyularly
sold up to $4.50 and splendid run
of sizes, 2 t to 8. 700 pair, clear
ing sale $2.95
Knit Underwear
Women's Cotton Gauze, Sleeveless
Union Suits. Teddy Bear style, in
sizes 5 and 6; at ...35c
Sizes 7, 8 and 9, at. 39c
Women's Cotton Shaped Vest,
slaoveless and short sleeved style,
all sizes .19c
Women's Cotton Gaure Vests, 10c
Infants' Shirts, your choice.. 10c
Misses' and Boys' Union Suits in
sleeveless and short sleeve style;
to clean up, per 'suit 25c
Women's Sleeveless, Lace Trim
med Union Suits, all sizes ...50c
- Notions
10-yard bolted bias Tape, ea. 5c.
Fast colored Wash Edging, ea. 5c
Darning Cotton, spool, 1c
JA & P. Coats' best 6-cord Thread
spool, 4c. ,
Safety Pins, card, 34e.
Rust-proof Dress Clasps, cd., 3 c.
Rust-proof Hooks and Eyes, 3 lie.
Large pieces Garter Elastic, 5c
Large pieces Hat Elastic, lc.
Crochet Cotton, all colors, spool, 3c
Red Cross Knitting Cotton, ball, 3
Large bottles Machine Oil, 5c
Dressing Pins; brass, paper, 3c
Knitting Needles, all sizes, pr. 10c
Shell Hair Pine, 6 in box for 3c.
Button Molds, all sizes, bunch 5c.
White Ivory Dressing Combs, 19c
Scissors and shears, worth to
$1.60, 75c.
1 Wire Hair Pin Cabinets, each 5c.
Madras Curtaining 100 bolts
36 inches wide, very pretty de
signs, White and Beige, at yd. 39c
Nottingham Lace Curtains GOO
pairs 2Vi and 3 yards long, Spe
cial at, per pair 98c
50 Pieces Lac Nets and Scrims,
36 Inches wide,' special, yard.. 15c
they will co-ordinate their local and
district plans.
The centenary committee is repre
sented at the conference by Bishop
Wilson S. Lewis of China and Dr. E.
C. Hickman.
Shortt to Draft Home Rule Bill.
London, Aug. 8. Replying to an
inquiry by John Dillon, the national
ist .leader, concerning the govern
ment's Irish policy, Edward Shortt,
the secretary for Ireland, announced in
the House of Commons today that he
would be engaged during the recess
in helping to draft a home rule bill
which would be likely to pass the
Women's Pumps and
Oxfords, $1.95
In this lot we have 1,500 pairs
in White Canvas, White Kid, Pat
ent Colt, and Gun Metal Calf. New
and up to date lasts. Odd lots
of 20 different styles. Values up
to $6.00. Good run of sizes and
every pair has turned or welted
sole, short or medium vamp, full
Louis covered heel. Splendid fit
ting pumps, sure to please you.
One price for clearance . . . .$1.93
Boys' High Shoes, $1.45
1,500 pairs in this lot and shoes
worth from $2.00 to $2.50. Stitch
down sole, leather or rubber, no
heel. Every size, from 5 to 2.
Hosiery 1
Women's Pure Silk and Fiber Hos
iery, mock seam, in black, white,
gray, . suede, champagne, pongee
and African brown shades, with
double heels, toes and soles, and
lisle garter tops, per pair. .$1.25
Women' Seamless Fashioned Lisle
Hosiery, in pink, navy, bronze,
suede, khaki and champagne
shades, per pair, 59c
Women's Mercerized Colored
Hosiery, in black and white, rib
tops. Seconds of 50c quality, per
pair . . . . 39c
Women' Cotton Hosiery in black
and white, with double soles, per
pair '. 25ot
Children' Lisle Hosiery in black
and white. 'Sizes 5 to 9, per
pair 3907
Boys' Wear
Boys' Suits. Come now and get
the pick of our large assortment
for your boy's school suit. New
models carefully selected for
service and sightliness. Well tail
bred, strongly built. Sizes 5 to
18. Price $6.50 to $9.50
Children' Rompers and Slipovers
in plain white, blue chambray and
checked gingham. Sizes 2 to 6.
Special at . . . r 49c
Boys' Blouses. New Summer
Blouses of woven Madras and fine
Percale in striped effects on light
grounds. Collar attached, tape
less stlye . All sizes at 69c and 85c
Men's Shirts
Men' Shirt in the very newest
patterns in Reps, Madras and satin
striped Soisette in the very best
makes. Collar attached. Spe
cial 98c and $1.19
Man' Ribbed Union Suit. Short .
or long sleeves, ankle length, ex
tra good quality, ecru and white.
All sizes. Special at. . , 69c
Held to the District Court
for Robbing Drug Store
Ernest A. Baker, 1718 Nicholas
street, arraigned on a charge of break
ing and entering, entered a pita o;
not guilty in police court Thursdaj
morning, and was bound over to tin
district court on a $750 bond.
It is alleged that Baker broke int
the Hyland drug store 1101 Nortl
Eighteenthstreet, owned by Nathat
Somberg Wednesday night and stole
cigars and toilet articles valued a
$12. According to Mr. Somberg's testi
mony, Baker' was discovered in tht
basement1 of the store. He said he
was looking for liquor and escaped
He was later arrested at his room.
36-Inch Percale, in
dress, wrapper and
Shirting styles in
light and dark col
ors, v in long mill
lengths, yd.. 22 H
thousand pairs of Women's
Misses' Pumps and Ox
fords, $1.95
785 pairs in sizes from 6 to 2.
Vici Kid, Gun Metal Calf and
White Canvas. Any style from
Mary Jane to two-strap Pumps.
Made up with inside soles. Values
from $2.50 to $3.25. A clearing
of lot , . . $1.95
Tennis Shoes and Pumps
Men's Black, 5-eyelet, sizes 6 to
11 75c
Boys' Black, 5-eyelet, sizes 2M
to 6 69c
Youth's Black,. 5-eyelet, sizes 9
to 2 ..V.. 69c
Women's White Mary Jane, sizes
2V, to 8 fJBie
Misses' White Mary Jane, sizes 9
to 2 89c
Damask 59c
A limited quantity, full bleached
Table Damask, mercerized, very;
pretty patterns. Special, yard 59c.
Crash, 15c I . '
Full bleached twilled Crash,., soft
and absorbent, per' yard 15c.
Crochet Spreads, $2.00
For Friday we will place on sale
Crochet Spreads, regulation size,
hemmed ends, of best wearing
Fancy Linens 79c
One lot of Lace Scarfs, also em-
broidered and scalloped ends.
Slightly soiled and mussed s
manufacturer's sample line.
Towels, 43c
One lot of Turkish Towels, hem:
med ends, with fancy colorings,
good heavy quality.
Soap Specials
10 bars Diamond C Soap.... 38c
10 bars Pearl White Soap.. i. ,42c
10 bars White Naptha Borax
Soap 42c
10 barjs Fels Naptha ....... .59c
6 bars Ivory Soap.,, 33c
7 bars Excel Soap 33c
6 bars Goblin Hand Soap.... 24c
3 pkgs. Britt's Ammonia...-, 21c
Steri Foam, with brush. .... .27c
2 cans Rex Lye 15c
4 cans Old Dutch Cleanser. . .25c
3 cans Sunbrite.. 10c
1 lb. Borax Powder. .10
2 lbs.' Borax Powder 22c
5 lbs. Borax Powder 43c
Large Golden Rod ......... 19e
Small Golden Rod, 3 for. . . . 15c
No C. O. D. or Telephone .
, Order Accepted.
" Rugs
27x54 Hit and Miss Rag , Rugs,
each .................. 89c
30x60 Hit and Mi Rag Rugs,
each '., $1.25