Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Reduction in Production Due to
Adverse Conditions Repre
sents Loss of ' nearly
By Associated Press.
-Washington, Aug. 8. Bumper
crops of almost every foodstuff grown
m the farm were Indicated again to
day in the Department of Agncul
ture's monthly crop reporK despite a
falling off in the prospective produc-
" tion in practically all crops during
July due to adverse conditions, prin
cipally hot ana cry weamer.
In round fieures the loss to farm
ers of this prospective production is
roughly estimated at almost three
quarters of a billion dollarsmore
than $450,000,000 in the principal
grain and food crops and $250,000,000
in cotton.
Corn, the country's greatest crop,
was the heaviest sufferer from the
drv and hot weather, losing 171,000,
000 bushels in prospective production
since the first production forecast
was made from June conditions. The
monetary loss to corn growers is
around $275,000,000. From almost
every part of the country there came
reports that corn this year is from
two to three weeks aheaf"of its aver
age condition, indicating hat practi
cally all of the crop will mature be
fore the dates of first frost That
condition should assure the minimum
injury from frost damage.
Wheat, the harvesting of which is
Hearing completion, suffered a loss
of 13,000,000 bushels, yet the crop
will be much larger than last year's
and also bigger than the average of
the five years before that.
Drought and heat made inroads on
potatoes, causing a loss of 15,000,000
bushels in -the prospective crop, and
sweet potatoes production loss was
estimated at half that quantity. A
notable exception in forecasts was
that of tobacco, which showed an in
crease of 41,000.000 pounds in the
prospective crop over the forecast
made in July. V'V
Women Work on Railroads
. , To Relieve Help Shortage
Missouri Valley, la., Aug. 8. (Spe
cialAccording to information re
ceived here, women are at work on
the section near Modale. Shortage
of help is the assigned cause. Women
are also to be found at work in fields
in-different parts of the county.
,i' :
Wallace, I Idaho, Aug. 8. Striking
miners in the mines of the Mullan
district returned to work today, pend
ing the outcome of an early confer
ence between representatives of the
miners and the employers. '
The Weather
Comparative IxkuU Rword.
f inr. int. ltis.
Hicheat ynterdaf ,.., , It ; 8 84
Lowest yesterday .87 tt . ' tt 64
Mean tampentur ....Tl 71 71 7
Praclpllatloii ........ .03 .T 5 .0 .00
Temperature and precipitation departurea
from the normal:
Normal temperatur ................,...7(
IWlolencjr for the day. .4
Total excess since March 1. (41
Normal precipitation .11 Inch
IVsHolency for th day.i .11 Inch
Total precipitation line Mar. t 1.84 Inches
fteflclnncy sine March I HIT.. .1 Inches
If!clency for cor, period In Hit 1.07 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. Hit S.&6 Inches
Reports From Htattooa at 1 V. M.
elation. - State Temp. High- , Ruin-
f Weather, t p. m. cat fall
Cheyenne, oloudy .......79
Davenport, cloudy...... .80 -
Denver, part cloudy. ,...10
Dt Moines, clear.. ,..,71
XKKlr City, part cluody 74
Lander, part cloudy. ....74
North Platte, clear... ..i80
Omaha, cloudy.. ....... .11
Pueblo, cloudy. ....... ..74
Rapid City, tain. .,.,, .71
Malt Lake, cloudy...,...!
Knta ft, eloutty. ....... 61
hheridan, cloudy. .,,,,,,78
Mloux City, clear .78
- Valentine, clear.. ...... .11 '
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
t - It. A. WELSH, Meteorologist
Our annual
exhibition of
Monday t
August 12
This is a wonderful
thrift opportunity
make your plans to
be here.
"Lieut. Quentin Roosevelt, I ir IT IMnilCTDV
Buried Bu the Germans" ltIE.fl I lltUUO I II I
Marks Grave at Chanter y
By Associated Press.
With the American Army on the
Vesle, Aug. 8. On a wooden cross
at the head of a grave at the edge
of wood at Chamery, east of
Fere-en-Tardenois, is this inscrip
tion: ' .
The grave was discovered today
by an American aviator. The in
scription is in English.
7 The House of TT Tf
1613 Farnim Street
(Continued' From Pag One.)
center places them well astride the
railroad leading from Villers-Breton-neux
to the important junction of
Chaulnes, where lines radiate north
eastward toward Peronne and south
ward through Roye to Compiegne.
The railway running northward to
Braye was crossed when the allies
took Framerville.
Menaces Entire German Front.
Well out on the plains and press
ing forward, seemingly with great
rapidity, the present offensive of the
trench and British gives promise ot
seriously menacing the entire German
front from near the sea ffl Rheims.
If the drive should proceed eastward
to any great depth it cannot but af
fect the armies of the German crown
prince now fighting .between the
Aisne and the Vesle and possibly
make impracticable a stand by them
even north of. the Aisne along the
Under the pressure of the offensive
the menace to the channel ports also
seems ' for the moment at least, to
vanish, V ' , '
Already there have been signs to
the northward from the positions
where Crown Prince Rupprecht had
formed his men for a drive toward
the channel that a retrograde .move
ment by the Germans was not im
probable. With the armies of his im
perial cousin on the Soissons-Rheims
salient badly shattered and unable to
lend him aid when his own forces
north of Montdidier are jn a rather
precarious position as a result of the
new offensive, it is apparent tnat
Rupprecht will have to defer his cam
paign to cut off the cross .channel
service. . ' '
American Lino; Shelled. ,
On the -Vesle front little fighting
occurred Thursday except in the pro
cess of line straightening operations
on the north bank, where under an
almost incessant rain of enemy shells,
both the American and the French
troops improved their stands.. The
German guns not alone are playing
upon the allied forces, but also are
hammering away at bridges across
the stream over which men constantly
are making their way to the northern
btnk of the stream to reinforce their
comrades already there. What effect
the present battle southeast of
Amiens is to have on the Vesle-AiSrte
front remairrs to be seen.
Trip Made by Hale
To Roumanians Hun
Government Agent
Vt, A. ft Tfta lAillUrrt
ilVTT VJt I a ftUg( We TT I1I1ISUI
Bayard Hayle. head of the German
information service in this country in
1915. made a trip from Germany into
Roumania the following year on a
passport describing him as "one. of
the agents of the German foreign
office was the declaration- of a wit
ness today in the state attorney gen
eral s inquiry into German propa
ganda activities.
the witness, a newspaper corres
ondent, whose name was withheld
y Deputy Attorney General Becker,
went to Roumania with Hale, then a
representative of the , New York
American in Berlin. 1 he witness
asserted their passports were issued
simultaneously over the signature of
Foreign Secretary Zimmermann..
fcome months later, the testimony
shows," said Mr. Becker, "Hale's fel-
Recommends Ooeration for
Public Benefit of Stock
Yards, Storage Plants
and Transportation.
the latter arranged with the steward
of a Scandinavian liner to carry for
him to the United States, at $300 a
trip, messages to be delivered to the
jhip at Copenhagen.
Two Iowa Officers Held '
In German Prison Camp
Washington, Aug. 8. Names of 16
Americans held prisoners of war in
Camp ' Karlsruhe, Germany, ;. were
given out today by the War depart
ment. Among them are : First Lt.
Gurwood L. McDonald, Burt, Ia.,and
Second Lt. Alfred R. Strong, Sioux
By Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 8. Investigation
of the packing industry of the coun
try by the federal trade commission
culminated today in an announcement
thatthe commission had recommend
ed to President Wilson that the gov
ernment commandeer and operate for
the public benefit stock yards, cold
storage plants, warehouses and re
frigerator and cattle cars.
Monopolistic control of the essen
tial food supply not only of the Unit
ed States and its army and navy but
also of the entent countries, was
charged ' by the commission against
the five great packing companies
Swift, Armour, Morris, Cudahy and
Wilson. ': The last named company,
the commission's report said, is con
trolled by three of the strongest
banking groups in the United States
Kuhn, Loeb & Company, Guaranty
Trust Company and Chase National
Bank. .
Affiliated With Banks.
Further close affiliation , between
the packing industry and financial
interests was reported. ' The com
mission said that in the. great
financial centers the packers had rep
resentation on the directorates of
large banks through members of the
individual families or through officers.
directors -or confidential employes.
The commission's report on the
packing industry was the third made
in if ireneral investigation of food
supplies ordered by President Wilson
and congress last year. The report
was made public through the White
House without further, comment
than that it had been presented July
5. and had not before been made
public because the president desired
first to get full information. - t
In Combination.
T detaitinir how the packers are
alleged to have gained control of the
meat supplies of the United States
and the allies the commission said:
"The Armour, Swift, Morris and
Wilson interests have entered into a
combination with certain foreign cor
porations by which export ship
ments of beef, mutton and other meats
from the principal South American
meat-producing countries are appor
tioned among the several companies
on the basis of agreed percentages.
In conjunction with this conspiracy
meetings are held for the purpose of
securing the maintenance of the
agreement and making such readjust
ments as from time to time may oe
desirable. The agreements.restrict
South American shipments to Euro
pean countries and the United States.
r t .a . 1 ' XT -4.1.
"fcince tne meat supplies or Aiurm
and South America constitute prac
tically the only source from which the
United States'and her, allies can sat
isfy their needs for their armies,
navies and civil populations, these two
agreements constitute a conspiracy
on the part of the big five, in con
junction with certain foreign corpora
tions, to monopolize an essential of
the food of the United States, Eng
land, France and Italy.
Packers Protest.
Chicago, Aug. 8. Protests against
the recommendations of the federal
trade commission that the government
assume partial control of the packing
'ndustry were made today by some
of the heads of concerns in the Union
Stock yards, while others expressed
much interest in the proposal.
One Thousand Aljens Made
Citizens at Camp Dodge
Des Moines, la., Aug. 8. (Special
low correspondent was present when! Telegram.) One thousand alien sol
diers at Camo Dodze were made cit
izens this afternoon by Judge Thomas
J. Guthrie. Brig. Gen. S. M. Foote.
commander, presided at a program
put on in honor of the event Flags
were presented to the men by the D.
A. R. ...
Flyer Badly Injured.
San Antonio, Tex.,Aug. 8. Lieut.
Morton Knox of Redwood City, Cal.,
was perhaps fatally injured in the
fall of his aeroplane six miles south
of Kelley field this afternoon. He
was taken to the base hospital at
Fort Sam Houston. "
French. English and Czecho
slovaks Declared Enemies
in Order Reported is
sued by Trotzky.'
By Associated Press.
Stockholm, Aug. 8. The Russian
government has issued a declaration
that a state of war exists between
England and Russia, according to a
dispatch to the Lokal Anzeiger of
Berlin, which prints the news "with
Leon Trotzky, the bolshevik min
ister of war, is reported to have is
sued an order in which the "French,
English and Czeho-Slbvaks are de
clared to be the enemies of Russia.
Gecmans Cease Invasion. -
London, Aug. 8. It is reported
here today that it has been agreed
between the bolsheviki and the Ger
mans that the Germans shall not ad
vance further into Russia. Under this
arrangement the bolshevik would be
able to transfer troops from the east
ern front to be concentrated against
the Czecho-Slovaks in the Volga re
gion. -
" Allies Pushing Southward.
London, Aug. 8. After the occupa
tion of Archangel by the allies, the
bolsheviki withdrew across the River
Dvina and on . August 4 were again
driven out of their .positions there,
Chiefly by shell fire, according to news
received today. The allies have since
pushed rapidly southward along the
railway towards Vologda.
(Continued From Pas One.)
batteries pressed far forward in the
rolling country, there was much ag
itation among the enemy A report
came back that a British tank, prob
ably one of the fast little road whip
pets, had been chasing a frightened
German general up the roaa. But
observers reported considerable col
umns of enemy transports going east
ward in a hurry duringthe middle
of the day.
Further south, the tanks likewise
did excellent work. They also have
been taken across the river Luce, un
der the cover of night, and they did
valuable work in assisting at the cap
ture of Dodo wood and Hamel wood
and the nearby high ground.
Slightly nortR of here the British
batteries moved forward so rapidly
that they were up and firing in their
new positions 13 minutes after mid
night, when the infantry went over
the top, followed at first inr this par
ticular case by the tanks 1,000 yards
in jthe rear.
At 6 o'clock the weather was so
thick that objects 20 yards away hard
ly were visible, and the British were
not slow to take the. opportunity to
plunge through under its protection.
About 6:4S the first prisoners began
coming back. They were unwounded
and looked clean, as if they had just
come off parade, showing how com
plete had ben the surprise. The
British had pounced upon them be
fore they had the slightest chance
to give battle.
The prisoners fhat arrived later
were mot so clean and they came
rearward carrying (wounded on
. .Tanks Take Cerisy.
The British army, which had start
ed off with a thunderousroar, by
seven o'clock' had guieted down to a
virtual silence, This was because the
artillery had ceased firing while ( it
was being advanced to keep up with
the infantry and the tanks. It was
the tanks, which by seven o'clock
had rolled ponderously into Cerisy,
driving out the enemy, and a few
hours later in a difficult maneuver,
took the woods opposite.
The tanks crossed the Avre and
did r excellent work here, too, with
the infantry. On the p.eninsula be
tween the Aricre and the Somme, the
British captured many guns.
. It may be taken for granted that
further enemy counter attacks will
develop, either . organized from the
forces now in , front of the allied,
troops or from fresh forces, that
Crown Prince Rupprecht undoubted
ly will try y hurry up from other
sectors. Further reports of heavy
fighting may therefore bcexpcctcd.
t &he fashion Center jm WbmQt
I a
August Sale
Linen Huck Towels
50c Guest Huck Towels,
25c each.
75c Guest "Huck Towels,
50c each.
$1.00 Guest Huck Towels,
75c each.
$1.75 Fine Huck Towels,
$1.50 each.
$2.00 Fine Huck Towels,
$1J5 each:
Women's Hose
Fine gauze lisle, made. of
English yarn ; spliced
seams, garter tops and dou
ble soles, $1.00 pair.
Art Department
Package goods containing
stamped material and cot
ton for making pillows,
children's rompers, night
gowns and shirt waistat
Friday One-Half Price.,
Silk Glove Tops
Used for making camisoles
and f louncings ;. black,
white and colored silk topsT
5c per pair.
. i
Any dress in stock, former prices $12.50 to $65.00
JFriday $6.75, $12.50 and $21.50
Any Summer Skirt, former prices $5.00 to $25.00,
Friday$2.95, $4.45 and $10.00 ,
' ' i. ' - ,; "
, All Blouses sharply reduced.
Pumps, $2.65 Pair
The line of sizes are broken,
but there are about 200 pairs
altogether. They come in all.
colors, also black with combi
nation of colors
Friday Sale Price, .
$2.65 Per Pair
x All Sales Final.
In M
Wardrobe Trunk
Lift top heavily, padded in
side to preTint wrinkle and
clothe falling off the hanger.
Large hat drawer.. '
Eleven hanger - of different
Positively the best trunk in
Omaha for the price. -
Freling & Steinle
1803 Farnam St.
Mail Order Sent Prepaid.
Send for Catalog.
g Commissioner of Public
Lands and Buildings S
s Primaries, August 20th E
Improving Every Day
BEE Gains
With Others
Improving Every Day
Assets, $13,500,000.00
Albert WJefferh
F"IARY, AUG. 2d.
. . Beatrice, Nebraska, May 18, 1918.
Mr. W. C. Wilson, President, ,
Old Line Bankers Life Insurance Cd., s
Lincoln Nebraska. ' - ; '
, Dear Sir: It is with pleasure that I acknowledge receipt of your
draft for $2,237.40, which your General Agent, A. H, Gray, has just
handed me, being the full cash surrender value on my $5,000.00 ordi
nary life policy. , . j
This gives ma $5,000.00 insurance for twenty ye&rs for nothing
and a clear profit of $242.40 on the money I have paid, which I con
sider has been a splendid investment as is evidenced by the fact that
I have, taken out $5,000.00 of your twenty payment bond to carry
for the next twenty years. - '
Wishing you and your company continued success, I am,
. Yours truly, . '
Matured In the
of Lincoln, Nebraska.
Name of insured ......Gerhard C. Wiebe
Residence .... . .Beatrice, Nebraska
Amount i policy $5,000.00
Total premiums paid Company. .$1,995.00
Total cah pajd W. Wlebe. . . . . .$2,237.40
And 20 Years Insurance for Nothing
We invite you to enter the life insurance business. People are buying more insurance than ever before. No
field is open to a progressive man. Whether, or not you have had experience, is immaterial. -borne of our
strongest producers are those who never thought of writing life insurance until the possibilities of the business were
va up. w wu inj wee Miuve, jjincojn, xseD,, or, caii as ipzi ,yvs y. .yvrjuag, ,i-ew" v- jz-rr
Candidate for
ican Nomination
IBiiiiliiilip f y-
f 3
MiiTiTimiiiiitinWiimrT'r'iirn'iiTTi r-T" nnr-Mm infirm
For United States Senator
How About His Republicanism?"
A Question Often Asked Concerning the
Senatorial Candidates.
Resolutions adopted by Fillmore
County republican convention:
Be It Resolved, by the republicans of Fillmore county, in con
vention assembled, that we endorse the candidacy of Ctrigressman .
Charles H. Sloan for the republican nomination for United States
senator. '-.-In support of this endorsement, we submit to the con
sideration 6f Nebraska republicans the following facts:"? s
Tirst He has lived among us thirty-four years, during which
time He has uncompromisingly battled for republican principles
and candidates. ', .' ... .' , , -
Second In his advocacy of, republican principles, he has exr
. ercised and exhibited the same commanding ability that charac
terized him as a lawyer, in which profession has been a leader
in this part of the state. N ' -
. Third His residence upon and operation of a large farm in
this vicinity,-engaged in the production of grain and live stock.;
feeding, has aided much the local market ior his neighbors' sur-.
plus product. ' -. ; ; " , r ' .i.
Fourth His continued- increase of majorities at succeeding
elections to congress attest his popularity and esteem, not only in
his home county, but in every county in the Fourth congressional
district. ; , . ,. .. ' ' "
Fifth His sealous support of all public enterprises, and es
pecially in aid of all war activities, has been in keeping with his
public . patriotic conduct throughout life among us. ,
Sixth In common with many- of his neighbors, he has made
.the supreme sacrifice in sending two stalwart sons to the country's -service.
He will have a special solicitude for all the soldiers in
every department of the service and will be their champion on the
senate floor, as he has been for the civil' war veterans and those of
the Spanish-American war. ...
Seventh This is a year of stalwart, militant republicanism,
"and no man now before the Nebraska people for primary prefer
ment can equal his in aggressive advocacy of republican-principles,
policies and candidates.
- Eighth We commend his candidacy to the republicans of the.
state who are looking for an able, and uncompromising senatorial .
candidate. r ' Y '
Have you a room to rent, a horse to sell, a piano to dispt3
. .... 1 J T)-. !. .J. ' ' ' '
Jlf V17 CUD 111 v. unr A'W ft UUI