Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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    4 " : : '" ' ' : '. " ' ' ' ' 'I i iht
Objects to Publicity Given Gov-
" ernment Closing Order and
''".Says It Is Quite Innocent
of Charge n&de.,
" t ' eBaaeBaaBaMeat
Verbal tilts regarding the right of
na......-nxrmon in hi nresent marked
V. the. hearing Thurday afternoon of
Jay Uurns waking company uc
: 'fore the food administration for al
; '" leged excess use of flour in cakes and
f'I should like to know." said Mat
.. I hew A; Hall, attorney for the bak-
' Jig company, "how the Omaha news
aicrs learned of the order of last
'- M'nday closing the pie department
. Juf the bakery before the bakery it-
seif learned of it. Ami I should also
'like to know what business news
- pspermen have here now."
' . , "Orders to hold this hearing and
. - to close the pie department of the
bakery came from Washington, re
plied John M. Parrish, attorney for
the food department.
,1 All Records Open..
"Do orders from .Washington say
that matters affecting Omaha busi
ness men should be made public?
,ak'cd Hall. v'
"We have no 'star chamber ses-
u.nsJiere," said Parrish. "All the
record are open to anyone at any
.. i;me." ( V j . '
The baking company had been
titcd x by the food administration
through orders from Washington to
inclose its pie department beginning
last- Monday and to appear yesterday
u'fternooh'to show cause why .the
, order should not be made permanent.
. ' t ' Claims Small Excess. -
. , Jav, Bums, president of the com
pany, admitted in the course of the
', hearing that his company had, by its
own figures, used 12 barrels of flour
" for products other than bread and
rolls during the last six months in
' ..vreai r.( thf onvrnment allowance.
Burns contended, however, that this
,vi nnrlnnhtMlv an unintentional
ovcrkight, which could easily have
: ? hern concealed if he had so wished.
Hums contended that his company
had used wore than 300 barrels of
flour less for bread and rolls during
the siximonths' period than the gov
' " ernment allowance and that he should
' be credited vth thts saving. In view
, - . of tlie 9.000 barrels of flour used by
the company during the six months
' a .in question. 12 barrels was but a
'- 'sjnall discrepancy.
v Use Company'a Figures.
' '.The hearing was brought about by
figures ' drawn from' Burns own
monthly- reports to . Washington,
ivhich revealed an excels nse.
. These figures showed an excess of
from JO to 60 barrels month for
" some months. ? Burns superseded
these figures by others at the hearing
'on the basis that the figures furnished
the government were at fault through
., a bookkeeper's error. It was on the
basU of the later figures that his ad
' - ' mission of an excess use of 12 barrels
for the period was made,
v All of the testimony taken at the
' hearing will beJ transcribed and sent
. to Washington. Figure! bringing
the records of the company up to
... date will bexfurnished by the com
pany within day or two. The com
pany will bake no pies until a re
' sCinding' order from Washington is
,' :. received. ' -
- Lightning and Hail Do
Heavy Damage at Boston
; ' Boston," Aug. 8. Lightning, hail
and a hiah wind lashed this city and
nearby placet last night leaving a trail
of property . damage amounting to
,- many , thousand dollars. Lightning
vt struck the , steeple of the Second
church (Unitarian) and two large
' ttranite . blocks crashed to the roof,
The damage is estimated at $20,000.
, A weather vane fashioned in 1721 out
' of old brass kettles was hurled to
- . 'he street., " ' ' : ;
Union Pacific Employes
' . . Plan Big Crowd at Picnic
v Frank Roach ff.the Union Pacific,
. who is chief eri-icutive officer of the
' company, said that the picnic te- be
held in Krug park Saturday afternoon
of this week is now predicting an at
, ' tendance , of 5,000 persons. He has
t - . advices that indicate that, in addition
t , ' to the local people, there will be a
,' considerable attendance from out in
'-the state. .'. - , ,, - r . ,,
' The picnic is to be a basket affair
' Tiiefe will be a big card of athletic
and sporting events and a dance for
all who desire to participate in thisi
1 . '' T1 1. - , J
... jiuusciuciii. incre win oe two Danas
it , on hand to -stfpply music.
. . Denison Lad Undergoes
Operation to Get Into Army
Lenihen Lally, of Denison, la., 19
years of age, has just undergone an
- ' operation at a Denison hospital, in
order to ht himself for military senr
' - ice, and expects as soon as he has re
covered, to . enlist in the aviation
' corps. Lally came to Omaha Monday
. to ennst and tound that because of an
injury 'which he had received when
- playing football in school he was dis-
. qualified until he should submit to the
operation. ,. The young man is a son
v of the late P. E. C. Lally, for many
' years prominent lowa lawyer. ,
Holt County Cattle Will
, . Be Fattened on Icwa Corn
' . . O'Neill, Neb., Au. 8 -Thousands
, , of head of cattle raised in this part
. of Nebraska will go to Iowa to be
fed out this winter. The corn crop in
- a large part of Iowa will be good.
County Agent Frank H. Lancaster
lias listed 16,000 head of cattle for
H , sale this falL and arrangements have
, ' been made to bring in Iowa cattle
feeders to buy the stock. Thurston
county,: Nebraska, men are also buy
-ing some teeners nere.
t - , , ' 1 II mil m ii ;''
. Food Administration Urges
, - Farmers to Market Whea
The national food administration
has asked the Nebraska office to sug
jest to the farmers of this territory
, . the importance of marketing ' their
wheat at the earnest possible date.
v This comes from Washington, not as
' , demand, but merely as a friendly
. - suggestion
Casualty List
Washington, Aug. 8, Army and
marine corps casualty lists announced
today contained a total of 442 names,
divided as follows:
. Army Killed in action, 143; died
of accident, 2; died of aeroplane acci
dent, 1; died of accident and other
causes, 5; missing in action, 55;
owunded severely, 81; wounded, de
gree undetermined, 31; total, 334.
Marine Corps Killed in action, 2;
died of wounds, 1; wounded severely,
20; wounded slightly, 1; wounded, de
gree undetermined, 11; total, 35.
Killed in Action.
Serf t, Elbert H. Col, Ruahvlll. Ind.
Corp. BtanUlau Cmja Newark, K. J.
Jonnl M. Colum, Jemlaon, Ala.
Duffey Dempaey. Ludlow, Colo. 1
Harry Dinner, 8crnton, Pa.
Jnieph J. Keenan, Philadelphia.
Athi A. Nmbttt, TenneiMt City, Tenn.
Thomaa J. Tyion, Marlon. 111.
John Vlaoaky, Scranton, Pa.
, Lloyd L. Waterfleld, KnotU laland, N. C.
Ueorga Is. Wlngate, Ofden Kan. ,
Adam Bedlnoakl, Jeney City.
virtnr p. Ehlv. Payden. N. M.. Jama
U Garrett, Oakgrove, Ark.
Lt. Fred H. Becker, Waterloo, la.
Lt.VBobert 3. Hutchlnaon, El Paao, Te.
Lt. Hoy Parrlah'. Clarkablirg. W. Va.
Lt. Fred D. Pollard, North Adama, Maaa.
Lt. Oeorre A. Fletchner, Baltimore.
Rerct. Roy Btlllncaley, Loulavllle, Ky.
Bergt. Paul B. Boala, Uhrlohavlllo. O.
SeraL William H. Henderaon. 'ConverM.
8. C.
Bergt. Thomaa L. Kehoe. Byraoune. . i.
8rgt. Thomaa H. Naplar, Big Creek, Ky.
Herat. Nlcholaa Pendua. Austria.
Bergt. Kalton Rachlnaky, Chicago.
Bergt. Thomaa Bhea. New fork.
Bergt. Alvln C Stiller, Chicago.
Herat. Bruno Swlebockl, Chicago.
Bergt, Leroy V. Little, Byrdetown, Tann.
Bergt. William H. Morrla, Quitman, Oa.
Bargt. Iadlalay rodolnik, Cleveland, O.
Bergt Martin J. Bohaok, Chicago.
Bergt. Peter i. Ronan, Elizabeth. N. J.
Corn. Francla D. Howard. Pleaaantvllla,
M. 3. . ...
Corp. Clarenca Hunter, waaiaon. ma.
rorp. Kdward Klemme. Bellevllla, 111.,
Corp. Clauda tafever. Bllver Point, Tenn.
Corp. Oliver C. Metager, Alllaon, I.
Corn. Robert P. Hauenbuhler, Jeraey City,
N. 3. ..
Corp. William Rotn, wew ior.
Corp. Alfred C. Schmltt. Jeraey City.
Corp. Elmer H. Blmmona. Hanover, Maaa.
Corp. Jacob Btelnkamp, Bridgeport, Conn.
Corp. Oerald 3. Buckley, Carbondala, Pa.
Corp. Joaeph T. Elwln, Plttaburgh.
Corp. Oliver E. Francla, Balnbridga, O.
Corp. Fred 3. 3. Qerahefakl, Meridian,
Corp. oacar a. mx, .
Corp. John Loudenalager, Bethlehem.
Corp. Frank M. Lubreakt, Bhamokln, Pa.
Corp. Ralph W. Uhlman, Plttaburgh.
Corp. Matthew Vranealoh, Jollet, 111.
Corp. Jamea C Wilder, Cllma. Oa.
Waltman J. Akera, Bowera. Va.
Clarence H. Becker, Kanaaa City.
Frank Benda, Garfield. N. J.
Daniel W. Bird, Qulncy, Mlaa.
John Blrdaong, Newport, Ark.
Bteven B. Blahop. Pilot, Va.
Worther Carter, Big Creek, Mlaa.
Matthew J. Coeaaena, Amaterdam, w. T.
Taul Eaaon, Queen City, Mo.
Chap J. Elmore, Maggie, Va.
Georga Eatle, Colurabua.
Jamea O. Fleming. Philadelphia.
A. J. Freeman, Cullman, Ala,
Bronlatan Oeoaanaklowakl, Baltimore.
Bamuel Oorden, Richmond, N. T.
John C. Graft, Philadelphia,
Frank Orenda, Dlokaon City, Pa.
Wiley H. Orubb, Seven Mllee Ford. Va.
Richard J. Hartley. Philadelphia.
Oust Kallaa, Omaha. ....
Alfred Kayaer.Weat Oranga, N. J.
Tont Kllmanakl, Providence.
William H. Kllna, Balttmora.
William Kenney, Brooklyn.
Bill Ketcber. Watta. OkU
Wydenty Krlachy. Lackawanna, N. T.
Michael Kuan, Wyandotte, Mich.
Clarenca LaTourette. Covington, Ind.
Jamea H. Lenihen, Oil City, Pa.
Bert Leonard. Leavenworth, Kan.
John Lutjohnn, Topeka, Kan.
Bruca McMillan. Boise, Idaho.
Clair H. Marshall. Flint, Mich.
Artie Moore, Nashville. Ind.
Stephen B. Obar, Limestone, Me.
Patrick a McHugh, Brooklyn.
Georga B. Pannill, Martinsville, Va.
Samuel Parker, Thaxton, Va.
Albert Patrick. Tulsa, Okl.
Charlea F. Patera, Browning, Mo.
William Pltrowiot, Trenton. ,
Boleataw Pmsak, Chicago.
John Radolakl, Chicago.
Peter Ragulla, New Tork.
Lulgl Randon, Crystal Falla, Mich.
Auguatua Rogers, Cantateo, N. T. .
Arthur S. Rowley. East Long Meadowa,
Maaa. -
Myer Bchwarta, New Tork.
CoUla V. Bhelton, Arkadelphla, Ala.
George C. Smart, Beaumont, Tex.
Stanley Boanowakl, Chicago.
Clauda B. Terry, fltatesboro, Oa.
Raymond O. Fisher, Plna Grova, Pa.
Clarence L. Anntt, Rugby, N. D.
Frank L. Bannon, Bt. Louie.
Fred Bradshaw, Chloago.
Veaaa Q. Brown, Quail, Ky. ,
Balvatora Cala, Syracuaa, N. T.
Patsy Carusona, Weatport, Conn. s
John Condal, OUphant, Furance, Pa.
Peter Cormier, Adama, Maaa,
Themla Emanuel New Tork.
Kort H. Erlckson, Hsaty, Minn. .
Deemer H, Fait a, Arthur, N. D.
Luther A. Fields. Easlay, 8. C
Lore n so Gallona, Italy.
Richard L. Glldewell, Flnley, Tenn.
Nick Gonialea, Lakeland, La.
Leon Ooolrow, Fulton, N. T.
Henry W. Halgler, Burkvllla, Ala,
FerrsU U Hamer, LaOrange. Oa.
Jamea B. Harget Trenton, Tann.
Fred A. Heerwagon, Buffalo,
Fred R. Howard, Sugar Oroya, Pa.
Ellz Inkelea, Brooklyn.
Charlea E. Irwin, Oakland, Cat.
Mario Jeanetta, New Haven.
John Johnson, Peterson, N. J.
Tennla Johnson, Peoorah, la.
Martin Koakl, Ktlkolnen, Flnlsnd.
Earl V. LatLonda, Pontlae, Mich.
w. 1l.m,n V.w
L. L. Lumpklna, Sevall Bluff, Ark.
Watch Your
A Cool, Sweet, Strong
guara Against
"Keep your stomach in good work
ing order during 'the hot summer
months and you will have little to fear
in the way of sickness" the advice
many physicians give as hot weather
Good, sound, common sense advice,
too. For very frequently, and espe
cially in hot weather, these common
stomach disorders which so many peo
ple seem to regard as of minor im
portance, do open the way for serious
So keep your stomach, sweet, cool
and comfortable all summer long.
The extra war wortechange of diet
poisons that come with hot weather
all hit us in the stomach. The
strongest stomach will need help this
summer as never before.
The one easy way if you have the
right remedy is to rid the stomach of
too much acid. Because it's superacid
ity that interferes with digestion and
assimilation and this causes about all
those stomach miseries you are so fa
miliar with heartburn, food-repeat
iPR. E. R. TARRY - 23
y VnrmtnJt VlL.
ton, la.
Died of Wound.
Mai. Howard W. Beal. Lewlston, Me.!
8rgt. Jamea A. Evans, Brooklyn ; oergt.
Thomaa 3 Erb. Maapeth. N. T.i Bergt. WIN
sou Leonard, Bristol, Tenn.; Corp. Glen A.
Morrow. Dea Molnea; Frank E. Cartaon, Fon
tanelle. Ia.! Andre Dudslk, Philadelphia!
Emll Johnson, Floyd. Ia-I Joseph L. ifJce'
Eel ma. N. C.! Harry R. Bautter. Whltea.
boro. N. T.i. Ralph Ball. Grand Forks. N.
D.; Robert J. Heacoi, New aariiora.
Thomae Kelley, New Tork; Jacob Buff,
Died of Airplane Accident.
Lt Roger H. Clapp, Salt Lake City.
Died of Accident.
iTn.rj t RiIm. BDsnish Fork,
Utah; Ray A. Hagatrom, Loa Angeles, John
M. Macleod, Hariowton, aonu,
Banderaon, Foreat Grove, Mont: Harrlaon
r. n..,iii, inrf victor P. Enly,
Payden, N. M., Jamea L. Garrett, Oakgrove,
Wounded Severely.
Ivor 8. Large, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Earl B. McDanlela, Medicine Lodge, Kan,
w..hinston. Au. T. The marina corps'
casualty list today shows:
Killed in action. 1; died of wounda, 1,
wounded severely. 10: wounded, degree un
determined, 74; wounded slightly, 1; miss
ing. 10. 'Total, US. me mi;
Killed In Action.
Lt. William IL Mack. Holyoke .Mass. ,
Corp. Uaxen A. Vaughan, Oak Park. IU.
Died of Wounda. .
Clement R. Bontemps, Bay Bt Louis, Mlaa.
Wounded, Degree Undetermined.
b . u..k BTMiier. Waukon. Ia.;
George C. Wohlgemuth, Wilcox, Neb.
Attempts Suicide After
Praying Divine Forgiveness
rm;. "R-umru fiftyro. 2017 Paul
street, attempted suicide late yester-
. e. 1. n..,ntlAiinir - fi
aay afternoon uy swauun.-e,
,( rhnlnfnrm She was re-
moved to the Lord, Lister hospital.
She is now out ot danger.
T!fr otmntino- to take her lite
she wrote a note in which she said
that she was sick, friendless and pen
nilessnot even having enough
money to buy mediqne. sne aiso sam
; k har fih had craved and
believed God has forgiven her all she
had ever done ana inai wium bus
was about to do.
Tha Pvm wnman ia a housemaid
and is said to be separated from her
husband whom she has not seen for
several years.
Suspected Slacker Arrested.
Oklahoma Citv.
was picked up last night in the Union
Pacific railroad yards. He is being
hu (nr Invtxtication. Tones savs he
is a registrant, and has telegrams and
letters to snow tnat ne is on nis way
Unmm n fnnrt to his local exemotion
1 1 vj , , , r - - .
board, but he has been following up
the harvest ana lost nis registration
Ready to Start at Gayety.
Immense congregations will as
t.M. ii thn nnrninc nerformances
of the season at the popular Gayety
tomorrow; this is inaicaica Dy me
demands being made on the Gayety s
boxoffice where Henry J. Hower will
stilt preside. He is a true disciple of
Uld Man Jonnson a crccu uu vu
find more aisle seats in the Gayety
than can the boss himself. Ihe
opening attraction, "Jhe uoiaen
Crook," arrived bag and baggage
Mf YnrV last Wednes
day afternoon. The company, head-
ed by that prime lavorue, cmy
a rl'.nntnn mimhvra 42 neoole and
aside from opening the Gayety s sea
son, it will on the same occasion open
its own season, i ne company "a
been rehearsing on the Brandeis
thutr-r etatf since arrival, as the
Gavetv's stage is still occupied by
stage mechanics preparing it for the
theater'i 40 weeks season.
Eva Tanguay to Open Here
Pi., Tnncitav affixed her sienature
to Orpheum contracts last week, and
thtk .cKiHnl arranged she will
play in the Orpheum theaters until
next January, opening in Omaha
August 18. Miss ianguay is omea
as "The World's Greatest Eccentric
Comedienne." The cyclonic one has
new songs and costumes. Strange as
it may seem, Miss Tanguay has never
before played an extended tour of
the Orpheum circuit.
Promises of the Press Agents.
Kmnima Shackles, handcuffs or rope
hav. no terror for Hayce, tha hanfl-euff
kini, now play In at in. Empress ineaier.
Last allot be was bound bands, feet and
nrk toe-ether, but was loos in a eecond.
Bayco will preaent soms entirely new fea
tur.s at each performance and Invite
thorough lnveatlgation from the audience.
Stomach Your Best Safe-
oummer oicKiiess.
ing indigestion, sour gassy stomach
and that miseraDie, Dioatea, punea
up condition after eating.
Now here is good news. An easy,
sure reief has been found to get rid
of the harmful acidity and gases in
the -stomach. It is called EATONIC
a good tasting compound that you eat
just like candy, a taoiet or two ox
EATONIC after meals will work won
ders. You can have no idea of what
sure, quick comfort EATONIC brings
until you do try it Use Eatonie after
your meals, enjoy a good appetite
and get full strength from, the food
you eat. At the same time protect
yourself frost summer stomach and
bowel miseries. ' '
Get a big box of EATONIC from
your druggist today. He-will tell you
that neoDle who have used EATONIC
say that you never dreamed that any
thing could give such quick and won
derful results. It costs only SOe a
box and if it fails in any way your
druggist who you know and trust, will
return your money. '
viaeu ' " i .m. . j . . .
William R. Mldwood, Springfield, Maaa.
Jaaaea Nardella, Toungatown, O.
Ivar Porthen, Waaaan. Finland. '
Bamuel Reenlck. Russia.
Walter Badoaky, Olowva, Russia,
George Btraga, Belluno, Italy.
Lester H. Wormllght. Bkowhegan, M.
Mlselng la , Actios. ?
Private David Kennedy, Ashland, Ne.
Private Fred Kruse, Grand Island, Neh.
Private Cheater L Rcnsom, New Hamp
mscaae. uqrefl without a stvara ur
gical operation. No Chloroform or Ether aaL
Cur. Kuaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Writ, for
illustrated box on Rectal Disease, with nan,
and teatiiaoniala of mora than l.0 pram in est
wip nav. been permanently eared.
Bee, Omaha, fiebj
Omaha Physician Says He Has
Twice Applied for Service
and Been Rejeued; Says
Charge False.
-v aaaaasHSBHeHaaa
Dr.' Millard Langfeld brands as an
"infamous falsehood," statements of
disloyalty attributed to him by A. G.
Beeson in a Thursday afternoon
"I will state unreservedly that this
vhole thing is untrue. I don't think
that I need to defend my patriotism.
I applied twice for medical service
and was rejected on physical grounds.
I now have an application pending for
British medical service," the doctor
"I was born in Glasgow, Mo." he
continued," and my father was in the
civil war on the federal side. I ap
plied for service in the Spanish-American
war and was appointed as second
No Investigation Ordered.
The published statement set forth
that Mayor Smith had ordered an in
vestigation and when questioned the
mayor replied:
"I have not spoken to anybody
about an investigation, nor have I
discussed the matter with anybody.
This is the first I have heard of this
affair." f
Mr. Beeson, who is the head of the
Nebraska Insurance Inspection bu
reau, stated that he had been correct
ly quoted by the newspaper which
printed the article.
"I did not regard the doctor's state
ments at the dinner table at the
Colonial as being altogether loyal.
The doctor asked me if I did not
think that reports of German atro
cities in Belgium had been exagger
ated and he made other statements
which did not agree with my ideas
of patriotic utterances. I reported
this affair to City Commissioner But
ler and he was the only official to
whom I spoke. I did not speak to the
Dr. Langfeld intimated that he
would defend himself through the
courts. Mr. Beeson declared that he
will defend his statements in court if
A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Thomaa. Mr. Thomaa la manager
of the Chamber of Commerce Publicity bu- j
The "Kaiserites" and the "Bolsheviki"
v -
Are Tryiag to Defeat
Metcalfe for United States Senator
Every one-hundred per cent American, , regardless of birthplace or
blood, should help nominate Metcalfe at the
Primaries, Tuesday, August 20th
Y MAftTT. .t,
W&mmomzhlf&s&i. 25. ma.
To" The Loyal "Democrats of Nebraska:
A the father of two bo.yralXthat I haTeTwhoare
now fighting at tn front, ana in Uehalf of thesa ooy and the
thousands of other beys who are making similar sacrifices, I
appeal to you to nominate Richard I. .Metoalf as the democratic
candidate for United States Senator. when men like Rcwerell are
lcrstriflf their boy and men like ex-lfayer Uitchel are giving
' their livee Xn thit etruggle. our duty ie plain to put none but '
' -' - .'
the loyal on guards and our candidate for JJnitedtate3.Sen&tor an hundxed "per oent iaexican.
Aa a democrat X want the demo cratio party to stand
by our boys both now and hen the war le over toy nominating a v
pan for Senator who it nentaliy eapable of dealing with the
great questions that 'will have to bo settled as well as one
vnoee loyalty le firm and unflinching. Te oust not nominate a
man for this Wgh off ice who opposed the' President war meas
uree fought the selective draftfand sought to prevent eu?.
eoldiere going to France.
With Vet oalfe ae our nominee ire will have theieupporjf
ofmry loyeijdeaoorat.Iet the others go to Jerllxv
This letter was written without the knowledge '
Metcalfe, and this space if paid for by; one-hundred
City Charter Convention
Talks Firemen's .Salaries
- The city ; charter convention last
night indulged m o free-for-all over
the proposition to include in the pro
posed charter an increase in pay for
policemen and firemen.
The net result of the conference
was the charter which will be sub
mitted will include a revision of that
section of the old charter relating to
these compensations, the changes to
be in substance as folio we: c
On account of the war imergency
existing, the city council shall be per
mitted to grant an increase of 30 per
cent, to those who are receiving less
than $100 per month, 20 per cent in
crease to those receiving from $100 to
$125 per month, and 10 per cent in-
No Better Stock of White
Shoes to Choose From
Stylish oxf orda made of beautiful white nile cloth, with 4A Q (?
covered Louis heel, in all sizes and widths. Priced, at. . jptaS
White nile cloth' pumps, low
and high heels, at
$3.25 $4.00
Sport oxfords, neat and com
fortable, and fashion says they're
"the thing." Made of white nile
cloth, just like the illustration. We
have them in all sizes and widths
$3.00 to $4.50
No Deliver!., No Charge, No Commission. Our Prie.t Will
Not Permit of Any Extras.
16th and Harney. New Conant Hotel Bids;.
"Omaha's Popular Price Shoe Store"
e W HAKTT Vies Meiif
crease to those receiving fr,om $123
to $150 per month. -
An amendment was offered, pro
posgin that the scale of increases
shall be arranged 1 so that all first
class policemen and firemen now re
ceiving $100 per month shall be paid
3125 per month. That amendment
will be considered tonight and prob
ably will be adopted.
Bandmaster Again
Accused of Auto Theft
C. B. Mullen, bandmaster of the
disbanded Nebraska Seventh infan
try, who got a 30-day jail sentence in
Council Bluffs when jl district court
jury fixed the value of a new Ford
car he had stolen at $15, has been
placed under arrest at Sioux City
charged with the theft of an automo
bile, which police found in a private
garage he had rented.
j... ; a ...
The above boast is easily proven
by a visit to Omaha's Popular Price
Store. The large number
of women who are showing
preference for our white shoes
is convincing argument that
here you get style and value
at prices that are pleasing.
It will give us pleasure to
show them to you.
at C KimeRioc.Ct
or solicitation of Mr.
per cent Americans of
Clearing Sale
At Prices and Terms to
Suit the Smallest
These instruments were
taken in exchange on New
Steinway, Emerson, Steger
& Sons and Schraoller &
Mueller Pianos sold dur
ing the month of July. ,
We have 1 thoroughly
overhauled each instru
ment and guarantee them
in every respect.
Uprights, $99 Up
Embracing such celebrated
makes as Steinway, Knaba,
Chickering, Hantaan, Emerson,
Steger & Sons, Sofcmer, Ever
ett, Kimball, J. & C. Fischer,
Arion. ,
Fron $195 Up
Including such makes as Schu
bert, Capen, Bradley, Schmol
ler & Mueller, Aeolian.
Prices Starting at $285
Steinway, Knabe, Smith A
Nixon. "
This Is a piano buying oppor
tunity which all intending pur
chasers should investigate at
We will arrange Terms to
suit. $5 to 910 per month will
Guaranteed New Uprights, at
$250 and Up.
New Player Pianos, Special
value at $390 and Up.
Brand New Studio Grands, at
$490 and Up.
Fine Pianos for rent
$4 Per Month and Up.
Latest Player Rolls
25c, 35c, 50c and Up.
' We carry a complete line of
mall Musical Instrument and
Sheet Music at lowest prices.
Schmisr & Mueller
Piano Co.
Farnam St.
Doug. 1623
Adams Says Wife is Like
Different Person Since c
Taking Tanlac. ,
"Ever since my wife has been tak-v
ing Tanlac she looks like s differ
ent person, for it has built her up
kill she is a strong and - healthy
woman once more," said Walter L.
Adams, who is employed , as engin
eer at the Harding Creamery Com
pany's plant and lives at 3923 North
Forty-second street, the other day. k
' "For the past two years," he con
tinued, "my wife had been- in
dreadfully ' rundown condition and
seemed to be getting worse all the
time. She had no appetite and what
little she forced down soured on he
stomach and did her so little -good
that she lost all of ten pounds irt
weight. , Her liver did not act right
and she was constipated all the time,
she suffered from a catarrhal condi
tion of the system and felt worse
in the mornings than she did when
she went to bed. She complained
of being tired and worn -out and
was really too weak and miserable tq
look after her housework properly,
although she tried, her best not to
give up.- .. - . . 'i
"She had taken pretty near every
thing we could hear of trying to get
well, but got so little help that we
were both greatly discouraged, when
I read so much m the' papers about
Tanlac that I got her a bottle. Well,
sir, she began improving almost front
the very first dose and has been get
ting better ever since. Her appetite
picked up so it sure does my heart
good to see her eating so heartily
and enjoying her meals once more
and her food is doing her a lot of
good. She sleeps 1 like a child all
night and her whole system seems to
be transformed, and she savs she is
actually enjoying good health for the
first time in years. She has become
so much stronger that she is now do-
ing all her housework and,, when she
feels like it, is able to put through
a big day's washing and ironing to
boot. Tanlac has sure done her a
world of good and we are glad to
recommend it whenever we can." f
Tanlac is sold in Omaha, by Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co., -cornet
16th and Dodge streets; 1 6th and
Harney streets; Owl Drug Co., 16th
and Farnam streets: Harvard Phar
macy, 24th and Farnam streets;
northeast corner 19th and Farnam
streets; West End Pharmacy, 49th
and Dodge streets, nnder the person
al direction of a Special Tanlac Rep
resentative, and in South Omaha by
Forrest & Mean? - Drue Co Ad