Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1918. 23 Ka i i i i Conducted by Ella Fleishman By MELLIFICIA. Entertainment for Soldiers. - Old-fashioned ; games will consti tute the. main part of an entertain ment three of the girls' patriotic clubs will put on for (the boys at Fort Crook tonight The girls want it to be distinctly understood that this does-not mean "kissing games," which some of the misguided adults .'played in their early days and persist in understanding by the term "old fashioned." The Victory club, . Pa triotic club and . M. F. Shafer club are the ones giving the entertain ment. The crowning achievement ; of the -evening will he the opera, "II iacobe," sung by Mildred Mekeel, orothy Gray and Minna Stedinger, with music furnished by Grace Sten berg. Those who are familiar with grand opera will find much amuse ment in this little take-off, and those who are not so well educated music ally will appreciate the fun, too. Afte'r the games have whetted the appetites of the soldier boys a deli cious lunch will be served. For Miss Assman. A very pretty luncheon was given at the Blackstone today by Mrs. E. W.. Arthur when the charming guest of Miss Florence Rahm, Miss Sophia Assman, was honoree. Miss Alice Coad will entertain at luncheon at her home Thursday in Miss Assman's honor, and several evening affairs will be given before she leaves for her home in St. Louis Monday. Dancing Party. , i A dancing party will be given Fri day evening by band No. 1 of the In dependent circle of the Sacred Heart parish. The affair will be given at the hall at Twenty-second and Lo cust streets. Picnic Supper. A picnic supper will be given by the Miller Park Mothers' circle in Miller park Thursday evening. Mem bers of the club will bring their fam ilies and bpend the evening at the park. PERSONALS I Miss Isabel Freehling of Chicago is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reichenberg. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Crossman, Satunday. The baby has been named Raymond McCague, jr. Mrs. J. N. Paul of St. Paul, General Federation of Women's clubs secre tary from Nebraska, is at Camp Cody, Deming, New Mex., visiting her son, Colonel Paul, before he is ordered to France. Mrs. Harry Jordan has returned from Prior Lake. Mrs. Mel Uhl arrives today from Camp Dodge to make her home with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mil roy, as Lieutenant Uhl has received his over-seas orders. Miss Henriette Bergman will leave Thursday evening to visit her sister in Chicago. .. Mrs. Clara Mead, travelers' aid sec retary, leaves this evening for West Point, Neb. On her return she will be at Camp Brewster for a short stay. Dr. E. 6. Barhart, 2103 Lothrop street, and family, have returned from a vacation spent in the lake region of Minnesota. Mr. and home from Mrs. W. C. Fleury are a vacation at Lake Oko- boji. Mr. and Mrs. Will Herdman 're turned this morning from Leroy, Kan where. they have spent the last two weeks. Mr. Lester Heyn is home from Chicafco, where his marriage to Bea trice Neir Morris took place Friday. Mrs. vHeyn will arrive Thursday morning, when the couple will be at the Blackstone. The Chamber of Commerce has do nated material for. 1,800 comfort' kits to the Red Cross, through Mrs. T. M. Orr, chairman of this branch of ser vice. The kits, which are being made in the public shop, are for Omaha soldiers. Two hundred were distrib uted to the colored draft men who ' left Monday, and 150 are ready to be distributed tonight to the men leav ing for a California post. When these are completed, Mrs. Orr expects to begin work on another consignment of 1,200 kits. , ... Mrs. Frederick H. Elijah, of Chi cago;, director of the bureau of Red Cross motor corps of the Central di vision, is expected in Omaha this week for a conference with the local . board in regard to organizing a motor corps here. Applications from many who wish to join have already been received. The salvage truck will pick up a list ofpaper, iron, rubber, clothing and shoes in the Windsor district on Friday. Any one in this vicinity wish ing the truck to -call will please phone Harney 6498.' i . . In anticipation of fall work Omaha chapter- has accepted' a large surgi cal dressings quota f6r September. The public shop will open Friday with Mrs. H. B. Robinson in charge, for the repairing of a large number of soldiers' uniforms. Volunteers are needed. ", , . - '-. Mrs. Walter Silver, chairman of the surgical dressings department, ; who is recuperating from a strenuous year's work in Estes Park, expresses ' through The Bee her appreciation of the loyal, service given by her vice chairman and all Red Cross .workers and especially for getting out the enormous quota of shirts, ' , Mdis Will Can T Miss Sarah Canfield'a canning class kiddies are offering their f services to the housekeepers of f Umana. , . ; 'Him nt ti rViiMran hn have , worked in the canning X classes this summer are quite T expert in the work of canning fruit and vegetables," said Miss Canfield. "They are eager to earn a little money before the I opening ot school and will be glad to assist housekeepers who are in need of help in putting up A their winter supplies. They are r even capable of taking lull charge of the canning operations if desired." Hundreds of 5ar nf delicious. looking goodies the children f have put up so far speak well tor tneir pronciency. Any housekeeper wanting the assist ance of a boy or girl may call on Miss Canfield in her office at the Board of Education rooms in the city hall and she will supply such help from her prize pupils. Mother of Two Soldiers Working as Calker in Vancouver Shipyards In the shipyard at Vancouver, Wash., there is a woman who is work ing successfully as a calker. Mrs. G. R. Underwood, who has two sons in the United States army, both now overseas, determined to seek a place wheije she could serve her country to the best advantage, and she found em ployment with a shipping corporation. "On one occasion, when her four assistants failed to appear for work, Mrs. Underwood alone managed the machine and kept the supply flowing steadily out to the men in the yards, so that no calker had to wait for his oakum," said the head of the corpora tion. "She works until she is ready to drop. The vision of . those two magnificent boys is constantly be fore her and she feels that every stroke she puts in safeguards them 'over there.'" Mrs. J. H. Dietrich, of Hastings, Neb., is chairman of the program committee. 66 t Ii n.lrJ THP jjjr uau..ij uun..r vi liivuiuiu beginning Monday ana andlnt Saturdar CHAPTER IV. . Judge Owl's Spanking Bee. fPeRR-y. summonad to tha trial of tha Jays for staling Mia Purpls Swalla, la choaen by Blue Jay aa hli lawyer, and then la accused by him ot being the cause' ot bla crime.) "C ALL the jury list I ordered Judge Owl. Cat Bird, who was actine as clerk of the court, turned to a roll of lily pads he had in front of him. "The first juror is Mrs. Swallow, formerly Miss Purple Swallow," he. announced. "That's silly I A person who is in a case can t be on the jury, declared Peeev. who was decidedly miffed at Judge Owl for threatening to have her spanked. "Its not silly; its very sensible. Doesn't Mrs. Swallow know whether Blue Jav and his gang are guilty of stealing her?" hooted Judge Owl. Of course she does, answered Peee-v. "But she is the one who is complaining against Blue Jay and she hadn't ought to be on the jury trying him." "Piffle!" hooted Judge Owl impo litely. "She ought to be on the jury if any one is. Then they can't make the mistake of letting these rascals go free. I fine Princess Peggy one spank and one laugh for being foolish." Before. Peggy could protest, Blue Heron cave her a sharp whack with his club. Peggy laughed. That started all the Birds laughing and in a mo ment the whole courtroom was twit tering with mirth. "Silence," hooted Judge Owl. "I sentence every one here one spank for laughing when they hadn't ought to." Blue Heron, Officer Martin and King?sher started in to carry out the sentence, but the task was too big for them, and the Birds good-naturedly helped out by spanking each other. Blue Heron fluttered down to and was himself spanked by Officer Mar tin. Then Blue Heron climbed - up on the Judge's bench and gave Judge Owl a whack that tumbled him over. "Here! Here! Don't you spank mel" hooted the Judge. "Orders are orders!" said Blue Heron. "Your sentence was to spank everybody." "Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw!" came a big roar from the Woods. There were Balky Sam, Billy Goat and Johnny Bull, all laughing at Complete the letters of Simon's Sign they will spell the name pf a president. Answer to previous pWzlerFORD EED C1Q (CHAIRMAN NO. 32 MRS. BESSIE BRAY. A quota of 200 shirts has been completed by the Hillsdale auxiliary before they closed for the summer. Mrs. Bessie Bray is the chairman of this busy unit and they have met every Friday at the Hillsdale Congre gational church. This is a neighborhood auxiliary and has 25 members enrolled. Y. W."C. A. ACTIVITIES Miss Galena Stowell will be physi cal director at the Y. W. C. A. next winter. She will take up her work September 1. This does not mean that the girls will lose Miss Clara Brewster. With the addition of the summer camp, the physical culture work has become too heavy for one to handle. The camp does not end in the fall until long after the "gym" work begins and it starts in the spring before the indoor work ends. Miss Stowell will have charge of the in door work and Miss Brewster of the outdoor work and each will assist the other in especially busy times. Miss stowell is a graduate of the Chicago Normal school and of the Chalif school of dancing and comes to Omaha after nine years of suc cessful teaching, the last six in the high schools of Des Moines. Thursday evening the Lohache club will entertain a group of Italian girls at the club rooms in the associ ation building. This is part of the work the club has been doing in con r.AW fW RTPni AMn completa, Judge Owl. On Balky Sam's back was Billy Belgium. Judge Owl was decid edly vexed. "I sentence you animals to be soundly spanked," he hooted. Blue Heron fluttered down to carry out the sentence, but when he tried to whack Balky Sam he found only flying heels. The mule whirled around and kicked m a way that showed that he would be a mighty tough customer to spank. "Hee-haw! Hee-hawl" brayed Balky Sam, "come on with your spanks 1" As he uttered the taunt his mouth was wide open. Into it Officer Mar tin dropped a blade of fairy ring grass. Quick as a wink, Balky Sam shrank from a full-size mule to toy size, and Billy Belgium, his support taken away from him, found him self sprawling on the grass. Blue Heron snatched up Balky Sam, and in spite of his frantic kicking gave him a sound thrashing. Billy Goat and Johnny Bull were laughing uproariously at Balky Sam's plight when they suddenly found themselves made tiny. Offi cer Martin had dropped blades Of grass into their mouths. Officer Mar tin then held Billy Goat while Blue Heron spanked him and Kingfisher held Johnny Bull, who fairly frothed at the mouth as he tried in vain to stop the spanking and grab the spanker. "Into the jury box with them," or dered Judge Owl; and Blue Heron promptly plumped the mule, the goat and the dbg upon the big stone that served as the jury box. "Where is Mrs. Swallow?" asked Judge Owl. "Sailing, sailing, in the sky so high, Making, making love upon the fly." So chanted the 'Birds in answer. Every one looked up. There were General and Mrs. Swallow, a loving pair of Newlyweds, floating high above. Apparently they had f6rgot ten everything else in the world ex cept themselves. "I sentence them to be brought into court," hooted Judge Owl, and quickly the .honeymooners were brought down. "I sentence you to sit at opposite ends of the jury box," said Judge Owl severely. General Swallow ' scowled blackly at the Judge and then promptly for got his vexation in the absorbing oc cupation of throwing kisses at his bride. nection with the Americanization committee. Monday evening the new club room, which is the lib'ary ort the first floor, remodeled, will be formally opened. A band and other attractions are promised by the committee now mak ing arrangements. . Miss Beulah Hall, president of the Business Women's club; Miss Emma Sasstrom and Miss Marie Kocher leave Friday to attend the Geneve conference. Miss Esther Stamate, formerly educational and extension secretary, has been appointed general secretary of the West Side branch of the Young Women's Christian association in Chicago. The work will be largely industrial. With the approval of the British Young Women's Christian associa tion, and the international committee of the Young Men's Christian asso ciation, the blue triangle has been of ficially adopted as the insignia of the American Young Women's Christian association. The red triangle of the Young Men's Christian association is quite familiar. If X new advantura aacb wkak. f "Go on with the jury list,'' ordered Judge Owl. ' Cat Bird read again from tne niy- pad roll: "Mr. Purple Swallow, Keddy wood pecker, Billy Belgium, Brownie Owl, Kingfisher, Princess Peggy 1" "I can't be on the j'ury if I'm the lawyer for the Jays," interrupted Peggy- "Yes, you can" screamed Blue Jay. "I want some one on that jury who doesn't want us killed.' "But every one on the jury is a wit ness' protested Peggy. "I never heard of a jury like that," It's a new idea all my own," Lhooted Judge Owl. "When you get a jury mat Knows an aooui cne case you can be sure no one can fool it by telling fibs." "We need one more juror," said Cat Bird. "We have only eleven." "I'll be the other one," volunteered Blue Jay. "I know more about the case than any one else." "Sure you do," agreed Judge Owl, "but I want to be on the jury my self." "That not right," declared Peggy. "A judge is never on a jury." ''Haven't you ever heard your father say that some judge was judge and jury both?" ( "Yes," agreed Peggy, "but he didn't mean it really." , "Then he shouldn't have said it," hooted Judge Owl. "I'm going to take him at his word, and Fm going to be judge and jury, too." and down he flopped into the jury box, crowding tne others. Blue jay, you can t be a juror, but we'll let you be the wit ness. Tell your story." "It's a story of romance, adventure and tragedy, spoke up Blue Jay eagerly, and he strutted out in front, just like an actor taking the center of the stage. 'Listen to my thrilling taiei ' t (Tomorrow weird story.) will b told Bla Jay-i Nebraska Club Women to Meet in Fairbury October 15-18 is the date set for the Nebraska Federation of Women's clubs annual convention this year. Mrs. A. E. Sheldon, of Lincoln, presi dent, approved the date after confer ence with clubwomen interested in the next Liberty Loan and Red Tri angle campaigns, ine meeting win be held in Fairbury. Drink Locust Lane Buttermilk cooling, refreshing, health ful served where meals or oft drinks are served. Delivered at most Omaha homes before breakfast. Douglas 409 School for Women Ticket Sellers. The United States railroad admin istration has opened schools in several sections of the country for training women ticket sellers. The present force of trained men ticket sellers will be retained when ever possible because of the expert character of their work, but it has been found necessary to supplement their activities with women. This is due partially to the increase of traf fic and partially to the loss of men to the army and navy. Wheri thoroughly trained, women ticket sellers will be paid the same salaries as men doing the same work Already enough applications have been made to fill the schooh for the present After preliminary training of from one to two months, the women who show aptitude vill be given .work of actual selling the simpler form of tickets and gradually will be worked into the sale of more complicated forms, according to Mrs. F. H. Cole, publicity chairman of the Douglas County Council of Defense, woman's committee. Save Children of the Nation. To foster and pronlote wholesome leisure-time activities throughout the month, leading up to a patriotic play week September 1 to is the war time appeal to American women adopted by state chairmen of women's committees, National Council of De fense. Suggested programs will be provid ed through state chairmen of the Child Welfare committee by the wo man's commttee, Washington, D. C Organizations whose representa tives have already enlisted with the woman's committee and the Chil dren's bureau by signing this appeal, include: Boy Scouts', of America, Camp Fire Girls, American Red Cross bureau of Junior membership, Young Women's Christian association. Dra ma Leagus of America, Amateur Ath letic Union of the United States. U. S. Argicultural departement Boys' and Girls' club, community chorus movement, U. S. Bureau of Educa tionwar gardens, etc., Story-telling league, Girl Scouts of America, Edu cational Drama league, Playground and Recreation Association of America. Mrs. R. S. Moore, wife of Captain Moore, of the engineers' corps, who was called to Washington, D. C, for government work, has taken the civil service examination in the capital, passed them and will be connected with the fuel administration. Mrs. Moore was formerly Miss Ethel Bark- Packers' Profits . .Large Packers' profits lpok big When the Federal Trade Commission reports that four of them earned $140,000,000 during the three war years. s Packers' profits look small " . ' When it is explained that this profit was earned on total sales of over four and a half billion dollars ot only about three 1 n cents on each dollar of sales. This is the relation between profits and sales: Profits D Three cents on each dollar of sales. Sales If no packer profits had been earned, you could have bought your meat at only a fraction of a cent per pound cheaper 1 Packers' profits on meats and ' animal products have. been limited by the Food Administration since itavemfcerl, 1917. , - , Swift & Company, U. S. A. . Omaha Local Branch, 13th & Leavenworth Streets ' F. J. Souders, Manager ' ley of Council Bluffs and is well known in Omaha. Mrs. Moore writes that women ticket sellers in the rail road administration are paid as high as $150 a month. House Girl WarWorkers. The woman's committee, Nebraska Council of Defense, is in receipt of a communication' from Washington which assures the girls of Nebraska who go to the capital city for war work in the near future 4 suitable place to stay until they have secured a permanent location. A transient hotel for girls arriving to do government work will be opened by the Young Women's Chris tian association at North Capitol and E streets. The building will be a few blocks from the Union station. It will accommodate 150 girls and will be available only for short periods. The hotel will be run on the plan of the Hotel Petrograd, run bythe Young Women's Christian Sssoc -tion in Paris, which houses all. the women war workers who are passing through to their assigned posts. Volunteer Student Nurses. Fifteen young women volunteered for the student nurses' reserve corps Monday in the drive conducted by the woman's committee, Council of Defense. Among them were Miss Hazel Barrett, assistant treasurer in the Burlington ticket office on the South Side; Miss Mabel Swett, steno type instructor in Boytes college, and Miss Dorothy Dorian, of Humboldt, whtf Is visiting Mrs. L. J. Healey. Miss Dorian is to teach school in Schuyler, Neb., until her application is accepted. Y. M. C. A. Need! Women In France. Four times as many women are needed in Y. M. C. A. war work in France as are now in the service, ae cording to Dr. John R. Mott, general secretary of the association. The fin est type of woman Is needed for this work. High-minded, unselfish devo tion, and absolute willingness to do the humblest work, ' combined with ability to rise to any emergency; are Safe mMcuiirmmtziYJimd ASK FOR The Original Nourishing .11.1- For lnfants,In vallda andGrowing Children. The Orurinal Food-Drink For An Ages. I or Small: neccessary for success. Qualification! sent by the women's overseas section, which is recruiting 1,000 women fof this work, are outlined as follows: Candldatea between the agea of ttt and 41 years ara desirable. Under no circumstance will any woman under the age ot 21 be aent Candldatea must be in perfect health. A knowledge ot French la very helpful, but not necessary. The T. M. C. A. will assist with the transportation and living expenses Of Its workers, but there Is always a mint mum expense to each oandidata of S500 3 a month for Incidentals and emergencies and $140 for the Initial equipment). A per sonal interview Is alwaya necessary without guarantee of final appointment, and . tha candidate must go to New York on her own responsibility. The government will not la sue passports to any woman under IS or to any woman whose husband, brother, father or son la sorvlng with tha United Statea forcea abroad or at home, or la civil ian capacity with tha expeditionary forces) or tha Red Cross Or tha Y. M. C. A. - Any one wishing to communicate on this subject may address Women's Overseas Section, S4T Madison avenue, New York City. . OMAHA FIRST Sea that atl your cleaning, dyeing, pressing, altering and repairing la dona in Omaha. Ask your cleaner if all his work is don In Omaha and it not, why uotT Omaha has the best cleaning planta in the world. We are modest, but the Carey Cleaning Co. is on of them. . EAT mm flAW.II Beatoa Drug Co., Omaha, Net Rich Milk, Malted Grain fcxtract fh PowOm OTHERS are IMITATIONS ' f 13 II i , W TABLETS" tif .J . i ValAV, t v