Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Heavy Rains-Fail Over Large
Part of State; Sailroads
Report Light Damage
v from Heat. ,
Most of - Nebraska is getting
we of the old-time soaking is the
t eport that comes to the railroad
headquarters here. While the rain
has been Jelayed to some extent in
arriving, coming even at wis uiue u
is going to (Jo an immense amount
of good say the railroad men who
make it their business to keep in
touch with crop conditions.
Reports to the Union Pacific in
.idicate that at 8 o'clock this morning
; tain was ' falling all along the main
line fror- Ames, jupt west of Fre-tnont-
through into Colorado and
(Wyoming, lhe precipitation ranged
from one-half to an inch and one
half.' Heavy rain was reported over
the branches and well .down into
Along the Burlington heavy rain
tyas general .through the South
Platte country .Tuesday afternoon
and most of the night In many lc
' calities it was still raining hard at
7 0 clock this morning. Red Cloud.
.Curtis, Schuyler, Lyons and O'Neill
reported an inch, or more precipita-
tion during the night.
On the. Northwestern at 7 o'clock
this .norning fairly heavy rain was
falling all the way from Fremont, up
the Elkhorn valley and west toAt-
' kinson. The precipitation at that
hour had been received at one-half of
an inch. One-half to three-fourths
of rain was reported from the country
around Hastings and Geneva in the
South Platte country, and still rain
ing There was a heavy rain during
the night over the country traversed
by the Bonesteel and Hartington
Temperatures in Nebraska, accord
ing to the "railroad reports ranged
from SO to 70 degrees above zero at
T o'clock this morning.
The amount of damage done to Ne
braska corn by . the drouth and hot
wind is undetermined at this time,
say the railroad men, though most
of them are of the opinion that it is
considerable in the South Platte
country and over the eastern part of
' the state.
- On the main line from Fremont,,
uo the" Elkhorn valley and all over
the norther half of the state, the
'condition of th corn crop is placed
at 80 to 90 per cent. In many places
; it is said that the condition has not
been impaired in the least.
i Burt County Pioneer Dies;
Son Recovering in France
Lyons, Neb., Aug. 7. (Special.)
S. A. McDowell, one of the early set-
- tiers of Burt county, died at a hospital
,in Lincoln, aged 67 years, leaving a
widow and eight children as follows:
Mrs. G. J. Graf, Akron, O.; Ray and
Carl, Bancroft; Dr. C. S. McDowell
pf Cincinnati, O.; Ernest Inez-and
Mrs. W. C Henitzelman of this place
nd W. Lee McDowell, who is in the
,U. S. army in France. The family
"'came to Burt county in 1878, locating
on the wild prairie near the present
, site of Craig.
The McDowells have received word
from W. Lee McDowell, who was re
cently wounded in action, that he is
about well again and expects to get
back into the service soon.
Former Fremont Boys
Listed Among Wounded
Fremont, Neb., Aug. 7. (Special
. Telegram.) Two former Fremont
boys are listed in the casualties of
Nebraskans of the last two days.
, JThey are Private Richard Ellis of
Crete and Private ByronArries of
Plattsmouth, both of the marine
corps. Private Ellis worked for a
- local concern as stenographer for sev
eral months in 1914. He enlisted a
year ago last June and in October
went to France. Private Arries is
the son oj Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Arries
for several years residents of Fre
mont' He is 19 years of age and has
Seen in the service more than a year.
Private Arries has two other brother.
;n the service. 1
Railroads Consolidate '
Business in Columbus
Columbus, Neb.', Aug. 7. Special.)
Consolidation of the Union Pacific
and Burlington" lines at Columbus as a
conservative measure under govern
ment control was effected here, and
the business of both companies is
now handled by the Union Pacific
organization. Both . the Burlington
passenger and freight depots are now
closed and all trains arrive at and
lave from the Union Pacific station,
with no change in the scheduled time.
- Car Runs Off Viaduct;
All Occupants Saved
Beatrice, Neb., AugV 7. (Special
Telegram.) A car driven by Mrs
C R. Wille of Liberty backed off
a 40-foot embankment at a viaduct
over the Burlington tracks south of
the city this afternoon, turned over
twice and landed across the tracks
below. In the car with Mrs. Wille
,-were hej three children, Mr. Wille's
-mother and Mrs. George Suiter, and
. all escaped with slight injuries. ,
School Bonds Turned Down.
Lincoln, Aug. 7. (Special.)
. School district bonds very elab
orately printed, reached the office of
State Auditor Smith today for regis
tration. .The boa4s were for $18,000
and issued from a school district in
Kimball county, but with all their
elaborate printing and gold leaf were
turned down by the auditor for the
reason that the district has already
voted $5,000 bonds, all it has a legal
' right to do. '
Dodge Board Changes Mind.
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 7. (Special)
-Secretary O. A. Bernecker of the
state board of assessment . has re
ceived word from the Dodge county
board of supervisors that the county
assessor of that county has been
ordered not to follow out instruc
tion of the board given some time
ago wherein banks were allowed to
ajsxinct Liharlv hand from taxation-
List of Candidates Filing
For Legislative Offices
From a Staff Correspondent
Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 7. (Special.) Secretary of State
Pool has compiled a list of all candidates for legislative offices
in every district in the state. ,In districts which are comprised of
onlv one countv fiiino-s nr onlv
1 A J
treasurer ana cierK 01 mat county ana m oraer 10 get tne com
plete list the secretary of state has written to these counties and
in every instance except two, Colfax and V ashington, received
a reply. Following is the complete list with the exception of
these two counties
First District Richard F, Neal, Auburn,
SeconS DUtrlct Jas. V. Parker. DUnbar,
rep.; A. F. 8turms Xehawka, dem.
Third District Harry C. Parmentcr Tiv'
tan, dem.; Soren Miller. Certjr Bluffs, item.;
A. F. Stuart, Cedar Bluffs, dem.; W. H.
Webster, Ashland, rep.
Fourth District Jena Nfelsen, Ctit. 0.
Anderson, Isaao Koneiky, James Us Crad
dook, A. 4. Lamoreaux, John M. Tanner
D. C. Patterson, John E. Reagan, Henry C.
Richmond, C, I Shamp, John F. Morlarty,
F. J. Blres, dems., from Omaha; F. W.
Fitch, Raymond T. Coffey, Charles W.
Sears. W. J. Broatch, Irvine U, Bangnc
John W, Cooper, John M. Macfarland. An
ion B. Blgelow, Chas. I fiaundor Henry
J. Beat. John W. Robbing, William 1 Kler
stead, reps., from Omaha: Charles E. By
ars. Valley.
Fifth District C. C. Van Deusen, Ken-1
nard, dem.; Ralph E. Weavcrltng. North
Bend. ren.
Sixth DUtrlct swan Olson, WalthUl,
rep.: B. I. Houston, uemman rep.
Sevan th District rnw K. Koni. wayna,
dem.; Chas, Oraff, Bancroft, dem.; H. K.
Slman, WInslde, rep.; M. Inhelder, Plerca
ren. ,
Eighth District w. n. Mullen, Bloom-
field, dem.i O. H. Randall, Randolph, rep.
Ninth District A. ware welign. oem.;
Royal V. Sheets, Elgin, dem.; M. M. Hanson,
Antelope, dem.: Edward it. Houta AiDion,
dem.: B. J. Ainley, Belgrade, rep.
Tenth District J. it. Henry, Howens,
dem. Ferdinand L. Crowley, Meadow
Grove, dem,; James Brooks, Stanton rap,;
Eleventh District H. c Kesm. L'oium
bus. dem.: I. L. Albert, Columbus, dem.
John C. Boelts St. Llbory. dem.; John
Swanson, St. Edward, rep.
Twelfth District Charles M. SKlaW,
David City, dem.: H. J. Hall, David City
Thirteenth District L,. C. Obcrlles, Lin
coln, dem.; Walter N. Dale, University
Place, dem.; Charles Sedgwick Eckert, Lin
coln,, dem.; J. n. aroaay, Lincoln asm.;
James R. Oettys, University Place, rep.;
John T. Marshall, Panama rep.; C. Petrus
Peterson, Lincoln, rep. ;Charles J. Warner,
Waverly, rep.
Fourteenth District J. W. McKlsslck,
Beatrice, dem.; John D. Barr, Liberty, rep.
Fifteenth District WeBley Pickens,
Powell, dem.: R. C. Harrlss, Falrbury, rep.
Sixteenth District C. J. Watson Fair
mont, rep.; E. J. SplrK, Wllber, rep.
Seventeenth District Chas. w. FlicK,
Arborvllle, dem.; A. R. Noyes, Bradshaw,
dem.; Perry Reed, Henderson, rep.; . M.
Cox, Hampton, rep.
Eighteenth District C. Thos. Krogh,
Danneborg, dem.; T. P. Lannlgan, Oreeley,
dem.; M. H. O'Malley, Alda, dem,; Thomas
E. Bradstreet, Grand Island, rep.
Nineteenth District Walter B. , Hager,
Hastings, dem.; A. D. Scott, Edgar, dem.;
Monmouth Brodrlck, Fairfield, rep.; Fred
Q-. Johnson, Hastings, rep.
Twentieth District George Jackson, Kel
son, dem.; Johnson B. Wlsecarver, Red
Cloud, dem.; Andrew Erlckson, Campbell,
rep.; Alvah B. Pierce, Red Cloud, rep.
Twenty-first District Lance Hooper,
Holdrege, dem.; J. W. Kelly, Beaver City,
dem.: R. B. Murray, El wood, dem.; J. W.
Hammond, Cambridge, rep.
Twenty-second District Charles A. Chap.
pell, Minden, dem.; William D,- Zimmerman,
Ashton, dem.: Pat Fitzgerald, Kearney,
dem.; C. H. Gregg, Kearney, rep.
Twenty-third District Goo. w. oreen-
walt, Broken Bow, dem.; W. J. Taylor,
Merna, dem.; I. A. Reneau, Broken Bow,
Twenty-fourth District John A. Robert
son, Joy, dem.; Dennla H. Cronln, O'Neill,
Twenty-fifth District A. k. Lsavui,
North Platte, dem.; D. H. Mould, Lexing
ton, dem.; Walter V. Hoagland, North
Platte, rep.
Twenty-sixth District Fred Hoffmelster,
Imperial, dem.; W. M. Somervllle, McCook,
dem.; John F. Cordeal, McCook, rep.
Twenty-seventh District C. J. Osborn,
Sidney, dim.; B, K. Bushes, Kimball, rep.
Twenty-eighth District Georga M. Ad
ams, Crawford, dem.; William Coleman,
Hay Springs, dem.; J. W. Jood, Chadron,
First District W. F. Rleschick, Falls
Cify, dem.; Joseph A. Turner, Humboldt,
dem.; H. D. Wagoner, Falls City, dem.;
Harry Ford, Falls City, rep.; M. C. Hoover,
Salem, rep.
Second District Daniel Casey, Johnson,
dem.; Ellis E. Good, Peru, rop.
Third District Gustav Herr, Humboldt,
rep.; Geo. B. Christy, Johnson, rep.
Fdurth District Aiaen K. Henry, raw-
tee City, dem,; E. H. Gifford, Lewlston,
rep.: Albert Stake, Burchard, rep.
Fifth District Philip F. Nestor, 'Tecum-
sell, dem.; Judson E. Douglas, Tecumseh,
dem.; A. B. Downing, Vest, rep.
Sixth District Andy cnristensen, Ne
braska City, dem.; James P. Mahoney, Pal
myra, dem.; Henry C. McKee, Palmyra,
Seventh District John Murtey, Alvo,
dem.; H. K. Frantz, Eagle, rep.
Eighth District L. U. Toaa, union.
dem.; George K. Crownover, Syracuse, rep.;
Robert H. Windham, Plattsmouth, rep.'
Ninth District Jacob Sass, Chaico, dem.;
James V. Morrison, Gretna, rep.
Tenth District R. H. Bremers, D. Wil
liam Fleming, John L. Donollan, R. A.
Schneider, Frank Keegan, John M. Welch,
Fred W. Anheuatr. Henry Anderson, Jerry
Howard, Fred M. Hering, Charles C. Red
wood, William Kaln, E. W. Calelly, M.
Courtnay, Gerald M. Drew. Philip E. Horan,
L. B. Day, Otto H. Stuben, John CaBson,
Edwin L. Huntley, Albert van ouue,
dems., from Omaha; Herman C. Tlmme,
Chris Lyck. George B Dyball, Tony Cos-
tanzo, T. J. O'Keefa. Emanuel Vaka, B.
Park Billings. Nsla H. Lundgren, Geo. A.
Sargent, James M. McDowell, John H.
Berger, George fotor, Samuel siancuso,
Root. C. Druessdow, J. A. Davis, John
Lynn, Geo. E. Turkington, Victor D. Reyn
olds, R. L. Bailey, . John Larsen, John A.
Lovgren, James Allan, A. L. Bergquist, A.
F. Hanson, A. C. Harte, Lew Plxley, Loulg
Oerka, G. H. Barker, J. Frank Burgess,
Harry A. Foster, James L. Johnson, Harry
Asher, reps., 'from Omaha.
Eleventh District No report from County
Clerk, Washington County,
Twelfth District W. R. Beum. TeKa-
mah, dem.; Oscar F. Johnson, Oakland,
Thirteenth District J. J. McAllister, Da
kota City, dem.: H. D. Kixen, Pender, dem.;
Walter Sandqulst, Walthtll, rep.
Fourteenth District C. H. widds, mw.
castle, dem.
Fifteenth District H. o. Mcuormicu,
Wynct, dem.; W. H. Burney, Hartington,
rep. i
Sixteenth District A. A. Baker, winna
toon, rep.; P, B. Neff, Bloomfleld, dero.
Seventeenth District F. E. Anderson,
Wausa, rep.; F. L. Bollen, Crofton, dem.
Eighteenth District Henry Ventiocher"
Elgin, dem.; J. C. Crlnklaw, Nellgh, dem.;
W. F. Copwell, Nellgh, rep. F. J. H. Lawson
Elgin, rep.; W. W. Cole, Nellgh, rep.;-Geo.
DicFall, Brunswick, rep.
Nineteenth District Flo Fuchs, Plerca,
dem.; N. M. Nelson, Pierce, rep.; Chas. A,
Watson, Pierce, dsm.; W. M. Palmer,
Meadow Grove, dem.; C. E. Manzer, Pierce,
Twentieth District Nels J. Johnson,
WInslde, rep.; Grant S. Mears, Wayne, rep.
Twenty-first District Con McCarthy,
Bancroft, dem.; Ja. 8. Beacon, West Point,
dem.; Laurlts Laurltsen, West Point, rep.
Twenty-second District Henry Behrsni,
Beemer, rep,
Twanty-third District James Auten, Al
bion, dem.
. Twenty-fourth Dlatf Andrew Dahl
ten, Newman Grove, dem.; E. H. Gerhart,
Newman Grovs, rap. - s
Twenty-fifth District Chas. F. Segelke,
Columbus, dem.r-& H. Hoare, Monro,
Twenty-ilith District Walson t. Purdy,
-like coffee
in flavor
But with none of
comes disagree
able effects.
made in the office 01 the countv
3 t ' I i .
Madison, dam.: 3. Clyde Moran, Creston,
,Ydem.; C. T. B. Mewedde, Lindsay, dem.
Twenty-seventh District No report from
Omity Clark Uoirar County.
Twenty-elfhth District C. U Kelly. North
Bend, dem.; j. F. Kohn, Fremont, defn.;
Andrew Frost, Uehllnc, rep.; C. I.. Mllver
stedt. Fremont, rep.; Ueorf F. Staats,
t remont, rep.
Twenty-ninth District D. H. Thompson,
Mead, dom.; AV. H. Pech, Ithaca, dem.;
John f. Martinson, ceresco, dom.; Chas. F,
Davis, Colon, - dem.; John O. Schmidt,
wanoo, dem.: Robert W. Parks, Yutan,
rep.; J. M. Lambert, Wahoo. rep.; Emit
Benson. Wahoo. rcD.
Thirtieth District J. E. Evans. Cortege
View, dem.; Frank Mills, Collega View,
dem.; R. F. McPherson, College View, dem.;
J. li. Allen, Lincoln, dem.; John Loder,
Waverly, dem.; Harry W. Hedges, Lincoln,
dem.; C. G. Bullock, Lincoln, dem.; Herbert
C. l'eate, Lincoln, dem.; J. F. Egger, Koca,
dem.; James Gray, Lincoln, dem.: Peter
Hansen, Ceresco, dem.; Geo. W. Johnston,
Lincoln, dam.; Cyrus Black, Hickman, rep.;
James T. Thompsosl University Place, rep.;
C. T. Johnson. Greenwood, rap.; J. Read
4Greeu, Lincoln, rep.; C. M. Parker, Lincoln,
rep.; E. B. Hyde, Linsoln, rep.; Hugh Har
lan, Lincoln, rep.; Barton Green, Lincoln,
rep.; Frank E. Llnch, Lincoln, rep.; Clark
Jeary, Lincoln, rep.; Roy H. Walford, Lin
coln, rep.; L. K. Schoenleber, Walton, rep.;
P. F. Zlmmer, Lincoln, rep.
Thirty-first District D. B. Dalbey,
Beatrice, rep.; J. W. Campbell, Adams, rep.;
Geo. W. Maurer, Beatrice, rep.; A. D. Spen
cer, Barneston, rep.
Thirty-second District J. A. Axtell, Fair
bury, rep.
Thirty-third District Chaa. P. Schwor,
Hebron, rep.; W, M. Sharp, Hebron, rep. J
Geo. A. Birdsall, Alexandria, dem.
Thirty-fourth District Fred Damrow,
Beatrice, dem.; Charles F, Allen, Beatrice,
rep.; John T. McLucas, Falrbury, rep.;,
John T. McQulstlon, Hebron, rep.
Thirty-fifth District Geo. A. Hunt,
Crete, dom.
Thirty-sixth District A. F. Luhe, Seward,
dem.; David P. Kenagy, Milford, rep.
Thirty-seventh District A. R. Thompson,
David City, dem.; Joseph P. Masck, David
City, dem.; A. M. Walling, David City,
dem.; W. J. Anderson, David -City, rep.
Thirty-eighth District Geo. W. Fuller,
Seward, dem.; W. 8. Beebe, Sewwd, rep.
Thirty-ninth Dlstrlut F. W. Crosier, Os
ceola, dem.; Ell C. Larsot, Stromburg,
dem.; Fred Llnd, Clarka, rep.; A E. Swan
son, Polk, rep.
Fortieth District Milton M. Wlldman,
Tork, rep.; Geo. 8. Cushman, York, dem.;
A. A. Barr, York, dem.; John Morgan,
York, dem.
Forty-first District Robert H. Lowdon,
Fairmont, dem.; Geo. A. Williams, Fair
mont, rep.; E. F. Schwedhelm, Fairmont,
Forty-second District H. A. Swanson,
Clay' Center, dem.; A. J. Jenleon, Harvard,
Forty-third District Henry Vauck, Sut
ton, dem.; Con McCarthy, York, dem.;
George D. Mathewson, Shlckley, rep.
Fourty-fourth District J. E. Hutsell,
Hampton, rep.; Frank Anderson, Aurora,
rep.; C, M. Grosvenor, Aurora, dem.
Forty-fifth District Daniel Livingston,
Lawrence, dem.; Phillip C. Kammerer, De
weese, rep.; H. E. Goodrich, Nelson, rep.
Forty-sixth District J. L, Beebe, Red
Cloud, dem.; Dr. L, A. Pace, Guide, Rock,
dem.; M. F. Rickard, Guide Rock, rep.
Forty-ievonth District N, H. Jones,
Hastings, dem.; D. B. Marti, Hastings,
dem.; J. W. McHarry, Juniata, rep.; C. I.
Van Patten, Hastings, rep.; 3. R. Vance,
Hastings, rep.
Forty-eighth District H. J. McLaugh
lin, Doniphan, rep.; John McLellan, Grand
Island, rep.; W. F. Roney, Grand Island,
rep. ; E. Taylor, Wood River, dem.
Forty-nlath District Theo. M: Osterman,
Central City, dem.; A M. Templln. Palmer,
Fiftieth District J. A. Osborne, Genoa,
Fifty-firat District Soren M, Fries, Dan
neborg, dom.
Fifty-second District John C. Harris.
Greeley Canter, dem.; E. A Wright, Wal-
bach, rep.
Fifty-third District Charles M. Daly.
O'Neill, dem.; Henry W. Tomlinson, O'Neill,
dem.; William W. Betha, Ewlng, rep.
Flfty-fowta District Crist Andersen.
Brlstow, dem.; Brantley E. Sturdevant, At
kinson, rep, '
Fifty-fifth District O. A. Smith, Bassett,
dem.; J. H. Herryman, Thurmao. dem.:
J. M. Bassett, Klrkwood, rep.; A L. Moyer,
Ainswortn, rep.
Fifty-sixth District P. B. Paacock: Ord.
dem.; D. E. Strong, Ord, rep.
Flity-seventn District C. W. Trumble,
Hazard, oem.; H. W. Lang. Litchfield.
dem.; F. T. Richmond, Litchfield, rep.
x irty-eigntn District Emerson R. Purcell,
Broken Bow, dem.; W.,8. Wells, Merna,
dem.; Jos. C. Moore, Anselmo, dem.; J. W.
Lundy, Sargent, rep.; Florian Jaopbs, Bro
ken Bow, rep.; W. J. Rice, Merna, rep.
Fitty-nlnth District Frank P. Mussel-
man, Kearney, dem.; Chas. L. Walker, Gib
bon, dem.; Wm. Keiss. Kearney, dem.:
W. O. Nye, Kearney, dem,; C. B. Cass,
Ravenna, dem.; M. A. Hoatetler, Shelton,
rep.: J. E. Harris, Amherst, rep.
Sixtieth District John A. Rost, Axtell.
dem.; Pete Oman, Minden, rep.; John Bor
gaard, Minden, rep.
Sixty-first District Arslne L'Heureux.
Campbell, dem.; Albert H. Bryna, Bloom
Ington, rep.
Sixty-second District D. S. Hardin, Al
ma, rep.; Arthur Klnberllng, Alma, ren.:
L. W. Olson, Orleans, dem.
Sixty-third District P. C. Funk, Funk,
dem,; W. Ross Pedley. Bertrand. reD. :
Harry Johnson, Holdrege, rep.
Bixty-iourth District J. E. W. Richards.
Arapahoe, dem.; Hilary W. McFadden, Hol
brook, dem.;' C. S. Freas. Bcavor City, ren.:
J. F. Falts, Beaver City, rep.
Blxty-tlfth District D. F. Schwab. Le
banon, dem.; James Harris. McCook. dem.:
Charles A. Hedges, Indianola, rep.; Rex E.
Scott, McCook, rep.
Sixty-sixth E. S. Burke. AraDahoe. dem.:
L. O. Taylor, Stockville, rap.
Bixty-Beventh klotm E. Jacobson. Lex na
ton, dem.; F, A Berger, Lexington, dem.;
Mason E, Hyde, Gothenburg, dem.: Peter
OlBson, Lexington,, rep.
sixty-eighth E. 8. Davis, North Platte,
rep.; L. Carpenter, Maxwell, rep.
Sixty ninth S. M. Ewlnsr. Parks, dem. :
Charles T. Jenkins, Haigler, rep.
seventieth W. J. Watkliw. Venango.
dem.; C. M. McGrath, Wauneta, rep.; Wil
Ham L. Davidson, Champion, rep.
eeventy-nrst B. B. Mllroy, Thedford,
rep.; I. R, Ashley, Hyannls, rep.
Seventy-second George E. Traoewell. Val
entine, rep.
Beveiity,-thlid Lloyd C. Thomas, Alll
ance, dem.; Paul A Mendenhftll, Peters,
dem.; Thomas L, Brtgga, Antlocb, rep.
Seventy fourth Charles Naylor. Chad
ron. dem.; George C. Snow, Chadron, rep.
Seventy-fifth W. M. Barbour. Scotts-
bluff, rep.
Hot water
Sure Relief
After each meal YOU eat one
and get full food value and real stem,
acb comfort, Inatantly relieves bart
bro, bloated, (aaay flinj, STOPS
acidity, food repeating ana stomach
misery. AIDS digestion; keeps the
stomach sweet and pure
E ATONIC U tbs bast remedy am only coats
ent or two a day to um it. You will bads
lifhtad with results. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money bask. Pleas, call and try it
Sherman A MrConnsU Drug Co. Busy
Varner and Waggoner Run
Close Race for Premier
Honors Among Corn
husker Marksmen., ,
K. V. Varner of Adams was the
high scattcrgtui shooter in Nebraska
the past year, according to official
averages compiled at the Interstate
Trapshooting association., Varner's
average for the year was .9429. He
was closely pushed for high honors
by C. L. Waggoner of Diller wiih an
average of .9428.
Rush Razee of Curtis was the hiirl
professional with an average of .9080.
Razee ranked fourth in standing of
all professionals in the United States.
Homer Clark of Alton. 111., was the
high professional with an avergae of
MSZ. He shot at 3,310 targets during
the season.
-H. Lorenson of Newman. Cal.. was
the high amateur with an average of
,yu. we is tne only amateur with
an average of better than V7 per cent
and his record is bettered by only two
professionals. Not only does the
Californiau lead in the averages, but
he carries the honor of making the
high run. His high run of 345 is not
only the best made the past season,
tut the highest for several years.
Following is a list of amateurs and
professionals in Nebraska who have
shot at 1,250 targets or more in reu
istercd competition.
Amateur Score.
1 Shot at. Broke, cent's.
K. W. Varner, Adams.. 1,860 1,273 .5J
C. U Waggoner, Dlllor 1,25 1,815 ,i;'8
R. C. Kingsley, Omaha 1,330 1,24s .mtl
At Koyen, Fremont. ,. .8,375 J,1B ,360
C. Wood. Lewellen 1,660 1.638 ,1.121
R. J. Mldil'gh, Fremont 2,606 2,334 .1317
John J. Hanson, Ames.. 1,430 1.310 .9160
V. Mlddaugh, Fremont 1,806 1,188 .9103
H. 8. M'Donald, Omaha 1,600 1,464 ,9017
U. M. Land'h, Fremont 1.430 1,275 ,916
D. E. Thorp, Eagle 1,775 . 1,677 MH
M. F. Hosier, N. Platti 1,600 1,828 ,6863
G. D. Hedges. Panama 1,460 1,281 .8834
J. B. Ou'mer, Columbus 1,476 1,301 .8820
Rush Razee, Curtis.... 1,600 1,451 .9880
U. W. Max'ell, Hastings 8.766 8,681 .9636
U; I,. Carter, Lincoln, .2,300 2,146 .9330
. C. Bendel, Lincoln 1,600 1,411 .8818
J, T. Holli'orth, Omaha 1,600 1.304 .8160
Iowa Regiment Loses,
Fifty Men Yith 200
Wounded on July W
Des Moines. Ia.. Aug. 7. (Special
Telegram.) According to a letter re
ceived here today from VV, R.. Bennett
in command of the 168th Iowa, this
regiment lost 50 men in an attack by
Germans July 14. Two -hundred were
Police Raid Recovers
Pmnertv Vflluprl at $150
Score one for the efficiency of the
metropolitan police department. Yea,
bo; the members thereof move quick
ly their duty to perform. ,
Armed with a search warrant De
tective Sergeants Jensen and Allen
made a raid on the premises at 2220
South Tenth street Wednesday aft
ernoon and recovered property to the
value of $150 which was alleged to
have been stolen from Mrs. Marie
Blose, 2lW Harney street, the first
of the month. The property included
wearing apparel, jewelry and orna
ments. Nora Riley, housekeeper, was
placed under arrest on a grand lar
ceny charge.
Seventy sixth Guy Roberta, Oshkosh,
dem.; James A. Rodman, Kimball, rep.
Bevrnty-seventh Eugene Boa!, Ogallala,
rtfem. ; Jonathan Hleglns, North Platte, dem.;
T. L. Carroll, Gothenburg, rep.; George S.
Doty, Gothenburg, rep.
increases strength of delicate, nervous,
run-down people in two weeks' time in
many instances. It has been used and
endorsed by such men as Hon. Leslie M.
Shaw, former Secretary of the Treasury
and Ex-Governor of Iowa; Former United
States Senator Richard Rolland Kenney
of Delaware at present Major of the U, S.
Army; General John L. Clem (Retired)
the drummer boy of Shiloh who was ser
geant in the U. S. Army when only 12
years of age; also United States Judg
G W Atkinson of the Court of Claims
of Washington and others. Ask your
doctor or druggist about it ,
your money back promptly, would
fou not invest in shares as safe as a
real estate mortgage? Home
Builders guaranteed 0 $1-00
shares are just as safe and far
more profitable and convenient.
We can give you the names of
hundreds who have received back
all their money invested in Heme
Builders' Bhares and the guaran
teed interest to the last dividend
date, j
You can invest a large or a small
amount any time, leave it as long
as you wish and convert your
shares into cash on short notice.
Will you call or send for our
booklet "The New Way" for more
ASSETS OVER $1,000,000.00
jm piii'f in mi eTfWTTri
1' KE:j'nEKJ-t.) 'iZ-lU. ' iiltM'W
. ..... r ii
t ;
Winnebago Man's Son .
All in the U, S. Army
- Fighting for Liberty
Lincoln, Aug. 7. (Special.) A
letter was received by Gov. Neville
in connection with the record he is
compiling of Nebraskans in the
service from A. Londrosh of Win
nebago, Neb, in which he says his
four sons, all the boys in his family
are serving ia the American army.
They are:
Alvo J. Londrosh Winnebago,
Neb., headquarters Co. 338 F. A.
Camp Dodge, Ia.
Alvin L. Londrosh, Winnebago,
Neb, Station A, Lincpln, Neb.
Harold A. Londrosh, Winnebago,
Neb, Company B, 341 machine gun
company. 89th division, American
expeditionary forces.
Edgar G. Londrosh, Winnebago,
Neb M. T. Co. 468 M. T. S. train
417, Camp Johnston, Fla.
Tourists Are Flocking to the
Land of Ten Thousand Lakes
la escape the sweltering days of
August in the east and south, tourists
and vacationists are making pilgrim
age to Minnesota's 10,000 lakes terri
tory, where nature has provided rest
and recreation for lie weary and
health for the ailing. The claim is
mads that there are 10,000 lakes in
Minnesota, and the most conservative
say that another thousand or two
would not be a misstatement.
The state highway commission,
local road boards and counties, aided
by the federal authorities, have com
bined to. put Minnesota in the first
rank or states having auto roads that
can be traveled with comfort and
safety. That the fame of these good
roads is spreading is evidenced by
the great increase in auto travel
from far points.
To Get Into New City Ticket
Offices by First o" October
Railroad passenger men are now
figuring that it will btabout October
1 before they get into the union ticket
office in the Union Pacific building
Work in fitting up the room is
progressing, but it Is going to take
some time to get the furniture ready
for installation. The counter will be
of the type of that now in use in the
Burlington city ticket office.
Wednesday. August 7, 1918. STORE NEWS FOR THURSDAY . Phone, Douglas 2100
At the Elevator
at $1.00
Dainty waists of voile,
organdie, linon, fancy
weaves, etc. Prettily
trimmed with lacev em
broidery a.nd small
tucks. Really excep
tional values.
Burf ess-Nash Co. Main Floor
The Price on These Wash Skirts Has Been
Radically Reduced tor Thursday to $2.95
Women's Pumps and Oxfords Have Been
THE lot includes the balance of a recent large" purchase of pumps and oxfords that I
. i 1 J i. - 1. JMM1.. IttA.w.mntr TV, Atr avA TVAfllf ItTttltr I
nave oeen reaucea m
less than Va regular price.
Brown Patent Vice
Oxfords; Gray Patent
Kid Oxfords; . Brown
Kid Pump$.
Prepare to do Your Fall Sewing with a
UB country is calling upon
i na nAine ort of . Red uross
and still do your fall sewing by using a ''Standard" Rotary sewing machine.
They are time savers, easy to run, hava the sit itraight position; sews with one
or two threads, lock or chain stitch. .'
Do Not Fail to See These Specials For Thursday.
Wheeler & Wilson sewing ma
chine (used) $15.00.
Singer sewing machine (used)
$10.00. '
Wheeler & Wilson -sewing
Large Gowd Sees
Two Hotly Contested
Races at Burlington
Burlington, Ia., Aug. 7.The two
main races of today's card in the
Great Western Circuit races went
full five heats and the largest crowd
of the week was out. Summaries:
Trot. Turns Sl.000 The Triumph
won; Bellini Worthy, second; Dough Pen
rileton. third. Bst time, S:1SU. Peter
liottut and Bird Maxcy also started.
t:ll Pac, Purse $600 Altawood won;
Lawyer Swift, second; Lee Dale, third. Best
time. I:094. Clipper Joe, Redette, Lady
Willis. The Doputy sheriff and Cufunare
also started.
Three-year-oM Trot, Turea 1500 HUdsy
Fletcher won; Tretantlo Watt, second; Sir
Uslahad, third. Best time, ;tl.
Running Itace. Six Furlonas, Purse 1100
Camella Muller won; Fasnett, second;
Mike, third. Jiest time. 1:17 ty. High Tesk
alse rau.
Horseshoe Contest Will Be
Feature of Nemaha Picnic
One of the attractions at the Omaha
Nemaha county picnic, which wilf be
held at Elmwood nark, Saturday aft
ernoon, will be a horseshoe pitching
In the old days at Brownville Ed
son Rich, Dave Mercer and T. C.
Blackburn were proficient in this
game and it is hoped to arrange a
contest between these pioneers.
Priies will be given for the winners
of a girls' race, a woman's ball throw
ing contest, the winners of a ball roll
ing match and a three-legged race.
Donors of are Mrs. Bourne,
Mrs. Dykstra and Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
An address will be delivered in the
afternoon by T. C. Blackburn, who
will 'Speak of old times in Nemaha
Two More Machines Become
Loot of Omaha Auto Thieves
Two machines were added to the
loot of the auto bandits Tuesday.
J. M. Pannei, Twenty-fifth and Mar-
cy streets, reported to the police that
his car was stolen from in front of
his residence about 1 o'clock in the
afternoon. Raymond Brandes of
Hancock, Ia., reported that his car
was stolen from Seventeenth and
Douglas streets about noon.
everybody store"
Pretty Summer
Wash Dresses
Greatly Reduced. to
$3, $5, $9 and $12
AT this time of the season gowns that
have been worn at the "beginning
of the season have lost their newness
and, new ones must replace them for
there is at least two months morerthat
summer dresses can "be worn.
These we offer are made up in a va
riety of dainty styles in such materials
as ginghams, voiles, organdies, linens,
, - ,
Th eavinca in extreme aa the nrices rep
resent less than the cost of materials.
Burf ess-Nash Co. Second Floor.
YOU will need one or two more wnue swris 10 xwua
out the season with and we doubt if you will have
a better opportunity to secure them at such an extremely
low price again. We bought these skirts, some months
ago before the price of material had increased ;Jhat is
the reason for our selling them at this price. '
The materials are gabardines, pique, waffle cloth,,
corded poplins and fancy stripes, in plain white, 4an,
blue, light green, etc.
, They're all finished with the popular wide or nar
row belt, pockets in many novel shapes and pearl buttons.
Buriess-Naeh Co. Second Floor.
oraer io m&a uevioiyc vicaa. i""M'wi
Bur(ss-Nah Co Seconal Floor
Rotary Sewin
every romin to give a portion of her
worK. xou wiu nave ampia wmo
chine (used) $12.00. .
Domestic sewing machine (used)
$4.00. ,
Goodrich -'cabinet sewing ma
chine (used) $8.00.
- Nash
Co. Fourth Floor '
uJavenport . Man Comes Out
Ahead on Shoot-Off After
Tying With Wadsworth.
v at Score of ,96;
. ' r V .
Chicago, Aug. 7. Emil J. Bucli
of Davenport, la., with a handicap ot
18 yards, won the preliminary .handi
cap in the Grand American, handicap
trap shooting tournament today. Buck
broke 96 targets, which is the lowest
score that has won the preliminary
handicap in many years. He was
tied with E. F. Woodward of Hous
ton, Tex, for first place and won on
the shoot-off at 20 targets, 19 to 13
Woodward shot from 21 yards.' Nine
shooters tied for third place with 95,
and the tie shoot-off was won by C,
A. Bogert of Sandusky, Ohio.
High scores follow: C i
E. J. Buck, Darenport, I a., II ........ M
R. F, Woodward, Houston, Tex., It ,., 6
('. A. Bofert, Sandusky, Ohio, II...... (S
It. M. Jones, Sioux Cfty, It 95
C. W. Onlcy, Wauwatosa. Wis., 1.... 5
D. W. Woorhee, Jr., Peoria, 111.. 10...., 5
E. W. Rnnfro, Warm Spring;, Mont, 21.. S
C. M. Powers, Decatur. III., J2, IS
A, . M, McRea, LeMur, Wis., II. ...... $i
R. C. Klnicsley, Omaha, 19. . ........ 5
V. 3. Holland, Miami, Okla., 10.....
Minors in Suit for Property.
Allen T. Ellick and trances J. El
lick, minors, by Alfred G. Ellick, have
brought suit in district court against
Maybel C Ellick and Gerald C. El
lick asking the proper division of the
Omaha property of the te Francis L
Ellick, who died (intestate on Decem
ber 29, 1914. Inthe property listed
is a lot in Dundee.
Priest is Robbed.
Father McCarthy, 709 South Twenty-eighth
street, reported to the po
lice that about 9 o'clock Wednesday
morning two men entered the yard of
his house and stole 50 feet of garden
hose. ' j-
Tan Russian Cal)
Pumps; White Can
vas Pumps; Black
Kid Pumps.
tima to do.
mi m ...
g machine