Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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    lrifi t5CiCi! UMAtlA, . ettSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1918.
The Omaha Bee
Tht ImMH fre. m tes fM See M aMoitat. auwtMt
entitled to toe em far runtwetloe til em dxaOrbM eredilsd
to 11 er eo otbnrtM endited H Wi oar, tat also Um toMl .t
publlabal kereto. 411 rttbu ol otMiwUm et guf dkii mri'ei
are also ill na. . . a "
OmtBmrtu nee Httlidtn.
Costa Oetebs tSU KM
Council Bluffe-14 H. stela at
Llacsia-lilttt Balldlaa,
Caieate-r'tafii's Uat Bniiotaa
Kn Teri-tfe fin afe,
St Walt-New B'k Of Ummm.
Weeblaue--lll Q Ml
Daily 69,021 Sunday 59,572
Atemai KreuUtlog tar Uk son Ik. eobssrthed tad rwom to b Aaifk'
WiMtan. OrculltloB Msnafer.
Subscribers leaving the city should huvs Til Bm mIlrd
to them. Addrew changed as eftes ee requested.
4i4f4t r
l' Smash the slates.
When crown princei fall out, the plain people
may learn the truth.
Slate-makeri are busy preparing an output for
voters to break into tmithcreeni at the polls.
"If foch is made marihal for h! present suc
cess, what "will they give him when the job is
complete? ' '
This is not a good year for cliques of any
kind, and political ringsteri should .fare no better
than others.;
. Omaha is sorry to have to pass the hot wave
along to its (astern neighbors, but really, we
couldn't hold it longer,: -
The Germans have concluded that their army
is not invincible. Any outsider could have toid
them that Several years ago.
f Americans have also, landed at Archangel.
Pretty hard to find a place whereN Germany can
be assailed without an American there.
tJ. '..'."la , .. -; . 3 , .' .
On place where you know in advance your
money wilt do good Ii The Bee's Ice and Milk
Fund. It all goes to help babies that need help.
On Yankee destroyer has traveled 74,000 and
another 72,000 mites in chasing U-boats, and
neither is asking for t lay-off On account of over
. Arthur Capper ii named for senator and
Henry J. Allen for governor by Kansas repub
licans. The Jayhawkeri are not afraid Of their
editors, i ;; : I " : ''
Apropos of the order issued against a Water
loo newspaper plant, the foreman says Uncle
Sam may be able to make a printer fight,' but he
will work nljr when he wants to. : X
Again the kaiser threatens to send his fleet
out to try conclusions in battle. A lot of jolly
tars, wearing uniforms of the Allies, will more
"than gladly welcome such a visitation.
: Democrats at Lincoln ieem to anticipate de
feat by the way they are fooling around with the
state tax levy, A reduction in taxes is much to be
desired, but a more economical management of
state affaire is needed.
'"' 1 - - .! . i !.. U AV Tt 1 . I
sunk the Hatteraa lightship. This ought to send
a thrill of pride through the "high command" al
most equal to that occasioned by linking a hos
pital ship or bombing 'a baby. -v
. .',. Victory Along Platte Valley.
" While the allied armies of freedom have been
driving back the Hun over the hills of northern
France, sweeping them from one river valley
to another, a most important conflict has been
waging along the valley of the Platte. It has
been between the forces of the sun god and the
rain god, the corn crop being the stake. For
many days this fierce fight has gone on, and last
Sunday, when the sun god turned loose all his
final reserves of blistering heat, it looked as if
the decisive blow had been delivered and the
battle lost to the enemy. But the rain god is
also a valiant fighter and his scattered forces
rallied in time to turn back the first onslaught
of the destroyer and save the day for Nebraska.
Some damage has been done; no one can say
yet how much, but the catastrophe t has been
averted. The terrific heat of Sunday and Mon
day cost the state many million bushels of corn,
just as the hot, dry weather of June turned the
wheat crop into a partial failure. But enough
will, be raised to keep the state high up in the
list of producers and : enable ' us to contribute
liberally to the needs of the world. The rains
of Tuesday and Wednesday, were not of the
million dollar sort; they were worth an hundred
million. v 7-;,
Landing of armed bodies of men by the AH
lies at Vladivostok and Archangel, 10,000 miles
apart, may serve to aid visualization of the im
mense task the associated governments have
undertaken in the work of restoring Russia. The
geographical features of the situation are not the
most serious, however. Demoralization of the
people is so complete that only by the" most
vigorous and at the same time most tactful of
conduct will success be brought about The bol
sheviki persists in its ruinous efforts, and to
counteract its influence will be the first thing to
engage attention. It is plain that Lenine and
Trotzky are now acting, in the interest of the
Germans. Under pretext of maintaining the
ascendancy of the proletariat, this precious pair
is steadily fastening the shackles of German
control more securely on the Russian people.
Elements of opposition are uniting, however,
finding in the Czecho-Slovaks and now in the
presence of the Allies a rallvinsf nlaee for the
'forces ol good order. With ports of entry un
der control, the big job has been well started on
and its progress will be watched closely by the
outside world. It is not now so much a ques
tion of getting Russia back on the battle line
as it is of saving its poor people from the effect
of their own excesses, to check famine and
plague and render them once more self-supporting.
Keeping them out of the kaiser's clutches
will follow, but as a secondary consideration.
Marie Henry in Retirement.
"To hell with the Hohenzollern and the Haps
burgl" shouts Henry Watterson, veteran editor
of the Louisville Courier-Journal, as he takes
farewell of the readers who have followed jilm
with loving attention for half a century. Amer
ican journalism will regretfully accept thefact
that a man so loved and honored as "Marse
Henry" has given ever his active work, grudging
him nothing of well-won rest, and following him
into his retirement with the keenest and cleanest
of personal interest in his welfare. It is com
forting to reflect that neither waning power nor
diminution of faculty is responsible for the move.
It it simply that th great editor has reached a
time when he deserves some release from the
treadmill of daily journalism, where he can have
a little liberty to do some of the things he" has
put off, as all busy editors do, against a
day when other tasks will not press so hard. His
work has been well done, his splendid leadership
competently acknowledged and his fame is solidly
fixed. American newspapers are better because
of the inspiring presence of Henry Watterson,
whose 78 years of life now entitle him to a bit of
leisure to spend in his own way.
x About the Irish Question
A-correspondent arraigns the editor of 'The
Bee for lack of sympathetic understanding of
the Irish question, His contention rests largely
on a misapprehension or failure to follow the
course of this paper in its occasional discussion
of the Irish situation, ,
The Bee did not state that no Irish were in
the army. Weeks ago ifpointed out that many
thousands of brave Irishmen, Catholic and Prot
estant alike, were fighting side by side, their re
ligious and political differences buried in the
bloody mud of Flanders. But this has nothing
td do with the fact that the Orangemen of Ul
ster, under leadership of Sir Edward' Carson,
have resolutely opposed home rule; in 1914, when
the war broke out, these Ulsterites were armed
and drilling to precipitate civil war should Par
liament undertake to ehforce a home rule law.
That they have turned their attention to Germany
instead is to their credit, but they have not for
that reason abated .their resolve not to submit
i s
to entorced autonomy.
On the other hand, Irish Nationalists joined
with Sinn Fein in resistance to conscription.
Ireland has not contributed proportionately of
her man-power. When other elements of the
United Kingdom had been brought under the
conscription rule, the Irish still' were exempt.
Recently they gave the government the alterna
tive of receding from the draft or facing insur
rection in Ireland. Sinn Fein is accused of mak
ing medicine with the Hun, the Casement affair
being but one of several plots of, the kind un
earthed. ' '
It was these facts that led The Bee to remark
that a. "glorious company awaits the presence of
Ireland on the battlefield." Irish factions have
not helped Ireland's cause by persistence in dis
pute or through recrimination. Americans espe
cially would rejoice to' see harmony among the
Irish, but that will require a little more of the
spirit of give and take than now prevails.
' Trade Depression After the War?
Probable Outcome as Viewed By English Chamber
of Commerce.
"Dave" Lewis is to be manager of the tele
graphs ' under Postmaster General Burleson,
proving to the operators that other ways of get
ting to the top exist besides hard work at a key.
"Dave has been a consistent, and therefore a
deserving, democrat for many years. ?
Dean Ringer's plan for control of the automo
bile thievery has in it enough of merit to warrant
full triaL'' Unrestricted traffic in used cars
makes it easy for thieves to operate.
- Chairman Dent threatens to put another dent
into the administration's war program, a further
proof of how well the democrats back' up the
, New York Financial World.
American economists - and students of
finance and markets will be profoundly in
terested in a report made to the Department
of Commerce by United States Consul b.
Haldeman Dennison, at Birmingham, Eng
land, which says in part!
"A special committee of the Birmingham
Chamber of Commerce has prepared a mem
orandum on the question of financial risks
attached to the holding of trading stocks
after the war. The report states that while,
on the whole, there does not at present exist
a financial inability to hold trading stocks,
such inability will exist after the war to a
considerable degree, even as regards the re
stricted quantities of stocks that are likely
to be obtainable. further:
'"Taking trade as a whole, there will be
serious depression after the -war, owing to
many factors which will operate. This de
pression will be great, immediate and will
continue tor a long period. It will particu
larly affect the luxury trades. Among the
reasons for this opinion are: The govern
ment will immediately cancel the munition
contracts; there will be a considerable short
age of tonnage and a serious lack of railway
facilities, owing to inadequacy of rolling
stock, etc.; much dislocation of trade and in
dustry will be experienced during demobili
zation; trade Organization, which was pro
ceeding, wilt necessarily be delayed, pending
the settlement of Satisfactory relations be
tween employers and employed; and much
time will be occupied by works and factories
in changing over from'the production of mu
nitions of war to the production of articles
of peaceful commerce.'
''With regard to remedies or palliatives,
the committee makes the following sugges
tions: t -.. , ,.
'"A certain amount of control, both in
the price and in the distribution of materials
and commodities, will "be desirable and neces
sary at the close of the war. but this should
T)e withdrawn at the earliest posible moment.
treasury restrictions on the issue of new
capital should be removed. Dividends should
not ' be limited. Anti-dumping legislation
should be enacted, providing at least for an
additional customs duty equal to the differ-:
ence between the invoice price for export and
the fair home market value in the exporting
country. A certain portion of the excess
profits duty now taken by the government
should be placed to reserve for the purchase
and holding of trading stocks after the war.
Repayment of excess profits in recoupment
of later losses or deficiencies should operate
over a period of at least- four years instead
of two years, as at present' "
We have had no chamber of. commerce in
this country that would hazard a forecast of
what is likely to develop in trade after the
war, but the Birmingham report is interesting
in view of the fact that it fits a situation like
in character in this country such as is de
scribed. Our munition contracts will be can
celled; there will be a shortage of ship ton
nage, but it will not be serious and will be
quickly remedied; we will have no lack of
railroad facilities, nor will there be any
breakdown in railroad stock: there should
be no serious dislocation of trade during
"demobilization," as it is called, but there will
probably be a considerable shifting of indus
try from, war to a peace basis. The peace
industries are being utterly neglected now
and it is reasonable to deduce that the de
mand for their production will be such as to
take the place of the war demands of the
present day. In other words we do not be
lieve the United States will be in nearly as
serious a position as England is described
by the Birmingham business men, who are
evidently feeling much more seriously than
we the weight of their four years of war,
while we have been in it no more than a
year and a half. As to the oroDosed reme
dies, we shall need few'of them, and we'ean
rely on American enterprise to quickly read
just itself to the new conditions and find
new avenues of trade. We are fortified by
SZ.000,000,000 of the world's gold that came
to us before the war, the allies owe us fully
?0,000,000,000 besides and our resources in
raw materials, which they will need in abun
dance, are nearly limitless, while the trade
of the Orient, South America and India will
find us in the forefront in competition for it.
Even though we are advantageously situated,
however, it behooves us to study these prob
lems and the Birmingham Chamber of Com
merce has done a timely service to recall
Hail the W estern Booster
A Type of Live Citizen Filled With Bubbling Optimism
Christian Science Monitor.
One of the conspicuous features of the
young arid growing western or middle-western
town in the United States is the type of
citizen known as the booster. The state
ment, however, demands a certain qualifies
tlon. The professional boomer often arrives
before the town; or he appears upon the
scene just when the streets and the pathways
have been constructed, and the street names
put up, and everything, in fact, is there for
the purpose of the beginning of civic life ex
cept the main essential,1 the houses. But it
must not be supposed that the booster, whose
purpose is to boost the "town " to "push" its
merits, to show it to be the newest, the best,
the mot up-to-date dwelling spot or site
for factories, on the face of the globe, is "at
all embarrassed by this trifling deficiency.
No, on the contrary, the man who is to
"push" jthe locality, so long as there is . lo
cality to push, knows, or believes he knows,
Mediaeval and Modem
Pastor Drysander, founder of the German
American jotirnal named the Peace Call
published at Zurich, , in .Switzerland, has
asked the German kaiser how many sons he
has lost since the war. He goes even farthe
and prints: "In the event therei have been
no casualties in the imperial family, we de
mand an immediate explanation." After
publishing the inquiry and demand, both were
sent by Pastor Drysander in a telegram ad
dressed to the kaiser.
The report concludes with the sentence:
"Emperor William has not replied." He
may be impressed as was that young mem
ber of congress who, in the midst of a heated
ineech during the reconstruction period, was
asked if he had serwed as a soldier in the
civil war. "Mr. Speaker," said he, "I am
willing to answer all proper questions, but I
do not want to be interrupted Dy mere tech
nicalities." Pastor Drysander may not real
ize that he has been highly technical, but
from, the kaiser's point of view he must seem
to be so. The kaiser longs to appear mediae
val. He has approved the methods of At
tilla, the Hun, with the exception of leading
his troops into action, as Attilla did, or of
placing any of his own flesh and blood in
places of actual leadership which can be filled
by captains, lieutenants and noncoms. The
kaiser is mediaeval in war with these few
exceptions, which, probably, he only reserves
for the purpose of proving the rute.
; In mediaeval wars kings led their armies.
Neblesse oblige I History shows us a long
list of names of kings slam in battle. Harold
of England fell at Hastings, James of Scot
land at Flodden Field, Hardrada of Norway
ta Stamford, Richa.d at Bosworth. The his
tory of Germany shows a bright galaxy of
names joi royal Germans lying with their
boots on, at the front ot uattte lines. Before
we condemn the kaiser utterly as an atavistic
reversion, we must credit him and all of his
princelings with that degree of modernity
moving them to exercise the modern royal
prerogative of staying behind and urging
their men forward. For all practical intents
and purposes in hard fighting the Hohenzol
terns are onlv druUed for the war in class
23-Z. Let the record stand and mark the
rating of all presumptuous royalty hereafter,
not only m military, but political, lite.
Louis Globe-Democrat
that it has a golden future, which will not
fail to cause those absent homes to spring
out of the ground the rubbing of a modern
Aladdin's lamp.
There is hardly any end to the list of ob
jects whicV a booster will boost. It may be
a highway, or a county, a tract for irrigation
or a site for mines. Then again, his book
ing may take in a a. hole state and its indus
tries, and, for the efficient conduct of his du
ties, he may own or edit, or have at his beck
and call a newspaper, or series of newspa
pers. He may stump the country to en
lighten the citizens, and mark his progress
through the itate by atractive interviews in
the paper, and by a regular press campaign.
A wide-awake business man, the booster of
that type, rides in a big touring car, wears
kid gloves, has the finest house, the finest
clothes and the finest office. . Morning, noon
and night he booms the object to be boomed
for all it is worth. He is 'well-mannered, al
ways has a smile and knows the commercial
value of an imperturbable temper and a true
breezy, business air. If it be a town in
which he is interested,, or, rather, to which
he has determined to devote his superabund
ant energy, and the arriving stranger be
trays the slightest interest in it, the new
comer is the object of his concentrated at
tention till the hour of his departure. The
booster whisks him off in his car to the hotel,
then to the mayor, the town clerk and the
president of the Board of Trade. Casually,
quite casually, the stranger learns that a big,
swelling pride animates his guide whenever
he talks about the town. And he is never
ti'ed of his pet theme.
When the stranger has seen the "lay-out"
of. the town and her.rd of all the things that
have been done or are to be done within it,
ui ought to be done when' ver the town gets
the necessary approbation, when he has
heard all about the sewering, the paving and
the projected club house, the rush on the
overcrowded "hotel," the' awful inadequacies
of labor elsewhere and .the increase In the
population during- the previous year; when
he has mentally noted the factory facilities
and the free grants of building sites, and has
had it proved to him by incontrovertible facts
and figures for what the town means to stand
tilt the end of its civic days, and how every
citizen is fully determined to make of the
place the Empire or Pearl City of the West,
then he begins to realize that the town and
its aggregation of buoy, hustling, patriotic
humanity is a living organism. He wants
to have a stake in its precious soil, to be of
that harny few upon whom fortune is about
to bestow her most sunny smile. He buys.
Then it is that the booster cautions the in
terested, the fascinated, newcomer to "sit
tight," waiting for the day when his prop
erty will grow in value, when envious people
will pursue him with offers to buy and he
will smile and say nothing, until the day of
days when he receives that Offer which will
spell a life competence, and he willsell.
After all, the boster is a reflex of the . e
o' the west. In his exuberance, his aggres
sive faith, there may often be a suggestion
of boastfulness, of shrewd commercialism,
of selfish interest, of the unfair deal. But
there are boosters and boosters. Many there
are who devote thoir lives, unsparingly and
unselfishly. to- causes in which they have
nothing to gain except the joy of achieve
ment, but which place them Indubitably
among the makers of the. modern west
One Year Ago Today In the War. -KuMo-Roumantan
forces retired In
Trotua valley, Southwest of Ocna.
Auatro-Germans under Von Mack-
ensen reached Susltxa river, taking
over 3,000 prisoners In three days.
The Day WVCelebrate.
Dr. R. D. Mason, physician and aur
geon. born li&t.
,, Dr. Paul H. Ellis, physician and aur
fton, bora K7i.
3. C. Ackerson, U. S. N., on of Mr.
Schwab's chief assistants, born la
Miehliran 17 years ago.
William H. AndeiooU of New York
City, a noted leader . of the Anti
Saloon league, born at Catlinvllle, IlL,
44 years ago. ... v --
Lieut Gen. Kelson A. Miles, U. a N.,
retired, former general commar lng
the United States army, born at West
minster, Mass., 79 years ago,
This Day In History.
tnand of the District of Ironton, Mis-
sour!. ... ' .
188- First ambulance ship for
smallpox patients, the 'Red Cross,
launched at Mlllwall, England.
1S41 Burning of the steamer Erls
on Laka Erie, with loss of 170 lives. '
17 -Sonor Canovaa del Castillo,
premier of Spain, was assassinated in
: Madrid.. :
1115 British took 1,200 yard of
German trenches at Hooa. . ,
Just SO Years Ago Today
The Venesuela Development com
pany has filed articles of incorpora
tion with the county clerk. The cap
ital stock is $8,000. The incorpora
tors arc George J. Paul, David R.
Archer, .Thomas B. JJlnahan. W. K.
McCandllsh and Samuel C. BotbwelL
The Druids held their annual cele
bration at Mets's garden, and the gar
den Was brlllantly Illuminated : in
honor of the occasion.
E..L Lomax, assistant general pas
senger agent of the Union Pacific has
returned from an extensive vacation.
The city treasurer has paid $,000
for a full lot on the corner of M and
Twenty-fourth streets. .
Miss Ida Block Is visum frUnds in
Over There and Here
Stacks and stacks of Hun helmets
gathered upon the Marne drive al
ready clutter the army postomce In
France. They are intended as "sou
venirs" for the home folks, and may
coma across if cargo space permits.
Dutch workmen lured by high
wages to German workshops run up
against trouble on the way. Recently
at the Krupp works German women
stoned th Dutchmen tor taking the
places of their men, who were sent
to the front aa cannon fodder.
The heaping sugar bowl, sweet sym
bol of plenty, Is a thing of yesterday
in public eating places, . No longer
does It decorate the center of the
tables. Concealed in the sideboard It
comes forth only when the waiter
disburses sweetness the food or drink
calls for. Occasionally, perhaps, the
festive consumer gets a larger meas
ure than is his due, but the average
diner -wastes his sweetest smiles on
the heartless waiters. ,
It's a far cry from Wounded Knee
and the Little Big Horn to the Marne
and beyond. Sioux warriors span the
distance and prove their skill as wood-
craftsmen. A war correspondent tells
now a aosen sioux in uncle Sam's ex
pedition penetrated German lines on
the-Marne, crept through woods for
a distance of three miles and came up
to a castle where German officers were
feasting and ba thins in French wine.
A mighty warwhoop and a shower of
nana grenades upset the banquet and
the banqueteerg. "Heap noise and
heap dead," reported the leader of the
Sioux, all o( 'whom returned un-
scratched. .
Right to the Poin -
Philadelphia Ledger: The president
Is trying to overthrow me by his
notes," complained the kaiser to his
dentist What the notes did not do
guns may.
Washington Post: As the French,
British and Americans close in on his
incomparable army, Bill Hohenzollern
begins to suspect that his silent part
ner Is trading with the enemy. .
St Louis Globe-Democrat: Those
who must daily toil to keep things
going at home, may also serve their
country by the relaxation that pre
serves good health. At the front and
at home the reserves must be unim
paired. New Tork World: Charlottesville,
Va., where a "lone bandit" robbed an
express car on a Chesapeake A Ohio
passenger train, is the seat of a uni
versity and hard by the old home of
Thomas Jefferson. Has the train-robbing
fraternity no respect at all for
government operation,?
Baltimore American: An effort la
being made to enroll 1,000,000 women
pledged to sell one-half of the next
Liberty loan. This will be one occa
sion when husbands will not object it
they wake up to find their wives Occu
pied In the time-honored custom of
going through their Dockets. .
Louisville Courier-Journal: It la
stated that no job in France Is too
small for the largest man in America,
Nevertheless when they need a man
to wriegle silently under a barbed
i wire six inches from the around in
No Mania Ijintl to rooonnolier nobody
aya: It oa.e James or William U.
T&ft wp there, . '
Twice Told Tales
;- Not Her Stop.
An ol3 lady wj going to Stamford,
Conn., to visit a daughter, and took
her seat In he cars for the first time
In her life. During the ricL- th car
la which she was seated was thrown
down an embankment and demol
ished. ,
Crawling cut from beneath the de
bris, she spied a man who was held
down in a sitting position by hl& legs
being fastened.
. "Is this Stamford?'' she anxiously
asked. --. , .
The man was from Boston, Mass.
He was in considerable pa' i, but he
tfidn't lose sight of the fa.t that he
rvas from Boston, so he said:
x"No, this Is a catastrophe."
"Oh!" ejaculated the old lady.
Then I hadn't ought.r net off here!"
Chicago news.
' Very Scarce. ,
Byron Harrison, the Mississippi
candidate for the senate against
James K. Vardaman, said in a Biloxi
"The Germans claim to have kultur.
To my mind their kultur Is pretty
scarce. It's pretty hard to find. Like
the ham in the sandwich, you know.
"A boy complained to the young
lady attendant in a cafeteria:
"'Say. lady, there ain't no ham In
this here sandwich.'
"Oh, said the young lady, easily,
yon ain't come to it yet
"The boy munched on a while long
er. Then he said: t
'"Still no ham. lady.'
' rt 'ph, said she, 'you've bit over It
now,'?1 : - -
Ireland and the War.
Arcadia, Neb., Aug. J. To the Ed
Itnl of Tha Rftfl! I am ravnlnr
reader of your paper and enjoy it very
mucn, especially tne editorials, al
though sometimes I don't agree with
wnai yuu maj, especially on ine irisn
question. You, lika a great many
others in this country of ours, don't
earn ta undnrntanil onnrtlttnna In in
land very clearly or you would not
ma&e ine statements you do. Up till
eigni years ago i uvea in Ireland, and
x inicK. Know just a uttie oi tne con
ditlons there.
There Is a great deal of talk In this
country about how England mistreats
Ireland. I read a couple of years ago
a special article In a Chicago paper
that was written by an ex-governor
6f one of our states, and amongst
other things, he said "that a man in
ireiana couia not own a farm, a
house or even a horse value for 25
Shillings. SS tha TCnlich vnvarnmant
would come along and relieve him of
wem. wen, now, such talk as that
is sciircely worth noticing, as anyone
w. knows anything about Ireland
knows that is absolutely false. I
know scores of people who own large
farms, fine homes and a score or more
horses. .
I want to say something about
Irishmen and the war. In an edi-
torla.1 a f O W ttraolr .01 imii MM rnA
' it ww9 i LI nt t v. aviuxs-
thing about the unrest In Ireland, and
you intimated that the Orangemen
and nationalists were opposed to Eng
land and a successful termination of
the war. I don't think you are aware
that there is at least 76 per cent of
the Orangemen In the English army;
in fact, Sir Edward Carson's volun.
teers (Ulster volunteers), composed
of Orangemen and Protestants, vol
unteered to a man.
You speak of that "glorious com
pany (our allies) which awaits the
presence of Ireland on the battleline."
Is it possible you are so much in the
dark as to think that Ireland is not
there with thousands of its sons?
My own brother has been in the
thick of it since 1914, first in France,
and now in Palestine. " What about
the following regiments, which are
composed of Irishmen, who have en
listed voluntarily: Royal Irish Rjfles,
Royal Inniskllling, Dublin and Mun
ster Fusllliers, Connaught Rangers,
Royal Irish regiment. Irish Guards,
and as many cavalry regiments. Each
of these regiments have from 6 to 20
Daiiauons, ana each battalion consists
of 1,000 men.
I would like it known that Ireland
is not slacking on the war. I can
give you names of at least 50 young
men of my own acquaintance who are
either killed, home wounded or are
at the front today. I grant you there
was an awful howl raised when con
scription for Ireland was mentioned,
but who raised the howl? I'll toil
you it was the Catholic church, and
it was made the subject on a special
Sunday In every Catholic church.
Everyone knows that this church has
been straining every effort to get
"home rule" tor Ireland, but we who
have lived there know it is not home
rule it wants, but Rome rule. And
today the only part of Ireland op
posed to the war as a whole is the
south and west, which is dominated
by the Catholic church.
What Ireland needs today more
than anything else Is, not fredom from
the English yoke (?), but freedom
from the Church of Rome.
We all know that Ulster is the most
prosperous part of Ireland today. If
you doubt it, look at its shipyards,
rope works, linen industries, etc. And
this is the part of Ireland lhat 'is
Standine and will oln.......
a . ..... uinaja BlclIIU LILtl, j
against home (Rome) rule i any
iuwu, aim uie industrious, loving peo
ple of the north will absolutely refuse
to be gulled by . such rabble as-John
Dillon, Joe Devlin & Co.
- Here in Ampr-i havi ih. .A.
- w ..ui.v LftU
Germans, Industrial Workers of the
vvona ana pacittsts. In Ireland we
have the same bunch. Rome, Sinn
Fein and nniinnn lists r in n
VH. an
need the same treatment
les sir, Ireland, the real Ireland,
is against Germany and every other
enemy of humanity, whatever it may
be called, and tnrinv tViora ov ,v,.
sands of Irishmen fighting beside that
glorioui company (our allies) "to
make the world safe for democracy."
Her Clever Scheme,
"Grocery butter Is so unsatisfactory,
lear," said Mrs. Youngbrlde, "I de
cided today that we would make our
own." .
"Oh, did you?" said her husband.
"Yes; I bought a churn, and I or
dered buttermilk to be left regularly.
Won't It be Just lovely to have really
fresh butter?" Chicago Journal.
Tbera la tie OM In taurine people, -
W hava sot to fight tt out;
Tha onlr way fop winning
la to tW Frits tuch a rout . ' i
That tha whole world will ba certain
Ha is hit between the eyes.
And no twist of hia loglo
Will make it otherwise.
Empty word won't do it, people.
We ean talk till we are blind.
They'll Juet roll off like rain drops .
From hie rubber-coated mind.
Thfe .troth we most be eeeins.
We must crack the kalaer'a head,
And each one of his demons
Must be clean knocked out er dead.
The thlnf Frits knows Is power
Which he's taught to understand, .
Ee started out to force It
On every other land.
We must show him we can also
Strive hard and crush and throat.
Destroy most of hia legions
And tramp those left In lust
And we can't waste time to parley
On his hunting terms of peace.
We must fight and keep on fighting.
Just fight and never cease.
We must pound old Frlta with purpose ,
Ae hard as adamant
Not until he won't fight longer, -
But until he simply can't
It will cost ns lots of money.
It will cost us lotsof men.
And most things we contribute
We will not get back again.
But now is th time to press tt
Home to old Frits, the Hun,
That the world will never pardon
The things that he has done.
Bo there's no use talking people. i
We have got to fight it out.
We have got to win this confict
Beyond the slightest doubt.
Old Frits will try evasion.
He'll buff and He and cheat.
But he can't disguise the meaning
Of tha coming clean defeat
Philadelphia Inquirer.
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