Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1918, Page 2, Image 2
2 , - THE EKE; OMAHA, inVRQUAi, Auuuoi o, Agio. ' 11 1 "" " I , . '" ' I f ' " - ' " " " ' BRITISH ADVANCE WE 11.1 FLANDERS THOUSAND YARDS patrols Push Forward on a Front of Nearly Five Miles l Between Lawe and Clar- ence Rivers.- ;. J' " " - -V By Associated Press. totidon, Aug. , li British troops e-;r a front of nearly five miles have pushed their line forward to a depth o J.dbO yards between the Lawe and CJaJrence rivers, according to the Brit-j communication Issued tonight Ctrjinter atUcks by the Germans afofig the Braye-Corbie road have bidn repulsed. ; v .' The text of the communication fallows: "This morning and again tlSst afternoon the enemy made fur ther local attacks upon our positions astride the Braye-Corbie road an (J was repulsed after sharp fighting. , "'Raids attempted by the enemy during the day south of Hamel and southwest of LaBassee were driven of by our fire. :,T .X Advance On Wide Front iThe progress of our patrols in the sector east of Robecq has been con tinued and our line between the Lawe and Clarence rivers has now ben pushed forward to a depth of about a thousand yards on a front of nearly five miles. ' " i ' "Further north our patrols entered the enemy's trenches today east of the Kicppe forest and captured ovr 30 prisoners and a few machine guns. A; few prisoners have been secured lsof on other parts of the front.". :- A Viewed in Potsdam. .- Berlin, via London, Aug. 7. North of the Somme the - Germans yester day, captured nearly 200 additional British prisoners, according to the German official communication issued toflay. ' British counter attacks south of:the Braye-Corbie road broke down before. the German lines. Tfcert were vidlent artillery duels, followed by storing' enemy attacks southeast of Soissons. These attacks were repulsed.- ... . . Nine Survivors in "Last Mans Club of Veterans; Final to Pop Wine Flask jStillwater, Minn., Aug. 7. There wagoner more vacant chair this year wlfcjn the 10 surviving . members of tha Last Man's club, formed in 1896 by 33 veterans of B Company, First Minnesota volunteers, in the war be tween the states, held its annual re ad fori. The company was one of Minne sota's crack forces in the civil war, and every member of the club had distinguished himself in battle. - fach year the survivors have met, clasped hands and smiled at death. Each year the empty chairs draped in black that encircle the banquet table nave (increased in number.. When the Last Man's club was or ganized members purchased a bottle of tare wine. Some day the lone sur vivor of the club will enter the ban quet hall, pop the cork from the bot tle land drink a toast to his dead com panions. Then, standing before the row of empty chairs, he will read and adopt a resolution declaring the club disbanded....,.,-.' . .' -"i.- ' Treves Steal Housa Plumbingt plumbing thieves are again reported In Various parts of the city. Wednes da jGuy Liggett reported to the po licy that the plumbing had been stripped from his house at 2501 St. Mary's avenue. The Byron Reed coitpany reported that the plumbing had been s'olen from a' vacant house at 2407 North Twenty-second street. liil(!liil!iliiliiliil'iiilliliHuliiliiliiiiniiiinniii!ii:nui'ii'i mm I 1613 Farnam Street j r . - . . . ! i announces a very t : unusual showing of i and Suits i Fall and winter I modes in the most : fashionable nater- i lals and colors V The prices are from to Yen are cordially in I (ltd to inspect this ex- Thursday & Friday Dresses $19.75 $75.00 ! 7.1 f Former Bee Man Who NowfikimiT PIDP C Is In Service of Nation JOHN B. KNISELY. ; John Buell Knisely. son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Knisely of Omaha. has returned, to the Great Lakes naval training station after a 14-day leave in Omaha. .Knisely is a phar macist's mate with the medical corps. He formerly was connected with the advertising department of The Bee. GERMANS BEATEN IN FURIOUS ATTACK (Contlnacd From Page One.) V !y, reappeared just before the attack was launched and the action was con ducted without much advantage in ob servation by aircraft. A When the order for the advance was given , the men, for the most part, swept forward in open forma tion. The Germans launched a coun ter attack without success. German Company Wiped Out The men on the American . right fought their way along the chosen routes. Some of them floundered across through the water, while oth ers used the bridges "lhat still were standing. : "Z One detachment of Germans some what more than a company, moved forward into the open; .Here the American machine guns caught them, and, sweeping them with bullets, de stroyed them almost totally. The Germans attempted to strike the Americans a disconcerting count er blow with a considerable force by plunging down a ravine leading to the river. -Their path had been cleared by their artillery and they might have succeeded in reaching the Americans, but the movement had been reported to the artillery sta tions south of the Vesle and from them there swept into the advancing column such a mass of shells that the formation was quickly broken. " Hand-to-Hand Conflicts. At another point , a detachment of Germans stood until the Americans were upon them. I hen it became a hand-to-hand conflict, the only one of the kind during the battle. In the mud and in darkness where the com batants were barely able to distin guish each other they fought it out. The Americans won. The Americans orr the left failed to reach their objectives until , they had called for a second barrage. Un der its cover they rallied and strug gled forward to the chosen positions. lhe Germans m attempting to re- Julse the attack, used guns of 77 and 05 caliber and minnenwerfers. They had them on the higher ground, con siderably to the rear of the battle line. The American guns did excellent work, not only in covering the ad vance, but in breaking up formations, especially one large assemblage of in fantry, - ' " Detectives Arrest four , ' ixipjfi Charge of Suspicion Detectives Danbaum .and J3aze spread a dragnet Wednesday after noon and gathered in Tom ' Fox, chauffeur, 921 54 South Thirteenth street; S. T. McArdle and T. J. Walsh, both mechanics, 1307 South Twenty fifth avenue, and Harry Bernstein, clerk, 1410 North Twentieth street. The four men will be held for Investi gation. No charges ; were booked against them. : Heart Attao at Revival. Watching a negro revival meeting at Twenty-fourth and Seward streets last night proved too strenuous for J. W. Kelly, 2612 North Nineteenth Street. Just as the dusky "Billy Sun day was exhorting his fellow sinners to come into the fold, Kelly created a commotion by toppling over.' Some person had enough forethought to notify the police department Dr. Edstern, police surgeon, gave Kelly treatment and ordered himremoved to his home. Kelly is said to have heart disease, v '- - - - Convicted of Disloyalty. Eau Claire, Wis., Aug. 7. Judge John M. Becker of Monroe, tried in federal court here on a charge of having made unpatriotic utterances, was convicted by a jury tonight Sen tence, was deferred. The Bee s Fund for Free Milk and Ice Money la valuable only because of what can be done with . it Whh money life and health can be given to heat-suffering babies. : Wa know of no other way in which money can do so much good as in The Bee's Free Milk and Ice fund. It is administered without cost, so that every cent you give actually buys pure milk or cooling ice for the little children or babies of the Strug gling poor. Send or bring your contribution to The Bee office. - Previously acknowledged . . . . . 1748.43 Mrs. F. B. Datel, North Bend, feb. ........ ...V....... Cash 2.00 1.00 A Friend .... Frances. Doyle 2.00 1.00 J y r l i .r.-,.:J!:,'' Total THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST I.IHI.JMU III UIHUUU ATTRACTS CROWD War Prices Fail to Keep Crowd From Annual Show; Circus Women Knit During the Parade. The world's greatest war is power less, apparently, to interfere with the world's greatest circus. So ft" seemed hit the Twentieth and Taut street grounds where the "mammoth, mag nificent, marvelous Ringling Brothers shows" held forth yesterday aiternoon and night to two audiences. The circus is as big as it ever was in peace times. And the prices are bigger, 35 cents now being the tost of admission for children and 75 cents for adults. It's because of the war, you know. . ' -The circus arriving in our city a little late, the "parade was corres pondingly late,'' moving through the streets during the noon hour instead of at 10 o'clock, But half the fun of the parade is waiting for it. A notice able feature was that many of the circus ladies were knitting as they rode along. The number of wild animals of the jungle carried by the big show is as great as ever and they are all tine specimens 'of their respective species. There is no' "blood-sweating behem oth" nor any "sacred white elephant of Slant. --But the splendid herd of 26 elephants-Hsount 'em, the 12 cam els, the hippopotamus, the sleek tigers, lions, , leopards and ' all the other animals were up to the Ring- ling pre-war standard. War Tinge to Jokes. The clowns have several new stunts this summer with a war tinge to them. Miss Leitzel. the world's most mar velous gymnast, kept the crowd gasp ing at her death-defying "stunts." The bareback riding of May Wirth and others was a big feature. Aerial ists and bareback riders are the "aris tocracy" of the circus and draw the big salaries. . . The "1.000 arenic marvels" which comprise the big show were followed by the atter-show, which this year is a spectacle of chivalry entitled "In Days of Old," and is put on with a great wealth of scenery and costum ing, i Rain which threatened for orom- ised) all day, heldjoff and, while the tents were hot, a little thing like that isn't felt at a cjreus. It stimu lated the sale of popenicecreamcones and of palm leaf fans which cost 15 cents now, owing to the war. lhe wit of the sideshow spieler has not withered, either. One spieled thus: ' . '. . "We're here again in beautiful. cool Omaha-bv-the-Sea. We're ad- mitttng the church people today at me same price as the sinners. Price Goes Ud. It-Might be mentioned also that the admission to the side show is now 'two bits," 25 cents, instead of the time-honored "dime, c ten cents." ints is owing- to the war. ; But it was a great circus, anyway. People' came from far and near. A delegation of more than 50 Indian came down from the Indian reserva tion 150 miles away, for no other reason than to see the circus. Competing Wire Lines -Will-Be Consolidated Washington, Aug. 7.f-Postmaste r General Burleson announcon nHsi that one of the first effects of gov- rumem control ot telephones and telegraphs probably would be the co ordination and consolidation of com peting systems wherever possible Negotiations are already under way tor consolidating a number of com pteing telephone systems of when'the government assumed contaol. The postmaster general will not" disturb tnse negotiations. When an agree ment is reached between the com panies it will be submitted to the Postoflice deoartment for annr.,vat The postmaster general savs there h no objection to the companies taking. up aaaiuonai -negotiations subject to approval. . 2,600,000 French Soldiers ' Killed and Wounded in War New York Alt 7fari.1 Knecht, member of the French hisrh commission to the United States, in an address today at the annual con-vention-of the Knights of Columbus nere, said 1,300,000 French soldiers had been killed and 1,300,000 wound ed in the war and that the "noilus" were wonderfully cheered by the ar rival oi me Americans. Poor Bread and High Cost Start Riots in Spain Guadalajara. Soain. Auc 7. Srin uuiurcaKs nave occurred nere owng to the high cost of living and the poor quality of bread. Shots have been exchanged between the demonstrants and the police. .- A SUMMER TONIC-PRINK Horsfard'a AcM Minuiliau Healthful an I mnil ,rr...til. - tk. ..... Keirtth and Invifforatei. !! It n ... I . a . . The Weather Comparative local Record. : Kit. isi7. it HtKhest mtrdny ..10 TO ll Lowroat yesUrdar .7 It 0 1915. 5 IS Mean temporatura ..It , O T Precipitation " I ' .00 .01 ;7 Ttmparaturt and precipitation departure! .00 ti-vni me normal: normal temperature Tl txceaa tor in day Total excaa alnce March, 111 8........ 141 normal precipitation .11 Inch Deficiency for the day ......... .11 inch Total ralnrall alnce March I, 'II. .15! inches Deficiency elnce March, HI I w.1.10 Inch Deficiency for cor. period HIT... .14 Inch Deficiency for cor. period 1011. ..S.41 Inchea Beport From Station at P. M. BtU of Temp. High- Bain cmuon. v earner. I p. m. wit, fill. i neyenne, cloudy 61 Davenport, clear .,....! Denver, .clear .,.....,.! Chicago, clear ........ .11 Dodge City, rain ...... t Lander, clear A. 71 North Platte, clear T Omaha, - cloudy ........II . Pueblo, part cloudy ,..7 Rapid City, rain ..,...11 Salt Lake, clear 14 Santa Fe, cloudy .....,? Sheridan, clear ........Tt Sioux City, rain ........TJ Valentine, cloudy ......40 70 II 71 91 ; It T 10 10 0 TO T8 . TO T .00 .10 .00 .01 .00 00 .T ..10 ' .11 .00 .00 .90 1.11 00 T' indicates trace of precipitation. AS IN DAYS OF OLD Briej City News ; Elcc. Fans, $6. Burges-Cranden Co. It. B. Jobneon (dem.), has accepted petition filing for water board. Have Root Print It New, Beavcon Press. . ' - Vnttn for John MMacFarland. re publican atato senator, at primaries. Adv. -- Henry W. Dunn, republican candi date for county commissioner. First district Adv. Attention, Missourians and Kansans, Red Wolf and Morning Glory coflee at Charles H. Mallinson, grocer, phone Douglas JS14. Adv. An Omaha Man will greatly appre ciate your support at primaries Au gust 20. H. M. Eaton, republican candidate fc SUte Auditor. Colonel Cowln Sare General Cowln has - received a cable from his son, Col. W. B. Cowln, anonuncing "his safe arrival overseas. . Melons in Quantity The fine water melons now on the 'Omaha market are coming from - Texas, Georgia, Missouri and Oklahoma. Tnree car loads arrived Tuesday. Brines Suit for Divorce Emma Johnson has filed suit for divorce from William Johnson In district court She alleges" desertion on the part of William. ' ' Sons . of Veterans Meet Gen. Charles F. Manderson camp, No. 1, Sons of Veterans, will hold its regular meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Memorial hall at the court house., All members are urged to be present, as several applicants will be on hand to be initiated at that time, Bie Carso of "Scat" The excessive dry weather and dusty atmosphere led L. A. Morraine of Tekamah to come to Omaha in hope of finding something to quench his thirst. He found it. He overestimated his ca pacity. At Sixteenth and Chicago streets it was necessary for the po lice to take him up and take care of him over night to keep him from be ing shipwrecked on the ocean of joy. Police Recover Stolen Car A Ford ear, the property of George Frank, Herman, Neb. which was stolen from the corner of Fifty-fourth and Maple streets, August 4, was recovered Wed nesday by Detectives Danbaum arsjjl Haze. The car evidently had been purloined by joy riders, who, after burning . up all the juice, abandoned It three mites north of . Florence. Frank ; was notified by telephone to come and get his machine and to bring along a rear tire and casing. Hold', Baker on Suspicion E. A. Baker, a switchman, 1718 Nicholas street, was 'arrested late last night by Officers Chapman and Jensen on sus picion of having robbed the Hyland pharmacy, Eighteenth and Nicholas streets. A quantity of stolen goods Identified by the store owner was found in his possession. Baker was not booked on any speciflo charge. Sneak Thief Makes Haul Mrs. Anna Johnson, who rooms at 2666 Douglas street, reported to the police that a sneak thief entered her room and took S62 from a bureau drawer Wednesday. 1 , 1 i v ' Fine fireplace goods at Sunderland's. GERMANY DOOMED TO BE BEATEN (Continued From Fat One.) different. He pictured the part the navies have played in the war, and said he did not think that many per sons realized that if the allies were defeated on the water the war would be over. " "When the war began," said Lloyd Georsrer "the British navy, then "the largest in the world, represented a tonnage bf 2,500,000. Now including the auxiliary fleet, it is eight million. Were it not for this increase the seas miarht be barred for the commerce of the world. Every trade route of the world is patrolled by its ships. Raise 6,250,000 Men. ? "I would like to point out, in deal ing with the army and tts. growth, that the maintenance of the navy and the mercantile marine is the first charge on the resources of the coun try. Our military effort has been subject to the demands of those obli gations on our resources in men and material, yet, since August. 1914, in eluding those already with the colors, Great Britain alone has raised for the army and navy 6,250,000 men, for the most part voluntarily, lhe do minions contributed i.uuu.uuu ana India 1,250,000, . "If America were. to call to the colors the same number of . men as Great Britain in proportion to popu lation, it would mean nearly 15,000, 000 men." . German Chance Gone. The'- premier declared it was too early to say the German effort has been exhausted. .The Germans still had powerful forces in reserve, he pointed out, but it was not too early to say that the chance which they had on March 21 would not again present itself. ' , " The American army,' -the premier said, would soon be not far short of the German army itself. Dealing with the German offensive against the British, Mr. Lloyd George said at first there were many anxious moments and the losses were consid erable in men. and material. But in a month, before the battle was over, he added, 355,000 men had been sent across the channel to take the places of those lost and in six weeks- the Germans had been hurled back and fought to a standstill. "!" . The German people 'and Germany's allies were beginning to be disillu sioned, the premier continued, "in March, Germany was promising great things and the peace tentacles from her . allies were ' withdrawn. The promise, however; he pointed out, had tailed, and the German harvest was short, although militarily the Ger mans had been at the height of their power.' v . . Praises Work of America. ' MnLloyd George praised the work of the Americans in the fighting in France, speaking of the "trained 'skill" they had displayed 'and the "skilled knowledge in the management of men under trying conditions" of which their officers had given evidence. Alluding to the Czecho-SlovaksL the premier explained that their only de- Miss DorothyFrooks AviatriX. L.L. B., ot Oyster Bay and Brooklyn, N. Y.: Chief Petty Officer of the U. S. Naval Reserve Force, who cam paigned for the recent Liberty loan, un der the auepices of the Treaenry Depart ment of the United Statee and with a record of having- recruited nor than 10,000 men for Uncle 8am, offer her latest endeavor, "The American Heart." By mall, $1.25. Burton Publishing Co., . , 1 Kantaa City, Mo. Nam .............. Addma ...... ..................- Enclosure for....eopy (eopiee) 8, 1918. GIVE PRIZES TO r CAHNERS OF WAR GARDEN PRODUCE Government Agent Brings .Promise Labor Will Be Re warded; Saving Made Last Year. "More than $350,000,000 worth of vegetables was grown in war gardens last year," says Prof. H. D. Hemen way of the National War Garden commission of Washington-, who is in the city today. "This food was grown in 7,000,000 war gardens throughout the country. It released 1,000 freight cars for other purposees," he said. From the" increased interest taken in war gardening this year Prof. Hemenway feels confident that the mark set last year will be greatly exceeded by this year's gardeners. Prizes for Canning. Prof. Hemenway is in the city with an offer of $10,000 in prizes to be distributed by the war garden com mission for best canned vegetables grown in war gardens. "Nebraska has made a wonderful recosd in war gardening," says Prof. Hemenway, and in the east we are looking for the western states to follow with equally fine canning cam paigns. The commission has set aside $10,000 to be given with national capital prize certificates to winners of first prizes at canning club exhi bitions and county fairs. With each certificate will go a half-filled book of; thrift stamps." While in the city Prof. Hemenway, who formerly was director of the School of Horticulture at Hartford, Conn., will get in touch with canning clubs, with the council of defense and with any organizations that are interested in food saving. Omaha Boy Expects to Sail Soon for France Another Omaha boy is enroute to France, with the expectation of hand ing his imperial majesty a big bunch of fives right on the tip of his impe rial nose. In a letter to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Jensen. 4023 Barker av$nue, Floyd A. Jensen, thair 18-year-old son, says he has been put aboard a transport ship, but lias no idea as to when he would sail. .Young Jensen enlisted in Omaha, was sent to Jefferson Barracks, Mo., then to Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla.. then to Camp Hill. Va., thence to a coast city and aboard a trans port. He is a corporal in the quartermas ter's department and has charge of a train of 10 auto trucks and 41 men. Corporal Jensen formerly was em ployed by the Stewart Motor com pany of Omaha. ' . Capper and Allen Win " Nominations sn Kansas . Topeka, Kan, Aug. 7.--Returns in dicate Gov. Arthur Capper in the race for the republican nomination for United States senator has piled up a plurality between 25,000 and 30,000. In the republican gubernatorial con test Henry Allen of Wichita, has se cured a heavy plurality over his three opponents. The renomination of Senator W. H. Thompson on the democratic ticket over George W. Marble seems assured. W. C. Lansdon, if is indi cated, has been nominated by the democrats as their candidate for gov ernor. . , 1 - Spencer to Make Race Against Folk for Senate St. Louis, Aug. 7. Returns indi cate the plurality of Joseph W. Folk over Senator P. VVilfley for the democratic nomination for United States senator will exceed 35,000 and that Selden P. Spencer's majority over Col. Jay L. Torrey for the republican nomination will reach 30,000 votes. Congressman C. W. Hamlin of the seventh district today conceded his defeat, by 300 votes. Congressman Shackleford of the eighth district and Borlyand of the fifth district also were defeated. sire was to quit Russia and help the allies on the western front. The bclsheviki government, however, had resented the attempt of the allies to assist them to get away."" Therefore, the bolsheviki had only themselves to blame for the Czecho-Slovak hostility. The premier wanted this made clear, he said, because there had been criticism of President Wilson's de cision to join the allies in-the Vladi vostok movement. Mr. Lloyd George declared himself a believer in a league of nations, but said its Success depended upon, the Conditions in which it was set up. He contended it was useless to negotiate peace "with the German sword clanking on the council table " Careless Use of Soap Spoils the Hair Soap should be used very carefully, if you want to keep your hair-looking its best. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. , ' The oest thing for steady use is just ordinary mulsified cocoanut . oil (which is purs and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or, anything else you can use. One or - two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the" hair and scalp thoroughly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of duat. dirt, dandruff nA oil The hair dries quickly and eveni y, aim it leaves me bchip boie, ana the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get mulsified cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months. Adv. Albert W. Jefferis FOR CONGRESS V Republican PRIMARY, AUG. 20. CJhc Gasklon Cotton Voiles A good time to supply your wants for next sea- . son. The greatly reduced prices and a selec- tion froin choice patterns should insure a rapid closeout.. " -; , ' . . 60c, 75c and $1.00 values Thursday. 29c, 39c and 59c yard. Gloves Tref ousse French Kid, in white, black, pastelle, gray, navy and tan shades, $2.00 to $3.50 per pair. , Kayser andfFownes Silk Gloves, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75 per pair. Fownes Fabric Gloves, 75c and $1.00 per pair. - Advance Showing Early fall wool Coatings, Gun- -nyburls, Velours, Kermi, Broad cloths and wool Jerseys. ' Buy these materials early prices are advancing on woolens. August Sale Madeira Tea Napkins $10.00 Scalloped Hand Embroidered Tea Napkins, dozen. , Naturally the makers of Fur Garments can l more easily satisfy your individual tastes than garments selected from a miscellaneous stock. We are manufacturers. You setect the pelts you waM; select your pattern to please you, and we make the Garment. Our 1918 stock is especially attractive. "We are showing unusual values in Hudson. Seal, Kolin-f sky, Nutria and Squirrel, made up in Coats, Coatees, Capelets, Scarfs and Muffs in fashions Supreme. , Special Prices to Early Buyers. National Fur & Tanning Co. 1921-1929 South 13th Street OMAHA. Phone Tyler 120. Albright Cars Stop .at Our Door. VOTE FOR Republican Candidate For Lieutenant over nor A Douglas County Man Will l Twenty years practicing attorney in all tate and federal courts. Former taember of Republican State Committee and President of McKinlejr Club. . A shade tot yon in every hue the poetry of colors for your ' own particular, exclusive color shades.. The new marvel. Muceanew all waists, wmq mats, curiam, cte ftinst and tha work dona. fcowL riftaen bsaottfui ! Vara Chiean ON SALE tilt Established 1884 EMPTOR! rears I Wash) V V . . n.rfa4 the best treatment In existence today. I do no injeet paraffins or wax. as it is danverons. The advantages of my treatment are: No loss of time. No detention -n business. No danger from chloroform, shock and blood poison, and no laying U9 In a hospital Call or write Dr. Wray, S0f Bee Bid.. Omaha. ' ; h . Center for WormiP j and Tissues Union Suits -Mansco Suits for men, made by the Manhattan Shirt Co. from cool mate a- r rials that wear well. Sizes 34 to 50, inclusive, $1.25 to $4.00 a' suit. B. V. D. Suits'. Every man knows the' comforf these gar- -menta give, i Sizes 34 to 46, inclusive, $1.15 Sizes 48 to 54, inclusive, $1.40. $8.75 National Fur &TanningCo. Announce Their ANNUAL AUGUST FURSALE For 1918 OMAHA. Add Strensth to the Ticket blorsTOhUelt Qkans Makn color dreamt come free lingerie, sua clove, hosiery. cranpiF wasa ana aiaoain a No bilie. nar.staiju an hands at n am lattasion Uaddtt nodoctt U EVERYWHlK iBoaing (jMnr) . t'bsi successful treatment lor Euptura'srith. yut resorthia to painful and uncertain sui-rfca! 1 operation I am the only reputable physician wbo will take such eases opon a guarantee to eiva ut. isfaetory results. 1 have devoted more than to 'l 'o the exclusive tr atmcnt of Rapture, and I JJUJiill)ilitliiuliiliiiaiiiliiliili:iiiiiiliiliil!iliii $754.43 U Ju WELSH. Meteorologist.