Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1918, Image 1

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    "The Stars and -Stripe
: Forever." " v '
Could Never Triumph Until Al
Allies Were Defeated at
Sea, Declares Premier
Lloyd George.
-By Associated Press.
London, Aug. 7. David
Lloyd George, the British prime
minister, today in a speech be
fore the house of commons, re
viewed extensively the war sit
uation. He referred particular
ly to what had been accom
plished in the recent drive by
the allied forces on the Sois-sons-Rheims
salient, to the de
struction of .German subma
rines, of which 150 had been ac
counted for since the war be
gan more than half of these
in the last year and the part
the- Americans now were play
ing and would play later in the
fight for the cause of democ
racy. "He would be a sanguine man on
the German general staff who would
now predict that Germany could ob
tain a military decision this year,"
the premier declared, as he character
ized Marshal Fpch's counter offensive
as "the most brilliant in the annals of
the fear.!!-; r'V.-.--- .. -. .
British Sea Power Supreme.
1 Reverting to peace, Lloyd George
Said ' the people who had iade the
war still were in evidence ind that
they could have no peace so long as
they were predominant in the coun
cils of the enemy. Speaking of the
part the British havy had played, he
said until all the allies were defeated
at sea Germany could never triumph.
When Great Britain decided to
throw its whole weight into the war,
he continued, it did so because of an
outrage on international rights. Had
it not taken this decision, the whole
course of the war would have been
(Continued oil Page Two, Column Four.)
X , T" ITT 11
Iowa Board Molds
Reporters Come Under
"Work or Fight" Order
. Waterloo, la., Aug. 7. The Water
loo exemption board notified a Wa
terloo newspaper that notices to its
employes to the effect that they
would have to secure other positions
to comply with the "work or fight"
order or h olaced in class one. were
sent to the employes of the mechan
ical departments by mistake.
Reporters who received notice have
not been exempted, however, but will
appeal from the decision of the board.
. Twelve employes on one paper re
ceived notices, but practically all of
.these will be rescinded by the board.
Washington, Aug. 7. Newspaper
work never has been included among
non-essential, occupations outlined in
the "work or fight" order, nor has it
been the intention of the prtvest n..r
shal general's department that men
legitimately employed in publishing
newspapers should be required to seek
other occupations. Officers ci-nne 'ted
-with the administration of the draft
law regulations today expressed sur
prise at the ruling of the board at
Waterloo, la., that employes of a
paper there should seek more pro
ductive employment or be called into
the military service. They said 'the
action of the local board probably
would be overturned by the district
board, to ..hich it will be appealed.
Luckless Japanese Mariner,
. Who Lost Ship Er.dsJ.ife
" A Pacific Port, Aug. 7. Capt. Y.
Yamowoto, master of the Japanese
steamer, Canada Meru, which was re
cently pulled off the rocks, ended his
life early today, because it was be
lieved lie feared, the disgrace which
he thought was upon him for allow
ing the big boat to go ashore dur
ing a heavy fog, July "31.
A wireless report from a salvage
vessel towing the Canada to a . dry
dock today said the Japanese skipper
dissapeared over the side, of his ship
"at dawn. .Reports received later in
marine circles , and at the Japanese
consulate, said the skipper shot him
self before Tie fell overboard. .
7 Bonds for Light Plant. ,
. Pierre,, S. D., Aug. . 7. (Special
Telegram.) This city today voted
practically unanimously for a $100,
000 bond issue to replace the water
and electric light plant which burned
recently- i
Field Marshal Foch Preparing With
5,000,000 American Troops at His
Command to Bring War Quickly
to a Victorious Conclusion.
By Associated Press.
Washington,' Aug. 7. Backed by a reserve of 5,000,000
American troops, Field Marshal Foch is preparing to hurl
against the Germans the entire united military strength of the
allies in order to bring the war to a victorious conclusion in
the shortest possible time. Spring will see the terrific conflict,
already in progress on the Aisne-Vesle line, in full swing with
Foch's armies striking with all their power.
This was the impression gained byY
members of the senate military com
mittee who heard General March ex
plain in executive session the War de
partment's reasons for asking exten
sion of draft age limits. They learned
that the defifinite decision to enlarge
the American military program to an
army of 5,000,000 men was reached
about July 30, and is in accordance
with an agreement reached in Paris
shortly before that time.
U. S. Will Double Its Efforts.
The date when the United States
decided to more than double the
great effort it already was making
and to bring its whole man power
to bear immediately, may be signifi
cant. General Foch's smashing blow
which has flattened out the Aisne
Marne salient and has thrown the
whole German front from Rheims to
the sea into jeopardy, was struck July
IS, with American troops bearing
their full share.
It appeared possible the success of
that blow influenced American offi
cials, who continuously have pressed
for "a vigorous aggressive campaign
at the earliest possible moment and
with the attention concentrated on
the western front, to believe that
enough could be done this year to
prepare the way for a smashing mili
tary triumph next year when the full
American army becomes available.
The period of time covered by esti
mates for equipment and transporta
tion of troops under the enlarged
army plan is understood to carry it
up to next spring.
3,000,000 to Go to Front.
As the project is understood, it is
contemplated to place an army of
substantially 3,000,000 American
troops in France before the spring
campaign opens, backed by 2,000,000
more at home, moving forward as
needed. In this connection intima
tions that the British have made ex
traordinary efforts to concentrate
troops on three western fronts in the
last few months become increasingly
Coupled with the French and
American efforts, this gives' promise
of such overwhelming forces in the
battle next year that a comparatively
short and bitter fight may see the
issue lecided and the German army
driven beyond the Rhine if it is not
destroyed in the field.
Mangin Says l)-. S. Troops
Threw Selves in Fight Like
"Going to Feast"
By Associated Press. '
With the French army in France, Aug. 7. General Man
gin, who was in direct command of the allied forces in the
drive against the German right flank south of Soissons, has
issued the following order of the day thanking the American
troops for their brilliant participation in the battle which
caused the German retreatetween the Marne and the Aisne.
"Officers, noncommissioned officers and soldiers of the
Third American army corps: v
' "Shoulder to shoulder with your French comrades you
threw yourselves into the counter offensive begun on July 18.
You ran to it like going to a feast. Your magnificent dash
upset and surprised the enemy and your indomitable tenaci
ty stopped counter attacks by his fresh divisions. You have
shown yourselves to be worthy sons of your great country
and have gained the admiration of your brothers in arms
"Ninety-one cannon, 7,200 prisoners, immense booty and
10 kilometers of reconquered territory are your share of the
trophies of this victory. ; Besides this, you have acquired a
feeling' of your superiority over the barbarian enemy
against whom the children of liberty are fighting. To attack
him is to vanquish him. ! ,
"American comrades, 1 am grateful to you for the blood
you generously spilled on the soil of my country. I am proud
of having commanded you during such splendid days and to
have fought with you for the deliverance of the world."
ft XVT T A
Diamond Shoals Lightship in
Important Shipping Lane
Shelled and Sunk by
Enemy Submarine.
By Associated Press.
Washington,. Aug.- 7. Destruction
by a submarine of Diamond Shoals
lightship No. 71, a helpless craft an
chored off Cape Hatteras to warn
shipping from the treacherous shoals
forming the "grave yard of the At
lantic coast," confirms the belief of
naval officials that German sea wolves
sent to this side of the Atlantic are
under orders to handicap commerce
in all ways possible without exposing
themselves to naval or other formida
ble opponents.
News of the shelling and sinking of
the lightship eame to the Navy de
partment today, clearing up the mys
tery of earlier reports from coast
guard stations on the North Carolina
coast that heavy shelling was heard at
sea yesterday afternoon. The crew
of 12 men on the light vessel es
caped in the small boat and rowed the
10 or 12 miles to shore.
Subsequently, the submarine ap
peared within half a mile of the land
which projects far out from the main
coast of North Carolina. There were
no reports of attacks on villages,
coast guard stations or lighthouses
and the purpose of the submarine
commander in showing himself so
near the beach was not clear. So far
as has been reported no attack was
made on any villages or 'other ob
jects; A Canadian Atlantic Port, Aug 7.
An American schooner arrived here
today with 68 members of the crew
of the Tokuyama Maru, 7,029 tons
gross, a Japanese freight steamship
which had been torpedoed off the
Nova Scotia coast on a voyage from
England to an American port The
crew took to the small boats and was
picked up by the American schooner.
I I I I W 11 . I
Smashing Blows Delivered
By Allied Armies on Three
; Sectors of Front
-p By Associated Press.
The allied armies have obtained further successes over the
Germans in fighting in the Soissons-Rheiras sector and to the
north in the Montdidier region and still further north in Flan
ders between the Lawe and Clarence rivers.
East of the town of Braisne on the Vesle river, midway
between Soissons and Kheims, American and French troops,
after the stiffest kind of fighting have crossed the river and
held all the positions.
The French north of Rheims have penetrated more than
400 yards in the railroad triangle beginning at Rheims and run
ning northeastward toward Rethel and northwestward to Lacn.
All positions previously gained in the entire Rheims-Soissons
salient have been held, notwithstanding counter attacks. Near
where the Vesle enters the Aisne east of Soissons the French
have overcome the resistance of the enemy and taken the vil
lage of Ciery-Salsogne.
In the Montdidier sector the French south and southwest
of the town have advanced their line on this important sector,
whiqh represents the junction point of the armies of the Ger
man crown prince and of Crown Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria.
It remained for the British to deliver the hardest blow
against the Germans Wednesday.
Following up a previous advance in the Lys sector north
west of La Bassee they pushed their line over, a front of nearly
five miles to a depth of a thousand yards between the Lawe and
Clarence riVersr'r4''-;''"- ' -v';,'vr"" :-
.The details of this advance are not yet in hand, but the
maneuver doubtless will go a fars way , toward lessening the
point of the nasty salient that has stood as a menace for months
to the British line north and south of it.
Next in importance is the further gaining of footings by the
French and Americans across the Vesle where the pressure
fagainst the Germans toward
further troops ford the stream,
French in the railway triangle
looked upon as a move of great strategic value.
From their positions the French now are able to dominate
with their guns the railway line over which the Germans have
been bringing stores from the northeast through the town of
Rethel and that line running northwestward across the Aisne
toward Laon, which undoubtedly has been used since the re
treat began for the removal of troops, guns and supplies.
Major General Graves
To Lead U. S. Men
Sent to Aid Russia
By Associated Press.
Washington, Aug. 7. First details
of American military aid to be sent
to Siberia for the protection of the
rear of the Czecho-Slovak forces
were given today by General March.
The chief of staff announced that
Maj-Gen. William S. Graves! will
command the American forces, the
nucleus of which will be two regi
ments of regulars from the Philip
pines. General Graves now is in command
of the eighth division at Camp Fre
mont, Cal.
Flat War Profits Tax
Of 80 Per Cent Favored
By Secretary McAdoo
Chicago, Aug. ?. William Mc
Adoo, secretary of thet Treasury,
tonight declared himself unreserv
edly in favor of a flat war profits
tax of 80 per cent.
"The .adoption of an 80 per cent
war profits tax should render un
necessary, and I believe undesira
ble, an increase in the existing
excess profits tax rate," he de
lard. '
"Oh, Money! Money!"
Eleanor H. Porter's
Latest Novel,
In which Maggie Duff is a
character as unique and
interesting as "Pollyanna"
and "Just David." Her
story, as told by Mrs.
Porter in her latest novel,
will appear in t daily in
stallments in f
Commencing Next Sunday.
8, 1918. ttZfef'tt&OX SSi TWO CENTS.
the Aisne resumed when
but the gam of ground by the
north of Rheims also must be
Further Curtailment
Of Business Proposed
By Industries Board
Washington, Aug. 7. Further
business curtailment as the result of
war conditions may be expected, it
was said today by the war indus
tries board.
Measures being considered, it was
learned, include possible command
eering of supplies of coal, steel and
other war essentials held in excess
of actual requirements before cur
tailment orders went into effect.
In many cases manufacturers have
obtained 100 per ::nt coal and steel
supplies before restrictions went
into effect, it was said.
Omaha Woman Quits Place
With Red Cross Committee
Mrs. O. C. Redick Wednesday ten
dered her resignation as director of
the important post of the bureau oi
auxiliary supplies and member of the.
executive committee of the Omaha
Chapter of the Red Cross, requesting
an. immediate acceptance.
"This will afford the executive com
mittee ample time during vacation to
appoint a suitable person to assume
the responsibilities of the bureau.'
said Mrs. Redick.
Mrs. Redick's resignation was a
distinct shock to all Red Cross work
ers, for her position is one of the
biggest placed in charge of a woman
in the Omaha chapter. Her work
formerly included the whole surg
cal dressings deparement of the
Cross, all auxiliaries having been
ganized under her direction when
was declared.
Mrs. Redick declined to assign anv
reason for her resignation or to dis
cuss rumors of friction among work
ers. V'
"I have served as loyally as I knev
how for more than a year and hav
enjoyed doing it. I have no furthci
plans for Red Cross work, but I am
sure there is plenty more that I can
do without the responsibility I have
borne during the year.".
Gould Dietz, chairman, of the Oma
ha chapter, expressed deep regret
at the news. "Mrs. RediiSc is one .iffe
the most efficient and capable women
in Red Cross service and has worked
hard and faithfully fof the success
(IF fiii
U. S. and French Troops Sweep Across Bridget Built
Under Cover of Barrage, Push Back Enemy and . , .
Hold Positions Despite Frantic Efforts
To 1 Dislodge Them.
By Associated Press. .
With the American Army on the Aisne-Marne Front. Auir."'
7. Under an inferno of shrapnel and machine gun fire and
waves of gas the Americans forced their way over the Vesle
river last night and early this morning', while rain varying at
times from a drizzle to a downpour drenched the battle field.
t rench troops already have
ican left and the joint movement has straightened, out the line
from a point west of Bazoches to Fisnies. . . "
UKAMtll iilhfJUfl
Entertainment Given 108 Oma
ha Selects Before They De
part for California;
Crowd Bids Goodby. :
One hundred and eight Omaha
men, selected for special training at
Mcnlo park, California, were given
an entertainment and grand farewrll
party last night by the Chamber of
Commerce committee and by women
of the Red Cross.
The men had luncheon at the Cham
ber of Commerce at 7 o'clock; The
Red Cross distributed cigarets, little
French-speaking books . and other
gifts. Then the selects marched to
the court house to listen to music
by a band and singing by the com
munity chorus. Patriotic and popu
lar songs were played and sung.
Addresses were made by Rev. Wil
liam Spence, pastor of the Hanscom
Park Methodist church, Miss Joy Hig
gins, who has returned recently from
a survey of war conditions in France
and England; by Mayor Smith and
by Hon. Thomas J. Nolan.
These exercises lasted more than
two hours. There was a large crowd
present made up largely of the par
ents, families and friends of the de
parting men as well as other citizens.
At 10:45 the march to the station
began, the band heading the proces
sion and the embryo soldiers being
accompanied by several times their
number of men and women. .
The boys had spent most of the
day drilling around the streets of the
city. ;
A contingent of men from South
Dakota, bound for the same camp,
left on the same train with the Oma
hans. &4
Ktuue.iart, Photo.
of Omaha chapter. No action wil1
be taken on her resignation until the
board meeting Friday,", he said. '
- : Jin
For Nebraska Generally
fair today; warmer in north. .1
Thermometer Beadlnir:
S a. m. , .,.,18't
a. m. ... .... ,141
T a. m. . u
8 a. n. ...'..74 4
a. m 1A5
...... .M
...... .M
...... 8
10 a. m. itt
11 a. m. ..........7(117
...... .M
It m 78 8
gained positions on the Amer
i? he Germans lost considerably in
casualties. Prisoners' stories tended
to corroborate the opinion of those
previously taken that the Germans
expect to continue their retreat until
the Aisne is reached. r 1 ;
Objectives : Attained, t
The attack began between 4 a"nd
S o'clock Tuesday afternoon. By
midnight those on the right had
reached their objectives,' . the main
highway east and west extending
along the foothills that rfse north oi
the river and become a series of ter
races to tne Aisne. , ; ,
The left wing was delayed, hut it
also reached the line shortly before 8
v The artillery on both sides are still
fighting duels, and the German con
tinue small arm resistance, . But every
hour the positions of the French and
Americans are more secure.
Advance Under Fire. - - lj
Under cover of s barrage the engi
neers threw light bridges over the
stream, while the officers placed their
men in position, working thent down
ward toward the bridges. The chal
lenges were accepted by the German
artillery, and in s few minuses the in
termittent reports of the guns which
had been heard all day were merged
into one great roar. ,
The clouds, which had lifted alight.
(Continued on Pe Two, Columa Two.)
Nineteen Killed, 20
Injured in .Tropical
Storm in Louisiana
t .
Lake Charles, La., Aug. 7. Nine
teen persons were killed, 20 injured,
some probably fatally, Gerstner avia-
a! f I I t. ..(!. . (
lion ncia near ncrc vinnauy Demol
ished and other property damage esti
mated at thousands of dollars caused
by the tropical hurricane which
struck southwestern Louisiana , ac
cording to information that trickled
in here tonight from the storm swept
Sergt. George McGee and Private
Lester Williams were killed at Gerst .
ner field. Their addresses were not
Twenty-two of the 24 hangars on
Gerstner field were blown .down and
many airplanes destroyed or entirely
swept away. .
Packer Cudahy's Nephew
Arrested as a Slacker
Tacoma, Wash., Aug. 7, Gerald C
Cudahy, who told the police that he
is a nephew of the Chicago packer
of the same surname, was taken be
fore a local draft board for a physical
examination Wednesday afternoon
after being arrested on a charge of
being a slacker.
Cudahy carried a registration card .
showing tnat he had-registered at
Calexico, Cat., but had never , been
given a physical examination and was
thereore not placed in any class nor
given a number. He said he had
been traveling fio much that it had
been impossible for him to keep in
touch with his local board.
Foreclosure Against Men
; In Military Service Barred
Chicago, Aug., 7. A , decision set
ting the precedent for protecting men
in military service from mortgage ,
foreclosure was handed down today
by Judge Theodore Windes in circuit
court. According . to the decision
Private D, W. Newton, stationed at
Camp Fremont, Cal., will not be com
pelled to pay the interest on a
mortgage until three months after he
has licpn rfisrhariyerl from militanv
service. ' ' .
wiin ;mi Tor nuge ivian
An unidentified thief, evidently of
prodigious proportions, entered ; the
residence of John Golding some time
Wednesday morning and did Take,
steal and carry away one two-pieo
blue serge suit, size 40. i a ,