Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Counties Making Honest Re
turns Imposed with Undue
Burden by Lax Methods
V of Some Others.
That the methods of tax assess
: ments in Nebraska imposes an un
due burden upon the counties of the
' Mate', which are making honest re
turns, is the conclusion of a report
on the investigation which County
Clerk Frank Dewey has been con
ducting at the request of the county
The investigation overs the years
from 1913 to 1918 and is made to point
out discrepancies in the returns for
1917 and 1918. as having direct bear
ing upon the placing of the burden of
taxation for the coming year.
The investigation reveals three out
standing . features, according to fig
ures submitted in the report.
V Shortage in Acreage.
The first is that 14 counties in the
Mate show a shortage in the acreage
of these counties in 19f8 over 1917,
of a total of 346,499 acres. This
.. shortage by counties is as follows:
Brown ...... 10,633 Mcpherson .... 2',0(t
Cherry ...... l,m Merrill (,30!
Dakota 7.201 ScottiblufU ..1.667
Deuel (44 Sioux 21,741
Garden , ,' Stanton 21,147
Keith 4 210 Thuraton 4.436
Loup 11,182 Arthur 171,721
The second point is that four coun
ties show decreases in land valuations
in 1918 from 1917 of a total of $757,
239. The counties showing this re
markable decrease are Dakota, $318,
396; McPherson, $47,402;- Nance,
$220,832; Phelps, $170,589.
The third matter is that 17 counties,
after having returned their valuations
to the state boards, upon which the
tax levy was made, showed a total re
duction of the tax levy, upon which
taxes are paid, of $2,604,649. The
counties and amounts follow:
Kelt ....... .T72.II4
Fhelpi 1M
Plerc ,4
Rod Willow... 11,(7
Rock (5,352
Hcottibluff ... 16,212
Sherman ..... 1,(56
Thayer 1,18
Washington .. 11,410
OtO 151,670
, Burt .........150,22
k'hase 170.712
Cheyenna ..... l,220
Clay ....244.144
Uace TS.2H
Hall 17.(24
McFheraoo ... 42,10 -
. Taxes Due State.
The significance of these figures is
found in the fact that the amount of
taxes, due the state which are not
collected, represented in this discrep
ancy is $22,087.42. The report points
out that this amount must be made
p in some way, and the way in
which it is made is by spreading it
- over all the counties the following
year, making the counties which
have honestly made their tax lists
correspond with the valuations re
turned to the stafe board bear a share
f ki,rl. Smm.A fit, thim rA-
ticn in some counties. . ' ,
The report further states that some
of the ' counties, notabty Douglas,
seem to follow an exactly opposite
course. In Douglas county, for in
stance, returns to the state board for
the purpose of fixintr tbt lew. were
in 1917 $53,659,827, while the tax list
shows total footings amounting to
4M,yiy more than this amount
In other words, Douglas county
not only carries the natural share of
the burden imposed by the incorrect
Method of making tax lists used in
the 17 counties, but has also the add
ed burden created by the increase of
the tax list footing, over the returns
made to the state board for the pur
pose of fixing the levy. If the full
mount of the tax list had been re
turned, the amount of the levy
might have been smaller.
The county commissioners by unani
mous vote on uesday directed the
county assessor, a member of the
county commissioners, and the county
j clerk, who is the county auditor, to
appear before the State Board of
Equalization and present to that body
the findings of County Clerk Fran
Dewey in tne matter ot the discre
pancies between the returns from a
number of the counties, on whici 'he
tax levy is based, and the tax returns
an tvnirn inn rsvoa lr nam l h
county clerk was instructed to ask the
state board for a date when a hear
ing in the matter might bt given.
No Drastic Change Is
Planned in Control of
Telephone Companies
In taking over control of the tele
phone business of the country Post
master General Burleson has given
assurances the federal government
- will make no drastic changes of man
agement or operation.
President .Yost, of the Nebraska
Telephone company, is home from
New York, where 4ie went for a con-
terence with President Vail and Vice-
Presidents Bethel and Kingsbury.
There they were in conference with
the postmaster general and his three
assistants in relation to taking over
tue telephone and telegraph sys
terns. ,. v 1
Postmaster General Burleson stat
ed that the telephone business was
new to bim and he had not, as yet,
tound time to give study to the de
tails of management and operation
that would make it advisable for
him to suggest any drastic changes.
He said he had some ideas he
would like to see put into practice
but these would be along lines that
would conserve the interests of the
stockholders and would also inure
to the benefit of the general public.
At present tie could not suggest
any changes of management or oper
ation and advised the head officials to
continue the management and ooera-
tion of the systems along the lines
that have heretofore prevailed and
he also advised the general manage
ment to keep in close touch with the
' district heads in regard to any items
ot economy or lnemciency that would
suggest themselves. He said that he
would move slowly and conservative
ly in making changes, should he make
any, and that present conditions are
not likely tcrbe disturbed. -
If, after due consideration, changes
in management or operation are con
sidered advisable, the companies will
oe notihea ot them.
County Judge Crawford
Suffers Rheum 2tic Attack
County Judge Bryce Crawford is
connnea to nis nome oy a severe at
X-ck of sciatic rheumatism
Elephants and Clowns Are
Duration of Stay Wednesday
Performances 2 and 8 p. m.
Doors open one hour earlier.
Exhibition tents located at 20th
and Paul streets.
Downtown seat sale located at
the Meyers-Dillon drug store,
1609 Farnam street.
Street parade scheduled to de
part from show grounds at 10 a. m.
and pass es follows:
On Paul to Cuming street;
Cuming to 16th; 16th to Douglas;
Douglas to 10th; 10th to Farnam;
Farnam to 16th and back to the cir
cus grounds.
Circus trains will depart over the
Burlington road shortly after mid
night for Lincoln where the show
will exhibit Thursday.
Kit uro-inc was renuired to rouse
the small boy or even his sister from
bed this morning. Reason? Circus
Long heralded, the promised day of
days became an absolute certainty,
when, along about dawn, the four
long, red and yellow trains bearing
the name "Ringlig Brothers" painted
in flaming letters, began arriving in
the yards of the Chicago and North
western railroad from Denison.
Not since the first flaring bills went
up on boards and barns weeks and
weeks ago has there been any doubt
about the advent of the tig showat
least not in the juvenile minds. It
was this implicit confidence that drew
hundreds of youngsters to the freight
yards this morning. Nor was the
crowd composed entirely of kiddies.
Not a few grown up boys and girls evidence, all victims of that
pleasing malady which comes as reg
ularly as the mumps and the measles,
which is universally diagnosed as "red
wagon fever."
One of the novelties of this sea
son's gorgeous procession is a big
brass band mounted on handsome
horses. That the musicians may give
both hands to their instrument the
bridle reins are attached to the stir
rups and so the rider guides "his steed
with his feet Another innovation on
the part of the Ringling Brothers is
the introduction of pneumatic cali
opes. One placed near the center
of the pageant is drawn by a doien
snaggy camels harnessed and driven
like horses. A much larger caliope
of the automatic air type, and oper
ated by a gasoline engine, brings up
the rear of the procession in lieu of
the old-fashioned "steam piano."
Following the street parade the
side show will be opened at the cir
cus grounds. f The circus perform-
ini wilt hpffin lit 2 and 8 D. fll.. the
doors to the 1,000-animal menagerie
opening an hour earlier, ine King
ling brothers are said to be offering
more arenic sensations this year than
ever before. Prior to the appearance
of these will be presented the gigan
tic spectacle of knighthood and ad
venture, "In Days of Old." This pan
tomime will be enacted by a cast of
tl rViararre and will introduce
a ballet of 300 dancing g.rls. Follow
ing the fall of the final curtain on tne
spectacle the real circus will begin.
Among the hundreds of arenic stars
to be presented will be Lily Leitzel,
the world s smauesi ana greatest
aerial .gymnast; May wirtn. wnose
fnnar4 anil haekward iOmeriaultS
on the back of a galloping horse and
runnings jumps irom ground to sieea
promise a sensation; the great Hil-
l.n, .utin will illfmnl tr "lean the
gap' with skates attached to his
head; Australian wood choppers fell
ing giant trees in exciting contests:
the Otagawa and Tamaki troups of
Oriental wrestlers and stranslers:
the Johannes company of Icelandic
guma. champions;' fcrnest uaric in
Fire Destroys Stable of
Carpenter Papei Company
Pira h1ivit tn Vlavd r.Mn Caused
Kv anarlr from a switch encrine in
the Burlington railroad yards, gutted
the stables belonging to me carpen
ter Paper company, 'Ninth ana tiar-
atrta rncr tha life a valuable
horse, and destroyed hay and grain
. a a afcPW a.4
to the estimated value ot ?ow, unoruy
before noon Tuesday.
Firemen fought the flames for near
ly an hour, and because of the wind,
had difficulty in preventing ine nre
enrariintr tn adiacent buildinors.
where large quantities of pine boxes
were stored, ine toss was estimated
at $1,200.
Omaha Flying Officer is to
Visit with Parents Here
T. H Shrader. oilot of the army
flying corps, will be in Omaha Wed
nesday and 1 hursday to visit nis par
ante TV anH Mrs. A. B. Shrader.
602 ' South Twenty-ninth street.
Lieutenant Shrader is on nis way
from Fort Worth, Tex., where he has
been stationed at a flying field, to an
eastern point, from where he expects
soon to embark for overseas service.
Cash buyers' headquarters
for Fall Fashions, Coats, Suits,
Furs, Sweaters nd Blouses,
F. W. Thorn Co.; 1812 Farnam
St. '
Easiest Way to Remove
Ugly Hairy Growths
(Beauty Culture)
Here is a method for removing hair
or f uzs that is unfailing and is quite
inexpensive: Mix a thick paste with
some powdered delatone and water
and spread on hairy surface. After 2
or 3 minutes," rub it off, wash the skin
and every trace of hair has vanished.
No harm or inconvenience results
from this treatment, but be careful
to get genuine delatone. Adv.
Albert W. Jefferis
V Jj CuticnraSoap
Ideal for lie
AU AnmhtK Soap SI. Ofotaaant and t, Taken SI .
Sapipla mmck frea ot "Catlar, Drnft. t, hlla."
" u f : ' ' . ' v? - - 1
triple twisting somersaults in mid
air; five troupes of men performing at
the top of 60-foot poles; and no end
of other marvelous features including
world-famous riders, leapers, aerial
ists, acrobats, gymnasts and bal
ancers. Aside from the more than 500 men
and women artists the circus program
will offer many dumb animal acto. i.
Sprinkled throughout the program
will be the antics of 80 clowns and
the whole be brought to a termina
tion by thundering chariot races and
contests between the fleetest of dogs
and horses.
. James E. Johnston
Arrives Overseas Safely
W. W. Johnston, assistant general
freight agent of the Burlington, has
received word that his son, Sergt.
Tames E. Johnston of the United
States aero service has arrived safely
overseas. The young man sailed July
14. The post card from bergeant
Johnston is undated and conveys this
Information: "The ship on which I
sailed has arrived safely overseas."
Sues for Sun Paid on Tractor.
Cfnrerm A. Prim filrd unit in thr
district court Tuesday against the
Nebraska Moline flow company tor
the price of a tractor which, he says,
U II ' t . ' '
H H ' I ftf i
III: , II it x - v , '
A" (3aLa3
Lowf are
Effective September 1, we will operate a low-fare taxicab service in Omaha. Our prices will
be approximately 25 less than the customary charges made here now.
The low-fare cabs wili be available from convenient downtown corners and from stations in
various parts of the city, where one can reach your home on call within ten minutes.
This service will be similar to the taxicab system so popular in Europe and, will bring the
use of the taxi within the price of all.
The Brown Cab
In order to serve you at a popular price,
we have ordered TWENTY-PI VTE of the
famous Shaw Taxicabs. Brand new, latest
model, seat four passengers comfortably.
Handsome appearance, easy riding, electric
lighted inside and out. All windows dis
appear in body, so that you can get full
benefit of fresh air.
Our new taxicabs will be painted
BROWN. They will be operated on either
hour or meter basis, as desired. The meter
will be located where you can see it at all
times. .You can hail this cab; anywhere,
ride wherever you wish and pay only what
the taximeter shows. Or you can tele
phone for a BROWN CAB to call for you,
at a charge only for the distance you ride.
This service will be on a strictly cash basis.
Satisfactory Ser vice Guaranteed
Although the price for a ride in our new BROWN CAJB will be much less than ordering any
other taxicab, we will give first-class service. After each ride, the driver will hand you a receipt
for the amount of the drive.- The receipts will be numbered. If at any time you feel that you
have not had first-class service or that the fare was not reasonable, mail the receipt to the company
and the complaint will be given our attention.
tfor our low-fare taxicab, after September 1, be sure to
Specify the BROWN CAB!
Our large, seven-passenger cars will continue in service as in the past the addition of the
BROWN CAB gives us the opportunity to serve allVith a taxi at a price that will please.
Here Today
- y '.v.V
was bought under a certain guaran
tee and which did not live up to the
claims made for it. The complaint
states that the machine was supposed
to pull a two-row lister of a specified
make, but that when it came to the
testing point it did not make good.
Ti JS ,rt.y
Police Commissioner Submits
Ordinance for Control of
Automobiles Sold and
Stored in Garages
City Commissioner Ringer has in
troduced for consideration of the city
council an ordinance for the control
of automobiles sold or stored in pub
lic and private garages.
It is proposed to require that gar
age owners and managers shall report
to the police department details of
all machines received for storage or
bought. Details shall be as complete
as possible" to assist the police in lo
cating stolen automobiles. Reports
shall be made daily.
Public garages are to be licensed
and licenses shall be revoked by tr
council upon conviction of violation
of provisions of this new ordinance.
Section 4 of the ordinance reads1
"Every person, firm or corporation
so licensed, shall, at the place of busi
ness named in said license, keep a
book in which shall be plainly written
at the time such motor-driven vehicle
Its tweet, mellow tone is made permanent
by durability that approaches that of the
J liardman nano itseit.
WHmMttmiif6 -1 or solidity. Same
VWtthMitnarteii, 1
f Convttwnl
if Dmkd
J! 5TST v e a n r n ft mm ? ,
1311-13 Farnam Street.
WaHea W. Shaw Livery
m aoo-aia lAar huron strut
Mr. S. A. Baunr, Pr.
Oiwha TUI) Q.
hum, Mbr.
lur Stri
I ts tclomlMg nctlpt
.f cm. orS.r vlth d.potli for t.ontr flva
(26) SbK tutotbi ot th It tut aod.I.
ff. jam, that both yoa" Vnd jvm
OnaA ptroM will ipprocl.t thi. typt t
nttlpnmt HXllU f th. foot thif-thef in
op.r.ta at a owa.' rau, wtxti a atroln of
profit, tattar than ay oab w ballt la til '
Ot aooraa, oparatlnj Ufclaaba af
thla kim, at Xonr rata, Beana a aaallar aargla
ef profit to tou, but 1U alas aaas a graat
bi. laeraaaa in Ilia food a 111 of row patraaa tomrt
your eoapaaj aal aa Inoreaa la tha Toluaa of tow
aaor ary
Douglas 90
shall have been left for storage, or
at the time of the purchase of the
same, and at the time of selling of
any such second-hand or used auto
mobile, or any parts or accessories
thereto, a description thereof, giving
license number, its motor number,
and when ascertainable the numbers
of the generator, starter, carburetor,
magneto, storage battery, radiator and
speedometer, and any other unusual
mark of identification, and all other
information obtainable."
Description of Persons
Complete descriptions shall be fur
nished to the police of the person or
persons with whom the dealer trans
acted business, and a similar descrip
tion of persons accompanying the
seller or barterer at the time of the
Approved report blanks will be fur
nished by the city.
It is further provided that garages
receiving carfs for storage or 'or
other purposes shall hold them for
not less than 48 hours after report
has been made to the police depart
ment Public garages, under the new ord
inance, will be required to furnish a
bond to the city before a license will
be issued. Owners of private gar
ages will be required to report all
cars received at their garages. .
Pleads Guilty to Attack on
Young Girl at Krug Park
Herbert Wemple, a barber. 32 years
old, S04 South Tenth street, in police
court Tuesday entered a plea of guilty
with its 10 vear record
floor-space as an upright
titi. Mi.
vnsa tmn ca.
A m aV. -.-Z vi ,
'-a nun n o wFWt r a .w.v
to a charge of criminal assault on a
14-year-old girl, whom he had takeu
for an automobile ride in Krug park
Sunday night He was bound over to
the district court on a $2,500 bond.
Her Troubles Caused Her
Suffer Agonies Nqw
a Well Woman.
"Yes, I am perfectly satisfied th: t
I owe my recovery to nothing but
Tanlac, for I began to improve riprht
after I started taking it and every
dose helped me toward getting well.'1
said Mrs. R. L. Brown, whose husband
is employed at the Union Pacific
Railroad shops and who lives at 4403
South Nineteenth street, the other
"Last winter," she continued, "1
felt that my health was giving way
and soon I was in such a miserable
condition that it was fast wearing mc
out. I had such a poor appetite thai
I couldn't relish the little I forced
down, and my stomach went back on
me so that I began to suffer the
pangs of indigestion almost after
every meal. Then neuralgia got hold
of me, and the agony I Buffered frorc
those terrible throbbing pains in my
temples and in the back of my neck
were so awful I could hardly stand
it. Why, many a night I would lie
awake all night long counting the
strokes of the clock, unable to sleep
a wink and wondering if day would
never come. My troubles were simply
dragging me down day by day, and
I was so run-down and felt so tired
and worn out all the time that I was
hardly fit for a thing.
"Matters kept going from bad to
worse for three months, then about
the first of last March I began to
read so much in the papers about the
good Tanlac was doing that at last I
decided to try it, too. I got me a
bottle and, wonder of wonders! After
a few doses my appetite returned and
I was eating and enjoying my meals
just as well as I ever did. I kept on
taking it till now I am perfectly free
from every touch of indigestion;
those awful neuralgic pains that kept
me from sleeping are all gone, and
I now sleep like a baby all night long
and get up in the mornings feeling
fine and full of energy, ready to do
anything that comes to hand. I am
glad to recommend Tanlac to any
body, for it certainly has put an end
to my troubles and made me well and
strong and free from every pain and
ache again."
Tanlac is sold in Omaha by Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co., corner
16th and Dodge streets;, 16th and
Harney streets; Owl Drug Co., 16th
and Farnam streets; Harvard Phar
macy, 24th and Farnam streets: north
east corner 19th and Farnam streets;
West End Pharmacy, 49th and Dodge
streets, under the personal direction
of a Special Tanlac Representative,
and in South Omaha by Forrest &
Meany Drug Co. Advertisement.
After each meal YOU e?t one
and get full food value and real stom
ach comfort. Instantly relieves heart
barn, bloated, gassy feeling, STOPS
acidity food repeating and stomach
misery AIDS digestion; keeps the
stomach sweet and pure.
EATONIC is the best remedy and only cost
a cent or two a day to use it You will be de
lighted with reaulta. Satisfaction guaranteed
r money back. Please call and try h
"Follow the Beaton Path." 15th and Farnam
Sta. Omaha.
It won't itch now, dear
will help to make it well and relieve
the smart and pain.
Do not neglect a spot of ectema,
rash, or other itching, burning eruptions
and sores, because children's skins are
easily irritated, and if the hurt it
neglected, obstinate trouble may per
sist in later life.
Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap
were originated by a doctor and hava
been used by doctors for many years.
All dealers sell them.
A New Horn Cora That Anyone Can Use
Without Discomfort or Loss ol Time,
We hava a New Method that Cores Asth
ma, and we want you to try It at oar ex
pense. No matter whether your case is of
longstanding or recent development, whether
It is present as Hay Fever or chronic Aste
ma. yon should send for a free trial of our'
method. No matter" In what climate you
live, no matter what your aire or occupa
tion, if you are troubled with asthma, our
method should relieve yon promptly.
Wo especially want to pend it to those
apparently hopeless eases, where all forma
of inhalers, douches, opium preparations.
fumes, "patent smokes,'' ete hava fai'ed.
We want to show everyone at our own
expense, that this new method is designed
to end all difficult breathing, all wheeling,
and all those terrible paroxysms at once and
for all time.
This free offer is too important to neglect
a single day. Write today and begin the
method at once. Send no money. Simply
mail coupon below. Do It Today.
Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buffalo, N. Y.
Send free trial of your method tot