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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1918)
"The Stars and Stripes Forever." run IK31 MI umM rara mm f em ips RETREAT Of HUNS HALTEDWITHTHEIR BACKS TO AISNE American Machine Gunners Wipe Out Entire Battalion of Enemy Stationed on Hill to Prevent Construc tion of Bridge Across Vesle; Small Force Retains Foothold in Fismes. By The Associated Press. With the American Army on the Aisne-Marne Front, Aug. 6. With their backs to the Aisne, the Germans continued prep arations today for what may be either a stiff resistance to give them more time for further withdrawal, or for a definite stand. Minor actions along the American portion of the front and in the adjoining French sectors marked the day. The little force of men who were sent in to Fismes still maintain their foothold although they are not yet across the m man a il 1 i l v The Germans have been unremit- ting in their efforts to dislodge the Americans, pounding the town with shells and deluging it with gas. ' Numerous efforts have been made to retake the position, but in every in stance the accuracy of the American fire, both of the supporting artillery and tie small arms of the infantry within it, drove back the enemy. Battalion Exterminated. American machine gunners, pro tecting a location on the Vesle, west of Fismes, wiped out an entire bat talion of German infantrymen and machine gunners today. The Ger mans" at tht time were getting into position attack a group of Ameri can bridge builders who were ap proaching the location. Some bridge material had been moved near the south bank of the Vesle and the Germans, discovering it, had sent a battalion to a hill posi tion to prevent the Americans carry ing out their plan. A detachment of crack American machine gunner? had ' taken an elevated position command ing the location and opened fire when the Germans appeared. Observers reported that they did not see a single German get away from the leaden hail and according to the last accounts not even enemy stretcher bearers approached the scene. The Germans replied so fee bly with their fire that there were no American casualties. 4,-' Patrols Cross River. To the east and west of Fismes the Americans have continued their reconnaissance" work, patrols crossing "the river at different places. The de tachments, however, never exceeded more than 20 men. Near (town deletKH a few men have remained, and another force is on the hill over the river near Fis mes. Clearer weather resulted in more aerial activity for a few hours, but the clouds reappeared and the rain again began to fall and the aircraft were forced 'to suspend operations. The Germans immediately seized the opportunity to send planes for photographic purposes and incident ally to shoot up the allied transport. These planes in every case were quickly forced back by anti-aircraft guns. . Prepare to Press Advance. The engineers have mobilized equipment for their part of the ad vance, and reports from far back of the line indicate that all elements of the allied forces will be immediately available. From the German side observers have reported wagon trains in large numbers moving over some of the roads toward the rear. This is not construed as conclusive evidence that the Germans still are in retreat. But this fact and the further fact that up to date the Germans have not used at all extensively any but their small and medium caliber guns tends to support the belief that the crown prince really intends to make the Ais ne the objective of his line of re treat The present positions of the Ger mans are excellent for defense, how ever, and it is regarded as not im probable that they will dig in there. The lev ,big guns which have been used by the Germans are in positions far back near the Aisne. The clearing up of the big field of retreat has netted in one half of the territory advanced over by the Amer icans alone IS train loads of ammu nition and general supplies. Fifty Women Arrested In Demonstration for Suffrage at Capital Washington, Aug. 6. Fifty women attempting to stage a woman's party demonstration against delay in the senate of action on the woman suf frage amendment were arrested by the police late today at Lafayette Square opposite the .White House. river, whicn nows inrougn tne extreme nonn portion 01 tne town. Under a heavy barrage all their wounded have been taken out and during the night food was taken to them. WOMEN LIKE THE The VOL. 48 NO. 43.2ttpTTKi. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST t il j m i ZEPPELIN RAID ON EAST ANGLIAN COASTJIASCO British Flyers Bring Down One Airship in Flames, Dam age Second and Drive Away Third. London, Aug. 6. The attempted raid by German Zeppelins on the east Anglian coast last night proved to be a complete fiasco, according to reports thus far received. British flyers were ready for the visitors and met them well out at sea, bringing down one in flames, damaging a second and driving a third away. What, happened to the other two is not disclosed in the of ficial statement. The fact, however, that the report said "Zeppelins crossed the coast" is ground for the presumption that these did reach land. There is. no evidence as yet that they dropped any bombs. The novel feature of the raid was the early arrival of the airships. Two of them were actually seen approach ing the coast by holiday makers from the promenade of a widely known seaside resort. It is considered pos sible that the Germans miscalculated the visibility and by arriving before dark invited an easy defeat. Airplanes immediately went into pursuit and the Zeppelins, throwing out smoke clouds, turned northward and endeavored to escape. They were overtaken some 40 miles from the shore and just 'before midnight one was brought down in flames and an other damaged. Army of Half a Million is Being Raised in India London, Aug. 6. Half a million combatants are being raised in India this year, it was announced in the House of Commons today by Edwin Samuel Montagu, the secretary for India. The secretary emphasized the fact that Indian troops were playing the chief part in the campaigns in Meso potamia, Palestine and East Africa. Kirchbach Succeeds Eichhorn. Amsterdam, Aug. 6. Gen. Count Kirchbach has arrived at Kiev and assumed his duties as successor to Field Marshal Herman von Etch horn, who was assassinated late in July, according to advices from Ber lin. Internal Revenue for Year Amounts to $3,694,703,000 Washington, Aug. 6. How the gdvernment war coffers were filled with billions in taxes gathered from a wide variety of sources ranging from taxes on playing cards to huge levies on excess profits, was shown in detail today by a report of In ternal Revenue Commissioner Roper to Secretary McAdoo for the year ending last June 30. The figures will be used by the house ways and means committee in framing the new revenue bill. Total internal revenue for the year amounted to $3,694,703,000, of which $2,839,083,000 came from income and excess profits tax payments in June and $855,619,000 from a multitude of miscellaneous sources, collected large ly in snies, dimes and quarters add BEE BECAUSE IT KEEPS THEM IN TOUCH WITH WOMEN'S WAR WORK Omaha' Daily Bee Extensive Search Made for U-Boat Bases to Clear Transport Lanes of Hun Pirates Halifax, N. S., Aug. 6. To stimu late interest m search for possible German supply bases on the Nova Scotia coast or the Bay of Fundy, DASH OF RAIN IN OMAHA FOLLOWS STATE SHOWERS , Maximum Temperature on Third Day of Heat Wave 102; Much Cooler ' at Night. Following the slight drop in tem perature in Omaha after 6 o'clock last evening came a few minutes of rain fall shortly before 10 o'clock. The rain was preceded by a violent wind, which lasted only a short time. Hopes were strong for a good rain, but the few drops which fell were barely enough to wet the pavements. The night was noticeably cooler than the two preceding nights, however. The day's maximum was 102 de grees at 2 o'clock. Rains over the state made it practically certain the heat wave was broken, though the local forecaster held out no hope of a big drop in temperature. Rains in Nebraska. The Northwestern reports light to heavy rains Monday night, and .his morning over the entire Bonesteel country, just over the Nebraska line in South Dakota, and fairly heavy rain all the way east over the Black Hills line from Gordon, east to In man, a point 65 miles west .f Nor folk. The morning report indi.-ated that it was raining hard at Inman and that the storm was working with cooler weather following in its wake. On the Burlington there was rain all through the western part of le braska, with fairly heavy shovers from Minden to Oxford, in the South Platte country. Practically everywhere in the state according to the reports to the rail roads, there are indications that the torrid spell has been broken. In the western part of the state at 7 o'clock yesterday temperatures ranged from 65 to 72 degrees above zero; in the eastern section, 70 to 88, with Lincoln as the hottest place. Rain in Wyoming. In Wyoming rains were pretty general Monday night, and yesterday morning the temperatures were 50 to 60 degrees above zero. The weather bureau yesterday had the pleasing report that rain has fallen and is falling in the upper great lakes region and from there west across Minnesota, the Dakotas and in places all the way to the Pacific northwest. Two inches of rain fell Monday night in Rock and Brown counties. Most of the weather bureau report ing stations throughout the state had maximum temperatures of more than 100 degrees Monday. ed to the prices of various articles paid by consumers. Collections for the entire year were only enough to pay the nation's bills for two and a half months of the war at the rate the government is now spending money. Next to income and excess proUs taxes, the backbone of the revenue schedule, liquor taxes, brought in the most money, $443,838,000 including $317,553,000 from whisky, brandy, wine and spirits, and $126,285,000 from beer and other fermented liquors. Taxes on cigars, cigarettes and other tobacco oroducts yielded $156,188,000. These figures are some what higher than those reported soon after the close of the year by Com missioner Roper and are subject to turtner sugnt modifications. v .s . -uw V 44 -i. v TRiW5.P.ORT3 QI509IT.G, OCEAN the Halifax Herald and Evening Mail today offered a reward of $5,000 for information leading to their location. The Herald also has agreed to pay Government to Reinstate Telegraphers Discharged For Union Membership Washington, Aug. 6. Investiga tion of the discharge of union em ployes of the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies has been ordered, Postmaster General Burleson said today, and he inti mated that any men so penalized for union membership would be re instated under government control. Mr. Burleson had a long confer ence with President Wilson after today's cabinet meeting. He said the chief task of his department in connection with wire control just now was to reach an equitable adjustment with the private owners for compensation. JAPAN PREPARES TO SEND ARMED FORCE TO SIBERIA Bolsheviki Considering War Declaration as Answer to Allied Plans for Inter vention in Russia. London, Aug. 6. It fs reported from Moscow by way of Berlin that the bolshevik government in Russia is considering a declaration of war against Japan, says an Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen today. Premier Lenine, the message adds, has up to this time been opposed to such action, but it is believed that Russia "will be compelled to declare war, notwithstanding the people are opposed to any new war." Tokio, Saturday, Aug. 3. Voicing the aim, of Japan to crush the Prus sian menace in the far east, Count Terauchi stated that the present step lor armed intervention in Siberia had been taken in perfect accord with the allies. If it should be necessary for the allies to dispatch additional troops and arms the country must be pre pared to meet the emergency. The Japanese-American negotia tions had been made the basis of a re crudescence of wrangling over do mestic politics, with charges and counter charges and sensational de mands for the resignation of the cabinet and the customary campaign cf recriminations. Consequently the government had recently closed down tightly on the newspapers, which were rigidly suppressed if they at tempted to discuss the negotiations. It is understood that the Seilyukai majority party in the house is willing to adopt a wait-and-sei policy. Con sequently the Kensei Kai minority which had hoped to effect an opposi tion combination is powerless for the present There seems every reason to believe the tenseness of the situa tion has been relieved and that the plans for the protection of the Czecho-Slovaks and of the allied in terests against German and Austrian influence in Siberia, completed long ago, will be carried out without ex citement. As far as Japan is concerned, every detail for putting the plan into execu tion already has been arranged. K. of C. War Fund for Year Now Reaches $11,669,529 New York, Aug. 6. More than 1,000 Knights of Columbus issemDled here today for the annual conventioti of the order, at which the first gen eral accounting of its stewardship of Catholic war activities was made pub lic. James A. Flaherty of Philadelphia, supreme knight, said $11,569,529 had been contributed and pledged to the Knights of Columbus war fund this year. 7, 191SS"FA?WWS!;i TWO CENTS. ' $300 to any one giving information that will lead to the first arrest of "any of the enemy agents," who, it is alleged, infest Halifax. TWO OMAHA MEN ARE WOUNDED IN MARNEBATTLE Nels Foss and Orrin Wiggins in Latest Casualty List as Having Been Injured; Bellevue Star Also. Two Omaha names appear on yes terday's army casualty lists. They are Nels Foss, 4231 Grant street, and Orrin G. Wiggins, 1808 Miami street. Both are reported wounded, degree undetermined. The Lt. Allan A. Tukey of Des Moines, mentioned on the list of those wounded is probably the same as Lt. Allan A. Tukey of Omaha, who was reported wounded some time ago. Bellevue Star Wounded. The first casualty among the 100 or more Bellevue college students in the national service was reported in Tues day's marine list, when Harry O. Ir win, Craig, Neb., was reported wound ed, degree undetermined. Irwin left college in the spring of 1917, shortly after war was declared. After train ing at Paris Island, S. C, he was sent across. Irwin made a notable record in ath letics at Bellevue. For two years he was a star end on the football team and for two years played guard on the college basketball team. The names of five other Nebraska boys are on the list. Private Ernest R. August, Dorchester, Neb., was killed in action. Lt. Edgar C. West ervelt, Lincoln; Sergt. Albert J. Gra bowski, Beatrice; Cook John Wayne Webb, Winnetoon, and Frank Young, Liberty, are noted as severely wounded. Twenty-one From Iowa. Two Nebraska boys arc among the marine casualties on the day's list. They are Harry O. Irwin, Craig, and Richard Ellis, Crete, both wounded, degree undetermined. Twenty-one Iowa names occur on the army casualty list and three on the marine list issued yesterday. Cor poral William Sutton, Brooks, and Private Carl H. Barr, Akron, were killed in action. Sixteen Iowa boys were wounded severely. Lts. Ladis lauw T. Janda, West Cedar Rapids, and Allan A. Tukey, Des Moines, are among the number. The Nebraska and Iowa list follows: Killed in Action. Corp. William Sutton. Brooks. Ia Private Ernest R. August, Dorches ter, Jeb. Carl H. Barr, Akron, Ia. (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) AMERICAN TROOPS RESCUE Party of French Peasants on Verge of Starvation When Relief Came. 90 REFUGEES IN LARGE CAVE By Associated Press. With the American Army on the Aisne-Marne Front. Aug. 6. Ninety French peasants, who had been living in a large cave near Ville-Savoye, southwest of Fismes, were rescued by the Americans after having passed through two battles and remaining prisoners to the Germans for five weeks. When discovered by the Americans the peasants were nearly starved, their scant supply of food having been almost exhausted before the last battle of the Vesle began. The cave formerly was a quarry and when the Germans arrived in the neighborhood in the latter part of May the peasants round about Ville Savoye assembled in the cave rather LARGE QUANTITIES OF GAS RELEASED AGAINST V. S. MEN Fismes Sector Described as Veritable Inferno; Missiles Returned With Added Interest by Americans Who Are Virtually Unharmed by Fumes; 35,000 Prisoners and 700 Cannon Taken in Drive. By Associated Press. . ' ' Conditions along the Vesle between Soissons and Rheima 1 are unchanged. There have been no developments of impor tance on the line running from the region of Montdidier toward seems to forecast big events. t Heavy rainfalls doubtless are having more to do with the holding in leaeh of General Foch's troops than the opposition the Germans are throwing in their way. The Germans have been French on the northern bank of counter attacks against them, with a stone wall resistance. F STREET VIADUCT AND FUEL HOUSE AT YARDS 3URNE0 Hundred Thousand Dollar Blaze Destroys Bridge Over Tracks in South Side; Eight Cars Consumed. Fire, started by a spark from an engine, almost completely destroyed the South Side F street viaduct at Thirtieth and F streets Tuesday night, reduced the new $17,000 fuel house to ashes, and worked havoc with the great network of tracks which lead to the Union Stock yarde. The fire started late in the after noon and quickly spread to the cars and buildings in the vicinity. The west end of the bridge burned so quickly that it was almost destroyed before the flames were checked by the firemen and apparatus from the IS stations which were summoned. Big Structure Collapses. The extent of the loss is esti mated as well above $100,000. all covered by insurance. Due to the high cost of steel and building ma terials under war conditions, the loss may run far above that figure. Eight freight cars were burned, two of which contained shingles. Track age in the vicinity was bent by fire and washed out by water. The center of the bridge collapsed from the heat and fell in a huge mass on the tracks beneath. Gangs under the direction of Superintendent of Transportation Richardson of the stock yards began the work of clear ing the wreckage immediately after danger of the fire spreading was past. Burns for Two Hours. The fire burned two hours and a half, fanned by the strong south wind, viaduct was built in 1913 by the Union Several oil tank cars stood beneath the bridge but fortunately were emp ty. The viaduct is owned by the va rious roads whose tracks lie beneath. The Union stock yards owns several of the tracks and had built the fuel house which was burned to the ground only three weeks ago. The via duct was built in 1913 by the Union Pacific, Burlington and Missouri Pa cific roads. The Updike strain elevator, about a block from the burning structure was uninjured, because of the wind which carried the sparks away from it. A few small fires were started on the L street viaduct, several blocks south. than leave the vicinity of their homes. The entrance to the cave was at the foot of a hill, great layers of rock and earth acting as a covering. Many shells had struck close to the roof, several exploding directly over the place where the peasants had taken refuge, but the thick rock and earth roof was not damaged. The peasants too kail the supplies possible from their farms, but finally were compelled to appeal to the Ger mans for additional food. They were given an allowance so scanty that they were compelled to forage tor sus tenance, but this procedure was diffi cult owing to the fact that the in vaders allowed them to seek food only within a prescribed area THE WEATHER For Nebraska Part cloudy; not quite so warm in southeast. Thermometer R1liur: 6 m. m. 6 a. in. 7 , m. ft . m . a. m. 1 p. m. p. m. S p m. 4 p. m. S5 8S M S . .100 .in . 99 p. m. 10 a. m ft 11 m Itt 11 in 94 p. nt loo 7 p. m 97 8 p. m 9S shelling the Americans and the Vesle or delivering heavy but everywhere they have met 5 They also have deluged the south-' ern line of the stream with shells oi all calibers, including gas projectiles, and even have brought their famous flame throwers into play, but all to no purpose. The allied lines every where have remained firm. Wind Turns Gas Back. Where the Germans have thrown shells in the Fismus sector, American missiles have been returned with added interest. This particular sector has been a veritable inferno. Gas in. large quantities was released against the Americans, who were virtually un. harmed by tk.e fumes. A kindly switch in the wind at one time even turned back the gas against the en-, emy. The French also have answer ed the Germans in kind. During the hiatus in the righting on the Soissons-Rheims sector the Ger mans are believed to be moving their main bodies northward to the posi tions cnosen lor a stana. An inkling of what the Germans have lost in men made prisoner and guns captured by the allies has be come public through an utterance of the French premier at a session of the ministerial council a which Gen eral Foch was made a marshal of France. .(. ;, "Thirty-five thousand prisoners and 700 cannon have been captured," said the premier, who added that Paris no longer was in danger, that Soissons and Chateau Thierry had been re conquered and that 200 villages have, been delivered through the formida ble thrust of Foch's men through the Soissons-Rheims salient. . , Battle Front Changing. Much interest atta:hes to the maneuvers ot the uerman and the French and British troops, with the latter of whom some Americans are believed to be brigaded on the front running from Montdidier to the' region around Ypres. Ultimately the operations here may have a strong bearing on those now in progress in the south and if the allies keep up their thrusts and the Germans con tinue to withdraw compel a realign ment of the entire battle front. The French north ot Montdidier have crossed to the west side of the Avre river between Braches and Morisel. Here a fairly deep penetra tion into the German line would be- . come a direct menace i? the junction point of the armies of the German crown prince and of Crown Prince Rupprecht. On both sfdes of Amiens,' where the Germans have given ground, they now are shelling British positions, using quantities of gas, evi dently with the intention of prevent an attack in force. ' , Retreat Carried Out Successfully, Says Berlin Statement Amsterdam, Aug. 6. The German, retreat on the night of August 1 on the main front between Soissons and Rheims and southwest of the latter city was carried out after everything useful to the allies had been removed or destroyed, according to an unoffi cial dispatch from Berlin. All sup plies and ammunition . were removed in good time and the crops were largely harvested. . ; The statement says that the with drawal of the troops who were in the first line occurred without the loss of a man. "Dnna Hmi" Maao-i.a (a tin WUIIO LSI J IVIGdOUIG iu uu On Ballot in California Sacramento, Aug. 6. A "bone dry": initial measure which would prohibit the manufacture, importation or sale of intoxicating liquor in California after December 3, 1918. except de natured alcohol, was assured a place on the ballot for the general election November 5. next, when additional petitions received today by Frank C. Jordan, secretary of state brought the total signatures of voters of the peti tion to approximately 84,000 names. The total number required was 74.-136.