THE BEE: OMAHA," TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1918. So This winsvc s yriing Yo VM SOW? NOW YMY I &LLAVW,THEN, ABIE THE, AGENT fs VUvT KKTt - WR HPS! B)Y fSMEMBER, VJOY K CEWt Hltf - W COUEMlAL VaE toWY LCE UVS jooks! VwBe he'll reftY MlNSk-1 . ----i - , YttrA M COURT IU 5U6 WW Fovs kE AWYi Yite UMU TUtWc I'LL GY YU&.Y NBA) UWNER. NrY& IN OUR V6ftBc&rtott! Copyright 191. International News Service. DRAWN FOR THE BEE 3 Y HERSCHFIELD i I J w. w J J0 I a MM s wt . M tw yjm 1 y o Hiif aee" n. I .. . i - 11 NT,nc S " V x r .m NOIWE WSY A i t i ai Hiinir ii ii i ' iiii in. m. , Want Ad Rates (Cub With 'Order ) iU per word Men Insertion . I per word for Inre consecutive Insertions 1 par word for aacb additional Insertion No d token for Ira thin a total of ' f or lea tbaa loo par day. CHARGE. St par Una (count worda to Una) ona tlma ta par Una aacb tlma. I eonaecutlva tlmra To par Ilia aacb tlma. ta conaecuttva tlmra SITUATIONS WANTED tta par tlna'...... ......par wei CARDS OF THANKS AND ri'NEBAL NOTICES. i t(W par Una ...... ...aacb Inaartlon (Minimum Cbarira. to Onta.) Coatrari Balea On Appllralloo, For eoavanlenca of advartlaara want ada will ba aerrpted at tba followlrf offloaa: MAIN OFFICB Baa Bulldlna Ann Offlca .4410 Nortb 4tb Ht. Laka Offlca ..........Ida North ttlh Ht Vinton Offlca H61 South ltb Ht Park Offlca ......... .1(11 Uavrnworlh 8t Walnut offlca ..........til Nortb 401 h St Soutb Slda ttll N 81 Council Rluffa 14 Main 81.. Nnrtb THE BKK will not ba rcaponalbl for mora tbaa on Incorrect Inaartlon of an advertleo mant ordarad for mora tbaa ana tlma., Uaa THE TELEPHONE It roo eannot eon Tcnlantl brine or aend your ada lo a ay of tha abova offlcce. $tk for a Want Ad Takar and you will rrrrlvc tba aarav food aarvloa aa wbao delivering your ad in paraon. PHONE TTI.EB I.WMI. Want Ad Columna Cloaa Rvanlnf Edltlona ........... ......11:00 M Mornlna Edltlona ...10 00 P M feunday Edltlona 10 P. M. Saturday Evening DEATH ft FUNERAL NOTICES URAZIANO Joaepb age 61 years, Aug. i. ' Funeral from realdenee, 1 1 16 4 Pierce treet, Tueaday. 1:50 p. m., to BU Phllo mena'a ohurch, t P. n. Interment Holy Bepulcber oemetery. He leavea a wife, lira. Lena Oratlanoi three aaugntera, Mra. Tony Solo Council tlluffa: Mr a. Joa. Pardlcca and Mlsa Mary Oraalnno of Oma ha; two aona, Mlno of Kanaaa City and Tony of Omaha, Pl'NDT Oeorge, aged 4 yeara, died In St Loula Saturday, Auguat I . Body to arrive oa wabaah train at, 1:11 a m. : Tueaday, Auguat I. Burial at Proapect Hill whera gervicea will ba held. SMITH Mra. Roae, aged It yeara. JCuneral Wednesday morning from real dene of her daughter, Mra. Lewi Con. roily, mi N. ltth 8t 1:30 a. m. to Saored Heart church at a, ta. Interment Holy Bepulcber cemetery. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES. 'Wedding permits wer Issued to tha fol lowing: Nam and Residence. ' Age. r.erl B. Btone. Omaha.............. 14 Ruby Larson, Brlnbow, Nab......... tl Adolf Held, Ittcnay, Mont .,,.14 Minnie Braunaroth, Bloomneld, Nab... ..14 John Taylor, Dea Moines. la... Sadie Crawford. Honey Creek, la... 17 Kd Fitzgerald, Omaha .It Johanna ati:y Williams, Montgomery, Ala. . 11 Alexander T Brown, Dea Molnea, la..., .17 fieulah White. Dea Molnea, la II Roy Henderson, Fatrbault, Minn, Jllnnetle Drew, Council Bluffs, la 10 Oeorge 15. Darling, It&velock, Nab.. ..... it Anna Mitchell, Ilevelock.. Nb It FUNERAL DIRECTORS. HULSE & RIEPEN - Pioneer Funeral Dlrectora T01 So. lth 8t Phone Doug. Hit. , STACK & FALCONEIT Independent Undertaken. ISd At Far. H. 400. UNDICRTAKKRS and llcenard . embalmrra; also private ambulance. Call Webater 47. Willie C. Crosby. 1611 N, 84th St. L L, DODDER CO.. Funeral Dlrectora. F. L. Fero, Mgr., ltd and Cnmlng St a Phon Duugla 177 Auto ambulance. HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffmann quality service, eoata leaa, 14th and Dodge. . . Douglaa tttl. JOHN A OKNTLKMAN. undertaker and mbaimer. 1411 Farnam St Harney ttl. FLORISTS. LEETTLARMON Fonteneila Florists. 1S14 Douglaa St, Douglaa It44. A. DONAGHUE Eaf. 1861. ltl HARNEY. Flower ahlpped everywhere. Exp, prepaid PATH Careful Florist. UD4 Farnam St, L Henderenn 1610 Farnam Tt I14 MONUMENT ft CEMETERIES. WbdT LAWN oftera aympatbetlo service In . godded aorrow; perpetual earai no asaeea- ntente; Iota on easy terma Phone wal. ItO , triS largest display of monumenta In the United Ktate FRANK BVOBODA, lilt- "ii'mi""1 iiii. TVtualaa t7.-nm LOST FOUND REWARDS. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET I.A1LWAY COMPANY Paraon having lost aome artlciea would do weU to call up tba office of the Omaha 4b Council Bluffa Street Railway company to aecertala whether they left It Id th treet ear. ' - , Many article Mcb day are turned In and the company I anxloua to restore them to the rightful owner 26 reward for return of diamond atlck pin . Diamond act In diamond ahap black only Betting.- Lost Friday. H. Pelton Oarage. 3011 Farnam, LOST Yellow Jeweled comb la Krug park '"Thursday evening; call Benson 46; re ward. LoST White Shrine pin Tueaday afternoon. Reward Phone Web. 0010. LOST Oold wrUt watch' Saturday; reward C.U Webster HJ. i FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. ion BALE Emerson It-Inch exhaust fan A. 4X til volta, tl cycle, slngi phase, V. b p., apeed 1.16 r. p. m P. D Brown ing, till Lothrop 8t. Furruturc and Household Goods. t UK.NiTliUE HARDWARE UAKUA INS. Bed, aprlnga. matireaava, dreeacra, chif fonier, table, chair, china and kltcben cabinet, ruga and linoleum, trunk and , Bull caaea, gaa stove and lc boxea, full tin acreea wire, poultry netting, gardea tool. IRStVaT Nortb 1Mb St Tel Web Ii BT Open tin tore tvASHINO MACHINE and- wrtngen IU fH Dniiclea 47 ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, furniture and Household Goods. QUICK ACTION QUICK S ELM Mi Stat Furniture Co.' July Clearance Sal : High-grade ruga ear being aoid lea (ban present wboleaa le coat Furni ture ta Period and Colonial designs are being abamrfulty aacrlfleed We make a specialty of complete home outfita, also hotel and rooming bouse Railroad rare free to out-of-town buyers within tl mile of Omaha en purchase of til or more BTAT8 FURNITURE CO.. 14th and Dodge St Tt Dnuxla 1317 ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full ' Mo of fu-nlture. gaa and coal oil atovea. , , epge baby rarrlagea trunks, to. . Loyal . ura.' Co- 111 N. iet!i . . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. FOR SALE Acorn baaeburner; large aUe, good aa new. Henry Moeller, ttog Nortb ZDtb Ave. FOR BALK Writing dealt, china cabinet, center uuie, aireigni cnaira, lour panel crpene, etc. rtarnoy imrf. NEW furnishing for three-room apartment. Pianos and Musical Instruments. L KOSPK CO.. 1613 Uougfea. bava planoa to rant at It 60 per month, or will aeli on av t.rmi Typewriterb and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS, and repaired. THE N. W IIII Farnam. all makea. aold, rented LONO COMPANY, Tel. D 1961. TYPEWRITERS aold. rrnle.l ami repaired Rent an Oliver t montha fur 16 Central Typewriter Exchange. 19o5 Farnam. WE buy, aell or exchange lypow-iler. guar typewrltrra 110 and up Write for Hat Midland Typewriter Co . 1404 tiortKe Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, aell needlca and parta f all eewjng mechlnra. MICKKI.S, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. ltth and Harney 8ta Doug. K6I. Store and Office Fixtures. WIS buy. aell and make dceke, aafra, ahow. caaea. ahelvlng. eta. Omaha Fixture Hup' ply Co. 11th end Dnualaa I) 8724 FOR 8ALK-HHrdwara Block and flxlurea. eastern Nebraska. Addree Box 40i Oma ha Bee. Machinery and Engines. TRACTOR FOR SALE. Have 12-16 Avery tractor, used but short time. In Al condll' Have larger tractor reason for soiling. WELTON C. BARNES, South Auburn, Neb. FOR SALE OR TRADE One U-yard ateam ooncret mixer, on gasoline engln with pump Jack, on tt-bbl. galvanized Iron tank. For further particulars call at 68 North Main Bt., Council Bluffs, la. FOR SALE 1 big bull tractor In first class , working condition; used only one season; leaving farm. Box 1244. Omaha Bee. Clothing and Furs. IJ00 BUFFALO overcoat for sal. Very cheap; call Douglaa 4600 between 11 noon and 11 midnight. Ask for Wayne, Dairy Products. FRESU country buttermilk; butter; beat of cream: atrlctly fresb eggs; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phon South m or Tyler 020. Wagner'a. Miscellaneous. SHOWER BATHS II good shower bath for sale. CHAMBERS-O'NEILL CO,. HOt Leavenworth Bt, 2ND HAND and rebuilt scalca; all makea; expert repair work. Omaha Scale Ex change, 1111 Farnam St. Phone Douglaa J33I OMAHA PILLOW CO Feathera ateamed. renovated and mad up In orw feather, proof ticking. 1IU7 Cuming. Doug. 14(7. I" AMERICAN tool wka. ihaper, 1 10-lr..; 1 ib-iii, puwvr nemmer, line anape. ieil ok Blnkley, tail Harney at EMPTY wooden barrela for aale. W have about 700. Nourae OH company. WANTED TO BUY. JENKINS baa Just returned and will alva vnlt the aama good Bervlea that h gave In the paat. Help win the war. Sell your old clothea. ahoea. ruga, tools, trunka and buv w R n Will call. Res. D. 081. office D. 0144 bESKS DESKS DESKS New duke; used deska bought, aold and traded. J C! Reed. 1201 Farnam. D mil DIAMONDS3 ffl" c' SWAPPERS' COLUMN FOR SSAI.IS rtli Tu To close an estate, will aell a splendid Improved 120-acre farm adjoining tha city of Emmettaburg, Palo-Alto county. la., at a baragln; will lake aa part purchase price good residence up to 16,000 In value In either Omhaa, Council Bluffa, or Dea Molnea, or would take a amaller farm not exceeding to acree at a fair value In exchange. Addreaa Lock Box 14S. Coun cil Bluffs. Ia. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORD EON. aide, knife.' 'eunbTunTbol pleating, covered button, all alxea and atylea; hemstitching, ),icot edging, eye ..c.u., "0k bu" holes, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. - Brown Bldg. Phone Doug. i986 H6.MST1TCHING. PLEATING, BUTTONS. ... O- U- VanArnam Pleating Co.. , 130-T Paxton Block. Phone Doug Slog. Awnings. AWN1NOS AND PORCH FURNITURE."" .."iHi001""11' ni camping auppllea. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINO CO. J!?M?fnd Express. THE ONLY WAYTSSSF THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Kb.PUBI.IC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you Packages lees than 10 lb.. 16 cent a Dnurlaa HM Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO , I7th and Martha Sta, Omaha. Neb. Braes, bronx. aluminum and machine gray Iron eaatlnga Billiard Tables. PRIVATE tablea for partly at HolmeaT Chiropractors. Dr J C LawrenceTBalrd Bldg D 41 ST KOtihAPH. hr. ku!waru. th. rarnam Costumes. rULL dreaa aulla for rent 141 N lth St 'Tsizt Ponotnt ,nbn Ptldman Doug Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, ill Neville" Blk Evidence' secured In all caaea Tyler 1111 Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barnhart Pta Co 624 R isliTST Dentists. Pr.Brdbury Nt P'ti 121 WOW Bldg Taft'a Dental Rma.. tolRoe BldgDlll"" Dressmaking. MISS BTURDT. dreaamaklng Doug. 3 Film Developing riLM developed, rolla. 10c; pack. I to: . ono-aar aervir Kaae eturtlo Neville Blk. ltth and Harney j-Fixtures and Wiring. ' TyfTpifTM Electric washing macblnea. - W eiMtrl Irons and reading lamps. 1221 Cuming at Douglaa lb it -Jewelry. riT A HfnXf TACt We DKV beat nrlce mitt. UlAitlullUn pnvliere to buy back at a mall profit GROSS. .! N. llta St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON. 014 Brandela Bldg T tf0 Ree.. 4741 Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter national Patent Co., 681 Brandels. D. Doll STUHOK3 & 8TUHOE.S. U 8 anf foreign pa tenia ann trademarks 130 Be Bldg Piping. 'ALL kinds of piping done, stoves connected and adjusteed; prompt aervlca. Webater I7M or Webster 0347 Tailors. Dledrlrk. P L tit 8 2nth Tailor D 2411 Towel Supplies. Omata Towel Supply 207 8 11th. D 121 Safes. QATFCQ BARHAIN8 1212 Farnam Oflf mO J Derluht Mar. Cm Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and orlntlna Doualaa Printing Co Tel Douglaa 644 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Uenural saleamanuKers to aa- tabllah branch and manage salesmen KERODOX." the new Inexpensive heat. No wood, no coal, 1500 to $3,000. Neces sary you handle own money. Successful agenclca established. Amalgamated Corporation, 163 Waverly Place. New York. LIVE DRUG BUSINESS iron aii.v. Must aell quick Am going Into military aervlca. Stock Involcea 110.000 to IH.OOO. Last year'a business. 120.000. Would con alder trade on farm land. ' BECKER DRUG CO.. ' Humphrey. Neb. IMMEDIATE need of money compels me to on fiv.vuu worm or M B. Be naffer Co., participating preferred atock, pay 10 per cent guaranteed dividend and participates In earnings besides. Will make special Inducement for quick deaL Bog 6043. Omaha Bee. FOR BALE OR TRADE A tine hotel In eastern Nebraska; only hotel In town; Juat remodeled and repainted on Inside; any one wanting a rlp-snortlng bargain Inquire Raymond Dixon, Kennard, Neb. Cheap at 13,800; real eatat men Inquire: must aell at once. LA,RO)! OMAHA RESTAURANT Oood location; old established; hand some fixture; cheap rent. Sale or ex change, THOMAS o-Mtcir. 31 Brandel Theater. A BIG PAYING drug atore for aale In ceo tral Nebraska; Invoice on hand about 16,600; must be sold, before Aug. 15. Rea aon for selling, owner la drafted, Ad- nreaa KiDa pharmacy, Elba, Neb, WANTED A man with 1500 'to take In tereat In a good paying eatabltahed buaj nesa In Omaha. 201 Bromley Bldg. Phon Douglaa 743. Rea. phon Harney 0223, A BARGAIN In a complete body and cab wood working shop, with complete equip, ment, blacksmith shop In connection. Box 1303, Omaha Beo. FOR BALE FOR CASH Saloon In good lo cation, doing good bualneaa. Reason for quitting, death, Address H.. 1410 Charles "i.. ri. jogepn, Mo. GOOD paying drug atore. corner 16th and Davenport; new fixturea and fountain well assarted stock, excellent location; will sell at Invoice. See ua at once. FOR SALE Restaurant, bakery and foun tain; doing better than 140 day. J, p. .iniiorn. s.. neater, eo. FOR SALE First class grocery stock, cholceat location, good business. Box T0.19, Omaha Bee. Only cleaning buslnesa In town of 1.000 for aal cheap; a money maker. Addreaa . aiuunum, ciuiton. Neb, FURNITU RE of seven-room flat, good ly cation, bargain for cash. 1760 Leaven- " " 1 111 oi. FOR BALK Office bualneaa; aultabl tor man or woman 336 Paxton Blk.. Omaha. Rooming Houses for SaleT FOR SALIC 11 -room rooming bouse, 1711 -"-una Dl, I'UUKiaa B6fi AUTOMOBILES. D 44 BUICK ROADSTER, accommodating l peraona; equipped with 6 new Miller tires; two extra demountable rlma and tlrea; tight lubea, alx of them new; chains, clock, bumper, spotlight Car rontIy thoroughly overhauled. Soutb AUTO TRUCKS. 1 One-ton Republlo truck, uaed only 10 montha, fin condition, 1800 1 One-ton RpubIlo truck, used I month. Ilk new. I960. ANDREW MURPHY & SON. Republlo Dlatrlbutera, Omaha, Neb. RADIATORS" Wracked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large atock uaed radiators to band. Maahed fender and lampa repaired Ilk new New stock of Ford honeycomb radii tors OM.A,HA RAD1TOR AND TIRE) WORKS. 1918 Cuming Bt Omsha. N.h ROURKB -GOLDSTROM AIITn fn Distributors of Ketaey Streamline Bodle. m;' "'To'irlng and Commercial bodle NEW AND USED FORH3 FOR SALE ITOI South 14th 8t Paon. South 191 1867 rarnam St. Phona flame a&aa I.IbTEN W ,v. you 10 per cent on your tire bill. Trade you old tlrea tor i"JI Tube vu"'" centa eaa- tnga 10 centa up Rebuilt. I In I caatlng for ..1 II up 0 8 machine, for Bulck louring 'car.... ' Vlnvnrell ........ 1360 40 150 Scrlppa-Booth, chummy' and 'fin"!' Gran Six Touring, nice oar BARNUM SMITH CO.. 60 n turning st J? a ; LE Auburn aaven-pauecger. HIT model; driven 10,000 mile; Juat painted and overhauled; four new tlrea on i r. " Do""' ear, "to and Harney atreeta Mag offer - "" initni if Mm SALE OR TRADE 60 h p. Mitchell chummy roadater. high speed and power. Will accept Ford In Al condition aa part payment A bargain B E Fr,nk Routa 0 75A, Benson. Neb " HIOH GRADE USED CARS AUTO CLEARING HOUS'tt. , lot! Faraain. AUTOMOBILES. - BARGAINS IN USED CARS -All makea With and without startera. It to pick from Phon D 1241 or call at 1616 Davenport. BOY LAN AUTO CO.. FOR 8ALE 1117 Hupmoblle, 7-pasaenger, which looks and runs Ilk new. Has had best of care. Price most reasonable. If looking for a bargain In a uaed car, thla I your opportunity. T-41. Omaha Bee FOR SALE At a bargain- Reo three quarter ton truck used par' time for eight months and In good condition Addreaa Box T. 11. Omaha Bee MR FORD OWNER AND DEALER Before buying a truck see us W can make a truck out of any Ford AFFORDABLE TRUCK CO.. 1207 & tOtk. CHALMERS Maater Six. 1016; driven 7.000 , muea; naa had beat of care: la In perfect condition; man of family enlisted; must Ban, mpn Hawthorne Ave. Wal. 8441. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO.. 2020 Farnam at., Omaha, Neb. CUM1NO GARAGE. 2416 Cuming St.. D. is 31 (Storage, day a ad night service, carbon burning, welding, general autn re pairing FOR SALE 1 American Tool Worka anaper. 10-ln. atroke; 1 3 H.P t-phas Gen Electrln 220V motor. Tell A Blnkley. 2318 Harney atreet. D 1640 1917 SEVEN-PASSENGER Davla, excellent condition; will consider Ford as part pay ment Phone Walnut 820. SIX cylinder Studebaker 1918 model seven- pasacnger, like new. Call 100, 16th St 'Phone Douglas 3128. OAKLAND." Sensible Six MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam Bt. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED UAKtv. quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 1069 Farnam at Doug. 6036 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 1401 LEAVENWORTH ST. BAROAIN3 In used cars. ORR MOTOR 8 ALES CO.. 40th and Farnam Harney 414. OOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 16th and Farnam Sis. Douglaa 1170. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. D. 8600. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1011 FARNAM ST. DOUOLAS 6210. WE ARB THE USED CAR MEN TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1110 Farnam St Douglas 1070 FOR SALK-'-191t Stearna-Kolght 4-passen. ger roadster; a bargain. 1411 Dodge. 1917 FORD ROADSTER, In good abapa 0370 A. J. Freed. 1620 Maple St Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS, a 8., 2616 19th St. Web ater-1102. For tbe beat reaults with repsli wore: consult us. Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED 1 tit or 1917 Packard, peerless, Wlnton, Btuta, Locomobile or almllar car. In good shape, at bargain. Addreaa Box Y 621, Omaha Be. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto, tit S 19th St. Douglaa 6488. Awto Livery and Garaes. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 12o mile, 160 per hour minimum charge Sunday and holidays, 60o per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 1622. 1314 Howard Bt Auto Tires and Supplies. CUT IOUR TIRE COST A THIRD. USE BUILT NU" TIRES. GUARANTEED 1,000 MILES. Slxs Plain Non-Skid Six Plain Non-Rkld SOxt... .110.36 113.60 tOxltt.. 12.16 11.40 Uxltt.. 13.15 15.60 12x3.. 14.86 17.10 34x3.. 16.66 19.15 Slat.... 11.05 18.90 12x4.... 16.90 11.90 16x4. ...111.90 123.60 37x4.... 20.86 23.85 13X4H.. 11.60 24.60 t4x4Vj. 21.11 24.80 ?5.50 26.10 26.75 35x4V.. 11.25 36x4.. 22.40 17x4.. 23.00 36x5,... 25.35 ax.... 17.60 10.10 4x4.... 18.60 21.90 29 60 16x5.... 26.76 17x6.... 27.25 (2.1V 36x4.... 19.10 22.60 12.75 Express charges paid when cash re ceived with ardera. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Omaha. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILE THEY LAST; 30x1 ....16.00 12x4 t 1.26 SOxt 6.60 13x4 10.00 12x3 1.00 14x4.......... 11.00 Other sizes up to 27x6. Tires shipped subject to examination on deposit of .one dollar. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Omaha. GUARANTEED TIRES. ONE-HALF PRICE. . 2,000 Miles Guaranteed. tOxt. 18.15; 10x1. J9.75: 12x1. 111.26, 13x4, 111.76; 14x4. 114.00; 16x4. 116.26 Writ ua today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing. "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., ltlt Davenport St.. Omaha. D. 2914. REAL BARGAINS IN BRAND NEW TIRES. 18 atandard makea to select from; we positively save you It to 40 per cent; ra llner at actual cost Send for our price Hat today. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO., Douglaa 2916. 310 8. 19th 8t NEW TIRES AT PRICE. ALL SIZES 10x1 Republic, 18.95. Ford tubea, 12.35 30x3 LEB TIRES 115.25 12x3 FIRESTONE TIRES 116.15 KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming. INSIST on G A G quality retread and Bava 50 per ent on your tire Bargain tn new and slightly uaed tire. O. Q Tlr Co.. 1411 Leaven'tb St. Tyler 1161-W BUY Le puncture-proof pneumatic tlrea and eliminate your tlr trouble Powell Sup tilv On ?061 Farnam 8t MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES. H A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machines Victor H. Roos. th Motorcycl Man. 17th and Leav enworth PERSONAL. THE Balvatton Army Industrial, Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, mage sine W collect We distribute. Phon Doug 4136 and our wagon will call Call , and Inspect our new horns, 11 10-11 It-1 114 Dodge street. VOTES WANTED By Edwin L. Huntley, candidal for state repreaentatlve (demo crat), Auguat primaries American, with out apology REPAIR your furnacea early. Furnaces cleaned. 11.69. Central Tin Shop. WaL 1531. MEDICAL. RUPTURE auccenfully treated without a urglcal ooe.-atlnn Call or writ Or rlr H Wr laa Wee PMa SITUATION WANTED. Male. YOUNG man, draft exempt, with ten year experience a office manager and chief clerk large Institution, present salary 11,000, desire change with more oppor tunity for advancement Address Bog T 143. Omaha Be. JANITOR or 5 years' experience wishes work,. Wabater lilt,. SITUATION WANTED. Male. RELIABLE man paat draft age, open for posuion, eitner temporary or permanent competent bookkeeper, auditor and gen. ral accountant with wide business ex. perlence; good reference. , Box 1362, Bee. PAINT, carpet and pauer cleunlnx. the ."Ja tlonal Cleaning and Service company. Z7ut ieavenwnnn t. Harney IJ Fe.nale. HONEST, competent widow. 45. desires Der manent place to keep bouse for reliable party; gin or 11; farm If close to school references exchanged. Box Y-844 Omaha Hee. WIDOW Experienced housekeeper, desires general house work several days a week. or will keep house for reliable party at my noma after Aug. 10. Box 1418 Bee. REFINED lady wlshea housekeeping poal tlon for respectable widower, or a place as child s nurse. Refs. exchanged. Har ney 60U. ( REFINED widow with Incumbrance wants position as housekeeper In motherless nomo. References exchanged, web. 6040 Typist wants typing work, addressing etc" to do at home. Phone Benson 251. NEAT colored girl wants plain cooking lu noaTOing nouse. Douglas 6077. WANTED Sewing by the day. Webster 4178. Telephone POSITION wanted by good colored cook. can Mouth 3330. WANTED Sewing by day or at home. Walnut 2065. Ph Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundry and house clean ing; satisfaction guaranteed. Webster 3580. DAY work wanted. Mra. Mattie Prldgett .au arter d p. m. Webster 6276. COLORED LADY wants bundle washing, -ail SO. BUNDLES carefully laundered, deliver Web 4281 Call and DAY WORK wanted by colored girl. Call weDsier 3203. WANTED Bundle waahlng. 1873. Call Webater COLORED laundreaa wants day work. South 1 03. EXPERIENCED colored woman laundry work. Call South 2128. DANISH laily, wants laundry work 4 days a week. Call Walnut 2349. BUNDLE and family washing; call and de liver. Wal. 3653. CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. lltt. Day work and bundle waahlng Web 1088 LAUNDRY work by the hour. Webster 206?. DAY work wanted Tall Webater 98 HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Combined battery. Ignition and starter man not subject to draft Must be first class. Good wages. Communicate at once with Schafer Bros.. Alliance, Neb. BOOKKEEPER and assistant to credit manager 1125. WESTERN REFER'ENCH A BOND ASSN. YOUNG man wanted to work on fountain In evenings. Highland Park Pharmacy, 24th, and A BOOKKEEPER and typist, middle aged man $100. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. WANTED An experienced night clerk, Ap. ply or write with reference. VICTORIA HOTEL. LINCOLN. Neb. BOOKKEEPERS, $125, $110 1100, 190. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 lat Nafl Bank. Piofessions and Trades. WANTED Expreaa Handlers Drtvera and , Chauffeur. Increaaed Salaries. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station offlc. WANTED Express Handlera . Drivers and Chauffeurs. Increased Salarl. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Union or Burlington Station office. EXPERIENCED SWITCHMEN FOR SERVICE IN MISSOURI PACIFIC TARDS, KANSAS CITT. CALL DOUGLAS 4541, STATION 1 WANTED. LICENSED STATIONARY EN GINEER AND FIREMAN. Steady Job for a good, reliable man. Apply timekeeper's office second floor, 13th and Capitol Ave. ITEN BISCUIT CO.. Snow Whit Bakeries. BUTCHER wanted, A good sausage maker and on wno can neip in front Good wages, otto Merx, uoiumbua, Neb. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture de partment Hox 41405 Bee Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN Side ilneV traveling limited territory repeateaiy. Dry goods and no tion stores necessity Established article. Commission Exclusive rights Nation ally advertised State counties covered and how often. Saleaman with auto pre ferred,' but not necessary Dept. AA. Penn Rivet Corporation. Phlladelph. , Pa WANTED 2 atock aalesmen of experience with car and who are accustomed to mak ing 1300 to 1400 per week. Apply from t to I p. m. for Mr. Lougarre, Room 143 Paxton Hotel.' WANTED A handy man for millwright worn, guou wages, aieaay worK. Apply at plant, 1st and Haakel at NEBRASKA , AND IOWA ORAIN CO. Phon Douglaa 8869. WANTED Two young men 18 and 20. Kusuers .win pay salary and commis sion Must bring two letters of reference.- F. D. Browning. Ill Balrd Block, Omaha. WANTED Firat-clasa tailor Prefer el derly man. or on abova draft age Oood wage paid to right party AAdreas May Clothing Stors. Cnxad. Neb Agents and Canvassers INSTALL handy pocket In your Ford door; tOc; agents wanted Pierce. 1211 pink ney. Omaha Miscellaneous MAN WANTED to rack ballsT Billiard Farlors, 1511 Haraey. C C u. HELP WANTED-MALE. Miscella-eous. MEN WANTED AT THE LUXUS PLANT. , STEADY WORK, 111.25 PER WEEK TO START. INQUIRE AT BOTTLING DEPT. FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO, 25TH AVE. AND KRUG ST. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examinatlona Aug 10 Hundreds wanted 11.100 yea' Sample questions free. Franklin Instl tute, Dept 23-F, Rochester, N Y WANTED Men 19 to 60 years old for gen eral yard work; ateady work for good men. Apply timekeeper. Union Stock Yards Co., South Omaha. WANTED Stablemen at once. Apply to American Railway Express Co., 1107 Cap itol Ave WILL GIVE modern room to elderly re fined man for light services evening. Box 1371. Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices GOVERNMENT nees 20.000 women clerks at Washington; examinations everywhere In August; experience unnecessary. Women desiring government positions write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard (former civil service examiner), 626 Kenols Bldg. Washington. CASHIER, whl.. 175. Stenographer, 175. Bookkeeper, 190. THE MARTI COMPANY, 1-6 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $110, $100, 90, $85. $80 Bookkeepers. 1100, $90, $85, $75. Typist, $75. File clerk, $40. Typist. $50. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nafl Bank. BOOKKEEPERS, $85-$90? stenographers, $75-$90; adding machine operator, $50-65. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CP., 1015 City Nafl. STENOGRAPHER and assistant on books, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. WANTED Two experienced office girls for wholesale mercantile company. 1307 Howard st. THREE experienced lady bookkeepers $75 to start Giva age, experience and references. Box 1353, Omaha Bee. NEAT, reliable girl to answer phon In office, good wagee. Harney 6012. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young . Ladies to learn telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St. WANTED AT ONCE 31 experienced power sewing machine operators. Wo guarantee experienced op erators will earn 22 centa per hour at piece work. This guarantee is given for operators to learn our work and expense for period of 4 weeks. Nice, clean and steady work all the year. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., 709-11 S. 16th St YOUNG lady wanted to work on fountain in evenings. Highland Park Pharmacy, 24th and A, Household and Domestic. LADY under 35 years with a child from 6 to 10 years old to live In small town In South Dakota. Board, room and good horn everything furnished, Oood school, home, everything furnished. Oood school. Tuesday, Aug. 6 and 6. Hours, 11 to 1 and 4 to 8. Call at desk for Kenneth , Clark. REFINED, Intelligent widow with well-dls-clpltned boy, 4, wants housekeeping posi tion In good family where first-class work la appreciated. Box 234. Norfolk, Neb. WANTED Competent child's nurse; some hospital training preferred. Apply Mrs. Paul Gallagher, 613 South 38th St. WANTED Experienced girl foi general housework. No laundry work and good wagea. South 134. i WANTED An experienced maid; two In family; no washing; good wagea; ref erences required. Telephone Harney 6t3. ATTENDANT for invalid gentleman, 17 week: no laundry or cooking. Doug. 7163. WANTED Experienced white cook, good wages. St Reuls Apt., No. 209. A MAID for general housework. Mra. A. W. Jefferls, 1025 S. loth Ave. Har. 8247. Miscellaneous GOVERNMENT will hold civil service ex aminatlona In Omaha In August: 20.0JO women clerks needed at Washington. Wo men desiring government clerkships write for free particulars to R. E. Terry, (for mer civil service examiner). 116 Colum bian Bldg., Washington. WOULD like young lady employed, school teacher preferred to make her home with us for company at nights: one who likes home life; no children; must give the best of references. Call Walnut 1730. JANITRES3 wanted 640 First Natl Bank Rid Colored a-jrl considered HELP WANTED. Male and Female WANTED Men, ladies and boys, learn barbef trade: big demand, wages while learning; strictly modern Call jt write 1401 Dodge St Trl-CIt Barber College Phone D 1147 WANTED IMMEDIATELY .Men. . women Government war positlona. 1100 month List free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 231 G. Rochester, N. Y. ' M"1,ER Barber College wanta young men and laitlea tn learn the barber trait Tall or write for fre catalogue, lit 8. 14th j ou, uoiaua, iveo. EDUCATIONAL. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day I enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit tng, telegraphy, civil aervlce- all rammer, clal and English branches Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglaa 1566 IKth and Harney Bt. Van Sant School of Bualneaa Day and Evening School. 110 Omaha National Bank Bids. Dnuala 689 FOR RENT-ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. SANITARY modern rouma for men only, f 2 60 per week 8unahlne Apartments, 0I N 17th St. J B Robinson. 441 Be Bldg., Doiialaa K(97 MODERN furnished room, permanent or transient. Including, large front room auitab'le for three gentlemen 1711 Dodge. HOME privileges, one-half block north of Blackstone 211 S. 36th St., $2 and bp. Harney 4229; breakfast If desired. 724 NORTH 18TH Fine front room; mod ern; want steady roomers; under new management. MODERN five-room; private; walking dis tance; serve breakfast. Har 6487. GRAND HOTEL 620 S. 13th. new manage ment, nice, clean rooms, $2 up a week. FROXT parlor and kitchenette, all modern; also sleeping room. 2107 Douglaa st. 2539 DAVENPORT ST. Rooms, walkins distance. Douglas 9271. Housekeeping Rooms FARNAM 2822 Two nice housekeeping rooms; electric light, gas range; refrlger ator. 2627 HARNEY ST., suite of light house keeping rooms; cool. airy, modern: rea sonable; walking distance. H. 4525. FRONT 2-room suite, garage. Electricity, gas range .Hprney 49. Board and Rooms 2124 DOUGLAS Cool, neatly furnished room Plenty of hot water Board If de aired. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED rooms in Creighton Block. 15th and Douglas Sts Douglaa 6342. WORLD REALTY CO. Hotels -OOL rooma. $2 week; also apartmerta wltb klten..nettea iden hotel -n R-uffa FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. HIGH-CLASS furnished apartment, 1 rooms and bath, walking distance. $42 60. Douglaa 3140. , NEW furnishing for three-room modern apartment. Buyer can rent apartment Webster 4555. Houses. STRICTLY modern alx-room houae; furnlsb ed or unfurnished. Harney 2481. 8-ROOM furnished house (or rent, toil Maple St. Web. 2516. iaaiaaiaaaaa FOR RENT HOUSES. GOOJ six-room houae, atrlctly modern, clos to car line. Pries 13,260. Will take auto mobile as first payment Mr Peas 211 Brandels Theater Bldg. HASTINGS residences; clear; valued at $14,000; want land up to $10,900. V. A. Palm, Hastings, Neb. West. 1142 S. I2D, 7 rooms, $30.00. 2407 Harney, t rooma, $60.09. 401 S. 24th St., g rooms, $60.0. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO, Tyler 1536. - 833 Securities Bldg. 1304 NORTH Sixty-ninth street, I room. 116.00. 6922 Bedford avenue, t room. 11 I.I. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG. ASS'N. 1668 DOUGLAS. rooming house, 132.00. Flat, 2306 Leavenworth, I rns , 120.99. JOHN N FRENZER, Douglas 164. MODERN 10-room house near high school. Low rent. Red 6476. North. A NEAT modern 6 or l-roora cottage or bungalow, furnished preferred, vicinity school for deaf. Mrs. Carrie D. Read. 2729 N. 45th St. Walnut 1050. 7-ROOM, strictly modern; $35 per month: references. Web. 1076. FOR JtENT Nine-room houae, modern, good condition; garage. Kounts Place; $35. Plujne . Colfax 1769. 7-ROOM houae, hot water heat, walking distance. Harney 2049. Miscellaneous FOR RENT 2224 Dodge St., 8-r. mod. house, $T.I0. 1921 Leavenworth, 6-r. flat mod. except heat, 117.60. ' 2410 Decatur St, 6-r. house, mod. except heat, 120. 1 2419 Seward St., T-r. house, mod. except heat, $22.50. Alfred C. Kennedy Co. REALTORS. 305 South 18th St' Douglaa 721 Unexpected Vacancies. 1103 Park Ave., 8 rms, modern, $32.69. 117 N. 25th St., 6 rms. (cottage), $25, Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. 333 S"curltle Bldg. 6 ROOMS and den, strictly modern with garage, $32.50, 1541 S. 25th st; 8-room all modern house, $30. $421 C'harles st Ty ler 1812-J. $181660 N 1 heated. . 20th; 6 rms , bath, easily $25620 8. 20th. 10 rms., brick. RINGWALT BROS., Brandels Thea. Bldg. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY OREIOH SONS at CO BEE BI.DO LIST vour property for rent or aale FIRST TRUST COMPANY Realtor Tvler It lib ONE 8 -room, strictly modern house Doug las 8145. Pbnpen fp Rentals Doualw 4228 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. West. ELEGANT 4-room apt tn the city, moat ex. elusive residence district, all modern con veniences audi as Incinerator, vaccuum cleaner, laundry, gaa drlcra, etc. For par ticulars call Douglass 2926, Moore t to S p tn. North T1ZAHD Palace block, centrally located, t or 4-room apte.; alao 4-room flat. Superb. Apply 220 N. 23d. Phone Bed 4232. 8EVEX-roem .partment $25; near poat- ' office. G. P. Stepping. 1610 Chicago. ESTABROOK apartment, $25; near post offlce. C. P. Stcbblns, 1610 Chicago. ', South. 2409 HARNEY ST. 7-roon flat choice. $50 per month. Colfax 1229. Miscellaneous PETEKS. TRUST CO.. Spectallatatn Apartment management 7-ROOM apartment, $25 G. P. SteaMS 4i vnicago '