THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 4, 1918. 15 A AUTOMOBILES. Amo Tires and Supplies. CUT luLR TIRE COST A THIRD. "BC1LT NU" TIRES. USB. GUARANTEED t.00 MILES. Six Plain Non-Skid Slie Plsln Non-SkHl 10x3... .110.35 $13.60 IOxSH.. IS 15 15.40 llxIH.. 1116 15.60 I2X2H.. 14.85 17.30 I4X3H.. 16.65 19.15 31x4.... 18.05 18.30 12x4.... 16.30 13.30 13x4.... 17.60 20.10 14x4.... 18.60 31.30 15x4.... 13.10 22.50 16x. ...111.10 121.60 i?xt. 10.86 1S.81 JSiH. 14x4. 3SX4H. 16x4t. 17x4 to. 35x5... M.tO 11.15 ii. :5 29.40 IS. 00 S8.S5 14.60 14.80 4.59 31.10 16.76 11.60 ill 12.71 Ix6. I.7 3x5 37.25 Express charges paid when cash re ceived with ordera. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Omaha. BARGAINS IN USED TIRES WHILE THET LAST: 10x1 16.00 32x4.... f 8.36 30xJV4 6.60 33x4 10.00 32x1 S 1.00 14x4 11.00 Othar alxea up to 87x6. Tirea shipped subject to examination on deposit ot one dollar. Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917 Omaha. GUARANTEED TIRES. ONE-HALF PRICE. 8,0uo Miles Guaranteed. .80x3, $8.25; 30x3- $3 76: 32x1. $11.25. ISx4, 813.75; 34x4, $14.00; S6x4Vi. $16.26 Writs us today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing. "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1616 Davenport St.. Omaha. D. 2314. j&EAL BARGAINS IN BRAND NEW TIRES? 18 standard makes to select from; we positively save you 25 to 40 per cent; re liners at actual cost. Send for our price Hat today. OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. Douglas 2316. 310 S 19th St ii&XV TIRES AT H PRICE. ALL SIZES 30x3 Republic, $8.95. Ford tubes. $2.35 0x3H LEE TIRES $15.25 12xSH FIRESTONE TIRES 316.95 X AIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Cuming. JNSIST on G. A O quality retreat and save (0 per -ent on your tires. Bargains In new and slightly used tires. O. A G Tire Co.. 2415 Leaven'th St. Tyler 1 2 "1-W feuT Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and ' eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup. ply Co.. 2051 Farnam St DITPSnMi!. THE Salvation Army Industrial Horns so ilclts your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. . Ws collect. Ws distribute. Phone Doug. 4111 and our wagon will call. Call .and Inspect our new horns. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge street Electricity scientifically applied win curs most every known disease without ths use of the knife. Consult Dr. A. B. McCanna. Phone Tyler 2607. VOTES WANTED By Edwin L. Huntley, candidate for state representative (demo crat). August primaries. American, with oat apology. $VRITE A SONG Patriotic or popular. I compoae muslo and guarantee publication. Send words today. Thomas Merlin, 637 Reaper Blk.. Chicago. IfROM this day I refuse to pay any debts ot Mrs. C. D. Ruther, Jr. Signed, MR. D. D. RUTHER, JR. SUPERFLUOUS hair and moles removed by electric needle. Work guaranteed. Comfort Shop, 408 Securities Bldg. REPAIR your furnaces early. Furnaces cleaned, $1.50. Central Tin Shop. Wal. 1533. MEDICAL. SUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr iFrank H Wrsv 308 Bee Bids; POULTRY AND PET STOCK i AN ARIES FOR SALE Beautiful song sters, singers, 14S.5; females, $1. We hip everywhere. Puppies, rabbits, fancy pigeons, guinea pigs, cats, parrots, dogs, etc, , MISSOURI BQAB CO.. ST.. LOUIS .1 two Rufus bucks, 13 does, sirveri young. Cll or write, Mr. Utt. S006 Dodge.; ney 6109. . I'OR SALE Canary birds from imported stock, Douglas 4641. 15 APRIL and May chicks for sale. Florence 448. : Call Horses Live Stock Vehicles. FEEDING and breeding ewes for sale. J. B. ' Patterson, Sanders. Mont. For Sale. FOR SALE A good milk cow. 3801 Boyd St ONE pair ot 8-year-old mutes for sals, , Wm. Pamp. Benson. Neb. ' " i in i MONEY TO LOAN. ' brganized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as securlt.- $40. C mo.. H. goods, total, $3.50. Smaller, larger am'ts. proportionals rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. Ill Securities Bldg., 16th tk Farnam. Ty. 66$ Loans or diamonds and jewelry 1 IfW ' SMALLER LOANS. O Of 10 W. C. FLATAU EST. 1891. 10 ITH FLR. SECURITINES BLDG. TY. 850. Lowest rates. Private loan booths, Harry Maleshork. 1514 Dodge D. 6819 Est. 1891. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Veils Fargo & Co. to American Ry. " Express Co., n. e. cor. 11th and Capitol ave., 66x108 ...... ,i ... .$ 1 Chas. W. Martin and wife to Eliza beth Ramsey, Pratt st, 1(3 feet . of 22nd. at., s. s. 40x132. . 4,409 Home Rear Estate A Investmen Co. to 'Margaret M. Burke, n. e. cor. I 10th and Grace sts., 30x73.75. ..... 1,(00 eo. Pwyer et al. to Jacob Kytle. 12th St., 110 feet so. of Douglas St., s. ., 22x68 "7 ' 7,(100 Hoy A. Fry and wife to Alva Baynes .and wife, 40th at. 80 ft. so. . of Spauldlng st, w. s. 20x134 1,550 John Zbylut and wife to Ignac Zby lut and wlfs 88 st, 200 ft n. of lt,; s., 40x120 , ..... 1,060 Thomas B. Dysart to M. J. Chalupsky, Maple at, 90 ft ev of 61st st, s. s, 45x128 ,i .... . 2,862 Sarker Co.- to Martha Kalb Fort st 128 ft w, of 18th st, s. s. 41x 102- :220 Barksr Co: to Grant Blair, Fort st, 82 ft w. of 18th st. s. S., 41x102.. 320 Clara Chase to Cora Hunter, 29th St., 66 .ft av of Nicholas at, w. s., 88 xlOl ,. 1,417 JJIchaet I., Clark, sheriff, to Pets Alarrianev et al., Taylor st. 85 w. of 87th ft, n. e. s., 31x108 660 Jllchael L, Clark, sheriff, to Peter N. Nelson, n. w. cor. 38th and Charles st (0x130 .. 2,000 K. It. S. Littleton and wife to Ar thur Hover, William st, 65 ft e. of 10th St., s. s 65x130 , 8,000 JLlibeth V. Griffiths and husband to Omaha Structural Steel Works, Far nam at 200. ft., w.. of Belt line,' . av 48xl28.5.i, 2,(00 Frieda B. Prank furt to: Hubert M. . McFaydsn, n. w. cor. 41st ave. and Wakely,- 84x60 . ......... ...... ...1,000 (fake Spelsberg and wife to Curtis ,. Klrtley . and , wife, 27th St. 40 ft ; of 'Miami st, w. s., 47x38. 2,100 sveiissa J. .Smith and husband to Joseph 21. Alkin, 34th st, 166 ft a. of Davenport st, e. s., 60x188.. 2 000 "William C. Norris to Walter T. Schroe- ' der, Florencs blvd.t 133 ft a. of Newport, avs., e. s., 44x530 1,075 Fngelbert Emlnger to Paul Emlnger Paclfio at, 133 ft. w. of 12th st' n. a., 33x133 .. .'-2,100 Dundee Realty Co.- to James C. Kin nard, 61st st, 62.S ft a ot Dodge ' st.-w. i., 82JX135 ...1,175 Barry F.- Bennett and wife to Mrs. Emma 'Cadek, 20th av, 30 ft ' no. of Z at, a. a.. 90x100 1,600 arah B. - Harris and husband to Mrs. Emma Cadek n. e. cor. 20th ave. and Z at, 10x100 i 000 New fork Money. New York, Aug. 3. Mercantile paper TJn thanged. Sterling; and Commercial Bills tin hanged Franee Unchanged -, Guilders Unchanged. '-.-Lire Unchanged. Bar Silver and Mexican Dollars Un changed. . Kansas City Prod nee. . Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 2, Butter and Foultrjr Unchanged. gs Firsts, '37c; seconds, 32c. Minneapolis Grain. Winneapolla. Aug 3. Barley 92c 11.08. Corn No. 1 yellow, 11.62 Q 1.(7. Oats No.. white, 70 71c - Cotton FnrnrM. New Tork, Aug 2. Cotton futures closed firm; December, 27.06c; March. 2(.(0o; spot. aiaaayi xojQQiing, si.iuo. COMMERCIAL GUIDE A representative list of the best business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need of any article refer to the list below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. , Auto Livery. ' SHERMAN, A. V " SSiTn. 24th St Webstar 2883 Auto livery and storage. Automobiles. M'CAKFREY .MOTOR CO loth and How ard. Doug ForU cars snd repairs. Authorize! .-nt. for Ford cars. MJINTYRE-ilAVWAKD MOTOR CO.. 3437 Farnam. Douglas 2406 Steams-Knight and Regal cars' SAMPLE-HART MOTOR CO.. 18th and Burt Tyler 613. 100 per cent Ford serv ice to Ford owners. AMERICAN STATE BANK. 18th and Far nam. Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. Auto Painting. ROESSIG, W. F. 144 S. 40th. Har. 144$. We make old autos look like new ones. Auto Repairs. GRE ENOUGH AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR ING, 2026 Farnam. Douglas 2001. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS, 110 S. 11th Doug. 4881. Automobile work, cyl. boring pistons fitted, auto parts made to order. BERTSCHY MFO.r 4 ENGINEErTnG-CO . S. E. Cor. 20th and Harney Sts., old parts made new, new parts made, too. D. 3552 Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. Davenport St Douglas 2914. 1(16 Auto Tops and Trimmings. ENGLISH, THOS. F., 2318 Harney. Doug las 3786. Satisfaction guaranteed. The best is none too good. Attorneys. DICKINSON, CHAS. Douglas ISO 4. T., 511 Paxtoo Blk. FISHER. H., 1418 First Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1 9H6 Attorney and counsellor at law. FITZGERALD, JAMES M., 1017-20 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 4508. GRAY & BRUMBAUGH. 313-14 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Red 8167. General practice in state and federal courts. Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE A AB STRACT CO., 1714 Farnam St Douglaa 2866. Adding Machines. D ALTON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES, 424 Ramgs Bldg. Doug. 1449. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Douglas 295. 14th and Jackson. FORD TRANSFER CO., 817 Douglaa St. Tyler 3. "Always at your service." FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS, 1007 H Howard. T. 141. Let us contract to do hauling for YOU. Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO.. Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th 8t. Doug. 2123. Snow White bakery. Mfrs. of crackers, cakes and cookies. Blue Prints. FENGER, N., 205 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 2761. "Blue prints that satisfy." Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE, WILLIAMS. MOUNT CO.. 23d and Hickory. D. 1043. .Mfrs, of boilers, tanks. smokestacks and oxy-acetylent welding. Building and Loan Associations. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA TE, N. W. cor. J5th and Dodge. Doug 6 par oent real estate loans. las 870. Butter (Wholesale). 4.LFALFA BUTTER CO. 120-34 N. 11th St Douglas 3903. W. W. Richardson, Pres. Cash Registers MORRIL CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER . CO., 219-221 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4401. E. -W.- Hart, Pres. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Con tinental Blk.; new location, 494-496 Bran dels Th.Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpenter, D. 6381 Cement Products. OMAHA . CONCRETE STONE COMPANY, 28th Ave. and Sahler St. Colfax 886. Confectioners. A. B. SWEET SHOP. THE, D. 2920, 16th & Jackson. Dainty lunches and les cream. Fancy and taple -groceries. Dentists. EADES, DR. G. F., 201 Paxton Block. D. 1728. Not the cheapest, but the best. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., 9th snd Howard Sts. Douglas 206. Cloaks, suits, ladles' -and -men's furnishing, srt goods, millinery and draperies: all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goofls. Drug Store.-.. POPE DRUG CO., 1302 Farnam.- D, 2672. Gen Agt. NYAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES. Electrical Goods. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 S. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com pany in the middle west. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 824 Bee. 8 87c. Ejigmeers,ConsuIting & Supervising. HENNINGSON ENGINEERING CO.. 1122 Farnam. D. 8329. Skilled municipal im provement engineers; sewer, paving, elec. light, water works, appraisals, reports. ANDERSON & BENNETT-424 Bee-BldgT Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and pdwer plants. Engineers and draftsmen.1 Fish (Wholesale). BOOTH FISHERIES CO. 1308 Leavenworth St. Douglas 626. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. :C14 Martha St. Harney 1862. Machine. e-.-:v ' iron, brass. bronze and aluminum castings. OLSEN & SCHLINGER. HUT Jackson. D. 7491. Brassn bronze and aluminum cast ings. Groceries and Meats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS .MARKETS Douglas 2793. Wholesalers and retailers of everything in eatables. Watch for date of opening In First Nut'l Hank Bldg. SCHNAUBER & HOFFMAN. 408 N. 16th Douglas 1420. Staple gror-erles and meats. Hardware. PETERSON & MICHELSON HARDWARE CO. THE, 4916-18 S. 24th St South Side.J r'none - south 171. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET Beef Cuts Loins: No. 1, 37V4c; No. t, 36Hc; No. 3. 18V4c. Ribs: No. 1, 33c; No. 2, 82He; No. 1, 15e. Hounds: No. 1, 28c; No. 2, 28c; No. 3, 19Hc Chucks: No. 1, 23c; No. 2, 22c; No. 3, 16Vj,e. Pistes: No. 1, 16c; No. 2, lfo; No. 3, 14c. Fish Catfish, odd sizes. 4large. 28o lb.; halihut 23c lb.: black cod large . .lzes, 16c lb.; trout, size to suit, 23o lb.; Royal White Chinook salmon, loo lb.; wbitefish, 18o lb.; yellow plks, 21o lb.; pickerel. 13c lb; Red Clnook salmon. 25c lb.; blood-red bullheads, large, 21o lb.; medium, 18o lb.; rock bass. 4 lb. each, 20c lb.; yellow ring perch. 'b. eaoh. 19c lb.; herring, lie lb.; haddock.: ll'o lb.; steak cod, eastern, crap lies, 2022c lb.; buffalo, large, 14o lb.; white perch, llo lb.; carp, large, 12o lb.; steak cod, western, llo lb.; gulf red snapper, 233 lb.; frozen large bass, 20o lb: frozen skinned whiting, odd sizes, flaky, almost boneless, 16-lb. baskets, per basket 13.66; round. To lb.; frozen round pink salmon. 14o lb.; frozen red salmon, 22o lb.; frozen Pink salmon, 20o lb.; frozen sturgson, 16c lb.; frozen Spanish mackered, 17o lb.; fozen native fall mackerel. 210 lb.; frozen floun ders. 12o lb.; frozen soles. 12o lb.; frozen western red snapper, lOo ib.; frozen sliver smelts. 12o lb.; frozen No. 1 white mullets So lb.: frozen Canadian Tulllbee whlteflsh.' average lb., loo lb.; frozen Canadian whlteflsh, large, dressed or round. 18o lb.; frozen Canadian dressed pickerel. 136 lb.; frozen Canadian round pickerel, lOo lb.; rrozen dressed herring, large, to lb.; round 8o lb.; baracuda, 14o lb.; aea rock bass 140 id.; roe shad. 24c lb. Catfish, largs, fancy, fresh. 28c: halibut 23c; trout 33c: black cod. 16c: white perch. lac; rancy frozen black baas, medium and large, 15c; fancy frozen buffalo-carp. 6o; salmon, pink, white, chlnooks. falls, 18c; red, sockeyss, chlnooks, 24c; white, 18c; pike. ijc; croppies, 30a, 2?o; frogs, genuine Loui siana black bulla, lumbo. 14.00: large. 11.(0, rruiie oranges: 80s, 9(s. 126s, 888s, 334a 17.60; 120s,. 176s, 216s, 200s, 260s. 88.v. Lemons: Sunktst. 110.50: Red Balls, 810 M Bananas, 7o to 7tto lb. Peaches: Califor nia, 11.11 box; Erbertas, 38.26 bu.; Georgia Elbertas, (-basket crate, 11.26 crate. Plums, California: Tragedy. Banta Rosas, 12. no Climax and Burbanka. 12.26. Apricot. Washington, 2.25. Cantaloupes: Stanford. Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL. 20lh and Douglas Sts. Douglas 240. In chargs of Dr. Michael J. Ford, surgeon-in-chief. Ths most com plete hospital n the west. Hotels. MERCHANTS HOTEL. 1508 Farnam. Douglas 643. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO., McCague Blk., 15th and Dodge. Douglas Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. (54. Wholesale and retail Ice. 19th and Nicholas. J L. Baker, Pres. Jewelers J. HENRICKSEN, THE LOYAL JEWELER. Douglas 1(74. 201 N. 16th St. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS., 12TExcha7ige'B!dg., Omaha. Blockers and feeders our specialty. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO., 40th and Leavenworth Harney 424. "Just Lumbering Along." HOAGLAND &. CO., GEO. A.. 734 S. Main St Phone 245 Lumber, lime and cement Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO., .Douglas 6525. 1614 Cuming St Osteopaths. ANDERSON. DR. ' Douclas 3996 MARY E.. (05 Bee Bldg. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter natonal Patent Co.. 583 Brandies. D. 6691. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO; South 2340. South Omaha. Paints, Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 1609 4 Farnam St. Douglas 4750. Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS, DR. WILLIAM WINDLB. . Physician and Surgeon. 1120-31-11 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler TI8. CAMPBELL, DR. S. M., Physician and Surgeon, 1804 Farnam St Douglaa 1220. Pleating and Buttons, VAN ARNAM'S DRESS PLEATING, HEM STITCHING AND BUTTON CO., Doug 3109. Rooms 836-37 Paxtoa Blk., Id floor. Printers' Supplies. BARNHART BROS. A SPINDLER, 1114 Howard St Douglaa 1076. Printers' supplies. Printers. QMAHA PRINTING CO., 13th and Farnam. Douglas 146. Printing, stationery and office furniture. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL" TANK CO., 1301 Willis Ave. Webster 278. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO., 1108-12 Nicholas St Douglas . 1911. "Everything for schools." DOUGLAS PRINTING CO., 109-11 N. 18th St Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO., THE, 323 Bee Bldg Douglas 8647. Fins commercial printing. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE, 307-309 S. 17th. Douglas 806. Office, type writer, architects and engineers' sup plies Loose-lesf devices. - Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM CO. OF OMAHA, 216 8. 20th St. Phons Douglas 7661, We rebuild dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Sporting Goods. TOWNSEND GUN CO., 1514 Farnam. Douglas 870. Outing and camping supplies and outing -elothlng. - Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 8. 10th St Douglas 603. Skylights, steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. Tents and Awings.. NEBRASKA TENT ft AWNING CO., 1204 Farnam. D. 2329. When you think of tents or awnings think of Douglas 1339. Typewriters and Supplies. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER. EXCHANGE, 1905 Farnam. Douglas 4121. All makes. Undertakers. HULSB ft RIEPEN, -701 fcV 6th. D. 1226 Undertakers and embalmera. Personal at tention given to all calls and funerals. HOFFMAN, LEO A:; Cor. 2th and Dodge Douglas 8901. Experts. in embalming and funeral directing. Private chapel HEAFEY ft HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam. Har ney 265 Undeertakers and embalmers. CROSBY, WILLIS C. 2611-13 N. 24th St ' Phone Webster 47 Banks. OMAHA NAT'L Bank. Tyler 100; 17th and Farnam Sts. I Wall Paper and Paint. YETTER WALL PAPER CO.. 1414 Harney. Phone Douglas 930. Wall paper and In terior decorations. Wholesale and retail. WIEMER. O. L.. 2302 Cuming. Doug. 8783 Wholesale and retail wall paper and nnlnta Also pnlntlng and decorating. lionWAK li., 211 B. Main Si. Doug. 683. We handle the besf In wall paper and paints. Council Bluffs Directory Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER SHOP, 629 W. B'dway Red 1307. Baths In connection. Observe the number of clean towels used on each customer. Boots and Shoes. PIERCE SHOE CO., 419 West Broadway. Phone 669 Strong & Garfield's men's shoes Wright & Peters and E. P. Reed's ladies shoes. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes. Coal and Ice. DROQE ELEVATOR CO., 620 Pearl St. Phone 2SH0. Caterers to heat and cold. Lumber. QUINN (H. A.) LUMBER CO,, 2d and Vine Sts. Phone 137. "Qulnn for Quality and Quick Servlca." 46s, 14.00; ponys, 64s, (3.60; flats, 12 to i. 11.60 Watermelons, lo lb., crates extra. Vegetables Lettuce: Head, 4.00 crs'e; hea(L 11.25 doz.; leaf, 60o doi. Cabbage, 90-lb. crates, 4o Ib. Onions: Yellow Csii fornla In 100-lb. sacks, mo ib.; home grown. 20o doi. Radishes, too doz. Pota toes, new. mo lb. Asparagus, 60o dz. Michigan celery, 6 do doz. Telephone peas. 15o lb. Cucumbers, 12.00' box. Beans, -as and green, 11.60 basket Hunt $1.00 doz. Beets. 40o doz. Carrots. 40c doz. I Artichokes, $1.60. Green peppers. market basket. 11.60. Tomatoes. 4-basket crate, 11.60. Limes. 15.00. Garlic. 17c Egg yiania, ti.vv DOX. Omana Stocka and Bonds. Quotations furnished hv Company. 442 Omaha Nat'l nnk nMv STOCKS BID ASKED Douglas Hotel Co.. Dfd. A B .... 70 80 tiaramg cream Co 99 Neb. Power Co. 7 pet. pfd 99 O. & C. B. St Ry. pfd. . O. ft C. B. Ry. ft Brlda-s tM 100tt 101 66 66 100 100 10H4 Orchard ft Wllhelm 7 pet pfd, D. 99 U. P. ft L. Co. pfd 100 Union Stock Yards Co., Omaha.. 100 Am. Gas EL Co. 6s, Jan.1,1920 6i (7 Armour ft Co. 6s. 1924 SU Beth. Steel Corp. 7s. 1920 ...... I4U ssu Col., Neb,, L.,- II, ft P. (s, 1924.. 94 95 (juaany racKing Co. 7s, 1923 .... 97 98 Detroit U. Ry. 7s. 1923 9 97 Galv.eston S pet D. 8. 1926-1947 99 100 Jap. 1st 4H pet. loan ot 1905.. 86 88 R.. J. ny. uo. 7S, 1921 97 so la. Portland Cement Co. 6s 100 Lincoln Gas ft El. 6s. 1941 HI Lincoln. Neb. 4Hs D. 8. 1920-33 .... 4.80 Mont r. CO. F. R. M. 6s, 1943.. 88 89 O. ft C. B. St Ry. 5s, 1928 .... 83 85 O. Ath. Club Bldg. (s, 1920-82., 994 100 Omaha, Neb. Pav. 4 Vis, 1924.... (7V4 98 umana, neq. n May 1,1933 97 P. 8. Tr. L. ft P. 7s, 1921 .... 97 Rubs. Gt. 6 Kits., 1916, d. 1926 93 Seattls, Wash. 4 Vis, Juns 1981.. 96 Vi Swift A Co. 6s, 1944 (4 West Penn. Power (s, "C 1158 .. 98 93 96 97V4 94V4 98 Cotton Futures. NEW York, Aug. 1. Cotton Future openea strong; uciooer, 16. 40926.68c; Do centner, .stgiza-l5o January, 18,209 se.taoi jaarw OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Receipts Were Light, but the Market itemained Stead; ; Hogs Ware Un. even and Higher. Omaha, August I. 1911. Receipts were: Ofrk-lal Monday . official Turoday .. Official Wedrfeaday Official Thursday , Offirsi Friday Ultimate Saturday, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .12.498 4.786 16.145 16.836 . 6.370 7.347 . (.019 . 3.620 . 100 t.(71 T.68J 6,999 10,173 6,700 13.904 13.333 1.157 Six days this week.. .34,0(3 42.991 (0.476 Same days last wek..33.7T 64,686 47.699 Same days 3 wks. ago.33.362 77,474 30,931 same days 3 wks. ago.34,439 T4.38S 39,716 Sams days year ago.. 25.231 (4,343 43,6(3 Cattle Receipts today were light, number ing 200 head, mostly dlrsot to packers. Trad ing was on a nominally atsady basis with yesterday. As compared with last week, best heavy beef steers are selling fully steady at $16.60018.40, while medium to lighter grades are not In as good dsmand and price unevenly lower, ranging any where from (12.00 to 116.60. while best butcher stock Is steady with a week ago. Medium cows and light belfer are showing declines of around (0 cents', bulk of the offerings ar selling at spread of (7.50 9 9.50. There has been a proportionately large run of western rangers on hand this week, and the good to choice grass steers have sold anywhere from $16.00 to $16.60, while the medium kinds are selling at $13.60 4115.00. Veals, stags and bulla are around 50 centa lower than last week, with the ex ception of real choice kinds. Quotations on cattle: Choice to prime beeves, $13.00918.40; good to choice beeves, 817.60618.00; fair to good beeves, 115. IS 17.00; common to fair beeves, 811.00914.75, good to choice yearlings, $16.60018.00; fair to good yearlings, $11.00916.00; common to fair yearlings, (7.75911. 00; good to prime grass beeves, $16.60917.50; fair to good grass beeves, $11.60015.00; common to fair grass stsers, I9.00CP11.75: good to choice heifers, 11 1.00 9 11.00; good to choice cows, 19.60 911.60; fair to good coirs, $8.2508.76: common to fair cows. 16.7597.76; vsal calves, (9.00913.(0; bologna bulls, $7,009 9.00; bef bulls, $9.60912.60; prim feeders $12.50913.26; good to choice feeders, $11.00 912.60; fair to good feeders, $9.00911.00; good to oholce stooksrs, 19.60911.60; fair to good 1 stockers, $8.6099.60; common to fair grade, 17.0098.00; stock helfsrs. 37.60 98.26; stock cows, 16.6098.00. V Hogs Receipt today war 1,100 head, making the total run for the week 42,(83 head. Today's market waa another very uneven affair, shippers paying fully 10916c higher prices than yesterday, top going to $19.10. The packer market waa largely steady to 10a higher, although some in sisted the common nogs were not ever steady and perhaps a trifle lower, bulk ef ths packers was 118.26918.40. Ths general market la steady to 10a higher on packers and 10915c higher on shipper. Bulk of the (ales today are 66990a higher than a week ago, with tops showing an advano of 11.00. Sheep There were no sheep reported in today, the total run for ths week being 60,475 head, considerably larger than either a wssk or a year ago. Fat Lambs have showed a decline for the first three days of the week, the last half-holiday holding about steady until the close. Fat lambs are now (1.0091.36 lower than a week ago. Feeder lambs have shown strength, a feverish ad venes being made the first half of ths wsek, although the last half has shown some de cline from the high prices; feeders are closing the week 369350 higher then last Saturday. Aged stuff is about steady. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $16.60917.10; lambs, fair to good, $14.00916.50; lambs, feeders, (15.25917.25; yearlings, good to choice, 113.00914. 60; yearlings, fair to good, 313.76 13.00; yearlings, fair, good, feeding, 310.75 12.60; eewes, good to choice, $11.00913.00; ewes, fair to good, 110.00911.00. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, III., August 3. (U. S. Bursas of Markets) Hogs Receipts, 10,000; 10 to 20 cents lower; butchers, (19.15919.65; light, 819.36919.76; packing, (16.10919.00; rough, $17.7591.00; bulk, $1.2619.60; pigs, good and choice, (17.75918.60. Cattle Receipts. 1,000; compared with a week ago, best steers and butcher cattle are 25 cents higher; medium steers, 25 to 50 cents lower; common steers and butcher cattle little changed from last week's close; colves, 25 cents lower; stockers and feeders strong to 25 cents higher. Sheen Receipts, 2,000; compared with a week ago, best western lambs 50 to (0 cents lower and native lambs 60 to 76 cents lower; feeder lambs closed strong to '26 cents higher; sheep steady to a shade lower. ' Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Aug. 1. Cattle Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady; steers, 317.759 18.50; western steer, (11.0016.00; cows, 36.00913 00; heifers, $7.50914.00; stockers and feeders, 37.6017.80; calves, $7.60913.60. Hogs Receipts, 600 head: market steady; bulk of sales, $19.10919.40; heavy, (19.30919.60; butchers, (19.30913.50; light, (19.00919.35; pigs. (IT. 76918. 60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market steady; lambs, (14.50917.26; year lings, (11.00915.00; wethers. 310.00914.00; ewes, 38. 00912. 60. Sioux City Live Stock Sioux City, la., August 3. Hogs Re ceipts. 6,600; market steady; light $18.80 019.00; mixed, (16.4018.80; heavy, (18.00 918.50; bulk of ssles, (18.25918.80. Cattle Receipts, 800; market steady; fat cows and heifers, $8.50911.00; tanners, 36.758.00; stockers and feeders, 38.75911.60; feeding cows and heifers, $8.0099.26. Sheep Not quoted. St, Joseph Live Stock St. Joseph, Mo., August 3. Hogs Re ceipts, 4,000; lower; top, 19.55 bulk 18.85 919.46. Cattle Receipts, 1,200; market weak; steers, (10.00 18.25; cows and heifers, , 36.00916.00; calvees, 16.00914.00. Sheep Receipts, 100; market steeady; lambs, 112.50917.25; ewes, 36.00912.60. CmCAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Corn Talne Given Sharp Downturn by Week end Liquidation. Chicago, Aug. 1. Auspletous war ne.ra and week-end liquidation brought about nearly continuous downturns today In the valus of corn. Prices closed nervous, 19 2c net lower, with August (1.66 and September tl.6791.57Vi. Oata lost 19 2o and provisions 6935c. General selling and lack of support char acterized the corn market throughout the session. A majority of longs apparently took the view that both ths military out look and ths crop status had mads ths time opportune far unloading without any at tempt at delay ever Sunday. The Increasing rapidity of the allied successes In Franee and the Indications that dry sections of the corn belt would be relieved by rain were equally sources of weakness, and in par ticular to holder who had bought on yes terday's advance regardless of extra bearish advices from ths battle front. In today's trading, the only rallies which occurred were brief and seemed to be due altogether, to profit taking by shorts. Free hedging of the new crop weakened the oat market. Receipts hers were heavy, and for the week totalled mora than twice the amount a year ago. Provision receded with grain and hogs. Transaction war few and small. On ths other hand, shipments continued big. Chicago, 111., August 3, Butter Un changed. Eggs Receipt. 10,1(1 cases: unchanged. Potatoes Market lower; Jerssy Cobblsra, (2.7692.90; Virginia barrels. 15.006.20 Illinois Early Ohlos, $2.2592.60; Minnesota, do, (2.4092.60; Kama and Missouri do, 12.0092.25. Poultry Alive,' market higher; fowli, 30931c; springs, I3932e. New Tork General. New Tork, Ang. $. Flour Unssttled springs, 111.3(911.71; winters, $10.(09 11.25; Kansas, (11.36911.40. Wheat Spot, atsady: No. 1 red. (1.14. track New York export to arrive. Corn Spot, strong; fresh shelled No. I yellow. 12.03; No. S yellow, $1.83, cost and freight. New York. Oats Spot, easy; standard, 81. Hny Firm; No. 1. $1.(501.(0: No. 2 11.4$ 91.50, No. 1, 11.2691.10. Pork Firm; mess, (49.50950.00: family. 155.00; short dear, 145.00962.00. Lard Firmer; middleweat I26.709J6.90. London Money. r j. t ail .... ?. . . 1 1 U " 1 1 , au, - u sir, muuej im discount rates, unchangsd. Lid on Frivolity. Chicago, Aug. 3, AH public smuse ment places in Chicago, including parks and "dry cabarets," will, be closed by 1 o'clock in the morning if the ordinance recommended today to the city council by the home de fenee committee is passed. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Corn Three Cents Off to One Cent Up -Oats Are Some Lower and Wheat is Firm. Omaha. Aug. $. . Grain receipt ' today were 1(3 car ef wheat, 67 ear of corn, 32 cars of oata, 2 car of ry and no barley. Arrivals of wheat last Saturday were 1(1 cars; corn, 107 cars and oats. 26 cars. Corn prices rangsd lo oft to Is up, with the bulk selling lower In all grades Oata trading was slow with sals mad In sample white grade at lower figures. Wheat prices were unchanged. PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Receipt (bu.) Today. Year Ago Wheat 1,810. 600 Corn 454,000 Oat 1,084,000 Holiday Holiday Holiday Shipment (bu.) Wheat 114.000 Corn 483,000 Holiday Hbliday . UNITED STATES CLEARINGS. Today Year Ago Wheat 171,000 Holiday Cora Holiday Oats 97,0000 Holiday RECEIPTS IN OTHKH MARKETS. Wheat Corn. Oata Chicago 699 164 108 Minneapolis ..206 Kansas City , 660 St. Louie ..420 Winnipeg 35 39 17 U 19 OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipt (car) Today. Wk. Ago. Lt Tr. w neat Corn 1(1, 198 107 It 67 188 71 Oata , Ry ...... 28 1 S nariey Shipment ers) Wheat 180 11 I Corn 91 6( 144 Oat 14 11 (0 Barley 1 Corn No, I white. I cars $1.81; No. 4 white. 1 oar 31.76, 1 car $1.75; No. ( white, 3 cars $1.(5; No 1 yellow, 1 car (1.70; No 2 yellow, $ car $1.68; No. $ yellow, 4 ear (1.66. 1 car 81.65; no 4 yellow, 1 cars (1.(3, 1 car $1.(0; No. ( yellow, 3Vi car (1.17; No. yellow, 1 oar $1.63. 3-6 oar (1.47; sample yellow. 1 oar 31.40; No 3 mixed. 1 ear $1.66; No I mlxsd. 1 car $1.66 (1 per cent color), I oar 31.41; No. ( mixed, 1 car $1.41 1 ear 31.41; sample mixed, 1 car $1.18, I ear (1.(6, 1 ear $1.10, 1 car 11.18, 1 oar 11.16. l-( car (1.30 Oat Sample white, 1 oar ((Vie, 3 can (60. Wheat No. 1 hard. 11 ear till: No. 1 hard, 1 ear $1.16Vi, 46 oars $3.i(. 1 cars 12. HH. 1 ears (2.11 (smutty), I car (3.14 (yellow). 1 oars 83 14 (amuttvl: No. 1 hard. 1 ear 33.17. 1 car 11.14, 11 cars 13 13, 1 oar $1.11 (yellow). 2 care $1.13 (amutty), 1 car (2.12, 1 car fl 11 (yellow), 2 cars I: 11 (yel low, amutty); No. 4 bard, 1 car (3 13, 1 car $3.11 , I car 12.10, 1 car $2.09, 4 car (2 01. Chicago closing prices, furnished Ths Bee by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain broker, (16 South Sixteenth street. Omaha: Art I Open. High. Low. Close. Test Corn, i 1 i Aug. I 67 Vi 1 57 H 154 1 6(Vi 157 Sep. 169 1 69 166 1 57 16( Oct. 168 1 68 156 1 56 158 Oats. I Aug. 69963 (9 (( 676 (9 Sep. 689 68 (6 67966 68 Oct. 689 (8 (1 670(7 68 Pork. Sep. 41 16 41 1$ 44 (6 44 (( 45 10 Lard. Sep. 26 87 26 (7 26 (51 26 65 B 28 TO Ribs. I I Sep. I fit on I j8 Oft 14 0H4 90 BI26 02 1 From Mir Mew Ndsfofews Avoea. Edward Fesslsr waa her from Nebraska City this week. John Seacat and daughters were Lincoln visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harmon ware here from Ralston ovsr Sunday. Miss Mabls Dlller is spending the week with relatives at Brock. Dwlght J. Reed, waa over from Nebraska City the first of ths week. Mr. and Mrs Robert Mickle war visiting at Alvo the first of ths wssk. Henry Crozler of Weeping Water was a visitor her Wednssday evening, Oscar F. Harlan of Lincoln waa her this week attendlgn to business matters Miss Sylvia Hostrum of Havelock, Is spending ths wsek with Avoca friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Jorgsnsen were her from Nshawka Wsdnesday evening. Mr. and Mrs R. O. Hutching and sons spent Sunday at Antelope park at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Btoffer and daughter were visiting relatives at Unadllla Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fahnestock war visiting relative at Council Bluffs. Sun. dsy. Mrs. Ruth Trook and daughter, Elsls, were visiting relatives at Auburn evsr Bun day. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Marquardt and aon war at Dunbar Sunday for a visit with relative. , Mr. Lester Hobach and children are spsndlng a faw day with relatives at Scottsbluff. Mr. and Mr. Harry J Stutt and daugh ter were visiting rslattvea at Pegs, Neb., last week, Mrs. H. Ehler of Berlin, was hers this week for a visit with her daughter, Mr. E. C. Nutzman Sheriff Qulnton and family war her from Plattsmouth Sunday for a visit with relatives east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Frsd Cooper and son re turned ths first of ths wsek from a visit with relatives at Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fonner and children were here from Omaha this week for a visit with relatives east of town. William Morlsy, H. H. Marquardt and the Misses Gladys and Beth Graham were Omaha visitors ths first of ths wsek. Mr. and Mrs. Asa J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Oilvsr Harmon and Mrs. Hal Gar nett, were at Nebraska City Sunday at tending the funeral of Mra. A. L Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Ora E. Copes and daugh ter, Frances; Mr. and Mrs. William Mase man, Mr. and Mrs Gus Ruhgs and chil dren, and ths Misses Gladya and. Bath Graham, were at Lincoln last Sunday, i Springfield. German Adset of Lincoln la visiting In this neighborhood. Lawrence Nelson ot Omaha! visited trisnds here this wssk. Mra. Harry Hutson ef Omaha visited Mr. and Mra. C. B. Smith this wsek. Mr. and Mra David Hlnkis of Cambridge, Neb., are here visiting relative. L. A. Bats visited his cousin, Mrs. Emma Chenoweth, at Blair last Tuesday. J. C Wharton addressed the cltliens at a patriotic rally in the park Monday night C. W, 8anborn of Bethany visited hi mother, Mra. Caroline Sanborn, last Tburs day. Mia Ethsl Baling Is spsndlng her vaca tion at Colorado Springs and othar Colorado cities. Roy Harberg and Leon Stacy were dele gate to the republican atate convention last Tuesday. , A. O. Hlnkl of Testa I here to attend the funeral of hi mother, Mrs. George Ktrfman, Mr, H. C. Capssy and children art visit ing Rev. H. C. Capssy, wbo la in the army at Fort Leavenworth. J. M. 'Elwell and wife and Miss Bsrntoe Elwsll and Lenhardt Elwell left last Friday by auto for. Colorado Springs. Lt. Ernest Kleck left Thursday for Ogls throps, Ga responding to a call tor military servloe la the medical corps. ' Mra. B. O. Wilson and children et Fail City ar visiting at the bom ot Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Addleman.. Mr. C H. Robertson of Chicago Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mra. N. J. Christian- son. Her three children accompanied her. Misses Clara Musllsr, Minnie Anson, Lu eil Mundall, Ethel and Grace Klger, who have been attending the Peru State nor' mal have finished the term and are horns for the vacation. Bennington. Miss Mabsl Norris of Omaha, spent the week-end at tb Grau borne. August Wltte and family motorsd to Os mond, Neb., for a visit with relatives. Eggert Oft I at hi home recovering from an operation which h underwent last week Mr. and Mrs. August Mosdtng and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Moedlng went to Peoria, la- Tuesday morning to attend the funeral of a sister. ( Mis Leila Moor, county demonstrator. will meet with ths womsa of tb violnlty at the home ef Mrs. Wayland Ms gee, Saturday at L o'clock. NEW YORK STOCKS Transactions in Two Hours' Session Barer 70,000 Shares; Poo Drive Against Shorts. New York, Aug. 1. The hollow character of today's stock market may be gauged from the tact that transactions In the two hours of the session barely touohed 70,000 shares. Of this meager total, U. 8. Steel furnished about 10 per cent relinquishing its half point gain at the close. Other equipments of the same class moved within similar circumscribed limits, . Pools perpetrated another drive against the shorts In General Motors at an extreme advance of ( , Mnts, most of which was retained, and Nova Scotia Steal, ordinarily on of the most inactive Issues, mads a est gain ot T points on sales ot fewer than 1,000 shares. Ralls were dull to the point of extension, but a few specialties, such as tobaccos, oils, copper and issues ot no definite de scription gained 1 to I points. Reception ot the brilliant war news might have been more pronounced on any day other than ths week end, although sentiment slightly upset by report of a forthcoming war tax schedule Imposing hsavy penalties. The bsnk statement threw no light on ths week's heavy financial operations. actual loans showing only a nominal in crease, while actual excess reserves de creased by slightly more than (17.000.000. Bonds were steady, Liberty ts sgaln reaching par, although succeeding issue ased slightly. Total sales, par valus, were (1.(00,000. Old tr. S. bonds were antfltsred on eatl during ths week. The following quotations, which ar up to 11 a. m., eastern time, are furnished by Logan ft Bryan, member New York Stock exchange. 111 South Sixteenth street Open. Close First Liberty bond (9.94 Second Liberty bonds 93.66 Third Liberty bonds 96.60 Union Paclfio R. R 131 Southern Paclfio R. R...... 84 Northern Paclfio Ry 90 Canadian Paclfio Ry 161 A., T. ft R Fs. Ry ,. 86 C, M. ft St Paul Ry 44 Chicago ft Northwestern Ry 93 Wabash Ry ....94 Wabash Ry. pfd 87 N. Y N. H. A H. R. R 39 Pennsylvania R. R. Co.... 49 Baltimore ft Obi R. R.... 13 Rssdlng Co. (7 Erie R. R 14 Erie 1st pfd 10 Southsrn Ry 33 Missouri, Kansas ft Texas.. 17 V S. Steel Corp com..,. 108 Rspubllo Iron ft 'Steel (1 Bsthlehem Steel (1 Presssd Stsel Car 70 Baldwin Looomotlve Worka 89 Great N. Iron Ore Property 81 Anaconda Cop. Mining Co.. (6 Miami Con. Copper Co 28 Ray Con. Co 34 Inspiration Con. Copper Co (8 American Smelt ft Rfg. Co.' 77 99.96 93.63 95.40 131 84 90 163 (5 43 93 94 37 38 48 64 17 14 10 38 17 108 91 1 70 30 31 84 38 24 (2 77 68 101 (3 40 (6 46 148 19 44 110 13 31 999 86937 National Lead 68 Mexican Pet Co.. Ltd. 101 Amer. Tel. ft Tel........., (1 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... 40 Central Leather Co (( Goodrich (B. F.) Co 46 General Motor Co........,141 Willys-Overland 19 Studebaker Corp 44 Amer. Sugar Ret. Co. .....110 Kennecott Copper 13 Sinclair Oil 81 Wright-Martin 9 99 Curtis 96937 Irvlngton will open Saturday with a re ception and refreshments, souvenirs, te for all visitors. Roy Johnson wsi pleasantly surprised last Saturday evening when about forty of hi friend gathered at his horn to remind him of his twenty-first birthday. County oracle Mrs. Melvln and Mrs. Laura Holt presented a beautiful silk flag to the local camp ef Royal Neighbor as a prize for the largs class recsntly lntttatsd. Elk horn. Mrs C. "Witt la od ths sick list thl week. Jake Wlnterburn waa an Omaha visitor Friday. . There ' will be a Red Cross sal her August 10 at the acjiool grounds. Mr. and Mrs V. E. Chambsrlln have gen to Wyoming on a few wsek visit Mr. and Mr. Otto Plambsck visited at their farm Wsdnesday and Thursday, . . Mrs. David Keuhl Is visiting her parents, Mr and Mra. John Schmidt, at Jackson, Neb., this week. Mr. and Mrs John Bshsrsndt and chil dren, and Herman Coates drove ovsr from Yuton Thursday, Adolph Otte returned Thursday from Otis, Colo., where he apsnt a coupi ef wssks looking aftsr land Interests. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sssfua earn Saturday to visit ths formsr's parents, Mr. and Mr J O Seefus, until Sunday afternoon. Misses Dorothy and Chrlstlns Hofsldt left Saturday for Herrlck, S. D., to visit thslr sister, Mrs. R. F Fedds and family, . Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rlecksn accompanied their daughter to a Omaha hospital Tues day, where shs will taks treatment for ap pendicitis. .. . . Mr. and Mrs. Stssn moved Into the Hlckey residence Thursday. Mr. Stssn rseently purchased ths soft drink business ef Julius Schuldt and took possession August 1, FnplUlon. Miss Maude Welsh left . Monday for. a vacation trip In the mountain of Colo rado. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Baser and two sons left Friday in their automobile for Hold rege, Neb, - - Mrs. Frank Empsy and three children, of Sioux Falls, B. D., are visiting with Mrs. A. F. Empsy and Mr. O. P. Millar. Miss Nina Rhodss leaves ths first ot ths week for Washington, D. C, whers shs has accepted a position in the civil service. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zleschang. who bave besn visiting at Qlddlng Tex. for a eoupls of months, have . returned to their home here. Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. West and Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Btrawn made an automobile trip to Camp Dodg the first of ths week, for a visit with Ray 8. Weat The Christian Endeavor of the Presby terian church gave a social Thursday even ing at the home of Mrs. C. B. Towsr. A number of people from the Q street mission were guests at this social. Mra Arhur Johns of Blair ha returned to Papllllon and will live with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.. Kennedy, while her husband I in ths United States army. Mr. Johns 1 at Camp Dodge. Civilians on Firing Line Asked to Back Soldiers Three times each day every Amer ican has an opportunity to go on the food firing line and back up the boys in the trenches. What you can do is best shown by the summarized re quests of the food administration as outlined by the Nebraska division. Save Sugar Two pound per parson psr month Is ths American honor ration. Try to eat less and add to the national surplus. If you will do this England will gst Its two-pound allotment France Its pound and one-half, and Italy it one pound. Save Beef Confine your beef eating to not more than one and one-quarter pounds per person each wsek. Save the large car casses for ths fighting men by restricting yourself" to small euts, by-products, and other meats. Save Wheat Though ths harvest la larg keep on saving wheat By psrslstent son servatton, we must build up a reserve suf ficient to last through a fallurs, If we should be so unfortunate as to have an Without American wheat the allied cause would have been lost With American wheat It will be won. Use fruits, vegetables, dairy products and fish. Take advantage of the natural sugar in fruits, use vegetables wherever possible thereby saving wheat and meat and trans portation; eat ths perlsbablea and 1st the non-perishables go abroad. Volunteer Ambulance Corps Head Dies of Meningitis Pans, Aug. 3. Prof. Richard Nor ton, erjucator and organizer and head of the American volunteer motor am bulance corps which served on the French front from 1914 until it was taken over by the American army in September,. 1917, died yesterday of meningitis after an illness of one day. STEADY DEMAND DURING SUMMER TO 'BUY A HOME' , "n" Campaign Launched in Spring Exceeds Results ' Antici- -pated by Realtors and ' Prevented Dullness. No midsummer dullness has sausec a halt in the "Buy a home" campaign launched by Omaha realtors thit spring. It was one of the happiest ideas conceived in this citv this year and was in the nature of a sublimated hunch. . . s There has been very little hom building in the city during the current" season because of the scarcity and the high price of labor and materials. But there has been a consistent and steady demand for homes already built and the volume of transactions in property of this class will swell the total 61 Omaha's real estate clearances " for 1918 to an almost phenomenal figure. Persons who buy homes alreadj built , have been the beneficiaries ol bargain counter deals, for in almost every instance they have purchased at prices which show a 40 per cenl profit, a verv few of the propertiei disposed of being within 60 per cent of present building costs. -Inquiry for this class cf real estan - continues strong and every, week show's an encouraging listof sales. Payne Investment Company , Has Many Sales Real Estate The Payne Investment company re-, ports the following sales in the last few weeks: . No. IT North Twnty.svnth'. better known aa ths House of Hope, to John Storek of Uadlson, Neb., 11,000. . - John Storek, Madison, Nsb., to the House et Hops, lot T, block 10, city of Omaha,'' 111.000. Sarah Sutton to Anssl Baugh, 1J1 North Eighteenth, 11.500. H. J. Wlaals. S491 -. . - ---- .-.. " v. , ,u Thomaa Prl tenet t M.000. itaamus petsrson, Kit North Flftlslh, tL' Oscar Johnson, 11,100. frank B. Helnlia tn T.nnU n.,tl..i.. 1711 Charles street, 11.100. uaa uiaawin to William B, Taylor, IT1I ' North Twenty-eighth, 11,100. Edward Hasan tn Mint 'a.ll.nrf tm" Fowler avenue, 11,710. ' j Elisabeth Oarry to Pter Hanson, mi Fort street, tl.tOO. Frances Haurh tit W f mi North Twenty-first street, 14,260. jurs. dock to sirs, jams saris, , II OS Marcy street 11,150. 1Q A. Rtrlnirar tit n ' T.4 North Eighteenth street 11,000. Minnie Matson Blackett to Nannetta O. Barnee, 1510 Crown Point avenue, t,t00. They also report that they have more buyers, for bungalows than, they have bungalows that can be handled' on payment plan. Name Assistants to r. , Help War Activities Committee in Work ; Randall Brown, chairman rf the. Chamber of Commerce' war activities committee, has appointed7 the follow ing sub-committees which will report to the genera! committee: rr , ' ; Cantonment Camp NeedsA. ' T). Marriott, Lawrence Brinker and T. J. Donahue. ' ' Employment BtireauC. S. Phillips, E. H. Barrett, Herbert Connell and ' E. F. Folda. , , Finance Lawrence Brinker, C S, Phillips and Dr. W. O. Bridges, : Foreign Camp E. H. Barrett, C. T, v Kotiotze and C. B. Keller. i Foreign' Language Press C. T. Kountze W. D. McHugh, C. B. Kel ler, A. S. Borglum and H. W. Mor row. ; ' . Fort Crook Reservation and Sol diers' Needs Herbert Connell, G S.T Phillips, H. G. Kiddoo and J. B. Wat kins. !-,' - - Fort Omaha Reservation and Sol-, diers' Needs-T. T. Wachob, VV. H. Metcalfe. A. P. Guiou and Wallace Lyman. ' ' : ' Honor Roll A. F. Mullen. C. B. Keller, J. L. Kennedy and E. F. Folda. . Industrial Activities W. H. Met-: calfe, A. C. Scott and C, S. Phillips. Purchasing P. P. Fodrea, Law rence Brinker and C.S. Phillips. : Publicity A. s. Borglum, r. Fodrea and H. W. Morrow. . - Training Camp. Assn. Lawrence Brinker. Wallace Lyman and Herbert. Connell. - ' George Pundt, Former Omaha : man, uies in Missouri uuy . f . n' ji rT r . ucui kc Annul, iuiiucr uuiana wan. died in St. Louis yesterday. He was about 43 years old. Pundt's father, the late Henry Pundt,, who died 20 years ago, and his brother, the late -Oscar Pundt, who died 10 years ago, were well knowri. Omaha business men. ihe Dody will be brought to Omaha for burial with Interment in the family lot in Prospect Hill cem-v etery Tuesday. Home-Owner Loans Up to 607o on residences less than five tears old. Monthly payments. Speeialpriviltgesand terms. Also straight loans at semi' annu il interest. SKINNER PACKING CMV1PANY BUTTER EGGS vaars Mill 1116 -1118 -Doudlas Sfr Tel-Douglas 1521 l'J,, POULTnY