mm iijiil In the Heart of Omaha's Shopping District ALWAYS OPEN HARMONY CAFETERIA 1509 HARNEY STREET Prices Reasonable Table Service V if Desired? .y; -Never Closed This Beautiful Stearns-Knight 1918 Automobile Given Away Absolutely Free 1 Cool Clean Comfortable By "EATING THE HARMONY WAY" your desire for auto ownership may be appeased. This beautiful automobile is now on exhibition in the display window of ' THE HARMONY CAFETERIA where you are always certain of being served with the best that can be bought We know you are interested. . Call. i This Automobile Free to Our Patrons Seating Capacity 200 WE ARE HERE to Serve to Please to Merit YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE 0 WE ARE CONDUCTING A CAFETERIA, in point of equipment and service, un equalled in the Middle West; We claim for THE HARMONY' CAFE TERIA the largest and only Ground Floor Cafeteria in Omaha, in the Heart of the Shopping District; a place where you can take your down-town meals with the con fidence that every dish is .carefully pre pared and served with the "HARMONY WAY"prepared from the best the market ' affords and served at a price so .reason able you have cause to marvel: "How can it be done?" Uncle Sam says 'Eat Plenty-But Don't Waste. " CAFETERIA SERVICE promotes the conservation needs of the day. You call , for what you need to -satisfy "and pay 'for that need only-no waste of food or labor. Wholesome Food Deliciously Prepared With Cafeteria Service Meets Every Call of the Federal Food Administration BEST CUP OF COFFEE SERVED IN 1 OMAHA v