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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1918)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 28, 1918. CEappell, arid KimbalL-on the Lincoln Highway ' SIDNEY BLOOMS BY EFFORTS OF BUSINESS MEN ' Wideawake Citizens Make This Western Nebraska Town a Prosperous City Access able byGood Roads. ' Sidney, Neb, the far-weit junc Hon point of the Union Pacific and , Burlington roadi U a name well nown over the entire itate. And to s great measure thia is due to the lire real estate and business men of J the town. J Some ten years ago Sidney was on the map. It was there, with good farming land all around going begging for skillful hands to come and farm it Out of the quietness came a num ber of y real honest-to-goodness real estate men, who knew what could bell idone and were willing to put their wn time and money into proving it They traveled the state, put their ' proposition to men in the other sec i piti of the state and soon there !werefiocking to Sidney farmers of all kindi eager to get cheap land for .themselves, and get out of the class of renters. They have made good nnd from their success the town of Sidney has grown in size and in bus , iness. . . These men, when the Lincoln high way was proposed, gave up their busi ness to consider the future of good roads , in that section of the state. ?They put in time and money and constructed out of the truly awe-in-piring rutty tracks that went fo roads, real highways, crowned, grad ed and with a solid base of good Ne braska clay.. The highway came through Sidney and never since thatJ u u ... it...:. l tunc iiavc iuc:jrF iciaacu iuch cam paign 10 keep ttjem good and niake them just a little better. . Sidney Jtself is the center of an tinusually large district Thejj are thriving businesses, good streOs, an excellent lighting and water system, . one of the finest school systems in the state for the size of the town and live commercial club. The mer chants do one of the best distribut ing businesses of western Nebraska in agricultural implements, autos and . general supplies, while there are l" shipped out of there each year thosuands of dollars worth of farm products. " -'..v. s - : Auto is J&i eat Help . to Those Living at Chappel, Nebraska - Were you ever in Chappell, Neb. Boy, it's the place I Full of big heart ed people, doing a big business in a big way. They grow crops, out there on lots less rainfall than we fellows who live right close to the Missouri but they seem to get along just as welt have good results and when it comes raising hay and cattle and nogs . there's the best in the west, right " there. ". . No pretensions are made at Chap-' pell to being interested in anything but the state of crops and the matter of keeping the people who raise them , well supplied with the necessities and the luxuries of life. It takes the unit ed effors of all the people in the town to minister in thm n4. nf th l.m. ersround there in" the matter 0f gro ceries, agricultural machines and im plements, clothes and some other things, not forgetting the auto, for m this country an auto has become one of the necessities of the farmer. Keep Cattle Raisers. they thought that here was an ideal country for the raising of their prod- , UCtS. No one wmiM want tn trtr raise anything if he tried. And then came the nester, with his little fenced in plot near a creek bed and he proved fter a number' of disappointing years that he not only could raise crops but that he could be an aid to the cattle man and not in his -way. For it's his hay and grain that get the big steers .ready for. the market and that carry valuable heads through the Cold win ter months. ,.. " Chappell itself is a pleasing place, wide streets, well lined with cara, many of which have driven into town oyer a splendid section of the Lincoln highwav. There are good banks, and a fine business is done by merchants in every line. The town is situated on the main line of theOJnion Pacific and enjoys good railroad advantages. Kimball Both First : andLast on Highway t Westward on the Lincoln Highway it is almost e last chance in Ne braska, when you reach Kimball . Sit ting in the far southwest corner of , the state it is the last main stop on the Highway goin west and the first stop as you come eastward, v KimballA in the country of big . . ranches, inf act no one in that county owns a mere farm. Land is cultivated :: in big plots, there is plenty of ground taken tor pasturage for the herds of ; cattle and lots of fine hay and alfalfa lands. Good, crops of wheat are raised here and fair yields of corn. ' Oats do well and make an important ' 1 product, for many fine horses are " shipped out of Kimball each year. , The town itself, in spite of being in . - the corner of the state, makes itself felt because of the live spirit of its . . citizens. And as Kimball county is - bounded on two sides by the state of Colorado there is a lively trade . be- tween the citizens of the two states . - carried on in the business houses here. The town itself has .made great im 1 provements in the, pajt few years. , There have been good times and good . crop there for a number of years. , Dry farming is no longer a matter of luck as these men have carried it out, ;' but a matter of farming in an inten- sive manner on large lots of land. As a result there have been built here a number of fine new ouildings, the streets are well cared for. well light- ed and there are good schools and churches. The county association and county officers work together with the men of the city to keep the Lincoln Highway, which they feel is an asset, in good condition and the example set has materially improved the other roads in that vicinity. All of which has made the auto a better known article out there and there are hundreds pi cars owned in Kimball county. MORGAN DRUG STORE . Fred R. Morgan' KIMBALL, NEBRASKA Ft. Vf .j ... It ' " .. fit a.: , ffi3 IEE & LARSON Garage KIMBALL, NEBRASKA "Service You Witt Like "On the Lincoln Highway llll!llllllll!llllllimillMIIIII!lll!lIHI!IIIIMllllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllinillin 1 4 Vath Pharmacy ; L. W. Vath, Prop. Sidney, N6b. v Talephone Sidnay 4. "On the Lincoln Highway" One Block East of Ford Garage TourUt Supplies, Kodaka. Thermo Bottles, Goggles, Full Line of Toilet Articles Soda Fountain, Cigars and Tobacco. s i s iTili:liili!li!l!iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiliiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii;ii Commercial Hotel W. R. HARDY and A. S. HARDY, Manager. , SIDNEY, NEBRASKA Strictly Modern, Rooms and Bath ' "ON THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY" P. L. VanGorder, Pres. and Mgr. 0. D. VanGorder, Treas. A. K. Greenlee, Sec. Incorporated ' , Capital Stock, $50,000.00 THE SIDNEY MERCANTILE CO. DEPARTMENT STORE Directors: F. L. VanGorder, A. K. Greenlee, G. D. VanGorder I ON LINCOLN HIGHWAY. , ( SYDNEY, NEB. TELEPHONE, SYDNEY 26 AND 27. NATIONAL CAFE ( ON THE LINCOLN HIGHWAY SIDNEY, NEB. A la Carte Short Orders. I la Connection With ' NATIONAL AND COMMERCIAL HOTELS Quick Service We 'cater MpecinHy to the TeurUt end Traveling Public, la An Roomei Hot and Cold Water. Electrie Ufhti, Steam Hoat. Fine Bede. European Plan I $1.00 up.. Everythln, ae and mod.ra. phone. Sidaar Na. W. HOTEL NATIONAL A. S. Hardy and V. A. Klln, Proprietor, and Maaafere. ON LINCOLN HIGHWAY. . , The New HART-PARR Specifications PowmwPqUi thret plow SO HP. os belt Meter l-erlinder twin, 4 eyele. Valv la head. 750 BPM. Motor Frame Cai . eteel, one place. No bend. No twUt. Carburetor New Dray keretene hunt. Bearinre 8. K. F. and Hyatt Speeda Two for ward, I and I mL; one reverie. "N, Tranamiuioa Se lective ilidinc gear. Radiator Perfex haft driven fan. Lubrication Mdl-on-KIpp force feed. Welfht 5,000 lbi. It runt one minute or one hour at no load without irregular explosions. ' It passes from no load to full load, or vice versa, without mis-firing: and without throttling;. Absence of excessive carbon deposits, freedom from spark plug; troubles, the non necessity of delicate carburetor adjustments are further proof that .the New Hart-Parr means kerosene supremacy. Then, too, the New Hart-Parr is a four wheel, twin-cylinder tractor of sensible de sign. It is simple. Its parts are easily ac cessible. There can be no mis-alignment of gears there is no bend, no twist to its one piece cast steel engine bed. You should know more about the New Hart-Parr. Write today for free, fully de scriptive literature. Our territory includes Buffalo County, all of Western Nebraska and Eastern Wyoming. Anderson Hart -Parr Tractor Co. SIDNEY, NEP. IIII Hi i i irnn. n tria dl Finest Garage in the West SIDNEY MOTOR CO. SIDNEYfNEB. "On the Lincoln Highway" v PHONE, SYDNEY. 65. Authorized Agents for the Sale of Ford Cars Complete Line of Automobile Accessories, Supplies and Repairs FREE AIR . . . - - GASOLINE ON CURB CAPACITY SEVENTY-FIVE CARS THE REXALL STORES Both on "The Lincoln Highway" Management, H. J. Hadley Chappell Neb. "Get It Where They Got It" t Prescriptions carefully compounded. Modern Soda Fountain All Kinds of Soft Drinks. Cigars and Tobacco. Thermos Bottles. Auto Goggles. Cameras and Supplies. Service You'll Appreciate. .'leiiiie'tetiaiieiieitaiieiiiiietici'eiieiieHeiiBiiiiieeiiiiieKe.iauaiii' iaiiei!e'ieMe:ieiieiiiiiiiBi:ine:ieiianeiie:ie:!eiiBiiaiieiieiiaeieiiii Chappell StatexBank Capital and Surplus $50,000 I CHAPPELL, NEB. ! I H. C. PETERSON, Pres. M. P. JENSEN, CaWer. I JAMES PETERSON, V. Pres. E. C. PETERSON, Ate't. Cash. I "Save and Hade Your Dollar I i s "llll!ll!l!llll!lllllll!IIIIIMlHI!lllllllllliniMIII!!l!:i!l!ll!!lllllllillllll!!;lllli;l! WHITE GAFE i A Good Place to Eat Chappell - " - Nebraska . ,' , "On The Lincoln Highway. In connection with Chappell Inn. Table d'Hote and a la Carte Service. Lunches put up for tourists. Quick service. Fruits and vegetables in season. Large commodious rest room for travelers. Home Bakery in Connection f Baldwin Grain Thresher I n This machine saves more wheat per acre, gets it quicker, requires less labor un der any conditions than any other known method for harvesting. For particulars apply Johnson. Nelson & Yeggy Bros. Chappell. Neb. "On the Lincoln Highway" Phone 37. Official Garage, Repair and Supply Station, ' Chappell AutoCo. "On the Lincoln Highway" CHAPPELL, - - O. O. McPheeter, Prop. - NEBRASKA Authorized Agents for the Sale of Cars Supplies and Repairs Auto Accessories, Filling Station Free Air at the Curb. Exclusive Agents for Tractors' Also Agents for Bates Steel Mule Tractors. CHAPPELL INN O. O. McPheeter, Prop. i fbrtable. Rooms with bath at moderate rates. S 7