Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1918, Automobiles, Image 35

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Some Auto
lives again in 1918. These characters
were none other than Paul Revere,
the original minute man, and seated at
his side was Martha Washington, the
first lady in the land at that time.
"To incorporate some of the pres
ent day background, the tonneau con-
tained some real up-to-the-minnta(
Yankee tars. This Lexington Minuts)
Man Six took a leading part In on
of the big drives and helped not Chw
cago "over the top" with its war
stamp quota."
Army Officers Making Over
Passenger Oars Into Trucks
for Purpose of Hauling
War Materials,
Recently Mr. Howard of the Cadil
Up Motor car factory and J. H. Han
ten of the Jones-Hansen Cadillac Co.,
wer traveling in Colorado through
Denver and made the run to the sum
mit of Pike's Peak without putting
water in the radiator. This seems to
be quite a regular performance of
Cadillacs in the mountains and causes
more or less comment among tourists.
Mr. Howard said that the Cadillac
was performing many stunts on the
battle front in France which the
manufacturers had no idea jt would
dq. A report was recently made to
the government which shows that the
standard Cadillac chassis is being
used in some instances with a stake
body for hauling materials to the
front line trenches where speed is
absolutely necessary. The body is
taken off and an improvised truck
body built on by the army engineers.
In response to an inquiry from the
government a short time ago
as to whether the Cadillac chassis
could be used for trucking pur
poses, Mr. Howard says that
that the factory representatives
said that with a few minor changes
in the rear axle that the Cadillac
chassis would make a speedy, service
able truck. The necessary changes of
construction were recently made and
a two-ton load of sand was driven
from Washington, D. C, to New
York City with an average speed of
31 miles per hour.
Mr. Howard also told of a letter
.which they had received from a lieu
tenant colonel in the American ser
vice who was particularly warm in
his -praise of the Cadillac perform
ance. He said that he wanted a Cad
illac Eight delivered to him immedi
ately upon his return to the states,
and agreed to forward check as soon
as he was advised of the list price.
The Cadillac factory advised him that
if he would send $1 to bind the bar
gain that they would deliver to him
a Cadillac Eight at any port in the
.United $ttes upon his arrival. Far?
ther than that, they agreed to sell it
at the present list price regardless
of the fact that further advances are
almost certain.
Tractor Plays Big
Part in Road Work On
Highways of State
" According to Frank de Brown of
f'iithe' Nebraska Parrett Tractor com
pany, Lincoln, Neb., the tractor will
"''play an important part in the con
struction and rebuilding of the va-I'J-rjous
roads in the state.
: Last week a Parrett tractor was
loaned to a good roads committee
" working out of Lincoln over the O.
L, D. route. This furnished the
motive power for one of the highway
njaintainers manufactured at Have
lock. The outfit left Lincoln on
Thursday and had graded the road
between Lincoln and Millard by Sat
urday, July 20. Owing to heavy
rains they were temporarily held up,
""" but expected to have the work com
pleted by the latter part of last week.
There is a plan on foot, according
, to De Brown, to operate tractor
propelled outfits both ways out of
Lincoln in maintaining the highways,
A surprising amount of work can be
"accomplished with motive power of
this sort and undoubtedly such a
move will add greatly to the ef
fectiveness of road construction.
v '
v Witt rOMt rMSfe X-
of HWNC "To
?o 'round EM
Drawn for the Chalmers Monogram
Liberty Gas Company Looks
for Agent to Handle, Products
The Liberty Gas company of Min
neapolis Minn., has had a represen
tative in Omaha during the last few
days, whose object Ts to contract
with some responsible party for the
handling of their product in this terr
Liberty Gas, according to its back
ers, is a substitute for gasoline,
which will sell for about 2 cents per
gallon less than the present price of
low-grade gas. According to the in
formation which the manufacturing
company is presenting, this gas is
equal to the high-grade gas now on
the market. A shipment of this gas
is now in Omaha. and the manufac
turers expect to make demonstrations
within the next few days.
A Packard car using this fuel is In
Omaha now enroute to the Pacific
coast. This run is being made to
demonstrate the qualities of Liberty
Omaha is to Be Distributing
Point for Turnbull Firm
George Weland, general sales man
ager of the Turnbull Motor Truck
and Wagon company, spent Friday
and Saturday with Carl Changstrom
of the Standard Motor Car company,
distributors of Defiance trucks man
ufactured by the Turnbull company.
According to Mr. Wieland, the
Turnbull people are promoting a new
policy in regard to dealer contracts.
From all indications it is quite evident
that the supply of Defiance trucks wilt
nowhere near keep pace with de
mand, and for this reason the manu
facturing company has decided to
contract with only a few dealers
throughout the United States. The
present plan calls for about eight or
ten distributors.
This plan, it is hoped, will do much
toward keeping dealers who have con
tracts supplied with trucks, and they
feel that by taking care of the demand
in certain localities better results will
be gained than by sending trucks hitr
and-miss to all points in the country.
Omaha is one of the distributing
points which have been decided upon
by the manufacturing company.
Noisy Gears.
Noise in the driving bevels of the
rear axle is commonly caused by
poor adjustment, allowing too little
or too much backlash. Bevel gears
in use today have a method of adjust
ing the depth of the mesh obtained
either by moving the whole differen
tial unit sideways or by movemet of
the driving pinion.
"Fordson" Tractor Here;
Makes First Appearance
The "Fordson" tractor manufac
tured by Henry Ford an4 son, Dear
born, Mich., made its initial appear
ance in Omaha last week. Demonstra
tions held Friday and Saturday were
attended by large crowds and it is
said that the Douglas county allot
ment was practically all sold at the
Ten thousand of these tractors were
shipped to England last year where
they worked night and day and were
largely responsible for the very large
ly increased grain production. Judg
ing from their work here they will be
just as important to the Nebraska
farmer as to his English cousin. It is
said that a full line of farm imple
ments to work with the "Fordson"
will soon he on the market so that the
completely motorized farm is a pos
sibility of the very near future.
"Fordson" tractors and associated
machinery will be handled here by the
authorized Ford agents of Omaha
who are all well equipped to give
proper service with every tractor
Lexington Proves Itself to
Be the 1918 Minute Man
"Living up to our historical tradi
tions, America in 1918 is again prov
ing itself to be a Minqte Man nation
in war preparation," says W. L. Killy
of the Noyes-Kelly Motor company.
"Not the least important part of the
activities have been the successful
proriiotion of important war savings
campaigns. Here our ingenuity is be
ing displayed. In one of the recent
drives for war saving stamps, one of
the Lexington distributors has helped
Copyright icgtetcred, 191 1
New Life in the Old Car
There's nothing that puts new vim and
vigor in the old car 83 a new battery will.
And there's no battery that will keep tie
kick in the spark so long and so reliably as
the Still Better Willard with Threaded Rubber
Insulation. '
YouH know this insulation is inside when
you seethe Willard trademark brand outside
your battery. '
Come in and ask about this big battery
improvement--and get our booklet "A Mark
with a Meaning for You,"
Nebraska Storage Battery Company
20th an Harney Su. ?!" !! 2920.
Omaha, Nebraska.
Wahoo Storage Battery Company,
Wahoo, Nebraska.
Wayna Storage Battery Company,
Wayne, Nebraska.
Fremont Storage Battery Company,
Fremont, Nebraska.
Rd Oak Storage Battery Company,
Bed Oak, Iowa,
"If Motor Tnelt
Could Bo Built
Monty Indiana
Would Build
. Thorn."
NOT only does this tremendous re
serve strength that is built into every
part of the Indiana Truck reduce
maintenance cost but astonishingly length
ens the truck's life and gives amazing earn
ing power.
The Indiana is being recognized more
and more as "America's Greatest Truck
Value." Consider these facts the rear
axle the load carrier of a truck is tested
to 100,000 miles; special heavy-duty, high
powered motor; oversize, heavy-duty bear
ings, 4-speed transmission, gasoline-saving
carburetor and a magneto of 100 depend
ability; the clutch is known to be supreme
for trucks.
Got to know bow much yon can lire by
baring the Indiana haul your load over your
roads. We have the figures. Write, call or phone
Standard Motor Car Co.
Phon pon slat 1705
to make a local campiin go over with
a 'bang.'
"The idea of this dealer consisted in
donating the use of a Lexington
Minute Man Six to the cause. In the
car were seated an attractive couple
impersonating the Spirit of 76, which
If ins. .a- XU 'II Kjr
Anniversary Car
EiG experience in automobile science and art
has produced thisdistinctivelynew Apperson
Anniversary Car. Design, appointments and
coloring are tastefully unique; finish unexcelled.
Just as the Apperson Bros, built the first practi
cable American gasoline car, just as they have,
through 25 years' of pioneer work, been first in
invention, construction and in road, track and hill
climbing contests they have now produced this
master car with the simplified 8 motor with 80
less parts. is their greatest triumph.
You win like Apperson bigness, 130-Inch wheel
base, deep, roomy seats, and the tremendous
power. When can we expect you in?
8 jf "-a
J, Hf De Jong Auto
. 2060-62 Farnam St
'. Omaha, Neb.
Fill Me Up WithYour Cheapest
My Car is a Chalmers" ;
Ever heard that order given at a gasoline tilling station ?
You will if you just watttffl a Chalmers drives no,' ,
At some of the larger stations you'll, see a row pf three or four
red pumps. , ' 1 - H
On each is a price, and in some cities the price will range from
say, 20fc, 23&, 27 to 30 cents per gallon.
Watch the different makes of cars as they arrive for refilling of tanks.
The "temperamental" ones will insist on the high-test gasolin
only. And pay the high price.
They will tell you, that, with the low-test gasoline, their cylinders fill
with carbon, the carburetor will not function, and that the power
produced is niL
Well they ought to know. They are driving those cars.
The Chalmers owner is the exception to the rule.
He stops at the first pump the cheapest, heaviest, low-test gasoHna
He knows he is buying a liquid that is practically kerosene.
But he also knows his Chalmers motor will burn it and con
sume it perfectly.
And if he knows all the facts he will appreciate also that there are
more heat units per gallon in the heavy thamin the lighter fuel
So his efficiency is greater at the same time that his fuel bill is less. 1
Yes you have it--the famous "Hot Spot" and the "Ram's Horn"
manifold as you find them in combination only in Chalmers Motor
Cars, are responsible for that condition.
Yqu obtain a four-fold efficiency in a Chalmerswe'll tell you hqfw
in the next advertisement
Meantime, drop in and let us show you just what the "Hot-Spot"
and the "Ram's Horn" really are what they accomplish and how.
Then you will understand the reason for the tremendous popularity
of the Chalmers a popularity and a demand so great that every
body in the trade concedes, "This is Chalmers year,"
2020-2? farnam St.
Tonrtac Cat, T-Pmmbk fieiS Toortoc Sla . . . . . stSM Town Car Laadaalet. . S30M
Tovrtag Cw, rawaafaa 1M CabrloU,a-F(Mnrr. . BIBBS fJnaulaa, T Faafaacat Swa
Staadard Baadatax ... f t9B fawn Cat, 1-PasMDgat . SmtS Unonataa Laadaalat (Nil
AD Fflaal . O. B. Datrelt BaMt to Cbaaca Without Kotioa
Western Motor Car Co.
Omaha, Neb. ' Wichita, Kan.