Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1918, Automobiles, Image 32
JMesbinfiq ColOoo on the Lincoln HM . ' cS OMAHA AUTOISTS PUT JULESBURG ON WHEELED MAP Thriving Little Colorado City in Center of Pry and Irri gated Farm Belt and is Rail Center. Juiesburg, a town of Colorado, it probably better known in (he itaU of Nebraska than tbreerfoqrthi pi pur own towns. It is strategically local cd at the function of the main lint and the Denver branch of tha Union Pacific railroad and is a main point on the Lincoln Highway. Thus. great part of the travel west of Qmh It into Juiesburg either on the train er in autos. The little pity it strictly an agrl cultural center, ioth dry farming and irrigation methods being used, near there. Through Juiesburg comes not only most of the business of Sedge wick county, Colo., but a'jo consider able trade of the neighboring coun ties of Nebraska. Ctt!c, horses, grain, sugar beets, potatoes, alfalfa and garden products from the irri 'gated farms, are the commodities marketed her- the banks et tne town finance annually the moving of from $500,000 to $1,000,000 worth of crops. Fatttn Cattle Here. The combination of tPt sugar beet raising on one side and the great cat tle barons on the oth-fr side of the town allows for a co-oieration in the matter of the feeding cattle beet topi and by-products of the sugar making to fattan them and make reidy for market, incidentally there has grown tip a considerable business in dairy ing. The. irrigated project consists of 22,000 acres watered from the Jumbo reservoir. Juiesburg if thfljving .city and one in which great deal has been done in the way of modern improvements, schools, churches, and almost all of this has been done on a spot cash basis, the only indebtedness of the county being a small school fund. Anti Bombardment ' Insurance Is Being x Issued Now In Paris 1 ' The German advance has brought Into Paris "nti bombardment jijsurt ance." The fine company allowed o do such, business, will insure any given property only against damage front 5,000 shells If Hit Germans wert to reach i ooint whire their huKe 350- . centimeter, guns could effectively- bat ter Parts, and were to pour 5,0QQ ia Withotft damaging any given piece of property, its owner would have to. reinsure against tne next s.vw sntus. The price of the anti-bombardment insurance has gone up to twice what the anti-airplane bomb policies cost. It means just six francs per thousand if buildings; and twelve francs if any thing else. ' . The insurance company also hat . drawn up a scale pf insurance against personal injury from long range and other kinds of cruna and airolane raids Thereby it is possible to insure civil ians up to 50,00Q francs at four francs .l j .t . ..,. i per thousand in the districts nearest the present front: at two and one- half t thousand ip Paris and its im mediate vicinity, t one franc in re moter departments: and at 75 cen times ia the most distant departments ana m Algeria. I The company, whose parent organi sation in England has achieved a reputation - in years past for taking any kind of a "sporting" risk in the insurance line, will not insure life for over 5l),UUQ francs unless special prem iums iff paid. ,' August Victor Records - Of Exceptional Quality ine f-jonzaity string quartet, , musical organisation which stands unique because of its history, n supreme in its class because of the quality pf its musical attainment, pre, sents 'Ul first Victor record in the offering of the Victor-company for August The thousands who ' have heard this string quartet, which, has been leader in the rendition pf chamber music for fifteen years, wjll be glad to hear the reproduction of Mendeltsohn'a Canzonetta, Op.' 12, AO. . : Another instrumental record pf special interest at this time is Victor Herbert's American Fantasie, a bril liant incorporation into a stirring marcn pi many oi tne popular path otic airs. ' Harry Lauder, the irrepressible and irresistible, has new record in the August Offering, a recitation instead or a fong, put a trench story witt both smiles and tears, and rta! message. . Three dance records and several of we latest war sopgs, by Victor fa . vontea. are included. Fran. . AM, has a brilliant rendition of The . Magic of Vour Eyes." A sacred number by Sophie Braslau is one f the month'! beadliners, together with The Song that Reached My Heart," sung by Enn Williams. Those who . tike Indian music (and that is about everybody) will enjoy a record by Princess Watahwaso. The August list pf records includes a variety, tome part of which will appeal to the musical tastes of any one. ; . - Once With The Bee, Now Rung Big Ranch , r S' V ' I .? ' 1 yd- X , - W 5 V . ' f r Jr " I . i r ,i w v A n p3 ' ! -1 y v ; ' ' & WILI, ft. CAMPBELL. Will A, Campbell and son, Bill Campbell, jr., on their "Four Range Ranch." near Helena, Mont, Mr. Campbell was formerly pf The Bee staff. He, now edits and it principal owner of the Helena Daily Independ ent and also has a thousand-acre wheat ranch on which he lives with his family, ranching in the daytime and running a newspaper nights. FRENCH MOTHERS MOURN DAILY FOR U. S. SLAIN Emotions Felt by Parents Thou sands of Miles Away Lived Again at the Burials ot Heroes. Correspondence of Associated Press. Paris, July 7. Four, five and in many cases, six thousand miles from their maternal hearth, the American dead, heroes of the second battle of the Marne who have succumbed from grievous wounds in Paris hospitals, are mourned daily by French mothers, sisters and fathers who teel the emo tions of these heroes' kindred at home, , Daily, the funerals leave the city hospitals for the little Suresnes ceme tery dedicated to Americans by the chyof Suresnes, located on a hill on r the west of Paris overlooking the French metropolis. Daily, the repub lican guard in their picturesque and historic military attire march forth to the funeral to bestow France's regard upon these American heroes,, and though no volley is fired because it is forbidden by the French authorities, the American bugler sounds "taps" with impressive toning, A service is first held in the little chapel in the hospital. Protestant chaplains officiate over the dead of their faith and Catholic over theirs. The hospital organization such as can be spared, including nurses, orderljes, clerks and doctors attends the service. Military Honors to Dead. The bodies are borne from the chapel to waiting ponderous army motor trucks. The republican guard and the marines form an escort. As each body, is brought to the convey ance, these military units execute "present arms." When all the dead have beeji placed upon their military biers, fhe procession to the cemetery starts. At the head are the chaplains in motor cars. Then follow the mo tor trucks and last the gmrd of honor. The coffins are draped with Amer ican flags. Each one bears two wreaths, one given by the republic of France and another by the city of Paris. Tricolor ribbons bind the iiiiltiiliiiiiiiil.iiiiiiif!i,!lii.ilil i i;ili::luii:iliililnl!:i!!liiiini:liiliin::ii:iii'i;iii;in:iii;i HUDSON & KRIST Market, Fancy & Staple Groceries JULESBURG, COLO. GOOD EATS AND DRINKS FOR THE TOURIST. Modern ice machine. We make our own ice for re frigerators, ice boxes and show cases. irii lll1lllillllHIllllilllIUIM wreaths. In letters of gold, the rib bons are marked "Aux Defenseurs de la Patrie." The little procession winds its way along the boulevards. The French know its significance. Without excep tion as it passes, every pedestrian stops, uncovers and bows in homage to the American heroes. That extra room will pay your coal bill. Rent it through a Bee want Ad. Citizens ational Bank Juiesburg, Colo. July 10, 1910. "On the Lincoln Highway" P. C. E. Officer: F. Clayton, Pres. M. Rolf son, V. Pres. F. Clayton, Cashier. Resources $357,285.27 Resources $357,285.27 iMI'li't illl('IMrriita"Mliirtnt''l'l!TIllMllilillil'ii)llil'lttnl!l:-t'?il'i'iliilMIT:oaMaiilnl;li -( '(nll S Reed Geo. A. I JULESBURG, COLO. I I hardware! I AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES OF I I EVERY DESCRIPTION Wolf Head Auto Oils. 1 Pennsylvania and Fisk Casings and Tubes. I i "Free Air at the Curb." 1 I Big Electric Gasoline Filling Station., " I Telephone Juiesburg 114. 1 iTiiuiniiji.iijiiiiiiiiii.iniiiiiii.jiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiin LEE ERB Furniture and Undertaking Juiesburg Colorado "On the Lincoln Highway" :i!lll!!!!l!lll!ll:!l:ll!IIINI!!lll!lllll!lltll!!ill! B. D. PARKER, Jr.. Prei. and Mgr. MRS. B. D. PARKER, Sec. and Treat. The Juiesburg Motor Company FORD SALES AND SERVICE i PITm limn i f,i"iT,irf"""' iii.ii i. i in fc"''n i'rr KiniWMiiiiBiwufci am i' in mn n.rn- i q - wi -t - r -gn irtw.iMi'fciii) airn mm ii nil i uxji . ..i h.h n .m i rmi l 1 IL Soldier Opens Savings . Account with Idle Wealth The question of what tn enlisted man ia tht American army does with all hit tnoRfy has, been answered here , by a disclosure of the financial af- fairs of nf rnember of a machine 4 run eomoanv at Camo Beanresrard. The aoldieF receives $33 a month. Of this $1$ f tent to Ms mother, $5 1 paid. a a Liberty bond and $6.50 deducted for insurance, teariov i hi ance $6.SQ, or approximtelir 2 cents a day. As Uacls Sam provides him wth .Ttrythinf ha' dcsirei and the 21 cents is idle wealth. Ve fast decided to open a sarings account Motor n fUCKS Bespeak HP I rue E conomy Economy it the cardinal virtue of a profit-producing truck, and in the PACKARD you get a truck that gives you more mileage at a less cost per ton mile than any other truck on the market. In buying a PACKARD truck you know from the outset that you have invested your money in a vehicle that will give you good service under all conditions. f The high quality of the PACKARD, together with the standard Packard service go hand in hand 7 When you think of a truck, ask the man who has invest ed in a PACKARD Jle'll tell you. Geo. F. Reim Company Distributor High Grade Motor Cars Hrney and 31st Streets OMAHA, NEB. Telephone Harney 10 oAsk the man 'who owns one 3gB ,- FIREPROOF BUILDING STEAM HEAT Rubber Goods -: ACCESSORIES 100 Cars Capacity JULESBURG, COLO. lll!)il!IIIIill!l!ll!llllll!lllll!lllll!l!lllil!!lllllill S T?F BEOWN 10TIEL "On the Lincoln Highway" JULESBURG, COLO. B. F. LOCKWOOD, Prop. European Plan. Rooms With Private Bath Tub or Shower. Gateway Cafe Rex A. Teed, Prop JULESBURG, COLO. "On the Lincoln Highway." Open Day and Night We Put Up Lunches for Tourists. Phone 'Juiesburg 19-W. First National Bank Juiesburg, Colorado Capital and Surplus, $60,000 Total Resources, $485,000 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS JESSE C McNISH, President. JACOB FRICKEL, Jr., Vice President JOHN MANNHALTER, Cashier. C F. PARKER, Director. C W. WHITE, Director. I I I I Z. N. CLEVELAND DRUGGIST JULESBURG, COLORADO Phone 18 KODAKS THERMOS BOTTLES CANDY, CIGARS AND SODA WATER GOGGLES AND ROAD MAPS. TOURIST OUTFITS H. J. SMELSER G. S. SMELSER SMELSER & SON Real Estate and In surancc MULES2UP.Q, COW,