"The Stars and Stripes v '. Forever." , JAW MP ARE Massed Reserves Struggling , Franticallflo' Save HalfN Million German Soldiers Pocketed in Salient.' By Associated Press. ... Washington, D. C, July 24. Massed German reserves are holding open the jaws of the trap General Foch has sprung Nm the Aisne-Marne region, m a desperate effort to stabilize their lines without the crushing of the forces withdrawing from the Chateau Thierry and Marne salients. ; Official reports to the War M)W W itlOTM uw& LfULyJuv! Mb 11 - wm iiii ffl mmm CL0SN.G department show the enemy has but a single railway to get material out of the pocket into tfhich he has been forced.. . The situation was graphically ex plained today by General March. chief of staff, in a mid-week confer ence with newspaper men. For the last two days, General March said, the employment of probably IS di . visions of fresh German serves on . the Soissous jaw of the -trap has practically steadied the line there. On the eastern jaw front the enemy - has been crushed back more than a - mile and a-harf- on-a10-mile front. further; imperiling his whole position in the "salient from which he is en deavoring to extrieate his troops. ? -; Railroad Under Fire. "The railroad running from Sois sons to Chateau Thierry now is either in our hands or under our fire," Gen eral March said. "The only way in which the enemy can get out now, or get supplies over a railroad, is by the remaining line from Nanteuil on the Ourcq to Bazocheson the River Vesle. "It was necessary for him, if he did not intend to be caught abso lutely in a pocket, to keep troops trom advancing and cutting off this road, which would put him entirely at the mercy of the allied forces." . Some officers here are of the opin ion General Foch was rushing tor ward masses of heavy artillery, which , vith airplanes would pound the interior of the German positions from three sides. They say the very, strength of (lie German lines now established will . make his losses great from the con .. centrated fire. The enemy forces oc cupy a wedge the center of which is less than 15 miles distant from the hard pressing lines of the allies at any point All hrs communication lines are within gun range, once the "heavies" get up behind the allied lines. - ; Lacking railway lines on which to maneuver, the enemy probably is - making desperate efforts to get his biggest guns' away safely. The at tacking fines are backed by circling T railways on which long range weap ' ons on railway mounts can be shut - tied back and forth at will. It is re called that the German attack on (Continued oon Pace Two, Column Two.) Liberty Loan Campaign Begins September 28; Continues Three Weeks ' Washington, July 24. The treas ' ury virtually has. decided to hold the fourth Liberty loan campaign in the . three weeks' period between Saturday, September 28, and Saturday, October 19. ' The length of the drive will be re duced from the usual four weeks with the hope of avoiding the usual slump - of interest in the middle of the cam paign. " Nebraska Boy Among , ': , Saved Aboard San Diego Aurora, Neb., July 24. (Special Telegram.) Mrs.' S. Isakson of Mar quette today received a letter from liy son, Leon Dahlsteadt, who was re ported lost with the cruiser San Diego. Dahlsteadt wrote from Hoboken, N. J., saying he lost everything but his life. . ' - - k Army Officers Cleared Washington, July 24. A formal statement from the War department today denounced as entirely unfound ed any inferences tending to involve f crmy officers in accusations of wrong doing in connection with the con tracts for army raincoats. v l ' Called in Air craft Work. f t, Washington, July 24. Provost Marshal General Crowder today is- sued a call for 624 registrants for bureau. SPORT LOVERS I voi48-No.32. ,rrrVr;:StOMAHA, Thursday morning, july German Troops Throw Ot I Shackles of SUPPOSED RAIDER SEEN IN OCEAN TRAVEL LANE Nameless Steamer Flying No Flag and Having Unusually High Wireless Masjts Encountered Off Nantucket Before Attack on Tugboat and Its Tow of Barges on Sunday Last. Bv Associated Press. Gloucester. Mass., July 24. fishing schooner Elizabeth King, which arrived here tonight, reported an encounter Sunday with what he believes was a German raider, off Nantucket. Captain Price said the feet of the Elizabeth King, trained on the schooner. "I expected he would hail us," said Captain Price, "but he did not. so I asked him through a megaphone if he had seen anv fishinar vessels in that vicinity. An officer shouted back something in a foreign language that none of us understood. "The steamer was about 2,500 tonsO and looked as if it had been at sea a long time. Two unusually high wire less masts rose from its decks. It bore no name or home port, and flew no flag. It had been camouflaged, apparent ly, but the paint was nearly washed off, and the sides were covered with iron rust. There was a large crew aboard. The incident occurred between 6 and 9 o'clock in the morning. This was three hours before a German submarine appeared off Orleans on the Cape Cod shore and attacked a tugboat and its tow of barges The position given by Captain Price places the steamer in the lane of trans Atlantic travel ' The sinking of the schooner. Rob ert and Richard of the Gloucester fish ing fleet Monday by a German sub marine has not intimidated fishermen here. Schooners have gone to sea since the news was received and the captains declare they will keep on fishing in spite of the enemy sub marines. Report of Signals Unverified. Boston, July 24. An official investi gation today of the report that a Brit ish steamship off the north Atlantic coast was sending S. O. S. signals had only negative reesults as far as the first and second naval districts which cover the New England coast line was concerned. Intelligence of ficer reported no distress signals had been picked up. Germans Exaggerate Losses of American x Troops in Of fensive -Washington, July 24. The Wolff bureau dispatch purporting to picture tremendous sacrifices among the American troops in the great offen sive is'characterized by officials here as pure propaganda. Amsterdam, July 24. This after noon the Wolff bureau telegraphed a correction to the report relative to losses in the battle.' Instead of "some hundred thousands of killed negroes and Americans," the bureau says that the correspondent reports some "tens of thousands killed." Brown Shades Restricted. Washington, July 24. Shoe manu facturers were asked today by the war industries board to confine shades of brown shoes to two colrfrs, medium and dark. Submarines In Long Fight Finally Sink Transport .London, July 24. The White Star liner, Justicia, 'says a Belfast dis patch today, was sunk off the north Irish coast on Saturday afternoon. The Justicia carried a crew of be tween 600 and 700. Eleven members of the crew are dead. The Justicia had a troop-carrying capacity of between 7,000 and 8,000 men. , . . From three to eight submarines are said to, have been concerned in the attack on 'the Justicia,' according to the Daily Mail, which says the fight bean at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon and lasted intermittently until Satur day morning. The ship sank about 1 o'clock in the afternoon after nine torpedoes had been fired. When the liner was first struck the torpedo boat destroyers which accom panied her raced to attack the enemy and dropped many depth charges, while patrol boats stood by the ship and a tug took her in tow. The second and third torpedoes were fired about S o'clok in the after noon. Both missed their marks, one going ahead of the steamer and the READ THE BEE BECAUSE OF! THE CRISP,. UP-TO-DATE SPORTING NEWS 1 A II II I 1 II Capt. William Price, of the steamer approached within 100 keeping forward and alt guns M'ADOO GRANTS RAIL SHOPMEN RAISE IN WAGES Addition to Aggregate Annual Payroll of Half Million Men, Estimated as Nearly-One Hundred Million Dollars. Washington, July 24. Wages of railroad .shopmen were increased to 68 cents an hour today by Director General McAdoo, with proportionate advances for assistants and miscel laneous classes in mechanical de partments. The new rates, which are retroactive to last January 1, are from five to 13 cents an hour higher than wages paid these men in most shops under the general wage ad vance allowed two months ago by the director general, rmt are somewhat less than the labor organizations sought.. Beginning August 1, eight, hours will be recognized as a standard work ing day, and overtime, Sundays and holiday work will be paid at the rate of one and one-half times the usual rate. Back pay will be given the men as soon as it can be calculated. The advances apply to about 500,000 men and apply flatly to all sections of the country, despite local differences prevailing heretofore. The addition to the aggregate annual payroll is es timated at nearly $100,000,000. The advance is the first extensive modification of the new wage scale and was made on recommendation of tlie commission on railroad wages and working conditions following rep resentations of shop crafts that high wages paid machinists and other me chanical workers in shipyards result ed in discrimination against railroad shop employes. - The new scale of wages was an nounced as follows Machinists, boiler makers, black smiths, sheet metal workers, moulders and first class ejectriqal workers, 68 cents per hour. "' v Carmen and second class electrical workers, 58 cents per hour. Helpers, 45 cents per hour. Foremen paid on hourly iasis, 5 cents per hqur more than respective crafts. i . other aft. . Two' hours later, another torpedo was seen coming,' but when, it got close a gunner on the Justicia, with extraordinary aim, hit it clean and exploded it. All was quiet unlrt 8 o'clock in the evening when the fifth torpedo was siglited. The gunners on the Jus ticia placed their j shots so near it that the torpedd was deflected and missed its target. Most of the crew by this time had been transferred to other ships which had remained near the liner all night. The Justicia--was well on her way to port Saturday morning when to ward 8 o'clock . the gunners again were hard at work as the sixth and seventh torpedoes went past Two hours later a submarine, fired the eighth and ninth torpedoes" and one of them struck forward and the other aft. . . - , . The Justicia was ' formerly the Dutch steamer Statendam, whieh was taken over by, the British government on the stocks at Belfast when it was nearing completion. It was a vessel of 32,234 tons gross. II If I II II II u II II f .11 .11 II II Whisky Sold at Shilling A Sniff at English Fair London, July 24. High grade whisky is becoming scarce in Eng land. At a country fair the other dayt a tidy sum was realized by charging one shilling a snitf at a bottle of pre-war Scotch. EPIEDS PASSED BY AMERICANS DRIVING ENEMY i German Commander Moves Large Part of Guns and Stores; American Flyers Down Five Machines. BULLETINS. Paris, July 24. Highly Important gains by the French and American forces on the Aisne-Marne front are reported in the official state ment of the war office tonight. In the center of the line an advance of nearly two miles wag made. ' Desperate engagements were, fought in the direction of Epieds and Trugny-Epieds, which villages the. Americans recaptured from the Germans To the north of Epieds, the Franco-American line is now beyond Courpoil. North of Montdidier, the total number of prisoners taken July 23 in the region of Mailly-Raineval and Aubvillers is 1,850, including 52 officers, among them four battalion "litis, nmgng uie supplies Gap-, tured were four cannon of 77, 45 trench cannon and 300 machine guns. London, July 24. The British to day gained important ground in Vrigny wood, southwest of Rheims. By Associated Press. With the American Army on the Aisne-Marne front, July 24 No great artillery activity characterized fighting today. Yesterday, the Americans fouglu three times for the possession of Epieds, the Germans countering every time. The Americansj passed Epieds today with comparatively little resistance. The French on their part of the line also found the enemy will ing to move. Hot rear guard actions are contin uing. The losses among the Germans have been lighter than usual on ac count of their failure to resist stren.r uously the advanfe of the allies. North (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) Czecho-Slovak Army Of 80,000 Keen fcr Service in France San Francisco, July 24. An army of 80,000 Czecho-Slovaks has seized 5,000 miles of the trans-Siberian rail road and is training to drain Russia of all Czecho-Slovak nationals for ser vice with the allies in France, Capt. Vladimir S. Hurban. member of these forces, and a special emissary to Presi dent Wilson, said here today, j " Captain Hurban has credentials to show that he has been delegated to secure ships from America, if possi ble, to transport this entire force from Vladivostok to the United States and Canada for ultimate service in France. . . "We want to get into the very first trenches and punish the vandals who are upholding the hand of Austria," Captain Hurban said. We cannot fight Austria, as we are practically unarmed. But we can get equipment in America and France, and then our force of 80,000 will be at the service of the allies and humanity." August Specht Injured When Hit by Automobile August F. Specht of the city health department suffered a sprained wrist and bruiscswhen struck by an auto mobile luesdav nieht at lwenty- sixth street and St Mary's avenue. J une Shipping Losses Lowest Months Record Since September, 1916 ; London, July 24. The losses to British and allied shipping dot- to enemy action or marine risk for the month of June totalled 275,629 gross tons, this being the lowest-record for any month since September, 1916. . The British losses totalled 161,062' tons, and neutral losses 114,567. Edward A. Rumely Life Story of Man Who Bought New York Mail for the Kaiser on Page Ten of This Issue iW ' II II XV 25, ii--rterttttJS?& two cents. STORES OF PROVISIONS PILLAGED BY SOLDIERS Claim of High Command That Retirement on Marne It Part of Set Program Refuted by y Order of General Von'Boehm Concerning Use Made 1 of Booty by His ' Disorderly Horde. By Associated Press. With the British army in France, Tuesday, July 23. The claim of the German high command that the retirement on the Marne is part of a set program is given the lie by an order of General von Boehm, commander of the Seventh army. . The Seventh army has borne the full weight of the Foch counter offensive on the west and its divisions around Soissons suffered heavily at the hands of the Americans, while those east of Chateau Thierry were thrown back across the Marne by the pressure of the French. COL. HAYVARD AND HIS MEN IN THICK OF MARNE BATTLE Information From France and Press Dispatches Together Indicate Nebraskan Mas . Proved His Mettle .1. Col. William Hayward, formerly of Nebraska City, commanding a New York regiment on the firing line, has bee"n in the recent big fighting. Al though in a hospital recovering from a double operation for an old trouble, he would not be restrained when he heard his men were to help punish the Huns, but led them to victory along the Marne- rver, in the middle of July. : About the middle of June his regi ment was retired from active service and Colonel Hayward was sent to the hospital for an operation on his ankle and upon his abdomen. A few days later he was able to write let ters. July 18 press dispatches spoke of a negro regiment, resting at the time of the Rheims drive, which re quested to be sent in. The colonel is said to have broken away from the hospital and cpme to the front in an auto. There see"ms little doubt tp those who investigated the cir cumstances that the brave colonel was Hayward. Although suffering from the operation on his ankle and from mustard gas, the Nebraska boy put the Huns to flight. The regiment was in the vicinity of Rheims late in June. It is known that it participated n the fight there. Dan Smith, jr., another Nebraska City boy, a member of the 15th New York regiment whkh Colonel Hay- ward commanded, was in the big fight. He attended the Nebraska City high school and was prominent in athletics there. The regiment and one of the cap tains, Capt. "Ham" Fish, is mentioned in last week's number of the Satur day Evening Post in 'Trench Es sence," by Irvin Cobb. Episcopal Priest Gives Up ' Parish to Enter U. S. Army Rev. Joseph J. Dixon, rector of the Episcopal .church at Callaway, Neb, has resigned his parish and volun teered as a private in the army. He was inducted into service with the last draft from Nebraska and was appointed to command the contin gent, from Custer county, numbering 70 men. A goodly number of his parisluor ers. of draft age, but given deferred classification, rallied around him, waived exemption and were inducted into the army with ' their "fighting pastor." He has lived in Callaway tor thjast three years and won the respectand love of the entire com munity. , He is essentially a man's man and upon the declaration of this country that a state of war existed he volun teered his services as a chaplain. He could not wait action by the War de partment and when the draft came waived exemption.: Bishop George Allen Beecher went to Callaway last Sunday and preached- pastor. He arranged that the) family of the soldier-priest should remain in Bee Mscvpliw V For this reason, the order nf (Inn- era! Boehm, written a month l.rior to the beginning of the battle, is of un usual significance. He deplores the lack of discipline which resulted in the pillaging of stores in the back areas during the advance in May, when all edible booty found in the t wake of the retiring French speedily vanished, instead of being distributed arricng the Hungry troops in due tions. v v Gorge on Captured Food. The order continue . "It is necessary to depart from the beaten track which has been followed in the utilization of material and pro visions and stores from' the occupied territorjVi Hopes of frjex ntilizr.tion of captured food as rations and oft' "i distribution of a fixed portion of th provisions to the fighting troops have proved to be fallacious, owing to the fact troops have taken these pro visions themselves and eaten them, without treating them as a part of the authorized stale of rations. "Jn this way some of the units, which have chanced to have the op portunity to capture booty of this description have lived in abundance, while others are suffering privations. Further, it has not even been the troops in the front line to whom this more abundant supply of 'food has fallen, but second line troops, train echelons and., especially, strag glers who are roaming about behind the army. Food Taken Without Authority. "It has even happened that men have taken food without authority and by force from the stores in the military occupation and administra tion, and I regret to say some officers have not been ashamed to interfere with the guard in the execution of their duty and to insult the officials to whose charge the provisions were entrusted. It appears to be neces sary for the supply officials to follow the first line troops as closely as possible and to be accompanied by escorts of cavalry or police, so that important stores and depots may at least be administered by them with as little delay as possible. "If our progress results in the oc cupation of a new area, this must be placed under a regular system of ex-, ploitation as soon as possible. Order must be maintained in, the villages by sentries and patrols. The troops must be - restricted and prohibited from making requisitions in the fields and taking the crops. The people at home are so short of all provisions necessary to life that enough can (Continued on Pago Two, Column Fire.) REV. JOSEPH J. DIXON. the rectory during the; absence their fighting husband and father. of THE WEATHER For Nebraska Showers and much cooler Thursday. a. m....'..V....1t 1 a. m 71 a. m 74 a. m. 77 IS a. m.. ....... ..go 1 p. m... ....... .8 S s. m.... M 4 p. m .....90 5 p. m... tl p. m S3 11 a. m K 7 p. m .......ft IS noon ,.M8 p. m to Important Gains Made on Three Sides of U-Shaped Battle Front Despite Violent Counter Attacks. By Associated Press. . Violent German counter at tacks and rear guard actions in great, strength still fail to serve as barriers to the ad vance on the Soissons-Rheims salient. They have aided in slowing down the fast pace, but on the three, sides of the noy U shaped battle front, important gains have been made. Driving slowly, but surely, south of Soissons, the American and French troops have pushed their fronts far ther eastward toward that part of the Soissons-Chateau Thierry railway tin ttiat i'o lit in iUik UzrtAm f (,a Henemy, and further south, along both sides ot the Ourcq river and the road leading to Fere-En-Tardenois, Ger- , many's great storehouse for the sup ply of her troops to the south, im portant penetrations into enemy-held .' territory have been made until the maximum point where the allies are fighting pear Coincy. is '..about ,J0 miles from their point of departure last Thursday. ' ; . Fierce Resistance Met. . In , the Marne region north of Cha teau Thierry , the Americans and French have met with the fiercest kind of resistance, for. the Germans are striving hard to extricate large numbers of the German forces and save part of the great number of guns and quantities of war materials. The advantage in the fighting has rested with the allied troops, who, have pushed on northward past the village of Epieds and ousted the Ger- Sans from the greater part of the latclet forest. The allies now hold the villages of Epieds and Trugny Epieds, which were captured by the Germans and were . recaptured Wednesday in a 'counter attack by the, Americans. Pressing on' north ward the allies have driven their front beyond Courpoil, which lies about six and a half miles northeast of Chateau Thierry,'; - Along the. Marne at several points, notably in the region of Charteves and . Jaulgonne and further .east of Treloup, the allies have put the north ern bank of the Marne further, behind ' them in advance and captured a large numbervof cannon and machine guns and considerable war materials. British Give Valuable Aid. In the region between the Marne and Rheims, where , the : German crown prince . has brought forward large numbers "of picked reinforce tneats, his warriors are meeting with hard usage. Following up the ad vances of the French and Italians of Tuesday the British immediately to i the southwest of. RhefThs apparently have begun a movement which pqssi--V bly portends good results. Here the British have overcome a strong counter attack and violent bombardment and itruck the German line at Vrigny for a goodly gain. This maneuver, if it js pressed to fur ther advantage, will seriously menace the Rheims-Fismes railway, a scant three miles toht north,' and also will tend materially to lessen the width of the mouth ' of the pocket through which the Germans are en deavoring to retreat from the Sois--sons-Rfceims salient. I Gauged by the war maps, the new inroaas or the allied troops into the German-held territory necessarily add. further to the extreme gravity of the situation of-the Germans inside the -' huge pocket and with the long range guns on both sides of the U heavilv shelling them far behind the actua'l fighting fronts, with airmen bombing them assiduously, and with the in fantry attacking them on , all 'sides with rifle and light gun fire, their sit- uation seemingly is a hazardous one. Fifty Per Cent Increase -in Estate. Taxes Proposed Washington, July 24. A 50 , per cent increase in the, present gradu ated tax on estates,, up to and includ ing $8,000,000 estates, with greater in- . creases from larger estates, was ten tatively agreed upon today by the house ways and means committee. ' It is expected the new system of estate tax rates will yield a revenue, of $100,000,000 when in full workinr operation, against the present S&a 000,000. ADVANCE OF ALLIES , KEPT UP V V II, K - If