Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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President Puts Postmaster
' General Burleson in Charge
of All Systems Taken
v Over by Government.
By Associated Press.
: Washington, July 23. Acting under
ihe authority recently conferred by
congress, President Wilson today is
sued a proclamation taking all tele
phone and telegraph lines under gov
ernment operation and control at mid
night, Wednesday, July 31.
Although congress empowered him
to do so, the president did not in
clude wireless systems, because the
navy already is in control of them,
and he also did . not include ocean
cables, presumably because contracts
the cable companies have with foreign
Kovernments on whose shores they
land contain clauses respecting gov
ernment operation which .aised in
volved questions. The navy already
is in practical control of the cables
through its censorship.
Managements Retained.
The president's proclamation
placed administration of the wire sys
tems .with Postmaster General Burle
son and provided that until other
wise decided the present manage
ments and employes will continue.
Present financial arrangements also
will continue with the approval of
the postmaster general.
In a statement accompanying the
president's proclamation, Postmaster
General Burleson announced that his
policy would be one of the least pos
sible interference with the wire com
munication systems consistent with
the interests and needs of the gov
ernment. '
Press wire service, Mr. Burleson
said, would be interfered with only
' to' improve its facilities, and farmers'
telephones would be interfered with
only to facilitate their connection
with the larger lines. No general
policy has ibeen decided upon, the
postmaster general announced, and
public notice will be given of any
plans to change present arrangements.
,: Co-operation Welcomed.
Pledging to the public his best ef
forts for the most efficient service
it the least cost, the postmaster gen
eral' declared he welcomed the sug
gestions and co-overation of the men
who have built up the systems. .
- Postmaster General Burleson will
personally take charge of the admin
istration of the wire communications
Little Boy Works to
Earn Money for Milk
Jimmie worked a whole afternoon
to earn 25 cents with which he bought
milk for his 2-year-old baby brother.
Jimmie's father ' ran away a few
months ago leaving the family help
less. There are three little ones be
sides Jimmie and the "nother's burden
is heavy.
The Bee's Milk and Ice fund has
come to the rescue now and the baby
arid 2-year-old are getting plenty of
pure milk and there is ice to keep it
This is one typical case. There are
nthera and eioeclallv during
the hot weather the need is tremen
dous. The relief that can be given to
thft hahiea and small children of the
very poor is limited only by the num
ber of contributions receivea oy tne
RmnA nr tiring- anv lUffl from 10
tnn tn The Bee office. It
will help you as well as the little ones.
Previously acknowledged ajo.uu
A Friend. Clearwater. Neb..... 1.00
W. S. Wilcox 1.00
Mrs. Henry T. Yates 5.00
Total $371.00
and will be assisted by a committee
of three composed of John L. Koons,
firstassistant postmaster general, on
subjects of organization and admin
istration; David J. Lewis, former
congressman from Maryland, now a
member of the tariff commission, on
subjects of operation; and William
H. Lamar, solicitor for the postoffice
department, on matters of finance.
Army Order.
Washlfifton, Juljr tJ (Special Telegram.)
Appointments of the following- named
man aa aeoond lieutenants In the air serv
Jee. (aeronautics), national army and their
assignment to active duty at Fort Omaha
from June it are announced!
Walter Vanderveen Strubyi George Ray
mond Blrki, Robert Btorle Heald.
The appointment of Hospital Serteant
George W. Mannaae aa captain, aanltary
eorps, national army, la announced. He
rill proceed to Fort Des Molne.
Capt. Joseph T. Edward, medical re
serve corpt, la relieved from duty at Fort
Bill. Okla., and will proceed to Camp Dodge.
Capt. Ward Brown, engineer reserve
corps, la relieved from duty at Camp Dodge
and will proceed to Washington, D. 0., and
report In person to the otfleer In charge
ot the construction division for duty.
. roitofflce Appointments.
Washington, July . (Special Tele
gram.) Mlaa Nellie 'Watson haa been ap
pointed cleric in the postofflea at Alliance,
Benjamin M. Miller at Fremont, Clarence
H. Carnes ot Falrbury, Neb.
Postmasters appointed; Klrley, Stanley
county, South Dakota; Helen Oulhrandson,
vloe Sena Chrlstsnsen, resigned, Little
Horse, Creek county, Wyoming; Nelll
Casey vice Maud F. Johnson, reslgnsd.
Nebraska letter carrion appointed: Pan
der, Willis K. Bell; Walthlll, Alvln I
Kvans; ' wauaa, Anay u. uisonj wesion,
Charles H. Ballsy.
Postofflo at Clifford, Kimball county,
Nebraska, discontinued; mall to Kimball.
(Continued From Page One.)
and left in he rear by the advancing
troops. East of Jaulgonne, the
French likewise have advanced their
line on the north bank of the Marne
and clung to their newly won posi
tions. .
Likewise southwest of Rheims,
where the British are fighting with the
French, strong enemy positions have
been captured and the allied line ad
vanced nearly a mile. The reinforced
German front here stubbornly con
tested the advance, but the British
and French gained the advantage and
in addition to inflicting heavy casu
alties took prisoners and five guns.
The British alone captured 300 Ger
mans. The counter attacks of the Ger
mans continue to be delivered with
great violence and with heavy gun
and machine gun fire behind them.
Where they are forced to give ground
the Germans are leaving numerous
machine gun nests in the open to
harass their enemies and aid in mak
ing secure the retirements.
The Germans apparently are fear
ful the constant nibbling at their lines
east of Amiens by the British fore
shadows an early attack, and they
are sending a rain of gas shells over
the Villers-Bretonneux sector. The
British on various sectors in France
and Flanders are making slight gains
and taking prisoners and machine
In Albania both the French and
Italian troops are keeping up their
pressure against the Austrians. In
the latest reports from Rome and
Paris considerable gains are credited
to the allied troops and also the cap
ture of important positions and pris
oners and guns.
Nearly All of San Diego
Missing Accounted For
Washington, July 23. All but eight
of the fifty-nine men reported miss
ing after the sinking of the armored
cruised San Diego, off Fire Island,
N. Y., last Friday, have been ac
counted for. said an announcement
tonight by the Navy department. Fur
ther reports are expected to reduce
this number and officials hope that
the only casualties will be the three
men killed by the explosion.
Frost Menaces Grain
In Fields of Alberta
Edmonton , Alberta, July 23.
Northern Alberta, with its fields of
growing grain, narrowly escaped be
ing bitten by frost during the last
24 hours. Officials today believed
the danger had passed. The lowest
temperature reported today was 32
degrees above at Lamont. Consider
able snow fell at Calgary today.
Major Roosevelt is Hurt
In Machine Gun Nest Raid
Paris, July 23. Maj. Theodore
Roosevelt, jr., received the wound
from which he is suffering while lead
ing an attack on a machine gun nest
at Ploisy, southwest of Soissons, on
Friday. The wound was made by a
machine gun bullet behind the left
The Paris edition of the Chicago
Tribune says the major reached the
American Red Cross hospital on Fri
day evening. An operation on his
wound was performed at midnight by
Lt. Col. Joseph A. Blake of New
York. No bones were broken by the
The major's tag, which is worn by
all wounded soldiers, read: "Severe
gunshot wound." It was technically
described later as a "perforating
wound of the popliteal space." Sur
geons say it will be six weeks before
the major returns to the front. Capt
Archie Roosevelt said yesterday tha
his brother was resting easily in his
own home on Avenue du Bois de
Boulogne. His leg at present is use
less. Major Roosevelt led the assault on
a machine gun nest which was par
ticularly annoying to the Americans.
In the excitement he went "over the
top" without a helmet and when
wounded was in the midst of the Ger
mans. The nest was cleaned out and
the village of Ploisy fell soon afterward.
Bonds May Be Exchanged
Between Aug. 1 and Aug. 15
Washington, July 23. Registered
bonds of the third Liberty loan may
be transferred or exchanged for
coupon bonds after August 1 and un
til August IS, the Treasury depart
ment announced tonight. The de
partment also is prepared to issue
registered bonds in exchange for
coupon bonds of the third loan.
Prohibition of the transfers after
August IS, which is made necessary
by the interest paying period on Sep
tember IS, will only be temporary,
and both exchanges and transfers af
fecting registered bonds will be re
sumed September 16.
The Weather
Comparative Kecord.
11. 1117. UK. 1515.
Highest yesterday ....IS SO IS l
Lowest yesterday 70 73 71 tl
Mean temperature ..,.71 II IS 71
Precipitation IS 00 T. 01
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal:
Normal temperature 77
Excess for ths day 3
Total exoesa sine March 1 BBS
Normal precipitation It Inch
Excess for tha day OS Inch
Total rainfall sine March 1....I.J0 Inches
Deficiency sine March 1 7.12 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1117.. 1.41 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1916.. 7.65 inches
Reports From Stations at 7 P. M.
Station. State Temp. High- Rain
of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall
Cheyenne, part cloudy.. 7S 80 .11
Davenport, cloudy .....II 14 .00
Denver, clear ....14 IS ,01
De Molnea, cloudy 71 14 .14
Dodge City, part cloudy. 10 tl .00
Lander, clear SS IS .00
North Platte, cloudy.... 18 10 .38
Omaha, cloudy ........ 33 II .11
Pueblo, cloudy It tl .01
Rapid City, clear SS II .00
Salt take, clear 10 II .00
Santa Fe, part cloudy.. 10 10 .13
Sheridan, part cloudy.. IS to .00
Sioux City, part cloudy. .14 11 .00
Valentine, part cloudy.. II II .00
"T" Indicate trace ot precipitation,
M. V. ROBINS, Temp. In Charge.
(Continued From Pag One.)
great to be overcome they expect
some such operation, as General Foch
frequently has proved his full knowl
edge of the value of holding the in
itiative and can be relied upon to
hold it by surprise assaults which will
wear out the German reserves in hur
rying from front fo front to meet
So far as future American partici
pation goes, General March has al
ready disclosed to congress that of
fensive operations are expected later
in the year. There are already avail
able more troops than can be shipped
to the front before winter.
Draft Question Under Study.
In making his statement Mr. Baker
said the changes in draft ages are
still under study. The study of the
draft age question, he said, was based
upon finding the "necessary number
of men with the least possible dis
turbance of economic conditions in
the country."
It was recalled the original na
tional army plan as presented by the
War department recommended age
limits of 19 to 36 inclusive. Congress
changed these limits to the present
21 to 31 law. There has been noth
ing to indicate, however, that either
Mr. Baker or his advisers have
"The greatest step towards
good government that wag ever
taken in Omaha," was the
World-Herald's comment on the
Dodge Honest Election Law.
All Our High-Class New SUITS, COATS and
That Sold Up to $75.00
A Sale that will be a surprise to every woman who appreciates fine wearing apparel. Orkin
Brothers offer their entire new stock at such ridiculously low prices, garments that have just
arrived and will be good for Fall wear. . .
Our Reason for This Unusual SaleWe foresaw the market conditions of the scarcity of fine
woolens and furs, so we purchased Very heavy and unusually early in order to meet the demands
of our high-class clientele.
Our Winter stocks are now here, but before placing them on sale our present stock must be sold
out at imy sacrifice, r
All our Coats and Dresses sold
at $25.00, $27.50, $29,50 and
$32.50, at.........
&i r All our Coats. Suits and h A
Y I S Dresses sold at $35.00, $37.50, Y ( I
JJ W $39.50 and $42.50, 'at. ...... . LJ
All our Coats, Suits and
Dresses sold at $45.00, $50.00,
$55.00, $65.00 and $75.00, at. .
changed their opinion that men of
19 should be taken, furnishing two
large additional classes of recruits
immediately without material dis
turbance of the economic balance.
Just what maximum age will be
found most desirable it is difficult to
say. It was frequently urged in con
gress recently that the limit be set
at 45 years. That would involve an
enormous amount of registration and
examination of records, however, for
which a very small return in fight
ing men could be expected in the
higher ages. Probably a compromise
af 40 or perhaps below that will be
worked out in the end.
One of the chief arguments for ex
tension upward of the age limit is
the power it would give to appiy the
work or fight rule on a far wider
scale. The government, however, has
not as yet committed itself to a pol
icy of this character. J
German Raider Cruising 1
Off Coast of Mexico"
San Diego, Cal., July 23. -Follow'
ing a report from the British consul
at La Paz that a German raider is
cruising off the Mexican coast, all
vessels in the 12th naval district have
been advised to observe special pre
cautions of the submarine zone.
Aircraft from stations in the vicin
ity of this city and warships within
call have been sent in search of the
prowler, according to navy authori
ties. -
cIhe CfasMon Center fir VJomevP
Women's Apparel Specials
In the July Sales
. i jr v
Consider that every article is front our
regular stock. Each regular price is the
original one. It has not been raised in
order that the reduction may seem greater.
This Is a Dependable Sale Event
Women's minds naturally turn, at this particular time, toward
summer dresses, one or more new ones being necessary
to complete the wardrobe for the remainder of the summer.
Wednesday Dresses AreHalf Price
Voiles, Ginghams, Nets, Tissues, Organdies,
Foulards, Georgettes and Silk Combinations.
$65.00 Dresses... $32.50 $25.00 Dresses. . .$12.50
$50.00 Dresses... $25.00 $19.50 Dresses... $ 9.75
$39.50 Dresses. . .$19.75 $12.50 Dresses... $ 6.25
All sales of dresses are final.
Separate Skirts
Are One-Third Less
White gabardines, piques and
A Very Few Suits
They all go at one price, 121.50
Choice of All Sport
Goats, $8.75 and $12.50
All sales are final.
A 6 Positive Income From
Positively Safe Funds
THERE is positively no element
secured by a direct closed first mort
gage on improved, income-producing,
desirably located city properly worth
about twice the amount you loan on it
You know that! Banks know it! So do
insurance companies and tha trustees and
administrators of estates, and they all
eagerly seek desirable, first mortgage in
vestments for their funds.
A First Mortgage Real Estate Bond b
merely a unit, or part, of a larger mortgage
which is held in trust and secures every
single bond in the issue.
The First Mortgage Real Estate Bonds we
offer are secured by direct closed first mort
gages on income-producing office buildings,
hotels or apartment houses worth always
, about twice the amount of the mortgage and
located in thriving and prosperous Middle
West cities, , where property values are
constantly increasing and business is better
than usual v
These bonds are obtainable in denomina
tions of from $50 to $1000, maturing in 2 to
10 years. They yield 6 interest, no more,
no less, payable semi-annually.
Send for a copy of our new booklet, "How
to Choose a Safe Investment" It describes
these bonds fully and gives much other
valuable Investment information.
Bankers Realty Investment Co.
After each meal YOU eat one
iffrop y6ur Stomach's sakej
nrt t full food value and real atom
ach comfort. Iaataatly relieves heart'
burn, bloated, iaaay fetliai, STOPS
acidity, food repeating and stomach
misery.' AIDS digestion; keeps the
jtomach sweet and pure.
EATONICistbe beat remedy end only eoeta
cent or two day toueeit. You will be de
lighted with remit. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. Please call and try It.
follow the Beaton Path," lath ana1 Faruaxe
SU. Omaha.
Rely On Cuticur a!
For Skin Troubles
All Jraaslete 1 Soar- Otwtejeat SB, Telrafl .
Sunple eeea tree ot "Cmttewe. Be. . aweea.-
A New Homo Cure That Anjroao Can Ueo .
Without Diecomlort er Lou at Tiro.
Wo havo New Method that ouret
Asthma, and wo want oa to try It at our
expense. No matter whether your eaio ie of
lone itandine; or recent development
whether it U present as Hay Fever or ehronle
sthma. you should send for a free trial ot
our method. No matter in what elimato yoej
live, no matter what your asre er occupa
tion, if you are troubled with asthma, out'
method should relieve you promptly.
We especially want to send it to those .
apparently hopeless eases, where all forma
of inhalers, douches, opium preparations,
fumes, "patent smokes," etc, havo failed.
Wo want to show everyone at our owa ex
pease, that this new method is desimed to
ind all difficult breathing, all wheeling, and
all those terrible paroxytms at onto and
for all time.
This free offer Is too important to Deflect
a single day. Write now and than bet in tha
method at once. Send bo money. Simply
mail coupon below. Do It Today.
Niagara and Hudson Su Buffalo, N. T.
Send free trial of your method tot