Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1918, Page 8, Image 8
8 FOR RENT Business Propcrt. Store. 14TH AND DOUGLAS i - BIG SNAP-$11,000.' ' Three-atorr brick building; nnti tilt; lot ItxlSl; must Mil ta aetUe wUU. Aon ' will have to hurry. -GLOVER & SPAIN, . Bouglaa tnt, 111-Ut City National -'" Leavenworth St. 817.S0. ; 1411 Coming St.. tt0.0. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY. SOS 8outh ltn St. Douglas Till. 8 TORE North lth St.. near P. O.Jjiow O. P. Stebblns. 10 Chicago 1 rest. STORK North 16th St, near P. O.; low rent O. P stebblns. ll tnicago Dffice and Desk Room Like TO SMILE? Office Id Th Bee building and KavMona tavrajnKCo, Tyler HI WANTED TO RENT. j V ANTED Furnished houae. 6 room., tn Br mil neighborhood for one year. Phone 43,1, T. M. C. A. ix'RNISHED house for 4 French offlcera, cloaa to Fort Omaha. Box 744. Omaba Bee. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses JJST your nouaee for reof with ua and (l results. Mora requests thaa houses: give .. a houses. " Payne Investment Co., Realtors ,, r 12T Omaha Nafl Banh Bldg P. 1711. MODERN suburban home. Describe fully. .. Will pay satisfactory prlca for satlsfactary Blare. Bex txi. umans n IffWTWrt ANT) STORAGE. " Free. RENTAL FIDELITY Birn virp 1ITR AND JACKSON DOUO. !, 8T0BA0B. MOVING, PACKING. V REASONABLE RATE8. ; : ' " FREft RENTAL 8ERV1C& -' . COMPLBHB LIST Of ALL VACANT wnn.SKH AND APARTMENTS. METROPOLITAN VAN A B.TOHACE -O I nut 1 1... . . . - - s -a ..a imniiil h Central Furnl- tore atora; office an Howard Bt., between 14th and Htb. Phona Tylar 40. Have year moving bandied just aa yon would an order for new furniture, That'a tie way we do It, Ak to seeour oauy rental ni "ST. Tk'tr ion rtrtH IXf AfHRimfTfiR ' Separata locked . rooma for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and 'oSThA VAN ANDJBTORAOB CO , Sal S. 1Mb. v Pougiss 41 1. Globe Van and Storage Uo. For real aenrica In moving, packing and storing can tib -" r ""'" Vl .DPPn Eapreea Co.. Moving J. ty. K&JDLJ Packing and Storage 0T Farnam St Web, t!4lt Douglaa 14l OMAHA EXPRESS CO. . A A nit an auat!MB aval mm f Pabfllt MAIL. ' Wilt Vttura pafc,ntaraga, 1417 Chicago. D. In REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Weai. "4b5 to.. 39TH Street" jsullt in H14 by one of the beat contraetora In Omaha for the home of preaent owner; 'Bine rooma, ateel, iatone, atucee and brlok . aonttructlon. Hejlvy dark t oak , beamed celling woodwork and built-in eablneta, . mhonr flntahad doora. Beat hardware. ' ..k nA un nuim. Tiled bath 1. C I II P V.WH WHH " iiuniiM rlxtern. oemeht garage; i-lnch quarter aawed oak floora. .Fine ami -Indirect lighting. IWgere ' furnace. Estra large 'aoHd double deck perchea. Ixwated on one of the hlgheat polnta In n.hi sno. Tmi. Evident at a ' glance that i prlca la much below Wit. Flrat time advertlaed by .. i Jf. PENNEY, -. . ' t Owner, . i ..-Ml. City -Nationl Bank BulldlBg. i 'Phone Doug. HT; Harney til. fl-ROOM ' 1 J"ht ,n 40W,, ' B 4th u,t ' aouth of Harney, fronting wt. Hat a L . ; future. 1 Owner would Uka loaaa t ;vV ie;"var or alva Doaaeaaton. ' Juat the thlna for aomethlng aafe and aura V and a nlaoa to live while your property i growa In value New hardwood flnlaU mnA Vftrv duirahla throuxhout. 16,500 - HARRISON & MORTON, Aeauoia. . ,;'... 111 Om. Nafl Bk. Bldg. Tel P. Ili. ...' ti" uiutrTnM tTBKKT IJ.IS0. h Oak aiuf birch flnlahed, very modern - l-roora bungalow, with aleeplng pordn, JOHN Wj ROBBIN8. 10 FARNAM. las, 00 PER month and a amalt caah pay ment down wIM buy i-M bungalow, i rooma and bath, eaat front. Pong. !' , liEW up-to-date rooma, oak ilnlib, ' ' lot. fine location! price 16,160; trm. ul N. f4th Pt. Nnrrta ft Norria. D. V. BRANT now 8-room . houae in T Ptl( Oak throughout. Cut to I,i0. Only 1300 caah. Call dayi. - Douglaa 1140, STlNNlS LU8A homea and lota otter 'he , beat- opportunity to Inveat jour money Phone. Tyier in . North. UBiTT STRKKT BEAUTY. ,Very nifty new bungalow,' of I rooma. " oak flniah, fireplace, French doora to den. A real lot, SOxlSl, with a real garden. "Bhado 1 and frttlt traea, .paving paid. All hi. a lsn. - r.h ot eaav terma. Reap Broa., 110 Keeline Bldg. Tyler Hi .Xp you. are golnl to buy a borne, aa flrat; a fine Tlve-room houae; elei thla electric liahia. raa and water. Prlca 13.000. Bee owner at 1380 Manderaon. j JJEW oak' bungalow, 'liTlol; completely modern; flna corner lot; 1268 caah, WiH per month. 'Call Douglaa 1140. ,' STODERN cottage, 1 lota, garage, frulta In hearing, badge;, bargain 6K Mortn Twenty-alnth 'Street. . Miaeellaneoui. a Beautiful bungalow. a mo ma nrt hath, ahanlutatv modern In ,MM,t mav h bAiiaht fin very eaav ; terma, .provided "you do not procrastinate . ana lei ine otner isiiow oi jo " " Ha ail hardwood f loora and birch flniah . in, the two Win rooma. Flniah la very ..beautifut. A fine', cemented baeement with floor drain. Guaranteed furnace. Hot and - cold water Cement walka to and around ..hrt,.M ' ii.MrE. mh.mH.iil .. RlnfttrlHv and gaa. . Walla to be tinted in beautiful colora, Shades; acreena and light ftxturea to be Isitalled. Price only 13.600 with a-Ka nth aail halanpa monthly. - Thla . place la. a bargain, la only one block, to fine car Hue and fine neighborhood. . - WALNUT f,77. v t-ROOM cottage, two blocka fromaea-, full . lot, 12,000. Terma. 1300 caxh.balance 120 per month. ' ' . ..BENSON & CARMICHAEL, ail rimcn owch. FOR RENT AN1 SALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS - PORTER 8HOTWELL, . . - 181 S. 17th St: Douglaa U BEAUTIFUL bungalow, all oak finish, large south i front, corner lot with fine shade, 11,100. Only 13H0 cash and 130 per month. caircays. poug, mo. AND HI MRKITKS. . PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. ' ' i lit Om Nat Bk Blda Doug UII. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., I Real Estate and Inauranca. . , 11!0 Farnam St , . -Douglas 1014. ' f7I, WSAD SELLS REAL ESTATE. . . REAL ESTATE--Bu8ine8s Property. I.IVK nfil'fl BI1SINKS.S' FOR SALal Ifoat aell qnlcki Am going Into military Mrvtce. Block involcea 110.000 to 111.000. '"Last year's business.- 110.000., Would) coo ' aider trade on farm land.1- - 1 i . , HECKER DRUG CO . . v , Humphrey," Neb. WE WILL bay yur borne or business prop- orty and pay caah. .. , . h.' A. WOLFB CO glectMc'Bldg. Tyler 11 &CS1NES8 property and Inveatmanta, A P. T15KEY BON. I lit Flrat National Bank Bldg. -M'CAOUB INVESTMENT CO. Income, Bualneaa and Trackage Specie lis ta lith and Dodge Sta. . Douglas 416. T.kl. ESTATE INVESTMENTS, ;R. IiE,6TOR, I HAVE A BARGAIN FOll - vmr iv am nuim PROPOSITION. FOR :' FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL AT 101 BBB BLDG. T. SULLINAN. - r-,AL ESTATES-EXCHANGES. Ci Omana resiaenco propeny w r -nro far clear western Jand, or eastcva . y v frm. Mr. Pae. Ill wran.Tn. ging. Wm'" .in ,i - ""I ' rrTLTBT ANDJPETST6CK. . screenings, per J.00. Delivered. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Vest. FOB BALK OR EXCHANGE 1 lota south .end, cut front; will lane auto or rcu cheap; call Bennon tit-J. PETERS TRUST C0 gperlatU In Apartment management HAPPT HOLLOW lots 100 ft. front. I1.SS4.00. ' Web IS, -: ' North. . PRETTIEST MILE LOT" ISxlOl ft-, ena of tboaa ; unique Iota fronting weat on iorenca boulevart with a magnlflfcent view to the aaat from the "rear. Tbia lot la naar tha bead of Fort atreet, very avanable to car, pared atret Only a few audi Iota left; Act quickly If Intereated. , .. - i '" HARRISON & MORTON til Omaha Nat'l. f Doug. 114. CUM I.N 0 Near 28th St. 22 or 44 feet; moat be sola to yose eaisia, v. Orlmmel 84t Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg, South FOR BALE I Jota, Juat aoutb of Elmwood ara in wertooa aaaun. wwmw. City. Will aell cheap for caahi ' Addreaa Boi t UM. Omaha Baa. : -...; Miscellaneous. oinnvu ... lin. l2i to I21& 1L00 down; SO centa ween; no iniereaii o infT'iili in mi'i ' " 1' 11 REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. ( r 20 ACRES, NEAR BENSON, WELL IMPROVED l-roonv bouac. larf barn, chicken houa, ..ik, n'orA arrn srra.nM. 200 cherry VU1II VMW w aw- ,. treea, 100 plum and 25 appla treea. Three . .i.iA.. m .nhi naature. 7 aerea plow land. Priced low at 18,080; $3,000 caah will handle. Call fyier ana ir -ut..aiiA .... - ' HARTINOS ft HEYDEN, 114 HARNEY BT rtl8TJLI8TED-tl0 J-acre tracla on Kmg Park road, moat aeairaoie ounoma in Douglaa county More information In Sunday papera. 1NTER-8TATB REALTY CO., 111-14 City National. . (I. H. Browne, Manager. Council Bluffs. fOR'sALH OR TRADE nice lota, with l-roora, houae In Counoll Bluffa. Price a iaa m.Mt nf fruit and ' aood ahade. a -iA. in, i. hntna for aomaone. Will .... ..n trma ta ault. or take a new or aecond-hand auto. Telephone Douglaa 4117. " ' ' Dundee. uii a . airirtw modern, brand new. l-room ' bungalow. Liberty bonda or w g. atamDa aame aa caah. Douglaa 2140 or Colfax 4113, owner TTZfn . fwruv d rnA.r, hiinir.lAw! flreolacei aleeplng porch and garage. Dundee. Wal nut n DUNDEE LOTS OEOROE COMPANY, 101 City Nat. Bank, y Doug T51, Miscrllaneous FOR SALE-Two beautiful lota Juit eouta of Elmwod park in Overlook addition, fullilae iota. I0180. Owner leaving the eltv will aell cheap for caah. jAct ouick. Addreaa Bog V 1111, Omaha Bte REAL ESTATE WANTED. "t.;., onnu pnTTACB WANTED If you have a aubatantlal. modern, (furnace not imporianu. iivotboiu u neighborhood and on through ear lino that you will aell on peymenta with about 1200 to 1500 -caah .payment telephone South 1611 and glva price and location at once, i... kj. .i.. .ml all an. one floor, and worth around 13,000. Dlatanoe not Impor tant If good location and near through ear it-. lain M ahrn arreet. . ' uTmt un. RANCH OR FARM Preaa brick buetneaa diock ana miuaum nroDertyi aiao 130.000 worth mortage pa per. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 111 Otty Nat'l Bank Bldg. FINANCIAL. Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages, HAVE that inetallment loan on your home changed to a atralght live-year wan , relieve youcaelf or mat mommy i. H. H, Lougee, inc., oa a"" iniua fiN r-ITT .PROPERTY.. W. H. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bldg ii ur MlNliKH ! Money on hand for mortiafl loni nty National Bank Bldg. , " QUICK ACTION ON LANDS, W. T. GRAHAM, 004 Pea Bldg. '- Douglaa 1111. C1y ; FARM LOANS , K1 CT I PAUL PETERSON, O V2 0 36 HBAMllna inanii OMAHA HOMES EAST nSbTfARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1011 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug- 1' CITY AND FARM LOAN8. , ,. ' 1. H and I Per cent. ' .1 n "rHMONT CO.. Keeline Bldg HARRISON MtMTON. 5V2 ' tit Omaha Nat Bank Bldg tl tn U).00(l MADE promptly V Wsad. Weed nidg.. Uth and Farnam Sta. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches. ' Kloke mveatment w ' Private Money - HHOPEN A COMPANY Douglas 4111. Miscellaneous LOW. RATES. C O. Carlberg. llBrande!s Theater BUla.. Doug. M. " MWnBMaW77TTT7"iTTT7rT '"fir, -V BUT " JilnaTBeSa FARM AND RANCH LANDS. "Arkansas Lands ' AVnftHT STH. Our' eest' escursion. to McOehee. Ark W FR AKK 1 N8VH.1.FJ BLK Colois-do Lands. IS BUSHELS wheat; 40 bu.. corn,. It bu. oata, JS bu.. barley and millet Every crop good; own your own real farm aa you have dreamed. It la possible with our prices and terms. Write forv detail HOLY OK R LAND COMPANY,. , . HolyoKe, t-.oio. t i r nvnl LAND I f T.S0O acrea In beat wheat and torn toll In Colorado. Attractive prlcea and terma on whole tract; will divide. full particulars HOLYOKE LAND COM.- FOR SALE lit acre homestead, rekfiqulah- ment In Cuatr coaniy, toio., goou m, .11 i.-M..mMl., narf faftAad. eheaO. If taken at nee. ' Addreaa Bo Y 21, Be. i Nebraska Lands 1 t' ci(Un RANCH CHEAP m .. . t arn in war. and will 1 sett at big barram 1,710, aerea. 11 miles from a t, A Mnat ef the build' HUUU ,.41, ... . " " " i... ... ww ant mada of the beat ma- t.rui. tha owner, being In the lumber buslnesa. - Two of the flneet barns In Lo tv. tea aranarlea. a six-room hniiaa. wall and mill and. many water boles that never go dry.- About five hun dred acres of level hay land, very heavy. .. i. .ih.4. AnnaMarahle bluar grass and . aome alfalfa: about; 160 acrea ., .of levelJ land under cuiuvauqn. moa u wu, . la rye and tiig cop. - - ri. ki. ni... i V. ... are some flnet rea- l..rA MoubU Standard Poll llsrefords that wilt h eoid .with or without' the aiaA tha entire atock and maehtn n all at a harrnln. and the land at per acre, with a ten per cent dla ii aamt tnr further Vartlculara. but come. at once and aee It I have ether ranches tor sale, but thla la a apecial bar- gam ana win ecu ri7..., , R. K. BRKOA, Callaway, wen 471 ACRES 100 PER CENT N Thla land hlhlv nraduetlve. halne- aub. XT V IT I ( ' I IT V 'P I 1 ll Irrigated; aandy loam, raised crops every . year since breaking sod, 10 acres uner cultivation. It acres good alfalfa, balance pasture, every foot can be farmed, email . house, bams, abeds, corrala, granatiea and garage, and In fact all ready to atep la a art turln nrndurlne and tnkklna money Three flna groves and amaU orchard. S i .i . ..A m.ln Una It. P R.. illllUV ,,W,M .WW " ." . - - la good live community and convenient to : good markets. - A place to make- money and to make an Ideal home, trees, snruo bery, garden, etc; very easily growa and .ll -Am n,.l n .llmata fThla la An Z. , ceptlonal place and well worth the price I ..i. ti4& ,hmi I hava varv aood ran. sons for selling. , Write or Inquire Box t. Ogallala, Ken If 0 ACRES Improved, does In, paved, road. i THE BEE : ;ilto.eamland,:AdTO t ' n 7. II ))lr&4i inni ', By Daddy-Peggy's . i ..... 'i'ltuv,' ' ' ' ' . t.. hu bean i tin previoua wtwwi" - --' . . . crowned. Prlnceaa of Blrdland and hu aided Ben and Bt I Dalton to eniurc oj " -Slant of the woode, who takee their plaoea on the farm.) CHAPTER I. . t.. fita a Snrnriae. T)EGCY was thinking longingly of 4v Birdland. It seeemed very iar .u:. attmrnr venin2 away im una . - in the city. How delightful now would be its lresn air, us Dreczca nyvt, . i i...... . ..ctfiil ailcnces. US IUC ICaVCI, I'O ' iv" r- soothing trills of music as happy for est mothers sang tneir mue l" -i- i .rL.i, . ..lipf it would otter from the heavy heated atmosphere of . . - , 1. - ...... ...e.finn, the busy town wnere snc was .",if, from the roaring clatter of street cars and trains, from the boisterous cho rusing ojf college lads holding a re union at a house across the way I ; The tiny backyard garaen m she sat knitting was charming, but .ti t,... amii anA rinse it seemed compared to Birdland 1 And how lone- somel If only nef oeiovea onus here! - ... j What ' was that sounar a oiru singing? And to her? Peggy dropped her knitting and listened A Voice came from somewhere near: ' O Prlnceaa wine . - Cloae your bright ayea; Here' a a auprlae You'll not deaplael v - -tt,.:.i perorv ahut her eves tight and kept them shut it spite the fact that a curious rustling and flut tering made her keen to see what was happening.' The bustling noise icu t. ... . tt,n rami a loud me- lodious chorus singularly like the col lege chant of the Doys across n c way . .. ,. . , , - T,.i.... Hoar' iian, nan, pur ,,". We have come to greet you. Joyously to greet you! Hall, hall, our Prlnceaa dear! ... . , ....1 vnu now! no nt, ,u,.w v a).--.- - , t). .,. .... nnnn'rl nnftl. Then they popped open still wider in glad til. . tho choristers. Birds her own Birds from Birdland filled the garden just as tney nneu u.: .n,mrit halt in the forest. Judge Owl, Bob Olinlt, Miss Woodpecker, General bwaliow, miss rurpic o". low, Mr. and Mrs. Oriole, Mrs Robin, Homer and Carrie rigeon, xvui-cci, Whip-poor-Will, and all the others were there, including even Blue Heron; . ... . ' "Welcome, my Birds r cnea reggy. "This is a real surprise1" "Surprise I Surprise I" echoed the Birds, just like children at a party. t,.,j,t. n.,,1 VinnneH forward and ffiv- j uugc v ... ...,-,-- , . ing a low bow, began a poetic explana- . . . i . tion oi ineir visit. Tha day'a work was done ' And we wanted fun. Bo we quickly thought of you. x We've aped through tha air, Left home every care, And now tell ua what wa ahall do. nrnivri. Turlore Owl 5B7 rv,r"7 . certainly did have a blunt way of put- FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska. HOLT COUNTY FARM FOR 8ALB "HO acre located mllee from ONelll. Ilea level, all good, black, eandy loam aoll; producea any crop grown In Nebraa ka: SO aorea undor plow, balance hay land, which can all bo broken and profi tably farmed! price 145 per acre, one-half cash, balance good terma; will not be on the market long. Bee M. A. Larson. Central City. Neb. SNAP 10 aorea. Improved. 13 mllee from Union mocK yarns, j. m im v...-. 3 miles from Chalco. Half creek bot tom, balance gentle rolltng. Fenced and cross-fenoed. Orove at buildings. Must be sold at once.' Price U2S.00 per acre. Held Land Co.. 870 randela Bldg., Doug 14. " . ' ' ' i DANDt aeotlon about half cultivated, Tvn A1 term oau graaa, n ium - knt half aecUOna, Improved, . Improved batf grass; no bullfllngat 130 quarter, 140 ummprovea quarter, Jmt Pearson, Mooraflald, Neb. Iti ACRfeS. wall Improved farm at lHo per acre, and . miles weat of Fort Cal. houn, and 1 mile south. Inquire of owner. Henry Hlnrlohaon, Blair, route 4. , Inde pendant phone BBH. ' FOR SALE Best large body, high grade, medium priced land In Nebraska. Very little money required. t C Bradley, Wol back. Neb. ' WRITB me for ploturea and prlcea my farma'and ranches In good old Dawes county. Arah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb WE specialise In selling Nebraeua nne- White o Hoover, i umsos ... Oklahoma Lands. IMPROVED, farms In a aectlon that haa never had a arougni. Aiwajra v. ' . .. ., v. ,, ,.n vaara for ran. omau cud pji -- ---the balance. . Write W.-H. Jonea. Immi gration Agent. Texae. Oklahoma Eaat ern Railroad Co.. Broken Bow, Okl. FARM LAND WANTED. iiuus WANTED. Doa't Hat your farm with oa It rod want to rep It, V E. P 8NOWDEN SON. UlTKIentr Bldg Douglas tltl Horses Live, StockrVehicles. f OR SALE Saddle horae. perfectly aafe tor Indy. . sold tor no inn w Columbus electrlo In good condhlon and high-grade T-pasaengar aedan. Box 1117. FOR SALE Two wagona. both in good con dition; will Oe giaa a mnow ested. Call at Morrla Co., South Bide offlre a MONEY TO LOAN. Organised by the Bualn.aa Men of Omaha rUltNlTUKm. pianos -- 140, t mo., n. gooaa, iuioi, .v. Emsller, larger am'ta proportionate rate . PROVIDENT LOAN 80CIETT.- 431 Securltlea Bldg-. lb Farnam. Ty. tl Loans or diamonds and jewelry f r. - SMALLISH -t vi 'n m r rutin rflT 141. A V tTH FLR. BECUR1T1NE3 BLDO. TT. tit "miunxms A wrv ''. t RW HI.RY LOANS.. wnmutiivv w &weat ratea. Private loan bootha. Harry Maleahock. lilt Dodge. D. lilt Eat 1111 P LEGAL NOTICES. "m.vpi OB1 HR1H1NO. ' ; Notice la hereby given that an appli cation haa been made to the governor and the advlaory board of pardons for a com mutation ot the sentence or Joe .Lewta. . , - . ,h. ath Haw nf K.ntamher. arno waa vm .... - U14, sentenced by. the district court within. and for. Douglaa couniy 10 serve a wrai at Ufa in the state penitentiary for the . Said , application win oe nearo oeiora the advlaory boara ot paraono at me n.w penitentiary im the lat day ot 'Auguat. HU at 11 o'clock, a. m. Dated thla 10th day of July. 1118. ' Signed: , ' JOE LEWIS. Pnllf Coiintv' Farmers Killed s UII UlttUS ndillUdU wiuoouiy Osceola. Neb.. July 21. (Special Telegram.)Verner Roberts and "A. WHilin Pnllr rniintv farmers.' were instantly killed at Gardner side-track on. the union racitic tnis aiternoon. The wrr. rtrivincr an auto and when attempting to cross the railroad were struck by passenger tram io. a. nc car was demolished. The bodies were tiban .a fYilnmliite ,k ? a w . Ih.nurinff h.a littlM nanv irnm the auto Mr. Roberts saved its life. Vfra DnKrte nnj Url Hahn Were ... . a. vmv. a,,,,. . driving another auto and were only, a short distance in advance when the accident occurred. - ' OMAHA,' MONDAY, JULY , " :. . . f ... . - II Jwi 1TT1 uii aaa ttll Aw va Jill A complete, sow Bird Circus beginning uonoay ana raaiai niwui. - i " ' m'w . tinrr nrKtma 4n hr without a mO- a aa a U a"frM v aw - ment's notice., Here she had scarcely . . . a -lit J J M A. A k Had time to say now-aee-uo to ut Kirn uhrn ane was asKca to ukuic out how to "entertain them. ". - T don't know what to ten you, snc began doubtfully. "Yorr see, khis is such a surprise to me that e mat "Oh. don't let that worry you," ouicklv hooted Jud Owl, noticing her embarrassment. "You doot need to tell us bow to have a gpoa nme nrhn m ir 'with VOU. Wt llwaTS enjoy ourselves. I put that , into the ooem just to make it rnyme with ' - . ' Thought quickly of you. - tr. n thine- like that sometimes, even though it doesn t make good sense, mats wny some poetry is so queer." ' l n!il Pacto-v much relieved. .,i ..o'vi e)0i , ; "It's sometimes awfully hard to en tertain folks, particularly wnen tney -xnect vou to make all their good times for them." ' " , ' "." "Birds are not like that," put in nu m.'nir w hav. our own fun. And what be said seemed true, for the Birds appeared to De in tne jouiesi kind of a mood. They gathered around Peggy and chattered and twittered and sang in a perfect turmoil of hap piness. . . - . ,, . jsut tnere came an paa lnterrupnun. It was' a stringent, roaring animal call. It hushed the "birds into instant sil ence. . "Gracious me, croaked Blue Heron, "are there Irons in the city?" Again came the peculiar call, ap parently from the street. Some of the more timid birds mounted into the air nrYim nttlr c1l1trri ahoilt PfC- gy. She was a little frightened, but summoned uo courage enough to n it,. i44.a iBivMnn'a VjUHlLllclC WtC xcttcxo muuuu s , .. . . of a famous author. (Answer NATIONAL ARMY MEN LEAVE OMAHA TODAY FOR CAMP July Contingent From Douglas County Leaving at Noon to Number Nine Hun dred Men. ; At noontodav 900 army men will leave Omaha for Camp Dodge, la., on the first leg of their trip to Berlin. The hours before entrainmeht will be crowded with patriotic exercises. All . of greater, Omaha will unite in giving the Soldiers a hearty God speed .' that will inspire them to, go forth to battle .to sustain the record of the valor of Yankee fighters. P,i,!ni;m wilt he' ramnant for the Iviews of iallied successes at the battle front has added a new zest to tne lighting spirit and to the indomita ble "determination to destroy Hunism. Luncheon Early. Tli ArattrA men will be honor guests at a:10:30 luncheon given at the Chamber of Commerce, Univer sity club, Omaha club and Rome hotel. -; At 11 o'clock pafriotic exercises will be held at the court house lawn. All Omaha will attend. ' Bands will na., martial tnttctr and the Mara and Stripes .will be . unfolded from the court house root. The Red ' Cross women and the rtiiml,.. nf Pninmprre will cive rom fort kits and gins to tne aeparting soldiers. ; . " A score of patriots organizations and hundreds of citizens will march tn tlia, atstinn with the aoldier ... .- .L . J . W .' - - At 11:15 they will torm tor the march to' the station. The drafted ;t I fxMM an tha nr,rrh onrl .,,. f sides' of the court house, the Red r,n,i nfimMi on the east side. -and VU.,' . ww -- , .V. v.A armite anrl .hnme cnarrla .on Aug ,w ww 7 iy the south "side of Farnam street, west of Eighteenth street ; ' . At ll:oU, at tne tiring ot a gun lor .:! tli n1r1ira and their escorts will - start the . march to the Union station wnere tne men win entrain lor pcHiu.. . .. Austrian Cabinet Quits as .. . Crisis Is .Approaching ' rrtnantiao-n . Tulv 21. Th ' Austri- aVr.w...-a--, --- " , ,n minidrv has decided tr resion. ac cording to aavices irom Vienna re ceived here. . Obituaries (MRS." LEWIS METZ died Sunday .1'. km, linma. -1744 Kmith Twentv- ?7.V .l.ut o'tar- a tltnaaa RhA DUkvii pucvii ivUq hiuww is survived by 'her husband and six daughters, Mrs. u. m. HUiocK, ( mra. T. T ' Travnniv Vfra t r Tf ipaharsr. AJm- W " , ..o. v.. V, . Mrs. i John Gerlock, Mrs. James E. Ryan or mana ana wrs. ueorgo o. Smith. lion Beach. CaL. and three .1-A. Aaea rio.a Yir..JMfArrK tinfi oiBvCio " au i . van tiuuuny Mrs. KAte -voirer, Omaha, ana wrs. Henry oerner ot feriu in amtUm win ha t Rf Marv DOt liVVD wee.ei w tlVIU t. Arf ea " w Magdeiine church, Tuesday morning, at s o'clock. ' . i '-',-.' MRS. C. H. FREEMAN, 80- 34th rraaf A lai Sin tnrria v al.h t a t 1 1 O'clock after an illness of eight n onths. She . . I J l. i . ,9 . .WA iBaurviveu vy ner nsssauui - " iia-Vitana. Mr, r A ' VanM nnd MrS. W. E. Free aan ot Lexington, Ky., ana a son oeargt. ttarry t ro"'" " " is on his way to France, Funeral ar rangements will ha announced later. 22, 1918. A IL lUL 11 SS sSS . . w m - - adventure each week. J. itti j.,t, JmH.j.,1, ,t 1 1 1) I i 1 1 Ifr peek around the corner of the house. As she did so the call came third time: v . . . ; kit., t. .1 XT.. t,.,l TTe.Tiaw!" hllCt-llV , ..-uan, -"It's just an army mule," giggled Peggy, breathing a lot. easier, i Ana what stm-saw caused her to lauRhl,. - - - .... . v aloud, for there m the middle ot the aioua, lor mere m me. . street was a mute emms uuwu jm , . A, 1 1 I T . t,.Mt.,(.J like a Iireu.aog. uc was iiaiiiKaaui wna auuuicr ujuiciu a.., a ... j ,"o i in WniCa Stood two CAaspcraicu jruus I soldiers, who were trying their best to crpr nim to move. ; JjUI HC uot sai get uiui iy ";v"'I;r ' there and -nee-Mwea., . wouc m. 4..mMiU TAAlrarl rflCfTHSril.T' 3 HO 3 1 icuii ,,u,v grinning crowd gathered at tne euro. Peggy was so busy laughing at tne mule she didn't oav much attention to the veung soldiers. Then she no- . y . . ... , I ticed they looked tamuiar. rtunning otif to the strees. she saw that they were Ben and Bill Da ton. r - . K " i "Hello, Ben and Bill, she cried merrily; why don t you get your avuda ri 1 1 v ' "f Ben and Bill nearly fell off the wagon when they heard hr voice, Tk. rv1iMrr1 i f Vtt -j n 4 t Vin Inntfi-Hl all around. "Here I am. Can't you see mef" aim asi,,H frl .? "Who-o-o , are you? stammered ocn, ai mcir ccs vdiuc udt. 10 ..tin 1 . 1. !'l-l - : 1" 1 wny, im. me invisimc wuji laughed Peggy, suddenly understand- ing their bewilderment. In her pre- . -j . .:,.t. .t .u. u.J vious auvcuiurcs wiiu incui one uw been hidden by Camouflage perfume. They had known her only by her voice. They were now for the first time seeing ner as nerseii, V. h. m.v,, favw aiiilAnlv An, cldes to become a show man to jolly up the soldiers on the even ot their departure for ranee, j airm fVioir will nnpll triA name ie,u v. j ..... t . , mTTT ttci to previous puzzie 1 uuroi DANIEL SHULL, OMAHA PIONEER, CALLED AVAY ReSident OfV Omaha FlftyrOne Years; Dies While Lying in Residence. TltniM W Shull died Sundav after- ... hAMri whita tvinc tn 9 liammnck On a UWV.I I,,,.. J O . . - T 7 . porrji at his home, 2SS3 Poppleton avenue, where he resided for 40 years. i ' . He had lived l was 78 vears o ..... fml1!9r1r ' IrtiAmn hv : naicrKhnrfi 11.3 iaiuuia,,j ,, .. j ..v-0.. and friends as "Uncle Dan." He at- t.nA.A at T,rar Lutheran tended services at orace utneran church Sunday morning and enter- , If . ' f ur .-.a.m.' .e tainea tir, anu mis. vjcuibc ahu aa it .'nn.. , When Mr. Elton was' taking his !n Via tn 9 hammoc1c where Mr. Shull had been -resting and. fail; incr I., r.r.ivA 9 r.tnnnsp. rniicnen nis UK IV -.-. - I r-L.J. ..J ' Ji,.Air,ri tVotl ucau uau v.. ...v. y Umana. cu m . n"' : w Mr. Shull came to Omaha in 1857 u't ? t" .U I 7 Tn .Mlt with his father, the late Jacob Shull, whose name'jMS' closely identihed ,ith th- nlrl fiaim cluh of earlv davs. TrT-Smilw rZ here from Hofii The family came here from Holli- oTe roS TouTs 17 &t S -r.. t: :...t : n.,!,, 1,. became a pilot on a ferry boat on the river. nc was assuuaicu mil l .ay- 11 . ...a..;.iai An tains iusun aim wumi 111 mc icnv business. u. .Muni Qtinll re.irlence ia In. n . - 1 l- .u. . iA Qk11'. car-nnl : arlditinn tn " ' Omaha and the site .is part ot tne old QVinll hnmecteaH wliich was involved in tho.Ciaim club history. H. D. bhull, a orotner, aieo nve years ago. Yf V' Vf Trrman ciater ia the ....... ... " S . - ' only surviving member of the family r . I. C II If.. T) T tJ ui J.1.UI, uuum . , , ingsand Mrs. ioro u. uarK are nieces. r F"1"1 Twt-( .t, ttii,. Mr. Shull was a member of the Elks arid of the Doughs Countr Associa- tion ot JNcorasKa pioneers, newasa member of the old voluntary nre de- partment .... . funeral services win oe. neia at r.rare I.titheran church, orohahlv ' ' Tuesday atternoon. - . - -, Mrs. ahull survives ner husband. ago and is an invalid. No children aunnv. : Girlsjn Majority for m. 1' mi' . riaygi OUne UniCer5 - - ".. w - Tli. e-aciitta sif tha nla-vfrrminrl alap. tions last Friday were as follows: Benton Cecilia fnaien, mayor; Joe Phalen, assistant mayor; Dorothy Johnson, attendance commissioner: Svlvla. Conner. t - swvia Jcopr y; Agnea John, commissioner or -war activities: vwallaee Rouse, commlsalorier of recreation; Joe Johnson, commissioner of Darks, and Daghmun . Donaldson, commissioner of V"" . . - . oinora Anna nyman. mavor: snaie wv-i man, park . commlaalonefr- Robert Baxter, police commissioner; Louis Caldwell, com missioner of tiro and water supply; Helen Gllley, finance commissioner; Agnes Ryan, health commissioner, and Oliver Engqulst, street cleaning and maintenance commis sioner.. , - Spring . Lake Harold Hancock, ' mayor. guarlte Grace,- Donald Bowker, John Olm- , n a r ... . '. li ' - " Clearvtew Leoaa Senpeck. mayor; Bd Pokrorskl. Iva Freed. Lewis Ben peck. LU- Haa Wlnth-r. Minnie Wlnther, Willie Span AtClearvlew and Benson eight cmml.- toners were elected because there waa a Ue for seventh and eighth places. Brtej City News Oec Fans, $s. Burgesa-Granden Co. Have Root, Print It New ' Beacon Press. ','-. ' . v.;- -., ' Kepnbllcan Voters at the primary, August 20th, vote forN. P. Podge for congress. v '' . Bulla Files J. H. Bulla, of the South Side, has filed as a- democratic candidate 'for the position of repre sentative at the state legislature. Eighteen Arrested Vags Detec "'"...j ,o ; uvea mrtjomu in mcu vn u uuujo u ,t th. ranroad yardg, Fif- vagrancy at the railroad yards, t - teentn ana unio streets, sunaay nigni. - .L....L, A. B. , . 1 .3 - jriey are mougui iu uwaiinrvesi uauua w.....o - a--- -t-, Amvtn ill iraucc oergu uua x. Lawson,' former agent and secretary ,u . . . , Ie nmaha Viae arrived K,fev "ftvmr . J, n fftrm:,1nn Z w"'""'. " P " Z . d b h3 father. Ous Lawson. 137 Cedar Btreet Since Febniary he has been with the 12th balloon com pany at Camp Morrison, Va. , .. Newsboy Hurt Edward Sullivan, a . i . . . ouia uinaii uewauuj.i ix-ycai-uiu ?on of Mr. and.- Mra John Sullivan, ilea Nbitrn... KavAntAantn utroor - ---- J"' hack when he fell from fc treei 8trJk. mg an irQn picket fence ten feet below at Vi 4e hAtna 6nn Aair I rrVi f TJa was attended by Dr. Drew and taken tol leister npiiai. v ArTMt All4DAl ' A tit a TTiIaitai- William Field, of Tolon,,,Mass., was arrea eunaay anernoon on a cnarge of attempting-to steal an automobile. Detectives. say that he was ieund in tne ac, of 8tartlnff a car at Fifteenth ano Douglas streets. A. i j . . . . . rooming at tne Keystone notei, was arrested immediately afterward on a charge of , being Implicated in the theft. , . - Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlands DEDICATE OMAHA JEWISH-SCHOOL First Institution of Kind in Gate City Opens; Mort gage Is Burne-1 Dur ing Ceremony. a iiv - u asi uvi vtait J a, uu( Twenty-first and Burt streets, was dedicated yesterday with impressive ceremonies. This is a school for Jewish boys of fA 1 v,9r, sf nerm Tn if ti7,11 ttt taught Jewish religion, history and InntriiaerA frit Knv aHrri1 thie aQ aJ We a- l.W lVJ a UhV 4 X VA aJ school outside of their hours in the regular public schools of the city. Up to the present time these schools i . f j .. , ., . nave Deen conducted in tne several synagogues. The first Jewish school for boys is a substantial brick building formerly S ' J Tl ' , 1 uscu as a rcsiuencc. n is large ana has been completely remodeled for school purposes. , One of the mo t impressive ceremonies of the dedica- i . . I tion vesterdav was the hnrninor of the mnrt'' a. 7Z ladies of the Bnaith Ushirun, who t. a ej1 AAA a a laaies ot tne nnaim usnirun, wno had raised $3,000 to clear the property of indebtedness. ' TL-. ..L..f '.L.'U..u a a. j.f-' The school r.hi1rlrn mt at the'svn. agogues at Eighteenth and Chicago CftsAfa ond at T'rri-j-f i-iiitT Vi inrl Nicholas streets and marched to the synagogue at Nineteenth and curt streets wrir th"w nnitr1 anA then marched to the new school. . Decorated With Flags. ane porch ot tne school was dec- orated with flags and there was a iai vituoua. Aw tt. iiiai tjiivi yi sided. After the singing of "Amer ica" by the- audience. Dr. Sher told Kr?flw if tlla tiaal .frtr eiirf, 9 crrirtnl and of its purposes 'and of how it had , - e - . i . jnn . oeen imancca uy aoout iuvi umma subscribers. A membership of 1,000 .a . . I . a P ?... ,1. ia tn c I crhnnl is tne goal set lor maintaining tne i , W'.W.. I, V . Inspiring addresses were made by m' " V?raiT tinner Ziniman and Hnrw Mnnkw I tnnniec i ...V...WW. - . - vn me program were aiso a piano sol bv Miss Anna Leaf rectation , A W.K -ni- snnv Mss Marie Adler and a recitation by . , , , f . , f cniiaren ot tne scnooi. The -rimrtni ploserl with th singing ot auc or cya ouu ner. ( ' - ,.,opm;nfl ,lr, I i uhliu isaiiiiuiu uu J l III..1... gl .L.A.IrA - j, . t 21. (SoeC 1.) Tl.. U-, f ,or ne nnl After anv Person with political aspirations from . . . his t int0 the arena and Sh'ein h'S C3Ster t0 the arena .Mtht. -uPtnr- i-ad him to an an .-r,..0.;, . . i.:fi i PC.C wnere uiw ls v c.u.u, ou.y der for the next term. The . Frnntier. countv' has ust been simmering for .W but now it is boiline and the woods are full of office seekers who want to 1 crfr 3 kpi n i iiir 1 r 1 - o-' - - " 7-., . . , ', 1 n.i nrppman m . nvwnnn wrinn , " - j- - to succeed himself as county com- rnissinner from the third district: A. C Williams, nrevent cnntitv clerk, haa . . r- ' an ambition to nang on; c a. nua- t enn the hnvish lookinc sheriff, be- lieving that two consecutive terms deserve another is again pleading witn &L. ....... earA Vim I . W . . J V WWMU ...... q m Wagner of Eustis, longingly I - . . ... . J Cast HIS opilts luwuu tut vuuilljr treasurer's office. I I H fhenev. formerlv rmintv at torney and one of the old republican .i...ii,,. ,, .,-,nvets the rnWs office. ' -v" " n 'c ctinnette and Nick TColhert . u. ;;. ,r (mm the second and third districts 1 "."Vi.v. a on the republican and. denfocratic iiat. f.cnerltv. ' V 1 """",' Dnilnnrl Pnmnonw 1 i CharoinQ llleaal Arrest I tl:i.. c:... 7T1 thrnno-h hie fnth. .r Harrv Sinizer. is suinar thj Ujion T;Ar railrnarl for $5,000. V He Ir-harrea that at the Union station on rM-:'o30, as he was waiting for a train. 1 May oVt as ne was waiting iur a tram I .1. nf the.'Ctfltinn t r, dererl a oonceman to arrest him on IU,1 VU K v" . T aVa. AoVi-afrYt -f efpaltncr a nannhatr. He V81aVS k,- V 0a.vw-aO 0. was confined fos an hour in ,the city jail he says, before being relcAsed. u. ;. fiamer tent trom his nosition ... Rarlralnw Brothers throueh the r With BarKalOW crotners inrougn me I influence of the superintendent, he Irharces. Smith Sid? Brevities I t 1 1 , - T.pnon, Booth tot and order a ease of Om "Ti M, tZ r4en Homo B"e.!ir1 t0 your ",laenc SOUTH SIDE DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR TO BE HELD WITILAK-SAR-BEM For First Time in Five Year Agricultural Society Will Stage Exhibit on King's . ' Highway.' The Douelas Coilnty Agricultural society will break its custom of five years and will hold the county fair this fall down town in Omaha on the . grounds of the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival. 'In 1913 the fair was. last held m conjanttion with the carnival, One year the fair was held at Elkhorn. but for four years it has been held at the Benson race track. : The admission to the fair will be free this year, save for the customary charge for admission to the carnival. The carnival grounds will be extend- ' ed to allow extra room this fall and will run from Twelfth to titteentlis street and from Dodge to Davenport ; streets at the intersecting thorough- -fares. -;. '- ,. --r: Saunders County Coming. "Dad" Weaver, secretary of Ak-S'ar-Ben, has received enthusiastic ac counts from Wahoo, Mead, Yutan and Ashland assuring a 'large delegation from Saunders county for tonight's i show. The delegations will make the ' , trip in automobiles for the most part. .''. Valley ad Waterloo, although not in Saunders county, will follow -the t usual custom and visit the den Mon day night on Saunders county night. Because of the high rates of fare and the necessity for conserving railroad " trains no special train will be run to-. night " ; Hustle for Members. ' ' ' The Ak-Sar-Ben hustling commit- ' tee will hold a luncheon and meeting, this noonVt the Hotel Loyal. . Every . member of pc hustling committee has been urge! to turn in at least ten ' new members ta help swell the total. The board of governors wiH- have a . meeting this evening at the Omaha . club before the show. The following Monday night, "July 29, is to be Fremont night. , - tleven-Year-Old Boy is Cut Up When Hit by Auto Elbert White, 11-year-eld son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay D. , Whi.j, ?"08 " Cuming street, received a contusion of the forehead, a lacerated upper: lip, deep cuts ojc the left W rnd a s -,d elbow when struck by an auto.j.ic at Twenty-second and - Cumins; streets Saturday, night. The boy had ,!.-!., a ,1 rAH- . ...... .... ...v.. iU3L num a uhi wiuj.v e was run down by an auto loaded ' with colored , people, traveling at - a Ini o-Vi fi t rt croaA TVi, tn hin A 17- lAljSjlg ittlV V 0UVbUt tfVsa. a v. not stop. ; - ' " -. White was picked up by Ed King, colored, 1717 Burt street, and taken to JUister hospital. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET tt... Pnta nrln, n haa. unfa effective July IS are as , follows: No. 1 loins, 87Hc; No. 2 loins, IStto; No. 8 : loins, 19c; No. 1 ribs, iic; No. J rib's. 32V4c; No. 3 ribs, 16'Ac; No. 1 rounds, 88c; no. a rounus, no a ruunu., ..toc; - 1 chucks, 23o: No. 2 chucks, 12c; '.No.. S chucks, 18c; No. 1 plates, 160; No. 8 plates, lie; No. 8 plates. Ho. ' , Fish Catfish, odd sizes, large. 2So lb. I halibut, 21o lb.; black cod, large dies. l&O lb.; trout, Size to suit, 22a lb.; Royal Whit Chinook salmon, 20c lb.: wbiteflsb, 18o lb. I to.llnw . Mil.. 91. IK. v,lnl.-.l 9m Ik . XtmA Clnook salmon, 25c lb.: blood-red bullheads. . targe, zio id.: meaium. 110 id.: rocic dssb, lb. each. 20c .lb.: yellow ring .perch. a lb. each, 19o lb.; herring. lie ib. Jiaddock, 12o -lb.; ateak cod, eastern, ISO ib.t crap. pies, 2022o ,1b.; buffalo, large, 14o lb.; whits perch. Ho lb.; carp, large,' 12o lb.; miA .ulem 11. IK tnt fmA ....... 22o lb.; troxen large bass, 20c lb;' froxen skinned whiting, odd sixes, flaky, almost boneless, 15-lb.. baskets per basket.. 13.66; round. 7o lb.ivrozen round pink salmon. 14c lb.; frozen red salmon, 22a- lb.; frozen pink salmon, 20o lb.; frosen sturgaon, ISO lb.; frozen Spanish macnered, 17o lb.; foxen native fail mackerel, 21o lb.; froxen floun- , tiers, 12o lb.: frozen aolea. 12o lb.; frozen western red anatper, lOo lb.; frozen sliver smelts, 12a lb.; frozen No. 1 white mullets. 6c lb.; frozen Canadian Tulllbee wbltefistu average 14 lb.. 10c lb.; frozen Canadian whlteflsh, large, dressed or round. He lb.; frozen Canadian dressed . pickerel, 13o lb.; frozen Canadian round, pickerel, lOo lb.: frozen dressed herring,-large, to lb.; round. so id.: oaracuaa. io id., .aea rooav oaaa. 14o lb.; roe ahad. 24o b. ri.4.I.K In... fnnw raafi. 5.f .tiatlhnr.' ' 23c; trout, 23c; black cod, 16c; white perch, . izc; lancy zrozen diack oass, ineuiuzn aui. large, 16c; fancy frozen buffalo-carp, 4c; almnn nlnlr Vilta nhlnnnlca. fall.. 1 Rni rpA. aockeyea, chlnooks, 24c; white, 18c;. pike, 22c; croppies, 20c, 22c; frogs, genuine Loui siana black bulls, jumbo, 14.00; large, 13.60. ruita -uranges; eus, ves, .db, ...b, a..s, ( 17.50; 120a, 176s, 216s, : 200s, 260s, 11. o0. Lemons: punKisc, siv.ov; nea ttans,-siu ve. Bananas,7c to 7c lb. Peaches: Callfor- , nia. 11.11 box: Elbertas.' 11.2$ bu.; Georgia Elbertas, 8-basket crate, 13.28 crate. Plums, , California: Tragedy,- Santa Rosas. !2.o; Climax and Burbanks, 12.25. Apricots. Washington. 12.25. Cantaloupes! Standard. 45s. 14.00;' ponys. 54s, 13.60; IlaU. 13 to .6. 11.50. Watermelons. 3c lb., crates extra. Vegetables Lettuce: Head, 4.00 ors-e; head, 11.25 dox.; leaf, 6Q0 dox. Cabbage, , 90-lb. crates, 4 Ho lb. Onions: Tetlow Cali fornia In 100-lb. sacks, IVi lb.; home grown. 20c dox. Radishes, 30o dox." Pota toes, new, Asparagus, Ite dis. Michigan celery, EOo dox. Telephone peas. - 16o lb.. Cucumbers, 82.00 box. - Beans, ax and green. 11.50 basket Summer squash. 11.00 dox. . Beets, 40o dox. Carrots, - 40o dna. - Artichokes. 11.10. ' Green ', peppers. market basket, 11.50. Tomatoes,- 4-basket crate. 11.50. Limes, Z.W. Garlic. 170. mtt plants. 12.00 box. , , ', ; ;. Miacellaneoua Crackerlack. checkera. chums. 15.80; -eases, 13.85. Bar jopcorn, s 8H0 in.; sneliea popcorn. 1-10. pags., e-aoa. case. 84.00. hreo B. honey. 1-lb. glasses, 1- ' dox. case, 13.85. Salted peanuts, 13.00. Peanut. 17o to 20o lb. .1 . KING BUTTER &' EOCS 1116-1118-Doudlos Str 'i f . Tel-Doufjlaslkl - Vote for the author of the 'Honest Election Law. N. P. DODGli for Congres 1 .jr. tvA HI. ASIA cu. aravue Wi Xtliaon. ajjl 0ecunuea m, . . f ' ' . -1 '