Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1918, Image 1

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    'The Stars and Stripe
Crews Reach Shore in Small Boats; Enemy
Submerges When Attacked by Hydroplanes
But Soon Reappears and Resumes Firing.
By Associated Press.
Orleans, Mass., July 21. An enemy submarine attacked a tow off
the easternmost point of Cape Cod today, sank three barges, set a fourth and their
tug on fire and dropped, four shells on the mainland. The action lasted an hour
and was unchallenged except for two hydroplanes from the Chatham aviation sta
tion, which circled over the U-boat, causing her to submerge for only a moment
to reappear and resume firing. .
The crews of the tow, numbering 41 and including three
women and five children, escaped amid the shell fire in life
boats. Several were wounded, but only one seriously. This
happened to be John Botovich, an Austrian, of the tug crew.
His right arm was torn away near the shoulder by a shell
fragment. '
The barges, in tow of the tug Perth Amboy of the Lehigh
. Valley railroad were bound from Gloucester for New York.
One was loaded with stone but the others were light being on
their return trip after bringing coal to New England.
The attack was without warning and .only the poor marks
manship of the German gunners permitted the escape of the
crews. . ; ... :i
; The one-sided fight took place three miles, south of the
Orleans coast guard station at the tip of the cape. .The firing
brought thousands to the beach. The flashes of the guns and
the outline of the U-boat were plainly seen. Danger was not
thought, of unil a shell whirled over their heads and splashed
in a pond a mile inland: Three other shells buried themselves
5n thesands of the beach. ,
, iThe survivors, with the exception of two ' injured, were
taken to the Orleans coast guard station, communication with
which by telephone, under navy regulations, was not permitted.
No information could be obtained from official sources on the
cape. Botovich and anther man frefm one of the barges, both
of 'whose arms had beennjured, were removed to a private
hospital. Later Botovichwas taken to Boston. Some of the
survivors, who were sleeping when the U-boat appeared, came
ashore in night clothing. ,
T!i tnnr tariff. Jir frtiir Karcrpa ?n tinO
, was puffing along leisurely two miles
from, shore at 11 o'clock this morn,
ing when the U-boat, of an estimated
length of 400 feet, rose suddenly
one mile seaward and trained her
gun on the tow A moment later a
shell struck the second barge amid
ships. The empty craft doubled up
and sank so quickly that her crew
barely had time to lower their small
boat. -
Rain of Shells.
The first shot was followed by a
rain of shells that dropped on and all
about the tug and her barges. A
lucky shot next sank the last barge.
Meanwhile, hits on the tug had set
her afire but she stood by her barges
to" the finish. The third barge in
. line, the smallest of all, proved a
' hard mark and the German gunners
occupied half an hour in disposing of
By this tim the firing had alarmea
the whole cape and cries for assis
tance were sent broadcast. No
American warships appeared to be in
the vicinity and the exhibition of Ger
man' gunnery went on methodically
Two hydroplanes rose from the sta
tion at Chatham and flying low darted
toward the enemy as though to at
tack. It could not be seen that they
dropped any bombs but the Ger
"rnans evidently anticipated an attack
from the air, for they stopped firing
and elevated their guns against the
hydroplanes. It did not fire, how
ever, and a moment later submerged
Reappears and Resumes Attack.
The plahes circled about where the
f enemy was last seen and then turned
their noses toward : their station.
Scarcely had they reached shore when
the U-boat reappeared and resumed
her attack upon the tug and the one
tight barge . remaining afloat Both
the tug and this barge were in flamea
nil were held where they were by the
sunken barges, one of which with a
" (Continued oa Pag Two, Column Three.)
- Pope Names Six Bishops.
Rome, July 21. The following ap
pointments of bishops were made by
jthe pope today: Monsignor Michael
'J. Gallagher, Grand Rapids, for De
troit; Monsignor Terence G. Brady
of Dubuque cathedral, for Baker City,
s Ore- Monsignor Christopher Byrne.
St. Louis, for Galv6ston; Monsignor
Arthur Drossaerts of New Orleans,
for St. Anthony, Tex.; Father John
U. Nicolas for Duluth; Monsignor
Julius Jannard chancellor of the arch
diocese of New Orleans, for the new
(diocese of La Fayette, La.
The Omaha' Daily
VOL. 48,-NO. 29. SSSr.nrtajsr.iat IS OMAHA,
- v ' . 9 : : -9 " 1 - '
Soissons Left in
Germans' Hands for
Strategic Reasons
Paris, July 21. The reason that
French and American troops have not
occupied Sossions is explained by
Major De Civireux, military critic of
the Matin, wh'b writes: v
"The striking capture of Soissons
might s'eem at first sight to be more
important, but to hold the city and
railway stations under our artillery
fire from the heights to the east is
sufficient and it is the wisest policy,
as an exaggerated movement east
ward along the Aisne would expose
our left to a flank attack like that
against which the German crown
prince is struggling." '
British Munition Workers
Decide to Go on Strike
London, July 21. The ministry of
munitions announced tonight that it
had received word that at a mass
meeting of munitions workers at
Birmingham today it was resolved
to go on strike Wednesday night un
less the embargo on skilled labor is
withdrawn. The statement says the
ministry is ' in close touch With the
union leaders, both Nlirectly and
through the rinistry of labor.
tTwo Airmen Die in Fall.
Fort Worth, Tex., July 21. Lieut.
Rotfert Y. Snyder, of Elmira, N. Y.
and Lieut. Qlaf J. Tanner of Moor
head, Minn., both of Carruthers field,
were killed when their airplane fell
in a thousand foot tail spin neat here
today. .
Washington, s July 21. Casualties
in the army and marine corps over
seas increased 983 during the. week,
compared with 647 the previous .week
and aggregate 12,716 with, the inclu
sion of today's army list of 199 and
the marine corps list of 26.
While the week's total casualties
were the largest announced, it is un
likely thosli from theheavy fighting in
which the Americans have been par
ticipating since-last Monday are in
cluded in the totals.
In the 12.716 casualties, total deaths,
including 291 men lost at sea, men
Acknowledges That Things on
the West Front Are Going
Wrong and Victory Is '
, Not Being Attained. - '
Amsterdam, July 21. The Cologne
Gazette is not particularly, enthusias
tic cer the result. of the battle that
is being waged on tl.3 western front
and in commenting ,pn it, says:
"As has happened on other, occa
sions, for instance, on the Somttte, we
must concede the loss of men and
guns. But, even so, the enemy's lead
ing idea, a breach through, has not
been attained, despite tremendous
exertions. We have been able to hold
up the counter offensive before it at
tained a strategic advantage worth
mentioning. Continuous changes in po
sition are logically the outcome of
the open warfare now in progress."
The Berlin correspondent of the
newspaper writes:
"False hopes were perhaps pinned
at home to the launching of thisnew
offensive. It cannot be the aim of
every single war 'operation to attain
definite objectives in all circum
stances. Secrets Betrayed by Deserters.
"The victorious operations of the
third week of July gave rise to var
ious presumptions in the minds of the
people which do not agree with the
previous actual conditions, nor with
those of today. We have no re-son
to conceal the fact. There were de
serters among the German troops
who used their knowledge of the
planned operations to betray the fath-
land and their comrles.
After referring to the entente's!
counter, offensive the correspondent
""The foregoing shows that not only
east of Rheims, but also on the Marne
we are confronted with difficult tasks,
and Von Hindenburg will in this sit
uation not satisfy some of the stat
egists. "It need not be concealed that the
ai.n of the recent offensive has re
mained unattainable but new condi
tions now will the more urgently de
mand fresh decisions, to which we
look forward with strained attention,
but also with patience."
Dr. Von Seydler,' Austrian
Premier, and Cabinet Resign
Amsterdam, July 21. Dr. Von
Seydler, the Austrian premier, and
his cabinet have resigned, according
to private advice from Vienna reach
ing Sunday's Berliner Tageblatt. It is
added that it is assumed in reichsrat
circles that the emperor this time will
accept the resignation.
TO DATE 12,716
killed in action, dead of wounds, di
sease, accident and other causes, num
bered 5,100 army men, 4,421; ma
rines, 679. The wounded aggregated
6,941 army men 5,817; marines, 1,124.
Those 'missing including prisoners
total 675 army men 593; marins, 82.
Of the week's increase, 781 were
army men and 202 marines. Killed in
action and other deaths numbered 422,
compared with 259 the previous week;
the wounded Numbered 465, com
pared with 307 the previous ,week,
and the missing and prisoners 91,
compared with 81 the previous week.
17,000 Men and 560 Guns
Captured by V. S. Troops
Up to Saturday Morning
Washington, July 21. Prisoners
captured by American troops in the
offensive on the Aisne-Marne front
up to an early hour Saturday to
talled by actual count 17,000, Gen
eral Pershing reported in his com
munique for yesterday received to
night by the War department. Cap
ture of $60 guns also is announced.
Despite counter attacks and rear
guard actions of a desperate na
ture, the Americans advanced
steadily early yesterday, says the
communique. The towns of Cour
melles, Roret St. Albin and Maubry
had been entered by the Americans
before 1 a. m. Saturday.
Germans Give Ground Along
60-Mile Front; Americans
Fighting With Spiri That
Brooks No Denial.
By Associated Press.
Victories for the allied arms are
multiplying. Over the entire 60-mile
front, running from SoiSsons to
Rheims, the allied troops are fighting
with a determination that brooks no
denial. The Germans are giving
ground, though stubborn resistance' is
being offered on some sectors.
Further indentations have been
made in the German line between
Soissons and Chateau Thierry by the
Americans and, French. Practically
all the gains of, the German drive
south of the Marne haye been bletted
out. , . ' ' ,- -
Chateau Thierry, which represent
the point in the battle line where the
Germans had driven their wedge near
est to Paris, has been recaptured by
the French troops, and almost simul
taneously the village of Brasles, two
miles eastward, and the heights to the
north of the village fell into their
Break Through German Lines.
Acting in harmony with investment
of .Chateau Thierry, American and
French troops,, northwest of the city,,
broke through the German lines and
at some points advanced more than
three miles. Large numbers of pris
oners were taken. The allies' ma
chine guns literally mowed down the
- To the north along the Ourcq val
ley the Frertch are making progress
toward the important junction town
Nanteuil-Notre Dame, while the op
erations south and southeast of Sois
sons are keeping time with those
along the other parts of the front.
The entire southern bank of the
Marne having been cleared of enemy
forces, French, British and Italian
troops now are harassing those
southwest of Rheims, and they have
been forced to fall back in the Cour
ton wood, the Ardre valley and near
St. Euphraise. The number of Brit
ish operating with the allied forces
in this region is not known. The first
announcement that they were in the
action was made Saturday night, and
doubtless they represent a portion of
the great reserves that everywhere'
are being brought up along the battle
line in an endeavor to make secure
the victories already won and enlarge
German Plight Hazardous.
With the capture of Chateau
Thierry and the fast progress of the
French and Americans eastward from
the northern sectors, the plight of the
Germans in the southwestern portion
of the Soissons-Rheims salient be
comes increasingly hazardous. It is
not improbable when stock i; taken
large numbers of prisoners and quan
tities of guns and war stores will be
found to have "Wen taken by the al
lied troops. Aviators continue to
lend assistance, scouting the back
areas and harassing the retreating
Germans with their machine guns.
. In none of the other theaters ex
eept the Soissons-Rheims salient- is
there any fighting of great moment
in progress. The British in northern
France and Flanders are continuing
their daily patrol encounters and tak
ing prisoners, white the guns of both
the Germans and the British are keep
ing up their reciprocal bombard
ments. Casualties in Sinking
Of San Diego Total 45
Washington, July 21 The Navy
department today said three men are
known'to be dead, 42 missing and 12
unaccounted for as the result of the
sinking of the United States Cruiser
San Diego laaf-Friday off the Long
Island coast. The men unaccounted
for are believed to have been on
Edward A. Ru'mely
Life Story of Man Who Bought
New York Mail for the Kaiser
on Page Two of This Issue.
. i mr): Otihf. I4.M:
Dally v 8m.. M; tutildt Nth.
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Cornerstone of Line of Farthest German Ad- ,
vanceon Paris Falls; Hill 193 North
of Vaux Captured by U. S. Boys. r
By the Associated Press.
With the American Army on the Marne, July 21. '(1 p. m.) The '
French and Americans have broken through the German line northeast of Chateau
Thierry. The French and Americans., driving the spearhead toward the northeast,'
have already advanced five kilometers (3 1-10 miles) at various places.
Previous to the breaking of the German lines, the allies battled with -the des
perate machine gunners, who were mowed down. The German Losses wejre terrible.
Followers of Geronimc Take to
the Warpath Again, but
This Time Join Pershing
- in - France;; "'"
El Paso, Tex., July 21. Indian
scouts with the American army on
the Marne are Apaches, recruited
from the White Mountain reservation
of eastern Arizona.
Many of them hicl been acquainted
... .. . .
witn tne mountains, aeseris ana
trails of Chihuahua since the Gero
nimo campaign and were obtained by
General Pershing in 1916 when he
went into Mex:co after Francisco
Villa and his followers, following the
attack by Villa on Columbus, N. M.
A companv of the Apaches was
gathered at Fort Apache, Ariz. The
Indians earbed in their picturesque
tribal costumes and mounted on their
own ponies, rode 40 miles to the
railroad at Holbrook, Ariz., where
they held a war dance all night and
entrained tne following morning for
Columbus, where they were given
regulation army uniforms. All were
provided with wrist watches, which
they prized highly.
Did Good Work in Mexico.
The scout company did effective
work in Mexico, both in trailing ban
dits and in engaging them when en
countered. When Brigadier General
Robert Howze in the expedition was
promoted colonel from the lower
rank, the Indians hammered out the
eagles, his insignia, from Mexican
silver dollars. When the expedition
came out of Mexico, the Indians,
mounted on mules, received a great
ovation, which they received with
customary stoicism.
When the ' expeditionary torces
went to France, the Indian scouts
manifested willingness to go along
to hunt Germans and General Per
shing took them with him.
Wilson Sends Belgium Greeting
On Nation's Independence Day
Washinirton. July 21. Expressing
confidence that the heroic part taken
by Belgium fh the war "presages for
re-enfranchised Belgium a still greater
and more glorious place in the proud
annals of human achievement in the
paths of liberty," President Wilson
sent to King Albert and the Belgian
people a message of greeting upon
the occasion of the celebration today
of their eighty-seventh Independence
day. Belgium's national holiday was
observed in many, cities and recogni
tion accorded the invaded nation by
all allied countries.
Amsterdam, July 21. The death of
Quentin Roosevelt is confirmed by a
Wolff Bureau message, according to
a Berlin dispatch. The story of the
fatal encounter, as told by the Wolff
Bureau correspondent, follows:
"On Sunday, July 14, an American
squadron of 12 battle planes was
trying to break through the German
defense over the Marne. In the vio
lent combat which ensued with 6even
German machines, one American
aviator stubbornly made repeated at
tacks. This culminated in a duel be
tween him and a German non-commissioned
officer, who, after a short
8dw, .M: rmrn rrvTC
puttH Mtra. 1 VV U jEj?i 13.
Chateau-Thierry was evacuated during the night, the
French and American troops passing through the town shortly
after dawn on the trail of the retreating Germans. ' Almost ,
simultaneously, the French and Americans moved forward the
southern part of their line, extending north and west from
Chateau-Thierry until a correction of the entire line from
Soissons and southward of that point had been effected an even ;
advance of something more than seven miles.
With the French Army in France, July 21. (Noon.) ,
Chateau-Thierry,. the cornerstone of the line of the fartliest
German advancefell early this morning when the French oc
cupied the city, driving the Germans before them. ;
The enemy has-begun bis retreat northward under heavy
pressure-from all sides, French,Amerieans and. Britislfall par" '
ticipating in the thrust which Is pushing the Germans back.
Where the retreat will end cannot be conjectured; as everything
now depends on the will of the allied commander-in-chief. t
, The German position in the vicinity of .Chateau-Thierry "
was doomed from the moment their divisions recrossed the
Marne. Franco-American troops carried out an encircling
movement from the northwest at the same time, which made it
absolutely necessary for the enemy to withdraw. In the course
of the night reconnaissances were effected by the French to test
the strength of the Germans still in he city and shortly after
dawn the allied reoccupation became an accomplished fact.'
Paris, July 21. Important gains by the French, American,
Italian and British troops in the territory comprising the Sois
sons-Rheims salient are reported
issued by the war office tonight.
Scottish Success Due
To Confidence Trick,
Say Surprised Teutons
With The; British Army in France,
July 21. The Scottish troops who,
yesterday morning occupied Meteren,
two milde west of Bailleul, are ac
cused by the discomfited Prussian
prisoners of having taken the village
by a confidence trick. One officer de
clared frankly that he regarded the
victory ofjhe Scots as "unfair" be-
!ause it was achieved in broad day
ight. The Scottish battalion's attacked at
8 o'clock, when tfie weary garrison of
the ruins of Mtteren had settled down
in their shell holes at the edge of the
village to endure another day of bom
bardment intermixed with gas.
When the British batteries suddenly
laid a terrific barrage on their linked
machine gun posts, enclosing the vil
lage on the north and west, the Ger
mans thought it was an ordinary
harassing fire, intended to kill with
out the support of infantry. They put
on their gas helmets again. Then
smoke clouds drifted across the en
emy from the British trenches. Sud
denly glancing up, the Germans found
strangers in kilts looking down on
them from the lips of their craters
and realized that the fancied routine
bombardment covered a serious at)
tack which had cut them off before
they knew no man's land had been
fight) succeeded in getting good aim
at his brave but inexperienced oppon
ent, whose machine fell after a few
shots near the village of Chambry,
10'. kiIometrs north of the Marne.
"His pocket case showed him to be
Lt. Quentin Roosevelt of the aviation
section of the United States army
The personal belongings of the fallen
airman are being carefully kept with,
a view to sending them later to his
relatives. The earthly remains of the
brave young airman were buried with
military honors by Germatf' airmen
near Chambry at the spot where he
For Nebraska -Fair and
1 p. m. 89.
t p. m DO
S p. m 'i
4 p. m. fit
5 p. ill, .IHI
P. m. 8S
7 p. m .89
in the official communication '
The text of the statement reads:
"The battle continues under favor
able conditions alone the whole front
between the Marne and the Aisnc
North of the Ourco. driving back the
enemy, we have progressed, fighting
ftl the region north of Ville Montoire
and on the south have advaced to the
east of he general line of .Tingy-Bil-.
ly-Sur-Ourcq. ,. J
High Ground Captured.
"South of the Ourcq we made an
important advance beyond Neuilly-St.'
Front, occupying the heights east of
La Croix and Crisolles. -
"Under the double pressure of th
Franco-American forces between the v
Ourcq and the' Marne and the French'
units who crossed the river between
Fossoy and Chartever, the Germans
were driven back oevond the line of
Bezu-St. Gerrain and Mont-St. Pete.- '
Chateau Thierry is widely freed to
the north. , ,
"Between the Marne and Rheims.
the fighting was extremely violent, .
Franco-British and Italian trooosvat
tacked with indefatigable enerev and
captured St. Euphraise and Bouilly
and made gains in the Andre vallev.
Courton Wood and Bois Du Roi. The
British took four cannon and 400 oris
oners." Crown Prince Army in Retreat . '
- -With the .American Army on the
Aisne-Marne Front, July 21. The
armies of the crown prince were re- '
treating tonight wjiile the allied
forces of Geheral Foch harassed
their rear and continued their ,
smashing drive along theNjerman
right flank. It is expected that if the
Germans succeed in extricating them
selves it will be only at the cost of.'
large numbers of men and of material
and supplies. ' : " ' -
Germany has already paid a terrible
price in the righting that is going on
between Soissons and" - Chateau
Thierry. The advancing allied forces
have passed great piles of dead and.
(Continued on Fare Two, Column Four.)
Western Union Employes
Indorse Arbitration Policy
Chicago, July 21. TJie general as '
sembly of the Association of Wes- '
tern Union t Employes yesterday
adopted a constitution, elected Jos
eph Hayes, San Francisco, president,
named a board of directors and se
lected Chicago "forjts general head- .
quarters. ' .A
The declaration of principles en
dorses the policy of arbitration u
wage disputes. : ,
The neipt general assembly will be '
held in Los Angeles in September,