THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 21, 1918. 5 A" WOUNDED MEN TO BE GIVEN TRAINING IN USEFUL TRADES Federal Board for Vocational Instruction is Undertaking Task of Making Returned Soldiers Self-Supporting. Every man who goes in the army or navy is now certain that if the Germans shoot him up he will not be compelled to sell pencils, or shoe laces to eke out an insufficient pen sion, or be immured in a soldier's home to rust out the years until death comes to his relief. ' The United States government has studied the whole subject of voca tional rehabilitation of wounded and disabled soldiers. The experience of all the belligerents has been gone over carefully, and the marvels of re-education ccomplished by some of them are fully noted. The Federal Board for Vocational Education has been at work on the proposition since August. 1917. The result is to be found in the Smith-Sears act, which passed con gress June 11, and provides a compre hensive scheme of rehabilitation for wounded and disabled men. Canada has been dowg this work with great success ana all of the Canadian experience has been freely given to the United States. The di rector of that work has been actively co-operating with the Federal Board for Vocational Education, and was sent by his government to appear be fore the senate committee and testify at the hearings of the bill, which passed both senate and hous with out a dissenting vote. None Too Badly Wrecked. It has been demonstrated in Europe that no matter how badly a man may be wrecked physically, as a general rule he still has latent capa bilities for something useful. If those capabilities rtay be specialized into some line of trade the wounded sol dier already knew, that is done. The experience he has had and a knowledge of the trade is a valuable foundation to build upon. If the trade he is familiar with does not offer an opening then he is in duced to enter an allied trade where his previous knowledge will be of value. In some cases the man is en tirely re-educated and for an occupa tion entirely different from that which he had previojsly followed. It is seldom that a man is so badly shattered that he cannot be trained to something useful, which he can pur sue in the consciousness that he is doing a man's work for a man's pay and that he is back in the current of civil life, a useful and happy citizen who asks no odds of anyone when it comes to making a living. The task to be discharged by the Federal Board for Vocational Educa tion is a large one. Figures from the various countries show that for each million men in the armies, there will be 1 per cent, or 10,000 men to be re educated. This does not include the wounded who are able to and even tually do return to their occupations. Shell Shock Cases. ? This does not necessarily mean that these are "dismemberment" eases. The general idea is of the leg less, armless, or sightless man. They are far in the minority. The figures, which have not got down to fairly ac curate averages, show that of the 10, 000 half of them will be purely "medi cal" as against "surgical" cases. And of the 5,000 that are "surgical," that is which need the attention of a sur geon as against that of the physician, 500 will be cases of dismemberment, where the men have lost members of the body. Three hundred will be cases where a leg has been lost and 200 where arms have been lost. In 41,000 returned invalided Canadians there were less than 40 cases of blindness. The real problem is the man who has suffered profound shocks to his system nd perhaps been rendered in capable of standing the strain of his former occupation. A boiler-maker for instance, comes out with shell shock and his nervous system in tat ters. He could not stand the racket in. a boiler factory, but he, with his knowledge of iron and steel workine could very easily be made into sayan expert lathe operator where theros no noise. And so on along the whole line of readjustments. The Federal Board for Vocational Education is the source of most of the war training courses and is going ahead with plans to begin the re-educational work at an early date. It is proposed, instead of concentrating the men to be re-educated in large hospi tal shops, to use the wonderful facili ties afforded by the many technical and agricultural schools of the coun try as far as possible. Clemenccau Delights to Honor Ai.iy Chaplains Correspondence of The Associated Press. London, June 20. Premier George Clemenceau has a fine appreciation of the war work done by members of the Catholic church. In distributing decorations won at the front, he found before him the other day. Father Lau rent, chaplain of the 123rd infantry regiment, who was to receive the Cross of the Legion of Honor. In pinning the recognition of bravery on the priest's breast Mr. Clemenceau said: ' "Father, I have not the honor of being a Catholic, but I am sure that you will accept from my .hand that which I am brinein? vou. for it is a cross and it is France which offers it ! to you. ' . Swedish Minister to Japan Disappears on Homeward Trip Tokio, Tuesday, July 16. The whereabouts of G. O. Wallenburg, re cently Swedish minister to Japan, who left for home by way of Siberia two months ago with a party of fellow Swedes, is not known. Advices re reived from Sweden say that he has not arrived there. Minister Wallenburg and 14 other Swedes were compelled to leave Japan because of unneutral conduct. First Finnish Warship Arrives in Helsingfors j- Correspondence of the Associated Press .Stockholm, June 20. The first Fin nish warship, the cruiser Karjala, has arrived at Helsingsfors The cruiser i a former Russian ship, expronria " ted by the Finnish senate Three other warships, in course of construe tion. are to be added to the Finnish navy,-it is announced.' t i 'J.. . v. "iJ.I-:.J.-ii. .... ...! :. .... Six More Stars Added to The Bee's Service Flag Mil ,.,,v CECIL LEHR Zeoxarcf Wkhet Six new stars were added to TheO Bee service flag the past week. Four mn will leave in the July contingent for the draft army and one enlisted in the navy. Edmund C. Larson. Edmund C. Larson, since April 1 in charge of the foreign advertising department and service department to national advertisers, left Saturday for Minneapolis, from which point he will leave with the Minnesota draft quota for Camp Wadsworth, S. C. Beforo joining The Bee staff he was employed in a similar capacity by the Minneapolis Journal. Mr. Larson left with a smile and thankful that he was at last to join Uncle Sam's fighting forces. He has been refused admittance to every branch of the service for lack of weight until ordered to report to the draft army. He was refused admit tance to the marines ;he day war was declared. The navy, infantry and air service enlistments wre next refused. He was a member of a.Minnapolis hospital unit on day, but discharged when mustred into federal service. Anthony C. Ostronic. Anthony C. Ostronic. 1415 South Twelfth street, employed in the com posing room, will leave with the Om aha contingent for Camo ' Dodee Monday. He is a native son, having ben born and raised in Omaha. He was employed as an artist, after which reader and in the ad room. Ostronic has been orominentlv con nected with amateur sports in Omaha until the past year and a half when CADY P"OTQ if -;V A.a,.Ky.s...,.ia-..vln mnrrtmnrffisr iiniirmMiurr dnuxtf C, Zaps on siderable attentioi. bv his bowling in the Huntington league. Ostronic plans on returning to Om aha at the conclusion of the war and will uyloubtedly enter into business for himself. He has attracted a large circle of asquaintances and friends during his business career in Omaha Leonard Weber. Leonard Weber, manager of The Bee ensrravins denartnient. will ac company the Omaha draft contingent to Lamp Dodge. He has been con nected with the art depa-tment for the last two years. For one year he was employed as an artist after which he became city solicitor. He was promoted to manager of the depart ment when "Bob" Heath responded to the call of his country to fight the Hun. Stanley Smith. Stanley Smith. 1521 Yates street. for the past nine years employed in the pressroom of The Bee will become a member of the National army at camp uodge. ne will leave with the Omaha contingent Monday. Smith learned his trade in the Bee office and became one of the most efficient workmen in the press room. His wife will remain in Omaha while he visits in Berlin. He has had his application for entrance to the rort Omaha balloon school in for some time and may be trans ferred back to Omaha. Cecil Xehr. Cecil Lehr, a linotype operator working m the composing room of the uee. leaves Monday with an Omaha contingent to become a Jackie in Uncle Sam's navy. He will train at the Great Lakes Naval station. The sinking of American ships decided Lehr in his determination to enlist and Mrs. Lehr and their little daugh ter, 5 years . of age, are extremely proud of "daddy" that he is going after the German subs. Lehr has been prominent in ama teur base ball aircles in Omaha for th ; past 12 years. At the present time he is a member of the Holmes White Sox in the Greater Omaha league. A. D. Hurley. A. D. Hurley has but recently be come a member of ihe Bee family coming from Kansas City. He has been called by his draft board in Missouri and left Saturday to don a suit of khaki. He has been employed in the composing room as an ad man. w prcs of business forced him to retire. He played base ball with the Mur phy Did Its his last season in the national pastime. Ie attractive con- Picking Up Own Hat is Crime in German City Correspondence of the Associated Press. German courts-martial evidently administer the law with a stern hand in the attempt to prevent the spread in Germany of bolshevik doctrines. Their application of the law was de nounced in the Keichstag by the so cialist, Dr. Cohn, as a disgrace to German justice, according to the Cologne Gazette. Citing instances to show how se vere these sentences had been, Dr. Cohn said that a woman who stooped to pick up her hat which had fallen on the ground near a trolley car f was sentenced to serve one and jne-half years' in a penitentiary on a charge of attempting to endanger transport tion. Dr. Cohn said he could enumerate dozens of similar cases. ROSEBUD LANDS PROMISE GREAT CROPRETURNS Large Area Under Cultivation, With Indications of Yields That Will Break Some Records. War Has Changed Loi.don's Dinner Hour; Comes Early Correspondence of the Associated Press. London, June 20. The war ha9 changed London's dinner hour, buf the alteration came about so gradual ly that few people realize it. lust before hostilities began in 1914 the fashionable dinner hour in Lom'on was 8:45 o'clock. Now it is 7:30 o'clock or thereabouts. The hour for afternoon tea, however, continues to be from 1 to 5 o'clock, as it was in pre-war days. Petrol Prices Are Driving Cabs Off London Streets ; Correspondence of The Associated Press. .. : London, July 20. Since the begin ning' of May when increased prices for petrol came, into effect, taxicabs have been gradually withdrawn from the streets of London. Operating companies say it is impossible now to run cabs at a profit. 16th and Harney Oitin Bwtkn 16th and Harney Important Announcement IN ADVANCE Next Wednesday, July 24th ew Stock more (NOTHING RESERVED) Will be placed on sale at three sensationally low prices All our finest garments made up especially for-this exclusive new store All Our Exclusive Tailored Suits Sold up to $75.00 All Our Beautiful Presses Sold up to All Our Fine Coats Sold up to - - $75.00 - $75.00 Our entire stock to go into this sale at three prices: s "Thu Rosebud country looks like a land of promise this spring." said E. Ei VanVlissingen, St. Francis, S. D. More land has been broken on the benches this year than ever before. Even the Indians have in quite an acreage of small grain and some corn Everything is looking fine and there is a good prospect of record break ing yields. The only thing we fear is the unreasonably hot weather forc ing the spring wheat too fast and making most of the growth go to straw. "There has been considerable heir ship land purchased from the In dians by practical farmers, many of them former renters from eastern Ne braska. They are making good im provements and the careful farming they are doing will develop the coun try as nothing else has done. "In the past most of the land was purchased by speculators, who let H lay idle, hoping for some one else to come along and increase values by development. The farming that is now being done will demonstrate the immense agricultural possibilities Of the region. "Grass is fine and Immense herds of southern cattle were shipped in this spring. This was due to the high prices for grazing in the 'flint hill' section of Kansas and the Osage country in Oklah oma. Our grass is fully as good, if not more nutritious Cattle that came in skin poor are now taking on weight and the grass cattle that will come from there a few months hence, will help to relieve the beef shortage. v "Indian herds have greatly in creased. War prices and motives of patriotism impelled many Indians who heretofore have been herdsmen pure and simple, to become husband men. The country will be permanent ly benefited by this condition." to the ambulai.ces which take them to the various London and suburban hospitals. Speed and skill are the essentials of the work of these men, and they have become experts through long training, assiduous practice and a thorough knowledge of first-aid principals. Many of the cases brought to London are what is known as "special" and have to be handled with skill and care owing to the nature of their injuries. In spite of this, trains containing several hundred cot cases are unloaded in a half hour or less. The London Transport Column was organized in August, 1917, by volun teers from the staffs of the nip Lon don insurance companies. The Col umn numbers about 1,000 men, a l of them business men in good positions who volunteered to give two days a week to the work, and to hold themselves in reserve for a third day each week. Their work takes them from one railway station to another, and they are often on con tinuous duty for 12 to 14 hours. Air raid., make no difference. Many a train has been unloaded during a heavy barrage. During a recent air raid on London, several trains ol wounded were stopped at a siding in the suburbs. and unloaded in com plete darkness, the wounSed being carried safely in a tunnel nearby, where they remained until it was safe to send the ambulances out fot them. . The Transport men have Seen on special duty in every Zeppelin and au plane raid on London, Every mem ber of the corps is subject to call in an emergency of this kind. Whole Gooseberry Crop is to Become Army Jam An order has been issued that the whole gooseberry crop in England and Wales shall be used for army jam. , " i ' ' ui ,1 1 1 i ii ii ssBKmamsasamm 'I mi 1 1 esagsgigass. in I i I i I I ..ii i in ii i i i Transport Column of Red Cross is Expert in Handling of Wounded Correspondence of Associated Press. . London, June 20. Shortly before the arrival' of a train of wounded at any London railway station, morninp, afternoon or night, a small gr up of men in navy blue uniform may be seen passing through the gates onto the platform. They are members of the "London Transport Column" of the Red Cross, and they have un loaded every train of wounded that has reached London since the, war betran. " ' Their duties consist of the trans fer of the wounded men from the trains to the stretchers and rhenca Piano Prices Lower Than Ever During Our House cleaning Sale. A General Clean-Up from' Cellar, to Garret. New Sam ple Pianos, Player Pianos, Grand Pianos. Used Pianos taken in trade and Pianos returned from rent must be sold. One More Week of Underselling We must make room for several cars of Pianos and Grafonolas or pay demurrage and storage. Hence this wonderful cut in prices and most liberal terms. Buy to Save Buy for Investment Dd It Now , Call Tomorrow Some of these Pianos are being delivered in your neighborhood. Ask your friends how well they are pleased. If you have already taken advantage of the won derful values we are offer ing. Tell Your Neighbors and Friends; they will most - " certainly appreciate it Your wornout excuse for not buying a piano has been antici pated and provided for. We can meet your price and terms. ' Here are real Piano and Player Piano bargains that we can offer to discriminating buyers without an apology. They are instru ments that you would be proud to own. $5 to $10 Per Month Pays for Your Piano. New and Used Piano Bargains $400 Practice Piano $ 25 $250 Kohler Upright $ 85 $275 Chase Upright $ 90 $300 Arion Upright $100 $325 Vose & Son Upright. .$125 $300 Cable-Nelson Upr....$135 $350 Price & Teeple Upr.. .$178 $350 Schmoller & Mueller. $185 $450 Steger & Sons' Upr. .$228 $350 Hartford Upright... .$280 $600 Steinway Upright.... $290 $1,000 Steinway Grand... $375 New and Used Player Bargains $400 Capen, only .$195 I $500 Schmoller & Mueller $328 $450 Ebersole, only. .... .$290 $550 Hartford, only $398 ; Remtmbar, we mrm exclusive representatives for the celebrated Steinway, Weber, Emerton, Hantaan, Steger & Sons,, Schmoller A Mueller alio Aeolian Player Pianos. SCHMOLLER & MUELLEn 1311-13 Farnem. PIANO CO. Omaha, Neb. Headquarters for everything In Mmle at Loweit Prices. n D) u f U U U I I I 1 11 I BUY NOW-IT IS GOING FAST 68 CARS OF LUMBER AT EXTREME BARGAINS In four days we have sold twenty-five carloads of lumber, so it won't last long. This is an unusual offer on straight, sound building material; while it must be classed as second hand lumber it is really better than new, as it is thoroughly sea soned in Nature's kiln. ? It must go immediately, at the following prices: FIRST GRADE LUMBER 2x3, 8 ft., 10 ft., 12 ft., only. $26 per thouin.d 2x3, 12 ft., 14 ft., 16 ft., only. 26 " 2x3, 18 ft., 20 ft., 22 ft., only 28 " 2x3, 24 ft., 26 ft., only 23 2x4, 8 ft., 10 ft., 12 ft., only. . 32 2x4, 14, 16. 18 & 29 ft., only 34 1x6, 10, 12, 14 & 16 ft., only 32 1x6, 18, 20, 22, 24, & 23 ft.,. 36 1x10, 12, 14, 16 ft., only.... 35 1x10, 18, 20, 22, 24 ft., only 36 1x12, 12, 14, 16 ft., only 37 1x12, 20, 22, 24, 26 ft., only. 38 2x6, 10, 12, 14, 16 ft, only 2x6. 7, 8, 9 ft, only . . . . 2x6, 18, 20 ft., only 36 2x6, 22, 24, 26 ft, only 36 2x8, 7 ft., only 38 2x8, 10. 12, 14, 16 ft, only.. 32 2x8, 18? 20 ft, only 34 2x8, 24. 23 ft, only 38 2x10, 20 ft, only 36 2x10, 14 and 16 ft, 38 2x12, 16, 18, 20 ft 36 2x12, 22, 24, 26 ft, only. ..f. 38 $32 per thousand 30 Second grade lumber on all the above sizes 5!2.00 per thousand less. Hooverize Save money and time BUY NOW Lumber is scarce and grow ing scarcer and higher in price. CONTRACTORS Let's get even on some of those low esti mates. No one could anticipate such decided advantage in ma terial costs. Lay in a stock of this lumber now. You're sure to need it. Th scarcity and big demand wiU bring still higher prices. Prera'e now mukeour future bids attractive. Make those farm Improvements equally substantial at far less cost. Economize on the lumber expense. Do the building now you had decided to put off another season. . , Here's a sure money-making investment. Cash in on it. Store the lumber for future use or sell any time at a big profit. Write or telephone. . Henry R. Gering Company Salesman and Lumber Offices 20th St. Boulevard and Mo. Pac. Belt Line. Telephone' Douglas 1290 OMAHA, NEB. PROSPECTIVE BUILDERS Now you can save. Reduce heavy lumber costs studding and other framing material. Make your interior finish and other features that much more beautiful and convenient, just like you wished for. KINDLING .AND FIREWOOD in abundance. Store enough for your winter's use. Larger cities have already been threat ened with coal famines. Buy this quality fuel at practically your own price. 35c per hundred , '