5 B pedal Pa malka Busy Lite! HEey faMater THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: - JULY 21, 1018. The 8 BMP 1 II 1 IM 111 1111 1 MM It Mil twtnwrfw men y In the Bee IKiv ,',T"DEAR Busy Bees: i' have I I friend who is just awfully kind1 f and because I like birds anu ; rny friend likes birds .too, he gave me a bird bath for our yard, and told me that if I could always be like the " Birds I'd be a "very happy little girl." , i 1 t. v ' Ana so 1 ve oeen waicmng mc . birds that bathe anr drink trom my "bird bath just to see what they are , like. And I've 1 learned that birds are never mopish. ' No, indeed, they are cheery and gay all the time. True they sometimes quarreL but only lit tle bits of auarrels. and soon after the bath will be filled with the very birds who were quarrelsome; which shows that they forgive and forget easily. They sing a lot and love all growing things and help the flowers by eating the worms that hurt them. ' Of course we children can't eat worms, but we can protect flowers and trees from their enemies, and we can look out for those younger than our ' ; selves just as the big birds look after the young ones,-can't we? So watch the birds and learn how to be happy by following their ex ample. Lovingly, MARGARET. ; I . Junior War Work t mi a 4 'ft '1' "S1 '1' 'I '8r 'I1 1 1" H t rST !' '1 & "S" 2" S $ V Carl McDonald, the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. McDonald, spends a great deal of his time at the state -warehouse where the Red Cross work is censored. He likes to work in the .knitting section under Mrs. Harvey Newbranch best. Carl counts wrist : let and helos with the Backing and makes himself generally useful. He ; calls It, doing "his bit." The children of Minden, Neb., v made some of the jolliest joke books 1 you ever read to put in the comfort : kits for the soldiers. They.sent mar bles in the kaki bags too, so that our soldiers can teach the children of 1 Prance the great American boys' game. Master Barton is the "pied piper" of Dunning, Neb. What dp you think, he catches rats in the Red Cross work rooms and gets 25 cents a dozen for them. He uses his money to buy thrift stamps. Dorothy Webb, " Earl Weekly, Esther Bioomquis't. and Ethel Ken nedy who live in Valley, Neb., made some very pretty scrap books for the sick soldiers to look at. These books were made of cloth and filled with little poems and jokes and colored pictures. Sports It isn't everybody who can pick a winner in a golf, tournament, but Chester Wagner can. He picked Ha . gen for low man at Happy Hollow on ( Tuesday when the stars played and he won on him. Harold Foster, although a minister's son, has a keen eye for sports and . was onr of the eager crowd that fol lowed (.e Red Cross players over 'the link's at Happy HollowjTuesday. Virginia Fonda, Virginia Wilcox apd Marjory Adair are three young golf enthusiasts and intend to join the Woman's Golf t:lub when they are old enough. They all live near Happy Hollow and were out Tuesday to en joy the golf tournament. i, Gordon Shotwell, otherwise ftnown as "Buddy," is the coming champion of the Field club district. He keeps in form by wrestling with his brother, Hudson. "Buddy" is 3J4 years old, but "Buddy" just wades in and gives his older brother a run for his monev. .The Shotwell brothers believe that in - ; unity there is strength and if a neigh- bor boy gets a bit scrappy, my, what a finish he gets. The boys play cro , quet a lot and ifc there is any ques- - tion about the winner of the game "a free-for-all", decides it Their sister, Ruth, is the referee and often has to step lively to avoid getting in the fray. They are, a live bunch, those children of Mr. and Mrs.' A. V. Sho- .welL.;. H'H"H'H'M 2 ' Mr Uncle Toby waa a saint, Which I regret to eay I ain't. -Each morn, no sooner do I He Than 1 begin to swat th fllva. Aa erery day the opening doora Let In the peste by twos and foura. So every day I swat and awat Ti polish off the latest lot; -And neither arm nor patience Urea Until the last foul fly expires. : My Uncle Toby graceoTtha page i Of an nnsclentlflo age; ' He did not understand, -aa I, His duty waa to awat the fly. The world Is wide; a house Is not; And that la why I awat and awat I awat them hither, awat them yon, " I swat them aver and anon; 1 Swat and awat from' sun to son, 1 And stlU th work la never done. ' . Chicago Tribune. .M.WHN4frMHM BUgY BEE. SOCIETY NOTE Busy Bees will please aend their society items to Mar- ' garet Shotwkll, , Busy Bee so ciety Editory care Bee office. I . Fairy. Play J On the velvety lawn of the home of ; Mrs. W. E. Callahan, some tittle : folk gave a fairy play for the Red Cross Saturday evening. Lucile Cal lahan, in a pretty red dress,' won a great deal of applause with her lit ; tie French song, for she was quite ; like a real actress. The other fairies who took part were Mary Ann Cal lahan, . Sheila and Jane Shirley and Marion Duncan. If you could have seen them dancing about and wav ing their wands you would have thought that you had been whisked right into Fairyfand. The little epople were very proud when they gave five shining dollars to the Red Cross as the proceeds from their play. Colonel's Kiddies t Are Very Lonely For Their Daddy Ianthe, David and Helen Stone haven't seen their father for a long time, for he is Colonel Stone on the general staff of the army and super vises transportation, equipment, hos pitals and camp sites in France. Of course they are homesick for him, and who wouldn't be, when daddy is on the battle front and so busy keep ing things moving that sometimes five nights go by before he can get any sleep. These army children and their mother are staying with their grand mother, Mrs. George Hoagland, and they are as patriotic as can be. Ianthe is knitting wristlets for her father's chauffeur, while little Helen is doing a scarf and David buys warstamps and helps in his grandma's war gar den. David has an Airdale that he calls "Poilu" after the tribe of hairy men, and Ianthe has a pickenese named "Ting." "Poilu" loves to run and bark after autos and it keeps David busy seeing that he is not hurt. "Ting" wants to go wherever the children go and as he just fits into a knitting bag they often pop him in and take him along. Ianthe was 12 years old Wednesday and what do you think, the birthday IT '4e&5444&&&i&fza - . . v,,ir-rviv1rit Twirikfev amid CtaMbimi! (Copyright, Mil, by Retlly ft Brltton Co. CHAPTER I. Twinkle. Captures the Turtle. ONE hot summer day Twinkle went down into the meadow to where the brook ran tinkling over its stones or rushed atid whirled around the curves of the banks or floated lazily through the more wide and shallow parts. It wasnlt much of a brook, to tell the facts, for there werel many places where an active child could leap - across it. But it was the only brook for miles around, and to Twinkle it was a never-ending source of delight. Nothing amused or refreshed the little girl more than to go wading on the pebbly bottom and let the little waves wash around her slim ankles. There was one place, just below the pasture lot, where it was deeper; and here there were real fishes swimming about, such as "horned aces" and "chubs" and "shiners;" and once Wa while you could catch a mud-turtle under the edges of the flat stones or in hollows beneath the banks. The deep part was not very big, being merely a pool, but Twinkle never waded In it, because the water Avould come quite up to her waist, and then she would be sure to get her skirts wet, which would mean a good scold ing from mamma. .Today she climbed the fence in the lane, just where the rickety wooden bridge crossed the brook, and at once sat down upon the grassy bank and took off her shoes and stockings. Then.Wearing her sunbonnet to shield her face from the sun, she stepped softly into the brook and stood watch ing the cool water rush by her legs. - It was very nice and pleasant; but Twinkle never could stand still for very long, so she began to wade slow ly down the stream, keeping in the middle of the brook, and being able to see through the clear water all the best places to put her feet. Pretty goon she had to duck' her "Jack's Ambition Jack Jack Koen's i;.;her brought Jack and his mother to Omaha last week from Des Moines to attendthe veterinary's convention and visit with friends. Jack registered properly and received his badge although he states he has no idea of becoming a, veterinary. "If our soldiers only don't get to Berlin too quickly," said Jack, "I will be old enough to get into this war. I want to get i into the trenches and fight," and from the snap in his eye and the red of his hair nobody doubts that Jack means every word of it. Jack admits, however, that it will be 12 years before he is 'old enough to enlist. - fairy sent her a pair of knitting men to guard the sharp points of her knitting needles, just as soldiers guard dangerous points in France. I think Ianthe believes in fairies, don't you? - . - F5 b r I . TVTltitsWERfVSfS head to pass under the fence that sep arated the meadow from the pasture lot; out she got through all -right, and then kept on down the stream. until she came close to the deep pool. She couldn't wade through this, as I nave explained; so she got on dry land and crept on her hands and knees up to the edge of the bank, so as not to scare the fishes, if any were swimming in the pool, - By good "Muck there were several fishes in the pool today, and they didn't seem to notice that Twinkle was looking at them, so quiet had she been. One little fellow shone like silver when, the sunshine caught his glossy sides, and the little girl watched hint wiggle here and there with much delight. - There was also a big mud-colored fish that lay a long time upon Jhe bottom without mov ing anything except his fins and the tip of his tail, and Twinkle also dis covered a group of several small fishes not over an inch long, that always swam together in a bunch, as if they belonged to one family. The girl watched these little crea tures long and iearnestly. The pool was all of the world these simple fishes would ever know. They were born here .and would die here, with out ever getting away from the place, or eyen knowing there was a much ojgger world outside of it. After a time the child noticed that the water had become a little muddy near the edge of the bank where she lay, and as it slowly grew clear again she saw a beautiful turtle lying just under her head and against the side of the bank. It was a little big ger around than a silver dollar, and. instead oi its shell being of a dull brown color, like that of all other mud-turtles -she had seen, this one's oacjc was streaked with brilliant patches ot yellow and red; "I must get that lovely . turtle I" thought Twinkle; and, as the water Giro a Child a Garden Gle Ctrl a garden, Ut her tend and care Somelhlng all her very own all the aummer there: Smlllnc llttl ptnilea, merry mart fold Something aha will learn to lore that bar garden holda. OIto boy a garden, eturdr rowi of corn. Lifting up 4ta taaaaled heada to the aunny morn, Rowa of beeta and carrota, rowi of peaa and beana To hla proud fnd boyish heart, oh, bow much It means 1 Ota a child a garden waiting for the aeed. Watching for tba harvest, pulling out tho weed, It will be a leason, teaching In the end Life la all a garden we must watch s and tend. .v f - Rupert Edward Rogers the 11 week-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Rogers, made .his bow to society at the matinee dance at the Field club last Friday. He blinked his ey and wiggled his toes and had a .lovely time. Rose Klapper of Kansas City has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Green, of the Dwight apartments, for the past two weeks. - Alice Bernard of Nebraska City is the house guest of Jean Hall. , Mildred Riley's Party. Mildred Riley entertained at a dan cing party at the Field club Friday afternoon in honor of her 8th birth day. Her guests were John David son, Jane Stewart, Gordon Stewart, Higgins, Katherine Coad, Ruth Shot well, Jane Kinsler, Margaret Shot well, Gertrude Marsh and Robert Riley. The refreshment table was very pretty and the children had a very happy time. Gretchen Goulding'a Party. Gretchen GoQldmg gave a dancing party at the Field club for Helen Haney of Columbus, last Friday when her guests were Helen Haney, Helen Krug. Mildred Krugel, Florence May, Edwin May, Charles Krug, Phillip Werner, Albert Krutf and Byron Goulding. Helen King's Party. : Helen Krug entertained at the Field club matinee dance in honor of her cousin, Helen Haney of Columbus, Neb., who is visiting her. Pauline Parmelee, Gretchen Goulding and Nina Criss were invited to meet Helen's cousin. The Sailor's Definition. In one of the many navy schools a young instructor was attempting to teach English to a gruff old sailor. "What ia a complete sentence?" he asked. "Solitary confinement, bread and water," was the grim reply. Every body'a Magazine. o" was shallow where it . lay she sud denly plunged in her hand, grabbed the turtle, and flung it out of the water on the bank, where it fell upon its back, wiggling its four fat legs desperately 'in an attempt to turf over. CHAPTER II. Twinkle Discovers the Turtle Can Talk. At this sudden commotion in their water, the fishes darted away and disappeared in a flash. But Twinkle didn't mind that, for all her interest was now centered in the struggling turtle. She knelt upon the grass and bent over to watch it, and just then she thought she heard a small voice say: its no use; 1 cant do it I and then the turtle drew its head and legs between the shells and remained still. "Good eracious I" said Twinkle. much , astonished. Then, addressing the turtle, she asked: "Did you say anything a minute ago?" There was no reply. The turtle lay as quiet as if it were dead. Twinkle thought she must have been mistaken; so she picked up the turtle an,d held it in the palm of her hand while she got into the water again and waded siowiy back to where she had left her shoes and stockings. When she got home she put the mud-turtle -in a tub which her papa had made by sawing a barrel in two. Then she out a little water into the tub and blocked it up by putting a brick, under one side, so that the turtle could either stay in the water or crawl up the inclined bottom of the tub to where it was dry, which ever he pleased. She did this because mamma said that turtles sometimes liked to stay in the water and some times on land, and Twinkle's turtle could now take his choice. He could not climb ur the steeo 6ides of the hub and so get away, and the little girl tnougntiuuy placed crumbs of bread and fine bits of meat, where the turtle could get them whenever he felt hungry- ' After that, Twinkles often sat for hours watching the turtle, which would crawl around the bottom of the tub, and swim in the little pool f water and eat the food placed before him in an eager and amusing way. .At times she took him in her hand and examined him closely, and then the mud-turtle would put out its little head and' look at her with its bright eyes as curiously as the girl looked at him. i She had owned 'her turtle just a week, when she came to the tub one afternoon and held him in her hand, intending to feed her pet some scraps of meat she had brought with her. But as soon as the turtle put out its head it sain to her, in a small but distinct voice: - "Good morning. Twinkle." Littile Stories (Prize Letter.) Red Cross Song. By Miriam Mosher, aged 13, 2925 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Dear Busy Bees: I have not writ ten to your page for some time, but I assure you j have not forgotten it as I read it every Sunday'. During the Red Cross drive we were -called upon at school to write stories, poems, yells and so forth about the Red Cross. Following are the words to a song which I com posed: Tune to the chorus of "Keep the Homefires Burning." Keep the Red Cross growing And the Sammies knowing That their country's backing them. Through thick and thin. When they're sad and dreary And their limbs are weary, Keep them ever hopeful Of the folks at home. (Honorable Mention.) Fann'e'i War Days. By Bertha Dunker, aged 14 years, Strang, Neb., Blue Side. Fannie was a rich girl. She had beautiful clothes, and lots of jewelry. Fannie had one fault, she was proud of herself, and would not go with any qne only the ones with nice clothes. One day her mother came to her, as she was playing with her best doll and said: . "Fannie dear, you have never done anything to help the poor soldiers, wouldn't you like to do something for them?" Fannie laid down her doll, but said nothing. Then her mother said: "I will let you think it out by your self, but I do hope you will." When her mother went out and she was alone she walked to the window and began to think about the soldiers in France. She began to feel sorry for them. That night she hardly ate any supper. All she could do was to think of some way to help the soldiers. "What' is the matter, with Fannie tonight?" said her father. Her mother, not thinking of what she had said to her, answered: "I dont know I'm sure." The days past by and one sunny morning Fannie came to her mother and said: "Mother, dear, can I have some garden seeds?" Her mother gave her some and then watched her where she went and then said to herself: "The dear child is going to make a war garden." Fannie tended tf her garden every day and when they were large enough to eat she sold them and gave the money to the Red Cross. v She had her' mother make corn bread every day and when she would get spending money she would put ?A . . i i r . it away, si me eno or ine year rannie .0 "o She was so surprised that the meat dropped from her'hand and she nearly dropped the turtle, too. But she managed to control her astonish ment, and asked, in a voice that trembled a little: "Can you talk?" "To be sure," replied the turtle; "but only on every seventh day which, of course, is every Saturday. On other days cannot talk at all." "Then I really must have heard you speak when I caught you; didn'tl?' f' believe you did. I was so startled at beiig captured that I spoke before I thought, which is a bad habit to get into. But afterward I resolved not to answer when you questioned me, for I didn't know you then and feared it would be unwise to trust you with my secret Even now I must ask you not to tell any one that you have a turtle that knows how to talk." CHAPTER III. The Turtle Tells of the Corrugated v Giant "Why, it's wonderfulIb said Twinkle, who had listened eagerly to the turtle's speech. , "It would be wonderful, indeed, if I were but a simple turtle," wa the reply. "But aren't you a turtle?" "Of course, so far as my outward appearance goes, I'm a common little mud-turtle," it answered; "and I think you will agree with me that it was rather clever in the Corrugated Giant to transform me into such a creature." "What's, a corrulated giant?" asked Twinkle, with breathless inter-J est. "The Corrugated Giant i5anonster that is full of deep wrinkles, because he has no bones inside of him to hold his flesh up properly," said the turtle. "I hated this giant, who is both wick, ed and cruel, I assure you; and this giant hated me in return. So, when one day I tried to destroy him, the rrionster transformed me into the helpless little being you see before you" , s "But who were you before you were transformed?" asked the girl. "A fairy prince named Melga, the seventh son of the fairy Queen Flut terlight, who rules all the fairies in the north part of this land, "And how long have you been turtle? "Fourteen years." replied the crea ture with a deep sigh. "At least I think it is' fourteen years; iut of course when one is swimming arou.id in brooks and grubbing in the mud for food, one is apt to lose all frack of time." "I should think so, indeed,"' said Twinkle. "But. according to that, you're older than J am." "Much older," declared the turtle. "I had lived about four hundred years before the Corrugated Giant turned me into a turtle." , "Was your head gray?" she asked: "and did you have white whisken?" hj Little Folks had $100 in thrift stamps and was the best patriotic child in the town. Susan's Mistake. By Elizabeth Farnsworth, aged 15 years, 1319 West Second Street, Grand Island, Neb. Blue Side. V Last week on Sunday Susan's mother had planned to go on a picnic and of course Susan was delighted. She was busy helping her mother when her mother told her to go and fill a small pailwith wheat flour. Su san knew that her mother always kept that flour in the bm." put she was in a hurry, and a few minutes before seeing a sack of flour in, the storage cupboard went and filled the pail with that. Then she put on the lid and put it carefully in the car. Nothing more was thought abnut it until they were there and preparing the dinner, and her mother happened to notice that it was barley flour. "Susan," she cried, "Just see what you've done. Now I shall have to make gravy out of that If you would only use your head a little bit I" The gravy turned out fine and you could not taste it at all. Susan's mother uses barley floor all the time now in her. gravy. So it wasn't a bad mistake after all. and Susan regarded it as a joke on her mother. My First Letter. By Mildred Garnett Rydlund, Aged 9 Years, Boa 101, Funk, N;b. Dear Busy Bees: This is the first time I have written to you. I wish to join the blue side. I have two sisters Their names are Violet and Marjorie. I will tell you about my little sister. She will go up and sneak nieces when we 'do. She tries to say high diddle diddle. Marjorie stands by us when we say our pieces. My letter is get ting long. I will close. Good Bye. My Firat Letter. By Violet Rydlund, Aged 10 Years, Box 101, Funk, Neb. Dear Busy Bees: This is the first time I have written to vou. I read the Busy Bee page every Sunday. I have two sisters. I haven't any brothers. I will be in the 6th grade next year. Our school was let out the 24th of I Sometimes I wonder why they smile so pleasantly st ma. And pat my bead when I go by, as friendly aa can be. Sometimes I wonder why they atop and tell ma how-d'-doT And ask me how old I am and where I'm going to, And ask me can I apsra a curl, and say .they used to know A little girl that looked Ilka me, oh, year and years ago; 1 '' " 6 I told mamma how they smiled and asked her why they do. And she said If you smile at folks. they always smile at yon. 11 Their Astonishing Adventures j! , in Mural Fairyland i "No, indeedl" said the turtle. "Fairies are always young and beau tiful in appearance, no matter how many years they have lived. And, as they never die, they're bound to get pretty old sometintes, as a matter ot course." "Of coursel" agreed Twinkle. "Mamma has told me about the fair ies. But must you always be a mud turtle?" 'That will depend on whether you are willing to help me or not," was the answer. "Why, it sounds just like a fairy tale in a book I" cried the little girl "Yes," replied the turtle, "these things have been happening ever since there were fairies, and you might ex pect some of our adventures would get into books. But are you willing to help me? That is the important thing just now. v "I'll do anything I cart.", said Twinkle. "Then," said the turtle, "I may ex- pect to get back to my own form again in a reasonably short time. But you must be brave, and not shrink from such a little thing as danger." That made Twinkle lopk solemn. "Of course I don't want to pet hurt," she said. "My mamma and papa would go distracted it anything hap pened to me. Something will happen, sure, de clared the turtle; "but nothing that happens will hurt you in the least if you do exactly as I tell you." "I won't have to fight that Carbo lated Giant, will I?" Twinkle asked doubtfully. "He isn't carbolated; he's corru gated. No, you won't have to fight at all. When the proper time comes I'll do the fighting myself. But you may have to come with me to the Black Mountains, in order to set me free." "Is it far?" she asked. "Yes; but it won't' take us long to go there," answered the turtle. "Now, I'll tell you what to do and, if you follow my advice no one witt ever know you ve been mixed flp with fair ies and strange adventures." "And Collerated Giants," she added. "Corrugated," he corrected. "It is too late, this Saturday, to start upon our journey, so we must wait another afweek. But next Saturday morning do you come to me bright and early, as soon as you've had breakfast, and then I'll tell you what to do." "All right," said Twinkle; ,"I won't forget." In the meantime, do give me a little clean water now and then. I'm a mudturtle. sure enough; but I'm also a fairy prince, and I mus( say I prefer clean water." "J'll attend to it," promised the girl. "Now put me down and run away." continued the turtle. It will take me all the week to think over ny plans, and decide exactly what we are to do." (Continued Next, Sunday.) A ers.i l. Writ plainly oa on aide of tn , papar only and number ib page t. Use pen ana Ink, not nencll. . 8. Abort and polntrd article will o glrea jrefnreara Da not nee st 150 word. , 4. Original stories or letters nnly rill ae usee. 5. Write yon, name, are and ad ' drw at thn.top of the first page. ' A prise book will be gWea eer. ' ' week for the boat contribution ' ' t ' Adrlrras all eommaplcationa at , , Children's Department. Omaba Be Omaha, Neb. May. - We had a picnic the last xiay oi school and my sister and I Uad to each bring a pie. We had pies, cakes, pickles, sandwiches, coffee and straw, berry ice cream, I am glad school it out. I would like to join the blue side. My letter is getting long. I hope to see my letter in print ' " " Good Byt, , How Molly Was Found. By Olga Geeselman, Aged ,10, 1203 North Clarkson, Fremont, Neb. One day a little girl was wandering -along, the seashore. She lived very Far from itr and she 'found a little dog, so she took it with her to the forest and she wandered very, very far, until she was afraid and .ried .. i j .i . , . very na.ru uniu gne ten asiecp. ana the dog guarded her. Her father and mother were worried over her and watched for her,., but she didn't come, so the next morning they had their breakfast then her father went to look fo. her. He went along the seashore to look for her. Then he happened to see her footprints and followed them in the forest and soon found' her. He woke her up. The dogi was still with her. Then her father took her home and she look the dog with her and they lived very happy ever after. , My first fetter. ' I hope to see it In print Happy Jimmy. By Ethel Cunningham, Aged 11, 122 South Fifty-first Street, Omaha. There was one little home in Fre mont that was in great excitement. Every step. taken by the occupants of the house seemed to say: "Jimmy's comingl Jimmy's coming!" Late that afternoon Jimmy did come. The canary said he'd never seen a stronger, handsomer or more (talwart young man than Jimmy. To qut'a his exact words he said: "I bet Uncle Sam is mighty glad to know he has such a depcftdable fellow in Lis navy. I am doingmybit for Uncle Sam by staying home and cheering folks." He chirped this as loud as he couldJim my noticed this and said: "Goodby, old fellow!" Jimmy's mother and sis ter, said: "We are keeping brave for' your sake, Jimmy. Remember that when you are in France." "I will ' TTnother," he promised and marched away with a Joyous heart, for he knew he had somebody backing hint at home. - r - Lives On a Farm. By Nettie 'Hayes, Aged 14, Albta. Wyo. I live on a farm and would lfka to join ypur Junior page. I have a horse named Bird and a colt named Ned. I like to live on the farm. - I cam help with the work outside and in side. - . . . .; - I milk four cows when I am alone. Alice Stearley, one of my girl friends, is out here. She helps me once in a while. ' I have some thickens and one tK My papa has about 50 pigs, 24 or 1 cows. . .' I would like to have some of th Juniors write to me. Thank You Letter. Lucije Bauer, Aged 12 Years, Arwood, rvan due siae. y Dear Busy Bees: I wish to thank the editor for the prize book I re ceived last Sunday and also for th brisk X a" Van A aArttla ktisb Any oi the Busy Bees who have re ceived books I think will agree with' me that the editor is a good chooser for you seem to always get the kind of a book you wish for. I hope all the Busy Bees may wut a prize book sometime.. I remain, i A BUSY BtK. y P. S. I would like to know if we should write on both sides of the new stationery paper when writing to this page. , New Busy Bee.. Edith Skalousky, Aged it Years, De catur, Neb. Dear Busy Bees: This is my first letter to your dear little club. . 1 v I have $300 worth of Liberty bonds and thrift stamps. My birthday 'is next Friday, July 1Z, lyis. I will be 10 years old. I do not want a birthdax. party, be cause it takes, too much food and we must save food for the boys an camps and trenches. 1 Your new member, EDITH SKALOUSKY, Decatur, Neb. P. S. I wish some of the Busy Bees would write to me. I will glad ly answer them. ; ; i SoAAel if i A A A A A A A A tit A A A it A A8m8m8xVA A in r.oar wines ; - ; In winter, whan the wlhd I hear, I know that the clouds will disap- pear; For 'tis th wind that sweeps the i . aky And piles Its snow on rldgea high. - In spring, when stirs ' th wind, I know That soon ths crocus buds will show; For 'tis the wind that bids them wsfe And Into pretty blossoms break. . In summer, when It softly blows, ,, soon red, t Knew, win oe me-rose; . a, For 'tis the wind to her who speaks, X Ana Brings me oiusnes 10 oer caeea. In autumn! when the wind la up, I know the acorn's out Its cup; 4 And plants an oak somewhere about, $ i- f or 'tis tne wma mat laitea u out, , Frank Dempstersherman. . 4