, THE OMAHA SUNDAY . BEE: JULY 21, 1918. . : ' - SMILINO LINES. ' - The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY FOUNDED BY COWARD BOSIWATEB , -VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR TH8 be pubusuino company, proprietor. MEMBER Or THE ASSOCIATED PRESS fas aaweiewo tee. torn m n mmtm CMIttM) H ia M tor iPuhliMtkM all am "Wf fi'1" to tt a ktraM credited la Uns . and alas Um losei - IMkiiitu mm. alt tM at nMtaaMm ef an alia isasHid. . inane The sue Muttsa. Mi OFFICES - ckMaio-PaoiiM' Bwidiee jvm ion-km nrw Council Bluffs-14 R -Mals-aV St teais-fte 0-ausiiea ' f JUNE CIRCULATION Daily 69,021 Sunday 59,572 arenas et-wlstK tot U awetk astoana sad swam to a wtuiia' aiaiuattoi Ueeater. J Subaeribara toavtai the city eheaU Have Tfca Baa asalled ta them Addraae changed as oft aa roenertad. THE BEE'S SERVICE FLAG e,.V ..-. -a. Good morning; how do you like the filings? Our hearts and our hopes are 11 with the boys "over there." - . - - Mine or U-boat, the loss of the San Diego Is an realistic reminder of the fact that we are at war. , .. ' y . . '-- ' Omaha went through its first sugar-card week with very little difficulty, and if we can stand-it ny community ought to. ' : Which reminds us, what has become of that new daily newspaper that was to have been launched in Omaha over night? It must be that the reason we have no water pipes to Fort Crook Is because of the priority given to laying political pipes - . The U-boats are still doing business but just the same they are not delivering the goods ac cording to . specifications originally promulgated. Goober peas, navy beans' and sugar beets are all reported as coming along with bumper yields, thus adding to the prospects for a winter of , plenty to eat "' v;'' : : : ' . ' Another blue star has' turned to gold In Omaha, and another name la added to the city's honor roll, a perpetual reminder of how our boys have answered duty's call War news was not sufficient to dampen the enthusiasm of the golfers, who ; played their tournament straight through regardless f what is going on in France. An excellent testimonial for the efficacy of the game as a nerve tonic. .' Then a bonfire must have been lighted la Ber lin when the news arrived from our last election showing the return of our democratic senator from Nebraska sponsoring the kaiser's embargo bill to cut off the supplies from our allies. I Don't let anyone deceive himself that bonfires will be lighted in Berlin if the republican ma jority is elected to the next American congress. The German war lords know a thing or two them selves and they know they have nothing to hope for toward patched up peace through republi can help. " r - -m , ',:'' j The tip Is straight that when Huerta returned from his European exile he had German money in his pocket to start a war In Mexico that would keep the United States busy en the border. But it is also known, as the Zimmerman note dis closes, that tha wily Germans were similarly do ing business with Carranta. They're great for playing both sides of the street at the same time. say vv - : 1 . , ' Less Style, More Economy. Slowly the constriction of government regit ation closes around the dressmaker, and her art is shortly to be limited in its expression as to material at least Very little woolen stuff will be available for the use' of the public until after the army's requirements have been satis fied, and that practically means until the close of the war. Cotton mills have been requested to proceed with such standardization of out put as . will effectually limit the number of styles of fabric produced. 'Prices, fixed by the government for the standard goods are such as will encourage mills to confine their product to the fewest possible grades and qualities. It . has been stated that the mill owners feel they will fare much better with only twenty mtl eties or styles of ' output than they did with 200, as some of them carried in peace times. One inevitable effect of this change in quality of fabrica will be reflected in style of dress for women. "It will bring regret only to the few, for, while our women folks have abated noth ing of their fondness for finery, they are will ing to be saving that they may help the gov crnment in its werv problems. We may, there fore, look for less style and more economy in woman's wear. . v: ;"' " CAUSE FOR SUPREME CONFIDENCE. The confidence in the military situation in France exhibited by General Mar,ch will be shared by all. Relying on the expert judgment of this capable soldier, Americans may feel sure that things are going very well on the battle front Analysis of the operations on the several sectors where our boys are fighting indicates that they have made a definite impression on the Ger man army. The counter stroke against the crown prince of Prussia was well timed, and brought results fully equal to if not in excess of expecta tions. The progress of the Franco-American forces has been such as to force a reformation of the German lines along that portion most menacing to Paris, thus postponing once more the dinner party that has been held up since August four years ago. If the drive now under headway effects a break in the foe's front, the latter scarcely can be reformed nearer than the trenches occupied in March before the battle of Picardy began. While this is going on, the British are occupying the crown prince of Bavaria fully, so that he is unable to rend material rein forcements to aid his Prussian brother. Not in many months has the outlook in France been so favorable to the Allies as it is at this time. "Newspaper English" and Critics. A literary reviewer and critic in one of the current magazines gives considerable space to a rather caustic flagellation of newspaper writers, particularly reporters, because of the way the stories of the day are prepared for the readers. Chief count in the rather lengthy indictment is that euphemisms rather than good old Anglo Saxon terms are employed in telling of certain experiences, conditions, crimes and misde meanors. ' Admitting that it is true that newspapers are careful, and maybe even finicky, in telling of some of the unpleasant things of life, one very good reason for this has been overlooked by the critic. Daily newspapers are prepared for the uses of a far wider circle of readers' than come in touch with the "high brow" magazines. Therefore ex pressions must be adapted to meet the tastes of all If the meaning is clear, and the language employed inoffensive, the reporter has fairly well discharged his obligation, o charge of prudery can rest on this, but rather it is deference to a commendable sense of delicacy that is inborn and seldom if ever entirely extinguished among our people, i . For this, then, the American newspaper is to be commended. One that would survey its in formation in Rabelaisan terms, or even words and phrases common enough in the King James version of Holy Writ, would find an eager if limited clientele, but also would find itself soon under the ban of the law. And, by that same token, the critic who so roundly scolds the reporters for hiding their meaning in "polite" phrases, when he comes to discussing the book he had under dissection, em ploys s similar subterfuge, and does not at any time use the words so well known to sophisti cated persons, but conveys his ideas through such diaphanous disguise as exposes his own insin cerity. ;.,. Rumely and Hohenxollern. 1 , The interesting story of Edward Rumely, now being told for readers of The Bee by Mr. Stock bridge, challenges attention especially for the amazing points 1 of resemblance J between the American born German and the; kaiser. The mental attitude of this precious pair, so nearly duplicates in aspirations and ideals, surpasses un derstanding because of its sublimely self-centered aspect The normal man fails to comprehend the absolute egotism of the superman, but rec ognizes it as a condition that must be met. Dr. Rumely and the German emperor are typical cases of the malady listed under many names, but commonly demonstrated "swelled head." Neither has shown at any point in his career the broad, healthy mentality essential to vision sufficient to grasp the outlines of humanity's problem, but this deficiency has not deterred either from un dertakng to prescribe a panacea. Dr. Rumely, perhaps, is entitled to some consideration above the kaiser, for he apparently tried to diffuse the quality of superexcellence among a selected group of American youth. It is not on record that the Hohenzollern specimen of the type ever did, even In his moment of greatest expansion, hope to see another just like himself. As a by product of our civilization, illustrating the danger of development that mounts but does not broad en, the doctor and the kaiser are of much inter est to the sociologist. Kultur, however, does not thrive , in the warm atmosphere of democracy, and its spread in America is definitely checked. 'The local foreign language newspapers are wasting time with their appeals to the Chamber of Commerce protesting their unblemished pa triotlsm. Those with straight records of real Americanism need no defense except as they may get in bad trying to camouflage the others speckled with "Made-in-Germany" spots. 1 Our present democratic congressman from this district doubtless does the best he can, but Omaha is entitled to have someone at Washing ton who can do better. Views; Reviews and Interviews Letter from Canteen Worker Describing Life Right Behind the Firing Line, I have just received a letter giving a most graphic account of some things that are hap pening over in the war zone from the view- . . ' . . pom I oi an Amcncin woman engaged in war work. The writer of this letter has been in the war zone doing canteen and hospital service for nearly three years, and I believe I have quoted her on war topics once or twice before. In the drive during the latter part of last March he and the other can teeners were bombed out of Sojssons, but re-established themselves at a place behind the new line from which the letter is dated, As the envelope is marked "examined by base censor, and carries the stamp showing it was duly passed, I am sure there is nothing in the extracts I am giving to whose publica tion there can be any objection, and I know these observations will be Vead with as much interest at this particular moment as any thing except the accounts of the actual fight ing now going on. "Many times in the early days of Lead vine, when I was allowed to go to public schools, I had the temerity to choose for my chums girls whose mothers were not on mamma's calling list. There was some thing so genuine about those people from the mines and smelters, but never until now had I a chance to know all sorts of people in the most natural and unconven tional way, and I am so glad, and really they seem quite glad too, and my little poilus calls me the 'lady who smiles.' That is the French way-of saying that most of the time I grin like a Cheshire cat. "But they are so funny, so dear, so gay and so brave and their sense of humor is so exaggerated. And they are so fateful, all my little poilus. Some day I'll disgrace my superior and lean over the counter and kiss some of those kids of class 1917 or 1918. "And these French officers I What men I They love their little poilus as a father loves his children. They call them 'thou' in the familiar way one speaks to one's re lations or intimates and they father them. They herd them into our cantine and out of their own pockets pay for the soup and coffee for their men. At the counter they go down the line urging their men to eat, after helping them to lift off their knap sacks, and always calling them 'non-petit' or 'non-enfant.' It is lovely being so close to people that you feel their heart throbs. There comes sometimes an old poilu and in a worn little pocketbook, bound around with yards and yards of string, he has a few coppers and proceeds to treat his 'copains' (pals) to coffee at one sou the bowl because he has had word there is a new 'gosse' (kid) at home. "The Bretons and Normans returning from 'pern' (10 days' furlough) have al ways a pat of delicious butter, which they share with everybody at the counter. Many of them ask my name and weeks after, from the trenches, comes a post card from Jean, Jacques or Paul, thanking me for some imagined courtesy. One seedy poilu the other night said to his copain thou knowest. my old one, thou are for the first time in this life served by a lady, remember thatl' "If I do the least thing for them they say 'but no, it is not for a lady to do.' I wish mothers in America would hot enter tain such ridiculous ideas about what harm is going to befall their angel children. Let Buddy or Billy associate long enough with poilus and hell have. better manners than a college graduate and be much more com panionable. I see a difference between the American boys who have been up to the front and those who have just arrived. A new arrival pushes the shabbily dressed '.poilus from the counter,' demands cream . (whatever that may be, though, I have a dim recollection of it in the distant past) and never says please, whilst the American boy who has been over a year comes up and takes his turn and in French with an American accent says 'would you be so kind, please, as to give me a coffee. A year on the front and he bids fair to rival the poilus. If an American addresses me in French, I always reply in French, for the practice is good fur ,him. Oh, ne 11 learn, but he'll learn hard. American offi cers are strong for the dignity of their stripes' and rather expect to be served be fore the men. Perhaps he'll be more hu man too when he comes back from the front . "I am trying to be patient, but really this place is too 'de luxe, too much the easy job for me. I am lonesome for the roar of 'Big Bertha' every 15 minutes. Go ing to bed the other night, I absent mind edly laid out my coat and put my flash light under the pillow and hunted for my mask and helmet before I realized that there were no alarms here, no bomb cellars to glide into half awake. Another day in the cantine I was sewing. A workman let fall a ladder, I immediately threw myself face down on the floor, listening for the clatter, so like 'Big Bertha' was the noise. Everybody roared. "I am glad of the experience of evacua tion. It was the last night I realized how courteous are the French, as we tumbled down the stairs into the cellar of the Lion Rouge, and to which we had been evacuated when pur" barracks began falling. Their politeness, French politeness, is the real thing. It comes from their hearts. But I believe the experience has affected my nerves. Godless Socialism Socialism teaches that there is no God. The Psalmist says the fool talks that way; but the socialist says that the man who talks of a God is a fool ' Humanity has always found it easy to say at high noon, "There: is no God;" but it has not found it so easy to say at midnight. The American socialist who denies God so boldly was rocked to sleep in babyhood to the tune of a godly hymn; possibly in his boyhood threw stones through the window of a church where the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes were taught, and where Christian doctrines made it safe for his father to leave the barn door unlocked at night ' "He jests at scars who never felt a wound," and he jokes at. hunger who never starved. The negro philosopher proved the moon of greater use than the sun, be cause "de moon shine in de night when we need de light, but de sun shine in the day when light is ob no consequence." One can laugh at the idea of God, when God is smil ing all around him. But godless men do not choose to live in godless neighborhoods. No thoughtful so cialist would prefer to live in a town that has no church, no worship. If atheists had no churches built by God-tearing people they would build them themselves for the comfort of having them near by. The man who denies God in a Christian land never quite gets away from a sub belief in God. (This is his reason for choos ing to live in a community that goes to church. He will be wanting the church as a mascot after three score years and ten. It is then that remembrance ot gms to tne church and kindlv chores done for it are pre cious in the thouRhts of the old man who, at the bold age of 40, pooh-poohed at the soul fable and the superstition of immortality. The oeialist' relieious moonlight sched ule sometimes works smoothly in the day time, but it always goes to pieces about sun down. Minneapolis journal. "We served over 4,000 yesterday, all men on their way back to the front, and no one passed the counter, from the com mandant with four gold galons to the humblest poilus with no stripes, but said something gay or something charming. It would not be welt-bred to alarm a lady. A poilu may not know how to read or write, but he is born polite, and he is born mod est You can never get one of them to tell ,you how he won a medal or a Croix de Guerre. I had, a one-legged man. patient once who promised to tell me how he won the Legion d'Honneur. 'It was like this, Miss, a type of a general came out to the front (il venait se ballader au front). He was in a hurry. He had a box of medals under his arm and he said my little ones help yourselves and so ve did.' It was on ly in arranging his things, after death I found his 'citation.' He had performed miracles, almost I can't but believe that this week we will begin pushing them back. We can do it.- It is the boches' last big push. They are all Worn down. It is their last spasm." One of the picturesques figures always pointed out to visitors to the United States senate was removed by the death of Senator Tillman. Aside from his personal peculiari ties, and his pitchfork notoriety, however, he was a strong character with decided traits of leadership. The one picture of him that is most" deeply stamped on my memory goes to his appearance in the Kansas City con vention that nominated William Jennings Bryan for the' second, time in 1900, at which Senator Tillman was the chairman of the resolutions committee who brought in the report of the platform and read it to the assembled delegates. Never in any presi dential nominating convention that I have attended were the stage effects and spectacu lar accompaniments so carefully prepared in advance. The climax of the platform draft was reached in the pronouncement against imperialism which Mr. Tillman declaimed with dramatic voice and gesture. For some reason the signal failed the first time and he read the sentences over again whereupon the band struck uo the national air. a huste Amer ican flag concealed in the rafters of the' roof immediately above the rostrum was unloosed and fell, disclosing an inscription painted on the white stripes epitomizing the platform plank while thousands of small cambric flags j . i , i. 'i . I. i impriiuea wun a similar mono were passcu around by ushers and doorkeepers among the delegates and spectators to fan the flame of enthusiasm and stir the applause. It was indeed a great display, in which Senator Till man was the central hgure. It was an in spiring show, but it was not successful poll tics. '' People and Events The campaign for economy in materials for personal wear during the war begins with an agreement by shoe manufacturers to limit the height of women's shoes after October 1 next. Building operations in Chicago for the first six months of the year show a falling off of 60 per cent, as compared with the J l IT t; corresponding perioa oi war conui tions are blamed. Miss Rhoda Palmer, the only surviving member of the original suffrage convention which was held in Seneca Falls in 1849, re cently celebrated her 103d birthday at her home near Geneva, N. Y. Some promoter of democratic frightful nesS classes the vest as a nonessential gar ment and demands its sacrifice to the Moloch of war. Luckily the promoter conceals his dentity and ducks a premature funeral. Bellefonte, Pa,, may justly lay claim to perhaps the most remarkable record of any town in the United States. Mrs. John A. Wagner of . that place has contributed nine of her sons to the service of Uncle Sam. All have gone ot are about to go to the training camps, Or are aireaay at tne tront. mere lire 13 boys and four girls in the' Wagner family. One Year Ago Today la the- War. Great Rusalan oflenalva against the Autro-Qerm&mi collapsed and turned Jr. Co a rout Congress ;assd tha bill appropriat ing $64,000,000 (or tha purchaaa and construction ot aircraft The Day We- Celebrate, William N. Chambers, attorney-at-law. born 1879. Dowager Queea Maria. Christina ot fioain bora in Vienna, 0 yeara ago. Anna A. Gordon, national president of the Women's Christian Temperance union, born In Boston 65 years ago. MaJ. Gen. John R. Brooke, U. 8. A., retired, burn in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania. SO years aao. Mrs. Frances Folsom Preston (for merly Mrs. Grover Cleveland), born In Uuffalo 84 years ago. v , , Most Rev. Edward I. Haana, arch bishop ' of Can Francisco, born at Rochester, N. Y. it years ago, i This Day In History.' 17 S6 Robert Burns, Scotland's fa rnous poet died at Dumfries. Born " near Ayr, January 28, 1769. 1866 Austria declared its srilllng ness to conclude an armistice of five days oa the taals of the Prussian prop osi tions. ' v -; . -, . 18S8 United States warships bom barded and captured the port or ipe, the' last naval engagement off the coast of Cuba. i ' V --A n advance uard of Rus Biiei cavalry penetrated into Hungary. J ust SO Years Ago Today ' J. H. Millard returned from his east- era trip. The democrats had a demonstrative pole raising at Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets. . The McShane , Invlnciblea gave their mldsuiamer dance at Meta hall A large number ot the club and their friends were la attendance. Mi-amMi ''''-'' , The McCague Investment company has been added to the financial Instl tutions of Omaha. The Incorporators are John L. McCague, William Mc Cague, Thomas 11. McCague and Alex G. Chariton. The prohibitionists met at the old Toung Men's Christian association rooms to select the 42 delegates to which Douglas county la entitled in the congressional convention to be held at Nebraska City Odd Bits o) Life On the tombstone of a photographer burled In an English rural cemetery is inscribed, "Here I Us, Taken From Life.- The BrltLih arm spends 1500,000 a year for the paste with which to polish the brass buttons wt the soldiers' uniforms. Careful copies are kept of all letters written by King George ia person, and these are preserved in the arch ives at Windsor. Mr. Lloyd Georgo.has a salary of 126,000 a ''ear at first lord of the treasury, but ia v.paid for his services as prime minister. v The freight cars In use oa the rail roads ot the United States, if placed end-to-eud. would stretch continuous ly for over 19,000 miles. Cossacks are not all soldiers. A Cos sack is merely a peasant proprietor who holds his land oa a feudal tenure which obliges him to appear, when summoned, armed and mounted, and reaay lor war. One of the battalions which took part In the recent capture of Jerusalem was the "Royal Scots." This regiment is probably the oldest line regiment in the world, and possesses the title of "Pontius Pilate's Bodyguard." The or igin of this strange name is the legend that they are descended from a body of Scotsmen who were drafted into the Roman service and posted in Jerusalem at the time of the Cruel flxion. And now history reneata It- seir ano tne redmnt is to be found (again on duty in the Holy Land. Around the Cities Tha largest garage at Washington, D. C, has replaced its male cleaners Of automooues wun coioreu women help. j Aiden H. Sears, age SS, was, as usual, the first man in Worcester, mam to eat peas he planted this nrlnir. He planted them March 21, and in 70 days, which is a record for him, he had them on nis taoie, Pnmnletion of the Michigan avenue boulevard "liak" In Chicago Is likely to be abandoned for the present ow ing to vastly : increased cost. The original cost of the project was esti mated at $7,800,000. Present cost fig ures loom up to siz.oqu.uuo. sinus Cltr rains the lmoression from evlden e taken in the Ruff building investigation that city build ing inspection is not to be taken seri ously by contractor or owaer. A loss of Zt lives promises to wake up the authorities or a wniie. v Prenaratory to' launching 6-cent fares on Monday, the Kansas City Street Railway company has on hand 200,000 metal slugs to exchange for the extra i cent fare. The slugs are built to slip through the slot machine and - register, whereas the copper would clog the gullet An effort will be made by the authorities of Kansas City to force the gas company Into the hands of a receiver, unless it lives up to its agreement with the city. The com pany's announcement of a price boost from SO to 80 cents provokes general Indignation" and promises a fight to a finish. " Here and There In parts of Ireland silver is so scarce that change la given In postage stamps. The penny stamps oa bank checks yielded the British treasury nearly lo,ouo,guu last year. Iron ore Is found la almost every Chinese province, but it is mined ex tenslvely in only a few. Searchlights on some of the British battleships are so powerlul that newspaper may be read by their light by a person is miies away. The bagpipe was known In England and Ireland as early aa the 12th cen tury and. Is believed to have beea la existence before the Christian era. It has been proved that human bones will bear a pressure three times greater than oak, and almost aa much aa wrought Iron, before being crushed. Ia aa egg-laying competition ia Australia a Black Orpington hea laid S2S eggs In 12 months, which Is claim ed to be a world's record for any breed. . Official statistics show there la less poverty In England at the present time than there was before the war. When a census was taken recently, only nine cases were discovered against close on 500 in 1913. A Bengali undergraduate of the Cal cutta university, serving In the ambu lance corps with the British forces In Mesopotamia was so chagrined at L neing assigneo to w.ra at a base nos pltal that fcj refused to eat or drink until he was ordered to tend the wounded oa the battlefields. Peppery Points urinneanolis Tribune: Fifteen miles oa a hundred-mile front yo ho bo and a bottle of Chiantt Minneapolis Tribune: There Is something la the name Voa Hintre, the new German foreign minister, that suggests 67 varieties ot junker bunkum. Baltimore American: The Vlrgla Islands have gone dry. Our new pos sessions have not lost time in provid ing themselves with an the latest im provements. . Baltimore American: If those 10,- 000 airpl' nes do succeed In crofiing the Atlantic under their own power, then we will have the whole of Ger many throwing up their , hands and yelling "Kamarad:" ; St Louis Globe-Democrat: War has furnished us with such pictur esque titles as the Blue Devils, the Devil Dogs and the Ladles from Hell. There is still a wealth of satanic sim iles to draw from. Brooklyn Eagle: He who was ac cused of taking the money of the rich to defeat the cause of the poor turned away from an offer ot 275,000 a year that be might give nu ure ror nis country. Of such poor stuff is polit ical campaigning made! . Pittsburgh Post: Matter has been divided and subdivided by scientists. into minute units from time to time, such as the molecule, the atom, the electron, etc., and now comes the Austrian with something still timer, which he calls a ration. Louisville Courier-Journal: When it comes to lying Admiral von. Ca pelle Is as thorough a German as any of them, though when it comes to an issue of veracity between him and Admiral Sims no one can convince Senator McCumbe. that the American Is not the more accomplished liar. New York Herald: Unfavorable weather In June caused a reduction of 40,000,000 bushels In the Depart ment of Agricultural estimate of the yield of wheat The outlook, how ever, is still for 89i.ooo.ooo Dusneis, which would be 82.000,000 bushels greater than the average of the last five years. Indications are that mere will be a bumper yield of corn, and this Is more Important than the wheat crop. Science and Invention- Paper matches are built Into & new paper box for cigarets. Concrete bases to give longer life to worn out fence posts are a new York Inventor's idea. The lung motor Is an air pump which is good to start the breathing process in newly-born babies. An electric heater has been in vented to prevent moisture collecting on an automobile windshield. Operated by electricity much like an ordinary sewin machine Is a Ver mont inventor's machine for cutting stencils and patterns out of sheet metal. To save labor and space In large post offices, a New Jersey man has in vented a letter-sorting cabinet in which the letters are dropped Into narrow slots and fall down chutes into larger compartments. To prevent poison being used in mistake for medicine an Inventor has patented a bottle with the neck at one side and so formed that its con tents cannot be poured out without careful manipulation. By moving a single lever a new au tomobile body is converted into an open car or a two-seated vehicle. Sand of different oolors can be fed through a new pencil for children to enable them to draw outline pictures. The Madras government plans to en courage the systematic cultivation of avaram, the baric or wnicn is saia to be the best tanning agent for the pro duction of soft and good leather by, unskilled labor. Avaram grows only In southern India, and it is because the tanners of thl3 region have avail able supplies of this excellent tanning material that South India hides have gained their. present high position. dl ti , i ik... Tm wnnl1nt Or- poaa that I had a aon at high school, would r . . .. ... . ..1.. Mr. Blum no, inaawi. -- that all your children muit ba through eol laga by tola Urao. Boaton Transcript, -.... har u.t. 'Ton eanVaea tha performance ao well from a box. ' And what sava yon tha Idea thatfart lonabla peopla went to the theater to aea tha performance T" LouUvllle Courier-Jour nal. . . .u.ii nlavln Baker anew yuu pvu& u - - - . " ' -,1. . 11 ik, ll.r venr last words 1 iiv m mtm ..bum before leaving were: "Don't forget to reea tha kitty! '-Boaton Tranacnpu "No, eon, you don't want to own tha who world." . ?, . ' 1 wi.H anv eluftinl In that direction, and you can aee for Tour j elf how unhappy he looka." Clnctnnatr Enquirer. t..,i Don't ou think your wife haa got a wonderful voice T Crlmionbeak Tea; It's wonaenui 11 un v given out before this. Tonkers Statesmen. t.T.. klnV aM man If vour absent wife There aeema to ba a great disturbance in the celestial ayatem. Po any of the astronomers know what It la aboutf "I heard one offer the theory that it was caused by the dog star chasing a sausage balloon." Baltimore American. . "What were those lady Jurors whlnperlng about?" asked the Judge somewhat peev-, lshly of the court bailiff. 'Nothing, air." " ' "But they were. What waa it?" "Well, your honor, they were commenting on the hang of your gown." Louisville Courier-Journal. BEAUTY. "There's beauty", said the Artist, "In every thing In sight, m- Though It require a master hand to bring It to the light. ' Ton weather-beaten cottage, , neglected, worn and old, Beneath Ita faded surface hides a sturdy heart ot gold." ";, . With gentle hand he awept across Its face a veil of white; He filled each shadowy corner with a flood of flashing light; He put a touch ot color here, and there, and there. And wrapptd a pearl gray mantle close about It everywhere. The aun smiled down npon It, and tha cot tage etralghtway sent - " Its message back. The Artist laughed, and went his way content, , , "There's beauty," said Dame Nature, "In everything in alght, Though It require my maater hand ta bring It to the light. The earth la hard and barren and the tree are brown and sere, ' - . But underneath It all there still la beauty lurking here." She softly touched tha twigs and ground with slender magic wand; She blew her warm breath gently oa every lake and pond; She put a touch of color here, and there, and there, 1 Then spread a bright green mantle e'er the meadowa everywhere. ... - The' sun, above a thousand tiny buds and flowers, bent His loving glance. Dame Nature laughed, and went her way content 4 , DAVID RITCHIE. Hair Under Arms For removing amir - .n.Uv efflcacUu tot rav r"7 ... awb. arui r,t nair ir - Umb . n.m.l. haa a Only "'"-" 7 ,fc Dackage. " " t eoc l M " ' m2 from na In lal wrapper re ceipt of pnew. . .,. rpep book matted fa DeHlracle, Park Ave. sua! U St- Hew inu H0SPE SAYS: The July Piano Drive will put Pianos in the homes. You save money by put ting it into the much needed article of the home. Music soothes, it brightens, it encourages. Every army has its bands, to put added pep into the soldier; it eases marching; it brings new life into, monotony. -' 1 .Why is not this the case at home? To assist you in the ownership of an Instrument, one with a Hospe Guarantee, a 100 per cent value, we will make tempting offers in Price and Terms. Si ' High-Class Grand Pianos in art finished mahog any. Price from $495 and better. The most successful and universally satisfactory nationally advertised Player Pianos in all finishes and ' styles, from $425.00 and better. , Such world famous makes as the Mason & Ham ; Hn, Kranich & Bach, Vose, Fischer, Bush & Lane, Cable Nelson, Kimball, Hospe and many others, at prices from $285.00 up. The July Piano Drive will carry with it over 100 nearly new Pianos, the best we have ever, offered. You get th Best Possible Cah Price, . You get the Most Reasonable Terms, Don't fail to visit our Piano Bargain Rooms. Pianos at low at $150, on $5 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. nffin Xfrfand0litstc 1513-1515 Douglas Street Mason & Hamlin Piano .Victor Victrola U.U 'J j