H Concluded by Ella Fleishma n' I PERSONALS ' Mr. Everett Buckingham and Rob ert vBuckinghm left Thursday even ing for Worland, Wyo., where they TOll spend the summer. Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Brogan left Friday (or their home at Austin. Tex., after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Brogan. Corp. T. A. McShane, son of Mrs. J. H. McShane, has just been pro noted to a second lieutenant , v Mr. and Mrs. C W. Hamilton and Miss Marian Hamilton are at Atlan tic City for a month. f Mrs. Ralph Peters leaves Sunday evening to spend a month at Prior Lake. Mrs. John Redick has gone to Prior Lake for the remainder of the summer. Mrs. M. C Peters left Friday even ing for Camp Grant, Rockford, 111., to be with her sqn, Douglas, who is there. Mrs. George Redick expects to leave next week for Prior Lake. ' Miss Helen Hibbard returned Tues day from several weeks in the east Miss Mary Gifford, who had a slight operation last week, and was at the Methodist hospital, is getting along nicely. Mrs. C A. Hull is in the east for - several weeks, having gone there to see Dr. Hull before he sailed with !; the base hospital. y Mrs. S, S. Caldwell and family are , . at Prior Lake, Minn., for the sum mer. Miss Marjorie Smith spent last . week end as the guest of Mrs. Irv . , ing Benolken and Lieutenant Benol ; ken at Camp Dodge, Des Moines, la. Mrs. F. XB. Wallace is spending several weeks in Chicago with her father. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Peterson and ' Miss Hazel Peterson left Tuesday to motor to Excelsior Springs for sev eral weeks. Mr. Louis Moser left Saturday for " Detroit, where- he will enter govern mental service in the aircraft con struction department. Mrs. Moser and the children will remain in Omaha until fall. According to a letter recently re ceived from Lawrence McCague, the Amherst college ambulance section has won special praise for their ex ceptional bravery at the front, and several of the men have received the French Croix de Guerre. Cadet Percival Banister, son of Colonel and Mrs. J. M. Banister, re turned Friday to West Point after a five weeks' furlough. The sum mer vacation at West Point has been shortened from 10 weeks to 5 weeks because of the additional members in training. Harry Burkley left Wednesday evening for Fort Sheridan, where he will attend the junior officers' training camp for two months. Mr. Paul Shirley, who has enlisted In the service, leaves Monday for Camp Dodge. Miss Helen Eastman left Thurs day to spend several weeks with Miss Gertrude Metz on the Metz ranch near Cody, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sibbernsen returned Saturday after spending several weeks in Minnesota. ',, Mrs. Joseph Morsman and chil dren of Chicago, will be with Mr. E. . M. Morsman for several weeks. ; Mrs. Harley Moorhead is spending several weeks at Prior Lake. Mrs. Charles F. Weller is recover , ; ing from a severe attack of the grippe. She has been confined to her apart i ment at the Blackstone for over a week. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Slatef-left Friday for Salt Lake City, to be gone a month. - " Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Mackay have 4 - left for an eastern trip and will be with their daughter, Mrs. Austin Gailey at Washington, D. C. Loring Elliott and Paul Shirley motored to Camp Dodge last week - end. f Mrs. Carol Berry of Kansas City is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Louis ' Loring and Mr. Loring. - Miss Elizabeth Rodgers of Cleve land has been the guest of Mrs. F. P. Loomis and Mr. Loomis for several i weeks.? Miss Elizabeth Barnard of St. , Louis is the guest of her sister, Mrs. i G. McAllister. ' Mrs. J. E. Fitzgerald and daugh ter, Miss Gertrude Marsh, leave Mon j day to spend the summer at Port v Huron, Mich. Mr. Fitzgerald will 6pend several weeks m August with them. - Mrs. Roy Byrne has been spending several days in St Joseph with her mother, Mrs. Sheridan. . Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morsman, jr., and sons, will leave. next week to spend the remainer of the summer it Long Peak Inn, Colorado. Miss Mary Morsman is attending th& girls' camp, Camp Serrana in New Hampshire. f Mr. and Mrs. A. A McClure have , returned from the east and are at , the Fontenelle. ' ; -Miss Belle Hatch will spend two ' weeks in New York and Chicago. Miss Dorothy Snyder of ".ashing : ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E C. . : Snyder, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. t GeorgeB. Eddy, 517 South Twenty- fifth avenue. Mr. , and Mrs. M. J.. -Bender are f among the members of the Omaha I ft f Vtff I tes m MRS. LYELL-RUSHTON. The war is not only taking our young men, but their pretty brides, also, and many of the young matrons have left their home city to be near their soldier husbandsMrs. Lyell Rushton is one of the attractive young women who is spending the summer away from Omaha, as she is now living in Lin coin. Mr. Rushton, who enlisted in the service some little time ago, is at the radio school and expects to remain in Lincoln several weeks longer. colony at Colorado Springs, as are also Mrs. Alfonso Wilson and Mrs. H. S. Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Harris left Friday for Grand Rapids, Mich., to be gone two weeks. Miss Margaret Colby will arrive Sunday morning from Chicago to spend a few days with Miss Mae Engler. Mrs. E. 0. "Hamilton and Miss Ruth are at home after a six weeks' stay with Lt. Warren H. Hamilton, at Camp Jackson, Columbia, S. C. Mrs. Isabel S. Clow will spend two weeks in Minneapolis and other Minnesota points. Mr. L.W. Lowe, who has com pleted his freshman year at Ames col lege, has .been appointed navy butter inspector and will pursue the work at Lamont, la., until fall. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sawyer of Jop- lin, Mo., are "Visiting Mrs. Sawyer's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Kleffner, and her sisters, Mrs. H. Laufenburg and Mrs. B. B. Booth. Misses Catherine Dee and Margaret Dineen left Saturday afternoon for Stead's ranch, Estes Park, Colorado, to spend two weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dowd enter tained 14 guests at a dancing party, J. M. Flynn 10, and Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam Berry gave a party of 12. Vernon Shinrock, who. is a mem ber of the aviation corps, stationed at Camp Lee Hall, Norburry, Island, Va., is at home on a IS days' furlough. Mr. Shrimrock was called home by the illness of his father, Mr. Fred C. Shrinrock, who has been in the Methodist hospital for the past two weeks. Edward O'Niel arrived Saturday from the aviation school at the Uni versity of Illinois to spend a two days' furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Niel. Mother, Why Don't You Take Nuxqted Iron And Be Strong and Well and Have Nice Rosy Cheeks Instead of Being Nervous and Irritable All the Time and Looking So Haggard and Old ? The Doctor Gave Some to Susie Smith's Mother When She Was Worse Off Than You Are and Now She Looks Just Fine Any Woman Who Tires Easily, Is Irrit able, Nervous and Run-Down, Should Take Nuxated Iron to Help. Increase Her Health, Strength and Vitality. "There can be no strong, healthy, beau tiful, ros?-cheeked women, without iron," ays Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York phy sician and Medical Author. "I have strongly emphasized the fact that doctors should prescribe more organic iron Nux ated Iron for their ner vous, ruo-down, weak, haggard-looking women patients.. Pallor means anaemia. The skin of an anaemic woman is pale, the flesh flabby. The muscles lack tone, the jrain fags, and the mem ory fails, and often they become weak, nervous, irritable, despondent and melancholy. When the iron goes from the blood of women the ros es go from their cheeks. "In the - most com mon foods of America, the starches, sugars, table syrups, candies, polished . rice, white bread, soda eraekers. mm fir T k leaf . . IWi W-v..,:. .' ' i.-Sv-' or how far you can walk without becom ing tired. Next take two five-grain tab lets of ordinary nux ated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how .... a 111 KJ l II Villi flaVM UHII1 biscuits, macaroni spaghetti, tapioea. sago, Numbers of nervous, run-down peo- u t detreKn,n;tdJeoISnJ?v.- Srfn pIe who ,r ""in the while have most is iron to be found. Rein.ng Pc"'f astonishingly increased their strength and have removed the iron of Mother Earth endurance simply by taking iron in the proper E -..Wl Ss, It The ChUfs Appen' $ X. L me, C04nkery' ."T "k been om on tr month mthout getting down the waste pip. the water in which benrfit from ,nything. But don., uke tht - eUbIeS "re. coo?ed' "". reT,ons,bl old form, of reduced liron. iron acetate, or f Mther fnlS ioV ,Th,lf..re ,m tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. h. "EXlt th" lrnJef,5ier.Bi III vTh. iron demanded by Mother Nature for food by using some form i of organie Iron, the red coloring matter In the blood of her l"'. ,0" WCn!d,,.: ,alt when Tour food 'h,ldren ! not that kind of iron. You has not enough salt" must take Iron In a form that can be easily m . . . . . osorbd and Mttimilatcd to do too any "Iron b absolutely necess.ry to enable eooi, otherwU Tit ; may prove worse than your blood to change food Into Jiving tissue, useless. Without, it. na mutt hnw much or what MtnufscturerC Nnu Ktmtrd Imi. wtilch la rr. you eat. your food merely pssses through . cr remedr. but one mart. Is well known to you without doing you sny good. Yon don't drusslsts. Onllke the oldur Inorssnle Iron products get tne strength out of it, and as a eonne- " it ammiisteo. does sot Injur the teeth. quence you become weak. pal. and sickly . nor " suimsch. tus rnsnn. looking, just lik. a plant trying to grow in f.lTL,,llr;!urr".,ul '."''' " a anil rl.fi.i-nt iy, 1 if .,, finory Mtulu to every imnhamr or ther will rrfuiw !. JIi?e- ? i" " '",J7.-S:ro1n.? 'nur dlPwd in this dw by fllr V-t i. - IC .1 . ? vrug sun sna su omer oru- " ' isv. aw nvw ivus fun ih wots iii. Aur. Mrs. C. T. Kountze Brings Latest News From New York (Con tinned From Page One.) abroad. Mrs. Urb will likely come here during August She will explain the advantages, pro and con, for both canteen and clerical workers at home and abroad. A mass meet ing of business women' will be held to hear the message which Mrs. Urb brings to those interested in the work. Hospital hut service, which is in the formative state, will give an op portunity to women who are able to offer some entertainment to the con valescent in the hospitals. The re quirements are as follows: . Applicants. Applicants must be between 25 and 40 years of age. Must have robust health, certified to after examination by a physician des ignated by Red Cross. Must have a good knowledge of French. N Must volunteer services and pay all expenses, if possible. (Approximate ly $1,200 for six months, including initial equipment and steamship pas sage.) If a woman is particularly well qualified for this service the Red Cross will, under certain circum stances, pay her transportation and maintenance, but volunteers paying expenses are preferred. A knowledge of French is very desirable, as wo men with such knowledge entering this service may be interchanged with women occupying similar positions in trench hospitals. Must be free from all German con nection. Must not have a husband, father. brother or son in the armed forces of United States, or of our allies, either here or overseas, or in the Young Men's Christian association, Red Cross, Knights of Columbus or simi lar organizations abroad. Must be willing to sign for at least six months' service in France, Bel gium or Italy, wherever assigned In cases where the American Red Cros3 riiys expenses it is necessary to sign tor one year's service. Must wear umtorm when on duty. Must be vaccinated for smallpox and inoculated for typhoid and para typhoid, j Must dve the names of three or more references, American citizens, not relatives one at least a woman. In general, applicants should be in excellent physical condition, capable of hard and continuous physical labor under uncomfortable conditions. No woman not ready to give full time. conscientious service, need apply. Good temper, discretion and self-reliance are essential; seriousness of purpose and dignity of deportment are required. College women and wo men who have taken the Red Cross course in elementary hygiene and home care of the sick are particularly acceptable. North Side Mothers' Club Arrange for Soldiers' Relatives The orth Side Mothers' club, which, as one of its many activities, undertook to' find suitable homes where parents and other relatives of soldiers might find the right surround ings in which to meet their sons who are in the army when they visit them, have been doing the work thoroughly and systematically and have turned in to the war camp community service a list of homes, and the extent and character of the accommodations which can be furnished at each. A card system is being prepared, and one set of the cards will be placed with Mrs. Med, travelers' aid worker at the Union depot, and the other at war camp community head quarters in the Omaha National Bank building, so that assignments may be made from either place. Information as to" the character of this service will be placed in the hands of each sol dier during the coming week, when the service will be fully inaugurated as to Fort Omaha and Florence field. With the advent of the battalion at Fort Crock there will fce necessity for similar service for the soldiers there, and it is expected that some similar organization will offer its serv ices to secure a list of homes as near as possible to Fort Crook. Hotel Clark near Jackson Boulevard The Hotel Success of Chicago ' The hotel's excellent service, its convenience for the quick transaction of business, its proximity to theatres, shops and public buildings make it the ideal headquarters for a crowded day.. 450 Rooms $1.50 up With Bath $2.00 tip PW lifii i' t FT C-r-V lime im more than monev t 7? I v: watting unpatriotic. In these days of conservation of time and work old ways must give way to new ways. . 1 1 It is a positive waste to put up with the old, time consuming, back breaking metnods of dusting, cleaning and polishing woodwork and floors. It is a waste of money, too. There is an easier way. A quicker way. And a better and far more economical way. The saving you make in brooms alone will pay for the cost of the new way. Study the contrasts shown in the pictures above. They tell the story. Banish the old way. Adopt the new. 0F brings the new way the quick the easythe better the economicalthe pleasant way of dusting, clean ing and polishing all woodwork and floors in your home. It does all these things at one time. It makes it easy to clean those hard-to-get-at places. It gives floors a high, lasting polish as you dust them. Try the O-Cedar Polish Mop (Battleship Model) at our risk. Simply deposit the price with your dealer. He will deliver the mop to1 you.-. Testit for three days, if at the end of that time, you are not delighted with the work it does and the work it saves, your money will be returned without a question. Channel! Chemical Company Chicago Toronto London I ill mi 1 1 Iti I! ill II m mm an money f 4 ' - time it " If All t 1 IS