Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 18

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    Ella Fleishman J
Conducted by
Sodal Calendar i
Dinner-dance at Happy Hoi
low and Carter Lake dabs.
Bridge tournament at .Field f
dub. I
Luncheon parties at Field and
. Prettiest ifttie ciuds.
Dinner-dance at Field and I
Country club.
Luncheon parties at Prettiest x .
Matinee dance at Prettiest I
Mile and Happy Hollow
t , clubs. '
Card party at Prettiest Mile A
T '' club.
X Children's matinee dancing
? party at the Field club.
t Dinner-dance at Seymour
1 Lake club.
D. A. R. card party at Sy-
j utum nwih a
Dinner-dance at Country,
t t Field, Happy Hollow and T
X Prettiest Mile clubs.
Hill I i t 1 1 H ' 1 1 1 I 1
. Comings, and goings aren't they
itj.tnn Th iMru in railroad
fe a. a am hrtthef Omaha
folk, for they are traveling hither and
yon in search of cool breezes and
freedom from dull care. The lakes of
Minnesota seem to be the Mecca tor
the summer traveler and you will find
colonies of Omahans at every resort.
Those who have found it necessary to
desert the sandy beaches to return
to pressing duties at home tell us that
.Minnetonka was never so attractive
as it is this yean
Even though the summer lassitude
has fallen on the most of us, Din
Cupid tarries not and plans for mid-
summer and fall weddings are well
under way. Miss Isabel Milroy will
be an August bride, for" she has
chosen the last of the summer
months, for her nuptials. Her engage
ment to Mr. Leroy Dunn is one of
great interest, for the friends of the
young coupie nave predicted tne an
nouncement for some time. Other
bulletins from the headquarters of
the god of love are on the way, we
assure you, for rumors and more
rumors are coming to our. ears.
The golf tournament this week was
a great success, everyone was there
in their smartest snort tost. Of coue.
the stars were fascinating and the fa
bulous sums our prominent citizens
poured into the coffers of the Red
Cross just to caddy for the profes
sionals quite took your breath awar.
The clubs have certainly come inta
iL frt
ineir own -sain, i ncy were a oil
dull for several seasons, but this sum
mer everyone froes. The dinner-dance
nights are really lovely, tor the of
- Rcera come, and who doesn't love a
uniform? Sunday evening suppers are
well attended too, for its so nice to
A party of 16 guests were enter
tained by Captain Faringav at the
dinner-dance Saturday, D. L, Smith
entertained eight guests and John La.
-. velle, six. !
Country. J
Captain and Mrs. Daniels enter-
tained a nartv of 14 at th r1k Sat
urday evening, while parties of 12
tvi, given u juun xuaaacn ana
Hlnry Clarke. G. E. French had 10
guests and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burns
a party of seven.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davidson enter
tained one of the large parties at the
club Saturday evening. Garden flow
., ers formed the centerpieca for the
table and the party Included:
Mr. and UeidaaiM
W..royj v J.DtrarMtMeharda
. Ludovlo Crofoot
w. H. Whflr Charlw T. Kouats
Qort B. Prlni Joaph Barkw
Haopy Hollow.
Parties at the dinner-dance Satur
day evening were given by C. E. Bed
well and A. B. Carrington, who had
nine guests, N. H. Tyson, eight;
George Mickel, seven; M. F. McFay
den and Lieutenant Finley, six. Four
somes were given by J. W. Holmquist
and William McAdams.
Seymour Lake. j
Those giving parties at the dinner
dance Friday evening were Mrs. R.
V. McGrew, whose guests included
Mrs. Mina Lynes, Mrs. S. A. Donoa
hower of Denver, Miss Ottie Brown,
Mr. C A. Coaklund, Mr. Bert Grif.
fith and Mr. William Birken. Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Ready had as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. C E. Wagner
and Mr. P. H. Ogeltree. '
'Dining together were Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Keenan, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Holr.omh ant Mr ind Un k t
Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McAnnanay
enieriainea susses Irene Udell, Jose
phine Bild, Eda Bild and Miss Lois
' - Allen. Mpsr fharl Dnnilu TTn
gelbert Bild, Walter Schroeder, Rob
ert Edmuston and Mr. DafilJJinn. A
party of six was entertained by Mr.
ana Airs. a. r. sicmneimer ana tour
somes were given by Byron Hart and
An enjoyable . program has been
planned to be given this evening at
me guu luiiunuig uie ounusy even
ing sapper parties. - -
Hotel Loyal
Table d'Hote Dinner:
A Cover
Splendid Sprint; Chicken With
, : . All th Fixu'f.
J 5
Phone for Reservation
Douglas 2008. j
Mrs. Grace Gholsop
Comes to Omaha for
Y. M. C. A. War Work
' rv 3
t, I
'- ? ' -1 i
4 fc
This Is the state director of the
woman's organization for the co-operative
for the forthcoming war fund
drive of the Young Men's Christian
association. She is Mrs. Grace Ghol
son, who comes to Omaha with un
qualified recommendations.
When the north central field office
asked for national headquarters office
to recommend a worker to take charge
of the work in Nebraska, the latter
office selected Mrs. Gholson.
After serving some years as the gen
eral secretary of the Young Wo
men's Christian association in Joplin,
Mo., Mrs. Gholson wis engaged in
extensive welfare work among girls
in Chicago.
' At a meeting, held in Lincoln Fri
day, Mrs. Gholson, in conference with
Charles Strader, director' for the
Young Men's , Christian association
work, opened tfie big pre-drive work.
. A long list of committees will be
named by Mrs. Gholson, whose office
will be at the local Young Woman's
Christian Association building.
finish a long cross-country motor ride
with a bit of supper at the club.
For Countess de Bryas.
Arrangements are being made to
entertain at a public affairs luncheon
at the Chamber of Commerce on Mon
day tor the lountess de Uryas.
. On Tuesday the French countess
will speak at the First Presbyterian
church at Farnam and Thirty-fourth
street for the members of the allied
Red" Cross.' 'All who have ever
worked with these women are invited
by the chairman, Miss Jessie Millard.
Mrs. L S. Zabriskie will give an o.,Ji
rendition of the "Marseilles.V Plans
are being formed to give the visitor
an opportunity to speak before local
labor organizations in her work
Dancing Party.
Mr. Pierce Wilson and Mr, Harold
Sictrenschuh were honor curat t a
dancihsr nartv o-iven Frirfav vnino
bv Mrs. Georce I. Krieor. Th turn
young men have enlisted and will
leave Monday for Camp Dodge.
fcignteen guests attended the affair.
D. A. R. Party. ,
The huthanda of th mrmhrra nf V
D. A. R. will be honor guests at the
dinner which will follow the card
party given Saturday at the Seymour
Lake cluh. Mri. Genre MiVVol an1
Mrs. F. F. Porter will
of the arrangements.
Dancing Party,
The Unitarian church save Its rrc.
ular evening of games, dancing and
music at the church Friday evening.
(low soot)?
flow mw
Photo suDDtkvs exclusive
1 1 i 'i' ii'M'i'tit1 '!
Club Motes
J. 4
Mother's Club. , .
Mothers' dub of Train school will
meet Friday at the school. Me.dames
b. Leonard and .racy Wotn wui oe
Omaha Woman's Club.
Dr. D. E. Jenkins will be the in
structor for the coming year for the
physchology department of the
Omaha Woman's club. The season
will begin in October. The day has
been changed from Tuesday to '1 hurs
day. The first meeting will be at
2 p. m.p October 10.
Eastern Star.
The annual outing of the Vesta
chapter, Order of the Eastern Star,
will be held Thursday afternoon and
evening at Seymour Lake park.
The newly installed officers will
act as a reception committee. The
dinner will be served at 7. Dancing
will follow. Reservations may be
made through Mrs. Lois Shirey, 119
South Thirty-fifth street; Harney
The officers installed on Monday
Mrs. Hattie B. Garrison, associate
conductress; Miss Minnie Kendrick,
secretary; Mrs. C. B. Laughery, treas
urer; Mrs. Fowler, marshal; Mrs.
Mary Waggoner, chaplain; Miss
Helen Olsen, Adah; Mrs. Donnie B.
Hauser, Ruth; Mrs. Lillian 1'etrie.
Esther; Mrs. W. J. Traver. Martha;
Mrs. Robert Thorpe, Electa; Mrs.
Clark Forcade, warder; and Mr. John
Stine, sentinel; Mrs. Mayme Vro
man, organist.
U. S. Grant Woman's Relief.
, A kensington will be given at the
0,-rof Miss Clara Stern, 3017
fi.1 it" Jitreet, for the members of
the U. b. ,r,rant Woman's Reiief
North Side W. C. T. v
The North Side Woman, rt, .
t. .:n cnns-
Wednesday at 2:30 p. m., at tnl
home of Mrs. F. G. Othmer, 4724
North Thirty-ninth street. Mrs,
Goodsell will have charge of the pro
gram. W. C. T. U.
The Frances Willard Woman's
Christian Temperance union will hold
a meeting at the home of Mrs. L. B.
Webster, 2122 Spencer street, from. 1
to 5 p. m., Wednesday. Mrs. H. N.
Craig, president, extends an appeal to
all members and their friends to at
tend. Work will be done on the re
modeling of the army shirts which
the government has sent to the Oma
ha Red Cross workers.
Mrs. J. M. Talliaferro will tell of
the county meeting held Friday at
Valley. ; v .
Columbia Club.
The Columbia club of patriotic
league girls gave a dance at Florence
field Saturday night. It was one of
the most enjoyable affairs of the kind
that have been given. Homemade
cookies, the kind that melt in your
mouth, were included in the refresh
ments served.
Joan of Are Club.
The Joan of Arc club gave a dance
at Hanscom park Saturday evening,
with the soldiers of Fort Omaha and
Florence field as their guests.
Mrs. H. T. Bellamy and son, Jack,
are spending the summer with Mrs.
Bellamy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
T. Walker.
Y. W. C. A. Will Take
Active Part In War
Work With P. L. Club
The Young Women's Christian as
sociation of Omaha is organizing to
take a very active part in war work.
It has appointed Miss Ethel Nier
meyer as special war worker, in
charge of the Patriotic league work
which the Young Women's Christian
association will carry on in co-operation
with the war camp community
service. She will have as her as
sistant in this work Miss Elizabeth
Larson and Miss Dorothy Gray. Al
ready work has been commenced on
the redecoration of a room to be used
for Patriotic league club room. An
other room will be turned over to
the Patriotic league clubs for a -led
Cross work room, and still another
to be used as a play room. These
rooms will make possible a great de
velopment of the Patriotic league
work and the organization1 of a great
number of these clubs. It is a part of
the plan of the war camp community
service, under the leadership of Miss
Range, to enroll ,5,000 to 10,000 girls
in the Patriotic league through a big
drive which is in process of organiza
tion, and this action of the Young
Women's Christian association will
provide a rallying point for activities
of this character.
One of the developments of the Pa
triotic league work is to be the open
ing the Young Women's Christian as
sociation to the soldiers each Wed
nesday evening, the girls of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion club to act as hostesses, with the
assistance of other clubs from time to
time. There will be entertainments of
various kinds on these open house
evenings, including singing, games
and a lively time generally, with' the
idea of making it the most popular
place in the city for the soldiers to
spend their Wednesday evenings. The
first of these soldier hospitality nights
will occur August 7.
Sunday afternoons and JX?P?i
will also be devoted rrhrUt?!-
. l v- s Christian asso-
Sli TO will be started as soon
as tot remodeling is completed.
Miss Frances Range
In Plattsmouth to
' Organize P. L. Club
Miss -Frances Range of the war
camp community service went to
Plattsmouth Friday evening to further
assist in the organization of Patriotic
League clubs. This meeting was the
result of preliminary steps taken in
behalf of such an organization by the
war camp community office in this
city some time ago. The meeting
Friday evening was a mass meeting
of all interested, and Miss Range was
asked to go to Plattsmouth and out
line a generat plan of organization.
The meeting was presided over by
Mrs. E. H. Westcott, vice chairman of
the community committee in Platts
mouth. After the address of Miss
Range, the girls divided up into
groups for the formation of clubs, se
lected their club leaders, discussed
the feasibility of keeping the com
munity house for a center of activity
for the girls of the town, enjoyed a
big sing, and started on their way to
career of usefulness to the community
and country and the achievement of
higher ideals for each individual,
which is the pledge of all Patriotic
League girls.
Don't use old screw tops. Buy new
tops, says a bulletin from the national
war garden commission of Washing
ton, which will send you a free can
ning manual.
Recreation's Shrine
It . aLL-.XJa - ae sa a J L aBB eh m rWlViri. aw. 11
" " " 0Z
AT Colorado Springs, society's latest
jl rendezvous, The Broadmoor is
nestled in a beautiful mountain park of
2,ooo acres. ; , .
C Golfers who have played the finer
courses of this continent and the old
have found Tub Broadmoor's undulat
ing links beyond compare. Here in color'
ful Colorado is a full twelve months of
flawless golfing days. ' V
C, Interlacing the pinetrewn crags are
innumerable Bridlrpathsand smooth, wide
Write for illustrated bookjet
Mrs. Charles Hutchinsbn is in New
York; Miss Wayne Hutchinson is
visiting in Isle Royal.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C Belden are
traveling through the eastern states.
Mrs.'W. B. T. Belt and daughter,
Dorothy, are visiting in the east
Dr and Mrs. C. W. Pollard were
guests at dinner at Happy Hollow
Tuesday, of Mrs. H. B. Lemere, and
Mrs. Mary E. Van Gieson.
George Palmer, son of Mrs. A. H.
Palmer, 4823 Davenport street, has
landed safely in England.
Mrs. Frank Ellick, son, and daugh
ter, will spend the month of August
at Lake Okoboji.
' Little Miss Robertson entertained
the group of "Blue Birds" at the Hap
py Hollow matinee Thursday, of
which group Dorothy Jones is guard
ian. Miss Angeline Rush entertained a
number of young women at the
Thursday matinee at Happy Hollow
in honor of Miss Tyler of Sioux City.
Mrs. William R. Lighton, a former
resident of Dundee, was a guest of old
friends Thursday, having motored up
from her present home in Fayetteville,
Miss Ella King Morrison of Wayne,
Neb., who is to do canteen work in
France, is the guest en route to New
York, of her sister, Miss Estella Mor
rison, 4823 Capitol avenue.
Don't use two-quart jars. Use quart
size. Pint size is best for family not
over five members. Write to the na
tional war garden commission of
Washington for a free canning man
ual. Dot't start canning until you have
the right appliances. Make a list from
the free canning manual of the nation
al war garden commission of Wash
ington and check off the articles as
TK coat of management per member of tn Wood
men of th World for 1917 waa th LOWEST of all
fraternal insurance societies, being 14 centa per mem
ber lower than th nearest competitor.
Th Woodmen of th World in 1917 mad th
GREATEST net inoaaa In membership of all fra
ternal inauranca societies.
I Thea FACTS r taltm from th 1918 issue of th
Statistics of Fraternal Societies published by the Frater
nal Monitor.
We am proud of these fmcts and wantyeu teehare the hotter
with us by joining now the greatest fraternity.
For oO particulars phone or eott en
COL C L MATHER. Cty Manager
Phones: Of&ce. D tig. 4570. Office, 801 W. O.W. Bid.
Home, Benson 354j Home, 2704 65th Ave.
HON. W.A.FRASER, Sovereign Commander, OMAHA, NEB.
Amid the Rbcfyes
motor roads that invite the pre-breakfast
gallop and the morning spin. At the
guests' disposal are saddle horses and a
well'Stocked garage.
Overhead, the Coloradan skies are
turquoise blue. The nights have a mil'
lion stars. The sweet, dean air sparkles
vigor. Thb Broadmoor is not a mere ,
hotel. Architecturally, it is a triumph of
Italian art With Nature's most exquisite
mountain wilderness as its background it
is a place of rest and beauty the world
might envy. ,
(CaaUaaal Fraaa Fat Oaa.)
lows: Illinois, 827,160 members, or
13.3 per cent of the population; Mich
igan, 918,384, or 29 per cent; Wiscon
sin, 632,398, or 25.1 per cent; Iowa,
1,037,511, or 42 per cent; Nebraska,
525,740, or 41 per cent,
Iowa leads the division both in to
tal number of members and percent
age of population. Nebraska is sec
ond in percentage of population en
rolled. ,
There are now 586 chapters in the
division' distributed as follows: Illi
nois, 135; Michigan, 84; Wisconsin,
73; Iowa, 167; Nebraska, 127.
How is this for a patriotic song to
be sung to the air of "Keep the Home
Fires Burning?"
The little girls who are members
of the Bemis park Red Cross auxil
iary composed the words between the
making of cotton pads.
"We the Red Cross juniors
Fill our quota sooner
That the boys may live and fight
With all their might
They will get the kaiser
Ere he's any wiser
If we work and never shirk 1
Then the war we'll win."
The little patriots have finished
their quota and are now spending
their time ripping the army shirts
which the grownup Red Cross work
ers are remodeling for the govern
ment This is the record of the Bemis
park juniors since their organization:
200 8x4 wipes, 450 2x2 and 250 8x15
cotton pads.
Since the "Little Daughters of
Uncle Sam Red Cross auxiliary" have
completed their quota and will dis
band until September, a picnic sup
per will be given for them on the
lawn of home of the chairman. Mrs.
C. A. McKenzie. After the picnic sup
Combine quality, food workmanship
exelusiva design and you hava th
Add to thea a entrant of lattifactlon
and you hava th kind of work w an
producing. Phone Tyler 894.
Art ipemoridJ .
5outh loth Street
per the 16 small members will at
tend the photoplay at the Rialto.
Mrs. Henry Albrecbt. secretary oh
the Deshler branch. A. R. C.. Deshler,'
Neb, has sent thestate office $1CXX
additional contribution to the Red
Cross for general use.
This amount is over and above their
contribution to the war fund and other
Don't plan to can more than three
to six jars of fruit or vegetables the
first day. Speed up gradually, says a
bulletin from the national war gar-
tn rnmrnicainn ilf Washington, which
will send you a free canning man
ual upon request'
Don't neglect cleanliness dean
person, clean room, clean apparatus,
clean work cleanliness counts 50
per cent, says the national war garden
commission of Washington, which
will send anyone -upon request a free
canning manual.
No Tirol For
Hiy Fever!
Ytar Powers 1
Quleklr reMevee Har FTr and
Rose Cold. Thea miseries which
break op work and plaaanrea
every summer mar now be over
come with this pleasant, conven
ient preparation.
Complete. Outfit, $1.10.
At leading drag stores r we
will aend It by mall npoa receipt
of price.
The Inhalattna Chemical Ce
' Colorado Sprhiga, ColoraaV.
Hair Is by far th most eonsple
tjotjs thins; about na and ia probably
the most easily damaged by bad or
careless treatment If we are very,
careful in hair washing, we wilt hava
virtually no hair troubles. An espe
cially fine ahampoo for this weather,
one that brines out all the natural
beauty of the hair; that dissolves and
entirely removes all dandruff, excess
oil and dirt; can easily be used at
trifling expense by simnly dissolving
a teaspoonful of Canthrox (which
you can get at any drug store) in a
cup of hot water. This makes a full
cup of shampoo liquid enough ao it
is easy to apply it to all the hair in
stead of lust the ton of the head.
This chemically dissolves all impur
ities and creates a soothing, cooling
lather. Rinsing leaves the scalp spot
lessly clean, soft and pliant, while the
hair takes on the glossy richness of
natural color, also a fluff iness which
makes it seem much heavier, than it
is. After Canthrox shampoo, arrang
ing the hair ia a pleasure. Adv.
Society Ladies Everywhere
Use "La Creole" Hair
The well known society leader!
hair waa prematurely gray, perhaps
just like yours, but Mrs. J
heard of "LaCreole" Hair Dressing '
how thousands of people every
where had used it with perfect satis
faction. It ia not dye, but a prepa
ration designed especially for the
purpose of gradually restoring aolor
to gray or faded hair, and whieh b
easily applied by simply combing or
brushing through the hair. "La
Creole" Hair Dressing positively
eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp
In a healthy eondition and promotes
the growth of new hair; brings back
a natural, soft, even, dark shade to
gray or faded hair, and make it lus
trous, full of life and beautiftd.
to prevent your hair from growing
gray and to restore a beautiful dark
color to gray or faded hair. For sale'
by Sherman & McConnell Drug
Store and all good drug stores every
where. Mail orders from out-of .
town customers filled upon receipt of
regular price, $1.20. "La Creole"
Hair Dressing is sold on money back
guarantee. Adv.
1212 Farnam SL Tel. Doug 353.
Jr. Sanatorium
This institution is the only on
in the central west with separata
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to
the treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being admitted; the other Rest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treat,
ment of select mental cases re
quiring for a time watchful care
and special nnrsisg.
I E3AKCH 500 S0.155T