0M PART TWO " SOOETY SECTION PACES 1 TO 1 AHA SUNDAY BEE PAST TWO AUTO SECTION PAGES 1 TO 12 VOL. XLVIII-O. 6. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 21, 1918. SINGLE ; COPY FIVE CENTS. ' 1 I 3 X tn.-inrx I lib W ft 9 6 J 12 j3 3 WasMinigtoii's War Tims PpmilatiEiir : !aey Clha'iniges ;t ;.Ow.';.QtaliGit; f AAA AMA A r1rAr1r'fM-4--l 4- ! Every Shack is Kempdeled, juleaned and Made Habitable Clothe Are Simple ' and Useful Edgar C. Snyder; , Washington, July 20. WASHINGTON as a summer re sort, is so far, a great suc cess. For six weeks cr more it has been too cool for picnics and tor water trips with any comfort. Open fires have given the country clubs an autumn atmosphere. The re ports from the seaside resorts from the week-end travelers that they are a scene of half desertion. Motor par ties who do not stay long are the rule, rather than the permanent summer - colony. It is the hotels that are suf fering, rather than the cottages. The mountain resorts round about Wash ; ,ington are well filled, and in fact are having the most prosperous season . they have had in years. There is too much of importance, necessity and in terest in Washington, for many of its residents to want to leave, and the housing problem grows easier every day. The hotels are not even full, much less crowded. A party of resourceful girls solved . the question for themeselves clever ly a few weeks ago, and are the cos iest, happiest little party ever. Every one familiar with Washington knows of the many localities, desirable to . live in, where there are little shabby ramschackle story and a half and two story shanties, which have once been cottages, but neglected so long' that even many of the colored people shun them, but 'which stand beside, be tween and across the street, from some of the most pretentious and fashionable residences. This enteAJ prising group of girls here doing war work found one of these veritable huts on 1 street, close to the new Powhatan hotel and at the other end of the block from the Metropolitan club. It had, been occupied by negroes and had had a little shop in the front room. They looked-it over, rented it for next to nothing and then went to work on it. They fumigated, painted, repaired and scraped it inside and out, - installed a bath and restored the back yard into a tiny garden, furnished the tiny house in modern, summer fur nishirfgs, including electric lighting and fans, and are now in possession , of one of the prettiest and most com fortable little places ever seen with seven good room. And it is within -v three minutes walk from the State department and immediately in one of - the fashionable neighborhoods, Their little drawing room with dining room behind is one of the most adorable suites with artistic hangings and con genial surroundings. There are hun dreds of such transformations all over the city, even in the business blocks where some one fits up a charming apartment. x Vacation Problem. :Now that congress has solved . the vacation problem, the president and Mrs. Wilson are expected to take a itvt days now and then, for change and recreation. Just how and where will be a question, to be announced, probably, after they have done it Mrs. Wilson, is very attractive in her youthful summer outfits of white suits and soft, summery hats,, which - she invariably wears. This cool weather, the suits r.re of cloth, some era 1, avants in i V. A rtMft4 - ttT4r4tAAit lllA..iT.AAAA.CA AAA Occupations Take Place of times silk, and on hot days they are of sheer muslins, georgettes or or gandies, but invariably white. She did, however, appear on French In dependence day, in a costume of light blue, with white hat and a light blue band, all of which was most be coming to her brunette .beauty, and it is very few brunettes who can wear light blue. Miss Wilson wears rather plainer clothes than her father's wife, but white and pink have seemed to have been adopted by her this year. SheJ is taking a very active work tn tne entertainment of the soldiers and in the community center work, in the District of Columbia. This has al ways been the work in which she has been greatly interested, leaving to her sister, Jessie, now Mrs. Sayre, the work of promoting suffrage as much as possible, and to the youngest of the three, Mrs. McAdoo, the work of keeping up with the social end of everything, and the artistic things. It was Mrs. McAdoo who inherited their mother's taste and talent in art. They are all equally patriotic, and Conservation of Plays an Important Part I While conservation is a patriotic duty and an every day necessity, the women of Omaha are meeting the situation admirably. ' Attendance v at the instruction classes has kept up and increased week by weelc. A choice collection of tested recipes has been given at each meeting and the faithful ones who have not missed a lesson, have a new cook book that is strictly up to date. Some have just discovered that a free cooking school is being conduct ed where individual problems are dis cussed and solved. Many who have taken advantage of this courtesy of Uncle Sam have requested that these classes be 1 repeated. Already new classes are scheduled for September. Only a limited number can be con ducted at -once and those wishing this insruction brought to their districts should apply at once as classes will be formed in the order of application. 0er 100 women met at the Wind sor school on Friday to discuss bread making with substitute flours. Miss Farnsworth explained the use of each substitute and suitable combinations. Instruction classes will be con ducted next week as follows: Tuesday July 23, 10:00 a. m., Loth rop district, Mrs. Maynard C. Cole, chairman. Subject, "Flour Mixtures and Home Drying." Meeting held in the Christian church. Wednesday, July 24, 3:00 p. mn Mason school, Mrs. H. N. Winn, chairman. Subject, "Home Drying and Special Recipes." inursaay, July 45, 10:00 a. m.,uun - l. Mrs.- J. r. Kepler, chair - man. Subject, "Flour Mixtures." Friday, July 16,- 9:00 a. m., Lake school, Mrs.' Charles Powell, chair man. Subject, "Flour Mixtures." 'AQEMM' THERE is an age-old dream which died when the great war began. ' The destiny of countless of the world's onnressH and pmbitio has been shaped by this golden vision. it is u.e appaiiuon ot tne fair god dess of Liberty, standing with beckon ing hand on the shores fo Columbia, 3 mimm y .t. .t. rf. Ai. A J. .ft, ,f , ,t. .f. J. .If. A A J. Art iti afffi A -t- rt- tf Pink . Teas .' ' : . each one does ' her share of that work. Omahans et at : Senator and Mrs. Hitchcock left early in the week for Massachusetts. Mrs. Hitchcock will establish herself at Little Point, Swamscott, for the remainder of - the summer. Miss Hitchcock will remain here for some time. ' The Nebraska Women's Washing ton club, organized for and among the women and girls of the state who have come here for the war work, have, combined with the Nebraska State Society of Washington and will have a picnic on July 27, for the war workers and the Nebraska men in the training camps round about Washington tnd in Washington. They will go to Chevy Chase lake, one of the most attractive and most accessible spots around the city, tak ing their basket lunches with them, and have supper in the open, with some dancing afterwards. Professor and Mra. Avery of Lin coln have given up their apartment and are staging with Mrs. Susie Root Rhodes at her home at 1004 Park Road Mrs. Straetten, wife of Dr. Robert Straetten, U. S. N and daugh ter of Mrs. Rhodes, is in New York for a stay of six weeks or more, while Dr. Straetten'a ship is in port. Their children remained behind with their grandmother. Mrs. Walter Penfield, formerly Miss Lucile Bacon of Omaha, has been made secretary of the salvage con servative committee of the Red Cross, for the District of Columbia. Mrs. Dougherty, widow of Capt. John Al lan Dougherty, U. S. N., is chairman and is the founder and organizer of the work which has accomplished wonderful results. It is for the pur pose of sending to the committees the trash housekeepers naturally and reg ularly throw out, such as tin foil, rub bers, old shoes, rubber bands and every conceivable useless article. For instance they pay $3,000 for a ton of scraps of tin foil The money ob tained is turned into the Red Cross. The women are but just organizing here for the work. Mrs. Dougherty is one of 4he most practical and ac tive women in the war work. It was she who conceived the idea of having a charity-ball when every cent goes to the charity, instead of having one with a lot of expense. Her ball last winter had no expenses to deduct, as she had donations of special checks for each expense, outside of the ticket sale. She is the first one to accomp lish such a thing here, and she. is sure t? mc5 a 80 ner M work. . Mrs. Penfield rs her able., firstNassistant Professor Buck of the State uni versity and Mrs. Buck are now sta tioned in' Washington. Professor Buck was in the first training camp and has been in the south for a long time. Misses Grace and Marguerite Lowe, well known school teachers of Omaha, nave come to Washington to engage in war work forthe summer, having . taken DOSition in th, Sf.tH.,rt: , . ' ment Miss Grace Stillwell is another Omaha school teacher who has taken a summer position in the Treasury de partment j DREAM GON the land of opportunity, equality and freedom. Often it was the agents of Amer ican industry who painted the glow ing picture to the peasants of foreign lands. Sometimes it was tales of the successful traveler on his visit to the "old country" which fired the imagination. Both had the same re sult, to crowd the steerage of every ship bound for America. Fortune sometimes smiled, some times frowned. For some fate still hangs in the balance. These are the last ones who came knocking at 3 nn ft'. ,7 X Wr. A.CTroup C. T. Kountzo Brings Latest Ftews From New York M1 RS. C. T. KOUNTZE, assistant director of the bureau of per sonal service for Nebraska, has just returned from New York with her head full of the latest Red Cross news. Her interest was centered chiefly in the developments along the lines of service abroad which are included in the personal work. They are clerical, canteen, social service and the new est branch hospital hut work. The presence of two former Omaha women, intimate friends of Mrs. Kountze, at the head of the personal work, made the inspection tour de cidedly pleasant as well as profitable. ' One of these is Mrs. John Els- L worth, formerly Miss Eleanor Mont gomery, granddaughter ot the late Gen. Granville Dodge of Council Bluffs and Omaha. She is at the head of the canteen service of the Atlantic division. Work Done. The amount of work done by the canteeners in New York is amazing, according to Mrs. Kountze. They meet the troop trains and gather at the ports to speed the boys tn the last lap of the journey to the war zone. "Mrs. Elsworth, the commandant, wears the most attractive uniform," Mrs. Kountze said. "The skirt is dark blue, the short coat of horizon blue has epaulets of red. The navy blue war sailor is banded with horizon blue and ornamented with the Red Cross. The workers wear smartly made lorn motor coats of horizon blue linen with hats similar to that of the command ants." , The reason for the gay looking com bination is . to make the workers recognizable at a distance. Mrs. Elsworth directs the activity of 2,000 New York women- who serve thousands of boys daily. Mr. Els worth is director of hospital service for New York. Mrs. Joseph Cudah'y of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, director for the canteen service for the central division of which Nebraska is pan, was in New York with Mrs. Kountze. Mrs. Cudahy and Mrs. Elsworth are mem bers of a board of 12 who compose the advisory committee of the wo man's national committee. Mrs. Cud ahy returned to Chicago with the Omaha Red Cross chairman. An important part of Mrs. Kountze's visit ras to arrange to bring to Omaha Mrs. John Urb; of Minneapolis, who has just returned from several months clerical work (Continued OB Paca Three, Column Four.) l EKLPE America's door, before the war pre-1 vented them from sailing the seas in search of freedom. These strangers within our gates form one of the war's gravest prob lems. Under the starry banner today there are' two kinds of peoples, Amer icans and foreigners. Lo the poor immigrant is no longer. He is now a "new American." The National Council of Defense number among its 17 committees working to promote all branches of war work an Americanization com mittee, whose mission is to safe guard the process of claiming these foreign-born citizens. Among the ways and means recom mended by the council arc: Teach the English language. Explain the purpose and aims of tlfe United States in war, draft reiru lations, provisions and importance of soldiers' and sailors' insurance act. Ch urt-Bf'' Third Bat., 347th F. Art., Enroute. The train commander and the bat tery commanders of batteries "E" and "F" of the Third battalion, 347 field i O rttlt a ar Knnr 4a ovnf ac b vrfitll ran. teen workers, who distributed cigar ets, fruit and cards to the men of this organization when we stopped in your town on July 3, 1918, their deep ap preciation, not only for the fruits and othen articles given, but also for the kindly and patriotic manner in which this good work is being accomplished. It goe without saying that your work is really a fine one, and we wish to say that the officers and men of these organizations will not soon for get the courtesy shown by your work ers. (Signed.) RAYMOND B. GILLSPIE, Captain F. A. R. C. J. N. KEHOE, - First Lieutenant Batt "E." EDWIN K. CHEEDLE, First Lieutenant Batt "F." Memberships in the Red Cross is maintained by 3,941,193 persons in Central division (Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin,. Iowa and Nebraska), or 2S.5 per cent of the population of the five states. A year ago the number of members in the Red Cross of this division was less than 200,000. By far the greater number of the members are of the $1 a i year class, but it is interest ing to know that nearly 5,000 paid $100 each for membership, which makes them 'patrons" of, the Red Cross, i , All members who paid $2 or more received the Red Cross magazine for a year, and there are 272,538 such members, or 6.9 per cent of the total membership. By states the membership is as fol ' (Continued on T Two, Colomn Six.) M VMON Laws and regulations affecting im migrants. Information concerning Liberty loan, war savings stamps, food pro duction and conservation, Red Cross, recreational, educational and employ ment facilities. Importance of health, housing, sani tation dress for local climate. The Douglas County Council of De fense has named Mrs. A. C. Troup as chairman for the Omaha women who ! are undertaking this branch of pa triotic service. Besides fostering the Americaniza tion work established for some time at the Omaha social settlement, Mrs. Troup and her helpers have organiz ed other groups of workers. Of one of these irronn Mm. W. N. . Halsey, prominent in miss'" work among ioreigners, is in large. There I are tour centers t""B, , " "c i . Miok it.inAh work is cond ICU- .in leaders,.!, amone th vl';,ous foreign-born pco pies n?-'urca liere nave Deen cnosen .'.ieir own people. Members of the Greek community j , . , . - are represented by Miss Vera a llaryalis, daughter of the pastor of the Orthodox church, the Rev. Har valis. Red Cross and sewing classes for women have been established among these new citizens. An afternoon study class in Eng lish for mothers is one of the features of the work among the Bohemians, whose chairman is Mrs. Adolph Musil An excellent record for all sorts of war work is claimed by the Bohemian women, who do wonderful knitting and hospital garment work for Red Cross. Mrs. J. M. Nachtigall is leader of the work for patriotism among "St DIM ' - f Amy aid FIRST in the hearts of all Oma hans are the fighting men who call our town "home." They are scattered from the Pacific coast to the Atlantic and the war devastated coun tries over-seas claim many of the,tn. Newsy bits about these "boys grown tall" who have pledged all to their country, 'are read eagerly by those who starid behind them at home and all other,, news takes secondary place. A few gold stars are appearing on Omaha's service flag telling their silent story of her valiant sons who have made the supreme saenhce. While the boys are far away hos pitable Omaha has opened wide her doors to the men in khaki who are stationed &t the nearby forts. Many of the officers have brought their charming wives with them and they are honorees at delightful parties at the clubs and at the informal little teas given at the different homes They are such attractive young wom en and bring such a refreshing glimpse of the outside world to us, that everyone regrets deeply when war orders take them from Omaha. Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Jo seph Barnard, who have been re mi 'ivy I . jp; 'ty ' CMAIWEB THOUGHT F0& THE BAY 0, God give me courage to live another day. Let me not become a coward Kafnpji ! riiffiiilti nr recreant 4 to its dutv ---- - - ... .... , T ei me not lose laiui in uij fellowmen. V T Keep me tweet and pure ' at X heart in pite of ingratitude, T treachery and meanness. t X Preserve me, u uoa, trom & f m'nding little stings or giving f f them. . S Hem me to -keep my heart $ dean and to live honestly and T iv.imiaijr uiai no oucwara fan- v ure can dishearten me or tak.4 ir i ah : I . "iB Ju Ui vwn8C,ou nteK' ruy Open wide the eyes of my soul 4 T that I may see good in all thingt., A Grant this day some new vision Z f of Thy truth; inspire me with the T spirit of joy and gladness and ii make me the cup of strength to f suffering souls. In the name of T A the strong Deliverer. Amen. Written by a Monk In th Kth Century Omaha's German-born Americans. A splendid society composed of 200 wo men, known as the Christian mothers,"' is doing much in a social and educa tional way. Mrs. Nachtigall, is in charge of the St. Joseph's, church Red Cross knitting auxiliary and the sur gical dressings workers. In both the Liberty loan and Red Cross drives, this patriotic woman has taken the initiative. The women have made a very creditable record in each wartime activity. Continual inspiration from Italy's brilliant fighting, has come to the group of daughters of this land, who are expressing loyalty to the allies when they work for America in Red Cross and the bimonthly programs of a patriotic nature given by the members of St. Ann's parish. . In none of the groups has the work been really organized. Other worker are to be named among the Bohemian women. - - Miss Jessie Krugert- well known in Jewish welfare work, is the last chairman to be appointed. The plans to be followed haye not been outlined. ; ; , ' ' - s laj Ite J cently stationed at Camp Dodge, Des Moines. Ia.. are now located at Camp Grant, Rockford, 111. According to a letter received last week by Mrs. Tom McShane and Mrs. Roy Byrne, their brother, iSergeant Sheridan, of St. Joe, was wounded during the battle on the Chateau Thierry front in France, and was then in a hospital behind the French lines. Sergeant Sheridan, who is a young doctor and a member of the field hos pital staff, with several others, was trying to rescue Captain Duncan, who was a close friend of Sergeant Sheri dan. They had succeeded in carrying Captain Duncan from the field into a wood which was immediately located by the boches, and with ; their guna turned on the rescuing party they killed all but Sergeant Sheridan. The huns used their deadly poison gas, . and as the explosion of shells had torn Sergeant Sheridan's gas mask 'off, he was Overcome by- the fumes and rendered unconscious and blind for 72 hours. ',: , - , Lt. Charles Conrad, who has been at Fort Sill, Okl., is now stationed at Fort Omaha , . 7 ' ::-.;Ji AT ; ;i . )? i H jEft-Mt. irOf it- Wait