Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1918, FIRST, Page 16, Image 16

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    Sarpminely Low Cash Pricings Make This a Most Opportune Time to ProvidiforAll Needs at Big Savings
i . .. . .
I Wonderful July Clearance Bargains in
i Summer Suits and Dresses f
I Cash pricings that will insure a clean sweep I
I of Summer garments in short order. We call I
I particular attention to a few of many special I"
I info in tin's .Tlllv Clear- I
lots in this July Clear
ance Sale:
75 Sumner Suits
j July Clearance Sale of I j
I Opening Sale Winter Coats
I Hundreds of elegant new Coats at prices j
J which will make it an object for you to buy
1 early. - " f
We bought early before
the big advances and are
going to give you every
benefit , ,
In wool checks, Jerseys, Taffetas and
Wash Fabrics; clever designs that sold
at $25 and $29.50;
while they last, at,
Cash Price ......
"O ' m
$1252 1
Remarkably low prices on Winter Coats
The Home of Rlush Coats
Values will match against any shown in
America. All sizes from 16 to 54, in Four
Big Lots, at
00 Summer Dresses J
That sold to $75; come in Dainty Lawns, j
Voiles and Ginghams, in colors and j
white; all sizes, for Misses, 16 to 20, regu- .
lars, $6 to 46; stouts to 53; match- I I
less values at, Clear- $P7QCJ I !
ing Price in this f 22 1 1
saie .
Fine Wash j j
Dress Fabrics j
1 1 $25, $35, $45 and $60
Summer Dresses
That sold to $7.50; good as-
I sortment, , all sizes
I for Ladies andMiss-
es, Cash Price
Summer Dresses
That sold to $10; Ladies' and f
Misses; all sizes,
to close out,
Cash Price t .
lies aim s 1
$5005 j
July .Clearance Summer Furniture
Wise wives are going to buy now for present and
future needs, for the next year is sure to see a big
. advance in prices on all kinds of Furniture.
These Clearance Prices givejou an opportunity to select
dependable Furniture at less than wholesale prices today.
Porch Rockers Finished m
green, $3.50 values, at. . .2.75
Maple Porch Rockers Finished
in the natural; regular $4.50
values, at .......... . $3.50
Maple Porch Rockers Finished
in the natural, with rattan seats;
worth $3.50, sale price..S2.75
Maple Folding Porch Rocker
Takes up small space when fold
ed, regular price $3,50, at 2.75
Maple Sewing Rocker Natural
finish,' worth $2.25; special, at,
Brown Fiber Rockers A $6.00
value, reduced to . . .S4.50
Brown Fiber Set Consisting of settee, rocker and chair; regular price
$37.50. Our Special Cash Sale Price . . ..... . . . . . . . SZU.5U
Fiber Rockers Finished in old ivory, spring upholstered seat, loose
cushion in tapestry; a splendid value at Our Cash Price of .7.50
Three and One-Half Foot Wood Porch Swing Well braced and bolt
ed. Very Special at Our Cash Sale Price of. ............. . . .$2.1)5
Five-Foot Swing Same construction as above , '. . 3.95
Canvas Couch Hammocks - Adjustable rachet head rest, angle iron
steel frame, galvanized rustproof chains. Very special, at. . .10.00
Very Good Couch Hammocks Marked down to. ... . . . ..... .$9.50
Good Couch Hammocks Adjustable wind shield, reduced to . .7.50
Hammocks One-third off...........,..;... 3100 up to 10.00
Best Four-Passenger Lawn Swings at. ........ . . . .450 5.50
Large Reed Baby Buggies Old ivory finish, rubber
tired wood wheels. Special, at. .... . 17.50
$30.00 and $32.50 Buggies Special, at. . . . .25.00
$35.00 Buggies Special, at. ............ .30.00
Speedy Cars With Horse Heads Only. . . . . . . .1.75
$20.00 Golden Oak Library Tables Only . .15.00
Telephone Stands Any finish, with stool. . . .8.50
Bed Davenports The new style, at. ; .... . .37.50
The Famous Wilson Hair Mattress $45.00 value, spe
cial, at ....... 32.50
The Famous Silk, Floss Mattress Price .... 22.50
$20.00 Felt Mattresses Full Size, price. .. .17.50
$18.00 Felt Mattresses Full size, price. .. .12.50
Kids' Bassinets On wheels, only. . 84.50
Kids Canvas Swings Only. .1.00
Folding Card Tables Only. ............... .2.50
Folding Porch Bed Cots feet and 3 feet wide;
slightly tarnish'ed. worth $10, at. .350 and 4.50
Folding Sulky With hood, only. ....6.00
Folding Sulky Without hood, only 4.50
25 Off on All Piano or Floor Lamps and Shades.
Reduction of prices at THIS CASH
STORE afford two-fold savings, and the
f closing of the season's prices are based on
a determined effort to clear our shelves
of the present Reason's merchandise in
preparation for. the coming of Fall and
Winter fabrics.
Fine Wash Fabrics Novelty printed and woven ef
fects, 36 to 40 inches wide; former prices $1.35 and
$1.50 yard; now, yard.....,...:.. -.88
Fine Wash Fabrics Woven plaids,stripes and fig
ures, sheer materials of voile construction, 36 inches
wide. a In this range will be found many of the
choicest offerings of the year; former prices up to
$1.00 yard; now, yard.......,., 68
Fine Wash Fabrics Showing woven and printed
pattern effects, white and colored grounds;, sheer,
dainty, high-grade fabrics, 36 inches wide; now,
yard 48t
Fine Shirtings Silk and cotton weaves, lustrous
finishstrictly washable, made in the most approved
styles and color combinations; now, yard....58tf
Tissue Fabrics Sheer and dainty, all colors woven
in the fabrics? 32 and 38 inches wide; one of the best
tub dress materials; nowyard. ;30
Dainty Voile Fabrics 36 to 40 inches .wide, printed
and woven colors, high-grade hot weather materials,
light or dark grounds; now, yard 1,25c
Zephyr Ginghams 27-inch dress plaids and checks;
one of the best staple American-made qualities ; ex
cellent range of color combinations; now, yd. .28
Japanese Crepe Gingham This tub fabric, 29
inches wide, is of special importance, affording ex
treme service best colors; adaptable for house
dresses, children's wear and men's shirtings; plain
colors and stripes; now, yard. ; ........... . .25
Gabardine Skirting and Suiting Material In plain
colors rose, khaki, blues, pink and green; fine
quality wool finish; 36 inches wide; now, yard.Stf
Plaid Skirtings Mohair and cotton, 33 inches wide;
one of the best of the season's skirting fabrics; an
adaption of the Palm Beach cloth; was 95c yard;
now. vara ell?
See Our Sixteenth St. Windows
Handsome Cloth Coats
I Almost unlimited variety of styles, colors
5 n-nA fnlwna in rocnilarci anrl efniifs. flr
. t $15, $25, $35 to $125
I High Class Fur Coats
Of every kind of matchless values, at
I J $98, $150, $200 up to $450
MaVft a small deposit and we will hold vour selection till you
ii i. j. r 1-.
want li. tome eariy.
Dress Skirt Clearance Extraordinary
An immense showing of classy new models, divided into
three big special lots, all priced for quick clearance. We
advise you to select early.
Beautiful Silk Faille Satin and Taffeta Skirts Made up in
the season's smarter styles, in colors and black ; d0 Q
matchless values at our July Clearance Cash Price . . .P
25 High-Class Dress Skirts In the season's finest mate
rials, Baronet Satin, Moon Glo, Novelties, Etc., at
greatly reduced prices. ,
$5.00 White Wash Dress Skirts, $2.95100 of them in the lot,
come in gabardines, twills and piques; all sizes, do QC
including stouts that sold up to $5; Cash Price y&ivo
7 .
July Clearance'Sale of Rugs
CAftef 'a busy season, we have reduced
the prices on all Spring Stocks, to insure
quick-action clearance.
Below Are Bargains You Cannot
Afford to Miss:
llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMltllllll llliniMllllllllllilllllllllllllllllUIHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllHinillllllltllllllllllHIIIIIIIIlllllHTO
! Wonderful Silk Bargains, July Clearing Sale j
I Summer Silks just when you can use them, at-less than cost 1
J of manufacture. A great saving on these items Monday.
P $3 Silk Ginghams, $1.50
HaMsnatitriitiBiianaiianiniitaiiaimiiiiiiiisaBuiiiatiaKiiiaiiatiitiSitaiiiKitraiitiitintiiiiiiiiaiiauaiaiisnv'1''11' '''
- , . . ....... - . ' ?
j Grocery Department ; 1
' Lkcnx No. C-114M
bri Swift'a Pride, Diamond C or
Beat-'Em-AU 8 MP. for ...... 25o
bar Electric 8prk Sop......28
l,br Wool Sop 2S
Lux, or all fine laundry. pkg-..10c
24-lb. aaek Bye Flour $1.65
14-lb. ick Rye-Grhim $175
Ibi. Barley Flour 38e
lbi. Gat Flour 38a
Rice Flonr, lb. liVe
Potato Flour, lb, 12 Vie
g Iba. White or Yellow CornmeaLSSo
214-oa. Gle Sliced Beef... ...14a
H-Ib. tine Potted Mmt Se
Qt. cane Ripe Olivet. 8vlinor Brand,
for 45c
Wild Cherry Phwnhate, bottle., 10e
Qt. bottlea Kamo Grape Juice.... SSe
Pint bottlee Kama Gntne Juice. .23
Pemrez. for nesl'nf f"rulte- and
Vegetablee. lb. pk ...'V
Cnllon cane Corn Sjrrun. ....... TO
K-oa. eena Conden.ed Milk.,.,.10c
ena frHfp( Milk Be
r. r.y LARCFTT aad
FRESHEST LINE h the City.'
New York EVaPorated Aople, lb..1Be
New Evanorated Apricot. lb..,.2')e
Fxtra FnnrT,prtots, lb..... ..2Se
Fancy Partlett Peara, lb.... ...1 8a
Fancy P'lver Prunea,; lb.. ...... le
Santa Clara Prunei. ...
Ib. ,. 10c. ISVie, 15c
11-oa. pkgs. Seeded Eaiaina, lb.8 l-3c
Thompson! Seedleaa Raiains, Ib.l4e
Golden San tot Coffee, lb. ..... . 20a
Maracalba Blend Coffee, lb......25e
Porto Rico Blend Coffee, lb. 27a
Rotated Barter, aubttitute coffee,
lb. , 12',e
Choice Baaket Fired Japan Tea,
lb. 40o
Fancy Spider Leg Japan Tea, lb.. 58c!
Fancy Orant Pekoe Tea, lb. 60c
Tea Siftlnna, lb. 20c
( bunches Green Onlone . 1 ...... Se
I bunches Freeh Radiahea 5c
New Wax or Green Beana, lb,..12V,e
Freth Ripe Tomatoea, lb.. ..10c
Lanre Fancy Cucumbers, each..,. Be
IS Iba. New Potatoes to peck..BOc
1 bunches Freth Carrots or Parsley Be
t Green Peppers .............. Be'
8 heads New Cabbairs ........ 10c
Lares Bosnlah Oniona, lb....... Be
Fane Head Lttie. eMi 7 Vie
No. I Creamer Butter (bulk) lb.42c
Bu'k Peanut Butter. lb.........2Se
LHly Brand Oles. lb. 3fte
Nut Margarine, Ih. 30c
Young America Cream Cheese,
Fancy N. Y. Cream Cheese, lb... SSe
Bulk. Sweet Plcklee, qt.. 35e
15 piecea of stunning plaid
Silk Ginghams, heavy
Louisenne weave; bright,
snappy colorings; very,
popular for Summer wear
regular $3.00 quality,
yar1 ......... ..$1.50
New Tub Silks
100 pieces of new Satin
Striped Tub Silks, in crepe
de chine, Crepe Pongee,
Silkendure, All Silk Duck
S1.68 and 1.98
$4 Pongee Suiting, $1.98
Just a few pieces left of
these handsome Suitings,
in white and tan, formerly
sold at $3 and $4 a yard;
40 inches wide. While this
little lot lasts, a yard,
at ...$1.98
$2.50 Foulards, $1.50
10 pieces of handome all
Silk Foulards, in this sea
son's best styles; mostly
blue and black grounds.
This is a rare bargain ;
regular $2.50 quality, at.
a yard ......... $1.50
$2ChiffcnTaftas, $1.38
10 pieces of , handsome
strioed and plaid Chiffon
Taffetas, in a good line of
colors : formerly , sold at
$2 While they last, spe
cial Cash Price, a yard,
at .$1.38,
$1.75 Dress Silks, $1.50
75 pieces 36-inch Dress
Silks, including Satin Mes- 1
salines. Chiffon Taffetas,
Crepe- de Chines, All-Silk 1
Foulards, "Novelty Striped 1
Taffetas; regular $1.50 to 1
$1.75, a yard, at . $1.25
$1 .75 Dress Satins, $1 .35 I
,50 pieces of Princess
Dress Satins and Chiffon
Taffetas, in a fine line of 1
new Colors; 36 inches
wide and worth $1.75 a
yard. Special Cash Price, I
. yard .....35 I
All-Silk Messalines.' 95c i
40 pieces of All-Silk Satin
Messalines, in a fairly
eood line of colors; plen-
ty of black, no 1 white;
worth today $1.25. While
they last, special Cash
Price, yard 95
Black Dress Silks
36-inch Black Chiffon
36-inch Black Satin
' Messaline V . , . . ......
36-inch Black Silk Poplin
40-inch Black Georgette
$1.50 Taffeta, 98c (
15 pieces of 36-inch Chif
fon Taffetas, in change
able effects; very good
for separate skirts; th
retrular $1.50 quality.
While they last, yd, 98d
Black Dress Silks
36-inch Black Peau de
36-inch Black Dress Satin .
36-inch Black Dress Taf
feta .... ......
40-inch Black Crepe de
rhine v.".v;.
40-inch Black Georgette
9x12 Beit Wilton Rugs Worth $92, Price .. $75.00
8-3x10-6 Beat Wilton Rugs Worth $84, at. .$68.00
9x12 Best Axminster Rugs Worth $52, at. .$40.00
8-3x10-6 Best Axminster Rugs Worth $40r $28.00
9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs Worth $55, at. . .$44.00
8-3x10-6 Wilton Velvet Rugs Worth $48.. $38.00
6x9 Best Axminster Rugs Worth $32, at. . .$21.00
9x12 Tapestry Brussels Rugs Worth $20. . .$13.98
QUALITIES, FROM. $1.75 UP TO $6.50
) We just received a large shipment of Deltox Rugs
at the follQwing prices:
9x12 Deltox Rugs Worth $17.50, price $13.50
8x10 Deltox Rugs Worth $15.00, price $11.50
6x9 Deltox Rugs Worth $10,00, price $8j00
4,6x7-6 Deltox Rus Worth $8.00, price. . . .$6.00
3x6 Deltox Rugs Worth -$4.00, price. . .... . ..S2.75
2-1x4-6 Deltox Rugs Worth $1.75, price $1,25
We Are Offering a Lot of Odd ,Window Shades
After the season, from, each. 50tf Up
A large shipment of Inlaid Linoleum, which we
bought before the advance in price. We will give
you the benefit of our early purchase. ' 1
Best Inlaid Linoleum, 2 yards wide, sq. yd.. . . .$1.75
2d Grade Inlaid Linoleum 2 yds wide., sq. yd. $1.50
We Have the Largest Assortment of Coco Mats in the
City Just the thing to keep your house clean, at
Your Choice,
S1.75 and $2
Values, Yard
wi itait:s'a''Bi'aita':(tisiiSiS!isns:'sit:iiatsuaiiaiaisitsiiaMaiiaiiai:aMaiiaiiitrsit!itiiaiiaiiaiiiBiiBMs.aiiti'a''SiTsia
! 10 Pieces of 40-Incli Extra Heavy. Black Satin and Chiffon Taf feta Two ele-
1 g;bt qualities that are worth today, $3.50 ; Special, Monday . '. $2.50 I
1 I Exceptional Home Furnishing Values j
1 S Make Your Home Furnishing Selection at These Lowest Prices.
I a0.ii, Capacity White Mountain Refrigerators Golden oak ease, whits enamel
I' 1 finish. Our Cash Price 20
S 1 8-Cal. Water Cooler Oak finish Cash Price .......$7.25
1 I a-Qt. White Mountain Ice Cream Freexers Cash Price $2.75 '
I Same As Above. 4-ot. sise Cash Price $3 85
a - Electric Iron Complete with six-foot cord, only..... ......$3.75 s
- ia.In. Lawn Mower inree patent lemperra vi imun,
- wheeL Cash Pnce
I f O'Cedar Oil Mops Regular $1.25 value. Cash Price.
S I Galvanised Garbage Caul Cash Price, up from ,
s 2.Burner Ovens Plain door. Cash Price i
5 B r..m Safety Rxaora Ch Price
- KfS lt...-A.A nrrfn Ho.r C.-h Price, per foot
1 I Ttolewbjparter-Ineh Moulded Garden Hose Cash Price, per foot.
SB Duft NAfllM- VmiSaa ir;tC.i.....M
Fountain Lawn Sorys Cash Pree.. ..
Family Site Food Chomers Cach Prte.
and a H'f Onar Aluwinnm R'ee Boi'ers Pnce. . . .
SSe bott'e O'Cedar OB Cssh Price.... v
SS bottle O'C'dar O!! Ca-h Prire. .
A? Cooper. Nickel-Plated No. 9 Tea Kettle Pnce. t . .
.$3 25
. . . 39c
Siora Closes at 5 P. ML . -"J: ' 'V": ':V Stora Closes at 5 P. M.
..-n Py TR V HA YnRMFiRST It Pava T