THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 21. 1918. i a a . - " 1 r .. - - -. m ! REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee - DUNDEE HOME Seven-room brick renter end tueco ' house with hard wood finish In fin story: white enamel la second; also In kitchen and aunroom; oak floors upstairs and , down; bullt-tn buffet; full cemented base . inent; hot water heat; Ruud automatic ; water heater; porcelain laundry tuba and ' ' all modern convenience Exceptionally well built house with aolld brick base ment walla, and center partition support ed by ateel beams; two full lota and ' garage; price $11,000; one-third cash, bal ance easy payment; 8 per cent discount for all cash. immediate possession. If ' sot sold aoon will be leased.' ; J. H. DUMONT & CO. REALTORS. - , 4H-1$ Keellne Bid. ' Dougls 640 DUNDEE STUCCO HOME ' Tn th newer part of Dundee, overlooking Kimwood park and reitrlcted to food homes, we have luted a hom built two ' year ago- a larg living room with fire place and tha sleeping porch are tha fea turta of tha hous. It has U rooma be- aid tha sleeping- porch. . Owner baa at- tractive business offer la another city; will ". let o at 7,260, , which la considered leaa than cost, to duplicate. j HARRISON & MORTON, i si s nm.ti. Nat' 1 Bank Bldg. Doualaa 114, DUNDEE BARGAIN $5,800 Mnms . livinr room, dining room. living room, dining kitchen, den on first floor with four bed rooms, and sleeping porch on seeond floor. First time offered. This la good value. Too large for present owner, GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas $94. !- City National. Dundee T Rooms, Modern. Cornr , Lot I4.M0.0O t room, modern, full J-story, eornar lot, garage. Oak finish, I block, to car line. House In fin repair. A good buy at M.6S0. Reasonable terms, J. L. Hiatt Co. " -" n,n n uiiik. ...... Bank Bldg. , nTIKDEE HOME , Aa iinn for a strictly modern, brand new, l-room bungalow. Llbsrty bond, or W. a. stamp same as cash. Dougla . etin kt Onlfax 4103. owner. - SWnER must sacrifice fins' Dundee lot Phono Benson IM-W, Acreage. 40 ACRES - I mile west of 24th atreet an on of The main arteries, all high, sllrttly, gently rolling with spring atream, about I acre alfalfa, balance all In cultivation. Beo us O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY. Realtors ' Wt Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. .715 REAL ESTATE WANTED "" iriifK.ROOJl COTTAQE WANTED it you hava a substantial, modern (furnace . Iiut important!, nv-room mimw .ihimrhnnd and on through car lino that , you will sell on payment with about 1100 to IR00 cash payment telephone South liXt and give titles and location at once. 1 Must he "clear and all on on floor, and worth around 13.000 Dlstanc not Impor. tant If good location and nar through car line. !10 8. zfith treet VANT KiwfcANrH OR FARM Praa brick business blork and Wesldenc property: also won mortage pa pet ' S S & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 111 city Natl BsnkHiag WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 4 and t-reom house and bungalows with $300 to $900 down Call Osborne Realty Co Tyler 494 791 Om Nst Bank Bldg i OR 7-ROf)M house or bungalow,' nortS nf Lake St.. from owner only. Giv lo- cations, prlo and terms, Bo 794, Omaha V Bee. ... . ',; FINANCIAL Real Estate. Loans and Mortgages. HAVE thsl Installment loan on your horn changed td a straight rive-year man ana - reilev yourself of that monthly nurorn. B H Lnugf. Inc.. 3 Keelin ,ning. " ""LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY IV. H. Thomas ft Son. Keeline Bldg : "" H W . MINDER. Money - a hand for roortgag loan - City National Bank Bldg ' QUICK ACTION ON LANDS. W T ORAHAM, 4 Bee ffld Pcugts 16!$ FARM I.OAN8 Oy 10 ' PAUL VETKRSON U 10 4 BRANOEI3 THEATER BI.DO. "OMAllA ifOMES EA8t""NEB. FARMS VKERFI5 REAL ESTATE CO., toil Omaha Nat Bank Bldg Doug 171 - ' CITY AND FARM LOANS. , 8. 8 and m Cent H HITMONT CO. i Keelin Bldg MniMF.v i m ARnlHON a MORTON.O Vt 10 tit Omaha Nat Bunk Bldg t Ki.i in 111'. mm MAIK promptly F D Wead, W-sd Bldg , Kth nd Frnam Pt MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranch Kink Investment Co., omana Private Money ' , .HHOPKN A COMPANY Douilaa 4J1 Miscellaneous LOW HATl.8. C. O. Carlberg, SJ3 Brnndela Theater Bids.. Doug, 86. Financial Wanted FOR BALL: SAO shares Omaha Iron Co. stock; also - 1.000 Onahman Iron: make : best offer for alt or any part above It you ar Intcrsted In any ot th stock let me hear from you; ran furnish lnforma- , tlnn on any Minnesota Iron stock, as am; fully posted on all th ranges. Box, . 808 Omaha Bee. ? FARM AND RANCH LANDS 120 ACHiid S miles Laird. Well Im- . nroved. 110 acres cultivated, balance pas. turei hot sandhills; good country; mile to school. Rented till March. Price. $11 ' nor acre. . No trade, but good terma Writ uwner. Ed Hanshaw, Laird, Colo.; Yuma Co. 65KORB buying or selling a farm read "Farm Loans and Cltf Bonds." 1 Bldg., Chlca go ; 20o a copy; $1 a Hartrora year. Arkansas Lands rREE Our reports on our fertile colony I land in tha states ot Arkanaaa Mississippi and Florida. Every tract carefully Investi gated by experts of thl Society, the Na I tlonal Cathollo organisation for directing I farm -home seekers. Writ Secretary Cathollo Colonisation Society, U. S. A.. Ashland Block, Chicago - " ' ANUL'ST 6TIL Our et eicurslon to McGehe. Ark VT fRAKK 11 NEVU.I.K BLK Colon do Lands. . 31 BL'SHELS wheat; 40 bu. corn, $6 bu. oats. 85 bu. barley and mlllst Every crop good; own your owa real farm a Cou nav dreamed. It 1 poealbl with aur prices and terms. Write for Oeians HOLTOKB LAND COMPANT. " '' "'" Holyoke, Colo. . fifirrn t a vrn ars f IVCjUi lJllU 0pend In Colo.) rado; finest homestead land anywhere; act Quick; map and complete iniormauon sec. ... H, Madleon, 1646 Cleveland, Denver. Colo, j . . . FOR SALE. 4 acres, between Denver and Colorado i Snrines. 4 -mile, to school, cream station I and mall. 1 acres of timber, improve , merits, hones, cows and chicken, all go. Owner. Box ua, Biisaoein, voio. LAND LAND1 . LAND) T.300 acrea In best wheat and corn soil Colorado. Attractlv prices and terms ;a whole tract; will dlvld. Writ full particulars HOLYOKE, LAJHU wa- PANY, Holyoke. Colorado. 7Za BALE OR TRADE Improved farms ' and stock ranches; also unlmproyed lands; , aair terms: fin crop. Eastern iioraao. . Addresa. McWtlUams, $01 Bennett Bldg., Colorado Springs, Colo. olt SALE 820 acre homestead, relinquish ment in Cuattr county, Colo., (rood soil; small Improvements; part fenced, cheap, If tsken at nee. Address Box T 62. Be, i i ACHES bait mile from elty. $30. Best i:w in Ik at county In etate, Gilbert, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Iowa Lands. THIS 120 ACRE FARM At $110. 10 mile. CimmJ'"''lc. Neb. earns to us a good buy. - this ta on a gooa rotonear ral ifoad station and amall town. Ha. 'about 10 acre, valley land, rood house and barn and orchard. An exceptionally i. hi,. i..tin We doubt If .'J:.: .. . hu.r location for the price near either llty. Bea us about It tu. irnR Pf.APIS ..Ti7. .7.. Ttinfra. I JUS. OUMlUf " " . I .nilMl street, on excenem roan, i v.w,.. level all the way to Council Bluffa and Omaha, Bom nice garden land, pasture for a cow, good room house, barn and Utile fruit 13,800 buys It. , ilcGEE' REAL ESTATE CO. 105 Pearl Street Council Bluffs. la. Missouri Lands. FOR SALE 120-acr farm In N. W. Mo.; nearly all In cultivation; no rock or wast land, fair improvements, J mllee town. U mile schooL Price. 1138 per acre. Ad- dress Owner, Lock Box 191, Humboldt Neb. ..; P ..... . m 111110 VAf! fff. TD A XlV.t I . w. own 11.000 acre, all In on. town- ship, located I mile, east of Clrcl. Red ! ship, located i mile, east ot urcie. eq WaW Valley of Dawson county, Montana; joO an exceptional coionisanoa pnijunnwu. will average over 1$ per cent plow land. We offer this entire tract ln exchange for Minnesota, . Iowa, Wisconsin or Illinois farm land, or up-to-date property ln any good city ln those state. For prlc and further particular writ us at once. NELSON REAL ESTATE AOENCT. $84 McKnlght Bldg. Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Lands. Fine, Close-in 160-Acre Farm Fin large house Just being fixed for furnace underneath. On of the best bank and underground cave ln existence, with two compartments, on for vegetables, fruit, etc., and front room for cream sepa rator, cream, butter, eggs, meats and sundries. , Largo barn -for om 1 head of horses, and stanchion for about 1 cows, with larg haymow and hay fork. Farm lays rolling, with few acre rough pasture land which has always been In heavy timber, but having been thinned ha grown up' to very luxurious growth of I A blue grass and white clover, the leaf mould miVin. 4t an extraordinary good pasture, with plenty of. trees left for shade and oak posts for tha farm. Th farm land has been changed back m forth, red clover, timothy and alfalfa ao that th most of It Is In a high atat of cultivation. Last, but not leaat, this farm lies Just 1 miles from city of Blair with its fine high school and college to which Ihts farm has th school advantage;- splendid road to town. Bar are all the advantage desirable In a home and farm, with th school and city ad vantages. $180 will buy lt good terms. We also have soma good eighties. J.M.DIXON, ' BLAIR, NEB. eA k rTiTZQ TKTTrX!'KZ,T J.OU AVIVriO V AJiy. - One of th best In Washington county, 11 acres pasture, 6 ln alfalfa, balance ln high itat of cultivation, amall orchard. Improvements, $ rm, house, barn for $ head of horses, cement , floored corn crib and granary, cattle sheds, chicken coon, numo house and garage, and 2 wells; 600 rods of $4-lnch woven hog fencing; mHe to Calhoun or Bennington. CHEYENNE COUNTY, 160 ACRES. 4 miles east of Sidney, 1 mile south of Colton on tha Lincoln nignway, t rm. house, barn for 6 head ot horses, gran ary. buggy shed, chicken house, well, wind mill ad variety of young fruit trees, 10 acre ot rye, 20 acre of wheat, 40 acrea of corn $ acre of oata, $ acres alfalfa; all fit to cultivate except 10 acres. Prlc $6,400. Halt cash, balance 6 year at 6 per cent. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE COMPANY, Realtors 101 Omaha National Bank Building. Douglaa 2716 - ' A Good 80 Near Omaha : This ood 10-acr farm Is within three mile of Blair, with all It high school and eollrse advantages: gooa roaa 10 town and near the main drive to Omaha. Good 114 -story, 4-room nous, wun grove about same: barn with hay mow, ana room for about heed ot horses; double cornerib 18x28. with .12-ft driveway; granary, ahed and hog house; good well, windmill and tank; all fenced; five acrea alfalfa and flv acre pasture; small or- ohard; balance all In cultivation. A farm of thla claai. with It rich soil and Ideal location would , ordinarily sell at from $260 to 8100 per acre, out lor quick enle tha owner ha placed it at only $200; good term. W alio have some good quarters. J.M.DIXON, ' " BLAIR. NEB, , A GOOD. RANCH CHEAP Owner must go to war, and will sell at big bargain 1.710 acre, 11 mile from good railroad town. Moat of th build ings ar new and made or in dcii ma terial, th owner being In th lumber business. Two ot th finest barn in Lo gan county, two grnnailea, a dx-room house, welt and mill and many water holra that never go dry. About flv hun dred acre ot level hay land, very heavy, and Include considerable blua gras and some alfalfa; about 160 acre of level land under cultivation,, most of which Is In ry and big crop. t On thla lilacs there ar soma line reg. Istercd Double Rtandard Poll Hereford that will be sold with or wf.auuus, III place, also th entire stock and machln-1 ry, all at a bargain, and th land at I $17.60 per aore, with a tan per cent dis count for caah paid. - Don't lend tor further particular, but I com at one and see It I have other I ranche for ale, but this la a special bar gain and will sell early. R. B. BRF.UA. Callaway. Neb. FARMS FOR 8ALE. $00 acres about 66 miles northwest of Kearney, mile from loading atatlon, 1 miles from good railroad town; about 225 acrea practically perfoct Wood River valley land, balance paature; good soil: chean set ot Improvements, small grove, family or- chard; V4 mile to school. Real bargain at price, $18,000. 140 acre lea right-of-way, 70 acre .Wood River valley and balance rolling; 130 acre in cultivation, 80 acres alfalfa, balance pasture and wild hay meadow; 6. room house, stable tor J 8 horses, well, windmill, new chicken house, hog house, granary, price , $67 per acre; good terms. 160 acres. Improved Wood River valley farm, practically a perfect quarter; 2Vj mllea from good - railroad town. ' Price , $18,000; well located,. exceptionally good value. - ft K. DAVIES, Kearney. Neb. 473 ACRES 100 PER CENT EFFICIENT LAND. This land highly productive, being sub Irrigated; sandy loam, raiaed crops every year sine, breaking sod, 60 aores under cultivation, 60 acres good alfalfa, balance pasture, every foot can be farmed, small house, barns, sheds, corral, granaries and garage, and In fact all ready to step In and begin, -producing and making money Three fin grove and amall orchard, 1 mile from town and main line U. P. R. R.. la good live community and convenient ta good markets. A place to make money . and to make an Ideal home, trees, shrub- bery, garden, etc.; very easily grown and well adapted to climate. This Is an ex. eeptlonal place andswell worth the price 1 ask, $116 per acre; I have very good rea sons tor selling. Write or inquire Bog 68, 1 Ogallala. Neb. . Choice Level SO at $152.50 Not a foot of waste: almost level: best of soil; best ot water. Improvement fair I to good; good orchard, olos to good school. Worth $176 per acre, but It bought soon, $162.60 will buy It. $1,040 down. $3.00 m ere March 1. 11. with balance I carried for four or five years, optional payments. We also hava some good for J quarters. 1 . J.M. DIXON, . BLAIR. NEB. I "hoUt" I COUNTY FARM FOR BALE 14 acrea. located mllea from O'Neill, ilea level, all good, black, sandy loam oil: produce any crop grown ta Nebra-itar-! acrea under plow, balance hay I land, which can all be broken and profi tably farmed; price $48 per acre, one-haH cash, balance good term; will not be on the market ' );. - See M. A. Larson. Central City, Kbk . FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. d . f action i " ...... . . All level excep a.v.n " soil. C0h0urJ f Voduc. a b gras This farm hould P"u " wheat crop next year. The district is now threshing Its wheat crop averaging i w . offered for tha nuum -,500 ,..h. nexi i aays ai .ov. .,.,.., balance terms. Purchaser get ""'- SHEDD INVESTMENT COMPANY, . 837 Railway Exchange Phone D. 4264. umana. FARM RENTERS u i. a rhuici to ret a home of your own which you can pay ror in a k- nnt nf vnur eron Income. 120 sire. 4' mlM ,, railroad town, 20 miles from Omaha, about t0 Bcres in cro;.., oa.uiice ln lots, pasture and timber; ? . buildings. Price 16i per acre; '( " 14,000 cash; easy terms on the balance jot '.ru-..uT 'ZZ. prlc or lanas in me neiB'"""""- rial reasons for selling. Don't miss this - .A.timltv J. H. DUMONT cu., n'" - Keellne Building Doualss 690. - . - ACRE STOCK FARM FOR SALE,. Three 1 mile west ana one mno -- Calhoun, Washington county. Neb.. 16 miles northwest of Omaha. All fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire fence. 115 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, fine waterworka system and fine Improve menu for raising and feeding hogs and cattle Telephone connection and mall delivery at farm. Price $185.00 per acre. Inquire at Ft. Calhoun State bank or HENRT ROHWBR. Fort Calhoun. Neb. 130 ACRES for sale by owner. One of the varv best stock and grain larms in . ... Kr.hra.ira. in mllea northwest of Oma- I ha: mile south of Craig. Neb., on Belt creek; Dig imp., nno iui "" ..... u.inn with mnnlna water. Will ell cheaper than surrounding farms can be bought; very easy terms. Auore" owner,- Paul Peterson, 364 Brandels Tha ater Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. SNAP 80 acres. Improved. 12 miles from Union Stock yards, IS miles from Omaha Z miles from Chalco. Half creek bet- nm h.l.nfa centla rouinr. rentcu cross-fenced. Grove at buildings. Must be sold at once. Price $225.00 per acre. Held Land Co, $70 Brandels Bldg, Doug 148. ... DANDY ection about half J11' halt grass; no buildings; $30. Two differ ent half sections, improvou, .... quarter, $40.' Unimproved quarter, $26, Jamea Pearson. Mooreflold. Neb. BIG SNAP Fairly smooth quarter, 1V4 mile Venango, Neb.; $28 per acre; carry half back at 6 per cent Adjoining land selling much higher. Act quick. Ad- 130 ACRES, well Improved farm at $17 per acre. S and miiee wesi oi or w noun, and 1 mil south. Inquire of owner. Henry Htnrlchon, Blair, rout 4 Inde pendent phone BB3J. uivt) a aaven-sectlon ranch in Hooker Co, Neb, neatJIecla. Will sell all at $10 per . acre. Oood improvement. Term easy INTER-STATE BEALII WJ. SlJ-14 City Natl. Ty. 16T2. Uvritb ma for Dloture and price my ifarm and ranche. In good old Dawe county. A rah L, Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. for H A I.K Choice farm and atock ranche an Bantee Indian reservation. Bantee State Bank, Bantee, Neb. wf. anarlallze in selling Nebraska ranches. Whit & Hoover. 464 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 160 ACRES Improved, close in. paved road. Nllsnn. 421 Securities Bldg. 640 ACRES of good land In Brown County; quick sale, easy terms. HQX l-eos nee. Oklahoma Lands. IMPROVED farms ln a section that has never had a drought Alwaya lot of rain fall. Small cash payment; ten years for the balance. Writs W. H. Jones, Immi gration Agent, Texas, Oklahoma A East era Railroad Co., Broken Bow, Okl. ' Wvomins Lands ha'S K Including paid up water rlghta Henry Levi C M Rvlander. S4 Omaha Nat'l. Miscellaneous. Joined the Colors. Must Sfl 3" Acres, $6,600, W1U1 OU iicau stock, $ horses, wagons, harass, mowing machines, hay rake, tedder, sulky plow, hcrrowa, cutivators, long Hat tools, crop in barns, rsady for Income from day ot purchase; near $ railroad towns; 267 aores loamy tillage, 60-cow pasture, valuable woodland: apple orchard, other fruit; 11 rm. house, porches, spring water; l-story barn, atanchions for 46 cows, silo, wagon, barn, grist mill, other bulldlngsl don't delay on this dandy farm close to all th art van tares 16.600 ceta everything: only 11.600 down, easy terms: details page 16, Strout's Catalogue of this and other bar. aralna. many with stock, tools, crops; read details on page 21 ot 26 acre-poultry, truck and fruit farm-avlth stock, tool, acres ot rowing crocs all for $1,600. 8760 down. Catalogue tree. E. A. 8TROUT FARM AGENCY, Dept. $07$, 206 & 18th St, Omaha Neb. FARM LAND t-OR RENT FOR RENT A two hundred acre farm, on mil and a half east of Norfolk Junction, - - :r Nebraska, on. Jiunareo ana twniy-"v acrea unaer cuiiivauon. naiance in paa- tor and hay land. For particulars, writ R. J Blair. Chadron. Nebraska. FARM LAND WANTED e-AHMS WANTED, ' Don't list your farm with . a It sou want to ep It. B. P SNOWDEN A BON. 119 Blectr Bldg. ' Doiigla 171. t- 1 ,... n uA - at. las Dt-sataa ni-laa 4u Hat farm for sale. State price, full description. D. F. Buah. Minneapolis, Minn. . AUTOMOBILES RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; larg atock used radiator cn ' hand. Mashed fender and lamp repaired Ilk new New stock of Ford honeycomb radiators OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. 11 Cuming Bt Omsha. Neb ' SAVE $660 ON YOUR SAXON. . ' Practically new, 8-passenger car; latest model; especially equipped with piston rings, spare tire and tubes and other equipment; ear sells $1,276 in Omaha; my price $800; going to war. Call Tyler 50 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. DODGE SEDAN. . Latest model, absolutely good as new; car guaranteed in first ciaaa condition: private owner. Call between 10 and 4. Harney 8744. - FORO touring car; tin condition; storage battery charged by generator; run from fan belt; electrlo light whether engine running or not; must 'be seen to be ap preciated. O. R. Munger. Phone Douglas I 688, $ a. m. to 6 p. m. Evenings South 14 - LISTEN W will save you 60 per cent onj your tire bill. Trade you old tires tor new one. Tubes vulvanlsed 6 cent, ess- Inga 6 cent a up. Rebuilt $ In 1 casting I tor tale, II up U. a. machine tor sale. v U. S. Vulcaniser Co. Branch 11, 120 ft 13th St.. Omaha-. FOR SALE Auburn seven-passenger.. 111 model; orlven 10,00 mllea; Just painted and overhauled; tour new tire on re- - serve; can be seen at Downtown garage. . istn ana Harney itreeia uak offer Best one take It FOR SALE On account ot draft, t th Cuming garage This garage la In a fin location and doing a rushing business Owner of building will nlarg and srtv a long lesse Cuming Garage, 1411 Cum in Bt N HUPMOBILE DEMONSTRATOR 1118 Modal R. flv passenger touring: guaranteed excellent condition. . VICTOR MOTOR CO.. Douglas 648. 15J6 Farnam St. O'ROURKE .GOLDBTROM AUTO CO Diatributore of . Ketsey Streamline Bodies. Ames Btlt Touring and Commerct! bodies. NEW AND USED FORHS FOR SALE. $71 South 24th St Phon Houtb x 1861 Farnam St. Phon Harney 4644. CHALMERS Roadster $360 76 iEA Bulck Light Six, splendid car...... ilaxwell Touring ., ., " f , vBARNUM-SMITII CO, ..... 1W . 1151 Cwinl)' S . . NEARLY new foiu. . , , v ... .. -: electrlo etarter, dnmeuntnble rims, rord tires. Call Dougl.ia 848 Saturday after noon or Sunday mcraina.' j AUTOMOBILES AUTO EXCHANGE CO. 2059 FARNAM ST. BARGAINS Satisfaction Guaranteed Every : Customer. M"e do honestly and sincerely endeavor to live up to this motto. W guarantee . the mechanical condition of every car In this advertisement This doe not neces sarily mean that w have overhauled every car but It does mean that we have overhauled every car that needed It Every car haa been reflnlshed through out, including new top wher necessary. Ford touring car. 1014, good running order $225 Ford touring. HIT. newly painted.. v ru 428 460 I Ford touring, nearly new. Overland roadster, electric light and atarter 400 Maxwell touring, lilt $50 Saxon six. KIT.. 600 Oakland touring, electrlo light and fort.r $00 overland touring, electrically equipped $00 , , uveriana touring, moaet uewij painted, new seat cover and nearly oew tire 400 V Marlon roadster, electrlo light and tarter $00 8S0 $00 Chalmers light six, Ilk new Briscoe touring Grant six touring. $80 Bulck 17-B 400 Bulck $7-C, Ilk new., $00 Bulck t$-B, newly painted .., 178 Studebaktr six, seven passenger 460 Molins-Kplght, sevsn-paasenger 100 Btud.b.k.r road.t.r 400 160 Studebaker $6 touring, nearly new tire, Cutting ear, touring, good tires Marlon speedster, good buy.. Scrlpps-Booth $, Ilk new Packard lis, newly painted Packard twin -six at a', bargain. 160 116 760 800 If yon ar dissatisfied with your old car trad It to ua for on yon can us. OPEN SUNDAYS. AUTO EXCHANGE CO. DOUGLAS 6036. $06 FARNAM 8T. REMEMBER - Always purchase your exchanged or re built automobile from a reliable com pany, one ln which you can place your explicit trust and confidence, on you know will be there ready to take car of you If yon need assistance. 111 Malbohm Roadster. 1918 Hudson Sedan. 1916 Mitchell Touring. 1116 Maxwell Touring. 1918 Veil Touring. 191$ Chandler Touring. 1918 Paige Touring. 1914 Allen Touring. 1916 Maxwell Touring. 1916 Ford Touring. .! 111$ Ford Town Car. .. . 1916 Auburn Touring. 191 Overland 86-4 Touring. J916 Overland 0 Country Club. 111 Overland (0 Touring. ' 1911 Overland 90 Roadster. 1917 Overland 76 Touring. , 1117 Overland 76 Roadster. 114 Overland 88 Touring. 1916 Overland 76 Touring, 1916 Overland 6 Touring. ' 1917 Overland 16-6 Touring. -, 1916 Overland 82- Touring. .191 Overland Panel Body Track. HONEST VALUES GUARANTEED MOTORS VAN BRUNT AUTO CO., $40$ Leavenworth St Phone Tyler 111$. . . nw.n TTrttrnn A 111 II ULlEi AK1JN j AlUUDCj i - - - $032 FARNAM BT. 1117 Hudson super-iix. 1917 Haynes six. 1917 Apperson chummy roadster. 2 1917 Bulck six touring. 1 117 Oakland six. 116 Dodge roadster. 117 Chalmers sis roadster. $ 117 Chevrolets. 2 1916 Chevrolet. 116 Dodge touring. 1 117 Ford touring. 1917 Ford roadsters. 1916 Maxwell touring. 1917 Republic truck. 1 Ford truck with Holl attachment 191$ Cadlllao touring. 1 1913 Bulck .touring. 1915 Studebaker six. 100 CARS FROM $100 UP All above ears are In first-class shape and will ha demonstrated to your entire satisfaction and sold with the money back If not satisfied guarantee. Come ln and look them over, s AUTO CLEARING HOUSE DOUGLAS 5183.- 203$ FARNAM ST. LOOK THEM OVER THEN COME HERE ' We will show yon who handles quality cara: then the 'price haa to suit yon. 1917 Hupp-roadster, model N $76 191T Hupp touring, model N 700 111 Stuts roadster, cord tire 1,100 1916 Hudson t-40, goo tires.... 700 117 Bulck light six touring 1917 Buick light six touring 776 750 726 e a 1917 Bulck light six touring 191$ Ford roadster, 1117 radiator and hood 126 114 Hupp $1 roadster, new tires.. 2501 11 Ford touring, real good one... 350 1917' Briscoe A, repainted .. 250 1917 Anen, practically new 600 1917 Ford touring, new tire 400 117 Maxwell. In good shape 285 1917 Chalmers six, a good one 700 Every car demonstrated to your en tire satisfaction and sold under a 14-hour trial and money back if not satisfied guarantee. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 Farnam Bt Douglas 8070, REAL BARGAINS 116 Hupmobll touring; overhauled and repainted; excellent tires $860 116 Hupmoblle touring; overhauled and in A-l condition , $686 11 Hudson (-40 touring; excellent bar gain; cash $600 116 Mitchell 4 cylinder; equipped with electrlo lights and starter ...... $286 VICTOR MOTOR CO., Douglas 648 !52$ Farnam Street FOR SALE OR TRADE 60 h. IV Mitchell chummy roadster, high speed and power. Will accept Ford ln Al - condition aa part payment A bargain. ' B. E. Frank. nouie e. i ba, penaon. web.' AN excellent 1-ton truck, chaaataoverhauled and repainted, 5Q0 rash. VICTOR MOTOR CO Douglas (41 - - Jill rarnam St WEEKLY A representative list of the best of any article refer to the list Auto Livery. SHERMAN, A. W.. 2311 N. 24th St Webster 2883. Auto livery and storage. Automobiles. 1 M'PA FFRET MOTOR CO.. 10th and HoJ ard. Doug. 3500. Fora cars w Authorized agent for Ford cars. M'INTYRE-HAYWARD MOTOR CO.. 2427 Farnam. Douglaa 2406 Stearns-Knlght and Regal cara. EiUPI k'.-HiRT MOTOR CO.. 18th and Burt Tyler 613. 100, per cent Ford serv ice to rora ownere. AMERICAN STATE BANK. I8th I8th and Far- nam. Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. Auto Painting. KOESSXO. W. F. 144 8. 40th. Har. 1448 We make old autoa look like new one. Auto Repairs. OREENOUGH AUTO RADIATOR REPAIR ING, 2024 Farnam. Douglas ituoi. AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS. 110 8. 11th Doug. 4881. Automobile work, cyl. boring pistons fitted, auto parts made to order. BERTSCHT MFO. ENGINEER1NQ CO" 8. E. Cor. 20th and Harney Bis., om pans made new, new parts made, too. P. '662 Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. 161 Davenport St Douglas 214; Auto Tops and Trimrngs. ENGLISH. THOS. F.. 2318 Harney. Doug las $786. Satisfaction guaranteed, xne beat ia none too good. Attorneys. DICKINSON, CHAS. T., 611 Paxton Blk. Douglas 1804. FISHER, H., 1418 First Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1(66 Attorney and counsellor at law FITZGERALD. JAMES M, 1017-20 City Nat. Bank Bldg. jjouglas 4508. GRAY & BRUMBAUGH, 313-14 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Red 3167. General practice ln state and' federal courts. HODDER, E. C, 644 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Douglas 2244. MATTERS, THOMAS H, lawyer, 262 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 4327. Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE AB STRACT CO, 1714 Farnam Et Dougla 1865. Adding Machines. D ALTON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINES. 424 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 1449. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Douglaa 296. 14th and Jackson. FORD -TPANSFER CO, 817 Douglas St. Tyler 1. "Always at your service." FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS. 1007 H Howard. T. 141. Let us contract to do hauling for YOU. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE, WILLIAMS, MOUNT CO., 23d and Hickory D. 1043. Mfrs. of boMers, tanks. smokestacks and oxy-acetylent welding. Biscuit Manufacturers. jteN BISCUIT CO, Capitol Ave, 12th to 13th St. Doug. 2123. Snow Whit bakery, Mfrs. of crackers, cakes and cookies. Blue Prints. FENGER, N, 306 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 2762. "Blue prints that satisfy." Butter Wholesale). ALFALFA BUTTER CO- 120-24 N. 11th St Douglas 3903. W. W. Richardson, Pres. Drug Stores. POPE DRUG CO.. 1302 Farnam. T. 2672, Gen Agt. NYAL 8 FAMILY REMEDIES. AUTOMOBILES OUR LIST IS LIMITED It 1 an established fact that th acar city of new cars, together with th stead. lly increasing; prices,, naa prompted an unprecedented demand for good uaed cars Our stock ot used cars Is extremely" lim ited and wa suggest that you avail your self of the first opportunity to Inspect these bargains. 111 6-cyllnder, 7-passenger Studebaker, aroed tires. Including extra. We have con vertible winter top that goth lth thl car. . . . 118 Brand new 4-eylinaer Btuaeoaner road ster that la slightly shop.wora. . Never been driven. . Prlc la right 11 Studebaker 6-paasenger special, with many extras and new features, - , 1917 4-cyllnder Studebaker touring; per fect condition. THE i BONNEY-YAGER AUTO CO. " " ' Studebaker Dealers. Phone Harney 676. 2550. Farnam Bt FOR SALE 118 Oldsmoblla, eight club roadster, wlr wheel. xtra tir. Tnia ear ha run only 400 mile. Owner sub- ' Ject to draft Address Box T 606. Omaha Be. , " - BARGAINS IN USED CARS All makes With and without starters, $1 to pick from . Phon D. 1241 or call at 161$ Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. MR. FORD OWNER AND DEALER. Before buying a truck se u W can I maka a track out of mak a truck out of any rora AFFORDABLE TRUCK-0.. 1107 B. 10th I . BTtR RALE At a bargain. Reo three. quarter ton truck used part time lor eignt months and In good condition. Address Box Y. 612 Omaha Bee new Maxwell cars 1918 models, tor sale. $300 cas, balance mommy payments as desired. Answers siricuy connumuai. Box 6082, Bee. CUMING GARAGE. 2415 Cuming St., D. 2831. storage, aay ana nigm service, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing FOR SALE 1917 . Ford Sedan, quippea with peedometer, tool box ana omer ex tra. Price $550.00. Fred R. Trumbull, I mile N. W. of Valley, Neb. b-or SALE 1 American Tool Works k.iwr. l-ln. atroke: 1 3 H.P. 3 -phase Gen, Electrlo Z20V motor. Ten uinKiey, Harney street. D. 1540. ibis STUDEBAKER. 6-7 passenger, ana some cash to trade lor a ugni six duick roadster. Phone Douglas 147. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam ot FORD TOURING CAR, late 117 model, per fect condition, ruuy equippea. -leiepnoae Douglas 1338 WE ARE THE dtSED CAR MEN TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 110 Farnam St. Douglaa 070. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action: no delay asu Ex change Co.. 2059 Farnam et. Doug. 6036 YOUR LAST : We are building some very fine bungalows 1 and larger .houses in Minne Lusa and we are . SELLING them as fast as they can be completed. They are right up to the minute in every . v appointment. , - " Call up TODAY if you want a REAL home in a district that will ALWAYS be good, v : Sundays call: M. 0. Headley, Colfax 3482 or E. A. Hoisington, Colfax 3472. CHARLES W. v KUiALilUltO. . y..f s 742 Omaha Nat'l. Bank COMMERCIAL GUIDE . business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. ; Building and Loan Associations. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIA TIO, N. W. cor. 16th and Dodge. Doug las 370. per cent real estate loan. Cash Registers. MORR1L CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER CO.. 2K-221 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4401. E. W. Hart. Pres. Chiropractors. ' 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Con tinental Blk.; new location, 404-49$ Bran dels Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpenter. D. 381 Cement Products OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY, 28th Ave, and Sahler St Colfax 886. Confectioners. v A. B. SWEET SHOP. THE, D. 2920, 16th & Jackson. Dainty lunches and Ice cream. Fancy and staple groceries. Dentists. EADES, DR. G. F., 201 Paxton Block. D. 1728. Not the cheapest but the beat Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., (th and Howaad sts. Douglaa zut. L.ioaK. suits, ladles' and men's furnishing, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods Electrical Goods. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 S. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com pany In the middle west. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guarantees juiss Aiienaer, oi. o 8 870. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising. HENNINGSON ENGINEERING ' CO., 1123 Farnam. D. 8229. Skilled municipal im provement engineers: sewer, paving, eleo. light, water works, appraisals, reports. ANDERSON & BENNETT. 424 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating ana power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Florists. BRANDEIS FLOWER DEPARTMENT. DOUGLAS 2020. Foundries (Iron and Brass). JAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 2614 Martha St Harney iqw, uituiuv, ii.; bronze and aluminum eastings. OLSEN & SCHL1NGER, 1407 Jackson. D. 7491. Brass, bronz and aluminum cast ings. Fish (Wholesale). BOOTH FISHERIES CO. 1108 Leavenworth St. Douglas $26. Groceries and Meats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS of everything In eatables. Watch for date of opening in First Nat'l Bank Bldg. RrHNAIIBER & HOFFMAN. 408 N. Kth Douglaa 1420. Staple groceries ana meats. Htrdware. PETERSON & MICHELSON HARDWARE CO- THE, 4916-18 a 24th Bt Boum mae. Phone South 171. Hospitals. rnnn HOSPITAL. 20th and Douglaa Sts, Doualaa 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, surgeon-in-chlef. The most com- plete hospital in the west. Hotels. MERCHANTS HOTEL. 1608 Farnam. Douglas 648. Ice. niiiHi tCE AND COLD STORAGE CO. MeCaaue Blk.. ,16th and Dodge. Douglas Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE GO. 664. Wholesale and retail Ic. 19th and Nlchola. J. L. Baker. Pre. Jewelers j". HENRICKSEN. THE LOYAL JEWELER. Douglas 1574. zui . Join oi. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS., 12 Exchanga Bldg.. Omaha. Stockers and feeder our specialty. Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO- Douglas 6526. 161 Cuming Bt Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'9 DRESS PLEATING. HEM- STITCHING AND BUTTON CO., Doug $10. Rooma $$- Paxton Blk., Id floor. DOLLAR DOWN SALE Horn and garden lota. From en to five o'clock thl afternoon, Sunday, July 21st 4 and $ foot frontage lots by usual depth for $125 ta $295, ONE DOLLAR DOWN 60 cents and one dollar per week. No Interest and no taxes. THE PRICE YOU PAY IS ALL YOU PAY Take Crosstown car line and get off at 44th and L streets, souin ciae, me ena tha Una. and walk two blocks west on L street Salesmen on the ground from one p. m. to five p. m. Sunday. SHULER & CARY I REALTORS Phone Douglas 60T4. 204 Keellne Bldg. CHANCE! MARTIN & CO. Bldg Tyler 187. Osteopaths. ANDERSON, DR. MARY E.. Douglas 1(96. Oi Bee Bids. Paints, Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO, Douglas 4J80. 1609 H Farnam St - Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO, 40th and Leavenworth. Harney 421 Lumbering Along." "Just HOAGLAND & CO, GEO. A, 724 S. Main 8b Phone 146 Lumber, lima and cement Physicians and Surgeons. DAVIS, DR. WILLIAM WINDLB. Physician and Surgeon. " " 1120-21-21 First Nat Bank Bldg. Tyler T38. CAMPBELL, DR. S. M, Physician an3 Surgeon, 1804 Farnam St Douglas 1210. Printers' Supplies. BARN HART BROS. & SPINDLER, 1114 Howard St Douglaa 1076. Printer supplies. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO. 1301 Willis Ave. Webster 278. School Furniture and Suppliea. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO, 1108-12 Nicholas St. Dougla 1911. "Everything for schools." Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO., 13th and Farnam. Douglas 346. Printing, stationery an office furniture. DOUGLAS PRINTING CO.. 109-11 N. 18th 6tv Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO., THE. 32$ Bee Bldg. Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE, 307-309 S. 17th. Douglas 808. Office, type writer, architects' and engineers' sup. . plies Loose-leaf devices. Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM CO. OF OMAHA, 218 S. 10th St Phone Douglas 7661. We rebuild dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Sporting Goods. TOWNSEND GUN CO.. 1614 Farnam. Douglaa 270. Outing and camping suppliea and outing clothing, Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER 8HEET METAL CO., 108-10-12 S. lotn st Douglas 602. Skylights, steel ceilings and galvanized sheets. Tents and A wings. NEBRASKA TENT & AWNING CO.. 1204 Farnam. D. 232 When you think of tents or awnings think of Douglas 332. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1906 Farnam. Douglaa 4121. All make. Undertakersr HULSB A RIEFEN, 701 S. 6th. D. 1226. Undertakers and embalmera. Personal at. tentlon gTven to all calls and funerals. HOFFMAN. LEO A., Cor. 24th and Dodg Douglas 3901. Experts ln embalming and funeral directing. Private chapel HEAFEY & HEAFEY, 2611 Farnam. Har- ney 265 Undeertakers and embalmera. CROSBY. WILLIS C, 2611-13 N. 24th St , j-none wenster 7. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 2340. South Omaha. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold Inter. natonal Patent Co., 683 Brandies. D .6691. Banks. OMAHA NAT'L Bank. Tyler' 100; 17th and rarnam Bts. Wall Paper and Paint. " I YETTER WALL PAPER CO, 1414 Harney, mono uougia sail, wan paper and In. terlor decorations. Wholesale and retail. WIEMER. O. L., 2302 Cuming. Doug. $783. wnoieaale and retail wall paper ' and paints. Also painting and decoratlna. BORWALK H., 2il S. Main St. " '. Doug. 683. wo handl the beat la wall paper and paints. Council Bluffs Directory Barber Shops. HOOD'S BARBER SHOP, 62 W. B'dway nea tavt. cams in connection. Observe the number ot clean towel on each customer. Boots and Shoes. " PIERCE SHOE CO., 41 West Broadway. -i-oona-eos btrong oarneld men's (hoes Wright As Peters and E. P. Reed's ladles shots. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sols Shoe. Coal and Ice. Droob ELEVATOR. CO (ft Pearl Phone 1860. Caterer to heat and oold. Lumber. ' QUINN (H. A.) LUMBER CO., sa ana vine Bt. Phon 137. "Qulnn for Quality and Quick Service." AUTOMOBILES for Sale cheap- -6-cyllnder 11 LeS. newly ' painted. Is Call Walnut 174. Ington automobile, first-class condition, quality used cars, van brunt automobile co." 2406 leavenworth st. B A RGAINS in used cars. ' ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414, USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1 AT BARGAIN PRICES. 1020 Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. - GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. $6th and Farnam St. Douglaa 1$T$. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents, D. 1600. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS, . . . $011 FARNAM" ST. DOUGLAS 19, HIGH GRADE USED CARS " AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 1 303 har nam. LEAVING CITY MONDAY. " ' Must sell Dodge roadster, A-l eondU tlon, $675. Douglas 4475. CAR, sprocket, chain, solid axle, build and dowi tire stocK. coi. 1483. 3024 Ames Ave. STEVENS-DURYEA 6-passenger tourinaj fine condition. Telephone Douglas 6251. NEW Ford Sedan; sold on payment Landon. ARGO oar for sale, $90. Doug. 6468, m Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED 1916 or 1917 Packard Peerless, Wlnton, Stutz, Locomobile or similar car, in good shape, at bargain. Address Box Y 621, Omaha Bee. Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS E. S.. 2616 19th SL Webt ster 1102 For the best results with repair work consult us..' Starters and Generators Repaired. : AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. " Anything electrical about your auto. 216 8 19th St. Douglaa 646, Avto Livery and Gara-es. RENT A FORD DRIVE-1T YOURSELF. 12c a mile, 35c per hour minimum charge. ' Sunday and holidays, 60o per hour FORD LIVERY CO.. . . Dougla 1622. 1314 Howard 8t - v Tires and Supplies. CUT YOUR TIRE COST A THIRD. USE "BUILT NU" TIRES. GUARANTEED 3.000 MILES. , Size Plain Non-Skid Size Plain Non-Skid 30x3. ...$10.35 $13.60 30x3.. 12.95 15.40 11x3Mi.. 13.95 16.50 32x3H.. 14.85 17.0 26x4 .$19.90 $23.64 37x4.. 20.85 23.88 33x4.. 21.60 4x4.21.15 24.50 .24.80 25.50 26.16 26.75 19.80 12.10 32.7 14x3.. 16.65 19.35 31x4.... 16.05 18.90 32x4.... 16.90 19.90 33x4.... 17.60 20.10 24x4.... 18.60 21.90 15x4.... 19.10 22.50 35x4.. 21.25 36x4.. 22.40 37x4.. 23.00 26x5.... 25.36 36x6.... 26.75 37x5. . 27.25 Expres charge ceived with order. paid when cash re- Omaha Radiator & Tire Works. 1 1&19 Cuming St. Tyler 917. Omaha. ' TIRE bargain specials while they last All brand new. 31x3 PI CL Goodyear Firsts $28.0 $2x4 PL S3 Firestone ..... 20 n 84x3 NS CL Kelly Spring... 24 90 35x4lk PL S3 Firestone in ' a5x5 NS CL Falls u ; Other makca and alzes In proportion. - (tenners at actual Cost OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO.. Douglas 2916. - 310 8. 19th St INSIST on O, A O quality retread and save $0 per ent on your tires ' Bargain In new and slightly used tfrea O at O, Tire Co, 2116 Leaven'th St Tyler 116I-W L'l.yni Well. Colfl, ;H':'::- 1,