Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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    " i
... - -- 1 - .
Two' Big Vessels for Carrying
S 1 Troops Are Victims of the
- i Divers, With Loss
-i of Five Lives ,
, i N cw. York, i July ."rW. The British
trnport Carpathia, 13,603 tons gross,
. . lus been sunk by a German submarine
- off the Irish coast while outward
'bound from a British port, it was
learned here. So far as known here
tio lives were lost ;
The Carpathia. was owned by Jhe
JCunardline. Prior to the war she was
; tnga.ed in Transatlantic service.
; ' Although in the service of the Brit-
ish government for several months,
Uhe Carpathia has been used as an
-American troop transport. Her .last
departure from an American porrwas
'in June. The Carpathia wa, built in
; 19(J t Newcastle, England. -'
!- f It was the Carpathia- which an-
; swered the wireless S. 0. S. call of
the liner Titanic in April, 1912, when
tfthat vessel sank on hef maiden vOy-
aae to New York, with, heavy loss
of life. The Carpathia picked up and
. ' hnded at New York 866 survivors of
the Titanic; "" .. o'-vv,
-U'i'y, Off Irish Coast. ... "W;;" ;
. London July' 19, The British
steamer Carpathia was-torpedoed in
,the Atlantic on Wednesday, it was
. (announced here today. ;; '
The Carpathia waj sunk off the
. Irish coast as she was bound ut
Fjve persons were killed on the
Cuiurd liner through a torpedo enter
ing the engine room. The remainder
of those on board took to the life-
( ' boats. . ' ; ' - . L
Three torpedoes" Swere fired'at. the
" . Carpathia and all hit the vessel Splen
did discipline was maintained. The
survivors .were in the water two
hours, the Exchange Telegraph com
pany says, when picked up by the
' steamer .which brought .;, them - into
port. The Carpathia disappeared very
quickly. A ''
.Another Ship Goes, -
The British transport Barunga has
been sunk by - submarine, the ;ad
itiir&lity announced this - afternoon.
.There werer no casualties.' . '
The admiralty statement reads:
"The transport Barunga, formerly
the German steamer. Sumatra, out
ward bound for. Australia with unfit
Australians on board, was torpedoed
and sunk by a. German submarine1 on
Monday. There were no casualties.
- The Barunga was a steamer of 7,484
tons grdss, built in Fiensburg in 19131
It was 482 feet long, 62 feet beam and
29 feet depth. " It was owned by the
, British government , ; '
.' Get One of Convoy. ; '
' ' An Atlantic Port, July 19. The
"Anchor Line steamship , Elysia, 6,397
tons gross, was sunk by. a German,
submarine" May 23 in the Mediterra
nean, while carrying cargo from the
, Far Easr! it was reported today by
passenger arriving on British steam-
v shin. 'V'.-v. f ...
, The Elysa was one of a convoy
o 22 vessels, The crew was saved.
British Sloop Sunk. (
'A British sloop was aunk by a sub
marine on Tuesday, says an admiralty
announcement today. Twelve of the
crew were" the only survivors,
" t
. (Continued from Pitt On.) .'
. Crews of the Fire, Island and Oak
Island coast euard stations left for
the scene of the disaster and had not
returned at 10:30 oclock tonight
. - Details of the San Diego's destruc
tion remained' wholly veiled tonight
txcent for a story told by an un-
identified naval aviator on patrol who
apparently .witnessed the disaster
irom the air. The story as obtained
hy villagers was that while flying
along the Long Island shore he caw
the San Diego suddenly list and later
saw hundreds of men struggling in
the water. He immediately sped for
the Point O'Woods where he landed
and got into communication with a
wireless station which lie ordered to
send out S. 0. S, calls, ' '
All the boats, manned by full crews
(rom the Fire Island and Oak Island
coast guard stations, were ordered out
this afternoon and had not returned at
10:30 o'clock tonigtft according to in-
formation front Bay; Shore, L. I. It
was said there that the men were as
sisting in" the rescue and transfer of
survivors of the San Diego who are
being landed at Point O'Woods. -'
Reports reaching Bay Shore were to
the effect that the Sar Diego sank off
The Weather
CmponUT Local Bamrds.
1111. 117. till. ISIS,
ftiyhett yitrdy ...S3 j9 , 14 , Tl
, Lowftt rterUr .-...IS 1 --, Tl ' t
Uean Umprratur .....8S 71 tS . tt
Precipitation ' .... j ..0 .11 , . .0
Tempsratura and precipitation dapartnraa
!ron tha normal: -
: . ' ra.
Normal tamparatura ....
Kxeaaa for tba da- ....
........ S
.IS Inch
.11 Inch
S.ll Inch
T.IT Inche
.11 Inch
T.H Inch
P. M. '
Total excaaa alnda March 1,
normal precipitation ...........
Dfltlncy for tba day .........
rxal rainfall alnca March 1, 'IS.
Oaflctancjr ainc March 1........
Deficiency for cor. period, HIT.,
Uaflritncy for cor. period.
- Report From Station at 7
Stat of . :
'Tamp. High
T. p. m. eat
fall. .11
, .00
, .00
. Station.
Cheyenne, cloudy ......So t
Davenport, clear ...... .St.. SO
Denver, clear ........ .tt ft
( Molnea. clear ......14 IS
Uod City, clear ......SI SS
Lander, cloudy IS SO
North Platte, clear ,...8. . tl
Omaha, clear ..v-. - l
!ahlo, pt. cloudy ' S
Rapid City, pt. Cloudy ...10' , , SI
Peoria. Clear ........... l . . IS'
Santa JT. cloudy ,..S0 ' 4
Sheridan, pt cloudy ,..4t - S4
Huron, pt cloudy ......St -. Si
Vnlentlna, clear t.i...t . - . tt
It T. ROBINS, Temp. In Chf.
Tnraford Acid Ptoaphat
A pliwdMt tonic and deiiciounly retrah
te' drink. AUrtrtiaement ,
v ' 4 t ' : : "' f" -
Cherry Grove, seven miles east of that
Washington News Meager.
Washington, July 19. Announce
ment by the Navy department tonigln
that the armored cruiser San Diegc
had been sunk today off the Long Is
land coast' indicated that German sub
marines again may be operating in
American waters. The cause of the
vessel's destruction and the casualties
that may have resulted were unknown
at a late hour.
.The vessel itself was not regarded
as a serious military loss. If it was a
victim of enemy submarines, it is ob
vious that the U boats are in the
transport lanes and close to the en
trance of New York harbor for hc
San Diego went down ten miles
southeast of Fire Island. -
Until the statements of survivors
definitely establish that the vessel
was sunk by a torpedo, there will be
a possibility that it struck a drifting
defense mine or was sent down by
accidental internal explosion.
The only formal statement issued
by the department was based on first
reports. It follows:
The Navy department has received
reports" from the third naval district
Stating that the United States steam
ship San Diego was sunk 10 miles
southeast of Fire Island ligth at 11:30
o'clock this morning. One officer
and two, boat crews were landed at
lift saving station No. 82, on Long
Island. Other survivors are in boats
and four steamers are standing by.
"So far as can be ascertained there
appears to have been no loss of life.
The cause of sinking has not yet
been determined. The San Diego was
an armored cruiser of 13,680 tons dis
placement and carried a complement
of 1,114 officers and men."
Late tonight the Navy department
would add nothing to this statement
and officers professed to have no
information as to the cause of the
loss or the number of survivors. It
was apparent officials were prepared
to. hear some lives were lost.
Raiders' Return Expected.
The return of raiders was not un
expected. v.The "San Diego was the
first major warship to be lost since
the country entered war. None hut
commercial qpastwise ships fell prey
to the submersibles on their, first
raid and in the war zone none but
destroyers, transports and small pa
trol boats have been successfully at
tacked. Despite reports of attacks on other
ships and that warnings had been sent
to coastwise shipping to keep close
to the coast, naval officials stead
fastly maintained they had no infor
nation on which to believe that the
submarines had come again. .The
sinking aroused the war spirit in the
capital more than the news of the
great drive by Americans in France,
which as a proposition of military
importance is of vastly more concern
than the loss of a comparatively un
important ship and the loss of prob
ably very few lives if any. All means
which 'the Navy department has at
its eommand for hunting the sub
marines are in action and officials
are "still entirely confident of their
ability-to protect the coasts. If an
other raid has been started with the
object of a popular agiation to cause
the return pf American naval forces
in the war zone, it will undoubtedly
prove in that respect a failure.
Preparationi have been made at the
United States base hospital at Fox
Hills. Staten island, to receive wound.
ed men. but the authorities' there
were not certain they were from the
San Diego, although that was con
sidered highly probable, v
Persona living on the Babylon
shore of the bay reported tonight that
they had heard a number of explosions
at sea this morning..
An Atlantic Port, July 19. The
coastwise steamer reported in Marine
curctes today as having sent out wire
less signals of distress on account of
a submarine had among her passen
gers a . detachment of marine re
cruits. ' ' :
Grozier Given Command
Washington. July 18. Mai.-Gen.
William Crozier has been assigned to
command the , northeastern depart
Follow the BEATON Path
and Realize a Big Saving
on Saturday's Specials
These Bargains Can't Be Beaten Except at Beaton's.
Pinkalene, for coloring waists1
pink, green and burnt orange,
af.. 25t
50c Stationery, per box... 19
15c Wash Cloths ....7d
lOe Wash Cloths...... ;.:.5d
75c Household Shears.... 59d
$1.25 Pocket Knives. . . . .89d
We have just received a large
v assortment of solid-back
; , Brushes, in all styles and sizes,
; ;from.......75i to, $3.00
85c Tooth Brushes....... 245
40c Tooth Brushes....... 29 1
$l.t6 Goetorbe Face Powder
i for ...89
$1.10 Aiurea Face Powder
for .. 31.29
50c Udor, for oppressive perspi
ration .... 29
25c 4711 Soap, carbolic and
almond .. ,.. ..12d
. Durham Duplex Razors, in khaki
kits for soldiers ....... $1.00
$2.25 Ideal Extract, os. .$1 .09
$1.25 La Trefle, per os...89
Also a large line of imported and
t domestic Perfumes, worth up
, to $2 per ,oz., Saturday. .39
10c Tom Moore Conchas, '
3 for 250
$3.50 for box of 50.
10c La Purencia, 3 for... .25
$3.50 for box of 60.
10c La Pacifico, fine Manilla 5d
$2.25 for box of 50.
5c La Calzada. 3 for. . . , . .100
Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention. '
Beaton Drug Co.
Fifteenth and Farnam ' 1. w
Overwhelming Man Power Will
Be Hurled Into Struggle to
" Comer Fall of Soissons
Expected Soon.
By Associated Press.
Washington, July 19. War depart
ment officials expect the real counter
offensive against the Germans to be
launched later this year. This was
disclosed to members of the house
military committee by General March,
chief of staff, who indicated that the
employment of possibly eight Ameri
can divisions now in the double bat
tle on the Aisne-Marne-Rheims front
would not affect materially plans to
hurl overwhelming man power into
the great struggle to come.
It was made plain the smashing
attack of Franco-American forces on
the Aisne-Marne line is as yet regard
ed as only a minor operation. The
success of the drive launched yester
day by General Foch, however, has
already been startling. Official re
ports from Paris tonight said 17,000
prisoners and 360 guns had been cap
tured. The Berlin statement admitted
French advances, but ignored Ameri
can participation and claimed 20,000
prisoners had been taken by the Ger
mans in their drive launched last
Monday. Apparently the enemy com
manders dare not admit to the German
people that American armies are al
ready fighting over a long front and
scoring repeated successes over vet
eran German divisions. ,
Soissons Capture Rumored.
Reports late in the day from Lon
don and Paris indicated that further
advances had been made by the
Franco-American forces during the
day. Official advices from General
Pershing led to a hope that Soissons,
nearly ten miles inside the German
lines night before last, would be in
allied hands within" a short time.
Rumors that it had already fallen and
30,000 additional German prisoners
had been taken were in circulation,
Lut no additional advices from Gen
eral Pershing had arrived at a late
hour. ' .
Unless the Franco-American troops
are brought to a halt definitely before
Sunday night, it is predicted that the
enemy will be forced to. fall back.
Even if he is successful in evading
the jaws of the closing trap, he will
be compelled to abandon vast quanti
ties of war material and will lose
many prisoners in making good his
escape, it is believed.
For the first time the German, offi
cial statement made no claim of hav
ing advanced on the line they assailed
There is evidence the energy of
France, Great Britain and the United
States is being concentrated on get
ting ready for later blows.
, Draft Extension to Be Asked.
The enlarged army plan Secretary
Baker told congress he was having
worked out is taking shape. It . is
certain that extension of the draft
age limits are to be asked. ,
One indication of what is being
worked out came recently when it
was announced in parliament that
British ships had carried in excess
of 300,000 American troops to France
and that British ships would be avail
able through the coming months to
transport Americans at an even in
creased rate. '
Konenkamp Complains.
Washington, July 19. President
Konenkamp of the Commercial Tel
egraphers' union complained to the
war labor board today that it had
not decided the demand of the tel
egraphers for increased wages and
better working conditions. Granting
of the right of the operators to or
ganize was the only question settled
by the .board, the complaint says.
15c Lux ' ..12t
12c Palm Olive Soap 90
15c Remmers' Soap 90
COc' Syrup Figs 470
25c Mentholatum 170
$1.00 Listerine 790
60c Listerine .......... .390
25c Listerine ...........190
25o Nature's Remedy. .. ..170
6Qc Orazin Tooth Paste.. .340
Box containing 8 tablets. . . .70
Box containing 16 tablets.. 140
Bottle of 100 tablets. ... .090
$3.75 : Hospital ' Malted Milk
for '..$2.90
25c Milk Magnesia 170
For the children, with every 25e
sale or over Saturday, we will
give you the choice of a set of
Jack and Ball, the Talking
Konkey, Toy Automobile or Bal
on. .
We develop your films free
when prints are ordered. '
2Kx3, each ...30
2Kx4U, each . . .41
Post Card Size, each .60
25 Watt, each........ J. .300
40 Watt, eachU.. 300
50' Watt, each. .300
60 Watt, each ........... 35
Italy to Use "Eagle" :Type
Of Submarine Chasers
Washington. July 19. -Italy is .o
use the new American type of subma
rine chasers, the 'Eagle" boats in its
campaign of attrition against the Aus
trian fleet in the Adriatic sea. It
was announced today the Italian
government has completed negotia
tions for taking over from the Amer
ican navy a contract for 12 of the
vessels to be built by the Ford manu
facturing company. Jtalian officers
said they regarded this as only a
forerunner of large orders.
Red Cross Starts Inquiry
Concerning Quentin Roosevelt
Washington, July 19. Every effort
is being made by the American Red
Cross through the International Red
Cross in Switzerland to obtain defin
ite word of the fate of Lieutenant
Quentin Roosevelt, who fell with his
airplane behind the German lines on
Sunday, The length of time fre
quently required to learn the fate of
aviators ranges from two weeks to
three months.
Red Cross to Dispatch
Relief Supplies to Russia
Washington, July 19. A large car
go of relief supplies, principally food
stuffs, clothing and medicine, is to be
dispatched to Russia by the Ameri
can Red Cross "at the earliest pos
sible moment." A special ship will
be used and the cargo will be ac
companied and distributed by a group
of Red Cross representatives who will
work under the direction of the Amer
ican Red Cross commission now in
8:30 a. m. 6 p. m.
Yarn Reduced
A limited quantity of khaki
color yarns ; a mixture of
wool and cotton. Former
ly. $1.00, Saturday, 59c a
Third floor
Seasonable Fabrics
Some at Savings
Beautiful Wash Goods are re
duced in price for Saturday.
The very best of materials in
choice patterns, for dresses and
blouses. Savings are important.
Opposite th silk.
Whit Ponge. Several weights
in Shantungs, suitable for blouses
and frocks. The $2 quality is
$1.69 the $2.50 quality, $1.95.
Wear Guaranteed Silks. Ber
ing's and Haskell's are both sold
exclusively ; by the Thompson,
Belden store.
Bandeaus at $1.19
Made pf flesh-colored messaline,
trimmed front and back with
cream lace, forming a V-shape at
the top. Armholes trimmed with
a neat edge to match, bottom
also has lace. Formerly sold
at higher prices. For Saturday,
only $1.19.
Sale of Women's
Athletic Union Suits
The most comfortable of all sum
mer garments, in various cool
In dimity, $1 quality, 79ej $1.25
quality, 98c
In nainsook and mull, $1.50 qual
ities, $1.19.
In flaxon, $1.75 quality, $1.39.
$2 quality, $1.59.
In Secco silk, $2.50 quality,
Cent? Aisle Main floor.
The! Shirt Sale
All Arrow, Eagle and Rialto Shirts in, colored
silks, mixtures and madras go at reductions.
Both soft and stiff cuff styles.
$12.00 Shirts, $9.65
$10.00 Shirts, $7.65
$7.50 Shirts $3.65
$6-$6.50 Shirts, $4.95
$5-$5.50 Shirts $3.95
Knlfht and His' Twenty Educated
Eloquent Son ;ttr.
Black Factd Comedian.
"Tha AcroWlc Kid ?
- 'FOX COMEDY. . '
. i
"Lend Me t
Your Name"
The Bee Fund For
Free Milk and Ice
The suffering, sickly babies of the
very poor cannot ask your help for
themselves. We do it for them
through this column.
How many of them can receive the
pure milk and cooling ice that means
health to them depends Jpon the
amount of money that comes into the
Will you do a part to help these
helpless little ones?
Every cent goes to buy milk or
ice for the babies and little children
of the honest poor.
Send or bring any sum from 10
cents to $5 to The Bee office.
Previously acknowledged ...$352.00
Cash, Genoa, Neb.. 2.00
Margaret 1.00
Total ....$355.00
Italian War Cross Awarded
U. S. Ambulance Workers
Washington, July 19. Twenty-one
American Red Cross ambulance driv
ers have been awarded the Italian
Cross of War for bravery during the
recent Austrian offensive which was
crushed by the Italian army. Red
Cross headquarters here was so ad
vised today in a cablegram from
Rome. '
Eight Belgian Captives
Saved by King of Spain
Madrid, July 19. Intervention by
King Alfonso has brought reprieves
to eight Belgians condemned to death
by a German court at Brussels. This
announcement is made by the foreign
Qhe fashion Center Jor Womei
JJmily Inomies Yotf!l LSfe to Sltaro Hm
Coolest Neckwear
Collar and cuff sets of dain
ty organdies, crepes and
"Vestees of organdie and
lace- waistcoats of pique.
Fresh styles at moderate
prices. See them.
Apron Fashions
For Every Purpose
Red Cross aprons, with long
or short sleeves, $1.75 to
Maids' and nurses' aprons, long
or short styles, with or without
bibs:,not a bit expensive.
Black sateen aprons for office
' workers,1 anextra value for 79c.
Children's Wear
For Less Saturday
.Spring coats and .' colored
dresses have new reduced x
prices that will make them
immensely attractive. v
Toilet Requisites
"Rit," all shades, (10c
Powder de Riz, 25c
Creme Oil Soap, 10c
Puffs, - - -. - 10c
Here Is Qda'Iity
Silk boot hose, with lisle tops
and soles. A fine quality in
black, white, brown, gray and
Russian calf, $1.
Sale of children's socks. A great
many styles and qualities, for 19c
a pair.
- Men
$444.50 Shirts $3.15
$3-$3.50 Shirts. $2.35
$2.50 Shirts, $1.95
$2.00 Shirts, $1.65
$1.50 Shirts, $1.35
Men's ShopTo the left at you enter
Presents -M)
When Buying Advertised Goods
Say You Read of Them in The Bee
(Continued From Pae One.)
match 1,000,000 Americans, man. for
man, against 1,000,000 of any other
nation. The effect of recent events
overseas will improve the morale of
our men in France and the people at
home because our men who have been
sneered at by the Huns have met the
picked men of autocracy and have
defeated them. Let us keep on making
ships and airplanes" and let us con
tinue to send cannon balls into the
German regiments."
Mr. Kennedy believes that Ameri
cans have learned the lesson -oi thrift
in this war ('and he referred to the
great problems which must be met
after the war. He urged that those
who are at home maintain democracy
in Hs truest sense; that we should
think and speak in one language if
we are to have ideals that are alike
and he emphasized the importance
of taking more interest in people who
come to this land from foreign shores,
to see that they become good citizens.
Sees Beginning of End.
Victor Rosewater told the club that
there is ample reason for the republi
can party to remain on the firing line,
notwithstanding that somebody has
said that politics has been adjourned.
"It seems that we are at' the be
ginning of the turning point in this
great war," Mr. Rosewater said. "We
should not only back up the boys who
are over there, but we must sec that
Last of the Summer Coats
Only Eighty-Nine Left
Two Prices, $12.50 and $21.75'
We desire a quick clearance as the room is
needed for Fall Stocks now arriving.
$25 to $50 Coats
Everybne in stock. Mix
tures, . light - weight series
taff etas , satins; sleeveless
coats and sport coats. Sev-.
enty-one in the group, for
$12.50. !
Sizes are 16 to 38 only. All sales
The Blouse Sale
Summer blouses bear
new prices' from $2.95
up to $14.75; all of
which are a great deal
lower than usual.
Silk Petticoats are $2.89.
Saturday a Footwear Event
Pumps and Oxfords Reduced
LOT ONE Pumps of white and
brown kid, gray patent leather
and tan kid; values upC AC
to $9. Saturday, JU.VJ
Woman .
'HgSSJ I -r-m ' - ' 5
Presents J?S U ?
A -a 1P1 I "OTHER MEN'S 3
n Ait- xmEt -
the principles of true democracy are
maintained at nome. ... .
"The republican, party is the only
national party in this country. : The
democratic party 'is controlled by an
,. i - - 1n.!fi3ttnir as
any autocracy in, Europe. We do not
want any 50-50 Americanism, as a
distinguished American has said. The
republican party had a mission to per
form during the civil warand it has
a mission to "perform now."
"The longer I live the more I be
lieve in the constructive genius of the
republican party, because the older
I grow the more sen$e I have, E. A
Benson, chairman, stated.
Ten Per Cent Minimum :
Favored for Income Tax
Washington, July 19. A 10 per
cent minimum iqcome tax for indi
viduals and corporations, in lieu of
the present 4 per cent for individuals
and 6 per cent for corporations, was
favorea at today's executive session .
of the house ways and means commit
tee, which is drafting the new war
revenue bill. No conclusion was
reached, however. Lowering of the
fixed amounts exempted from taxa
tion also was discussed, but sentiment
largely was in oppositioiu
Teutons Seek to Suppress .
Death News From U-Boats.
Washington, July 19. An official
dispatch made public today said that
in an effort to hide from the German
public and the crews of submarines
the extent of submarine losses, the
high naval command has issued an
order forbidding the statement , in
death notices that the deceased was
a member of a submarine crew, unless
the submarine has been officially an
nounced. ' ' .'
Coats Priced
Above $50
Unusually fine styles in thV
best of materials. Only ;
eighteen of them, for $21.75
final. No C. O. D.'s or alterations.
Other Bargains
In the July Sales
Include dresses, suits
and skirts.
Plan to come to these
LOT TWO Includes all low-heel
pumps, besides some high-heel
styles, in black and field mouse,
brown kid, also black and gray
kid oxfords, with champagne
combinations. Values QC
up to $8. Saturday,
LOT THREE Two hundred and
fifty pairs of pumps, in brown
'and black kid and patent leath
er, with gray and white combina-'
tions. Sizes badly broken. Gen
uine bargains. Sat- CO QC
urday, at )i.VJ
All .!e. finI.