Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1918, Page 15, Image 15
f r." J I FOR RENTHOUSES Misrrllanomis 111 15C N. 10th, room. bath, warm . Ill N. nth. I room, large yard. 20JI 8t Marys. 1 room. new fur ' $ 110 8. 20th, 10 rms., furnace. Ulngwalt Bros.. Brandels Thca. Bids. v lit NORTH 0th St.. I.p. mart, flat 111. Ml North nth St. e-r. mod. apt.. (27.80 Mil Capitol At.. T-r. mod. home, (30. MSI Harney Bt , t-r , hot water ht . IT 10 IJWBROS., 110 Kesllns Bid. Tyler 721 UST your property for rent or eale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtor Tyler T2f. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OK THB C1TT. CREIQH 8QN8 CO. BBB BLDO aEai i i igan FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. JASI1LTON APTS.. fireproof, fine lawn and flower; best location; 24th and Farnam. Price reasonable. Call D. 1471 North. 816 N. 25th, 7 rma., 132.60. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 166. (S3 Securities Bldg. KSTABROOK Apartments, 4 rooms, (25, 3 rooms (23. O. P. Stebblns, 110 Chics go. Miscellaneous PETERS TRUST CO., Sporlallstsln Apartment management. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. 14TH AND DOUGLAS BIG SNAP-411,000. ' Three-story brick building; rents $115; lot 22x132; must sell to settle estate You will have to hurry. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 5962. SI 9 -SCO City National. STORES FOR RENT 1115 per month, store room 22x60 feet, full basement. 120 South 10th street. $140, per month, 114 South 15th street. Wells-Fargo company location. Full basement and extra room on 2d floor, Bteam heat. 175 per month, 316 South 19th street, very desirable room for auto accessories or applies, large basement and office room on 2d floor, Lease 3 to 5 years. WORLD REALTY COMPANY. ' Ttouglas 6312. Sun Theater Bldg. GOOD paying garage, with gas pump and complete stock of accessories and supplies. In an Iowa town of 600 population, 40 miles from Council Bluffs. Can have Hupmobils and Maxwell agency. Will either sell half Interest or all. The rca. on for soiling, the partner Is drafted, to leave this month. Act at once. Ports mouth Auto Co., Portsmouth, la. STORE FOR RENT. South half of 411 South Ibth Street, very renter of the first-class retail section. GEORGE & COMPANY, DOUGLAS 756. OFFICES should be chosen wlh care. The ties Building satisfies careful tenant. Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 131. BTORE North 16th St.. near P. O.; low rent. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 phlcago. Office and Desk Room OFFICES in Saundera-Kennedy building. See Alfred Kennedy Company, Agents, 205 South 18th St. WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished liouse, 6 roums, In Bemls neighborhood for one year. Phone 439. Y. M. C. A. . FURNISHED house for O;renchofflcefs. close to Fort Omaha, Box 744. Omaha Bee. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses LIST your nouses for rent with us and get results. More requests than bouses; give us bouses. Payne Investment Co., Kealtors 627 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg D. 1781. ilODERN" suburban home. Describe fully. Will pay satisfactory price for satisfactory pine. Box 7"9. Oninhn IVc MOVING AND STORAGE FREE S FIDELITY 16th and jackson doug. 2s8. storage. moving, packing, reasonable rates, free rental service, complete list of all vacant houses and apartments. Metropolitan van & storage io. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; nlfice on Howard St., between 15th and 16tu. Phone Tyler 3401). Have your moving handled just as you would an order for new furniture. Thai's tbe way we do It. Ask to see our dally rental lists " PI REP ROOF W A REHOUSE? Separate locked rooms for household foods and pianos: moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO , 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4163. Globe Van and Storage Go. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 433S. J, T? V?'PT1 Express CoZ Moving . J. IX Hi Hi LJ packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2743; Douglas 6146 OMAHA EXPRESS CO. j LARGE moving vans; careful men. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. D. 3364 REAL ESTATE B'nesa Pr'ty We WILL buy your dome or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Klectrio Bldg. Tyler SI. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. COTTAGE HOME A half block south of Center St. and the car line, on 50th St., (-room cottage, In tplendld condition, electric lighted, large lot and dandy shade trees and hedge. A great place for garden and ehlckeni and for children, too. Only $1,200, on payment plan. Another 6-room place, s with 3 lots, In thl same general location, but further from car line, at same price. HARRISON & MORTON, 16 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 314. 8-ROOM BRICK Sight In town. On 24th Ave., Just south of Harney, fronting wist. Has a future. Owner would take lease I .: at $600 a year or give possession. - Just the thing for something safe and sure and a place to Jive while your property (rows In value. New hardwood finish and very desirable throughout, $6,600. HARRISON & MORTON, Realtors. . 1 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 814. BOULEVARD BARGAIN. On the Prettiest Mile, well built, oak finish, T rooms and 2 bath rooms, good furnace, vegetable cellar, laundry tubs, hot water heater, lot Is 45x465, driveway, cement walks, all. specials paid, and the price Is right; good terms P. J. TEBBENS CO., (OS Omaha Nat. Bank. . 2182. EtEOANT HOME FOR SALE. OWNER LEAVING CITY, (room modern, mile northwest from postofflce, first-claps residence district; paved streets; 1 block from streef car line, 10-mlnute walk from business dis trict Cash preferred; will accept two thirds payment down and balance terms. Box El 2, Omaha Bee. FORTY-FIRST AND CASS STS. ( ROOM, 84.000.00 Six rooms modern, newly decorated, full basement, furnace heat, close to Saunders school; few blocks to new cathedral. J. I.. HIATT CO. OOP First N'at'i Bank Bldg. Tyler 63. 8631 HAMILTON STREET. $3,150. Oak and birch finished, very modem S-rnom bungalow, with sleeping porch.' JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1803 FARNAM. WE SELL, rent Insure and make loans on city property, north MITCHEL INVESTMENT CO. 84th and Ames Ave. Col. 217 ( 125.00 PER month and a small cash pay ment down will buy a new bungalow, 4 rooms and bsth. east front Doug. 1016. EW up-to-date T rooms, oak finish, large lot fine location; price 16.250; terms. (137 K 4th St Norrls A Norrls. D. 4270. I REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Oak throughout Cut to $3,050. Only $300 cash. Call days, Douglas 3140. MINNIE LUSA homes and lots offer 'he best opportunity to Invest your money riinns lyier 1ST North BEAUTIFUL HOMfT Located In north part of town, 8 rooms, all modern, garage for two ears, ce ment floor, full south front lot, good shade, pared street; paving paid; lower floor finished as follows, living room ana hall in rosewood, with nice oak mantel and fireplace, dining room and library In gray enamel, kitchen, and pantry In white enamel, all beautifully decorated; the second floor la finished in Old Ivory and decorated to match, beautiful elec tric fixture throughout; thl home is only 200 feet from the park and over looks Florence boulevard: 314 block from street car; location can't be beat; owner lives out of town; will sell on terms; price only (4-.500. THINK OF IT. The lot alone is worth $1,800. THONE DOUGLAS 1313 OR WALNUT 1708. ADDRESS 5019 CHICAGO ST. A BRAND NEW S-room and bath cottage not far from Fort Omaha, can' be bought for $3,960; only $100 cash Is needed; the balance Is to be paid at the rate of $27.60 month ly; good neighborhood and close to car, etc.; front east; neighborhood of new homes; ready for Inspection. CALL WALNUT 677. $100 CASH DOWN and $23 per month buys a nearly new 5 room bungalow In nice new neighborhood; city water, bath room, electric lights, ce ment walk 1n yrd, full cemented base ment. Call Walnut 3613. FINE MILLER PARK HOME. . ONLY $609 CASH. Six rooms: hardwood finish; most new; large Jot, 70x166; cement drlve-vy to a garage. . W. H. GATES, 64T Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Douglas t294. $250 CASH DOWN. and $33.60 per month buys a brand new strictly modern 6-room bungalow; fine location, one block from car line, close to school, near Miller park. Call Wal nut 3613. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, three lot and fruit trees. Good bargain as owner is leaving town. .38th SDd Maple streets. Phone Webster 743. IF you are going to buy a homo, see this first; a fine five-room house; electric lights, gas "end water. Price 82,000. See owner at 3330 Manderson. SEVEN room, hot water heat, doble garage. On car line, 83,250. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous. 6-H. MuD. tHOUSB, ONLY $300 CASH. t,argo corner lot. 126x150, one block from car; price- $2,500. W. II. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294. 5-ROOM cottage, two blorUs from car, full lot, 32,000. Terms, 3300 canh, balance 820 per month. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. 642 Paxton Block. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES. COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER A SHOTWELL, 20! S. 17th St. Douglas 6011. HOMES AND HLMESITES, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 617 Om Nat Hk Bids Doug 1711. V. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam St. Douglas 1064. NEW oak bungalow, $3,600; completely modern; fine corner lot; $250 cash, 832.60 per month. Call Douglas 3140. I) WRAP SELLS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty LIVE DRUG BUSINESS FOR SALE Must sell quick. Am going into military service. Stock Invoices 810,000 to 312.000. Last year's business, $20,000. Would con sider trade on farm land, IIEOKER DRUO CO.. Humphrey, Neb. WE WILL buy your home or business jrop- orty and pay cash. H. A. WOLFE CO.. Electric Bldg. , Tyler 88. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY & SON, -620 First National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE! Investments MR. INVESTOR, I HAVE A BARGAIN FOR YOU IN AN OMAHA PROPOSITION, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL AT 103 BEE BLDU. T. SULLINAN. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 2 lots south and east front; will take auto or sell cheap: call Benson 736-J. North. PRETTIEST MILE LOT 69x404 ft, one of those unique lots fronting west on Florence boulevard with a magniflfcent view to the east from the rear. This lot Is near the head of Fort street, very available to car, paved street. Only a few such lots left Act quickly If Interested. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS (16 Omaha Nat'l. Doug. 314. West. HAPPY HOLLOW lot; 100 ft. front 33,250.00. Web 1592. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. South FOR 8ALE 1 lots, just south of Elmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Box 7 1188. Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. GARDEN lots, near car line, 3125 to 8295; 31.00 down; 60 cents week; no Interest; no taxes. Phone Doug. 6074. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN benso.n. 20 ACRES, NEAR BENSON, WELL IMPROVED. 6-room house; large barn, chicken house, corn crib. Two acre grapes, 200 cherry, 100 plum and 25 apple trees. Three acres alfalfa, 3 acres pasture, 7 acres plow land. Priced low at $8,000; $3,000 cash will handle. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr, Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST JUST LISTED 10 6-acre tracts on Krug Park road, most desirable building sites in Douglas county. More Information In Sunday papers. INTER-STATE REALTY CO., 913-14 City National. S. H. Browne, Manager. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE OR TRADE 4 nice lots, with 6-room house In Council Bluffs. Price $1,800. Plenty of fruit and good shade. A nice little home for someone. Will trade or sell on terms to salt, or take a new or second-hand auto. Telephone Douglas 6187. Dundee. DUNDEE HOME $300 down for a strictly modern, brand new, 6-room bungalow. Liberty bonds or W. S. stamps same as cash. Douglas 8840 or Colfax 4193, owner. ATTRACTIVE (-room bungalow; fireplace, sleeping porch and garage. Dundee. Wal nut 1785. Miscellaneous FOR SALE Two beautiful lots Just south of Elmwod park In Overlook addition; full itze iota, (0x150. Owner leaving the city will sell cheap for cssh. Act quick. Address Box T 1165. Omaha Bee. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 2.000 DAY-OLD-CHICKS Rocks. Reds, Or pington. Leghorn. Webiter 1708. 2212 Charles. WHEAT screenings, (2.(0 per 100. Delivered. Wgner. 801 N lth St. Phone Dous 1141. HorsesLive Stock Vehicles FRESH Jersey heifer, two weeks old. Young mars and pigs. 4048 Fort St A. M. Grant THE BEE: REAL ESTATE WANTED FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE WANTED It you have a substantial, modern (furnace not Important), five-room home In good 'neighborhood aid on through car lino that you will aell on payments with about (2U0 to (iOO cash payment telephone South 16S and give price and location at once Must be clear and all on one floor, and worth around $2,000. Distance not impvr. tant If good location and near through ar line. 1610 S. 25th street. WANTED RANCH OR FARM Presa brick business block and residence property; also $30,000 worth mnrtsge pa- S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. uif nt i nana Bldg. WE HAVE several good rellabiebuyertor $ and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 416. 791 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. HAVE customer for all modern T-room bungalow or cottage in good neighborhood; price between about $3,000 and 14,000 Call Walnut 3613. WANTED 6 or s-ruum modern house near Hanscom park. About 13,000 F D Wead, 310 8. 18th St. That extra room will bill. Rent it through a ay your coal Itt want Ad. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. HAVE that Installment loan on ypur home changed to a straight five-year loan and relieve yourself of that monthly burden. E. H. Lougee. Inc.. 638 Keeltne Bldg. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. QUICK ACTION ON LANDS. ' W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1631. 5V2 FARM LOANS CI C PAUL PETERSON. O ,0 364 BRANDE1S THEATER BLDG OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omsha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1711. CITY AND FARM LOANS. S, B14 and 6 Per Cent J. H. DUMONT CO.. Keeline Bldg. 5Vs CI MONEY K1 Cf 2 O HARRISON &MORTON.J 72 , 0 019 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg 8100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 1 Sth and Farnam Sta. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloks Investment Co., Omaha Private Money. SBOPEN & COMPANY Douglas 4221. Miscellaneous I MUST UNLOAD I hsve by purchase and lease acquired a large acreage of land In six different oil fields In Wyoming. I have been called In the next draft which mean I must get out from under or lose every dollar I have Invested. This is your chance to get in on the fight end of an oil Invest ment. The best offer on any tract buys It. Call for Robinson at 812 Bee Building. LOW RATES. C. O. Carlberg. 312 Brandal Theater Bldg., Doug. 686. FARM LAND FOR RENT FOR RENT A two hundred acre farm, one mtlo and a half east of Norfolk Junction, Nebraska. One hundred and twenty-five acre under cultivation. Balance In pas ture and hay land. For particulars, write R. J. Blair; Chadron, Nebraska. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with u It you want to ''eep it. E. P. SNOWDEN & SON, 610 Elect r. Bldg. Douglas 9171. FARM AND RANCH LANDS FOR cash only, 960 acres Aurora County, South Dakota, well Improved, fine land; price $75 per acre; good term. J, C. At kin Land Co., Perry, la. 100 GOOD Iowa farms. Improved; 20,000 acre Southern Minnesota land tor sale; we handle exchanges. Write us your wants J. C. Atkins Land Co., Perry, la. Arkansas Lands. JULY 16TH. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark W S FRANK. 01 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE 320 acre homestead, relinquish ment In Custer county, Colo., good soil; mall improvement; part fenced, cheap, if taken at nee. Address Box Y 622, Bee. Nebraska Lands, A GOOD RANCH CHEAP Owner must go to war," and will sell at big bargain 1,720 acres, 11 miles from good railroad towns. Most of the build ings are new and made of the best ma terial, the owner being in the lumber business. Two of the finest barns In Lo gan county, two granaries, a six-room house, well and mill and many water holes that never go dry. About five hun dred acres of level hay land, very heavy, and Includes considerable blue grass and some alfalfa; about 150 acres of level land under cultivation, most of which Is In rye and big crop. On this place there are some fine reg istered Double Standard Poll Herefords that will be sold wilh or without the place, also the entire stock and machin ery, all at a bargain, and the land at $17.50 per acre, with a ten per cent dis count' for cash paid. Don't send for further particulars, but come at once and see it. I have other ranches for sale, but this is a special bar gain and will sell early. R. E. BREOA, Callaway, Neb. 473 ACRES 100 PER CENT EFFICIENT LAND. This land highly productive, being sub Irrigated; sandy loam, raised crops every year since breaking sod, 80 acres under cultivation, 60 acres good alfalfa, balance pasture, every foot can be farmed, small house, barns, sheds, corrals, granarit-s and garage, and in fact all ready to step in and begin producing and making money Three fine groves and small orchard, 3 miles from town and main line U. P. R. R., in good live community and convenient to good markets. A place to make money and to make an Ideal home, trees, shrub bery, garden, etc.; very easily grown and well adapted to climate. This Is an ex ceptional place snd well worth the price I ask, 1125 per acre; I have very good rea sons for selling. Write or inquire Box 68, Ogallala, Neb. 200-ACRE STOCK FARM FOR SALE: Three miies west ana one mile north ot f t Calhoun, Washington county. Neb., 15 miles northwest of Omaha. All fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire fence. 115 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, fine waterworks system1 and fine Improve ments for raising and feeding hogs and cattle. Telephone connection and mail delivery at farm. Price $185.00 per acre. Inqulfe at Ft. Calhoun State bank or ""'"i nun w irt, t ort Calhoun, Net) 320 ACRES for sale by owner. One of the very Dest stock and grain farms In east ern Nebraska; 40 miles northwest of Oma ha; 6 miles south of Craig, Neb., on Bell creek; big Imp., fine location, large blue grass pasture with running water. Will sell cheaper than surrounding farms can be bought; very easy term. Address owner, Paul Peterson, 3C4 Brandels The- ier tuag., urn aha, Neb. HOLT COITNTr CiRM von a Ai l? 160 acre, located ( miles from O'Neill, lies level, all good, black, sandy loam soil; produces any crop grown in Nebras ka; 20 acre under plow, balance hay land, which can all be broken and profi tably farmed; price (45 per acre, one-half cash, balance good terms; wiil not be on the market long. See M. A. Larson, .-u.mi vuy, IN CD. 2 acre'v Improved, 12 miles from Union Stock yards, 18 miles from Omaha. 2 mile from Chalco. Half creek bot tom, balance gentle rolling. Fenced and crops-fenced. Grove at building. Must be sold at jmce. Price $225.00 per acre. Held Land Co., 870 Brandels Bldg., Doug A DANDY section about halt cultivated, half grass; no buildings; (30. Two differ ent half section, Improved, $40. Improved auarter, (40. Unimproved quarter. (25. lames Pearson, Moorefield. Neb. 120 ACRES, well improved farm at (175 per acre. 3 and mile west of Fort Cal noun, and 1 mil south. Inquire of owner, Henry Hinrtchson, Blair, route 4. Inde pendent phone BB33. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches in good old Dawes county. Arab. L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. WE epeciallzo In celling Nebraska ranches. White A Hoover, 454 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. . 160 ACRES Improved, close In, paved road. Nllson, 422 Securities Bide OMAHA. . SATURDAY. JULY FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska and Iowa Lands. CORN AND ALFALFA FARM FOR SALE. 160 acres, with fairly good uulldlngs. In east central Nebraska, four and one-halt mile from town, on main line U. P. 4e R.; 15 acre pasture, balance In corl alfalfa and small grain; black loam soil, every foot tillable. Price, 1120 per aore. Terms: $5,000 cash, balance long time at 6 "4 per cent FARM RENTERS, ATTENTION. 120 acres, JO mile from Omaha, 414 miles from R. R. town, about 100 sere cultivated, balance In feed lots, , --lure and timber; extra good buildings. Price only $165 per acre; very easy term. This is a rhanoe to get a home of your own which you can pay for in a few year out of crop income. Don't lose this op. portunity ONE OF THB BEST FARMS IN IOWA. 740 seres, with extension and good Im provements, all under tho plow except 70 acres native hay, 10 acres alfalfa and 60 acres pasture. All level except tho pasture land. Price, $350 per aoie. NO TRADES. Owner will sell one-quarter section separately for 1226 per acre. It lays 14 nille from tho other land and has no buildings on it J. H. DUMONT A CO., REALTORS. 416-1 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. 60 Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a.. Including psid up water rights. Henry Levi ACM. Rylander, 864 Omaha Nat'L MONEY TO LOAN Organised by the Busliusa Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security 340, 6 mo., H. goods, total, $3.60. L'maller, larger am'ts. proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 432 Securities Bldg., 16th A Fsrnam. Ty. 661 LOAN3 OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 1 11 SMALLER LOANS. ilf 1 i'O W. C. FLATAU EST. 189J. 10 6TljFLR, 8ECURITINES BLDG. TY. 960. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malniihnck. 1614 Dodge D. R619 Est. 1S91 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET Beef Cuts Wholesale prices of beef cuts effective .luly 15 are as follows; No. 1 loins, 37Mic; No. 2 loins. $5Hc; No. 1 lolnB, inlaid No. 1 ribs, 33,c; No. 1 ribs, 32'ic; No. 3 ribs. 16c; No. 1 rounds, S80; No. 2 rounds. 28c; No 3 rounds, 22ic: No 1 chucks, 23c; No. 2 chinks, 22c; No. i chucks, 16c; No. 1 plates, 164o; No. 8 plates. 16c; No, 3 plates, 14o. Fish Catfish, "odd sizes, larg. 2 80 lb.; halibut. 23o lb.; black cod, large .lies, 15c lb.; trout, size to suit, 23c lb.; Royal White Chinook salmon, 20c lb.; whlteftsh, 18o lb.; yellow pike, 21c lb.: pickerel, llo lb.; Red Clnook salmon, 25o lb.; blood-red bullhead, large, 21o lb.; medium, 18o lb.; rook bass. lb. each, 20o lb.; yellow ring perch, H lb. each, 19c lb.; herring, llo lb.; haddock, 12c lb.; steak cod, eastern, 15o lb.; crap pies, 2022o lb.; buffalo, large, 14j lb.; white perch, llo lb.; carp, large, 12o lb.; steak cod, western, 11c lb.; gulf red snapper, 22c lb.; frozen large bass, 20o lb; frozen skinned whiting, odd slses, flaky, almost boneless, 16-lb. baskets, per basket $3.66; round, 7o lb.; frozen round pink salmon. 14o lb.; frozen red salmon. 22o lb.: frozen pink salmon, 20c lb.; frozen sturgeon, llo id.; irozen opanisn macKerea, 11a id.; rozen native rail mackerel, Zlo lb.; frozen floun ders, 12o lb.: frozen soles, 12o Ib.r frozen western red snapper, 100 lb.; frozen silver melts, 12o lb.; frozen No. 1 white mullets 60 lb.; frozen Canadian Tulllbee whitefish, average lb., 10c lb.; frozen Canadian whlteflsh, large, dressed or round, llo lb.; irozen uanaaian oressea pickerel, 110 ID.; frozen Canadian round pickerel, 10O lb.; frozen dressed herring, large, 9o lb.; round 8c lb.; baracuda, 14o lb.; sea rock bass, 14c lb.; roe shad, 24c lb. Fruits Oranges: 80s, (6a, 126, (18. (14s, $7.50; 120s, 176s, 216s, 200s, 2(0. (8.00. Lemons: Sunklst, (10.60; Red Balls, (10.(. Bananas, 7c to 7Ho lb. Peaches: Califor nia, (1.15 box; Elbertas, $(.25 bu.; Georgia Elbertas, 6-basket crate, (3.2S crate. Plums, California: Tragedy, Santa Rosas, $2.60; Climax and Burbanks, (2.26. Apricots, Washington, $3.25. Cantaloupe: Standards, 45s. (4.00; ponys, 64s, $3.(0; flats, 12 to 15. $1.50. Watermelon. (0 lb., crate extra. Vegetables Lettuce: Bead, 94.00 erst; head, (1.26 doz. ; leaf, 6O0 dot. Cabbage, 90-lb. crates, 4Ho lb. Onions: Yellow Cali fornia in 100-lb. sack, IUt lb.: home grown, 20o doz. Radishes. 30o doz. Pota toes, new, (Ho lb. Asparagus, 50a dts. Michigan celery, 600 do. Telephone pes, 15c lb. Cucumbers, (2.00 box. Beans, -..-ax and green, $1.60 basket. Summer squash, 31.00 doz. Beets, 40o dos. Carrots, 40o doz. Artichokes, (1.50. Oreen peppers, market basket, (1.60. Tomatoes, 4-basket crate, $1.60. Limes, $5.00. Garlic, 17o. Egg plants, 82.00 box. Miscellaneous Crackerjack, checkers. chums, $5.60; 'A cases, $2.85. Ear popcorn, 8 c lb.; Bhelled popcorn, 1-lb. pkgs., 4-doz case, $4.00. hree B. honey, 1-lb. glasses, 1 doz. case, $3.85. Salted peanuts, 88.00, Peanuts, 17c to 20c lb. Hradstreet's Trade Review. New York, July 19. Bradstreet' tomor row will say: Government needs and war work dom inate, and Industry, despite rather more un settlement In labor lines, is still at a very swift pace. Wholesale and Jobbing trade at primary centers reflects some seasonal slowing down and is quiet In comparison with the speed In Industry, but In the larger market of the west, south, northwest and Pacific coast, the reports are that trad la large and demand eager for an ordinary dull period. Retail trade, notwithstanding a good number of midsummer sales. Is quiet er then for some weeks past, but sven at that loses nothing In comparison with the volume of business doing at this date In other year. Weekly bank clearings. 36, 476,878,000. Omaha Hay Market. Receipt light on both prairie hay and alfalfa; demand fair to good, causing the market to be firm and higher on all grades of hay and straw. Prairie Hay Choice upland, (11.00; No. 1, (is.oolg.oo; No. 2, (12.0011.00; No. (, 36.0009.00. Choice midland: No. 1 , (16.00 17.50; No. 2, (11.0014.00. Lowland: No. 1, $11. U0&13.00; No. i, 87.0008.00; No. i. $5.00&6.00. Alfalfa Choice, $28.00; No. 1, 20.00 21.00; standard, 116. 60018. 00; No. 2, $14,00 016.00; No. 3, $10.00 11.00. Straw Oat, $9.0010.00; wheat. $9.00 10.00. . Cotton Futures. New York, July 19. Cotton futures open ed teady; July, 29.20c; October, 25.68c; December, 25.08c; January, 24 88c; Maroh, 24.81c. Cotton futures closed dull; July, $8.(2o; October, 25.46c; December, 24.78c; January, 24.69c; March, 24.44c. Spot cotton, steady; middling, 24.10c. New York, July 19. Cotton closed at 25.43c. ' Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Oa., July 13. Turpentine noth ing doing; 60c; sales none, receipts 163bbls., shipment 241 bbls; stocks zt.850 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales 90S bbls; shipment! 212 bbls; receipts 677 bbls; stock 70,736 bbls. Quote: B D E F, 39 86; O, $9.90; H, 19.95; I, 10 10; K, 10.60; Mi $10.70; N, WG, WW $11. 00 New York General. New York, July 11. Butter Market steady and unchanged Eftgs Market irregular but unchanged. Cheese Market firm and unchanged. Poultry Alive, market Irregular; broil ers, 33338c; fowls, 33c; others unchanged. London Money. London, July 11. Silver Bar, 48 18-16d per ounce. ' Money 2 M per cent. Discount Rates Short and three-month bills, 3 17-32 per cent Metal Market. Ne wYork, July 11, Lead, steady; pot, $8.05; spelter, quiet; East St Louis, spot, $8 40S8.5O. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, July If. Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.601.70, Oats No. 3 whits, 74 H 75 Kc M, Louis Grain St. Louis, July 11. Corn August, $1.(84; September, $1.64. Oats August, 71c; September, 70e. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo... July 11 Butter and Poultry Unchanged. Eggs Flrt 27c; sec onds, 31c. Purar Market. , New York, July II. Sugar Raw, steady; centrifugal, 6.056c; fins granulated, 7.50c. 20. 1918. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Prices Remain Steady; Hogs Run From Steady to 10 Cents Lower; Sheep Firm. Omaha, July 19, 1918. Rscelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 8,!!4 10.4:1 11.0S0 Official Tuesday 7,025 I.V99 6,:.5 Official Wednesday .. 6.066 14.041 4,605 Official Thursday .... 4.0:1 ll,f,4 3.671 Estimate Friday 2,700 n.soo 6,500 Five days this week.. 18, 768 66.805 31.041 Sam day last week. .33.74T 63.203 89,712 Same day 2 wki. ago 19,745 42.9S5 .16,039 Sam day 3 wk ago. 24,366 71,173 61,311 Same day year ago.. 18, 345 65.900 31,986 1 Receipt and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hour ending at 8 o'clock. July 19, 1918: R EC E I I'TS C A It LO A D S. C, M. A St P 2 15 Wabash 1 1 Missouri Faclfle 4 1 Union Pacific 17 46 19 C. N. W east 4 14 1 C. N. W., west 23 ?S 3 i C. St P., M, & O.... 3 18 C, B. & Q.. east.... 64 3 J C B. & Q. t 9 34 C. R. I. P., east.... 14 13 4 C R. I. A P., west 1 Illinois Central 4 Chicago Gt. Western.. 2 2 Total receipts 141 219 23 1 Cattle. 400 , 761 , 617 , 623 Hogs. 2.203 3,or- i2.97l it,72C 1.440 2,411 sheep. 361 1.228 1,939 644 Morri A Co Swift A Co Cudahy Tacking Co. Armour A Co Schwartz A Co.... J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co S. Omaha Pack. Co Cudahy, Kansas City. 1,5 Wilson F. B. Lewis . . . J. B. Root & Co. Roaenatock Bros. P. O. Kellogg 13 Werthelmrr Degen 8 6 H. F. Hamilton Mo. A Kan. Calf Co. Huffman , ......... Olnsberg John Harvey Jensen & Lungren . Pat O'Dra Other Buyers 6 15 16 2 170 26 II 344 2.54! Totals .4,758 15,834 6,617 Cattlei Early estimates today called for 2.700 head of cattle, a fairly Urge Friday's run. making supplies for the week 28.766 head which Is larger by S.A0O the correspond ing time last week. Trading was fnirly on lust a sprinkling of beef suicrs with no choice lots among the offorlnBs. Best corn feds wer quotable from 31 7.60 (f 18.20 and fair to good kinds from $16. 2u y W.oo. nltli common to fnlr warmed up kind bringing from $13 0014 60. Best yearlings sold to day si (16.00 for medium quality. Butcher stock was fully steady with the exception of canners which were wak to 25c lower. Feeders were steady with yesterday and Sowed gains of 60c with a week ago for e desirable weighty kinds. Quotations on cattle: (lood to choice beeves. $17.6018.20; fair 10 good beeves, $16.25317.00; common to fair noeves, $12. Oe 014.60; good to choice yearlings, (16.00 17.60; fair to good yearlings, 3n.50iCrl6.6O; common to fair yearlings, (9.00 iff 1 1.01 ; good to choice heifers, 81 1-00 99 1 3.25 ; good to' choice cows, 310.60gH3.U8; fair to good cows, 88.2S10.25: common to fair cows, 17.25C8.60i prime feeders, 115.50013.20; good to choice feeders, 311.0012.60; fair to good feeders, $9.0'i11.00; common to fair feeders, 36.6O9.00; good to choice stockers, $9,600)11.60; stock heifers. 37. 601319. 00; stool; cows, 17.0008.00; veal calves, (7. 00 11.60 ; bulls, stags, etc., (9.60012.00. Hogs Receipt of hog today amounted to 211 load estimated at 14.800 head, mak ing a larger than either last week or last year, total receipts for the week being 66, 806 head. The market opened steady on a few loads of light weight to hlppers, order Duyers finally paying 6o lower for strings later In the dsy. Packers paid from steady to a much as lOo lower. Th market lacked the activity of the last few days and probably will averaae a full 6c lower. Bulk of the sales wss (17.(6 17.70, with a tup or IK., tds market is quotably steady to lOo lower. Sheep There wer 2 loads of sheep here todty estimated at 6,500 head, making the supplies lor the week 31.041 head, imlv few odd and end were sold on the early market but they gave indication of steady 10 stronger price on ootn snceo and lambs Only a few aalea had been reported at the time of writing this report. A small string or common lamba sold at (17.00, and ewes or rather poor quality for (12.00. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, (17.0018.60; lambs, fair to good, if.Milffli.uu; lamD feeders, (15.26(318.25 yearlings good to choice, (13.00iSjj14.00: yearlings, fair to good, J12.76W13.00; yearling feeders, (10.7511.25; ewes, good to choice, 811.000 12.7b; ewes, fair to good. siu.uuwu.uo. Representative sales: No. Av. .. 50 .. 60 .. 80 ..164 .. 69 ..117 ..102 , Pr. 251 native fat lambs. . (17 00 17 00 17 75 9 25 18 60 48 native fat lambs . 18 native fat lambs , 26 fed fat bucks 62 fat fed lamba ... 24 fed fat ewes 10 culls 12 60 1 00 fit. Louis Live Slock. Bt. Louis, July 19. Cattle Receipts, 2.500 neaa; marKet steady to 25c and 35c higher native beef steer. $11.60 18.00: yearlina steers ana neners, 7.6016.00; cows, 7.60 13 75; stocker and feeders, $8.60?12.00; fair to prime southern beef steers, HO.OOnjj 17.60; beef cows and heifers. Sti.00 13.00: native calves, 87.76(17.00. Hogs Receipts. 6,000 hesd: market 1ft tn 150 higher; lights, 318.4018.66; pigs, 317.7$ 18.40; mixed and butchers, 318.2618.60; good heavy, $18.3518.65; bulk, (18.26 18.60. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 700 head: market steady; lamb, $14.00 18.00; ewe, $11.00 12.00; canner and choppers, $6.00 10.00. Kansas City LWe Stock. Kansas Cltv Jnlv Ifl rnm 4,000, Including 2200 southerns, slsady. Prims fed steers I17.2K;18 in- steer f 13.00 17.00; western steer $10.60 15.00; southern steers $7.O014.O0; cows $6.6013.00; heifer 8.0016.00; tocker and feeder $7.6016.00; bull $7.6010.00; calve I8.O04H3.2S. Hogs Receipts, 4.000; steady to Co lower; Bulkv 817.95lftl8.20: hu .111 moil ii. packers and butchers $18.0018.25; light t ii.sviBijs.ia; pifes I6.7byi7.25. Sheen Recel nts. 1.000 ntanv T . $16.6018.60; yearlings $12.00 15.00; weth ers. (lO.OOfilft 60: awaa 18 nniftil in. ,t..b. er and feeders $6.0017.0O, Sioux City Un Stock. Slouc Cltv. To . .Till,, 1a rBtiA - . j . Gallic no1 celpts. 600 head; market ateady, strong; beef teer, $10.00014.26; fat cow and heifers. ISROiHillnn ma. nr. stockers and feeders, $8.2510.00; feeding Tyvrm anu neuers, Sf.Zbtv.ou. Hogs Receipts, (,600; market, 10 to 18 cents higher; light, (1810; mixed, $17.90; uuia u sates, sw.outgilo.lU. wuvup n,i:jjjr, vuu nesu; niaraei steady, St. -Joseph Live Stock. St Joseph. Mo.. JulT II. Cattle Re. celpts, 1,(00 head; market weak; steers, I12.00O1I.00; cow and heifers, $7.00 16.50; calves, 17.00 14.60. .nog Receipt, 6,000 head: market high er; fop, (18.. 26; bulk, 117.90 18.20. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 800 bead; market steady; lambs, (13.0018.25; ewes, e.vuoiz.85. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fnilt. New York. July 19. Evaporated Apples- Quick; stat 111, 16c. prunes Scarce: Calif ornias. 71415ic: Oregons, 14V144ic Apricots, firm; choice, lH4c; extra choice, 1714c; fancy. 18c. Peaches, firm; standard, 121112'4c: choice, 12H14c; fancy, 1 3 14 01 4c. Raisins, active, loose muscatels, 1c; choice to fancy seeded, 1014llo; seedless, ltt111-jc; London layers, (2.00. SKINNER PACKING COMPANY POULTRY Oil WED , ,:7 mil ICfit W . EGGS 1116-1118 - Doudlas Sir Tel-DouaslB2l . GRAIN AND PRODUCE Grain Arrivals Substantial; Cash Corn 3 to 7 Cents Off; Wheat is Unchanged to 1 Cent Up. Omaha, July 19. 1118. Receipts of grain today were 170 cars of wheat 10 cars of corn, II cars of oat .ind no rye or barley, as compared to 68 cars of wheat, 60 cars ot corn, 28 cars of oats. 1 car ot rys and 1 car of barley, a week ago. Corn price ranged from 8 to 7 cents lower for the early market. The extreme de cline tor thl period was In No, 2 white, which brought (1.90, as compared to (1.17 yesterday. No. 2 yellow sold ( cents lower. Trading was very slow up to a late hour. Oats were c to lo up, with tha bulk Uc to y,e advance. Wheat figure were unchanged to 10 up. FRIM ART MOVEMENT. Recetpte (bu.) Wheat Corn Oal shipments (bu.) Wheat , Corn Oat Today. Tear Ago. .1.(05,000 8(8.000 . 137,000 .1.083.000 Todsy. . 406,000 . 284.000 . 310,000 (90,000 637,000 Year Ago. 891.000 161.000 (04,000 UNITED STATES CLEARINGS. Today. Year Ago. Wheat, bu 136,000 194,000 Corn, hu 43,000 Oats, bu 240,000 CARLOAD RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Osts. Chicago J76 32 166 Minneapolis 41 ,,. ,,, Kansas City 454 ' 37 ( St. Louis 350 28 (7 Winnipeg 14 OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipt (car) Today. L. Tear. Wheat 170 10 Corn so ill Oal is S5 Ry 1 Shipment (car) Today. L. Ter. Wheat .....24 4 Corn (4 (3 Oata 11 35 Corn No. 2 white: 1 car, 31.93; 1 8-5 cars, $1 90; No. 1 whits: 4 ran, 31.90: No 4 white: 1 car, $1.80; No. ( while: 1 car, (1.55; No 2 yellow: 1 3-1 cars, (162; No. ( yel low: 1 car, $161; 3 ears, $1,60; No. 4 yel low: 1 car, $1.63; sample yellow! 1 car, $1.32. Oata No. 2 whits: 1 car, 74c; standard: 1 cars, 74Ho; 1 car, 7414c; No. ( white H car, 74c; No 4 white: 1 ear, 74c; 3 cars, 7 .Hie; ( cars, 71V4o; (ample white: 6 cars, 72HC. Wheat No. 1 hard: II car.'$2.10 No. I hard: 1 car, 12.20 (dark); 12 car, $3.11; No. 1 hard: 1 car. $2,11 (dark); 1 cars, $2 11 (dark); 7 cars, $2.19. No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.19 (dark); 2 cars, $3.18. Chicago closing prices, furnished Ths Be by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 315 South Sixteenth street Omsha: Art. Open. I High. Low. Close. Yet Corn. July Aug. Sep. Oats. July Aug. Sep. Pork. 1 68 I 66H 1 66S 7614 1 65H 110 1 5'ill5H4 1 66161V 1 (1 71 7314 74 0H9 7272V 73 HI TOH 700 71 (114 6S July 41 It Sep. Lard. July Sep. Ribs. July Sep. 4( 301 45 35 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Big New Breaks In Corn Frioe Brought A boat by War Successes, Chlcsgo. July II Fresh successes af ths entente allies led to big new breaks today In the corn market. Prices closed unsettled 2 to t net lower, with August (1.61H to $1.62 and September $1.61 tot $1.6314. Oats finished So to 1H4J1140 down and provi sions off a shads to flvs cants. Bearish sentiment regarding corn became o pronounoed that ths August delivery was forced down mora than 10 cents under ths high point of ths prevlou day and nearly 14c below the top figure of Tuesday. In addition to ths war news, ths favorable weather was against ths bulls, and go too were liberal receipts. Besides reports wsrs current that ths food administration had ordered Interior public elevators cleared as far as practicable so to make room for ths new wheat crop. Throughout ths day, buying support was Umltsd except from shorts whose profit taking Induced numer ous but generally transient rallies. Adverse crop reitrts from ths Canadian northwest mad ths eats market show stub born resistance to sslllng pressor. The con tlnued weakness of torn, however, together with a talk of devoting elevator facilities more largely to wheat caused much unload ing of oata after midday. Provisions finally eased off a little with grain despite higher quotations on hogs and notwithstanding liberal shipments. Hotter Unsettled; creamery, 38 14 44c. Eggs Market lower; receipts, 8,600 esses; firsts, 37143814c; ordinary firsts, 36 36 He; ta mark, cases Included, 3638e. Potatoes Receipt, 63 car; market un changed. Poultry Alive, market lower; fowls, 21c; springs, 85c. Fremh successes by the entente allies forced sharp adldtlonal breaks later. The close was unsettled, 2 to 3o net lower, with August, 81 5214 to $1.52 94 and Septem ber, $1.63 tn (1.K114. Subsequently, the market eased off, In fuenced by the bearish action ot grain. New York Money. New York, July 19. Mercantile Paper Four and six months, ( per cent. Sterling Sixty-day bills. $4.7214; commer cial sixty-day bills, $4.7114; demand, $4.75- 5-16; cables, (4.76 7-16. Franca Demand, $5.7114; cables, $8.(1. Guilders Demand, 61 Ho; cables, lle. Lire Demand, (8.11; cables. Ilc. Silver Bar, unchanged; Mexican dollars, unchanged. Tims loans Steady; all bid at ( pr cent. Call money Strong; high, low, ruling rate and laat loan, ( per cent; closing bid, (14 per cent; offered at ( per cent U. S. 2s, reg .. 18 'Ot. Nor. lit 414 8814 Do coupon ... 98 111. Cen. r. 4.. 7714 U. 8. 8s, reg .. 99K Int. M. M. (a.. 1714 Do coupon ... 99 4iK. C. So. r. 6s. 79 14 IT. S. Lib, 114a. 99.66L A N. un. 4s IS U. S. 4s, reg ..106V4M K A T 1st 4s 6014 U. S. 4s, coupon Mo. Pao. gen. 4 (814 Do. coupon ,.l06l4Mont Power 6s., 81 Am. F. Sec 6s.. 97HN. Y. C. deb. ( 1414 Am. T. A T. c 6s 8714Nar. Pao. 4s.... 804 Anglo-French 6s 9344Nor. Pao, 3s..., 80 Arm. A Co. 414s 8314aO. S. L. r. 4.. (2 Atchison gen. 4s. 81 Pao. T. A T. (a I0S B. A O. cv. 414 78 'Penn. con. 414s 1414 B. Steel rsf. 6s 86 Penn. gen. 414 (814 Cen. Leather 6 94 14 'Reading gen. 4 88 Cen. Pac. 1st.. 77148 L A 8 F a 6 68 C. A O. cv. 6s.. (314So. Pao. cv. Ss 104 C B A Q J. 4s.. 1414 So. Ry. t 8114 C M A 8 P o 4 '4s 7644 Tex. A Pac. 1st 8114 C R I A P r. 4s 68 Union Pac. 4s. 8414 C. A S. r. 414s. 72 U. 8. Rubber (s 79V D. A R. O. r. 6s 6114U. B. Steel 6s... 98 D. of C. ( ('81) IIS Wabash 1st ... 8314 Erie gen. 4s ... (4 French gov. 114s 1114 Gen. Elec. 5s.. II Bid. Coffee Market. New York, July II. Thers was soma witching from September to March In ths market for coffee futures today, but other wise business was quiet and fluctuations narrow. The opening was net one point higher to one point lower, and ths market closod net unchanged to one point higher with September ruling between 836 and 840, and March between (77 and (81. July 127; September 840; October (46; December 8(0; January (67; March (80; May 8IS. npot coites quiet; mo 7 i; Bantos 41 11. It wai reported that Braslllan (hlp pers were asking for bids In ths cost of freight market, but no fresh business was noted, The Old Nelson J 45 46 I 46 (0 26 13 36 15 36 20 36 20 26 (0 26 20 26 22 1( 13 14 48 14 45 I 14 75 24 81 14 71 14 Tl 34 T( Owned by Woods-Updike Land Company 6,000 Acres Of rich Eastern Nebraska land, situated in Washington and Burt Counties, now being sold in quarter section tracts, at prices that will stimulate quick sales. , Land all situated in the heart of the Great Valley, 35 miles north of Omaha. Center of corn and wheat belt Na sand. , No hills. Soil is the richest black loam in America. Prices unimproved quarters, $185.00 to $160.00 per acre. Improved farms, $150.00 to $175.00 per acre. This land is moving fast Great opportunity for investment Land is now all in crop. For further particulars, write or wire, BURDIC BROS. INVESTMENT COMPANY, THE PLATEAU STATE 10 NEW YORK STOCKS Securities Pause in Upward Course, Though War News Is Calculated to Promote Bullish Euthusiasm. New York, July II, Stocks paused lr their upward course today, although the war news wa again largely of a charac.ut to ' promote bullish operations. Advance! of 1 to 2 points tn the tint hour were . ot maintained, price yielding later on realiz- t Ing sale. Public participation was disappointing in view of ths greater optimism manifested hroughout ths financial distrlot. The fire e-money market also acted as a deterrent with conflicting forecasts of tomorrow's bank; statement ' '. , All the activity centered In the flmt hour's dealings, trading halting frequently . In the Intermediate and later periods, whea . price movements were most uncertain. , Business centered In about a half dosei: -stocks, led by U. 8. Steel, which recorded an ' extreme setback of two points and mad only fractional recovery. ' Baldwin Locomotive, Tobscca Products. Bethlehem Steel, Corn Products, Mexloafc. . Petroleum and Marina preferred almost tn : , the order named, constituted the othot leaden, nearly all forfeiting their varl. -able gams of ths forenoon. Sumatra Tobacco was again an erratlr ' '. feature, but closed at an advance of one' point after having risen three points. 8uk-' era, shippings and gaa shares were relatively . firm, but rails were llatles at tiomlna changes. Total cale amounted to 475,00'' shares. , r' Strepgth of heutra! exchange, restoration of the one cent dividend on Chicago Great,; Western preferred and further corporate financing were among ths ftnanclal develop.; ment of tha day. Another riss of 414 points In sixes which later receded t was the only feature or' the Irregular bond market. Total sales ; par value, were 86,(75.000. Old U. S. bonds wore unchanged on call. Closing ; Sale. High. Low, Bid. Am. Beet Sugar ,. 800 68 (I (9 Am. Can 2,400 4814 4714 Am. Car A Foun'y 1,800 86 84 8 . Am. Locomotive .. 1.10(1 68H 67 (7 Am. Smelt A Rsf. (.600 80 7914 79',; Am. Sugar Ref. .. 600 111 .1111 111 Am. Tel. A Tel. 100 86 '4 96 t6 Am. Z., L. A 8.... 80ft -19'4 1114 ' ,-,1 Ansronda Copper. 11,600 6714 67 , 67 Atchison 400 8544 85 ll'f- AOAWISSL 1.400 10514 1044 1044.. . Rait. A Ohio 1,200 6514 64 ie 644 Butte A Sup. Cop. 300 804 30V4 30 Cal. Petroleum , .. .... 19!i, Canadian Pacific . 600 1494 148 '4 1481 ' Central Leather .. , 1.900 694 684 681, Che. A Ohio 100 67 67 641, . C, M. 6tP, ... 1.400 43 (154 41H C. A N. W 02 H C, R. I. A P. ctfs. 1.100 2414 24 34 ' Chlno Copper 600 41,4 41 4014 c Colo. Fuel A Tron. 1.900 48 '4 414 47 Corn Prod. Ref. ... 14.400 45 '4 44 '4 43 VSt Crucible Steel .... 4.000 684 ' 6614 "Mi Cuba Can Sugar . 8,800 814 304 3114 Distillers' Securities (,700 (714 S Erls 600 ll4 16 1(14 General Blectrlo .. 400 1474 14(14 14114 General Motors ... 1.400 166 184 164 - ' Gt Northern pfd.. 400 91 904 8014' Gt Nor. Ors ctf.. 1,000 I3H (3, 3214 Illinois Central .... 96 Inspiration Copper. 1,900 (414 (14 5214... Int. Mer. Mar. pfd. 12.400 100 114 984-' lnternst'l Nickel .. 2.(00 1114 80 304 Internat'l Nickel. 1,500 81 H 30 104 Internet'! Paper.. 3,000 87 3T 3"4 K. C. Southern .... .... 18 '4 Kenneoott Copper. 1.80O 8414 134 334 Louisville A Nash 113 Maxwsll Motors ... 600 294 194 2114 V Mexican Petroleum 11,800 1014 10014 1004 Miami Copper ... 400 80 . 114 114 . Missouri Paolfle .. 1,400 2414 134 23, Montana Power 61 Nevada Copper ... 300 104 2014 30 New York Central. 1,600 724 '1 7J4 ' N. T.. N. H. A H. . 4,600 40 3314 89 Norfolk A Western 1084 Northern Paclflo , 200 881i 88 8614 Paolflo Tel. A Tsl , , . 20 Pennsylvania .... 2,600 44 434 434 Pittsburgh Coal ... 200 61 '4 61 H 6114 Ray ConsoL Copper 1,800 244 144 !t4 Reading (.100 10 184 864 Rep. Iron A Steel. 7,600 1314 91; 02 Shattuck Arts. Cop 1H . - Bouthern Paolflo .. (00 (4 (34 83Vi Southern Railway. 200 244 " 334 . Studebaksr Corp... 700 47 ' 46V4 461, Texaa Co. 1.100 164 16214 1(2 , Union Paolflo .... 2,400 1224 1314 "2'4 U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 7,700 187 13614 1264 V. 8. Steel ........171,600 10 - 107 10714 ' U. 8. Steal pfd. ... 300 1114 1114 lllMi Utah Copper ..... . 1.200 (344 . 124 824 Wabash pfd. "B" .... 2( Western Union .... 100 1114' ( ' 86 '- Westlnghouse Elec. 1,100 4314 43 . 42 !4 Kenans City Drain. :w Kansas City, July 11. Corn July, $1.5214; August, 11.6114; September, $1.64. Approve U. S. Policy Paris, July 19. (Havas Agency.) The congress of the General Federa tion of Labor last night approved President Wilson's peace principles. - p - a llllMllllllll!llllllllf!llllllllllllllll!l!lIIHl - i ' ' ' ' : Cudahy I Company 5-Year Sinking Fund Gold Notes To Yield !; I BURNS, BRINKER I i & COMPANY : v , i -. - .- ' --- I Investment Securities I I ' I 449-52 Omaha Nat'l Bank" I Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 1 m s .. L " nl4iiinliiiuillltlliiliiliiliiliii9ililiililiiiillliliiiilnt:ii,i Morris Ranch BANK, HERMAN, NEB. Packing i