THE DEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JULY 19. , 1918. 11 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West block, centrally located, or 4-rcKim apt; also 4 -room flat Superb. Appry 230 N. 23d. Phoa Red 4132. North. Ill N. 15th, 7 nns.. $12( Armstrong-Walsh Co.. Tyler liiL IIS SworlUu Bldg. 4-ROOM and sunroom, new, $I7.t(; apt. 9 Maple Court, 18th and Meple, Tylerl$ll-J, ESTABROOK Apartments, 4 rooms, $25, t rooms til. O. P. Stebbins. 1610 Chicago. Miscellaneous PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORES FOR RENT 1115 per month, atore room 12x80 feet, full basement 119 South 15th street. 1140 per month. 114 South 15th street Wella-Fargo company location. Pull basement and extra room on 2d floor, steam beat 1175 per month. 11 South 19th street, Tory desirable toom for auto accessories or supplies, large basement and office room on 2d floor. Lease I to 6 years. WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Douglas 6341. Sun Theater Bldg, WAREHOUSE FOR RENT 16,000 sq. ft, of floor space on track. ace. Near Burlington and U. P. freight depots. For terms of tease call WORLD REALTY COMPANY. Douglas (342. Sun Theater Bldg. STORE FOR RENT 16th and Douglas, 2 Ox 40. steam beat WORLD REALTY CO.. Donglaa (342 Sun Theater Bldg, STORE North ltu St, near P. O.; low rent G. P. Stebbins, 1(10 Chicago. Office and Desk Room LET US SHOW YOU why you should office in The Bee Bid, Keystone Investment Co. Tyler 111, ijFFICES in 8aunders-Ke"hnedy building. Sea Alfred Kennedy Company, Agents, 208 Sonth 18th St WANTED TO RENT WANTED Small furnished apartment for two or three months, modern. Address Box Y (14. Omaha Bee. WANTED Furnished house, rooms, in Bemis neighborhood for on year. Phone 489, Y. M. C. A, ' FURNISHED house for 4 French officers. close to Fort Omaha, Box T44, Omaha Bee. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. LIST your bouses for rent with us and get 'results. Mors requests than houses; give na houses. Pavne Investment Co- Realtors. ttl Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1781. taODE&N suburban borne. Describe fully. Will pay satisfactory price for satisfactory place. Box Tit, Omaha Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE Free RENTAL SERVICE. FIDELITY 1STH AND JACKSON. , DOUG. 281. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. OOMPLETB LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 1E3TROPOLIT AN VAN & STORAGE O. Owned and operated by Central Furnl tors store; office on Howard St, between ltth and 16th. Phone Tyler 1400. Hare your moving bandied Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It Ask to see our dally rental lists. vj-av.PTtctnrr warehouse. Separate looked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, pacaing ana tupping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., I0( S. Kth. Douglas 41I. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing ant storing esll Tyler 280 or Douglas 43a, J DTTtTTi Express Co.. Moving, . J. SHiCjU Packing and Storage, HOT Farnam St Web. 1741; Douglas 6146, OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving vans: careful men. For- . ntture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. D. 1264 REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'ty FOR SALE Millinery business, established nine years: m thrifty town in goumeasiern Nebraska; no competition; doing a splen did business. For particulars and terms write Mrs. Ernest R. Morgan, Btella. Neb, WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO., ElectrlO Bldg. Tyler IS. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty GOOD paying garage, with gas pump and complete stock of accessories and supplies, In an Iowa town of BOO population, 40 miles from Council Bluffs. Can have Hupmoblle and Maxwell agency. Will lther sell half Interest or all. The rea son for selling, the partner Is drafted, to leave this month. Act at once. Ports mouth Auto Co., Portsmouth. Ia. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. tfEW COTTAGE 411 Farnam street, Is a six-room cot- tasye fmt completed, everything the very bast and ap-to-date. Oak floors and fin ish. bmBt-ta cupboards and book eases, white bath room, all rooms good size and tar. Splendid basement and attic, large lot; only $4,4(1); key at our offtee; act qsiokty. HARRISON & MORTON, tU Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 114. ELEGANT HOME FOR SALE. OWNER LEAVING CITY, (room modern, mile northwest from postofflce, first-class residence district; paved streets; 1 block from street ear Una, 10-mlnuta walk from business dis trict Cash preferred: will accept two thirds payment down and balance terms. Box 811, Omaha Bee. NEW 6-R. HOME, FIELD CLUB FIRST TIME OFFERED 1.000 DOWN PBtlCE 16,000140 MONTH Beautiful oak finish. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call Tyler 496. Osborne, 701 Omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg. s-ROOM bargain, house 4 years old, furnace, electrla lights, chicken house, young fruit trees, near 42d and Maple. Good place and can be bought very cheap, F. D. Weed, 110 South 18th street. 1(21 HAMILTON STREET, 13.150. Oak and birch finished, very modern l-room bungalow, with sleeping porch. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM, ,WB SELL, rent Insure and make loans on olty property, north MITCH EL INVESTMENT CO. 14th and Ames Ave. Col. 217 llS.OO PER month and a small cash pay . ment down will buy a new bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, east front. Doug. 1016. REW up-to-date 7 rooms, oak finish, large tot, fine location; price 36,250; terms. 6127 N. 24th St. Norrls & Norrls. D. 4270. MINNIE LUSA homes and lots offer 'he best opportunity to Invest Nyour money Phone Tyler 187 ' North NEAR KOUNTZEPARK $1,000 Down and $40 Pr Mo. (-room full two-story bouse, located near 22d and Wirt streets. Living room, mahogany finish with oak floors. Built in fireplace with solid mahogany mantel. Dining room mahogany finish with hard maple floors. Large kitchen.' Three large bed rooms and bath on second floor. Large floored attic on third floor. Full ce ment basement, furnace heat Large lot en paved street, paving paid. South front. Owner has authorized us to cut the price of this property from 15.000 to $4, 110 for quick sale. Shown only on ap pointment. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Realtors. ' (17 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1781. FINE UJLLER PARK HOME. ONLY 1600 CASH. Six rooms; hardwood finish; most new; targe lot, 70xl5(; cement driveway to a garage. W. H. GATES, ' 14T Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Douglas 1214. SEVEN-room, hot water heat, doble garage. On car Una. 12.250. G. P. Btebbina, 1610 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North 5408 Florence Boulevard, On Prettiest Mile, 6 Rooms, Sleeping Porch Fine east front Int. lust north of Ogden street Large shade trees. House has large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor. Three bedrooms and square large sleeping porch on 2d floor. Fireplace In living room end other built-in features. Oak finish. Oarage at tached to house nermlttlnc best Call Tyler (0 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1414 Harney St A BRAND NEW 6-room and bath cottage not far from Fort Omaha, can be bouxht for (3,50 only 1100 cash Is needed; the balance Is to be paid at the rate of $17.(0 roontn ly: good neighborhood and close to car, etc; fronts east; neighborhood of new homes; reedy for Inspection. CALL WALNUT 677. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT. (-room, strictly modern home on Cass H block to Saunders school. Oak finish, furnace heat; garage. Price for quick said 14,000; (1,000 cash, balance monthly. J. L. HIATT CO., QAA FIRST NATIONAL JW BANK BLDG. PHONE TYLER 63 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, three lots and fruit trees. Good bargain as owner Is leaving town. 18th and Mapls streets. Phone Webster 743. IF you are going to buy a home, see this first; a fine five-room house; electric lights, gas and water. Price (2,000. See owner at 3330 Manderson. South. CLOSE-IN HOME AT A BARGAIN For quick sale owner authorizes us to sell for (6.760 bis well built 8-room, 1' story and attlo modern house. Hot water heat, located on east front lot 66x140 ft. double fronting on two paved streets: gar age. cement driveway; location east front on Park avenue, between Jackson and Dewey avenue; house built by day labor original oost to owner $11,396. Investigate at once as this is s real bargain. GEORGE & COMPANY, 101 City Nat Bank. Doug. 75(. Miscellaneous. $-R. MOD. HOUSE, ONLY $300 CASH. Large eorner lot 126x160, one block from car; price $1,600. W. H. GATES, (47 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 1114. (ROOM cottage, two blocks from car, full lot, $3,000. Terms, $300 cash,balance $20 per month. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, (42 Paxton Block. FOR RENT AND SALE. ROUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS PORTER A BHOTWELL, 0t 8. 17th St. Douglas 6011. HOMES AND HCMESITES, PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. (IT Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg Dong. 1T11. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 1110 Farnam St Douglas 10(4. BENSON A CARMICHAEL Realtors $41 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 1T11 B D WEAD SELLS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. PRETTIEST MILE LOT (1x404 ft., one of those unique lots fronting west on Florence boulevard with a magnififcent view to the ast from the rear. This lot Is near the head of Fort street, very available to car, paved street Only a few such lots left Act quickly It Interested. HARRISON & MORTON . REALTORS (1( Omaha Naf 1. Doug. 114. Vest. HAPPY HOLLOW lot; 100 ft front $1,250.00. Web 1592. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management South FOR SALE J lots. Just south of Elmwood Park In Overlook addition. Owner leaving City. Will sell cheap for cash. Address Box Y 1188, Omaha Bee. , Miscellaneous. GARDEN lots, near car line, $125 to $295 $1.00 down; 60 cents week; no Interest; no taxes. Phone Doug. 5074. REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty STORE AND COTTAGE, $2,650. Corner 48th and Cuming, atore building and four rooms and bath combined, and garage; will discount this for cash; good location; new bouses all around. P. J. TEBBEN3 CO.. (05 Omaha Natl. Bank. Douglas 2182 LIVE DRUG BUSINESS FOR SALE Must sell quick. Am going Into military servlcs. Stock Invoices $10,000 to 112,000". Last year's business, $20,000. Would con sider trade on farm land. HECKER DRUG CO., Humphrey, Neb. FOR SALE Electrlo shoe shop, completely furnished; all latest and best tools; doing good business; sell for cash only; good references. L. J. Probst, Petersburg, Neb. WE WILL buy your borne or business prop erty ana pay casn. H. A. WOLFE CO.. Electric Bldg. Tyler 88. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. Income. Business and Trackage Specialists. 15th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416 SMALL,' up-to-date cleaning plant in good town for sale cheap; a money-maker. Ad- dress Pantorium, Sutton, Neb. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 820 First National Bank Bldi REAL ESTATE Investments MR. INVESTOR, I HAVE A BARGAIN FOR YOU IN AN OMAHA PROPOSITION, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CALL AT 101 BEE BLDG. T. 8ULLINAN. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE INDUSTRIAL SITE Over 80,000 square feet of Burlington trackage, on paved street with spur track In now, $18,500, with use of part of street , vacated It makes about two acres; close in. HARRISON & MORTON, 916 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 314. REAL ESTATE To Exchange ACRES Nice and good Improvements, In fine suburban dlst, $7,300. Will take cottage first pmt. Call Tyler 1672. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. New Stucco Home Ws have listed a Dundee borne of T large rooms and sleeping porch; built a little mors than a year ago by present owner, who now has a tempting offer In another city. It Is out In the newer dis trict and It has been carefully planned and well built For quick sale It will go at $7,250 considerably lees than the coat to duplicate. Possession at once. HARRISON & MORTON, (Realtors.) DUNDEE HOME $100 down for a strictly modern, brand new, 6-room bnngalow. Liberty bonds or W. a stamps same as cash. Douglas 1840 or Colfax 4118, owner. That extra room will pay your coal bilL Rent it through a Bee want Ad. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. $6,000 DUNDEE SPECIAL 1 rooms, consisting of living room din ing room, sun room and kitchen on the first floor with three large bedrooms S!:d heated sleeping porch on the second flor Attic; full lot, with garage; convenient to car. Terms. GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 1961. 910-10 City Nation.! I. ATTRACTIVE 6-room bungalow; .fireplace sleeping porch and garage. Dundee. Wal nut 1781. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE Two beautiful lots Just south of Elmwod park In Overlook addition; full slse lots, 60x150. Owner leaving the . city will sell cheap for cash. Act quick. Address Box Y 1166, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE WANTED It you have a substantial, modern (furnace not Important), five-room home in good neighborhood snd on through car lino that you will sell on payments with about $200 to $500 cash payment telephone South 161 and give price and location at once. Must be clear and all on one floor, ami worth around $1,000. Distance not impor tant If good location and near through car line. 8610 8. 15th atreet WANTED RANCH OR FARM Press brick business block and residence property; also $30,000 worth mortage pa per. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 21$ City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers tor I and (-room houses and bungalows with $800 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 49(. 781 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. WANTED & or (-room modern house near Hanscom park. About $3,000. F. D. Wead, 310 8. 18 th St. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans snd Mortgages. HAVE that Installment loan on your home changed to a straight five-year loan and relieve yourself of that monthly burden. E. II. Lougee, Inc., 638 Keellne Bldg. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, KcelincBldg H. W. BINDER. Moneys on hand for mortgage loans City National Bank Bldg. QUICK ACTION ON LANDS. W. T. GRAHAM, (04 Bee Bldg. Douglas 1(3$. CI 0 FARM LOANS OV2 10 PAUL PETERSON. 5V 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG, OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 10K Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1711. CITY AND FARM LOANS. 6, EH and ( Per Cent 3. H. DUMONT CO.. Keellne Bldg. CI Of MONEY .5V2 Of 70 l72 70 HARRISON & MORTON, (11 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D, Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts, MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha, Private Money. SHOPEN ft COMPANY Douglas 411$. Stocks and Bonds OIL stocks and securities are the best buy on the market today. We will furnish you, free of charge, any Information you desire In regard to the Franklin Oil and Gas Company, which has 11 producing wells In the mldcontlnent field. Milligan Brothers, Scarrltt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Miscellaneous I MUST UNLOAD 1 have by purchase and lease acquired a large acreage of land In six different oil fields In Wyoming. I have been called In the next draft, which means I must get out from under or lose every dollar I have Invested. This Is your chance to get In on the right end of sn oil Invest ment. The best offer on sny tract buys It Call for Robinson at 81$ Bes Building. LOW RATES. C. Q. Carlberg, 11$ Brandels Theater Bldg., Doug. 685. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. JULY KTH. Our next excursion to McGehse, Ark. W. 8. FRANK. 101 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. FOR SALEfHO acre homestead, relinquish. ment in Custer county. voo.. gooa son small Improvements; part fenced, cheap, If taken at nee. Address Box Y 022, Bee, Nebraska Lands. BARGAINS IN CHOICE FARMS, NEAR OMAHA, DOUGLAS CO. NEB. Fine Improved 80 acres, 22 miles west of Omaha, on Lincoln highway, only ltt-mtle from Waterloo, Neb. Is very choicest bottom land, some shade trees at buildings, excellent small pasture, red clover hay meadow. Nothing better In Douglas county. Price for Quick sale on this beautiful farm, $300 per acre. acre. 120 acres Improved, 10 miles from Oma ha, and only 1 mile from Washington, Neb. Price, $225 per acre. 80 acres improved, Hi miles from Wa terloo, Neb., 4 -mile from school. Price, $13,000. Good terms. 160 acres, fine pasture and hay meadov, right near Valley, Neb., can be had at bargain. HELD LAND COMPANY. Phone Doug. 1148. 870 Brandels Bldg. 473 ACRES 100 PER CENT EFFICIENT LAND. This land highly productive, being sub Irrigated; sandy loam, raised crops every year sines breaking sod, 80 acres under cultivation, 60 acres good alfalfa, balance pasture, every foot can be farmed, small house, barns, sheds, corrals, granaries and garage, and in fact all ready to step In and begin producing and making money. Three fine groves and small orchard, $ miles from town and main Una U. P. R. R., In good live community and convenient to good markets. A place to make money and to make an Ideal home, trees, shrub bery, garden, etc; very easily grown and well adapted to climate. This Is an ex ceptional place and well worth the price I ask, $125 per acre; I have very good rea sons for selling. Write or Inquire Box 58, Ogallala, Neb. 200-ACRE STOCK FARM FOR SALE: Three miles west and one mile north of Ft. Calhoun, Washington county. Neb., 15 miles northwest of Omaha. All fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire fence. 11$ acres In cultivation, balance pasture, fine waterworks system and fine Improve ments for raising and feeding hogs and cattle. Telephone connection and mall delivery at farm. Pries $186.00 per acre. Inquire at Ft. Calhoun State bank or HENRY ROHWER, Fort Calhoun, Neb. HOLT COUNTY FARM FOR SALE 160 acres, located ( miles from O'Neill, lies level, all good, black, sandy loam soli; produces any crop grown In Nebras ka; 20 acres under plow, balance hay land, which can all be broken and profi tably farmed; price $45 per acre, one-half cash, balance good terms; will not bs on the market long. See M. A. Larson, Central City, Neb. A DANDY section about half cultivated, nair. grass; no buildings; $30. Two differ ent half sections, Improved, $40. Improved quarter, $40. Unimproved quarter, $25. James Pearson, Moorefleld. Neb. 120 ACRES, well improved farm at $175 per acre. 3 and miles west of Fort Cal houn, and 1 mile south. Inquire of owner, Henry Hinrlchson, Blair, route 4. Inde pendent phone BB33. WRITE me for pictures and prices my arms ana ranches In good old Dawes county. Arah L. Hungerford, Crawford. Neb. WE specialize in selling Nebraska ranches. wnue at uoover, 464 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. FOR SALE Choice farms snd stock ranches on oaniee Indian reservation. Santee State Bank. Santee, Neb. 160 ACRES Improved, close in, paved road. wiisnn. necunties Bids. , Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $60 per a., nciuuiDs paiu up water rights. Henry Levi & C. M. Rylander, 1(4 Omaba Nat'l. FARM LAND FOR RENT FOR RENT A two hundred acre farm, one mne ana a nair eaat of Norfolk Junction, Nebraska. One hundred and twenty-five acres under cultivation. Bslsncs In pas ture and hay land. For particulars, writs R. J. Blair, Chadroa, Nebraska, FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED, Don't list your farm with us If you want to i'eep It E. P. SNOWDEN A SON, 610 Electr. Bldg. Douglas 1171. i i i i ii i i wmw a POULTRY AND PET STOCK 3.000 DAY-OLD-CHICKS Rocks. Reds, Or pingtons, Leghorns. Webster 1701. 2111 Charles WHEAT screenings. $3.60 per 100. Delivered. Wagner. 801 N. Kth St.. Phone Doug 1141. Horses Live Stock Vehicles FRESH Jersey heifer, two weeks. old. Young mare and pigs. 4048 Fort St. AM. Grant. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security 140, ( mo., II. goods, total, (1.(0. Emaller, larger am'ta. proportionate rate PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 4i; Securities Bldg., Kth & Farnam. Ty. (6( LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY 10 SMALLER LOAN8. Q Of A , 0 w. C. FLATAU EST. 1881. O (TH FLR. SECURITINES BLDG. TY. 150. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry MalesnooK. 1614 nndge P. nil Est. 1811. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the county clerk, Gandy, Lcgan county. Nebraska, until 2 p. m., Saturday, July 10, 1818, for the grading and Improving of State and Federal Aid Project No. 13, and Inci dental work on said project Bids will be opened at the office of the Board of County Commissioners of Lngsn county at their office In the court house promptly after the time tor receiving blda has closed. The proposed work consists of consstruct. Ing approximately 17.1 miles of osrth roads. The approximate quantities are: 70,030 eublo yards earth excavation, 11.690 C. Yd. miles hauling earth or day. 7:0 lineal feet corrugated pipe. 18-ln. 46 lineal feet corrugated pipe, 14-tn. 101 cubio yarda concrete. Estimated cost $$2,(21. (( 10 per cent engineering and contin gencies 1,1(1. 16 Total estimated cost $36,218.13 Certified check, 6 per cent of amount of bid. Dana and specifications for the work may be seen and information may be se cured at the office of the county clerk of Logan county, tbe county clerk of Mo Fherson county, or the office of the state engineer, Lincoln, Nebraska. The state and counties reserve the right to waive all tech nicalities and to reject any and all bids. JOHN ARMOUR. County Clerk, Logan Count: GEO, E. JOHNSON. State Engineer. N0II8 Jlyl-l-9-ll-l(-l NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will bs received at tbe office of the county clerk. North Platte, Lincoln county. Nebraska, until 1 p. m.. Friday, July 18, 1818, for the grading and Improv ing of State and Federal Aid Project No. 10. snd Incidental work on said project Bids will be opened at the office of the Bourd of County Commissioners of Lincoln county, at their office in the court house promptly after ths tiros for receiving bids has closed. The proposed work consists iOt construct ing approximately 19.1 miles of earth roads. The approximate quantities are: 102,700 cubio yards earth excavation. (.044 C Yd. mile hauling clay or gravel. (74 Lineal feet concrete pipe, 18 in. 8 lineal feet concrete pipe, 24 In. 20 lineal feet concrete pipe, (( In. 98 cubic yards concrete. Estimated cost $31,11114 Ten per cent engineering and con tingencies 1,911.(1 Total eslmated cost $41,027.97 Certified check for 5 per cent of amount of bid. Plans snd specifications for ths work may be seen, and Information may be ae. cured at the office of ths county clerk of Lincoln county, or at the office of the state engineer, Lincoln, Neb. The state snd county reserve the right to waive all technicalities and to reject any and all blda. A. 8. ALLEN, County Clerk, Lincoln County, GEORGE VS. JOHNSON, State Engineer. No. 118 July 1-5-9-12-18-19. MAXIMUM PRICES These maximum prices of retailers are effective at once. No merchant la allowed to charge more for the following Items, except as stated below: Brown sugar, per lb 1 Sugar, per lb Flour (Nebraska), 14-lb., No, $1.(0 $8.15 48-lb., No. 1 Bulk, per lb 07 Hominy , 05 124 Oswego cornstarch Cornstarch .10 Cornmeal, per lb., whits Yellow .06U Cornflour .06 Nw potatoes, per lb Butter, per lb., creamery No, 1 .04 .60 .47 .47 .44 .19 .08 No. Z Eggs, selects No? 1 No. 2 Bread, (U. S. standard loaf, wrapped), l z-ok. single loat 12-oz. loaf (2) 16-oz. loaf 24 -ox. loaf , .15 , .10 , .18 , .20 .20 .10 .20 .14 .11 Crackers (Victory) oatmeal uraham Corn Soda Rke (In bulk), per lb.. No. 1 .... IMO. Z , Barley flour , , Rye graham flour. 2 4 -III. sack .06 $1.90 $1.(0 Rye flour, 24-11.. sack In bulk, per lh .09 .0T .16 .13 .60 .(0 .47 .65 .15 .85 .28 .83 .28 Oatmeal (in bulk), per lb......... Beans, per lb., Navy No 1 i-into. best no. l Bacon, per lb.: Whole pieces, wrapped, No. 1..,, Sliced No. 3 Sliced Ham (whole). No. 1 skinned no. i regular Shoulder Lard, per lb.. No. 1 pure uompouna Oleomargarine (In cartons), per lb.. jno. i No. 1 .18 .13 .08 .16 .20 .40 .76 New cabbage, best quality, per lb.. Corn syrup (in cans), 14-!b i-io 6-lb 10-lb Same price for rye or graham, These prices are- for cash snd carry or credit ana aeitvery. Note- l. These prices are for oash over counter. Note 2. An additional charts may be made for delivery or credit to customers. Tocal Weather Record. 1918. 1917. 16. HI 6. Lowest last nlsht ( 68 71 (1 Precipitation 128 .00 .00 .88 Normal temperature for today, 77 degrees. Weather (Conditions. The general Drlnclnsl rain area of the last 24 hours covers southeastern Montana, the eastern portions of Wyoming and Colo rado, and extends eastward over most ol Nebraska, southern Iowa, eastern Kansas. Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, western lennesses, and Dortlona of MIssIssIddI and Alabama. Showers also occurred In north western New York and alons the Atlantlo coast. Temperature changes have been un- mporrant, but there was a iht rise in the upper Missouri valley, and conditions are favorable for warmer in this vicinity Friday. The weather Is generally clear in the west, and, with higher pressure centered over Wyoming, the outlook is favorable for fair in this vinolnity tonight and Friday. L. A. WELSH. Omaha Hay Market. Receipts light on both nralrle hav and alfalfa; demand fair to good, causing the market to be firm and higher on all grades of hay snd straw. Prairie Hay Choice upland, $19.00; No. 1, 18.0018.00; No. 2. (12.00QI16.00: No. 2. 6.00(&9.00. Choice midland: No. 1 , $16.00 17.50; No. 2, $11.00014.00. Lowland: No. .1, IU.0018.00; No. 2, $7.008.00; No. 2, $5.00i96.00. Alfalfa Choice, $22.00; No. I, 20.000 21.00: standard, $18.60018.00; No. 2, $14.00 g 14.00; No. 1. $10.00(911.00. Straw Oat, 19.0010.00; wheat, $(.(0O 10.00. Dry Ooods. New York, July 18. Cotton goods snd yarn markets today were quieter. Unset tlement due to delay in price fixing. Wool goods were quiet and firm. Burlaps ruled quiet. Metal Market New York, July 1$. Leaif, steady; spot, $8.06: spelter, easy; East St. Louis, spot, $8.4608.80. At London Tin, spot, L168. Londo Money London, July 18. Bar silver, 48 ll-l(d per ounce. Money. 2 per cent Discount rates, short and three-month bills, 1 17-12 per cent OMAHA LIVE STOCK! GRAIN AND PRODUCE Oattle Offerings Are Moder ate; Feeders Are Higher; Hog Market Bulging; Sheep Prices Advance. Omaha. July II, 1811. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .... 8,154 10,411 11.080 Receipts were: Official Monday ... Official Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Estimate Thursday 7.0S5 15,9 f..25 (.0(6 14.041 4,605 1.100 13,(00 1,300 Four days this week.. 25, 145 63.011 24,270 8ame days laat week.. SI. 467 52,835 57,134 Same days 1 wits, ago 19,745 45,9X5 16.039 Sams days 1 wks. ago.20,T05 6,H0 45,777 Sams days year ago.. 14.146 47,111 16,888 Receipts snd disposition of llvs stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for twenty-tour hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., July 11, 1(18. RECEIPTS TARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r'a. C. M. A 8t P 11 Wabash 1 Missouri Paclflo 1 l Union Paolfio ........ 17 40 )l C. A N. N. W., east.... 4 6 C. & N. W west 45 70 1 C St P.. M, O 16 C, B. tk Q., east 41 : 1 C, B. St Q west .... 13 17 C, R. I. 4k P., east .... I 6 C, R. I. P., west .... 1 Illinois Central Chloago Gt West.... 1 3 Total reeelpts 142 173 14 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Csttle. Hogs. Morris 4k Co (28 1,74s Swift & Co 1.275 1.662 Cudahy Packing Co.. 243 3.165 Armour e Co 938 1.905 J. W. Murphy..., 1,718 Lincoln Packing Co.. 23 .... S. Omaha Pack Co.. 41 Cudaby San Franlsco. 0(i .... F. B. Lewis...". 233 J. B. Root A Co 63 .... Rosenstnck Bros 107 .... F. O. Kellogg 72 Werthelmer & Degen. 126 .... H. F. Hamilton 18 .... Sullivan Bros 44 .... Rothschild A Krebs.. 10 .... Hlggins .... Huffman 19 .... Roth 4 Glassberg 20 .... Banner Bros 38 .... John Harvey 181 .... Jensen & Lungren..,. 23 .... Pat O'Dea i.. U Other Buyers 1.187 Sheep. 1.027 1.821 615 22 Totals 5,889 11,198 3.610 Cattle Offerings today wera moderate, estimated early at 1,100 head, or 126 cars. Trading on anything desirable In the steer line wss stronger thsn yesterday, but on the bulk of the medium to good stuff prices were about steady and trade rather slow. A top of $18.00 was paid for a prime load of handywelght ateers. Hood to choice steers were In light supply, but prices quot able from $17.50 to $18.20 snd steady to strong with a week ago. Medium steers sold anywhere from $15.25 to $17.00, and on down to $12.00 for common to fair warmed up grades. Yearlings wore strong for any desirable kind. Butcher stock was atesdy with the exception of runners, which were weak to 10Ko lower than yesterday. As compared with a week ago bulk of the butcher stock Is 2540o lower. Desirable feeders were around 25ff50o higher t un last week and about steady for today. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $17.60 18.20; fair to good beeves, $15.25(CP17.00; common to fair Beeves, 112.0s B)14.60; good to choice yearlings, $l.00(fl) 17.60; fair to good yearlings, 11 2.50 15.60; common to fair yearlings, $9.00011.00; good to choice heifers. Itl.OOdJ" 13 5; good to choice cows, $10,6013.O0; fair to good cows, $8.16010.26; common to fair cows, $7.2508.50; prims feeders, $ 1 2. 50 g 1 S . 20 ; good to choice feeders, $U.O012.(i0; fair to good feeders, $9.0011.00; common to fair feeders, $6.5009.00; good to choice stockers. $9.50011.60; stock heifers, S7.B0 Of B.oti : stocK cows, $7.0008.00; veal calves, $7.00011.(0; bulls, stags, etc., $1.50012.00. , Hogs There were 18 loads of hogs re ceived today estimated at 12,600 head, making the run for the week 61.011 head. It was a bulging market today, opening at about stesdy prices, working up as high as lOo higher snd closing weaker. The packers wsrs heavy purchcaaers, their droves averaging from 3o to lOo higher. The bulk or the sales were 117.68 to $17.80, with a full load top at $17.95, The market was quotably steady to lOo higher. Representative sslesi No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 80 $17 (6 ... 17 66 70 17 70 110 17 80 ... 17 (0 70. .145 70. .234 140 $17 (0 70.. 273 ... 17 (0 64. .279 44 17 (7 19. .260 40 17 75 66. .305 1(0 17 85 76. .200 71. .141 48, .230 (4. .201 82. .217 40 17 (5 Sheep There were 13 loads of sheep on the market this morning estimated at 1,300 head, the total for week amounting to 24,270 bead. There was a fairly active mar ket In the sheep barn this morning. Few lambs had been sold at the time of writ ing this report a string of natives go ing at $18.40, which was generally consid ered 26o higher. Ewes made a top of (12.7$, although there was a fairly larga sort of wethers Included. The market Is quotably 25o higher. Quotations on sheen: Lambs, (rood to choice. $17.00018.60; lambs, fair to good, $14.60017.00; lamb feeders, $15.25igil6.25; yearlings good to choice. $ 13.00 1 4.0(1 : yearlings, fair to good, $12. T5 1 3.00 ; yearling feeders, $10.7E11.25; ewes, good to choice, $11.00012.50; ewes, fair to good. $10.00 011-00. SHEEP. 81 fed Fat Lambs 61 20 Culls ...44 10 Culls 65 119.00 18.00 14.00 1(6 Fat lambs (8 18.40 St Louis Live Stock. St. Louis. July 18. Cattle RsceiDts. 4,600; market ateady. Native beet steers, $11.60 0 18.00; yearling steers and heifers. f.DUDUB.uv; cows, if.50tti3.75: stockers and feoders, $8.(0012.00; fair to prims southern beef ateers, $10.00017.70; beef cows and heifers, $6.00011.00; native calves. 7. 75017.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,500; market hlsber. Lights, $18.30018.50; pigs, $17.76018. 16; mixed and butchers, $18.10018.40; good heavy, $13.15018.86; bulk of salea, $18.10 WIS. 40. Sheep and Lambs Reoelpts. $.400: mar- get steady. Lambs, $14.00018.00; ewes $11.00012.00; canners and choppers, $5.00 tflO.oo. City Llvs Stock. Kansas City, July 18. Cattle Receipts. 7,000, Prims fed steers, $17.26018.10; dressed beer steers, $13.00017.00: western steers. $10.60 18.00; southern steers, $7.00 014.00; cows, $(.60018.00: heifers. (3.00W 15.00; stockers and feeders, $7.60018.00; bulls, $7.50010.00; calves, $6.00013.25. Hogs Receipts, (.000 ; market steady. Bulk of sales, $11.00018.26; heavy, $18.25 18.(0; packera and butchers, $17,900 18.26; light $17.(001(10; pigs, $16.(0017 00 Sheep and Lambs-Recslpts, 2,000: mar ket higher. Lambs, $15.60018.(0: yearlings, $12.00018.00; wethers, $10.00013.60; ewes, $8.00012.60. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., July 18. Cattle Reclepts, 900" head; market, strong, stoady; beef steers, $8.75015.75; fat cows and heifers. 4S.00W10.00; canners. $.66.75; stockers and feeders, $8.26011.(0; feeding cows snd neirers, $7.7(8.7(. Hogs Receipts, 11,000 head; market, 15 to 26 cents higher; light. $17.80; mixed. $17.(6; heavy, $17.50; bulk of sales, $17,500 17.80. Sheen and Lambs Receipts, 300 bead; market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock St. Joseph, July 18. Cattle Receipts, 2,000 head; market strong; steers, $12,000 18.00; cows and heifers, $7.00016.50; calves, $7.0001$ $0. Hogs Reeelpts, 7,000 head; market steady; top, $18.80; bulk, $17.8018.10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 2,800; mark et higher; lambs, $11.00018.60; swes, $6 00 012.25. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, July 18. Evaporated Apples Dull; state, 11 16c. Prunes Unsettled; csllfomlas, 715c; Oregons, 1414c. Apricots, firm; hnlce. 16c; extra choice, 17c; fancy. 18b. Peaches, firm; standard. ll012c; choice, ll14o; fancy, 11 Olio. Raisins, active, loose muscatels, (c; choice to fancy seeded, 10llo; seedless, 9llc; London layers, $1,00. Summary of ths Corn and Wheat Region. Rainfall occurred again In most sections west and south of ths Missouri river snd also In northern Missouri and extreme south ern Iowa; It was moderate to heavy In southeast Nebraska, southwsst Iowa snd portions of Missouri snd eastern Kansas. No Important change In temperature occurred. L. A. WELSH. Sugar Market. New York, July It. Sugar Raw. steady; centrifugal, (065e. Refined, atesdy; fins granulated, 7.10a ! - j Prices Unchanged to 2 Cents Off; Corn Declines and Oats Are Much Lower. Omaha, July It. 1(11. Receipts for today's cash market were 11 cars of wheat 47 cars of corn, $0 ears of oats ana no rye or barley. Corn prices ranged 1 to ( or T cents lower ror eany salea White offerings In the com mercial grades sold off several cents snd No. 6 white showed 6c to 7c decline. No. 4 yellow brought (1.(7 to $1.(0. as com- pared to 1 car at $1.(1 yesterdsy. Trading was siow up to a late hour. Oat prices were 44114o lower No. I white on the early market brought 7Hle, as compared to 74 Ho yesterday. Wheat figures were unchanged to 1 cents off, OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts (cars) Today L. Yr. Wheat , is it Corn 47 3g Oat 20 15 shipments (cars) Wheat .19 .38 .16 Corn Oats Rye . 1 CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. 210 i hlcaro i9 Minneapolis 3( Kansas City .....30 St. Louis 171 Winnipeg .....17 109 18 41 PRIMARY MOVEMENT. Receipts (bu ) Today. Year Ago. Wheat "orn Oats Shipments (bu.) Wheat Corn 1,374.000 377,000 (35.000 (80,003 6(8,000 48M0( Today. Year Ago. 430,000 132,000 $72,000 424,000 Oats 816.000 817,009 UNITED STATES CLEARINGS. Today. Year Ago. Wheat Corn Oats Corn No. 3 white. 1 . . 18,000 93,000 .. 21,000 ..184,000 461,000 car, $1.17; No. 1 wnite, cars, (1.91; No. 4 whits, l car. 11.87; No. 5 white. 4 cere,. $1.78; sample white, 1 car. It 85; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, $1.60; 1 car, $1.(6; 1 car. $1.67: No. ( mlied. 1 car, $1.45; No. ( mixed, 1 car. $1.40; sam pin mixed, 1 car, (1.86. Oats No. 2 white, i ear, 740! No. 1 white, 1 car, 73e; No. 4 white, 1 car, tie; sample white, 8 cars, 71e. Wheat No. 1 hard, 10 ears, $1.10; No. 3 hard, 11 cars, $3.19; No. 1 hard, $ cars, $2.19; ( cars, $3.18; No. 4 hard, 1 car. $1.17; No. 5 hard, 1 ear, $2.14; No. 1 mixed, I cars, 12.11; Chicago closing prices, furnished Tbe Bes by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers, 31$ South Sixteenth street Omaha; Art I Open. High. Low. Close. Yest Corn. July Aug. Sept. Oats. July Aug. Sept. Pork. July Sept. Lard. July Sent. Ribs. July Sept. 1 ((If 1 600 1 C0 7IHO 73075U 71HOS 46 30 ' 46 (0 1 (0 J156H 1 $5 1 (( 1 ( 76' 160 1 61 166 166 1 61 T7 73 71 160 7( 71 71 4$ 25 ! 76 71 70 71UO 70 I 46 10 48 40 21 10 26 11 14 41 24 T( 46 (0 41 17 46 15 !( 17 25 15 16 ( 2( 10 25 21 14 40 14 71 24 77 34 (0 14 72 CHICAGO GRAIN AND FBOVUIONS. Corn Slumps as Result of Sweeping Sne. cess of Entente Offensive. Chicago, July 18. Rspld downward plunges took place In ths corn market to day owing largely to sweeping success of the entente offensive. Prices closed heavy, 3 to 4o net lower, with August $1.56 to $1.66 and September, $1.66 to $1.66. Oats Lost h , to . In provisions the outcome varied from a slight decline to ( cents sdvancs. General selling by all classes of traders developed as soon ss the magnitude of the allies' success had been placed beyond reasonable doubt. At first, howsver, offer ings were light and a somewhat sharp up turn resulted before the majority of dealers appeared to grasp the significance of the new situation which had been suddenly brought about In Francs. Then oams a quick reversal of sentiment and It was not until the closing gong shut off busi ness thst sny halt was put on ths smash In Values. Ths extreme break from the top level of - ths day amounted In some cases to 5 cants a bushel. Bearish crop reports and liberal receipts were In some degree additional elements of weskness. Seaboard buying and dry weather reports from Canada kept ths oats market relatively ateady. Provisions wsrs upbsld mainly br a belief that government orders would bs placed In the near future. ' Chicago, July 18. Butter Higher; creamery, 38044c. Eggs Receipts, 14,887 cases; market. lower; firsts, 88089c; ordinary firsts, 850 37c; at mark, cases Included, 36038c. Potatoes Receipts, 36 cars; market un changed. Poultry Alive, unchanged. New York General Market. New York, July 18. Flour Irregular; springs. 111. 35 1176; winters and Kansas, $11.2001160. Wheat Steady; 2 Red $2.35 track New York export to arrive. Corn Snot firm: fresh ahelled number 2 yellow $2.00 and number 1 yellow $1.90 0. t. f. New Vork. Oats Spot easy: standard 8(89c. Lard Firm; middlewest $26.2026.80. Hay Quiet; No. 1, $1.4501-60; No. 2, $1.3001.40: No. 1. $1.00 01.16. Hops Quiet; state, medium to choice, 1917, 86048c; 1916, nominal; Pacific coast 1917, 20023c; 1916, 14018c. Pork Firm; mess, $47.60048.00; fomlly, $55.00; short clear, $48.00061.00 Lard Nominal; fancy headed, 1010o; blue rose, 99e. New York, July 18. Butter Steady and unchanged. Eggs Irregular; fresh gathered regular packed firsts, 41045c: others unchanged. Cheese Market firm and unchanged. Poultry Alive, irregular; broilers, 140 37c; fowls, 14c; roosters, 25c; turkeys, 28 30c; dressed, market firm; chickens, 40 O 48c; fowls, il36c; old roosters, 26 28c. Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, July 18. Corn July, $1.(5; August, $1.(5; September, $1.(6. Kansas City, Mo., July IS Butter snd Poultry Market unchanged Eggs First, 37c; seconds, lie. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, July 18. Corn No. 1 yellow, $1.(301.73. Oats No. 3 white, 7576o. St. Lonls Grain. St. Louis, July 18. Corn August, $1.(6; September, $1.66. Oats August, 78c; September, T(c. New York Coffee. New York, July 18. An opening advance of 2 to 6 points In the market for coffee futures reflected some scattered covering or a little trade buying and a steadier technical position after the reactions of the past few days. Tbe demand, which seemed to be chiefly for May contracts, was soon supplied, however, and prices eased In the late trading on reports of Increased coast and freight offerings. Sales from 96 to 8(5 and the general list closed net unchanged to 2 points lower. July, 8.27c; September, 8.39c; October, 8.46c; December, 8.60e; Jan uary, 8.67c; March, 8.79c; May, 8.94c. Spot coffee, quiet; Rlos, 8e; Santos 4s, lle. New York Cotton, New York. July 18. Cotton closed firm at a net gain of 40 to (1 points. The Old Nelson Morris Ranch Owned by Woods-Updike Land Company 6,000 Acres Of rich Eastern Nebraska land, situated in Washington and Burt Counties, now being sold in quarter section tracts, at prices that will stimulate quick sales. Land all situated in the heart of ths Great Valley, 35 miles north of Omaha. Center of corn and wheat belt. No sand. No hills. Soil is the richest black loam in America. Prices unimproved quarters, $135.00 to $150.00 per acre. Improved farms, $150.00 to $175.00 per acre. This land is moving fast. Great opportunity for investment. Land is now all in crop. V For further particulars, write or wire,' BURDIC BROS. INVESTMENT COMPANY, THE PLATEAU STATE BANK, HERMAN, NEB, NEW YORK STOCKS Stirring War News Revives Market and Prices Advance Steadily, With Extensive Operations by Pools. New York. July 18. The stock marke. assumed bullish proportions today on the stirring war news, ths brilliant counter-attacks of the French snd American forces. Trading was tbe largest and most varle: of any session for the laat fortnight, ana many substsntial gains were held, de spite occasional selling profits. The advance began soon after the open ing and mads steady upward progress with the assistance of pools which operated extensively In a number of Issues, including minor war shares. Sentiment was further encouraged by id vices from Washington, which stated In sub stance that the proposed excess profits tai would not be onerous and Intimations thai the War Industries board would soon take favorable price action on various commodi ties, j Ths market was at Its flood In the last hour, maximum quotations following th news of severe punishment Inflicted upor. the enemy. U. S. Steel ss usual overtopped all othei stocks, contributing over 25 per cent ol the total transactions, closing at 108, which represented a net gain of 1 points. Sumatra Tobacca was again to the fore, the pool In that Issue making success Ir. the drive Against the shorts at an ex treme gain at 7 points. Baldwin Loco motive, Mexican Petroleum, Industrial Al cohol, American Steel Foundries, Reading and Canadian Paclflo embraced the other prominent stocks at extreme gains of 1 to 6 points. French municipals were the feature of the firm bond market, Paris sixes advancing three points. Total sales, par value, aggre gated $6,100,000. U. S. bonds wore un changed on call. Number of sales snd quotations on lead ing stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low.nid. Am. Beet Sugar (7 American Can 11.700 48 47 48 Am. Car A Foun'y 4,400 85 84 85 Am. Locomotive... 2,600 7 i 64 Am. Smelt. A Ref 8,900 79 77 79 . Am. Sugar Ret. 1,200 1J1 111 111 . - 1 Am. Tel. A Tel. . . . Am. 7... L, and S. . Anaconda Copper Atrhlsos '. , AOAWI88L. . Bait A Ohio B A 8. Copper.,.. Cal. Petroleum.... Canadian Pacific. . Central Leather. . . Ches. A Ohio C, M. S. P C AN C. R. I. A P. etfs 1.700 98 95 1.700 20 19 17,200 (9 68 91! 6u 104 ' 65 80 800 105. 1,400 65 900 S0 lfi 64 30 800 . 19 19 19' 2.300 149 147 148 3.700 69 68 (9 600 700 'i.Wo 67 42 '24 40 7U 66 42 24" 39. 48 44 66 42t 92 24 40 47 45 87 Chlno Copper 1.J00 Colo. Fuel A Iron. . 1.700 Corn Products Ref 14.000 4Mt Crulclhle Steel 7,600 67 85 vune uane sugar. Distillers Sec.;... Erie 1.600 31 81 31 9,300 (7 65 67 800 16 16 16 1.400 147 144 147 1.600 Hi 153 152 General Electric, General Motors... Ot Northern pfd. Ot N. Ore ctfs... Illinois Central... 90 1,600 $8 82 33 96 53 98 30 Inspiration Copper (.600 11 Int. M. M. pfd..., 14,800 9( Int. Nickel 1.800 81 Int.P Paper 1,700 37 K. C. Southern 63 98 80 17 37 18 83 118 Kennecott Copper.. Louisville A Nasn., 700 33 31 Maxwell Motors 400 29 28 29 (8 101 J 2 Mex. Petroleum... 15,300 101 Miami Copper.. 800 19 Missouri Paclflo... Montana Power..., Nevada Copper.... New York Central N Y N H H.... Norfolk A Western Northern Pao Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal... Ray Con. Copper.. Reading Rep. Iron A Steel.. Shatturk Arlx. Coo 1,300 "ibo 600 100 24 20 72 $8 33 24 (7 20 10 72 72 38 103 88 29 $8 400 88 (8 1,300 600 800 17,800 11.400 300 1,000 4,400 44 51 24 90 94 16 ( 24 43 Cl 51 24 24 89 93 16 84 24 48 88 92 16 "4 Southern Pacific. Southern Railway.. 24 Btudebaker Corn.. 900 46 '45U Texaa Co , Union Paolfio...... 1,100 162 160 102 4,et 113 121 121 4,700 136 124 12SU U. S. Ind. Alcohol V. 8. Steel Utah Copper.... Wabash pfd. "B' 201,(00 108 105 108 800 (I , 81 83 800 26 26 25 400 IS IL llu. Western Union Westlnghnose Eleo. 1,700 43 42 43 Total salea for the day (10,000 shares. New York Money, New York. July 18. Mercantile Paper Four and six months. ( nar r.n. b,.,m (0-day billa, 4.71; commercial 40-day bills. 4.T1 demand. (4.71 i-t- , $4.78 7-1$. v Francs Dememt, $5.T1; csbles, $5.6(. Guilders Demand, (lo; rabies, (lo. Llres Demand, $8.(1; cables, $8.$0. Bllver Bar.' unchanred: Mexican dollars ' unchanged, Tims Loans Strong; all -at I per cent bid, Call Money Steady: hlsh. low. rutins rata snd last losn, ( per cent; closing bid, 6 per cent; offered at ( ner cent, i ' U. S. 2s. reg... (8 Ot N. 1st 4s, $5 do coupon ... 98 'III. Con. is.. ta U. 8. (s, reg... 99I. If. Ma. (s.... (7 do coupon ... 9(K. C. 8. r, 6s.. It TJ. 8. L. 8s ..89.84L. A N. un, 4s.. 84 U. 8. 4s, res..l0M.. K.AT. 1st 4s xnrt do coupon ...106M. P. gen. 4s.. (8 F. 8. (s 97 N. Power (s Hi A. T. A T. 0. 6s 8TN. Y. C. deb. 61. 84 Anglo-F. 8s.... 8N. Pacific 4s.... 81 v A. A Co. 4s... 88N. Psciflo 8s.. (0 -Atch. gen. 4s.... 80O. 8. L r. 4s.. (3 B. A O. c. 4's.. 71P. T. A T. 6s.. 90 B. steel r. 6s.. $5 Pa. con. 4s.. 4 C. Leather 5s.. 14 Pa. sen. 4a .. 88U C. Psclfie 1st .. 77 Reading gen. 4s 83 C AO. o. (s. ... 818tUA8.A. a. $s. (8 C, B. A Q. j. 4s 94 8. Paclflo CV. (s 91 CMASt.Po. 4s 76 8. Batlway 8s.. (9 t;K,I.P.K.r.4s. (7'T. A P. 1st.. (1 C. AS. r. 4s.. 71 U. Pacific 4s.. (4 D. A R. G. r. (s 61 IT. 8. Rubber (s. 79 D. of C. (s, 1911. 91U. B. Steel 6s.... (8 Oris gsn. 4s... (4 Wabash 1st .... 18 G. Eles. (s... 18 F, Govt (Ms... (1. Cotton Futures. ' New York. July It. Cotton futures opened stesdy; July, 19.00c; October, ' 2t.4(o; December, 14.78a; January, 24.48c; March, 24.830. . . ' iSKINNER PACKING COMPANY WHOLESALE ' poultry-butter Eggs 7 1116 -1118 Doutflas St Tel-Doutflas 1521 PRESERVING EGGS Leant latest and best way EGGO LAT UM. Keeps eggs perfectly 1 year, costs but Is dos. No expensive jars needed. Kept in ordinary box or carton. Endors ed by National Housewives League, Suc cessful S years. Sample for 60 dos. eggs tOc post paid. Book free. , - Geo. H. Law Co., Bos 719, Omaha, Nab. esses mm