Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1918, Page 13, Image 13
THfci OMAHa 8UJNDAY BEE: JULY 14, 1918. 13 A WEEKLY A representative list of the best of any article refer to the list Auto Livery. iHthMAN. A. W., 2311 N. 14th St. Webster 1883. Auto livery and storage. IMITH TAXI CO.. Doug. 680, 1417 Ftrun. Funeral can furnished. At Smith. Mgr. Automobiles. MCAFFREY MOTOR CO., 10th and How ard. Dour. 1500. Ford ear and repatrs. Authorliod agents for Ford car. JI'IN'TYRE-HAYWARD MOTOR CO,. 242? Farnara. .Douglaa 2406. Strarns-Knlght and Rata! can. &AUPLE-HART MOTOR CO.. 18th and Burt. Tyler til. 100 par cent Ford eerv ' Ice to Ford owner. AMERICAN 8TATE BANK. ISth and Far nara. Wead Blook. Phona Tyler 10. Auto Painting. JOKSSIO, W. F. 144 8. 40th. Har, 1448. We make old autos look like new onea. Auto Repairs. CJ RE ENOUGH ACTO RADIATOR REPAIR INd, 1038 Farnam. Douglaa 2001, AMERICAN MACHINE WORKS, 110 S. 11th Doug. 4881. Automobile work, cyL boring, pistons fitted, auto parta made to order. AUTOMOBILES "AUTOMOBILE JECONOMT" aent free upon request. Contalna 72 pages practical, ' helpful Information. Offer limited. Ad- ' drew Automobile Dlgeit, Cincinnati. FOR SALE At a bargain Reo three quarter ton truck used part time for eight months and In good condition. Address Box Y, 613, Omaha Bee: CUMING GARAGE. 2415 Cuming St., D 3831, Storage, day and night service, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St Douglas 1070. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 2300 Farnam St. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 3050 Farnam at Doug. (036. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO 2406 LEAVENWORTH ST. BARGAINS IN USED CARS McCaffrey Motor Co. ' Htly and Jackson. Ford Agents. P. 8(00. BARGAINS In used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. USED CARS AND TRUCKS AT BARGAIN PRICES. 200 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. MEEK8 AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAIN8. 20ir FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6220. HIGH GRADE USED CARS AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. . 3032 Farnam. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. 3th and Farnam Sts. Douglaa 1070. "OR SALE CHEAP Ford touring car, 1(1(J model, good tires, good running condition. Harney 2235. 3319 Center street. NEARLY new seven-passenger StudebeKer body complete with top and windshtell. 2626 Leavenworth. ' frOR SALE Chevrolet Touring Car. model 490. Address 6621 S. J2nd. Tel. So. 761. Automobiles Wanted. CAR WANTED 1916 or 1917 Packard, Peerless, Winton, Stuts, Locomobile or similar car. In good shape, at bargain. Address Box Y 621, Omaha Bee. Repairing and Painting. EDWARDS. E. 8.. 2616 19th St Web ater 1102. For the best results with repair work consult us. ' . Starters and Generators Repaired. " AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 316 8. 19th St. Douglaa 6488. Awto Livery and . Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE 'IT YOURSELF. 12o a mile, 35o per hour minimum cnarge Sunday and holidays, (Oo per hour. FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 3622. 1214 Howard 8V Tires and Supplies. CUT YOUR TIRE COST A THIRD USE "BILT NU" TIRES. GUARANTEED 3.000 MILES Size ' Plain Non-Skid Slie Plain Non-Skid 80x8 310.35 (13.60 80x3 H 12.95 15.40 llxStt , 13.95 15.60 12x3 '4 14.85 17.90 84x8Va 1665 19.35 81x4 16 05 18.90 12x4 H.'SO 19.90 83x4 17.60 20.10 14x4 15.60 21.90 13x4 li.10 22.50 Sllshtly used Ford 28x4 . 119.90 122.60 87x4 33X4H 34x4 35x4 38x4V, 37x4 35x5 36x6 27x5 20 85 22.85 21.60 21.15 21.26 22.40 23 00 3S:96 26.76 27.25 23.60 24.80 26.60 16.10 26.75 29.59 22.10 32.76 tires, 86.00 other tics In proportion. Radiators repaired, re. built Retreading ana vulcanising. ex press charges paid when cash received wtth orders- .', Omaha Radiator & Tire Works, 1819 Coming St. Tyler 917. Omaha GUARANTEED TI RES, ONE-HALF PRICE. - 3,000 Miles Guaranteed. 30x3. (8.26; 30x3. 19.75; 82x3, 111.35; 33x4, 113.76 34x4. (14.00; 35x4. (16.25. Write at today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. . Expert Radiator and Tin Repairing. "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1516 Davenport St, Omaha. P. 2914. !NBW TIRE3 AT PRICE, ALL SIZEsT NEW (0x3 Republic. 2 97 5 Ford tubes, (3.26. NEW 20x3 LEE TIRES .....315.26 NEW (2x2 FIRESTONE TIRES. .,.(16.00 KAIMAN8 TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 Coming. INSIST on G. & G. quality retread and save (4 par cent on your tires. Bargains In new and slightly used tins. O. O Tire Co.. 8416 Leaven' th St. Tyler 1261-W BUY Lea puncture-proof pneumatic tlrea and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup. ply Co.. 2061 Farnam 8t,M Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Root, the Motorcycle Man. 27th and Leav enworth. PERSbNAtT " KO DRUGS, no massage, but wonderfully sucoessful home treatment for prostate disorders; no failures on record; one third of oar patrons art physicians: no matter what you hava tried, no matter how old th case, this method quickly removes the cauat In a natural, harmless . way; tall us about your case In eonfl- ' dene. Th Electrothermal Co , ' Oliver Bldg.. Steubenvllle, Ohio. s. . CORA BELLING Y. . .. Restful, magnetic, satisfactory treat ments; massage. Room (00, Bromley Bldg.. 308 Oeuta Kth St., near Farnam. Houra 11 A. M. until 10 P. M. Automatic elevator to 3rd floor. CHS Salvation Army Industrial Horn so. Itctt your old clothing, furniture, mag ilnet. W oollect W distribute. Phone Doug. 4116 and oar wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge street CaDIES Sanderson's cotton root pills, safe and sur cur for delay; plain orders only, no quesUona answered; mall, (3 box, or three for (5; no bank checks, or stamps. . Money refunded If remedy falls. Dr. T. Pierce, Seattle. Wash. SADIES Don't worry if delayed; Lady El gin tablets civ prompt relief; mall (1.(0 box. doubla strength (3; no bank checks or stamps. Plain orders only; no ques tions' answered. Dr. Era Pierce. Seattle, Wash. VDVICB FOR WOMEN Norma Pilgrim's advlc to woman married or about to marry, sex Information; 233 pages Illus trated mall. 36 ctlver. Sr. T. Pierce, Seattle. Wash. r ELP FOR MEN Victims of weakness or debility. Sexold will cun yon; mall, (l " box, or tlx for (6; no bank checks or stamps; money returned It remedy falls. - Dr. T. Pierce. Seattle Wash. t'RlfS A 30NGrpatrioti'o or popular compos mutt a and guarantee publication. Send wards today. Thomas Merlin, 6(7 Reaper Block, Chicago. lEX INFORMATION Birth control; value bl book for married or about to marry, sent sealed by mall, 35 cents, silver. Sr. T. Pierce, Seattle, Wsah. MISS ALLEN- Massage, facial and scalp treatment 1(02 Farnam St. Room 1. UlSiS GLASGOW'S STUDIO, vole and piano open all summer. (9( Karbach Blk. Stu dio phone Red 1(5. MISS FISHER, sulphur.- steam bathe and massage. 373 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1569. MAE BRUGMAN. scientific mssaeus and hh 3 Ksrbsrh Blk Red 9787 BATH and Massage, KvlU Blk.' Miss Halran. 3222 COMMERCIAL GUIDE business houses in Omaha and Council Bluffs. When in need below. You can depend upon excellent service and values. BERTSCRT UFO. ENOINEERINO CO.. S, B. Cor. 10th and Ranter St., old parta made new, new parta made, too, D. 85(3. Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONE VULCANIZING CO.. 1111 Davenport St Douglaa 2114. Auto Tops and Trimmings. ENGLISH, THOS. F.. 1118 Kama. Dou laa 1788. Satisfaction guaranteed. The beat la none too good. Attorneys. DICKINSON, CHAS. Douglaa 1S04. T.. 611 Paxton Blk. FISHER. H.. 1418 Flret NaL Bank Bldg. D. 18t(. Attorney and counsellor at law. FITZGERALD. JAMES M., 1017-20 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglaa 4508. GRAY A BRUMBAUGH. 811-14 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Red 3157. General praotlce In atata and federal courts. HODDER, E. C, 644 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Douglas 2244. MATTERS, THOMAS H., lawyer, 262 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Douglas 4227. Abstracts of Title. MIDLAND TITLE GUARANTEE AB STRACT CO.. 1714 Farnam 8t Douglaa 1865. Adding Machines. DALTON ADDING AND CALCULATING MACHINE8. 424 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 1441. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANY. "THE ONLY WAY." Telephone Douglas 295. ltth and Jackson. FORD TRANSFER CO., 817 Douglaa 8t Tyler 3. "Always at your service.': FOLEY AUTO EXPRESS, 1007 Howard. T. 141. Let us contract to do hauling for YOU. Boiler Manufacturers. DRAKE. WILLIAMS, MOUNT CO., 2 Id and Hickory. D. 1042. Mfn. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks and oxy-acetylent welding. Biscuit Manufacturers. ITEN BISCUIT CO., Capitol Ave.. 12th to 13th St Doug. 2123. Snow White bakery. Mfn. of crackers, cakes and cookies. Blue Prints. FENGER, N.. 305 Brandels Theater Bldg. Douglas 1763. "Blue prints that satisfy." Butter (Wholesale) . ALFALFA BUTTER CO, 120-24 N. 11th Bt Douglas 8903. W. W. Richardson, Pres. Building and Loan Associations. OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING A8SOCIA TIO, N. W. cor. 15th and Dodge. Doug las 870. ( per cent real estate loans. Cash Registers. MORRIL CASH AND CREDIT REGISTER CO., 219-221 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Douglas 4403. E. W. Hart, Pres. Chiropractors. 10TH YEAR IN OMAHA; fired out of Con tinental Blk.; new location, 494-494 Bran ' dels Th. Bldg. Dr. L. N. Carpenter. D. 6881 Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY, 28th Ave. and Sahler St Colfax 886. Confectioners. A. B. SWEET SHOP. THE, D. 2920. Kth & Jackson, Dainty lunches and Ice cream. Fancy and staple groceries. Dentists. EADES. DR. G. F 201 Paxton Block. D. 1728. Not the cheapest, but the best. Dry Goods (Wholesale). BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., 9th and Howard Sts. Douglss 206. Cloaks, suits, ladles' and men' furnishing, art goods, millinery and draperies; all' kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Drug Stores. POPE DRUG CO., 1303 Farnam. D. 2672. Gen. Agt. NYAL'S FAMILY REMEDIES. Electrical Goods. 4- l.E BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. 318 8. 12th. Douglas 2176. Largest elec trical repair works and contracting com pany In the middle west. Electrolysis. Superfluous hair removed, electricity; needle work guaranteed. Miss Allendsr, (34 Bee. 8.87c. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising. HENNINGSON ENGINEERING CO., 1123 Farnam. D. 8229. Skilled municipal Im provement englneen; tewer, paving, elec. light, water ' Works, appraisals, reports. ANDERSON BENNETT, 424 Be Bldg. Douglas 1430. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftsmen. Florists. BRANDEIS FLOWER DEPARTMENT. DOUGLAS 2030. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 3614 Martha St. Harney 1663. Machine, gray iron, brass, brons and aluminum castings. OLSEN A SCHLINGER, 1407 Jackson. D. 7491. Brass,, brons and aluminum cast in gs. Fish (Wholesale). BOOTH FISHERIES CO. 1908 Leavenworth St. Douglas 628. Groceries and Meats. PUBLIC AND EMPRESS MARKETS. Douglas 2799. Wholesalers and retailer of everything In eatables. Watch for date of opening in Flnt Nat'l Bank Bldg. SCHNAUBER HOFFMAN. 408 N. 16th Douglas 1420. Staple groceries and meats. Hardware. PETERSON A MICHELSON HARDWARE CO. THE, 4916-18 6. 24th St South Side. Phona South 171. Hospitals. FORD HOSPITAL, 20th and Douglaa Sta. Douglaa 240. In charge of Dr. Michael J. Ford, turgeon-tn-chlef. Th most com plete hospital In the west? Hotels. MERCHANTS HOTEL. 1(08 Farnam. Dougla (48. Ice. OMAHA ICE AND COLD STORAGE CO., McCagua Blk., 16th and Dodgs. Douglas Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. 654. Wholesale and retail Ice. 19th and Nicholas. 3. L. Baker, Pres. Jewelers J. HENRICKSEN. THE LOYAL JEWELER. Douglas 1574. 201 N. 16th Bt. Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS.. 126 Exchange Bldg.. Omaha. Stacker and feeden our specialty. Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO.. Douglaa (535. 1614 Cuming St Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAM'S DRES8 PLEATING. HEM STITCHING AND BUTTON CO.. Doug. 8109. Rooms 336-37 Paxton Blk., 3d floor. Osteopaths. ANDERSON. DR. MARY 7., 406 Bee Bide Douglas (996. Paints, Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., Douglaa 4750. 1(09 Farnam 8t. Lumber. INDEPENDENT LUMBER CO., 40th and Leavenworth. Harney 41. "Just Lumbering Along." HOAGLAND & CO., GEO. A.. 734 8. Main St Phone 246 Lumber, llm and cement Physicians and Surgeons. SAVIS, SR. WILLIAM WINSLE. Physician and Surgeon. 1120-31-83 Flnt Nat. Bank Bldg. Tylr T3(. CAMPBELL, DR. 8. M., Physician and Surgeon. 1804 Farnam St Douglaa 1330. Printers' Supplies. BARNHAJIT BROS. A SPINDLER, 1114 Howard St Douglas 1076. Printers' supplies. Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA IOWA STEEL TANK CO.. 1801 Willis At. Webster 378. School Furniture and Supplies. OMAHA SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.. 1103-12 Nicholas St Douglaa Kit. "Everything for schools." Printers. OMAHA PRINTING CO., 13th and Farnara. Douglas 346. Printing, stationery and office furniture. ' DOUGLAS PRINTING CO.. 109-H N. 18th 8t Douglas 8(47. Fine commercial printing. EDpY PRINTING CO., THE. 322 Be Bldg. Douglaa (647. Fin commercial printing. Stationery and Supplies. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., THE, 307-301 B. 17th. Douglaa 805. Office, type writer, architects' and engineers' sup piles Loose-leaf devices. Storage Batteries. BATRY VIM CO. OF OMAHA, 216 8. 20th St Phona Douglaa 7(61. Ws rebuild dead storage batteries to full efficiency. Sporting Goods. TOWNS END GUN CO.. 1614 Farnam. Douglas 170. Outing and camping supplle and outing clothing. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., 108-10-11 S. 10th St Douglaa (02. 8kyllghts, steel ceilings and galvanised sheets. Tents and Awings. NEBRASKA-TENT AWNING CO., 1204 Farnam. D. 8229. When you think of tenta or awnings think of Dougls (329. Typewriters and Supplies. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1906 Farnam. Douglas 4121. All makes. Undertakers. HULSE 4 R1EPEN. 701 8. 6th. D. 1338 Undertakers and embalmen. Penonal at tention given to all calls and funerals. HOFFMAN, LEO A., Cor. 34th and Dodge Douglas 2901. Experts In embalming and funeral directing. Prtvata chapel. HEAFEY A HEAFEY, 2611 Farnam. Har ney 266 Undeertakera and embalmers. CROSBY, WILLIS C, Phone Webster 47. 2511-13 N. 24th Bt. Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. South 3340. South Omaha. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter natonal Patent Co., 683 Brandies. D. 6691 Banks. OMAHA NAT'L Bank. Tyler 100; 17th and Farnam Sts. Wall Paper and Paint. YETTER WALL PAPER CO.. 1414 Harney, Phona Douglas 930. wall paper and In terlor decorations. Wholesale and retail WIEMER, O. L., 2302 Cuming. Doug. 8783. Wholesale and retail wall paper and paints. Also painting and decorating. BORWALK it 211 S. Main" St Doug. 683. We handle the beat In paper and paints. wall Council Bluffs Directory Banks. COMMERCIAL NAT'L BANK. Broadway and Scott St. Phone 41, Barber Shops, HOOD'S BARBER SHOP. 629 W. B'dway Ked 1307. Bains in connection. Observe the number of clean towels used on each customer. Boots and Shoes. PIERCE SHOE CO., 419 Weet Broadway. Phone (69 Strong A Garfield's men's shoes Wright Peten and E. P. Reed's ladles' shoes. Dr. Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes. Coal and Ice. DROGB ELEVATOR CO., 620 Pearl Bt. Phone 8860. Caterers to heat and cold Coal Dealers. O'NEILL BR08., 123 W. Broadway. Phone 629. Coal, wood and feed. NEW COUNCIL BLUFFS COAL & ICE CO. 909-11 W. Broadway. Phone 72. Garages. BOLTON (L. H.), TOURIST GARAGE, 160 161 W. B'way. Phone 629. Taxi service storage and repair work. Agent for Reo and Chevrolet cars. Florists. GARDINER FLORAL Phone 623. CO.. 10 Pearl St. Groceries and Meats. WINN A FLOWER, 212 Kth Ave. Phone 237. When you want prompt service and quality of goods, CALL ON US. Lumber, i QUINN (H. A.) LUMBER CO.. 2d and Vine Sts. Phone 137. "Quinn for Quality and Quick Servtee." Sweeping Compounds. KONTINENTAL KOMPOUND CO.. 1102 8. Main Bt. Phone 168. Sweeping compound (Dust up). Mr. Suloff, Mgr. Theaters. NICHOLAS THEATER. 647-549 W. B'way. High class photo plays. Vaudeville in season. MEDICAL MORPHINE, liquor and cigarette habits successfully treated at your home; no pain, alckness or loss of tlms. Send stamp for booklet of information. Dr. Quayle Sani tarium, Madison, Lake Co., Ohio. RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H. Wrav. 305 Be Bldg. POULTRY AND PET STOCK CANARIES FOR SALE Beautiful song sters, singers (4.86; females (1.00. W ship everywhere. Puppies, rabbits, fancy pigeons, guinea, pigs, cats, parrots, dogs, tc MISSOURI SQUAB CO.. BT. LOUIS. PEDIGREED, batt-eared male Boston ter rier, exceptionally fin dog for th mon ey Douglas 9527. FOR SALE Whits leghorn laying hens one and two yeara old. February and March whit leghorn pullets, also white leghorn baby chicks. Call Benson 763-W. 2.000 DAY-OLD-CHICKS Rocks, Reds, Or pingtons, Leghorns. Webster 1708. 2212 Chsrles, WHEAT screenings, (2.60 per 100. Delivered. Wagner. 801 N. Kth St.. Phone Doug 1142. FOR SALE Laying or setting hens, and baby chicks. Colfax 2254. try WHITE Leghorn laying hens. Will sell all or part of flock. Call Colfax 4081. ( UTILITY does, breeding age, $1.60 each Telephone Benson 661. BEAUTIFUL male colli Telephone Harney 2374. Puppy for sale. Horses-Live StockVehicles I WANT to sell at privat sale 26 milk cows. 1 span of mules about 8 years old. on team of bone, two sets of harness, wagons, on gasolln track, on milking machine, on lease running for an unex pired term of three years for about 110 acres of ground upon which there la 25 acres of corn and about ten acres of al falfa. Owner's address, 1(03 8. 69th St Phone Walnut 3194. Mrs. Anton Larsen. UNION 8TOCK YARDS, South Omaha, Neb., on Thursday and Friday, July 18, 19. and every two weeka thereafter throughout th season, wa will sell from 600 to 809 horses and mules of all classea, from year, lings np, singly. In pair and ear lota. These horse and mules aft all la prim condition and fresh from the range. Oma h aHors and Mule Commission company. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by th Business Men of Omaha FURNITURE, piano and notes as security (40. mo., H. goods, total. (3.60. Smaller, larger sm'ts. proportionate rat . PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Securities Bldg.. Kth Farnam. Ty. (6( LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY SMALLER LOANS. no (TH FLR. 8ECURITINE8 BLDG. TY. (5 DIAMONDS AND JEWEI.HT TJtANH Lowest rates. Privat loan booths. Harry Ma.lesb.ock iBie Dodge. D. (618 Est 1891. LEGAL NOTICES. . NOTICE OF HEARING. Notlc la hereby given that an appli cation bat been mad to th governor and th advisory board of pardons for a com mutation of tb sentence of Joe Lewis, who was on th (th day of September, 1914, sentenced by th district court within and for Douglas county to serve a terra of Ufa In th stat penitentiary for the crime of murder. 8aid application will be heard before the advisory board of pardons at the state penitentiary on th 1st day of August, 1918 at 11 o'clock, a. m. Dated thla 10th day f July, 191 S. Slaned: JOE LEWIS. Cotton Market. New Tork, July 13. Cotton Spot, quiet: middling. 32.30c OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Saturday Direct to Packers; Hog Market High er on Shippers ; No She 6 Omaha. Jnly 11. Recelpti were: Cattle Hogs. 1918. Sheep. Official Monday 6.109 Official Tueaday (.430 Official Wednesday .. 4.(37 Official Thursday 4,170 Official Friday 3,390 Kstlmate Saturday .... (00 Six days this week.... 34.847 Same days laat week.. 19,923 Same days 3 wks ago. 24.737 Sams days ( wks ago. 27,083 Same days year ago... 15.611 11,181 17.096 14,663 .(( 10.369 8,400 71,603 60,601 79,823 86,371 (.633 9.298 7.28( 14.007 2.684 39.712 86,060 51,5(0 24,946 66.421 34.822 Cattl Offerings this morning wen men ly nominal, receipts Including 600 head of cattls, 33 loada direct to packen leaving but on load of fresh offering on sal. Trad In steers waa nominally ateady and for the week steady on th good to choice (13.000 15.00 pound steera at prices ranging from $17.(0018.30, medium ateers wen strong fellers at 815.60 11.11 (or the week and showed some advance; best yearlings were 26O40e higher, selling this week as high as $17.50 for choice (60 pound grades: fair to good fleshy kinds brought from $13.60 O16.00 and on down for the common trashy kinds. Cow stuff was active all week, clos ing 60 0 760 hlghsr on desirable kind. Stock ers were active on desirable heavy gradea and 350500 higher, selling up to $13.20. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $17.6001( 20; fair to good beeeves, $1( 60017.26; common to fair beeves $12.00 016.00; good to choice yearlings. $15.(00 17.60; fair to good yearlings, $13.50016.00; common to fair yearlings, $9.00011.00; good to choice heifers, $11.00 013.00; good to choice cow, $10.50 0 13.00; fair to good cows, 98.5O0io.5o; common to rair cows. $7.2608.50; prime feeders, $13.50013.10, good to choice feeders, $11.00012.60; fair to good feeders, $9.00011.00; common to fair feeden, (7.00 09.76; good to choice stocken, (9.76011.75; stock heifers. $7,000 9.00; stock cows, $7.2508.25; veal calves, $8.00013.25; bulls, stags, etc.. 39.60012.30. Hogs Receipts todsy amounted to 1 4 loads, estimated at 8,400 head, making a total run for the week of 71,608 head. The market opened at a good lively pace, ship pers buying the bulk of their supplies large ly st $17.20017.85, with a top at $17.40. the latter figure being the top for tbe day Packers were not so snxlous for Lupplles, but finally secured their loads, mostly at $17.05 to 317.15. The market Closed with a few loads that wen very difficult to sell at even steady prices with yesterday. Th general market opened 10jlSc higher on shippen and 601Oo higher on packers and olosed with the advance lost The bulk of sales today waa $17.06017.20, with a top at $17.40. Sheep Then wen no sheep receipts marked up on the board today, making th total for the week 39,712 head. Tbe market has been a rather draggy affair all week, sales being carried over until the afternoon on several days. Ths market began th week at a little higher prices, but has weak ened towards the close, finding the close of the week perhaps stesdy on th best grades of lambs and around 25c lower on the other grades. There Is a weak under tone to the entire lamb market. Aged sheep have held up in fairly good shape. best ewea selling on Friday's market at $12.25. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice. -$17.00018.75; lambs, fair to good, $14.60017.00; lambs, feeders, $14.60 016.76; yearlings, fed, good to choice, $13.00 014.00; yearlings, fed, fair to good, 612. 7j0 13.00; yearlings, choice light feeding, $11.00 011.76; yearlings, fair, good, feeding, 910.76 011.25; ewes, good to choice, $11.00013.10; ewes, fair to good, $10.00 011.00, Chicago Live Stork. Chicago. July 11. Cattle Receipts, 3,009 head: arrivals mostly direct to packers; compared with a week ago, beef ttreers mostly 26c higher, medium and cholc year lings, 60c to (1.00 higher; butcher stock. 26o to 40c higher; calves, steady; stocken and feeders, stronger; quotations unchanged from yesterday. Hogs Receipts, (.000 head; markst 18c to 20c higher than yesterday's average; bulk of sales. $17.15018.00; butchers,- $17.66018.00 packing, $16.90017.(5; light, (17.65017.10; rough, $16.26016.85; pigs. $16.50017.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 9,000 head; nearly til direct to packers; market weak: compared with a week ago, top sheep and yearlings mostly 60o higher) lambs about steady; quotattona unchanged from yester day Kansas City Lit Stock. Kansas City, July !(. Cattle Receipt, 1,000 head; market ateady; prime steen, $17 50018.36; westerns, $10.(0018.60; cowl, $7.60013.00; heifers, $8.0001(00; stocken, $7.50016.60; calves, $8.00014.26. Hogs Receipts, 900 head; market steady; bulk of sales, $17.50017.65; heavy, $17,600 17 70; packers. $17.50017.66; light $17,400) 17.60; pigs, $16.60017.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,000 head; market steady; lambs, $16.00018.75; year lings, $14.00017.00; wethen, $12.0014.50; ewes, $8.00012 60 Sioux City Live Stock. Hlonx City, la., July IS. Cattle Receipts, $00 head; market steady; beef steers, $9.60 014.00; fat cows and heifers, $S. 26010. 00; rannera, $6.5007.75; stocken and feeden, $8.6009.76; feeding cowa and heifers, $7.75 8.75. Hogs Receipts. 7,000 head; market 10020c higher light, $17.40; mixed, $17.30; heavy. $17.00; bulk of sales. $17.00017.40-. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 600 head; market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock, St. Joseph, Mo., July 13. Cattle Re ceipts, 100 head; market steady; steen. $18 00018.00; cows and heifers, $7,000 $16.'60; calvet. $7.00018.00. Hogs Receipts, 3,300 head; market steady; top. $17.70; bulk of sales, $17 400 17 66. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 300 head: market steady; lambs, $13.00018.60 $6.00013.00 8$. Louis Live Stock. St. Louis, July 13. Cattle Receipts, 800 head; market steady; native steers, $11.50 18.00; yearlings, $7.50016.00; cows, $7.(0 18.75; stocken, (8.60012.00; calves, $7.76 17.00. Hogs Receipt. 4,600 hesd; market high er: range, $17.26017.95; bulk. $17.60017.86. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 600 head; market steady; lambs, $14.00018.00; ewea, $11.00012.00. New Tork General. New York,' July 13. Butter Market firm and unchanged. Eggs Market steady and unchanged. Cheese Market firm and nnchanged LIv Poultry Market steady and' un changed. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Receipt, 11,281 cases: market nn changed. Potatoes Receipts, 26 can; market nn changed. Poultry Ally, market higher; fowls, 9Hc; springs, 36o. Chicago Caah Prices Wheat: No. 3 red. $3.2503.26; No. 3 bard, (2 80. Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.8001.82; No. $ yl- low, $1.7501.76; No. 4 yellow, $1.65. Oats No. white. 77X78'c: standard. 78078KC. Rye No. t. nominal. Barley $1 10O1 26. Timothy $5,0007.60. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $35.96. Ribs $23.75024.27. Chicago Grain and Provtstont. Chlcsgo. July 13 Sham breaks In the corn market resulted today from President Wilson s veto of the bill to hoist the guar anteed pric of wheat Bullish sentiment was further weakened by Improved weather conditions. Opening quotations, which wen from o to 24o lower, with August $1.(0 to $1.60'4 and September $1.69 to $1.60V4, and were followed by additional setbacks, al though not of radical sort Osts. Ilk corn, sagged owing to th veto and the favorable weather. Trade, however, was light After opening nnchanged to 4c lower, the market underwent a moderate further decline. Provisions gav way with rraln. Ad vances In the hog market failed to act as an offset. Omaha Bay Market Receipts light on both nralrle hay and alfalfa. Demand continues qulst Market easy with prices nnchanged. Oat and wheat straw firm ana wanted. Hay Choice Upland Prairie. $18.00: No. 1. (16.00016.50; No. 3, $10.00013.00; No. I. (6.000( 00. Midland, No. 1, (16.00016.60; No. 2, $9.00013.00. Lowland. No. 1, $9.60 011.60; No. 2. (7.0003.00; No, (, $6,000 6.00. Alfalfa Choice. (22.00; No. 1. (1(500 20.00; standard. (16.(0017.60; No. 3, $13.00 014.60; No. 3. (1O.OO0U.OO. Oat straw n.oi.o; wheat straw. $(.00 09.00. London Money. London, July 13 Silver Bar. 48 l$-l(d per ounce. Money Z per cnt Discount Pates Short bills. 2 17-33 ner cent; tbne-month bills, ( 17-33 psr cent. GRAIN ANDPRODDCE Moderate Arrivals of Grain; Corn Unchanged to r Cents Lower; Oats Are 1 1-2 to 2 Cents Off. Omaha, July 1$. Receipts of grain today wen 74 cars of wheat 60 cars of corn, 19 cars of oats and none of ry or barley. Corn prices ranged generally from un changed to 6 cant lower wtth virtually all trades selling at a decline of 3 or 3 cents. No. 3 whit sold at figures unchanged to 1 cent up for tb early market. Off grades In th different varieties also sold comld erably off. Th demand for th cereal waa not as good at yesterday. Oats war It to 3 cents lower. Wheat price wen 1 to ( cents off. CAftLQT RECIPT8. Wheat Corn 17 260 31 Oats. 264 ii 7 $2 Chicago .... Minneapolis Omaha ..... Kansas City St. Louis .. 74 60 650 67 ...319 68 ... ! Winnipeg PRIMARY MOVEMENTS. Receipt. Today. Wheat 1,235.000 Corn 919,000 Oat k... .1.060,000 Shipment. Today. Wheat 173.000 Cora 394,000 Oata 968,000 Year Ago. 2 IS, 000 661.000 603.000 Year Ago. 208,000 846.000 564.000 UNITED STATES CLEARINGS. Today. Tear Ago Wheat Corn Corn Corn No. t white: 30,000 73,000 386,000 114.000 car, $2.03; 1 car, $3.03; 4-6 car, $3.(0; No. 3 white: 8ti can $1.(8: 1 car. $1.97; No. 4 white: 4 can, $1.93 No. 5 white: 1 cars, $1.83; No. ( white 1 car, (1.(3; 1 car, (1.73; sampls whits 3-( oar, (1.30; No. 3 yellow: 4 cart, 31.78 3-6 car, (1.73; No. ( yellow: 4 can. $1.70 1 car, $1.67; No. 4 yellow. 3H can. $1.65 4 6 car, $1.(8; No. 6 yellow: 8 can. (1.(6 No. ( yellow: S can, (1.(6; 1 car, $1.66 sample yellow: 1 car, $1.60; 1 car, $1.41 1 car. $1.40: No. 3 mixed; 1 car. $1.93; car, $1.60; No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.56; No. 6 mlxd: 1 car, $1.66: 1 car, $1.60; sample mixed: I car, $1.40; 4 cars, $1.35; 1-6 car, $1.30. Oats No. t white, 1 carload 75c: stand ard. ( (-( carloads, 75Ho; No. ( whits, csrloada, 76 He; samp white, t carloads 74ttc; No. 4 mixed, 3 csrloads 74 Ho (oats and barley). Barley No, 4, 1 carload (1.08, 1 carload (1.(6. Wheat No. 1 hard. 1 carload $1.38, 1 (-( carloads $3.23. 4 carload $3.30; No. 1 hard 10 carloads, $2.33. 7 carloads $3.30; No hard, 1 carload $3.36, 1 carloads $3.34, 1 car load $3.30; No. 4 hard, 1 3-5 carloads $3.33 No. 3 aprlng, carload $3.33 (smutly); No. 3 Durum. 1 carload (2.20. Chicago closing prices, furnished Th Be by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 315 South Sixteenth stnst Omaha: Art. I Open. High. Low. Class. Yet Corn. I July 1 (1 1 td 168t 1 (0 161H Aug. 1 (OH 1 (1H 159 Vi 1 61 H 161H Hop. 1 40 1 6084 168H 1 0H 161H Oats. July T(H 76 74 71 H 71 H Aug. 71 71 70 T1H 71 Sep. T0H 70 H 70 70H 70 Pork. July 44 (( 44 70 44 (0 45 09 44 75 Sep. 45 34 46 30 46 00 46 30 46 36 Lard. I July 36 12 16 16 26 07 !( 10 26 30 Sep. 26 (0 3( (0 36 07 2( 11 26 (0 Ribs. July 24 35 24 26 24 30 Sep. 24 77 24 77 24 (7 24 (7 24 75 NEW YORK STOCKS. Trading Reaches Low Ebb; Standard Share Fluctuate Within Narrow Limit. Nw York, July 18. Th low neord of th year on th Btook axchang wa mad today, transacttona barely reaching 100,000 shares. Important ttookt fluctuated within the smsllest area, but soma obscure Issues moved 1 to 3 points, mainly upward. Relatively more activity was manlfeated by Corn Products, American Ltnseed, Amer ican Ice, Booth Fisheries and similar spe cialties than by the recognised leader, but this movement exerted no influence. - U. 8. Steel and associated Industrials and equipments were firm at tb outsat, but cancelled part of their gains In th mod .!( aalllnv Af Ih. final hnn. Ralls were lifeless, many Investment Is sues remaining unquoted. Sumatra Tobaooo waa subjected to bear attacks at an ex-' frame loss of 3H points Coppers, oil, motor and other usual favorite war al most as stagnant as rails. The only noteworthy feature of th Ir regular bond market wa th Inclusion of new 4Hs issues, resulting from, conversion clauses In previous Issue. Total sale (par value) aggregated $1,776,000. ' Old United States fours advanced H per Closing Sale. High. Low. Bid. 300 (8 68 68 , ( 4796 84 654 ' n 14 111H 200 (5 (5 96H 200 19 18 18H 300 67 67 67 200 (6 (5 (5 103 .... 64 28H 18 300 147 147 147 (7 66 41 92 (00 23 33 23 38 45 11,200 48 42 42 700 65 (6 8 1,000 12 31 81 (00 66 66 66 200 16 16 16 146 300 164 161 164 90 300 (2 (2 (1 (6 700 63 62 62 (9 1,400 (0 30 29 800 86 2( 26 S3 116 27 1.200 (8 (( 98 28 200 28 22 23 65 19 "ioo ii" ii" 37 102 (7 28 300 44 44 43 50 24 2,100 88 89 89 1.400 (1 (1 (1 " 200 83 88 83 200 26 23 23 200 45 44 44 300 148 147 147 121 300 124 113 121 17,200 104 104 104 809 110 110 110 81 (7 41 Am. Beet Sugar .. Am. Can Am. Car ft Foun'y Am. Locomotive .. Am. 8melt ft Ref. Am. Sugar Ref. ... Am. Tel. ft Tel. .. Am. ., L. ft 8. .. Anaconda Copper . Atchison A O ft W I 8 8 L. . Bait ft Ohio B. ft 8. Copper ... Cat. Petroleum .... Canadian Pactflo Central Leather .. Ches. ft Ohio C. M. ft 8t P. ... C. ft N. W. C, R. I. ft P. etfs. Chlno Copper .... Colo. Fuel ft Iron . Corn Prod. Ref. ... Crucible Steel Cuba Cane Sugar . Distillers' Securities Erie General Electrlo .. General Moton . . Gt. Northern pfd. . Gt Nor. Or rtfs.. Illinois Central ... Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Mar. pfd. Internat'l Nickel .. Internet'! Paper .. K. C. Southern ... Kennecott Copper . Louisville ft Nash. Maxwell Motors ... Mex. Petroleum ... Miami Copper .... Missouri Pacific .. Montana Power ... Nevada Copper ... New York Central . N. Y., N. H. ft H. Norfolk ft Western Northern Pactflo . Paclflo Mall Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal .. Ray ConsoL Cop... Reading Rep. Iron ft Steel . Shattuck Ariz. Cop. Southern Paclflo .. Southern Railway . 8tudabaker Corp. . Texas Co. Union Paclflo U. 8. Ind. Alcohol U. 8. Steel pfd. ... Utah Copper 1 Wabash pfd. "B" . Western union .... Westtnghous Elec. Total sale for th day, 100,000 shares. New Tork Money. New Tork. July 13. Mercantile Paper Four ana six months. ( ner cent. Sterling Sixty-day bills. (4.73K: eomraer- cial 60-day bills on banks, (4 73; commer cial 60-day bills. (4.71; demand. (4.78; cables, 34.76 7-K. Francs Demand, (5.T1M: cables, (5.69. Guilders Demand, 6114c; cables. 61. Llrea Demand. (8.83; cables, (8.(0. Silver Bar. unchanged: Mexican dollars. unchanged. U. 8. 3s. reg .. (9 III. Cen. ref. 4 77 do coupon ... 98 Int. Mer. M. 697 V. S. 3s, reg ,. ttK. C. 8. ref. 6 79 do coupon ... 99 UL. b N. un. 4s.. 83 U. S. Mb. (Us. 99.66 M K T 1st 4a 61 a. S. 4s, reg ..106 14 Ma. Pac gen. 4s 68 do coupon ...106 14 Mont Power 6s 89 Am. F. Bee 6 7iN. T. C. deb. ( 94ft Am. T. T. c 6 87HNor. Pac. 4s 81 Anglo-French 6s 83 Nor. Pao. 3s... (014 Arm. & Co. 414s (30. B. I ref. 4s 81 Atchison gen. 4 (1 Pac T. ft T. ( (0 B. A O. ct. 4H 79 Penn oon. 4 Us. 9441 B. Steel ref. 6 (7Penn. gen. 414s. 88 C. Leather 6s... 9314 Reading gen. 4 88 C. Paclflo 1st. 7( S L A S F a. 6s 68 C. A O. ct. ( 81.Bo. Pac. cv. l..a (1 946c By. 6 .... 89 C M ft S P c 4s 7( Tex. Pac. 1st 88 C R I A P R r 4s 6714U. Fan. 4 84 C. A 8. ref. 4Hs 7114U. 8. Rubber ( 7(14 D. A R. O. r. 6 69 TJ. 8. Steel (s... 79 D. of C. 6s ('(1) (1 Wabash 1st .... (3 Erie gen. 4s... 61 French go. 614 (8 Oen. Elec 6.. 9(U. 8. Lib. 1st 4 ((.(4 TJ S Lib 1st 4S 98.90U. S. Lib. 3d 4s 98.96 Gt Nor. 1st 4 86 'Bid. FIFTY PER CENT OF THE FAMILIES HERE OWN HOMES School Census, Recently Com pleted, Shows 19,257 Such Fortunates in City; Ma jority Have Children. An analysis of the school cen(Ul of Omaha, recently completed, (hows a very interesting compilation of home-owning figures. According to the report there are 19,257 families in Omaha who own their own homes. Of these home-owning families 10. 225 have children of school age and y,vsz who own homes are without children of school age. There is in Omaha 20.722 fam ilies who do not own their homes, and of these 9,665 have children of school age, while there are 11,057 Umtlies in Omaha who do not own their own homes and who have no children of school age. Omahu Among Leaders. The fact that nearly 50 per cent of the families of the city of Omaha own their own homes is a significant one, for there are very few, if any, cities of its size and population in the country which has as large a per centage of home owners as Omaha. The Benson schoot district comes to the front with the largest per cent of home owners, with Dundee and Florence next. The Cass school dis trict, almost in the heart of the bus iness section of the city, has the smallest showing of home owners, there being 34 families, with children of school age, and 34 families, with out children, who own their home. In this same district there are 717 families who do not own their homes, 219 of these beinj families with chil dren and 498 without children. Evenly Divided. In the Long school district families with children and families without children who own their homes, and families without children and fam ilies with children who do not own their own homes ia almost exactly the same in numbers. An analysis of the figures in every school district, except those in the congested downtown section, show a peculiarly even balance of home owners and tenants, and famines with children .and childless families. lhe tabulation of statistics, too, shows the same condition existing in those parts of the citv where nerartni of foreign birth have located them selves in colonies. Shows Big Growth. As Compared with tabulatinn in former years, it is shown there has been a crowth in the nnmher nf fam ilies of foreign antecedents who own tneir own homes. This is attributed to the fact that the heads of many such homes, who had been hoarding away savinsi for many years in stocking banks, with tne intention of eventually returning to their native lands to snend their declining days in plenty, realise the war witn its attermath of burden some taxation and Dovertv will make this country a paradise by compari- son. mey are now ot the com ion mat America ana umaha are (rood f . A a A places to live in, and with the inten tion of rooting themselves firmly to tne son, tnev are investing; in homes wttn ttus end in view. Summary of th Corn and Vfheat Begtom, Showera occurred over moat nt Uln,ui. and n scattered areas in th Plain state and upper Ohio valley, with great varia tion in amounts. But tnodsratsly heavy In north-central Oklahoma, central Kinui. and the Red River valley, exceeding on inca ai ungaon, . IX Than was not much change In temperature, th maximum Friday wers generally below (0 at of th Mississippi river, and war from (9 to (0 to th westward. Cotton Fat ores. New Tork, July 12 Cotton fntnres onen. d ateady; July, 17 70o; October, 34.40s; December, 28.96c; January, 23.12c; March, 33.69c. Cotton futures closed steady: Julv. n.ih! October, 34.49c; December, 11.19c; January, a.iic, jnarcn, 23.7BC. -t New Editor for Tribnae New York. Tulv 13. Dr. Henrv Ernest Grueng has ceased his connec tion as managing editor of the New York Tribune. Ogden Mills Reid. publisher of the Tribune, today said, "that the reason were purely internal Home-Owner Loans Up to 607o on residence less than five hears old. Monthly payments. Specidprinltgesand terms. Also straight loans at semi' arnurf interest. It Will Pay the Careful Investor To write us regarding a limited amount of stock which we own and offer, subject to prior sale, in a Company that is now sell ing 300 barrels of oil daily the par value($1.00) of stock, berland Pipe Line Company at the market price of $2.60 per barrel. $224,465.42 paid in dividends in 14 months, equivalent to 12 annually on the par value (f 1.00- of stock. We unhesitatingly advise the purchase of this issue at Sixty Cantg a Share, Circular 9X aent free upon request gives out facts and figures that are convincing and interesting. Danforth, Rejaveg & Co., Investment Securities Waldhi.m Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. . ii . aMMWslsff I COUNTRY ESTATE TO BE CREATED BY LOCAL MEN at a. laf api uaen nnif ahh I VldllCI UCaU OilU JUKI I U. Wharton Will Transform J. H. Weise Farm Into Show Place. One of the most beautifully im proved country estates in the middle west ia to be created out of the J. H. Weise farm, 12 miles west of the city, on the Dodge street road, by the re cent purchasers, Walter Head, vict president of the Omaha Nationa bank, and former Postmaster John C Wharton. The tract contains 160 acres of fer tile land, picturesquely situated, and with a soil formation which will make an ideal farm. Reports come from good authority it is the intention of the gentlemen to make it one of the show places of the Lincoln highway. Messrs. Head and Wharton are men of ample capital and have had broad experience in the pure-bred live stock business. It is their intention to con vert the quarter into one of the model stock farms of the country. Mr. Head has been in the pure-bred stock business in the vicinity of St. Joseph, Mo., for man years, and is the owner of a 2,000-acre, finely equipped stock farm, stocked with registered animals, near there. John C Wharton owns land in 11 states and possesses many broad acres in aJouglas, Sarpy and Washing ton counties, Nebraaka. Both are intensely interested in the development of this section and the investment they will make on their new purchase will be of a nature to give new impetus and interest on the part of all who visit the place in the possibilities of Nebraska for the breeding and developing of registered cattle. Waters-Barnhart Printing , iA I seen Maui Duitrfinn vv bcaoc ucrv uunuuifcj The Waters-Barnhart Printing com-1 pany has leased for t term o? years the building at 416 South Thirteenth street, formerly occupied bv the St James hotel and which was damaged by fire several months ago. ' The structure is now being repaired and remodeled for use as a printing establishment and as soon at the changes, which are quite extensive. are made the firm will move there from its present quarters,-524 South Thirteenth street. The Waters-Barnhart company is contemplating adding greatly to the equipment of their plant and the need ot larger space compelled the leasing , oi me at. jamea building. 4 Heintze Goes to Rental Department Payne & Slater George H. Heintze, who has been with the World-Herald real estate and rental department for the last tint years, is taking the rental department of rayne & Slater, with offices in the Omaha National Bank building, suc ceeding Gare Nelson, who is taking up work for the Knights of Columbus at Fort Crook. SKINNER PACKING COMPANY WttQLXSALf Eggs 1116 -1118 Dourflas,St Tel-Doutflos ISZI Only a Few Day! More Invest in a WINNER! EIAVDTY DEFIUID6 CO. DOING THINGS! IneerperateJ March It, ItlS. Bought Refill ary Site April Sets. Starts! BUILDING Mar Sth. "Hopping t ft" mOa a minute. Building 10,000-Barrel r REFINERT AT CASPER WE EXPECT TO BE REFINING OIL By NOVEMBER of this year You NEVER heard f Kaf (nary go ing broke I Tea busy making BIG rAT PROFITS Now ONLY 55,000 Bbls. Refining Capacity in wfcol state of Wyoming. Honored f wlla, with many thousand barrel daily production capped ia (or lack or pipe line and refineries. Mora gashera being brought la DAILY. CASPER IS CENTER OF WYOMING'S GUSHER OIL POOLS Only IS miles (rem Bid MUDDY, 10 si ilea (rem E emigrant Cap, IS mile (rem Poison Snider; cloa to many thr big OO fields. Th dry said to be underlaid with oil. W r e. ured MORE Oil than w can refine. ReOnarie pay (or their cost every 30 to (K day, de not hav any "dry hole" to gamble en, are aafsr ia vest ment than bank or mortgage and era and pay TREMENDOUS Divi dend. No promotion stock. Your dol lar go into our Refinery. Share are futry paid and Boa -assessable. Don't delay single Dy net even single Hoar You will have to buy IM MEDIATELY to get in ea any of the remainder of this first allotment at th vary low price of $1.00 A SHARE Four equal monthly payment, or S per cent discount for caah la full with order. Liberty Bond accepted at par in making full or partial payments. Write (or FREE "Fact. M.p"Sd Photos of Wyoming's Wonder Oil Field. Cities and Rsftoeriu." GRAVITY OIL G REFINING CO. 18 E. Second Street, Casper, Wyo. SeJeamsM Write.' - - v'