Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1918, Page 11, Image 11
THK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 14. 1018. 11 A YOU Cam Find What Ym Want When Ym Want ItIn Th BEE Classified Columno r HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTED Competent white girl for gen eral housework, whcra .cond girl la kept; no washing: emu II family end good wages. Harney 4og. 1320 8. 34th 31 WANTED Refined woman for gneral houb work, permanent poaltmn, pleasant urrounding. Boa 657, Y. M. C. A.. Oma ha. Neb iVANTED Housekeeper on tunii, two child . Dan preferred, Soren Kudsk, Wash ington, Neb. fy ANTED -Girl or woman for houaowurk on farm. Good wages, Address, O. R, Sweet, Valley, Neb. tilUL or middle-aged woman for general housework on farm. Mm, R. D Musaack. Lyons, Neb. tyANTBD immediately, w bite woman to do llglit housework and have charge of child during mornings. Harney 2638. fXKERlENCED girl for geiieral house work. Call Harney 4925. Trade Schools. WANTED Lad lee to Irarn barber trad Special rates and Inducement!. TR'CITY barber college. 1403 Douglae St Miscellaneous. SOVwRNMENT nkcd's jT.ood womeS CLERKS at Washington. Examination everywhere In July. Experience unnec essary. Women desiring government po ltlona write for free particulars to J. C Leonard, (former civil aervlce examiner), 2B Kcnpls Bldg.. Washington. HELP WANTED Male and Female. WANTED Chambermaid and housemen. Arply to housekeeper. HOTEL FONTBNELLK. WANTED Men, ladle and boys, learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning trletly modern. Call or write J402 Dedgs St Trl-Clty Barber College rnn v. iiei. HOLER Barber College wast young men gad ladies to learn the barber trade. Call r write for tree catalogue. 110 S. Jttb Bt.. Omaha. Nan. EDUCATIONAL Vn Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. KD Oman National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6190 Musical. GOOD positions open in garages, hardware store and other trade lines, for musicians who can play slide trombones, clarinets er lto In the Tri-County Concert band. Write, phone or wire, giving qualifica tions. A lob If you are a musician. Klrby lcGrew. leader, Newman Grove. Neb. FOR RENT ROOMS VoR RENT Front room In modern home References Webster 31584. Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS It you tall to find the room yen desire among these ad can at Tbs Be office for a Room List. Give eeroplet description of vacant room In all part et th elty New list issued every week. . ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby made of the change in management of the Colonnade hotel. Refined people desiring modern rooms with hot and cold water are In vltsd to inspect our accommodations. Rates from I to 16 per week. Phone Douglas 43S. 2474 Harney St. ' FOR RENT ROOM , Vary beautiful front room with den adjoining, In very fine home overlooking Hanscom park; young man preferred. CALKINS CO., :' Second Floor City Nat l Hank Bldg. GENTLEMAN wants furnished or unfur nished roam, between Dodge and Harney, 13th to 17th. where permitted practice violin music any hour. Box 252, postofflce. SANITARY modern room for men only 12.10 per week. Sunshine Apartment. (Or N. 17tt et. J B Robinson. 441 Bee Bldg Douglas 80I7. WELL furnished front sleeping room with screened balcony, full length mirrors, pri vate' home. Across from Brownell D. 6713 Stfl 'S. 86TH AVE. Furnished room,mod -ern. also basement room, oheap; walking distance. Phone H'irney !i72, SS0J STTMARY'S AVE. Desirable "room in strictly modem private home; close In. llOUgIS 1377. 25011 If. MARY'S AVE. Unliable room In strletly modern private home; close In DOUg, 1S7T NJClJ, cool sleeping roomj everything mod am, 1710 Chicag. I blowks from P. O. Deugla im. FOR JtENf Furnished room, private fam. Ily, pear west Farnam car, walking dis tance, men Harney 756. UOUaiRN furnished room lot men only the Sunshine, got North 17th SL Reason able rent STRICTLY modern south room, on bath room floor, with breakfast, 12 50 pel week. Slot North 15th MODERN furnished room, permanent oi transient. Including iarg front room suitable for three gentlemen 1711 Dodge 622 S. 51ST AVE. New, convenient room. Phone Harney 44(5, or call. TWO FRONT ROOMS, MODERN. 12 60 AND 18 PER WEEK. S474. HARNEY NICELY furnished front room, private am. iy; on park line. SOU Pacific. FURNISHED ROOMS in Dundee. Call Wal nut i)lt CL08J5 IN large room, modern fiat, home privileges. Red 57,, 1411 HOWARD Nicely furnished slesplng room. NICELY furnished room In modern apart. raent. 2012 Chicago , FURNISHED ROOMS. 1023 PACIFIC ST. 31 N. 47TH AVE. Pleasant suuth room In private family. Harney 1188. Housekeeping Rooms. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms m private residence; electric light and water furnished; It minutes' ride to buslnesn center; black and half to two car lines; IK per month, lilt Burt St. liar. 2921 ISt 8. 2STH Homelike, desirable, cool southwest room for 2 people on second floor, modern, clothes' closets, large porch and yard; to be seen Is to be appreciated. 3-ROOMi. furnished complete, modern private home. References, Harney 6626 ' M Chicago gtreet. WELL furnished 1-room suite, modern equipment. Walking distance. Apply 2204 N. id St. I T2 8. IsTirst., cool, clean, modern house keeping and sleeping rooms. 12.60 up 2 to 6 rooms, modern, parage, tois La fayette ave. Walnut 1903. Board and Rooms BOARD and rooms, two large southeast rooms, connecting bath; suitable for two r four. Walking distance. Harney 3473. Ill 8. 6th Ave. GENTLEMAN wishes room, and board In rfned Christian bom. Address, Box 404, - Omaha Bee. . Double and single rooms, good ' beard Harney (1143 ONE large room with board, suitable for 2 or I. tit P. 24th St. Hotels CLARBMONT vINN Tali -nd Jscksoo Transient guests. II a day. permanen aueata, a wsea uougiaa stss COOL rooms. 12 week: also apartments wit iTmi'nTTee a'nn nnip) fit 'nrTP FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. WOODBINE FURNISHED APARTMENTS 1214 Wrt, one half block to car. nice airy, well furnished four-room apartment. For married couple or- women employed Xdd B. Qlbba, Webster int. NICELY furnished 2-room uit Harney FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. WELL furnished suite, modern equipment: walking dlalanee. Apply 220 n. sad st. WAYNE. 2 rooms and- bath, $2T. See Janitor, 603 8. sh St. GARVIN BROS. 345 Omaha Natl Bank 1-ROO.M modern apartment, furnished, cor ner screened porch, 130. Apartment I 112 Maple street. T ler 1M2 J. I AND 4-KOOM. housekeeping apartment. Private Bath . Iteasonable. 1113 H. inn STEAM-HEATED modern apartment. 5" P Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. NICELY" furnished modern 2-room apart ment. 408 North 22.1 Houses. FOR RENT For two months, a furnished home, within easy walking distance of 18th St.. to a family without children. Address, giving reference. Box 409, Omaha Bee 6-P.OOM furnished house, modern, location. Harney 6060. good 03 S. J0TH ST. 6-r. mod. ex. fur., S27.60. CARV1N PROS, 34S Omaha Nat'l Bldg. FOR RENT HOUSES West. TO responsible party, large houee, at corner 25th Ave. and Douglaa St. Suitable for high class rooms and dining service. Also fine location for lodge or social organi sations. Phono owner, Louglas 7256. 4012 Cuming, 9 rooms, modern, 140.00. 4119 Izard, 6 rooms, modern, ISO 00. 410S Izard, 6 rooms, modern, I2?.60. PHONE DOUGLAS 1064. 3304 No. 69th 81., 7 rooms 111.00 933 Bedford Ave.. ( rooms 1110 OMAHA (.OAN BLDO ASS'N 2661 DOUGLAS, rooming houee", 133.00. Flat, 2306 Leavenworth, I rms , 120.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, Douglas 654. 2561 DOUGLAS, rooming house. 133.00; flat 2206 Leavenworth, 6 rooms, 120.00. John N. Frenser, Douglas 654. ELEGANT rooming house, modern 2601 Capitol av. North. 631 N 16th, room, modern, I25.O0. 3215' N. 25th ave., 6 rooms, partly modern, 116.00. PHONE DOl'GLAS 1064. LAKE VIEW eottage, on two car lines, at Carter lake; desirable for 5 or 6 ladies or gentlemen. Webster 6041. ( ROOM all modurn house, 1307 N. Golh Ave. Cool basement, perfect repair, 118. Phone Walnut 1920. 6-ROO.M COTTAGE, 115.00 MONTH, WA TER PAID. 1114 No. 24TH STREET. STRICTLY modurn 5-rooru bungalow. Call Webster 189S. SEVEN rooms modern. 125, near postofflce O P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago South 002 Webster, 8 rooms, modern, 112 SO. 2010 Webster, 9 room, modern, 35.00. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1320 Farnam et.. Doug. 1064. Miscellaneous. Houses All Modern. !3.fJ0 4S60 Charles St., ( rms. and bsrn. (Can also be bought right.) 125.001702 Canton St., 7 rms., sleeping poMi. 130.00207 K 23d tt I rms , walking distance (Good place for roomers.) 130.00542 S. 26tn St., rms. 130 00 Summer, and 135 winter, 5-rm. apartment, Bemis Park. 132.50 Summer, and 137.60 winter, 4-rm. apartment, Bemis Park. 132.50 1303V. S. 10th St., 6 rms., all mod ern. (Gas stove and Ice box go with apartment.) 135.00 1 143 Park Ave., 8 rms., hot water heat, newly decorated. 140.00 117 N. 26th St., 7 rms., walking dUtance 150.002112 Chicago St., 7 rms., hardwood finish. ' 150.002646 Capitol Ave., 8 rms. 55 oo 565 S. 36th ' St.. 6 rms., garage. This must be rented at once. 165.00622 N. 23d St.. to rms. and sleep ing porch. Furnished rooming house; must be rented at once. Houses Modern Except Heat. 110.001561 N. 16th St., 4 rms., upstairs. Walking distance. 11 1.001357 N. I7lh St., 4 rms.. upstairs. Walking distance. IIS. 00 1 433 N. 20th St., 8 rms Walking I 1.4 ta nee. 120.OO4214 Wirt St., 5 rms. 120.003522 N. 2Slh St., 6 rms. Houses Partly Modern. 1 9.00 5th and Center, 3 rms. Cemented cellar. J10.O0 2576 .Pierce St., 3 rms. $12.001319 S. 6th St., 5 rn. Cemented cellar. 114.00 423 William St., 6 rms. Cemented cellar. Newly papered. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 537 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 171. " HOl'SES, ALL MODERN 2r..nn, 317 N. 25th st., 6 rm. ' 130.00. 1142 fi. 32d St., 7 rms. 130.00. 3859 California st , ! rms. 1 40.00, 405-9 8. 25th ave., 9 rms. 90.00, 2566 Harney at., 31 rms. fno.oo, 322 S. J6!h st., 14 rms, HOUSES, PARTLY MODERN 114.00, 4021 N. 26th ave.. 6 rms. 135 00, 1817 Davenport, 9 rms. FLATS, MOD. AND PART MOD. $14.00. 1011 N. 24th St., 6 rms. 115.00, 2623 Cass St., 2d floor, 5 rmr. 115.00. 1604 N. 24th St., 6 rms. $20.00. 1466 S. 16th St., 7 rms. 132.50, 315 N 26th St., 7 rms. 140.00, 1613-17 Burt St., 8 rms. APARTMENTS Bosworth, 2217-19 Howard St., 3 rms. and bath furnished. Excellent location. Summer rates, $32.60. Pasadena. 420 Park ave., 4 rooms and bath, summer, $40.00 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Tylr 1536. 333 Securities BMb. Suburban Home Right In Town Residence Eight Rooms Ground 4 Acres Corners of car line and ground lies li.'autlfuliy and is surrounded by streets, making future division into smaller lots easy. House Is absolutely modern and one of the best built In Omaha. Hard wood finish and many special feature add ing to Its desirability. Largs garage for three cars. Must be sold to divide an estate The price is right. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1536. S33 Sscurltits Hlflg. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT 130 or 3-r., 210 South 30th St., modern. $30.00 6-r., 631 South 24th Ave, modern. 133.00 6-r., 619 South 24th Ave!, modern. $10 00 J0-r.. 1917 Cas Street, modern. $17 50 7-r, 707 Smith Jth Street, No 2. 147.60 5-r No. 4 Davldge Bloc. 131.00 S-r., No. 6, Davldge Blockv GEORGE & COMPANY, DOUGLAS 756 FOR RENT. 4 Rooms 2013 Clark St. (colored). .110.00 5 Rooms 4003 North 2oth St 11.60 6 Rooms 511 South 18th Bt 17.50 6 Rooms 1110 Farnam St 16.00 I Rooms J807 Dewey Ave., modern, 26.00 10 Rooms 2413 Csss St. modern,... 40.00 11 Rooms lOSt South 10th Ave., mod. 21.00 10 Rooms 2(01 St. Mary' Ave., 3 baths, modern, garage.,,,, 10.00 J9 Room 1411 North 17th St,, mod. 16.00 BENSON & MYERS CO., Realtors. 424 Oms ha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. T4(. !09 8, 36TH AVB l-r modern. M0.00. 2T21 Jackson St., S-r., modern, 121.00. 1309 Castellar St., (-r., city water, 110.60 2620 Castellar St., 4-r, city water, 19.03. 1118 N lid St., 4-r.. city water, 18.10. 3461 Miami St., 6-r., well, 19.00 CREIGH. SONS & COMPANY. Pougla 300 Realtor. 601 Boa Bldg. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous S. 3Mh St., 7-r. apartment. .is;. ou 3,s, Decatur, at., 7-r., modem except heat, double garage $29.00 3213 Burt St.. 3-r., part modern t 8.50 221S Leavenworth, 10-r., mod. ox. ht.120 00 vrtr. a iu e, c . -.. - . - --.: c. luiii t-i.. u-r., mipu. ex. ni..?tove 2015 Leavenworth. 8-r.. moderri 3C .06 SIM a. :'th St.. tS-r., mod. ex. heat . . .tit 00 8"2 S. 22d St.. 8-r.. strictly modern .. $32.50 M'CAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 415.' a t w. o. i . .. . . - , . HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. llrR 706 No. lXth St. (3d floor) 1J 00 4-R. 601 Martha St , 1350 6- R. 17164 California St 10.60 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 7- R. 517 No. 18th St $!2.60 STRICTLY MODERN. 6-R. 4117 No. 20th St :..3."..C0 9-R. 1919 Chicago St 35.00 PORTER & SHOTWKLL. 503 80. 17th St. Doug. 6011. Offices with Home Builders 207 S. 24th St.. 15 roms, mod., 165 00. 2110-12 Douglas St., 21 rooms, mod., 110. 626-30 S 26th Ave., II rooms, all mod ern, 155 00. 1333 Park Ave., I rooms, modern, 140. on. 448 8. 24th St., 4 rooms, close In, $13 00. 2324 Harney St., 13 rooms, all modern. F. D. Wead, 318 28th St. 666 S. 35TH AVE., 7-r., mod., $40. 1628 Seward St., 8-r., mod., ISO. 2564 Manderson St, 7-r.. mod., 127.56. 3701 N 19th St., 7-r., mod., 157 1115 S. 30th Ave., 7-r., mod., 125. 2667 Douglas St., S-r., c. w bath, 126. , 602 8. 30th St., 5-r mod. ex. fur. 121. GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. CLOSE-IN ROOMING HOUSE, STEAM HEAT FURNISHED. 323 S. 26th St., 14 rooms, all modern Good condition. No eoal bills; we buy It and furnish hot water the year around. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY Tyler 1536. No. 323 Securities Bldg 2321 N. 15th. 7 rooms, modern, 122.60. 1801 Grace. 7 rooma, modern, 123.60. 147 8. 31st, 6 rooms, mod. ex. ht., 111.00. 2003 N. 18th St., 6 rooms, mod. eg. ht , 2d floor. 116.00. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1120 Farnam st. Doug 10(4. 620 8. 28th 8t., 9 rms., all mod... 2407 Jones St., 9 rms., all mod... S. 35th St., 7 rms., all mod 1013 S. 23d St., 6 rms., all mod 1010 Pacifio St., 4 rms., part mod. 50.00 28.00 87.50 16.60 11.00 BIRKETT COMPANY. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas (33 909 N. 17TH. 6-r. mod. apt,, 127.60. 1622 Cuming, 4-r. mod. apt.. 132.50. 4710 N 36th, 6-r. mod. ex. ht., cot. 117.50. 2820 N. Slat, 6-r. pt. mod. cot., 115. 1133 N. 18th. 7-r., all mod. cot., 125. RASP BROS, 110 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. 2224 DODGE St., 8-r. mod. house. 167.60. 1921 Leavenworth St. 6-r., part mod flat, 117.50 ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY, 206 South 18th Street. Douglas 723. 3431 HAWTHORNE ave., modern room house; four room and bath In the Ster ling, 136.00 summer and 142.60 winter. First Trust Company, Realtor. 400 First National Bank Bldg. T. 729. 114 N. 2.4TH ST. 12-room, modern. ... 140.00 2109 Chicago St., 5-rm., strictly mod. 11.50 2011 Sherman Ave., l-room, modern 30.00 F. D. WEAD, 318 South 18th St. 1181560 N. 30th, 6 rooms, bath. 125620 S. 20th, 10 rooms, furnace. 1302025 St. Msry', 8 rooms, new furnace. RING WALT BROS.. Brandel Thea. Bldg, Liar vour property for rent or salt with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors Tyler lit HOUSES ' IN ALL PARTS OF THB CITY. CREIOH 8UN8 CO.. BEE BLDO Shopen & Co., Rental. Douglas 42,6. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. APARTMENT. I rooms In the Hudson. 307 South 26th Avenue; heat and Janitor aervlce; 143.60 and 150.00 per month. Benson & Myers Co., Realtors, 424 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 7426 APARTMENTS, 6 rooms In the Hudson, 207 South J(th avenue, heat and janitor service, 142.50 and $50 00 per month. Benson & Myers Co., Realtors. 424 Omaha Nat'j Bk. Bldg. Doug. 746 ROYAL 313 S. l7th. closa In, good loca tion, choice semi-basement, J-r. with 3-r. accommodation, renting for 127 60 year round. Bee janitor at 317 S. !7th. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY. FXJRINSHED LA TUNA APTS 641 S. 24th 8t. A large II v. room, a dree, room and closet combined, a kltch. and bath, comp turn.; best of service. D. 1533 PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. WAYNE, 3 rooms and bath., 124.50. See Janitor, 603 S. 28th St. GARVIN BROS., 345 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. H A M II. TON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn sn d flowers: best location; 24th and Farnam Prices reasonable Call p. 1473. FOUR-rooms and bath, all modern, second floor. 2211 Davenport. North. 4-ROO.M and sunroom, new, 127.60; apt. 9. Maple Court, 18th and Maple, Tyler 1813-J. ESTAHROOK Apartments, 4 rooms. $25, 3 rooms 122. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. South DEWEY. 3301 Dewey ave., new, very choice, good location, 3-r. with 6-r. accommodation, renting for 137.60 summer, winter 145. Call Janitor at Harney 3376 for appoint ment. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY. BERKELEY 611 S. 16th ave , close In, new 2-r. with 3-r. accommodation, built-in bed, renting for 130 summer, winter 136. See Janitor at 1954 Jones et. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1C14 HARNEY. HI 'foHlTiiOt'' 1814 CHICAGO ST, 10-r., mod.. 145. 417 N. 18th St.. (-r.. upper, 131. 603 N. 35th St., 7-r., mod., 132.50 3814 D St., 4-r., c. w., 29. OARVIN BROS., 146 Omaha Nat'l Bldg. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT South half of 4U South 16th Street, very center of the first-class retail section. GEORGE & COMPANY, DOUGLAS 756 FOR RES T At 1714 Vinton St., tine store room, full baaement. In best business psrt between Omaha and South Omaha, will be empty August 1. 136 per month. Will give lease. Also good store at 11 Vin ton, at 126. C. B. Schlcichen, 3146 S. 16th. Tyler 105 STORES FOR RENT. I 50.00707 South 16th street. I 70.00617 South 16th street. 1100.00214 South 18th tret. GEORGE AND COMPANY. Douglas 756. 1807 St. Mary' ave ' 1720 St. Mary's ave., excellent location for csfa In Flatlron Hotel Bis First Trust Company, Realtors. 400 First National Bank Bldg. T. 729. Drug store with bouse In connection In good location. No competition. 140 a month. For particulars see W. FARNAM SMITH CO. 1320 Farnam st. Doug. 1064. ' STORES 1921 Leavenworth, 117.60. 2413 Cuming St., 130.00. ALFRED C. KENNEDY COMPANY. !05 South 18th Street. Dougla 722. STORE FOR RENT 16th and Douglas. 20x 40: steam heat; rent, till per month WORLD REAt.TT rrv Dougla 6I4J. gun Theater Bldg TORE North Kth St., near P O.; low rent. . .... miu t.niraico STORE North 16th t., near P. O.; low rent. O. P. Stebblns. 1(U Chicago FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Office and Desk Room OFFICES In Saumlers-Keiinedy building. See Alfred Kennedy Company, Agents 305 Souih JSth Street. Barns and Garages. FOR RENT New garage." 60x100 fi in good town on Uratnlaml highway he iwecn Grand Island and Norfolk. Tonant must buy ttock and tools, 12.000 or leas. Mlnvr Bradley. Grand Island, Nob. NEW cement garago76oiil6o ft., located Tn good town on new Oralnland highway. Small stock supplies and tools. Will ex. change for Nebraska farm or cheap land. Miner A Bradley, O ran it Island, Neb Miscellaneous IN ili.i wholesale UUtrlct, 414 Somh 11th st.. 4 floors and basement 33rf66, electric elevator. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam st. Douif. 1064. WANTED TO REN I Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. uifti your nouasa lor rent wuu u and get results. More request than houses: give u house. Payne Investment Co.. Realtor 627 Omaha Nat'l Bsnk Bldg D. 1781. MOVING AND STORAGE FREE Si. FIDELITY 16TH AND JACKSON DOUG. J8. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE "O. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store: office on Howard St., between 18th and 16th Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving handled Just a you would an order for new furniture. That' the way we do It Ask to see our dally rental list. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooma for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAOE CO., 808 8. Kith. Douglas 4161. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing end storing call Tyler 210 or Dougla 4338. Jfl T?TH1l7ri Express Co., Moving, . V. IKPjCjU Packing and Storage. 1307 Farnam8L Web. 2741; Douglae 6146. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. LARGE moving van; careful men. Fur niture pack., storage. 1417 Chicago. D 3364 REAL ESTATE B'nes Pr'ty WANT TO BUY DIRECT FROM OWNER The best 8- or (-room hungalow, (1,000 cash will handlo; must be absolutely de sirable, olassy and not any undesirable surroundings. Dundee, Clifton Hill or Mlnne Lusa. Box 6191, Bee ' ONLY undertaking business In two thriving Nebraska towns; up-to-date equipment, ' beautiful new auto hearsa; prefer to sell fine modern home, together with houje. hold furniture, with th business; all In fine shape; must sell at onoe; preparing for army. Address Box Y 120, Omaha Bee. ICE CREAM and cunfoctionery business, In a Nebraska town of 6,000: make own Ice cream and candles; everything In first class condition; well established and do ing a good business; will stand the most rigid Investigation. No tradoa. For par particulars address Box Y 611. LIVE DRUG businessfor sale. Must sell quick: am going Into military aervlce, stock Invoice 110.000 to 111,000. Last year buslnees $20,000. 1 ' Would Consider ' trade on farm land. Becker Drug Co., Humphrey, Neb. For" iale a VQeiiiTrrsie1iV1(uish inga, Hats, Tailor Made Clothing. Locat ed county seat town, 8,000 people, best farming section in Nebraska,, worth 15,. 500. will take 16,300. Reasons military vice. Quick action necessary. FOR SALE Elsctrlo shoe shop, completely furnished; all latest and best tools; do ing good business; sell for cssh only; good reference. L. J. Probst. Peters burg, Neb. WB WILL buy your bom or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Electric Bldg Tyler II. FOR SALE FOR CASH Saloon In good loca tion doing good business. Reason for quitting, death Address IT., 1410 Charles St., St. Joseph, Mo. FOR SALE H. & M. Lunch counter. Oppo site B. & M. depot. Good paying business. Bargain If taken at once. B. C. BRUCE, Holdrega, Neb. BUSINESS property and investments. A P TUKEY and SON. 30 First Na tlona lB n k Bldg. JVCAGVB" INVESTMENT CO. Income, Business and Trackage Specialist Uth a Fid Dodge Sta Dougla 418. REAL ESTATE Investment $7,500 INVESTMENT PROPERTY ..Southeast corner of Twnty-eventh St. and Popleton Ave., 100 feet fronting west on Twenty-seventh St., with paving all paid; double building for two families; built of brick and stucco; first-class plumbing and heating throughout. Has 8 rooms tn each apartment, 2 room on first floor and 3 room and bath on second floor; oak finish downstairs. If you want a desirable property that Is always rented, and on which the upkeep Is very low, you should look thl building over. Ther is room for another duplicate building on th 50. foot vacant ground adjoining on the south. A desirable payment down will handle this property. HASTINGS HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Phone Tyler 60. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. GOOD HOMES WEST $6,850 buys an unusually well construct ed 2-story and attlo, 7-room, modern house in BEMIS PARK DISTRICT. Flnlahed In tuarter sswed whit oak first floor; uuarter sawed pine second; located on east front lot, 44x17 feet. Beautiful hajyk yard, fenced In. All walls back plastered, canvassed and hand decorated In otl. Original oost of house was 17.300. Lot worth 11.600. Property In excellent condition. ' Now vacant. Key at our of fice. Investigate If you want a bargain. 16,750 buys a well built, 2-story "no1 attic, 8-room, modern house, having hot water heat, garage, cement driveway. Located on east front lot, 66x140 feet, with double frontage on 2 paved streets, on Park Ave., bet. Jackson and D' wey. House built by day labor, In excellent condition. Original coat to owner 111.198. A desirable close-In home at a very low figure. $7,600 buy a good, nearly new, 2. story, 8-room, modern stucco house, fin ished In oak and white enamel, with oak floors throughout. Has tiled bath room, hot water heat, attractive sun room snd .-deeping porch. Lot, 60xl8 ft. Location nar 36th nd Dodge. Terms: About 12,000 cash, balance 150 per month. M.250 buy a good 2-atory and attic, 8 room modern house. In good condition, built by present owner for home. Finished In OBk. located on East front corner lot, 50x125 feet. Near 41st Ave. and Daven port. This property belongs to a widow lady, who is offering same for sal only because It 1 too large for her present needs. tJ,600 buys a well-built, 3-stry and at tic. 8-room modern house, flnlahed In oak and birch, with quarter sawed iak floors throughout; located on Iarg lot, 2'ixl2ft feet. At 41st and Davenport Sts. House now vacant. Kev at our of fice. Price Just reduced 11,000 for quick sale. GEORGE & COMPANY, City Nst'i Bank Bldg. Phone Deug. 75(. (.ROOM 'house with' electric lights and t lots nfar 43d and Pierce atreots, (1,760. f. D. Wead. 310 So. 18th street REAL ESTATE IMPROVFD "West CATHEDRAL DISTRICT BUNGALOW 5-ROOMS $4,000 Practically new; oak woodwork and floors; every modern convenience; bull tin bookcase, kitchen cablnels, etc. Lot 60x 131. Paving paid In full. Only one-half block from Saunders school. Four blocks from new Cathedral and Parochial school. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 16S 333 Securities Bldg. NEW HOME WEST 7 rooms finished up with the most up-to-date appliance, and unusually well built, on a full lot at 8001 Cas street, with all streot Improvement paid. This wss built by carpenter living nearby, and you could not nearly duplicate It for the price, 15,260. Owner could use a good lot a part rymnt. It la ready to move Into look today. HARRISON & MORTON 918 Omaha Nat'l Bank Hldg. Tel. D. 314. YOUR OPPORTUNITY To secure a real horn at a real bargain. Th location 1 high and sightly and th urroundlng of th best; paved street, one-half block to oar; full two-story bouse with garage; seven elegant rooms; well arranged; downstair has large living room with fireplace, a beautiful large sun room, dining room snd kitchen. Three Iarg airy bedroom and bath on second floor. First floor finished In oak, second floor In whit enamel; newly docorated. House complete In every detail, screens, storm sash, etc Worth more than the price, 15.760 00 Ask for appointment to se this today. Call Walnut 160. CLOSE-IN $6,000 FIRST TIME OFFERED An exceptionally well-built, modern home; hot water heat. Living room, din ing room, hall and kitchen on the first floor; quarter sawed oek. 4 large bed rooms and bath on the second floor; floored attic. This Is practically a new homo, was built by the owner and Is good vslue. This la near Crelghton college. Term GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 8962. 619-20 City National. NEW COTTAGE WEST On Farnam St., No. 4411; large lot, (0x121 ft.; an up-to-date, oak-f!nlhed cottage of 6 rooma. Another week will complete It. See It todsy. Pries, 14.600. Carpenter, owner and builder, across the gtreet HARRISON & MORTON 916 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tel. P. 314. 6-ROOM, OAK THROUGHOUT. BRAND NEW, $3,950. EASY TERMS. Brand new 6-ronm house, en paved street and paving paid. Owner cut price from 14,500 to 13,860 and will aell It to you on very easy term. House alone could not be built for the money. Look thl over and mak your proposition. Some on la going t get a bargain. Bedford-Johnston Co., Realtors. 128 Keellne Bldg. Douglns 3140. BEMfXRK BUNGALOW $3,250 Located on Lafayette avenue, half block from the car; south front lot. Ha four room and bath on th first floor; three bedroom on the second floor; garage. Terms. GLOVER & SPAIN Douglas 3968; 119-20 City National. WEST F ARN A T DISTRICT. 666 S. 36th Ave. Price, (5,250. Can make easy term. Seven-room modern house In firat-class condition; excellent residence neighbor hood; house could not be built for price asked. Will lease If not sold Immedi ately. GARVIN BROS.. 345 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FINE residence, district, large Imost new, In Field club living room with fire- place, sun room, dining rom. front hall, clothes closet, kitchen and pantry first gtoor; three bed rooms, large enclosed sleeping room and hath second floor; basement under whole house, splendid furnace, large gas water hesti-r: floored attic, double garage. Price 3,600. Ap polnment only. Box 816, Omaha Bee. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. My 8-room house, up-to-date snd thor oughly modern; cement block garage with drive; wide lot and splendid location; leaving city ,nd must let go. Will sell at assessed vsluatlon, $7,000. Improve ments alone cost much more. Can mako easy terms. See owner at 3131 Daven port St. MODERN OAK BUNGALOW. $150 CASH. 6-room, all modern bungalow for 12,960. Large lot and good location. OrSy one block from north 46th St. car; 1150 cash and 128.50 per month. Redford-Johnston Co., Realtors. 222 Keellne Bldg. Douglaa 3140. ELEGANT HOME FOR SALE. OWNER LEAVING CITY, l-room modern, 'A mil northwest from postofflce, flrst-clss residence district; paved streets; 1 block from street car line, 10. minute walk from business dis trict. Cash preferred; will accept two. thirds payment down and balance terms. Box 612, Omaha Bee. 37th ST., block to Farnam. 9 rooms, comparatively new. Newly painted and decorated. Quarter-sawed white oak floor and finish downatalrs. Larue tiled bath and 2 large bed room with lava torie. No better neighborhood In th city A 110.001) homo for 17,600. da.ll Harney 2656, Sunday and evenings, or Doug. 150 week day and ask for Mr Bar. rett. EXCHANCB FOR COTTAGE for a larger house, 7-r., strictly mod. house, not new, but In best of repair. Will make a flnn home for someone who want a 7r. house; paving paid; located Jat west of High school. Our cash price Is 14,000. I RASP BROS , 210 Keellne Bklg. Tyler 721. 3621 HAmTlTONSTRBET." I3T.150. Oak and birch flnUhed, very modern (room bungslo'w. with sleeping porch. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM. NEW 7-rooni, up-to-date, oak finish, large lot; beautiful location. 0127 North 24th St. Price 16.250 Norrl & Norrta. D 4270 BEAUTIFUL nine-room house with private garage, 1010 Dodge et. First Trust Company, Realtors. 400 First National Bank Bldg T. 729. North A BIG SNAP 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $3,400. This Is your chance to pick up a real bargain. 4117 North Twentieth street (Florence blvd.), a 6-room, completely modern bungalow, having living room, den, dining room and kitchen on first floor, two bedrooms and bath on second floor; has besmcd ceilings and other bulltln features. All paving psld; garage. Im. mediate possession. Cssh required. 11.760; balance carried by building and loan. See his today, and arrange to buy tomorrow. We believe II will be sold soon. Call PORTER & SHOTWELL, Realtors. Douglas 3013. 20 South Seventeenth St ncanors, MINNE LU8A home and lot offer th beat opportunity to Invest yonr money Phone Tyler 187. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. KOUNTZE PLACE HOME A REAL BARGAIN 1621 Blimey St A strictly modern home, having reception hell, parlor, din ing room and den, finished In oak, fine Kitchen, pantry and Icebox room on flrat floor; four bedrooms and bath on second floor. Stairway leading to floored attlo; full cemented basement, fin furnace heat ing plant Level lot, 60x134, alley at r.-ar; good garage, built warm; paving padl on rll street. Neighborhood clean and attractive. One-half block to car line and near schools and churches, it will pay you to Investigate this. Price, 14.350; terms, half cash, balance on time. Keys at our office. Immediate posse, slon. Call Douglas 6013. 203 8. 17th St. PORTER & SHOTWELL Realtors. BIG SNAP NEAR KOUNTZE PLACE $200 Down and $25 Per Mo. 8 room itrletly modern except heat. Living room, dining room and one bed room on flrat floor. Two ntc bed room and hath on eeeond floor. Newly decorat ed and painted Inald and out Large lot. East front Tavsd street, paving paid for Price. 12.800. Can be discounted for cash. Payne Investment Company, Realtors. 137 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Dong. 1781. 7 Acres In Keystone Park 5-Room House Thla piece lie beautifully and I all un der cultivation. Cottage and barn and outbuildings ar In fair oondltlon. Only two hlocks from macadam road and about one mile from car lino; two block from Jitney isrvlc. Rented to flrst-elas ten ant at 1300 per year. Will pay you on present basis 0 per cent on th prtc; 15,000, and your only carrying charg out of thl will b county taxes which ar small, and a few dollars Insurance. Splen did Investment as all thl good acreage anywhere near town Is Increased In value very rapidly. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 1538. Ill Securities Bldg. Miller Park Bungalow Just listed, a (.roam trlatty modern bungalow, located near Kth and Crown Point Av. This bungalow I II feat wide and 64 feet long, consisting of living room, with hullt-ln booh eases, celonade opening, dining room, built-in buffet, ua room, two bedroom and bath and kitch en, all on one floor. Frenoh plated door between (tin room and living room. Bullt-lu feature In kitchen. Full base ment with furnace heat South front on paved street Nlo eement drive, full size garage. Thl Is on of th nlftleat bungalow In th city. Seeing Is bs llevlng. Shown only on appointment Payne Investment Company, Realtors. (17 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1TI1. Minne Lusa Bungalow $1,000 Down and Balance $40 Per Month. 6-roem new bungalow located In th prettiest part of Minns Lusa. Living room, dining room with built. In book, cases, eolnnado opening, bullt-tn buffet with mirror glass, plat rail and panel walls. Combination bed room and gun room with fiv windows Flnlshsd In white ensmel. Front bed room finished In white enamel. Kitchen flnlshsd In pine. Oak floors throughout. Full cement base ment. Furnace heat Floored attlo. Large lot on paved street. If looking for something new and nifty at the right price, don't fall to see thl. Payne Investment Company, Realtors. 637 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1711, 1920 SPENCER STREET 8 ROOMS Three fine rooms and hall, finished In quarter-sawed oak, first floor; four xe. lent bedrooms, second floor; third floor finished for maids' quarter) hot water heat, strictly modern, and. In fin eondl tlon; located on a full south front lot; paving paid; garage and driveway; leaa than block from Florenc Blvd.; con venient to car line. Price and term reasonable; might ake a cottage a part payment. J. L. HIATT COMPANY 00 First Nat'l Bsnk Bldg. Tyler II. NEAR KOUNTZE PARK $1,000 Down and $40 Pr Mo. 6-room. full two-story house, located near 22d and Wirt treets. Living room, mahogany finish with oak floor. Built. In fireplace with solid mahogany mantel. Dining room mahogany finish with hard maple floors Lsrg kitchen. Three large bed room nd bath on second floor Large floored attlce on third floor. Full ee ment basement, furnace heat. Largs lot on paved street, paving paid. South front. Owner ha authorised us to cut th price of thl property from 15.000 to 14, 260 for quick sal. Shown only on ap. polntment Payne Investment Company, Realtors. -37 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. D, 1781. NEARLY NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE $3,750 Located at 245 Hartman av., on block wcat of Twenty-fourth street car line where the house ar all new. Ha Iarg combination living room with alcove and dining room finished In oak, well arrang ed kitchen and two nice sleeping room and hath on first floor; first-class plumb ing throughout, electric light and gas, furnace heal. Corner Jot; small payment nown, Balance like rent. House now vacant; ready to move Into. See us about It at once. HASTINGS A HAYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. PHONE TYLER (0. NORTH SIDE BARGAIN $650 CASH And monthly Installment Ilk rent will purchase an excellent 8-room thoroughly modern house at 2407 North 22d St Thl Is one of the best value wa ar offering today. Hardwood finiah, flrplace, built in cupboards, hot water heating plant, and many other convenience not found In the "built-for-sale" home. Large lot with plenty of shade trees, paving all paid. Price cut to 13,230. ( The Byron Reed Co., Doug. 297. 1(11 Farnam tt REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. MILLER PARK HOME. Facing Miller Park en the South Side at 2585 Kansas avenue. Six-room twe tory frame and atuoco residence. Al most new and of th latest atylo; dandy horn: hot water heat, tiled hath screened In porch and In a charming lo cation. Owner ha loft th otty. Price 13.600. Shown by appointment only. 1010 80. I8TH AVBNUB. Thl I a modern atory and half house rf seven room, only four year Id Three hd rooma and bath on cond floor Th lot Is 42x111 fronting Cast -with alight tsrrace; aome fruit A mighty homey place In good neighborhood and a dsnlded bargain at 11,400. NEW BUNGALOWS. Of rock-faced stucco; large living rootr, with fireplace: dining room with bullt-lr buffet two good sUed bed room wltb bathroom between; thl 1 thoroughly well built and up-to-the-mlnut In style anrt arrangement. Located on Victor avenue, between Kth and 18th. Entirely new. Let me ehowr you. H. C. FREEMAN, at Pstsrs Trust Co., Tylsr 144. Fine Miller Park Home For Only $500,00 Cash. Modern up-lo-dat house, extra well built, hardwood finish, most new, large lot. 70x188, wtth a eement drtvewav to a garage, near 34th and Ellison Av. Eight-room, fin modern homo, built by owner; flnlahed In quarter (awed cak: good atied room; some built-in effect Four sleeping rooms, Iarg attlo, extra good hat water heating plant; Iarg cor ner lot, T4xlI4, with fruit and shad tree and a large garage. Sevan-room modern house In DUNDEE, oak finish, library, sleeping porch; lot 100 S III. for 16,600. W.H. GATES (IT Ornihs Nat. Bk. Bldg T). 1194. MWSIX R, SfTJCCOl "tjARA&E. PRICE $4,900, $2,000 CASH. $30 MO. Built by day labor, choice white oak floor, finish and woodwork, finest fix. tur plumbing, furnace, iarg living room, way across, book case, built In seat, fine dining room, model kitchen, built In cabinets, refgr. room, full basement. I large bad rooms, tiled bath, basa tub, llnsn closet, fin porch; Just as It Call Tyler 411. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. 4 ROOMS, 3 LOTS, VERY HOMELIKE 6538 BEDFORD AVE. Hous I In good oondltlon, Large base ment, olty water, leetrlo light, gartg. poultry house, cherry tree, raapberrie. currants, grape,' tc. Esy terms. 1300 down. Call Tylsr 19 and Mk for Mr. Uanvlll. HASTINGS HBTPEN. 1(14 HARNEY T. $2,900. Seven room and bath, two full stories and attlo; 34th and Parker. Paving paid: hous modern and In splendid condition; garage; one. third cash; a bargain. SHULER & GARY, Realton. Phone D. 60T4. 104 Keellne Bldg. Bungalow on Boulevard just north of Mili tary A.; I room, almost nw oast front with ft beautiful yard; nonresident make ' prlc of 14.100 for quick 1. For appointment, eall Pougia 114, HARRISON & MORTON Rtaltor. 911 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. . 6 R, HOME, STRICTLY MODERN SHADE. $600 POWN, PR. $2,650, $25 MONTH. Full front porch, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, I nlc bed room and bath 2nd floar, full basement, a food buy. Call Tyler 411. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 201 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. MODERNBUNGALOW ' SNAP. ' $3,350. Largo l-room modern oak finished, bungalow with garage, Located In Boule vard Park Add'n. Thl I a r'l bargain and I actually worth 11,760, Completely modern, oak finish and Iarg attlo. Term to suit Bedford-Johnston Co., Realtors. 132 Keellne Bldg. Dougla 1140. "YOU WILL SB SURPRISED. to know that you ean buy a new, gtrlotly mod. bungalow, facing Kountsa park, at thl tlm. Ther ar fsw home Ilk thl on th market It ha everything en rould wish for In a horn; eor, lot; paving all paid. Thl placa can bo, bought for 14,126; reasonable term. RASP BROS., 210 Keellne Bldg. Tyler 721. Sunday Web. 14(0. HOME AMUNG TREES EIGHT room, with Iarg bam, lot 40x 111, on pretty (treet, paving all paid, close to oar, 3664 Spalding. Only 13.000. HARRISON & MORTON REALTORS. Ill Omaha Nat'l Bank. fUST BEING BUILT FINE BUNGALOW. $3,600. Five Iarg rooma, en btsutlful corner lot block from car. Buy now and se lect your own decoration, fixture and painting; 1160 cash and 186 pr month will handle. Bedford-Johnston Co.. Realtors. 222 Keellne Bldg. Dougla 3140. NEAR OMAHA UNIVERSITY 25lh and Manderson, not new but In good condition, I room and bath, all mod em, on ono floor, nlc lot, shad trees, fruit, paved (treat, fin looatlon, 12,150 for short time. P. J. TEBBENS CO. (06 Omaha Natl. Bk. D, 1111. 3814 NORTH KTH ST (-room cottage, gas. city water, electric -lights, win mak very desirable bom for railroad man; 11,200, Term. A mo Grant, Realtor, uougia 8180. 8l Branded Thtr Bldg. feEAUTIFCL modern 7-roora homo wtth garaga, 2696 Manderson. Comer lot, both trset paved, and all for lea than ap proximate oost of houe alone. Inspec tion invited. OWNER must tall 2230 Pratt St, 7-room strictly modsrn hous In' fin location. Pries, 14,000 but will consider any rsason abls offer for quick aale. Will F. Sledn. topf, Council Bluffs la- Phone 1712. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, three lot and fruit trees. Oood bargain a ownar leaving town. 18th and Maple street. Phono Webster 74g. WE SELL, rent. Insure and mak loana oo olty property. North. MITCHELL INVESTMENT CO., 14th and Am Ave,. Col. 913. FOR SALE Strictly modern five-roera bungalow In ' dealrabl relsdent district Must sell at one. Ill N. Uth. Phon Clfax 1371 South BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW 5 LARGE R., EX. LARGE ATTIC AND BASEMENT. $1,000 CASH, PR. $4,600, $35 MONTH. Thla 1 out ef th ordinary, must be . seen to be appreciated, dandy porch, fine shade, voatlbula, lounge room, book oases, colonnade, buffet French doom, aun room, bed room, another fine bed room, modern kitchen. xpnslvely decorated and fix. turea. Call owner, Harnoy 1334. 1901 So, 39th (treat HANSCOM PARK BARGAIN Fine all-modem bouse, oak finish, ale large rooma and well arranged, also garage, largo lot, (hade, trait and paved treet, near list end Mason for 13,1(0. 11,000 caah, balance good terms P. J. TEBBINS CO, (Realtor) ' log Omaha Natl Bk. Phone D. ill! fiAirrir o.i i tt . Six-room house, full basement Inquire ' ' 1017 South Forty-third treet