Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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    4, J,- '
. THE OMAHA- SUNDAY BEE: JULY 14, 191$. 1 - ' , . '
10 A - , , .
There w NO KEGULAR REASONS far Getting- Sodl Jobs KEEP LO0MNG
Want Ad Rates
(Cash With Order.)
JHa per word aeb Insertion
le per word for three consecutive Insertions
la per word for each additional Insertion
Ko ad taken for less than a total of I"c
or less than 10c per day.
Jo per line (count words to line) one time
Ko per lino each time. eonsecutlvo times
Jo Dr line eacn time, av rrairtuun
25c per line week
lOo per line each Ihacrtlon
Minimum Charge, BO Centa.)
Contract Rate On Application.
For convenience of advertiser want ads
will be accepted at the following offices:
MAIN OFFICE Bee Building
Ames Office 4410 North 24th 8t.
l.ak Office S516 North 24th 8t.
Vinton Office 2467 South 16th 81.
Park Office 2616 Leavenworth St
Walnut Offlc 1 North 40th 8t.
South Side N St
Council Bluffs 1 Main St.. North
THE BEE will not be responsible for more
than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertise
ment ordered for more than one time.
Use THE TELEPHONE If you cannot con
veniently bring or aend your ads to any of
the above office. Ask for a Want Ad
Taker and you will receive the aame good
service a when delivering your Id In
Want Ad Columns Close
Evening Editions wlV m'
Morning Editions -10.00 P. M.
Sunday Editions 10 P. M.atujday Evening
HELPERS, Harry, aged 21 years, S months,
f days; . July 12. 1918. Funeral from
home of parent. Mr. and Mr. Frank
Selders, 1711 N. llth St., Monday after
noon at 1 o'clock. Interment Forest
STARR Clarence A, Funeral Sun
day, July H. from North Preabyterlan
church. Twenty-fourth and Wirt treet.
Burial, Forest 1-awn cemetery,
WEIDEN8ELLER Josephine H., July 11.
Remains will be at Hoffmann' Funeral
- Home until Sunday, 1:10 p. m. Interment
Dodgevtlle, Wl
Funeral at th home, 1711 N. llth St.,
Monday at I p. m. IMI
( WISH to thank my many friend for
their kind ervlce and sympathy and
tlful floral offering during the long Ul
na end death of my mother. Mr. W. C.
Raahlan and Family; r3Ljj, ,
UNDERTAKERS and licensed embalmers;
also prlvste ambulance. Call Webster 47.
- Willi C. Crosby, 2611 N. 24th St
JOHN A GENTLEMAN, undertaker and
embalmer. S4I1 Frnam St. Harney 91.
HUl.rtrc RIEFEN. undertaker and em
balmer 701 8. 16th Dg"'jL."!i
Independent Undertaker. 13d A Far. H. 400
E L ETODDER CO.. Funeral Directors
F. U Fero. Mgr., 13d and Cuming Sts
Phon Dougla 677 Auto ambulance.
Hoffmann quality rvlr. coU less
4th and Dodge J""'" , ""L
1614 Pouglss St. Dougla 244.
Flower shipped everywhere. Exp, prepaid
PARKER FLOWER SHOP. 418 B. 16. P. 1102-
BATH Careful Florist. 1604 Farnam SI.
Henderson .1619 Farnam t 134S.
WEST LAWN offer sympathetic rvlce In
. sudden orrow; perpetual caret no assess-
rnent; lot en easy term. Phone Wal. 10.
" THE largest display of monument In the
United Stale FRANK SVOBODA, 1115
26 8 ISth Phone Dougla 167S-521S.
Blrtba Walter and Valeria Sepka, Forty
seventh and H streets, girl; Elmer and
Edith Miohetaen, 40T North Thirtieth,
girls Harry and Dora Bklpworth, "OS North
Thirty-third, Blrl; Harry and Louis Dodds,
Florence, boy; unanee ana mucneu,
3821 North Twenty-fourth, boys John and
Rena Ranillch, 6411 North Twenty-nlnth
treet, boy; Frederick and Rlna Hanblet,
s7U North Thirty-first, flrl; Sabastlana and
Oraala M. Sortlno, 1261 H South Thirteenth,
girl. .'
Death Margaret 3. Kepmtan, 1301 Clark
street, aged 66; Baby Cummlngs, 1726
South Eighth! Mr. Katie Hatfield. T21
North Twenty-flret, aged IT years; Charles
H. Loiplow, IJ06 North Thirteenth avenue,
age 67; Robert Brown, hospital, age 75;
Robert Mapes, Alnsworth, Neb., age 46
, The following marriage license have been
Name and Address. Age.
Albert N. Kitchen, Omaha...., 25
Helen Johnson, Omaha 16
Walter A. Blrdsell. Omaha "... 23
F,hle Ann Hammond. Omaha 21
Permit to build have been issued to the
following: O. A. Mol In. 6106 Burt, sleep
Ing porch, cost 1500; B W. Warren, 491$
California, garage, cost $50o; u v. mcnoias.
6114 Webster, garage, cost 1400: paxton
Mitchell Co., Twenty-seventh and Martha,
addition, cost 1400.
Persons having lost some articles would
do well to call up the office of the Omaha
& Council Bluff Street Railway company
to ascertain whether they left It In the
street car.
Many article each day ar turned In
and the company I anxious to restore
them to the rightful owner.
$60 REWARD for return uninjured of 1917
Ford touring car stolen In Omaha evening
July 11. Equipped with Kemco lighting
. and starting system, tool box on right
running board, battery box on left run
nlng board. Starter project out over
crank shaft. License 1906; motor 126
383. Notify owner, Dougla 131 or Web'
ster 3162.
IF YOU lose anything and will advertise It
here you will surely recover It It found
by an honest person, it you find any
thing of value the honest way I to ad
vertiaA for the owner.
IF THE party who found black leather
pocketbook in Omaha National Bank, July
11, will return paper and key to H
Henderson, 1201 Jones St., they ar wel
' coma to money and pocketbook.
iHK colored lady who borrowed coat from
2662 V4 Cuming, In rear, will please re
turn same. Please return at once or
detective will bo put on trail. Andrew
LOST Gentleman's blue serge coat contain
Ing glasses, between Jone and Boulevard
on Thirteenth. Return to 18 IT M street.
' or Phone South 1211.
LOST Child' wrist watch on black silk
tape, gold monntlng, between 26th' and
13d. Reward. Harney iioz.
LOST out of automobile, on Palm Beach
. coat sad on boy corduroy coat; re
ward. Call Webster 6328.
FRIDAY evening In the restroom ot City
National bank, a mol scarf. Finder call
Webster 1624 -and receive reward.
PAIR of man' black shoes on Florence car,
Thursday evening. Call Colfax 1334.
LOST Black and whitr-pup, July 4.
-. Doaglaa 4541. Reward,
Fot Sal4S-MitceI)an45oeu
Furniture and Household Goods,
-lino of furniture, gas and coal oil stove.
ruga, baby carriage, trusts.-to. Loyal
Furn. Co., 123 N. 16t!i.
FOR SALE CHEAP New revolving 18-lnrk
electne fan. Call Dougla 1209,
For Sale Misceilaneoeua
Furniture and Household Gooda
i?i7' kXct7o n-qui ck s blu NO.
.State Furniture Co's July Clearance
Sale- Hlph-graiie rugs are being sold
less than present wholesale cost. Furnl
luro In Period and Colonial designs are
being shamefully sacrificed. We make a
Miciftlty of complete hnmc outfits ; nlau
lintels and rooming houses. Railroad far.)
flee to out-of-town buyers within 00 miles
of Omaha on purchases of $20 or more.
STATE FURNITURE CO.. 14th and Dodge
S!s. Tel. Douglas 1317.
Beds, springs, mattresses, dressers, chif
foniers, tables, chalravehina and kitchen
cablneta. rugs and linoleum, trunks and
suit cases, gas stoves and Ice boxes, full
line screen wire, poultry netting, garden
tools 1839-47 North 24th at Tel Web
1C07. Open till 9 p. m.
table and chair,
nut 349G
cabinet, living
4920 Chicago St. Wal-
Pianos and Musical Instruments.
FOR SALE Used lumber good as nevj.
4x4 and 2x6 and 2x12.
18th and Izard.
WE bava several Vlctrolas thst we took In
on trade for sale; In good condition.
Rouse Phonograph Parlor. Cor. 20th and
Farnam 8ta.
A. HOSPE CO., 1511 Douglas, havs pianos
to rent at 13 SO per month, or will sell on
easy terms.
NEW $86 Vlctrolu, mahogany case, $15 In
records: best offer takes It. Phone today.
U 6699J
WHITE enamel reeiTbahy buggy, good con
dition, 12. 2942 Charles.
Cameras and Kodaks.
FOR BALE A 8-A special kodak, with
Cooke anastlgmatlc lense, like new; one
you will be proud of; It's a bargain. Box
6190, Omaha Bee.
Typewriters and Supplies.
TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired.
Rent an Oliver I months for 16. Csntral
Typewriter Exchange. 1906 Farnam.
WE buy. sell or exchange typewriter;
guar, typewriter 210 and up Write for
list. Midland Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge
Store and Office Fixtures.
1 BOUGHT THE FIXTURES with a "stock of
goods, and do not need them, will sell at
a bargain. Ice box, acales, cash register,
show cases, counters and shelving, enough
fixtures to fit up a good grocery store,
filmon Steinberg, Phone 65, 132 W. Broad
way. Council Bluffs. Ia,
WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show
case, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture ft Sup
ply Co. 1 1th and Douglas D. 3724.
FOR SALE Hardware atock and fixtures,
eastern Nebraska, Address Box 463. Oma
ha Bee.
Dairy Products.
FRESH country buttermilk; buttor; best of
cream; strictly fresh eggs; delivered to
any part of Omaha. Phone South 216 or
Tylor 629. Wagner's.
Sewing Machines.
We rent, repair, sell needle and parts
of all sewing machines.
15th and Harney 81. Doug 1663.
PRACTICALLY new Singer sewing machine.
Phone Douglas 9292.
FINEST electric light bath cabinet, suitable
for sanitarium or home, ouratlve of many
dlsesses. Value (200. Soil cheap or
would exchange. 630 World-Herald Bid.
Douglas 1362.
OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather steamed,
renovated and mad up In new feather
proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2467.
FOR SALE Harness and. shoes, combined.
In Nebraska county seat; poor health; got
, to sell out. Address Omaha Bee.
FOR EXCHANGE 820 acres. Improved, all
under plow, level, four miles town; An
derson county, Kansas. Encumbrance,
16.000. Owner want seneral merchandise
or hardware atock. Price, 186. J. C. j
Atkins Land Co.. Parry, Ia. ;
SbB PRESS,' 8xl2,""to trade for cornet or
baritone horn, A d. c, motor, electric
washer or anything I can use. What have
youT Harry B, Plata. Harlan, la.
VALUABLE proven, mineral Intereat to ex
change for land or town property. Box
111. Waveland. Ark.
PEDIGREED, batt-eared, male
terrier. What have you
Douglas 9627.
Nice place within i miles ot Omaha of j
5 to 20 acre with house and outbuildings,
if possible running water, for chicken '
farm. Address In writing only with price I
and particular. Charles Van Taster !
Clark apartments, corner 20th and Da.'- :
enport streets, Omaha, Neb.
ha Just returned and
will give you the tame
good service that he gave In the past. Help
win the war. Sell your old clothe, shoes,
rug, tool, trunk and buy W S. 8
Will call. Res. D. 8031, office D. 6544.
WANTED Retreading kettle; give capac
ity .make and price first letter. L. W.
Wheeler Tlr Co., 614 First Ave So.. Fort
Dodge, la.
New desks; used desks bought, sold and
traded J C, Reed, 1201 Farnam. D 6146
WANTED "Old Town" canoe; must be In
first-class condition. B. T. Pokeman.
Crelghton, Neb.
DI AMONDS-?oL, B8EouTiA5?h4 9c,a
Highest prices for all makes typewriter
central Typewriter Ex.. 1905 Farnam.
INSTRUCTIONS In piano by experienced
teacher, 60 cents. Webster 1316.
Auto touring tents and camping supplies.
Accordeon Pleating.
ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box
pleating, covered button, att sires and
style; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye
let cut work, button holes, pennant.
100-301 Brown Bldg Phon Doug. 1936.
O. U. vanArnara Pleating Co.,
336-7 Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 3109.
Billiard Parlors.
PRIVATE tables for parties at Holmes'.
Baggage and Express.
win haul everything for yon. Psckage
less man zv ins., 16 cent. Dougla 7453.
Brass and Iron Foundries.
17th and Martha Sts., Omaha. Neb.
Brass, bronxe, aluminum and machine
gray Iron castings
Edwards, 24tb and Far-
Dr. J. C Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 8461.
FULL drees suits for rent 109 N. 16th St..
opposite rostornce. gonn Feidman Doug'
la 1131
MIS3 STURDY, dressmaking. Doug. 6896.
JAMES ALLAN. 313 Neville Blk. Evldsnc
secured In sll case Tyler 1136.
Dr. Bradbury, No pain. 921 W. O, W. Bldg.
Taft's Dental Rms., 308 Rose Bldg. D2186
Film Developing.
FILM developed; rolls. 10c; packs, 15o
. One-day service. Kan Studio. Neville Blk.
16th and Harney,
Dledrlck, P. L. 116 8, 30th. Tailor. D. 2432
Fixtures and Wiring.
Electric washing machines,
electric Irons and reading
223 Cuming St. Douglas 2519
Lawn mowers. .
ELECTRIC sharpenorsTcalled for and de
livered: used lawn mowers for sale. Shop
at Maxotlro 8tatlon. 2310 Leavenworth.
Harney 1608.
DIAMONDSWpr,Pv''.regbee,,toPbuy' bacS
at small profit. GROSS. 402 N. Wh St.
(114 Brandels Bids. T. 2DH0. Ke 474t
ALL kinds of piping done, cloves connected
and adjusteed; prompt service. Webster
1T82 or Webster 6347
Patent Attorneys.
PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter
national Patent Co.. 63 Brandels. D. 6691
ST URGES ft STUROES. U. S. anf foreign
pa t ents and trademarks. 330 Bee Bldg.
BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam.
J J Derlght Safe Ce.
Rug Cleaning. '
Sclentiflo Olive Oil Washing.
Persian Rug Cleaning Co.. 3257 Farnam
II. 1M2
Printing and Office Supplies.
" Wateri-Bsrnhurt Ptg "Co62t 8. 13th St.
PILES, fistula and other rectal dis
eases cured without surgical oper
ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for
book on rectal diseases with testi
monials. DR. E. R. TARRY,
240 Bee Bldg Omaha.
Towel Supplies.
Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8 11th. D. 628.
Wedding Stationery.
WEDDING announcement and printing
Douglas Printing Co Tel Douglas 644.
Send sketch or model for search.
Highest references Best result.
Promptness assured.
Watson E. Coleman ZtlT
Pacific Dldg. Washington. D. C.
A Big Hotel Bargain
E -story brick and concrete hotel In a
thriving, growing city of 16,000, In cen
tral Nebraska, has 76 rooms, newly
decorated and finished, electrlo lights,
elevator and steam plant, doing a very
profitable business Reason for selling
large Interests needs my entire attention
A fortune can be made In a short time
by close attention to business. For
further particular address Box Y 614,
Omaha Bee.
WAR conditions and rapid development have
given rise to many professional opportu
nities of exceptional merit In Colorado, A
survey of the state shows a large number
of attractive openlnga for bankers,
dentists, druggists, lawyers, newspapers,
opticians, photographers, physicians and
veterinarians. If you want to locate In
a good growing town, address the Colo
rado State Board of Immigration, Denver,
!OUD paying garage, -with gas pump and
complete stock of accessories and supplies,
In an Iowa town of 600 population, 40
mile from Council Bluffs. Can have
Hupmoblle and Maxwell agency. Will
either sell halt Interest or all. The rea
son for selling, the partner Is drafted, to
liave this mouth. Act at once. Ports
mouth Auto Co., Portsmouth, Iowa.
ANUFACTURINO plant for sale. Twenty,
four acres ground, five brick warehouses,
40,000 square feet, eight other brick build
ings, on main line Baltimore A Ohio and
Pennsylvania system, track Into plant,
steam power, competitive hydro-electric
power, not In government congested dis
trict. P. W. Leltor, Secretary, Business
Men's Association, Martlnsburg, W. Va.
I'liR SALE Drug atock. Jewelry, soda
fountain. Invoice $7,000, city of 1,200.
Army post Joins townslte, atore doing a
good business. Stock clear and clean.
Owner was called Into the army medical
s.rvlce. Will accept small payment down
If good security Is furnished. Ward M.
Uandol. Fort Meade, 8. D.
Hydraulics, toggle presses, Hendey lathe,
shaper, duplex miller, air comprese
sor, etc.; making buttons, electrical parts,
gun butt plates, musical record and
flange, adaptable other lines; going con
cern. Box 1795, Park Row Postoffice,
New York City.
On of the best paying shoe shop ;or
sale with Landts No. 12 outfit, also small
stock of shoes. This shop ha never been
for sale before, will give prospective
buyer reason for selling. Royal Shoe
Shop, Boulder Colo
IT WILL pay you to look up this live stock
selling proposition. Farmers will get up
at midnight to talk tractors, a Nebraska
enterprise, prominent Influential men. The
line-up la a winner. Big money for a big
drive. Reserve your territory early. Call
Douglas 3083 for appointment.
WE establish you in business for yourself
that should soon be paying thousands
yearly. Exclusive territorial protection as
deserved. High-grade men only. Some
means required. Write for particulars
today. Ucan Sales Corp., Woolworth Bldg.,
New York.
SPLENDID opening for general store, hotel,
lumber yard, bank and other business
In new Wyoming town; two large indus
trial plants now building; surrounding
country well developed; alfalfa, stock
raising, oil fields. Immense coal deposits
Box 616, Omaha Bee.
Bakery and confectionery located In
town of 1,500 people, outheastern
Nebraska Only bakery In town. Will
sell or trade same for land In western
Nebraska or eastern Colorado. See C. L,
Tate, 659 Omaha National Bank, Omaha,
LOOK Must ell or close business about
August 1st, on account of health. Corner
lot, on car line, new building, grocery
stock, fixtures, three living rooms, . Best
coming part ot city. Cash or trade for
small cottage. Phone Walnut 3618.
OMAHA restaurant, completely equipped,
large, wen esiaunsnea; good location,
coating $16,090. Business reasons; offered
$6,000 cash on property. Box 6351, Omaha
WANTED Man with capital to Join me lu
developing 6,000 to 10,000 acres good New
Jersey land, midway between New York,
Philadelphia and Atlantlo City near bay
and ocean. W H. Spangler. B.rnegat. N J.
UNUSUAL opportunity for men to rid them
selves of prostate disorders; see our ad
vertisement under personal in these col
umns. The Electrothermal Co., Oliver
Bldg.. Steubenville, O.
GOOD paying drug store. Cor. 16th and
Davenport; . new rixtures and fountain,
well assorted stock, excellent location.
Wlllsell at Invoice. See us at one.
WELL ESTABLISHED book and news busi
ness on on of Omaha's busiest streets,
between two large hotels. Fine loca
tion for cigars. Going to Colorado In
vestigate. 610 S. 16th St.
MUST SELL Fine established business
only 29 miles from Kansas City, advanced
age ana iainng neann rnires roe to re
tire. Cramer A West, Dlghton. Kansas.
FOR SALE At a bargain. Ice cream, soft
drinks, lunch and short order parlor, doing
good business, been here five years. Write
or can j. f. Kastnussen. Kearney. Neb.
ANY business relating to Canada solicited;
lands cared for. leased, sold, exchanged,
cropped. Frank Crawford, Omaha and
Rosetown, Sssk
DEFERRED dividend lite Insurance poli
cies bought, old policies restored. Olve
son, Austin Co., 40 Wall St., New York.
A BARGAIN Fine repair shop for sale. In
cluding tires, tubes, auto, etc., 12,000.
Reason for selling. Ill health. Box 236,
Omaha Bee.
LUNCH ROOM FOR SALE 918 N. 16th St.,
opposite Ford plant; doing fine business
and worth Investigating; sell cheap for
FOR SALE A money making hotel In
good Wyoming town; 110,000 will handle
It. Box Y 617. Omaha Bes.
WANTED High grade stock salesman for
a safe, sound manufacturing business,
very profitable. O. C, Omaha Dally Bee.
PATENTS obtained, low as 117. PatenU
for sale. Patent News-f, Washington, D.
C. '
FOR SALE Must be sold on account of go
ing to war, garage, 1624-1630 Vinton t.
Floor space 60x100. Call Tyler 3687.
FOR SALE Running grocery store; good
atock and location. Out of town. Box
Y-613. Omaha Bee.
IF YOU want to get Into good-paying busi
ness and got capital to Invest. I got a good
proposition. Address Box 403. Omaha Bee.
WANTED To buy general merchandise or
shoe stock: give full particulars. Box
468. Bee.
FOR SALE Office business; suitable for
man or woman. 336 Paxton Blk., Omaha.
Roomin g Houses.
9 BOOMS Good paying, well furnished, for
sale cheap. 1015 Mason St. Tel. V.
ELEVEN-room rooming house for
cheap for cash. 317 N. 17th
AGGRESSIVE, reliable man of 45, with 20
years experience In' selling and manage
ment seeks "position of responsibility.
Hours or difficulties cut no figures. Can
furnish exceptional references. Address
Box Y 618, Omaha Bee.
BANK position. Former school superintend
ent, past draft age, wide business experi
ence, knows commercial law, one year In
general banking, now engaged In settling
estate, wants permanent position. Ad
dress, Box 624, Omaha Bee.
MAN Thoroughly experienced, plumbing,
heating and lighting, want ehangj ot
location, and steady employment. Olve
particulars, address "Plumber", Box 367,
Bedford, Iowa.
WANTED Position as bank cashier, seven
year country banking experience, mar
ried, not subject to draft. Box 470. Bee.
RELIABLE man want work around private
residence or a night watchman In build
ing or factory. Phone Douglas 6566.
PAINT. carDet and paper cleaning, the Na
tlotial Cleaning and Service company. 2709
Leavenworth 8t. Harney 6013
MAN and wife want work on a farm; would
prefer to work for old people. John JacO'
vie, 3544 Monroe St., South Side.
POSITION as chauffeur, tends own repair
ing: good references. Csll South 1282.
HEDGES and tree trimmed. Douglas 9467.
Delaney '
AN Omaha primary teacher with college
training wishes a position to travel with
mother and children part or all of sum
mer. Box 4763, Bee.
"EXPERIENCED colored girl wishes cook
ing In boarding or small restaurant. B.
WILL give mother's care to children, by
day or week; excellent home. Red 8616.
WANT position as housekeeper, by middle
aged lady. Tyler 3189 W
Laundry and Day Work.
WELL EXPERIENCED colored lady for
day work. Webster 1302
LAUNDRY work by the day wanted by ex
perlenced colored woman. Call South 2128,
FIRST-CLASS colored laund-ess, with refer
ence. Douglas 8713.
BUNDLES carefully laundered Call and
deliver Web. 4281
NEAT colored girl for chambermaid work.
Call Webster 8101.
FIRST CLASS laundress want day work.
Webstar 1901.
BUNDLE washing, fancy clothes specialty.
Webster 6894.
DAY work wanted. Call Webster 698.
CURTAINS laundered, w'k guar. Har. 1130.
LAUNDRY work by hour Web 1068
WOMAN wants day works ret. Web. 3221.
WANTED Bundle washing. Call Web. 1871.
OIRI. wishes day work Webster 2327
BUNDLE washing, lace curtain. Web. 1717.
Dav work and bundle washing Web 1061
Stores and Offices.
Advertise for "help" the same way yoo
advertise to ell merchandise, and the
difference In return will surprise you.
The next time yon need help call Tyler
1000 A trained and experienced ad
taker will assist yon la preparing roar
BOOKKEEPER, flour milling business,
$140; office manager, small office. Council
Bltiffs, $125-3160; manager and bookkeep
er. Farmers Union Exchange, small town,
$100; bookkeeper, small up-town office,
$100; statement clerk. $85; general office
man for manufacturing firm, excellent
chance for future development, $100; sta
tistical clerk, wholesale house, $100; book
keeper. Insurance firm In small town In
Iowa, $90; assistant cashier, small bank
close to Omaha, $76; timekeeper, young
man, experience not necessary, $75.
Originator ot the Reference Business.
736 First National Bank Building.
WANTED Male stenographer to take
charge ot clerical ' work; aged 30 to 85
preferred. This I a good opening tor
competent stenographer, and unusual op
portunlty for advancement. Salary, $95
per month to start. State age and refer
ence In reply. Address Box 404, Omaha
CUEDIt-man, $160.
Salesman, $100 and commission.
Bookkeeper, wholesale, $100-$Si.
Stenographer, $96-1125- 150.
1128 W. O. W. Bldg.
WANTED Young man for credit depart
ment, large corporation; splendid op
portunity, age 11 or 20 years; high school
preferred. Call office manager. South
BOOKKEEPERS, 150, $125, $110. $100, $96.
Stenographers, $100, $95, $90. Typist, $75.
Office clerks, $100, $90. $85, $75, $65.
1131 First National Bank Bldg.
EXPERIENCED retail grocery or general
merchandise man for good paying posi
tion with national organisation.
MAN to assist In furniture upsetting and
packing Apply
414-18 South 16th St.
STKNO and office clerk, $100, $12s. Offlc
clerks, $75, $85. Bkprs.. $100, $125.
Co-Operatlve Ref. Co., 1016 City Nat'l Bk.
Professions and Trades.
SHEET metal workers. 5c per hour.
II. H. Farmer,'1710 Jackson St.
We want 10 good able bodied men on
construction ot Platte river state bridge
at Mitchell, Neb.; steady work untU De
cember; 40 cent per hour and mor If
you ar worth It; 10 hour a day; finest
board In west, $1 per day; excellent clean
sleeping quarters: shipping Monday night
Apply 420 Bee Bldg.
a. i U.U caperivncrd turuac man.
414-18 South 16th street
WANTED Druggist, registration not necer
vary. J. Brennan. Alliance Neb.
Ptofessions and Trades.
WANTED Young roan to work
In the press room. Apply to
Supt. Bee Publishing Co.
Express Handlers,
Drivers and
Increased Salaries
Apply Union Station Office'. I
BOOKKEEPERS. attention! Safeguard J
system, preventing omissions, transposi- ;
tions and erroneous additions, producing
correct trial balance, taught by corre
spondence. Fee, $10. Coaching controll
ing accounts, 87.60. Beck, accountant, 617
West 160tb, New York.
WANTED An upholsterer, a cabinet maker
and a finisher. Experienced men only, for
the Ralston Furniture Factory, Living
conditions very favorable.
414-18 South 16th street.
WANTED At once, an experienced country
printer capable of foremanshlp, wages
$24, also competent machinist-operator for
Model 15 with speed at least 6.000 ems
per hour, wages 327. 9-hour day, daylight
job. Journal, Falls City, Neb.
WANTED First clas paper hangers and
decorators at once. Apply to Mr. Yates.
414-18 South Sixteenth Street.
MEN. age 17 to 46, experience unnecessary.
Travel; make secret Investigations, re
ports. Salaries, expenses. American For
eign Detective Agency, 475 St. Louis.
WANTED At once competent busheiman
tailor; steady Job; married man preferred.
630 a week. Write aendlng references to
F. J. Havellek, Billings, Montana.
EARN (25 weekly, spare time, writing for
newspapers, magazines. Exp. unnec.;de
tall free. Press Syndicate, 386, St.
Louis, Mo.
EXPERT battery man, qualified to take
charge ot Battery Service Station; good
opening for right man. A. E. Brandes.
Grand Island, Neb.
WANTED 3 first clasa auto repair men.
steady time, best wages.
1218 Howard street.
WANTED Painter with swinging stage to
paint standptpe,
WANTED Tire repair men; experienced;
permanent work, good wages. Carpenter
Tire Co., Denlson, Ia.
WANTED Good, all-around butcher and
sausage maker; good working hours. Geo
W. Polk, Lodge Pole, Neb.
WANTED Barber. $20 guarantee, 60 per
oent over $27. Phon or write O E.
Lamphere. Logan, Ia.
WANTED Experienced automobile repair
man. Apply service department. Ouy L
8mlth. Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets
WANTED Warehouse men. Apply to
Superintendent, CARPENTER PAPER CO.,
9th and Harney.
WANTED Second baker; good wages;
steady Job. Furmon's Bakery. York. Neb.
GENERAL blacksmith wanted at once. 1021
61 St.. Lincoln. Neb.
I. EARN barber trade, low rate now Cal
or write Barber College 1114 Douglas '
WANTED Competent man to repair motor
trucks Box 494, Omaha Bee.
WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart
ment Bo 41 405 Be
GORDON press feeders wanted,
wages. Holland Printing Co.
WANTED Watchmaker.
Co., 24th and K Sts.
Patten Jewelry
Salesmen and Solicitors.
To sell stock In a
ground oil company
owning 1,700 acres on
fine structure Butler
and other Kansas fields.
Backed by high-class,
honorable men. One well
drilling now down
3.600 feet may strike
oil any day. We furnsh
state blue sky license.
Easy seller big money
In It for you, pay hand
some commission. Write
or phone Warfield, 508
Farnam Bldg., Doug
las 1174.
ILL., foremost manufacturers of art cal
endar and direct-by-mall advertising
service, have an unusual opening for ex
perienced salesman. Permanent connec
tion; exclusive territory; liberal commis
sion contract with reasonable weskly ad
vances; utmost co-operation from house.
Require energetic, resourceful salesman
with advertising Inclination, capable ot
calling upon banker, manufacturer and re
taller. Contrary to general Impression,
business Is bigger and better than ever;
possibilities unlimited for right man.
Stat experience fully for personal Inter
view Western Sales Manager, The Ger-lach-Barklow
Co., Jollet, 111.
Something entirely new. A popular
priced Business Men's Policy covering all
accident and sickness, $25 or $50 per
week In full from the first day to a life
time, no restrictions, exception or limita
tions, $5,000 principal sum, no assess
ments. Issued and guaranteed by a large
Casuallty Co. Assets over 335,000 I
want to Interview and got in touch with
men who would be capable of handling
Omaha or the States of Nebraska, Iowa
or Minnesota or any part thereof. Liberal
commissions. Call on or address Home
Office manager, Mr Scott, Flatiron
Hotel, Omaha.
A territory now open with
established line. If you feel
you can sell advertlstn?
come and tell me about yovr
elf. L. B. Kendall. Ho'.:'
WE are going to offer for sale a block
of our capital stock In Omaha territory,
and want to get in touch with a first
class experienced stock salesman to handle
aame for us. Kindly write us. outlining
In full your experience and qualifications.
Our 1 a food product proposition, one
that will sell readily and rapidly, and
will be a money maker for the man that
has charge ot the sale of It. Address
General Manager, 3517-23 North Ave., Mil
waukee, Wis.
SALESMAN WANTED Waclepo. wonderful
new discovery for washing, cleaning and
polishing automobile in one operation
without the use of water. Easily demon
strated. Big repeater. No limit to In
come. Send 50c, enough for 5 cars. Par
ticular tree. Waclepo Mfg. Co., Ft
Wayne, Ind
WANTED 8ALESMAN By one of the larg
est concern In United States; salesman
not ubject to draft to cover territory In
Nebraska; advertising campaign supplies
leads. Earning in commissions run sev
eral hundred per month. Expense paid
while training. Address B. E. Harris, G.
8. M Monroe Bldg.. Chicago.
$3,000 TO $6,000 YEARLY.
$40 Ford track unit makes lightest fast
est, strongest, cheapest and best light de
livery truck In the world. Satisfied users
everywhere. Exclusive territory. Better
than Ford agency Stapleford Truck Mfg.
fo.. Twit. 6t-A. si Broadway. Gary. Ind.
,,u or young men tor advertising
work In city Call 8unday after 8 a. m.
at 1823 Capitol Ave., or phone Red 65M.
F. r a--
Salesmen and Solicitors.
facturers of paste and liquid roof ce
ment want experiencfd "men only. Write
for valuable information. Unless success
ful in this line, do not answer. The War
ren Refining & Chemical Co., Cleveland, O.
SALESMAN WAN?fcb High class salesman
with good reference wanted for Ne
braska and Iowa territory. Prefer man
who has had life insurance or some simi
lar experience. Salary and expenses. Ad
dress, Box 429. Omaha Bee.
SALESMEN Excellent permanent position
capable salesmen in Nebraska: vacancy
July 15; staple line for general retail
trade; liberal commissions; 335 weekly
,i advance. Rice Co.. 483 Williams Bldg..
SALESMEN WANTED Excellent line signs
and novelties; traveling expenses 'advanc
ed; liberal commissions; exclusive terri
tory: give age, height, weight, road ex
perience and three late business references
Stanfnrd-rrowell Co.. Ithaca. N. Y.
WANTED A local salesman on commission
basis for the Monarch Reflllable Fuse.
Saves over 80 per cent of cost of fuse
FUSE CO., 662 Elllcott Square, Buffalo,
N. Y.
SALESMEN $100 to $200 per week easy. In
stallment plan oil proposition sells It
self no experiences necessary Write
Humboldt OH Syndicate, AU'O Commerce
BUlg., Kansas City, Mo.
SALESMEN Local and general iigent
everywhere, here's a winner! $20 a day if
you can make good. Write today.
"SYSTEM" SMITH'S Income Record Co.,
Box 227, Flint, Mich.
SALESMEN Handle exclusively for side
line an exceptional advertising proposl.
tlon wanted in every town. Big demand.
Liberal proposition. Address J. P. Black
& Co.. Chicago, Hi.
SALESMAN Big possibilities: you share
our prosperity by large repeat orders;
commissions; just an ambitious man's
place; exclusive territories. Box 1, Station
E, Cleveland.
SALESMEN Inexperienced r experienced,
city or traveling. Free employment serv
ice for members. 8end for full particu
lars. Address: Nat'l Salesmens Tr. Assn..
Dept. 439, Chicago, 111.
WANTED State distributor . for a new
patented article .which sells to every man.
Very large profits; no canvassing. See
MR. WYATT. Paxton hotel, 9 to J! and
2 to 5.
WANTED Salesmen. Bankers and others
buy on sight. New and different. Fine
side line, small samples. Big commis
sions. Hustlers only wanted. P. O. Box
993. St. Joseph, Mo.
SUCCESSFUL salesman at once; general
trade In Nebraska, staple line. Splendid
commission contract. $35 weekly for ex
penses. Geo. R. Williams, 1920 Euclid,
Cleveland, O.. Dept. 13728.
HIGH-GRADE salesmen, experienced sell
ing the sales board trade. We market the
snappiest line In the country. Commis
sion, $5 to $10 per order. Canfield Mfg. Co.,
4001 Broadway, Chicago, 111.
WANTED Salesman for the best automo
bile tire proposition on the market. Big
commission on sure seller. Fine territory
open. Sioux City Tire Service Dept., 238
West Broadway. Council Bluffs.
SALESMAN Sell oil stock; we have a gilt
edge proposition that sells; hustlers make
$200 per week easily. Write at once
United American Producing and Refining
Co., La Harpe. Kansas.
ONE quart of Speedollne equals 53 gallons
gasoline; distributor wanted In every
town; permanent employment; big money.
Write for particulars. Speedoline Com
pany, Dallas, Texas.
WANTED Salesmen for roofing paints and
cements; experience not essential. Full
or part time. Salary or commission.
MURPHY & LANOE. Cleveland, O.
WANTED Able promoters and salesmen,
ladles and gentlemen, to Investigate an
Omaha Invention. It will pay. Box 634,
Omaha Bee.
MEN of ability to represent manufacturer
direct, selling sales and order books; lib
eral commission; Wirth Salesbook Co.,
Dept. A 26, Chicago.
WANTED High grade stock salesman for
a safe, sound manufacturing business,
very profitable. Box Y 615, Omaha Bee
ACCIDENT and health Insurance salesmen.
Very liberal contract, old line company.
Address Box 503, Omaha Bee.
WANTED Salesman experienced In selling
stock food. Salary proposition. Box 5046,
SALESMEN wanted for city and country.
Not subject to draft. Must run Ford car.
Address Box 643, Omaha Bee.
Agents and Canvassers.
AGENTS make $500.00 per month selling
Stransky's new patented Fuel Vaporizer
for Ford cars It is new. It Is different,
' It Is patented. Guaranteed to save 25
per cent of gasoline; kerosene can be
used with splendid results at a saving of
over 60 per cent In fuel cost; 15 days'
free trial. I don't want a penny of your
money until you have used It 15 days
and are satisfied It will do all I claim
for It. Greatest money maker on earth
today. Local county and state agents
wanted everywhere. Stransky Vaporizer
Co., Pukwana, 8 D.
WONDERFUL, new, device makes two
pounds butter out of one In three min
utes: Postpaid any address, 36c, with ab
solute money back guarantee. Price
sample refunded with first quantity pur
chase. General agents report "nothing
to equal It." "Amazing, timely, seller.1
Particulars, territory, etc., free. Write
today. U-KAN MFG. CO., 3848 Olive, St
Louis, Mo
AGENTS Delicious soft drinks In concen
trated form. Always ready Just add
water economical absolutely pure. Every
housewife wants them. 14 different kinds.
Enormous demand. Big summer sellers
money comes easy. 250 other popular
priced, fast selling household necessities.
We furnish free outfits. Write today
now. E. H. Feltman, 86 3d St., Cin
cinnati, O.
AMAZING, new invention, marvelous adding
machine, retails $10.00. Adds, subtracts.
multiplies, does work of $200 machine.
Five-year guarantee, offices, stores, fac
tories buy from one to dozen, enormous de
mand, every demonstration sells; write
auick for trial oirer ana protected tern
tory. Dept. 232. Calculator Corporation,
Grand Rapjds, Mich.
NEW Patriotic Pictures: ''Honor ot His
Flag," "Same Spirit," "Over the Top,"
"Sons of Liberty," "Liberty and Peace
"For All and Forever." Soldiers' Portraits
and Liberty Mat Frames. Consolidated
Portrait Co.. 1029 W. Adams St., Chicago.
LOCAL representatives everywhere, men or
women; biggest money maker ever of
fered; wonderful chance for permanent
big paying positions; exclusive territory;
write or wire. Cash Buyers Association.
4016 Madison St.. Chicago.
' AGENTS exempt from draft that have hust
1 ling ability, come and ace us. Clean, big
money making proposition. No competi
tion. Zither agents also wanted. Nu
meral Music Co.. 23 Arlington Block.
AGENTS Patriotic pictures. Selling by
million Duty calls, Pershing in Franco.
America, Kaiser's Finish. Colored Man No
Slacker, sample free. Renesch Publishing
company. 6526 Ellis avenue, Chicago.
AGENTS to sell English patented device for
automobiles. Just introduced in America
Used several years in Europe. Empire
Company, 617 Kinney Building, Newark,
New Jersey.
AGENTS Wanted to sell our fine soap,
perfumes, toilet articles, extracts, spices,
creams, etc. Sample free. Write quick.
Lacasslan Laboratories, Dept 126, St.
Louis, Mo.
$5 a day and up earned taking orders for
our special 7-bar box ot assorted Toilet
Soaps. Sell on sight Wonderful repeat
er. Ladle and men make big profits.
Sample free. Crofts & Reed. Chicago.
AGENTS Ladies and men earn $200 a
month taking orders for beautiful spring
line ot Men' tailored neckwear. E. L.
Kelser & Co., Palmer Bldg. Detroit, Mich.
Trade Schools.
BE AN AUTO AND tractor expert in a few
weeks; earn $90 to $300 a month. Our big
free book explains. Rahe's Auto School.
2130 Oak St.. Kansas City. Mo.
or handy men: steady employment, good
pay. No time loat on account of weather
or material.
10th and Center Sts
29th and C Sts. South Side.
ONEY for your spare time. Increase your
income 60 per cent and still hold your
present Job. Our new method of refln
ishing brass beds, chandeliers, automobile
requires neither capital or experience;
plenty of work in your own neighborhood.
Postal brings free particulars and proofs.
Write today. Gunmetal Co.. 15 Elm, De
catur. 111.
WANTED TO HIRE Good man with family
to take charge of smaH ranch. 65 head of
stock: everything furnished except house
hold goods; must know how to take care
of milk cows. C. B. KUGLER. Culbert
son. Neb.
WANTED Colored porter for barber shop;
good money and steady Job for righ
WANTED Bright, active young man to
sist in furniture department. Apply
414-18 South 16th St.
FIREMEN, brakemen, baggagemen, S hours,
$140. Colored porters wanted everywhere.
Experience unnecessary. 718 Ry. Bureau,
East Saint Louis. 111.
WANTED Men, 19 to .60 years old, for
general yard work; steady work for good
' men. Apply Timekeeper, Union Stock
Yards Co., South Omaha
EXPERIENCED Janitor, married. Wage
$50 and 3 -room and bath apartment, heat
'and water. 811 Omaha National Bank
Bldg. ' '
WANTED Strong men, steady work all the
year round. Apply at
18th and Marcy Sts.
MEN suffering from prostatio disorders to
read our advertisement under Personal in
these columns. The Electrothermal Co.,
Oliver Bldg., Steubenville. Ohio.
JANITOR WANTED 540 First Nafl Bank
Bldg Colored need not apply
GORDON press feeders wanted. Good wage.
Holland Printing Co.
Stores and Offices
BOOKKEEPER and cashier, $125; book
keeper, small Jobbing firm, $85 to $100;
stenographer and bookkeeper. f SO;
stenographer. Insurance office. $75; ste
nographer and clerk, up-town of floe, $86;
ledger clerk, $85; assistant bookkeeper,
some typewriting. Insurance and real es
tate office, $75; stenographer, up-town of
fice, bright beginner can qualify, $60;
stenographer, some experience, exception
ally fine office, $75; comptometer opera
tor, $100; comptometer operator, $70.
Originators ot the Reference Business.
736 First National Bank Bldg.
DO not fll to see us MONDAY If you can
qualify for the following:
Bkkpr. and compt., $95-$100.
Cashier and bkkpr., $75-$80.
Bookkeeper, $65 and board.
Stenographers, $95-$90-$80-$75.
Typist and dictaphone, $76.
Typist and office clerk, $55-$60.
Comptometer opr., $50-$60-$75
ONLY 60 CENTS to register. '
1126 W. O. W. Bldg.
STENOGRAPHERS. $100. $90, $85, $76, $65.
Bookkeepers. $90, $85, $75. $65. Bill
clerks, $85, $75, $65. Typist. $70. Compt.
operators, $95, $90, $85, $75, $65.
1138 First Nat Bank.
STENOS, $65, $90. Typist ond btUers. $65,
$85, office clerks, $66, $76. File clerks. $45
Co-Operative Ref. Co., 1015 City Nat'l Bk.
WANTED Bright girl for assistant cashier
Jackson streets.
Professions and Trades.
WANTEDYoung Ladies to
lean, telephone operating.
Good wages paid 'while
teaming, rapid advance
ment, permanent positions.
Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, '
1807 Douglas St
For Icing and Packing
Department. Apply.
Twelfth and Davenport.
WANTED Girl who thoroughly understand
the manufacture of overalls and jacket.
Must be willing to work, ot good execu
tive ability to act as forelady in our
branch factory. . Give reference, years ex
perience, age and full information as to
your ability. H. A. Baker Co., 6th and
Jones Sts., Sioux City, Ia.
FORELADY for sewing room of"20 power
machines In manufacturing plant. Good
salary to right party. Address C, Bee
office, South Omaha.
EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for
newspapers, magazines; exp. unnec; de.
tails free. Press Syndicate, 189, St. Louis,
LADY operatives, experience unnecessary,
we Instruct you; travel, make secret in
vestigations; salaries, expenses. Hartley
Detectivo Agency. St. Joseph, Mo.
WANTED Hand troners and marker and
sorter for rough dry department and
girls for all departments. Evan Model
Laundry. 11th and Douglas
GOOD talloresses wanted for coats and
sfflrtB. Apply 506 S. 16th St., upstairs.
Saleswomen and Solicitors.
JEWELRY saleswomen, must be experi
enced. Apply at once Miller & Paine,
Lincoln, Neb.,
WIDE-AWAKE woman to take charge ot our
local trade. $3 to $4 a day steady. Ne
experience required. Pay starts at once.
Write today. American Products Co. 107
Third St.. Cincinnati, O.
Household and Domestic
WANTED Ten bright capable ladies to
travel, demonstrate and sell well known
goods to established dealers $25.uo to
$50.00 per week: railroad fare paid; week
ly advance for traveling expenses. Ad
dress at once Ooodrich Drug Co.. Dept
514. Omaha. Neb.
WANTED A housekeeper by w.dower with
a boy 13 years old. Permanent home for
the right party that would appreciate a
good home and kind treatment Middle
age. or younger: no objections to small
child. Phone 4945 Web. Call after 5.
WANTED An experienced cook for small
family; no laundry; liberal wages. Ref
erence required. Telephone Douglas 226
between 9:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m, any
day except Sunday
WANTED An experienced cook for smali
family; no laundry: liberal wage. Ref
erence requulred. Telephone Douglas 226
between 9.00 a. m and 2:00 p. m. any
day except Sunday.
MIDDLE-AGED woman for general hous
work on farm. One with good refes
ences. Write Frank Cnrt n
route 1