Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1918, Image 1

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    ily Bee
VOL. XLVin. NO. 17-
Assassination of von Mirbach
at Moscow Termed Political,
Maneuver by Lenine in
Apology to Berlin.
Basel, July 7. Nikolai Le
nine, bolshevik premier, has
sent the following message to
M. Joffe, Russian minister at
Berlin, regarding the assassina
tion of Count von Mirbach, the
German ambassador at Mos
cow: "Two unknown men entered ' the
German embassy at 2 o'clock this
(Saturday) afternoon, having docu
ments from a special committee. They
threw a bomb in Count von Mirbach's
office, wounding him so severely he
died. A
"Government representatives imme
diately visited the embassy and ex
pressed indignation at the act, which
they considered as a political maneu
ver to prdvoke trouble. The govern
ment is taking every measure to dis
cover the murderers and bring them
. before a special revolutionary tribun
al. "Extra measures have been taken to
protect the German embassy and citi
zens. The government requests you
to express to the German government
the Russian government's indignation
jind convey its sympathy to the family
of the late count."
Ministers Express Regret
Paris, July 7. A soon as the news
of the assassination of Count von
Mirbach, German ambassador at Mos
cow, came to M. Tchitcherin, the Rus
sian foreign minister, M. Tchitcherin
and his associate, M. Karakhan, called
it the German embassy and expressed
the regret and indignation of the gov
ernment at the occurrence, says a
Berlin dispatch, forwarded by the
Havas correspondent at Basel.
The identity of the assassins has
been arrested, the message states.
It appears, according to these ad
vices, that with Count von Mirbach
when he ,was attacked, were Herr
" Ritzier, counsellor' of the embassy,
and a German officer. Neither was
'Good Thing," Kerensky's Comment.
Alexander F. Kerensky, when in
formed by the Associated Press of the
assassination of General Count von
Mirbach, said, while he could not "feel
elated at the death of a human be
ing," he could not help saying "it is
i good thing for Russia."
M. Kerensky seemed reluctant to
believe the news, asking repeatedly,
"Are you surer" When informed that
the news seemed perfectly reliable as
:t originated in Berlin, he said:
"This may be the beginning of the
renaissance of Russia."
"But now the Germans will surely
jo to Moscow," he added sadly.
One Killed, Three
Injured Wheri Car Hits
v Auto Near Havelock
From a Staff Correspondent.
Lincoln, July 7. (Special.) As a
result of being hit by a University
Place-Lincoln street car, two people
are lying iii a Lincoln r.ome injured,
another is close to death's door, and
the third died on the operating table
soon after reaching the University
Place hospital.
Martin Beckman, who with his par
ents and brothers and sisters, lives
about four miles east of Havelock,
was returning from Lincoln to their
home when they were struck where
- the 0. L. D. road crosses the car
' track near Havelock. They were
watching ah automobile just ahead of
them and did not see the approaching
car, which struck them directly head
on, throwing the auto about 40 feet.
Miss Ella Beckman, 18 years of age,
died from a fractured skull, while
Merle Beckman, 11, is in a critical
condition at a hospital. Martin .Beck
man, 21, driver of the car, and Clar
ence, his younger brother, are injured,
but not seriously.
The Weather
For Nebraska: Generally fair Mon
day and Tuesday; warmer Tuesday
and in east portion Monday.
Hour. Deg.
5 a. m. . 6?
8 a. m. 67
7 a. m ...68
8 a. m 69
S a. m , 70
10 a. m 71
It a. m 72
12 m ....72
1 p. m.... 69
2 p. m 68
' P. m 67
4 p. m 66
5 p. m...... 67
6 p. m.... 66
7 p. m 66
Comparative I -oral Record.
' 1518. 1917. 1916. 1915.
. Highest Vsterday .. - 72 90 0 76
7rf-west yesterday ... '65 68 67 64
Mean temperature .. 68 79 78 7d
Precipitation 0 T .00 .19
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from ths normal: -
Normal temperature .......... 76
Deficiency for the day........... 8
'j'otal eicejs since March 1 ....561
Normal precipitation 15 Inch
Deficiency for the day.. 16 Inch
Total precipitation alnce Mar. 1..7.74 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 7.28 inches
J:xcm for cor. period. 1917...... ,4lnch
Deficiency for cor. period, 11(...S.8 Inches
Nebraska and Iowa
Killed and Wounded
Reported by Pershing
Lee D. Saxton, Belvidere, Neb.
Wagoner John A. Hamilton, Le
high, la.
Fred A. Sell, Chelsea, la.
Adolph W. Mueller, Fort Dodge, la
Sergeant Leroy A, Hammer, Lone
Tree, la. j
Sigurd Arnvig, Elkhorn, la.
Clarence C. Coles, Collins, la.
Magnates and flayers Declare
for Patriotism First; Maty
to Enlist; Dickerson Goes
to France.
Representatives of the Western
League baseball clubs at a meeting in
Omaha Sunday unanimously decided
to discontinue playing out the present
season. Prexy Dickerson and own
ers of the clubs expressed the opinion
that but one pennant race could be
successfully battled for under present
conditions and. that one on the west
ern front. No more baseball will be
seen in the Western League until
after the successful termination of
the war. Omaha's last games were
played Sunday. Other teams will con
clude the season today.
It was generally admitted that the
present season has not been a suc
cess financially, but all club owners
stated they would have been able to
finish the season, .were they not of
the opinion that continuing the league
would be a handicap to the govern
nient's prosecution of the war.
"We need every man in the country
either on the western front or en
gaged in occupations of a productive
nature," said President Dickerson.
"Base ball players are as patriotic as
any other class, and J believe a major
ity of them will enlist in the army
Base ball fans do not have their in
terest on sports when they know
that relatives and friends are battling
for life in Europe.
"At the close of the war base ball
will be more popular than .ever before.
It woll hot - be a purely -American
sport but a world sport. The world's
championship will soon be contested
for by every civilized nation and I
trust the young men engaged now
will be able to return to the game in
better condition than ever before."
Leaves to Close Up Shop.
President Dickerson left last night
for Kansas City where he will close
the headquarters of the league which
will be moved to his home at Grand
Rapids, Mich. He has received his
commission from the government and
expects an early call to leax'e for
France where he will have charge of
base ball and boxing among the al
lied troops. This position was once
offered Christy Mathewson who was
unable to accept. Mr. Dickerson has
had 25 years experience is a sport
writer and referee which will prove of
great benefit in his new duties. He
will be released at the conclusion of
the war in order to preside at the
opening of the Western League.
W. A. Rourke, president of the
Omaha club, stated that he was sorry
to see the league close but felt that
it was traitorous to continue under
war conditions. "I look to see base
ball bigger and better after the war,"
he said. "Yon can assure Omaha fans
that when the Western ..League re
opens and the American flag flies in
(Continued on Frige Two, Column Two.)
-J This "Perfect Jewel" Won Admiration on
Every Side But Camouflage Will Out
Because of the humiliating nature
of. the tragedy which occurred, and
because, too, this is a story of camou
flage, it is both wise and necessary
that the heroine of this tale be called,
for convenience, Mrs. Johnson there
are more Johnsons in the city di
rectory than any others.
This Mrs. Johnson lives in that
vague and extensive district embraced
in the West Farnam neighborhood.
For the last year she has been en
viedwholeheartedly envied by all of
her feminine neighbors.
She possessed that rara avis known
as a faithful maid. The maid in ques
tion was Titian haired, very much so,
wore green goggles and a rather
striking though indefinite individual
ity. Every morning, when her mis
tress was supposed to be enjoying her
"beauty sleep" the maid would appear
and sweep off the porch, dust the
porch furniture, and when occasion
demanded would scrub the woodwork
and the windows. She was industri
ous, painstaking and painfully neat a
perfect pearl of a servant. It was
noticeable, too, that during other'
hours of the day she tactfully obliter
ated herself from public view, sup
posedly devoting herself to duties in
the kitchen and chambers where she
unobtrusively slaved from early' dawn
to dark.
Neighbors plotted and planned to
make the acquaintance of this ne plus
ultra of servants, some, it must be
confessed, with ulterior and selfish
, motives of luring her away from her
American Casualties in
War Now Total 11,086
Washington, July 7. Casualties in the army and ma
rine corps in the American expeditionary forces increased
by 703 during the week, compared with 497 the previous
week, and aggregateed 11,086 with the inclusion of today's
army list, giving 117 names, and the marine corps list, giv
ing 53 names.
Total deaths, including 291 men lost at sea, men killed in
action, died of wounds, disease, accident and other causes,
number 4,414 army men 3,917; marines 497. The
wounded aggregate 6,169 army men 5,200; marines 969.
The missing in action, including prisoners, total 503
army men 452; marines 51.
Of the week's increase, 438 were army men and 265
marines. Killed in action and other deaths numbered 285,
those wounded totaled 303 and the missing and prisoners
The army casualties summary as officially announced
today follows : 1 -
Killed in action (including 291 lost at sea) 1,574; died
of wounds 532; died of disease 1,322; died of accident
and other causes 489; wounded in action 5,200; missing
in action, including prisoners, 452.
1 The marine corps casualty summary follows: Deaths 497 ;
wounded 969; in hands of enemy 2; missing 49. Total
Officers included in the marine corps summary were :
Deaths 21; wounded 28; missing 2. The army summary
does not note the number of officers included.
Soldiers Armed With Machine
Guns Called From Camp Pike
to Cope With Deserters .
in Arkansas.
Little Rock, Ark., July 7. -Three
persons were killed today in two
pitched battles between officers and
a band of 25 or more alleged deserters
and their supporters, in a woods eight
miles west of Heber Springs. Ark.
The dead are Porter Hazelwood, a
chauffeur; Tom Atkinson, aged 55, and
his son, aged 18.
The first fight took place early this
morning at the Atkinson home, where
it is alleged draft resisters have been
harbored. ' ' ' "-;;.'
Sheriff K. W. Dlik tf Cleburne
county had received information sev
eral men at the house were wanted
for failure to report. His deputies
surrounded the house and then called
to 'those within to come out and sur
render. A volley of shots was the
reply. Hazelwood fell dead.
About noon the sheriff led a second
attack upon the Atkinson place. The
men in the house opened fire. The
posse men returned the fire and
Atkinson and his young son were
killed. Following the fall of the At
kinsons, the band dispersed. ,
Governor Brough arranged Tor the
sending of 50 soldiers from Camp
Pike, armed with machine guns.
Pilot BayKes Killed
And Buried With Honors,
German Airman Reports
With the French Army, July 7.
(Special Cablegram to the New York
Tribune and the Omaha Bee) "Pliot
Ttavlie V ? 1 1 f T was buried with honors
befitting hero" read a note dropped
. T. , ' 1
over tne frencn lines Dy a uerman
airman. The French anti-aircraft
guns ceased firing as the aviator flew
low to drop the message to the Poilus
in the trenches. '
mistress by any kind of blandishment
or strategy that could be employed.
But she was as evasive as the fa
bled Irishman's flea. Nevertheless,
her fame became great in the neigh
borhood and grew on the element of
mystery of, her complete isolation
after the outdoor work was performed.
All other maids and servants in the
neighborhood were abjured by their
several mistresses to model their en
ergies and devotion along the lines of
Mrs. Johnson's "jewel."
One fatefuj day last week the
tragedy occurred which wrecked an
The mysterious servant was at work
washing a window at Mrs. Johnson's
home. As usual she was the cynosure
of many covetous eyes. She worked
silently, albeit blithely, when suddenly
she lost her equilibrium and for a mo
ment it seemed she would fall from
her perch to the ground with a dull,
sickening thud.
Frantically she tried to recover her
balance and save herself from a fall.
She threw up her arms and as she
did so she scalped herself completely
and tore the green spectacles from
her optics. There, to the affrighted
onlookers, was revealed Mrs. Johnson,
minus a red wig and the disguise of
green eye shades a perfect jewel of
a maid no longer, but her own sweet
and efficient self. -
The neighbors were shocked by the
revelation, but what she lost in pres
tige as a maid Mrs. Johnson has
gained in the reputation of being the
most artistic camouflager in Omaha,
Y. M. C. A. Worker in France
Moves Great Audience at
First Methodist Church in
Message From Trenches.
"American soldiers have been
fighting in Italy for four months,"
declared Elwood Bailey, Young Men's
Christian association worker re
cently returned from France, in a
heart thrilling talk on the fight for
democracy to the hundreds who
heard him speak at the First Metho
dist church Sunday night. r
The talk, interspersed with humor
and given with deep feeling and
earnestness, told of the wonderful
spirit of the allies, both soldiers and
civilians, 'as' observed 1)y ""Mr.: Bailey
Hi the (owns and rit:tf lurbp,e; in
the hospitals and dressing stations, in
the refugee camps . and devastated
villages, and in the first line trenches
and No Man s Land.
Incident after incident was related
by the "made-in-Oniaha" man, who
has been cheering the boys in the
great struggle. Mr. Bailey told viv
idly of the tine spirit of the Ameri
can boys in the trenches as he saw
them while missiles sped to and fro.
While making one- talk to the
American troops, Mr. Bailey was
stopped by a gas attack and another
time by the order to prepare for the
wave of Huns advancing on the
trench. Mr. Bailey stood in the
trench during the attack and caught
the dying soldiers as they fell into his
Chased By U-Boats.
The eart-to-heart talk began with
several jests and humorous incidents
of the behavior of the passengers
when their steamer was being chased
by a U-boat. Mr. Bailey then be
came more serious and told of the
boys as they listened to his talks and
thought of those they had left over
seas. The reverence with which the
boys speak of home received special
"I have heard every song from Al
pha to Omega sung in France, but
never 'Home, Sweet Home.' Home is
spoken with awe and only in the quiet
of the nght," said the speaker.
"I would like to stay here for an
hour and speak of the English boys;
I would like to speak of the French,
the Belgians and of all others. You
have all their flags flying from your
radiators save one Italy's. Those
fellows are holding a line 450 miles
long, iheir general said to them
'Go, and for God's sake never fall
(Continued en Pag Two, Column Five.)
German "Obliterated"
For Shooting American
A f. tt- n l
arter nis ourrenaer
London, July 7. The ease with
which the Australians and Amerfcans
carried out their attack in the Villers
Bretonneux region on Thursday
should be a matter for reflection, ac
cording to Reuter's correspondent at
British headquarters.
Commenting upon the double vic
tory of the Australians, the corre
spondent says:
"Even granting the perfect plan
ning of our attack and its admirable
performance more resistance should
have been met and the defeat should
not have been so completely ac
cepted." In describing how a German officer
was "obliterated" for having, after
surrendering, shot an American ser
geant, the correspondent remarks
that Germans should beware of such
acts of treachery. "The American is
not a soft fighter at any time," he
says. "It took a good deal to get him
into the war and it is going to take
a good deal to get him out of it be
fore the war i is finished. The finish
he believes in is 'dead Germans.'
"But when avenging treachery he is
a hard fighter. Lest he should forget
what he had to avenge, he went into
the fight 6houting 'LusiUnia.'"
Heavy Losses Sustained by
Emperor Charles' Forces in
Piave Fighting; Italians .
Fortify Ground Taken.
Paris, July 7. Germany will send
three army corps to the aid of Austria,
according to a Rome dispatch to the
Rome, July 7. The Italian official
statement today reads:
"Between the Si'e and the Piave our
troops, having reached with perfect
maneuvering and irresistible elan the
right bank of the new Piave and
driven the enemy to the other side of
the river, now are fortifying them
selves on the vast tract of ground re
captured, every yard of which shows
traces of the epic struggle and fur
nishes proof that the enemy's losses
were much higher than he had fore
seen. "The 23d army corps, having car
ried out the difficult operation victori
ously, has added new laurels to its
"The Fourth infantry division par
ticularly distinguished itself. The
hearing of the' troops was splendid.
The infantry, among whom were a
marine regiment and parties of the
Royal Customs Guard, fought with ar
dor. The army corps and the royal
navy group contributed notably to
the success with its very effective fire.
"The allied airplanes and those of
the Italian Royal Navy participated
with unusual daring. Special honor
for the great valor shown is due the
33d sapper battalion of engineers.
"On the Asiago plateau, a French
party carried out a brilliant raid into
the enemy lines at Zocchi, overcoming
the garrisons in a lively struggle and
capturing two officers, 64 of other
ranks and two machine guns.
"Between the Frenzela valley and
the Brenta the enemy three times at
tempted to attack our position on the
Corone. He was sanguinarily re
pulsed." Vienna Admits Withdrawal, i
Vienna, July 7. The text of the
war office statement today reads:
''As the delta of the Piave could
not have been held without heavy sac
rifice, we have withdrawn our troops
which were stationed there to the
dyke positions on the eastern bank of
the main branch. This operation waB
carried out during the nign. of July
5 6. - The enemy felt bis way at mid
days-yesterday' aS' faff as the river;
"In Albania, French and Italian
troops attacked our mountain ' posi
tions between Devolin and Osum. In
the course of the fighting the enemy
succeeded in obtaining advantages at
two points, which, however, again
were immediately wrested from him
by a counter attack."
.... r. , ' i . T a.
Allies dinKC in Easi.
Paris. Tulv 7. The official statement
issued by the war office tonight re
ports operations in the eastern theater
July 6 as follows:
There were reciprocal artillery ac
tions in the Vardar and Cerna Bend
regions.. Enemy patrols have been
very active in? the neighborhood of
the Mrumnitsa.
"West of Goritza, French troops,
co-operating with Italian units, at
tacked the heights between the Devoli
and Tomorica rivers f6r the -purpose
of Jmproving their position. They
seized the crest of Gjasperit, in spite
of the violent resistance of the en
emy, and have repulsed counter at
tacks. Some prisoners have tauen
into our hands."
Rationing of Coal
Proposed as Means
To Prevent Famine
Washington. Tulv 7. Rationing of
coal to householders was announced
tonight by the fuel administration as
among plans designed to prevent a
threatened shortage of coal next
"Teddy" Invited to Aid
Recruiting in Ireland
Dublin, July 7. Col. Arthur Lynch, nationalist mem
ber of parliament, who recently accepted a commission
to assist in the recruiting campaign in Ireland, has sent
an appeal to Theodore Roosevelt for co-operation, In the
course of the communication Colonel Lynch says :
"Send me a word of encouragement, or better still, come
yourself and help me win the young men of Ireland to the
allies' cause.
"There are grave and deep difficulties, lamentable
stories of cheated hopes, unrecognized rights and hatreds
for wrongs inflicted in the past. But one feature throws
these matters into the proper perspective the fact that
the Germans are thundering at the gates of Paris, are
hammering at the channel ports.
"If they win, it will be needless to make plans for Ire
land or dream dreams of liberty. Potsdam will take care
of Erin.
"When the Stars and Stripes was raised over the cause ;
when once Old Glory had blown out her folds, the emblem"
of liberty, a sign of protection to millions of Irishmen,
I had hoped that opposition to the allies would close. But
ancient wrongs and present resentment proved too strong."
Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 7. When informed of Colonel
Lynch's appeal to him for assistance in the recruiting cam
paign, Colonel Roosevelt displayed deep interest in the pro
posal, tfe said, however, that he could make no formal com
ment until !)e had received personally the message from
Colonel Lynch.
iermans to Use 30 or 40
Divisions in Drive on
The Western Front
With the American Army in
France, July 7. Resumption of the
German offensive against some part
of the allied line is believed to be
It may be said that there are
three logical points for the enemy's
attack the Chateau Thierry re
gion, the line north of Chalons and
in the neighborhood of Abbeville, in
the Flanders sector. An assault
north of Chalons or againt Abbe
ville would be less costly to him.
but in the former he would get less
important territory than before
Abbeville, where his loss would be
heavier. ,
From the best information obtain
able it appears that the Germans
during the coming offensive will
have between 30 and 40 divisions
capable of participating in the at
Prominent Part Played by Star
Company of U. S. Troops in
Australians' Fourth of
July Show.
By Associated Press.
With the British Army- in France,
July 7. Last night the correspondent
slept on the ground among the
troops of one star company of Amer
icans who played a prominent part
in Thursday's great show. Here is a
story told by one of the officers:
"The Americans went into the line
after a long, hard march. The Fritz-
es undoubtedly had no inkling that
the attack was to be made. At mid
night Wednesday we were sent for
ward to lie out, ready for an advance
at 3:10 o'clock Thursday morning.
"Many of our boys were tired when
they reached the positions and de
spite the fact that they were just em
barking upon the biggest adventure
oftf their lives a leap into the un
known they threw themselves on
the ground and slept soundJyv . It was
8T 'encouraging vgign iroj u, lor u
njeant thatahe men were4 not jumpy:
They v never did show any ? sign of
nerves, as a matter of fact
"For us officers there was no sleep.
"We had to admire the coolness of
the Australian officers, who told
stories and laughed as if nothing was
going to happen, though we Ameri
cans knew that shortly before the
kick-off the gunners would put down
a barrage which would be the signal
for all bands on the job.
Barrage Tremendous.
"A few minutes before the allied
barrage was due the allied artillery
opened with a harassing fire and we
American officers were out among our
men to keep them steady, fearing they
might mistake this for the barrage.
(Continued on Faro Two, Column Three.)
Seventy-seven Bodies
Recovered From Wreck
. Of Steamer Columbia
Peoria, 111., July 7. Seventy-seven
bodiei. had been recovered tonight
from tlie wreckage of the steamer Co
lumbia. Earl R. Barne. a diver, today
said there were fully 25 more bodies
pinned within the wreckage of the ex
cursion ttcamer.
An investigation of the sinking is
under way. United States, inspectors
were at the'scene of the tragedy and
questioned survivors. They also sum
moned members of the crew, whom
they questioned separately.
The nature of the Investigation was
not disclosed.
Australians, and Americans
Surge Ahead at Center of
New Front; Advance Made
at Chateau Thierry.
By Associated Press.
There has been little activity
of significance bearing on the ,
general situation from the -.
North sea to Switzerland.
East of Amiens, Australian
detachments, with which
American troops are brigaded,
have been pushed farther east ,
from Hamel, south of the
Somme. The Australians ad
vanced over a front of almost
four miles there last Thursday.
In their last assault they have yj
surged ahead at the center of
the new front. The operation
was successful, in that objec
tives were reached and the po
sitions taken are being held.
Along the southern side, of the Lys
salient, there has been heavy artil
lery firing especially in the Hinges
sector. During the fighting in April,
when the Germans had pushed far
ahead in the Flanders area, the bat-
tie north and east of Hinges was most
desperate. . .
French Make Advances. ;
In the French sectors in the Oise,
Soissons and Rheims sectors, only
patrol encounters are reported. The '
Americans and French have been
quite active near Chateau Thierry,
where the French have made some ad
vance in the neighborhood of Hill
204, on the north side of which the -Americans
attacked and captured the
village of Vaux last week. The French
report some measure of success while
the Germans claim the assaults were i
repulsed with heavy losses. '
Austrian troops nave, been pushed !
back across the Piave. . During the S
offensive last fait,' they crossed the-"""
new cnannei ot tne. river ami pusnea p. r
Jltestd . forv sew -distance westward ' "'
toward Jh old river bed.--In the t - ;
lesser offensive last month they made . i
further progress there and crossed .A
the old course, but were forced back'
Since the collapse of tfte Austrian
drive, the Italians have been steadily
forging ahead in this region and now . '
it is admitted by Vienna that all the
Austrian positions to the west' of the
river have been abandoned. This re
stores to the Italians the west hank
ot the Piave from northwest of the ,
Montello nlateau to the sea. ' ' i
Allies Attack in Macedonia. '
There seems to be some Indication I
that fighting of a serious character
may be impending on the Macedonian j , '
front Vienna reports a heavy attack
by French and Italian troops. Tosi- ;
tions were taken, but Vienna says the
allies were driven out. The French .
say the positions taken have been
held. ,
Russia lias again come to the fore
in the assassination at Moscow of
Count von Mirbach, the German am ' :
hassador. It is expected this will re
sult in sending of German troops '
there. !,- ' '
The people of the Mufman coast,
bordering the White sea and the Arc
fir npMn have turned ncainut Russia
it is reported from Copenhagen. It
is said that supplies from the United .
States have been distributed among "
the people there. American, French y
and British marines are known to be
patrolling certain sections along the
Murman coast. . ,
1 U. S. Patrols Take Prisoners.
Washington, July 7. Capture of ad
ditional German prisoners by Amert
ran ekitr1 In 4 Vim ftiafeai, Ttilrr . ' .
kill W. & ... ..IV ..M.VHI. , .U'V.tJ, f
region was reported in General Per
shing's communique for yesterday re
ceived tonight at the War department -In
the Woevre a strong hostile party ,
succeeded in entering an American
outpost position, but was driven out
by a counter attack. '
Great Work Done by Tanks. v -
With the British army in France,
July 7. No further attempt by the
Germans to retake the ground wrest-1"
ed from them Thursday by the Australian-American
attack has been re
ported. .'
The Austiatians Friday night again
drove forward just south of Vaire
wood and jammed the Germans back
some 400 yards more along a front
of 2,200 yards. -
The fleet of tanks last Thursday
mopped up machine gun posts and '
stro.ig po.nts in advance. Whole
machine crews were literally ground .
into the earth. . .
One group destroyed Aor captured 5 ......... .
more tha-t 30 machine guns and "'
brought about the surrender of at
least 200 Germans. Many Germans
were slain by these great engines. , '
Taken as a whole, the German in-
fantry surrendered or bolted on the '
approach. The German machine gun- ,
ners, however, fought to the last in,
many instances. N
Government of Panama
Defeated in Elections
Panama, July 7. The government
forces were defeated in the elections ,
to the national assembly, which
chooses a president today. American
soldiers acted as watchers at the polli
and the election was quiet, .