Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 25

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Manaaer of Service Station
Gives Useful Hints to Help
Keep Auto Running.
L. G. Danford, manager of the Del
co Exide service station, 2024 Far-
nam street, offers the lollowing sug
gestions to ear owners regarding their
storage battery:
A storage battery is the heart and
soul of most of the conveniences of
the modern motor car. It supplies
the current for the self-starter, for
the electric light and in most cases for
the spark that jumps across the gap
in the spark plug. The difference be
tween a storage and the ordinary "dry
cell" or "galvanic" battery is that
when the storage battery has dis
charged all of its current fresh current
can be put into it by means of an
electric generator or dynamo.
The current is not actually"stored"
in the battery, but the chemical com
position of the battery is changed so
that it is again capable of giving forth
current The power of an ordinary
storage battery is really most re
markable. Into that little box on your
running board, or under the seat,
enough electricity has been "stored"
to spin that great big engine that is
so hard even to turn over by hand.
Starting service is a very severe strain
on any battery.
Batteries are expensive and it will
pay you to give yours the best care
you possibly can. In the first place,
batteries should be filled with water
tip to a given height and no higher,
at least once every two weeks. It is
a good rule in the warm summer
months, to put in water more fre
quently. The water evaporates, part
of it being converted into oxygen and
hydrogen gas as a result of the chem
ical action that goes on when the bat
tery is being charged. This water
must be replaced before the solution
falls below the level of theplates" or
serious damage to the battery will re
sult, v a :
You must always use distilled-water.
Do not use water from an or
dinary pump or faucet. Water that
touches iron or any other metal is
likely to dissolve some of the metal
which is introduced into the battery
and do serious damage. Slmiliary
distilled water should be stored in
glass or chint vessels so that it will
not come into contact with metal of
any sort. The Delco Exide service
station, 2024 Farnam street, will be
glad to supply distilled water free of
charge. This is a service that the
motorist appreciates. The Delco Ex
ide service station also is glad to in
spect a battery every time the car
owner requests it. This service is also
free of charge and is indeed valuable.
It has saved many a man from a big
repair bill by discovering simple bat
tery troubles in time to prevent se
rious troubles later on.
Never add sulphuric acid to your
battery. When the solution in a cell
gets down low, generally it means
that the water has not been added
often enough. It sometimes means
"Driverettes" Guide Wheel
Of Taxis in Los Angeles
It is not uncommon in the larger
cities, and even in the smaller ones
nowadays, to see women taxi drivers;
but this is the first photograph The
Triangle has been able to obtain of
a Super-Six in such service. This
"driverette," (shall we call her?), is
Miss Louise Mowrey, just about to
take the wheel of a Super-Six in
Los Angeles. She and another of her
sex have recently joined a local taxi
fleet, so that drivers might be re
leased for war service. Kindly
notice the pleased expression of the
patrons. None of this "He is going
to soak me" expectancy on their
that electrolyte has been spilled from
the battery or it means a leaky jar.
If examination reveals a leaky jar
you should have it replaced at once.
If no leaky jar is found, don t add
acid. Add just distilled water and
nothing else. Let your battery man
tell you after a hydrometer test,
whether or not electrolyte has been
spilled and then if acid should be
added, to bring the solution to its
original strength, let him do it. He
knows how much is needed. Do not
do so yourself, however, because the
addition of too much acid will ruin
Keep your battery clean. Wipe off
the water that is spilled on it. Coat
the terminals with vaseline from time
to time as this will prevent corrosion
and oxidization of the lead. Occa
sionally it may be necessary to re
paint the battery box. The asphalt
paint used by battery service stations
is the best for this purpose as it is
practically acid-proof. Inspect the
wire cables which connect the storage
battery with the starting motor. See
that the connections have not worked
loose either at the battery or at the
moor or at the starting switch. Be
careful also of short circuits due to
the wearing out of the insulation of
these cables, and, speaking of short
circuits, many a battery has been run
down by the action of the car owner
in leaving a screw driver or a mon
key wrench on top of the terminals.
See that the clamps holdimr the
battery down in place are kept tight.
Most broken battery jars are due to
these hold downs becoming loose and
allowing the battery to bounce
around. New rubber jars are tough
and hard to break, but when you con
sider that steel springs sometimes
break when the car bounces over
rough roads it is not to be wondered
at when a battery jar. once in a while.
breaks when the battery holddowns
are loose and the battery is allowed
to jolt up and down.
about a battery which experts are
familiar with. It will be worth your
while to have your battery looked
over by the Delco Exide service sta
tion once in a while. They handle
the Exide battery and are thoroughly
familiar with th requirements of all
Peerless Runs 20,000 Miles
Without Repair; Still Going
Peerless officials say that the hun
dreds of letters received from owners
are a constant source of satisfaction
to them. These letters testify to the
superior construction of Peerless cars
from the owners' point of view.
"Being thoroughly pleased with the
Peerless car purchased in July, 1916,
I feel obligated to recite a few facts
concerning my experience with this
car," writes one Peerless car owner.
"The first surprise was the mileaeg
the tire equipment gave me. It is
impossible to state definitely the
number of miles secured from the
rear tires. I am, however, still driv
ing the front tires which have cov
eted 20,000 miles.
"The entire machine is in as good
condition today after having traveled
24,000 miles as when original pur
chased and giving excellent satisfac
tion. I have spent practically no
money for repairs."
Service Station Closed;
Service Flag in Window
James Newton Gunn, president of
the United States Tire company, who,
like other executives of his company,
practices what he preaches by using
his car to the relief of the railroads
when visiting the company's various
plants, is the discoverer of a picture
that is really an epic, and eloquent of
the times.
Back in the hills of Connecticut
the tired man came across a picture
roadside gasoline service station, pic
turesquely set in a hollow, the fa
miliar "red sentry" guarding a neat
structure, lonesomely standing with
boarded windows and barred door.
Placed across the door was a service
flag bearing a single star,
Ask Your Gar age Man
About the RE0 SIX
m Ask him why Reos are seldom in the
I Ask any mechanic in any garage why he
I likes to work on a Reo. He will tell you
it is the most accessible car on the mar
ket. He likes to work on the car that can be
put in condition wjth the least possible
expense for that makes satisfied cus
$1,550 F. O. B. Factory
Jones-Opper Co.
2043-45 Farnam St, Omaha.
Distributors Eastern and Northern
Nebraska and Western Iowa.
He will tell you that the bearings are
larger than are customary and that the
shafts, gears and other vital parts are
He will tell you how easy it is to make
adjustments on a Reo and how few they
Ask the garage man, for he is an impar
tial judge of motor cars. He will tell
you in forceful, garage language why
the Reo stands up for thousands of miles
and how low the upkeep cost is.
$1,295 F. O. B. Factory
A. H. Jones Co. .
Hastings, Neb.
Distributors for Southern and
Western Nebraska.
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Cramer Comes to Gate
Gty to Manage Local
Goodyear Tire Branch
C A. Cramer, formerly manager
of the Cedar Rapids, la., branch of
the Goodyear Tire and Rubber com
pany, came to Omaha lastVeek to
take over the management of the
Omaha Branch, Joe M. Dine, former
Omaha branch manager, has been
appointed assistant manager of the
Goodyear Chicago branch.
Cramer has been with the Good-
natrtla fnr ih fiact ClY and a half
jvai Jivvpiv v. , "
years and has made a very creditable
showing at Cedar Rapids. His suc
cess there put him in line for tht
Omaha branch when the change was
The old time automobile men in
clude Cramer in their clan, as he has
been connected with the automobile
business since the early days.
Although Cramer has been here
only a few days he is already im
pressed with the volume of automo
bile and tire business done here.
Tightening Wrist Pin Bushing.
To tighten loose wrist pin bush
ing when it is located in the connect
ing rod, take a piece of tubing that
will just slip over the bushing on one
side of the connecting rod. Next get
a piece of metal a little smaller than
the bushing to put against it Put
these in a vise and press the bushing
out Now give the bushing about a
quarter turn and thrust it back in the
connecting rod and you will find the
piston pin tight enough to run foi
some time before it will be necessat)
to renew the bushings.
A real
a needed SERVICE
With this car the business
man can crowd his days fuller
of accomplishment
With this car the fanner can
farm more acres because it
makes trips for him in minutes
that formerly took hours. '
With this car the American
family can find health and
relaxation when the day's
work is done.
With this Car became in econ
omy it is ideal for business) ha sow
and comfort and performance, ideal
for all that a good motor car is
good for.
la. It.
Standard Motor Car Company
Carl Chanfatraaa, Prat. Waatera Distributor
2020-22 Farnam St Omaha, Phoaa Douf. 170
DEALERS If foi uii haadlt a Ml twrrltwy rar
ropoiltloa It of aaiitiiil Uiimt tt yov. W hna
cart and tin mikt Immtdlatt ttllvtry.
The Knight principle, which has been perfected by six
years of Stearns practice, is one of the reasons for Stearns
Knight Supremacy. The sleeve-type principle eliminates
the grinding of valves, the Carbon trouble is unknown in
this motor. In fact, carbon is an asset. It forms a graph
ite film between the sleeves ad on the cylinder walls,
hence makes the motor run easier. And because there are
no springs or tappet valves the hammering of valves and
noise of springs are eliminated.
The Stearns counterbalanced crankshaft is also an
other feature that makes for Stearns leadership in the
four-cylinder field. This shaft equalizes the pressure on
the bearings and eliminates crankshaft whip.
Quiet and competent are the terms that best describe
the Stearns motor. ,
Two simple sleeves silently gliding up and down' with
in another are the secret. . 1
2427 FA A NAM. St - OMAHA. ,
PHOAe DOtGlAS-2406
If you like specific earning facts, .not generalities, let me give you figures on
the money-making a one-ton Panhard truck will effect in your business.
This wonderful truck at $1 095 has construction superiorities that will astonish you
It is built largely of Chrome Vana
dium steel; it has the approved Valve-in-Head
motor, Torbensen internal
gear drive, a radiation system that
embraces 12,000 square inches of
radiator cooling surface; 92 per cent
of the power generated is delivered to
the rear axle besides these, there are
a score of other important features
that I will show you. ,.
1 Ton Chassis
Sect This Wonderful Truck Phone me today
. for specific facts or drop in and see this
, extraordinary truck value.
lTon Chassis
2020-22 Farnam St Phone Douglas 1705 -
Omaha, Neb. . , . .
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